! TUESDAY. APRIL 4, 1881. BUSINESS NOTICES. Immature Lm ol UIr. mt he entirely prevented by the us of BDB NKT'ra coCOAlMt. No otter compound pow fL,g tbe peculiar properties which bo exactly Snitthe various conditions of ti uuuian hair. It Softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the Irritated scalp It affords the richest lustre. It nreveiits the hair from falling off. it promotes Its hflAiihr. vigorous growth, it Is not greasy not stlckr It leaves no disagreeable odor. It kills dSBuroea's Flavoring Extracts are known to be the best. im, A 1'en Strtko. . TOun German American, Hermann D. Hart inn left his old grand-parents lu bermaoy toes S the military duty of the KaderUnu and to titter his fortunes. He was only twenty-one, and found a Place to worn at the Ten-pin Alley of a. BUlenberg. a compatriot w&o enjoys a high re nute at No. 100 Raymond 8t Brooklyn. Be was a saving young man. and Invested one dollar in ih February drawing of the Louisiana State Lot tie (be was not sure of tbe stability of the savings institutions) and be received $ 1 6,000. He is now a ooDular leader of youth in tbe city of churches. Hew about to return to superintend tbe removal f his urar ,d -patent here. He will Invest In the nt drawing which takes place April 1 tth before h leaven, and you can learn anything about It by writing io M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, L. BBDFOBD AXCM AMD IBOR 8PRIH&8 WaTKR AND Mass The great tonic and alterative contains Iwlce as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known, just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so .1 Bnlrt h !1 dniratatfl Of nnc atnntr. Prices reduced one half, msril tf Hctu Aderttscmcut8. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity sirength and wholesomeufss. More economlca tban tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tbe multitude of low test, short welgnt, a um or ohospbate powders, Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. e or Dartdion. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. WE ARE'.N0W OPENING OUR NEW- X OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties In the MILL1NKBY LINK HATS, SONETS, FLOWERS PLUMES, UIHBO9, SILKf, LACED, &c., In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new rles and qnalltles of LACES, embracing White Goods. Neck W. ar, Ho-iery Gloves, Parasols. &e. the LAROKST and HOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets Oa Monday, March 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the Gb AND EST DISPLAY OF FINE MILLINERY tney have ever seen In this city. Bespectfdlly, . P. Query. mar22 Jkiuusentcnts. -OPERA titOUSE.- Satncday, April 8th, 1882. THE GREAT COMEDIAN, CHARLES L. DAVIS, In bis celebrated character Comedy, in Kour Acts, entitled "alvw JOSLIN." The Only True Representative of Supported by a Fall and Powerful Company of dramatic celebrities 180 Laugh la 180 Minnie. Urea teat Success of the Age, . Funniest PJay Ever Witnessed. Three Hours ! Uproarious Fun Usual prices: seata secured at Central Hotel and Mc-Smlth Music House. apr2 lw CHARLOTTE WedDfsday, April 5th,'82. WIST APPEARANCE HERE OF JOHN P. SMITH and W. A. MESTAYER'S World-famed Comedy and Musical Company, lu tbelr Laughable Comedy, entitled the -s . . TQURItlif ,l M lE JHAft.?lAC12 CAB. Now beta jSruduceJHta Hfw OrJeans to Crowded llnrlokquQ Operas t Conaedi I ClMtesauo Damdnc! ' Spring Stylos! ww m mm aiyies rtticjca-Admlsslon SIS Gallery SOfe -Beaw can be secured without extra eharge at the usual places . r ' -t HOME CHIPLETS j Fourteen new members were re ceived into the communion of the First rresDytenan church in this city last ouuuay. I We understand that Quid Nunc is after us, We don't see the paper and wwiuoc imagine in what way The Ob server has given offense. Bar sixteen persons joined the becond Presbyterian church on Sun. day, which makes sixty-eight that have ueen admitted within the last two weeks. "Fifty-two colored baptized Sunday by Rev. Zuck Horton, assisted by Kev. Eaeles. and