- I 4 - . -( J- h'i. r 1,1 " " 1 . "?"''clll'ttg!iaagsl"gTagai8iliPi . t jri,eiliatlaUt(Pbocn)er. . SUBSOMIFTlOir RATBSt DcOu, one ymr, postpaid, to actnana S8.00 fftrm maUfcM.-3p' w - .3.00 Own 1....52,... 7 WMMILt MDITIQN: Wto , ... . ..,32.00 out, tptHxid 2.10 xmonOm ....n 1.05 ill mil A HANDSOME PARASOL. ; H uf. - ,: ' ALso a FiNnd look at our DRESS GOODS. We have the largest stock of LAWNS, GINGHAMS, ETC., - IS TOWN. We caa beat any House In the oltj oa Bleachd i Brown SMngs anil Slfe The young rneo or the .0 tj will do well to e&Haod select a nice SPRING SUIT, We will take your measure, make too a handsome suit, and It you are not sattsfted with lit and Goods you NEED NOT UAKB IT. Three hundred sam ples to select from . Alexander & Harris. ' apr2 Boots and Txots mi -:o: :o: Spring Style Hats. :: -:o: Pegraiii 4 Co., Have received and nre d d'y receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BOO KEK KX NTTTTgSSo 6 S NN N T 2 R KB NNN T Sg GOB N NN T c 2 Si, -HATS.- Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEGTt AM & CO. febU BOSTON METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metals-gists, Assiiyew and Analytical Chemists ,.. nnd SILVER REFINERS. Practical m-Bns of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. It '. F It A f ;TO R V ORES TREATED. fcurveys. Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Mips made. Constructions of. works and SupplIeaTurnlshed. MAVAGEBS OF The England Smelting Works. liol.n, SILVER. COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED OPT RETURNS r PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION TreaU 4 on Reasonable Terms. T MAS BINN3... .,,.MMAIaiar. a. H. JUM- 4 fl HOILIPAT.m. PnorCipansT. war8 U . t stoles of T PMet fofWfl WffW ivisonBlakeinan, :Tay!ar , Co., mi SlaMMt VOL. XXVII. gnj oos,.lalftta0, Ac; -AND- COUNTERS fi2 Laden with FBBSH and t)TYU8H GOODS in great variety, and we ak you to examine our Goods and co are our prices, with the full as surance thai you will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest. The public has already voted 3KIGLE'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BES SELECTED In the city. Every Novelty of the Seasoivla TRIMMINGS and in NECK WEaB. ATI should come and sea for themselves. WAH- NKB'B COB A LINE COBSET only 07 cents. Rtar26 A Ktorer-Foilins Cure for Barns, Scalds, Braises, Cuts, Sores, etc After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe! It acts immediately I It never fails! Editor of the St. John (K. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc, It is the most eTectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It ior a single nour. Prom tha Cincinnati TMRTmtch: We have wen Its magic effects, and know it to tie a gooa arucie. From L S. Potter, 17. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia.: After long years of use, I am satisfied it IS positively emcienc as a neaung reuieuy ior wounus, Druses, auu epnuiiH. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It Is a panacea for all Drulsea and burns. From B. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis Bays : In forty years' use It never lias failed me. W. W. turn. Nicholvllle. N. Y.. sava : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heal wounds lute magic .' For scalds and burns It has no equaL PEBBT DAVIS PAIN TCTT.T.KTt is not a new untried remedy, for forty years it has been in constant use ; and those who have used It the longest are us oest jnenai. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer tras first introduced. hundreds of new medicines have come and cone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively usea ana jnore nignij vuaou thnn ever before. Every familv should have a bottle ready for use Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer.' Unlike most medicines, it laperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Trv it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has It at 25c., 50c