formally admitted to membership in the First vcoiorea; Baptist church. W A dancing master at Winston writes us that he would like to cat n a dancing class in Charlotte. We rise once more to remark that The Ob server has "neither an ear for music or a foot for dancing," but that there are a great many people here who have. tA rumor is current in the citv that Conductor P. B. Sims, of the At lanta and Charlotte Air Line Railroad, had met with an accident in coupling care, Dy wnicn fee had suffered the loss of several toes, but we could get no par ticulars. ItyThe Literary and Debating Club had a spirited debate last night on the comparative claims of Alexanderl the Great, and Napoleon Bonaparte, to the quality of greatness. The question was decided in favor of Alexander, though the advocates of Bonaparte vow most earnestly that they can't see the hole the cat went out at Tickets of invita tion will shortly be issued to a public debate. Dogs Supposed to be Mad. Mr. Sam Pettus, in the Third ward, yesterday shot four dogs said to have been mad, one of them being his own, the rest being killed by request of the owners. Mayor's Court Yesterday. In one case of affray the parties were bound over to court in a bond of twen- tyrfive dollars. A case of larceny, tbe party bound over in a bond of fifty dollars. Another of drunk and down, tbe un fortunate creature was dismissed on payment of costs, and another case was postponed till this morning. lhe Bird Law. We call attention to the law, which makes it unlawful for rtny one to kill, shoot, trap, or net any partridges, quail, doves, robins, larks, mocking birds or wild turkeys, in Mecklenburg and other counties, between April 1st and Octo ber 1st of each and every year. Bird hunters will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. A Big Strike. We were yesterday shown a rich spec imen of gold bearing ore taken from a new vein opened in the Baltimore and North Caroliua mine at a depth of 130 feet. The v-in is two feet wide and specimens analyzed pan out from$900 to $1,500 per ton. This mine is said to be in fine working order, and promises rich results. Important Sale of Land. Messrs. Oaborne & Maxwell, commis- sioners, yesterday sold at the court house tbe lands belonging to the estate of the late Mary M. Wallace, the aggie gate b"eing about l,2u0 acres, as follows: The Brick House Place, 404 acres, was suld to VV. L. Wolfe and D. A. Johnston, for $13.96 per acre $5,643 33 The Allen Place, 267 acres, to G.C.Morris, at $12.65 per acre . . . $3,377 55 The Wilson Place, 322 acres. to A. C. Crowell, at $1085 per acre $3,496 41 The Wynens Place, 133 acres, to G. C. Morris, at 15.40 per acre $2,038 20 The Brumley Place, 97 acres, to A. H. Hartsell, at $14.30 per acre $1,394 25 The Phifer Mine, with about 6 acres, to John Ilitst, at. . . $370.00 Total $16,319.74 Being sold for partition this sale, it is understood, stands subject to confirma tion by the court. Personal. Mr. Neal Alexander has returned to the city after spending the winter in Florida. Miss Bessie Kerr, of Surry county, N. f! is on a visit to Charlotte, the guest of Misses Rosalie and Agnes Wilkes. J. Baxter Ross now stands in an amiable noftition behind the notion counter of Wittkowsky . & Barucb, ready to wait on his many friends and acquaintances. Miss Loula Bailey, of this city, went to Salisbury yesterday, where she will spend a few days with friends and then so to Thomasville for a term at ine college at that place. ' .... i i Rev. R.H. WhitlocK, wno nas ueeu spending a few days in the city for the purpose of employing agents to sell a new and complete commentary on the old and" new Testaments, preached at the Tryon street Metnoaist cnurcn oun- day night. We notice in tne A-ieamont jrress that Miss Julia Bryce, of this city, de livered the oration on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the onorfemv to be erected ac motory. xt is unnecessary for . us to state that she acauitted herself handsomely as weu as gracef ally. Mr.Thomas neece, iurmeuj ui timore, is now employed at the drug store of Wilson & Burweu. Mr. Henry Kleuppelburg, one oi TOitrkowskv and Baruch's pop- " .WW - - ular travelling salesmen, returned last nirvhr-froman extended trip tnrougu the western part of the State. w mi. Woods, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, preached Mioe1vA oprmon to a -arira u- tentive congregation at the First frea. byterian church, last nignt, uuou Ilr VrvHnP9. -Mr. B. M. Miller, Jr, departed yea . w o Vnrthprn tour. He wiii vislt Washington besides other places, a nnrm UUtceau aaivuK ' . . . . ... I.Ata Inspection of the Fire Department. The regular annual inspection of the city fire department took place yester day under the supervision of His Honor Mayor De Wolfe, and the department officers. All the engines, hose, &&, were found to be in a first-rate condition, with the exception of a few missing buckets belonging to the Hook and Ladder Company. The bright, clean appearance of the engines bespeak care ful attention on the part of those in charge of them. A Lively Old Lady." An old lady evidently from the "green isle," yesterday appeared about the streets of the city. She had evidently imbibed strong water pretty freely, and was in a very excited state of mind, going about from one store to another and making considerable noise. She loudly requested of several people to be directed to the mayor. Eventually Polieemen Hill and Farrington came across her in Fourth street, where she was shouting and conducting herself in a most frantic manner. They took charge of her in spite of her, vigorous vituperation, and found her lodging for the night in the guard house. She will this morning have her desired inter view with the mayor. Meeting of County Commissioners The regular monthly meetintr of the county commissioners for April was neid at the court house yesterday, all the commissioners being present Among other transactions, Capt. S.E. Belk, county treasurer, was allowed $118.25, being a commission of 1 per cent, for receiving, and 1 per cent, for paying out $5,914.04, being the public road and bridge fund for tbe county from December 1st, 1879, and February 1st, 1882. He was also allowed $906.44, being a commission of 1)4 per cent for receiving, and the same for paying out $36,258.37, being the amount disbursed of the general c$nr4y fund from Janu ary 28, 1881, to February 1st, 1882. Capt J. R. Erwin. clerk of the Supe rior court, was allowed $11.50on account of stationery used in his office, and $255.65, being half fees incurred in the trial of insolvent persons for offenses against the laws of the State. It was ordered that a new index book be purchased, and that the Superior court clerk be required to transcribe therein all wills registered in his office from 1798 to 1854. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel. J D Starr, Jas Hayes, R E Best, Henry T Fant, John L Freeman, R M Nelson, Baltimore; J H Davis, LC Dessaussure, Columbia; L Sylvester, Austin Mullarky, Augusta ; F A Tate, W N Alexander, P Jones, Oscar J Orr, J H McCammon, W B Dowd, Ernest F Young, W W Mott, D E Allen, V E McBee, North Carolina: Chas T Watkins, W J Orr, A R Bayne TC Brent W L Wheelwright Rich mond; J W Houston, W A Whitaker, Miss Louisa Bitting, Winstan, N C; W A Nelson, Shelby; Jno ADodson Greensboro; Wm T Newman, Jno T Savage,. Atlanta; Geo Fuller, Edward McLeer, Louis Speeder, W H D Venule, wife and boy, New York ; W Stewart, Concord; Arnold Borden, Goldsboro; J A McCool, Atlanta; W E Gibson, J Q West Washington; W L Wheel wright, Virginia; R L Goodman, Mooresville; Jacob Tippett, New Jer sey ; James Robertson and wife, Miss Robertson, B and N C Mine ; John H Collins, C A Withers, W E Younts, Pineville; A F Pfohl, Salem; Hollis Hastings, Farmingham, Mass; C C Kramer, St Louis, Mo; L FBossard, Cininnati, O; J A Abernethey, Mount Holly ; W C Petty, South Carolina; J T Alderman, Wilmington ; R J Herndon, Thomas McCoy Laurens, Mrs J D M Shaw, South Carolina; W C Wolfe, Monroe; Dr J R Anderson, Morgan ton ; J B Aiken and wife, Franklin, N H; Mrs J S Crillett and family, Miss S Allison, Jersey City; Chas Faulkner and wife, Misses Faulkner, J S Locke, Boston. Metropolitan Hotel. J R Hardy, Wilmington; J J Ransom, Kenan C Barrett, J Blugett D A Shumate, At lanta; M Butler, West New York; A W Richardson, Augusta, Ga. The Supposed Infanticide. Sunday and yesterday the jury in this case were busily engaged investigating the matter. They met on Sunday at the Mayor's office, and took the testi mony of several witnesses, without however, eliciting any facts that throw much light on tbe case, though they ap pear to be confident of getting on the track of the guilty party very shortly. Several witnesses whose evidence is thought likely to be of use when the case is further developed were bound over to appear when called upon. Henrv Alexander and nis wire, (col ored) testified to having seen a person. who to the best of their judgment tney Rimnnsed to be colored, come down from the Carolina Central platform on Tuesday night and disappear under tne platform. He kept in the shadow and they conld not see him distinctly, but he appeared to be carrying something which they at the time thought was a bag of flour. The witnesses examined were cnieny colored women, and one colored woman named Ella Bell was arrested on Sunday morning. It however, appears at least doubtful whether she has any guilty knowledge in the case. Tr. now annears that tne crime may possibly have been committed ten days before the bodies were rouna oy jar. Williams, as they appear to have been buried, and afterwards uheovered. Had tw nnt. hen buried, then from the state in which they were found, they nnt nnaaiblv have been under me platform more than two days, tut cov- iredr by eartn, oecouiiw"w o mUch retarded- This fact consider ably affects the matter, asjt extends the period of time during which the act may have been perpetrated. The jury are devoting themselves zeawuMj to clearing up the mystery tod their efforts will probably be successful. tilta.prlnolpiefiiflieettoeWtal Mm, Timm voas BMm finds Ms Mfe bUsted, tat M esa M fe stored to vigorous health, by ww Ceisrj and Chamomtte PlUs. Tney are simple, trsrmlw andefRcaetooa.' - Stricken with Paralysis. We learn that Capt II. P. Jones formely a conductor on the AUantitt Tennessee & Ohio railroad, but lately a conductor on the Western North Caro lina railroad, was stricken yesterday with paralysis, at Salisbury, and now lies in a very critical condition, with Tory little hopes of his recovery. Capt Jones is son of Col. Cad. Jones, of Bock Hill, South Carolina; and la univer sally popular. His large circle of friends will be pained to learn his con dition. Sale of the Granite Shoal Factory. The Newton Enterprise of Saturday says; "We learn on Thursday, from J. L. McLean, Esq., that Mr. John L. Cobb, rthe receiver appointed in the Powell cotton factory case had succeeded in selling the Granite Shoal factory to a party f romJHigh Point North Carolina, for fifteen thousand dollars. This Is a very valuable property, and it Is to be hoped that the new owners will com mence work again at an early day, for the factory affords employment to a large number of hands who have been idle for some time, and will no doubt be a help to many persons In that part of the county." Transfers of Real .Estate. The following is a list of legal trans fers of real estate, as obtained from the public documents at the court house in this city, within the last month: GeoE Wilson, administrator, to A E Hutchison, city lot A A Marks to W S Marks land, E J Allen and wife to G M Hollo baugh, city lot ' James Hood and wife to School Com mute, district No. 59, land. T B Ellioft, et al, to C D Elliott. C P Elliott and wife to W F Turner, land. Robert White to Wm G Fotte, land. J S Phillips and wife, to Robert C Ross, city lot D C Bernhardt et aL to John Calder, city lot S Younts, et al, to WD Hyatt, land. I N Hunter to Abner Hunter, land. E Black to School District No. 68. C Dowd, trustee, to J D Brown and L A Potts, land. T L Alexander to Sumner L Johnson, city lot Paul McKane to J D Northey, city lot. C E Grier to I J Price, land. E E Sumner, attorney, to N P Tre dennick, land. I S Reed to A G Reed, land. J A Bissell to D L Elliott, land. Jane and E M Alexander to J S Ab ernatby, land. J J Nor men t to J R Hutchison, land. M E Alexander, sheriff, to J H Car son, land. J M Wilson, executor, and others, to J W Dewese, land. T B Woods to J W Brown, land. J H Allen to J W Brown, land. L W Perdue assignment to Jno Van landingham. W S Marks to Jane S Marks, land. J B Nicholson to E J Garrison, land. James F Johnston, commissioner, to R B Cochrane, land. Lorenzo Hunter to John T Hunter, land. I J Sloan to R J Tizzer, land. D A Jenkins to W W Jenkins. One thousand deeds and mortgages were registered from January 1st up to the present date, an increase of 188 over last year. Den'l b alarmed at Bright's PltesM, Diabetes, or any disease sf tbe kidneys liver or uMnarj organs, as Hop Bitters will cercalnlr and lastingly core too, and It is the only thing that will. Blight's Disease of las Kidneys, Dia betes. No danger from these diseases If you use Hop Bitters; besides, being the best family medicine ever made Trust no other. 2leu AtXucrttscmcuts From Andrew's American Queen. CLEOPATRA OB THii QUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. The renowned Queen of Sheba, with all ber royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue. would never have appeaisd within tbe presence of the grandest of the monarchs of the past, had she not also possessed that wbioh K Is the crowning glory of the female person a sUn unchallenged for Its Oriental softness and Us almost transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by ber word, bad quickly lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of plmplei, or of horrid tan and freckles. WOM A BCLI3 TBI WORLD by her beauty, not lsss than by her parity of char acter, loveliness of disposition aad. unselfish de votion. Indeed, In the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty In a body takes precedence over every other consideration. Beauty thus forms an Important part of woman's "working capital," without which too many, (II not bankrupts In what relates to influence within the circle where they more,) are powerless for great good. Hence we see not only the propriety but tbe doty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to ber Is essential to success, and Influence, and use fulness in Ills. And, since "beauty is but akin deep." the utmost cars and vigilance are required to guard It against tbe many ills that flesh Is heir to. Among tbe great and annoying enemies of beauty, B as weU as of evmfort; happiness and health, an those pestiferous and horrid skin dlsease-tattsrs, humors, eczema, (salt rheuis.) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and au diseases of tbe hair and scalp. For tbe core of all these, Dr. a W. Benson, of Baltimore, after yean of patient study and Investigattsn devoted to diseases of the kin. at last brought iortn ma celebrated Bam CTJBI, which has already by Ut marvelous cores, established Itself sin great remedy tor all dis eases of tbe akin,; whatever be tbelr names or character, its socoe has been Immense and un paralleled. All druggists nave n. n is eieganuy nut up, two bottles In one package. Internal and external treatment. Frtce f 1.00. XVXBT OH PRAISXa Riir headaebs nervous headache, neuralgia. nsnonanaas. naralraU. dyspepsia, sleeplessness and brain diseases, posttlwly cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pius. They eon- tain no opium. Qulalne, or other aarmrul drag. Sold by aU druggists, price '50e per bos. SI for two, $2 60 for ate. veto ML Dr.CW.Bsr son, Baltimore, Md. c w. Miuiaaios., new xonc is wholesale Agent for Dr. CL W, Benson's rome- FOR SALE. ice en vnurcu.,, mm mmntes MT Bvane. Also ;S la tw Brick f treat, and one W walk of the Public eae-aalt tr TO KENT. 'St rpwo front rooms eeood JL a. Maooaat wanas. Ninth street,' bandsosse grove, win aaeneaana mnm mttmm A VkVklW tA "" " 1 " " A.B.DAVIDBOX LIIEIf&. WE ABE 0FPEBIHQ IN HEAVY CASS. PANTS, CASSIMERE SUITS, -mm- Our Fall Stock Generally. B WAT THE ROOX FOR OTJIC WHICH WILL BX TUB FINEST the QABEET. We Deferred Buying Until Late To Secure the Advantages In IMW IPEIC1ES under tbe advanced Sea son, and will be able to OEEtEt HUBS! AT LOWER PRICES -THAN- Early Purchasers PAID WHILE IN MARKET. OUB STOCK WILL ARRIVE DURING tbe NEXT TEN DAYS, AND WX WILL HATS A WORD WITH TOO. Tta Fb Hid M fait ! 1 1 Late k h. KOT DEY GOODS DEALERS! SPRIG STOCK s COUNTER I WX HAVE PLACID ON OUB BARGAIN COUNTER A LARGE LOT OK NEW 1 DESIRABLE FULLY WOBTH 50c. to be sold without reserve, at 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c ANOTHER LOT OF M-Wool Black Biting, AT 12V4e12V4c 12fcc 12tfc I2ie 12 12 Vic 200 PIECES Handsome Printed Lawns, 6Uc Mac (me 6tfce 6i4c 6i4c 6Vic 6tto b 200 PIECES 15c Fancy Lawns, at 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 60 PIECES ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, 12Vic 12tfec 12Vic 12Vio 12tec l2Vic 12V&C THIS WEEK. Ladles, you are all Invited to examine our NEW and HANDSOME Millinery Goods IN WHICH WF WILL OFFER F,XTRA BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. IT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OUR ENTIRE SILK STOCK. Black and Colored Silks, SATINS, MOIRES, BROCADES AND AT 50 CENTS. HOUSEKEEPERS !" A RARE CHANCE Is within your reach to secure your Bouse Linens at Marveloualy LOW PRICES, Table Damask, White and Colered Tea Cloths, Dinner Cloths, Break fast Cloths, Tray Cloths, Doy lies, Napkins, Towels, IQar- mats, Rag's, mattinc, Cocoa and Straw, Fresh and New GOODS. PABASOIS, Smt-SHADES, AND UMBRELLAS. These anH their prices you must see to fully ap preciate our efforts to please the Trade. White Goods! White Goods ! WE HAVE Every Fabric frojluced under that head NEW, FRESH and BEAUTIFUL.. Hosiery, Gloves Notions HAVE KOT BEEN NEGLECTED and we feel satisfied that we cannot fall to please tbe most fastidious. 9" Those of Us Readers of this "Adv." who cannot favor as with a call, will please send for samples. Which will be promptly fnrnUhad. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Wittkowsky I Band aprS MS CURED AND HEVERFAIL8. El The only known Speclfio Remedy for Epl'eptlc Flt.s SAMARITAN NERVINE Cores Epileptic Fits, Spasms. Convulsions, St VltugDanc .Vertigo Histories. Insanity, Apoplexy. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, aud all Nerv ous Diseases. This . nf alllble remedy will positive, ly eradicate every (.pedes of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence ther came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison In the system ai d thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weaki.ess, General DeMllty, Leu eprrhoea or Whites, Painful Men-truatlon. Ulcera tion ot the D-eni. Internal Heat, ravel. Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nlg. t, there Is no better remedy During the chunge of life no Female should be wl hout It lUqulets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVIVE Cures Alcoholism. Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far" the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annunlK frcm these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes It, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating his frii-nds, little thinking that he is on his road to uln. Line the Opium Kater. he first use 8 the a rug In small Qunntltles as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug tf.kes strong hld upon its victim, leading him on to his on destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to alimentlveneHS, as "ver eating first In flames the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings uutil It paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. r every drink nf llmmr nr riitftA tt nnmm i..oiauh o satisfying, only aads to Its fierce fires, until It c nsumes the vital force and then luelf. Like the t uiHjuuus laDe-worm. it cries Uive, give, give! " but never enoueh nntll Its n.n rnnn.ltn lnuM ItHelf. Samaritan Nervine lvs instant miinf in such cases It produeps sleep, quiets t he nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of ti. rt, Asthma, Bronchitis, ircrofuln. tsyphllls, u es of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urlna , ,r gans Nervous Debility, caused by the lntilscre tlons of youth, permanently cured by the use of this Invaluable remedy. To you, youn. middle aged, and old men. who re covering your sufl-r-lrgs as with a mantle by site' ce. look up you can be saved by timely efforts, ai'd make ornaments to society, and lewels In the crown of your Maker, If you will Do not kep this a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and det.oys both body and soul. If you are thus affllcte'i take DR. RICH MOND'S 4MAW'N NERVINH:. It will restore your shati r d nerves, ar est pr ati re deUy and Impart toue and euergy to the whole ystem. SAM 18 TAN NERVINE Cured my ! tile gt of fits, flhe was also ('eaf and dumb but i cui hur. She ca i now talk and hear aa we. I as anybody. Petkr hosa. Springwater, wis. SAMA11I WIS NEItVirVE Has been the mean: f curinc my wife of rheum- tlMn. J. B. ijEtchek. Von Collins. Col. SAMAKl TAN KEKVIIVE Mdue a sure cure of i case of fits for my son. K B. HiLLa, iiattsvllie, Kan, SAiTlf RITAN NEI VINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia ai 1 sick headache. Mrs. Wm. HENb n, Aurora, 111. SARIARlTAli IV Eli VINE Was the means of cu'ing my wife of spams. Rev. J. a. Eijik, Beaver, Pa; 8AITIAR1I AN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with otner doctors. 8. B. hobson, New Albany, lnd. SAiTIARf AN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Mibs Jennie 'AEBKff, 740 West Van Buren street, Otcago, 111. SA0I BITAN NKRV-E toured our child of fits after glvert-up i die by our family pby-lclan it hnvlng over 1 J i:i 24 hours tuti.Br jinee, vtmiia, warrea co nty, Term. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scro ula after suffering for eight years. ALBEhT mmpson, Peoria, IU. 8AITIARI I'AN NERVINE Curt d my son of fits, after spending 82,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobmton clalborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic fils of a stulv bora character. Bev. Wm. maktin, Mechanlcstown, Md SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of Ms, after having had 2,500 In eighteen months. Mrs. K. Fobes. West Fortsdam, M. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. miss orlena Marshall, Oranby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me ot epilepsy of many yeais' duration. ' Jacob sotkh, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de Dlllty. OLIVER MYERS, lTOntOU, UhlO. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula c? many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four years. Chart.es E. Cubtis, osakis, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. -Michael o conneb, mdgway, fa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cored me of epileptic fits. DAVID TB1MBLY, DCS JtOUieS, 10Wa SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing UXNBY class, m airneia, xueu. SAMARITAN NERVINB Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head JK. UBAHAll, norui xiuyo, ra, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my son of fits. He has not had a fit for about four years. Johm Davis, Woodbum, Macoupin county, HI. SAMARITAN HERVIHE Ta rnrnld Km Avnotttatm AVAmrhAM. nr TT1AT DA hftd direct from us. .Those who wish to obtain further evidence or tne euraove pro pe rues ui BoiuoriMMi Nervine will please enclose a 8-oent postagei stamp for a copy of oar niostratea Journal of" Health, Kfrtnc hundreds of testUnonlals of cure from per onswho have used the medicine, and also their Dlctures photographed alter their restoration to peneCT aWMMl. awum Dr. 8. A. BI0HH0HB & 00 WOBLD'8 Zfilkftio tHfinVUt ?rl dw ly a. Joseph Mo. ""-JAM II nuu-20 ugais to oe seeu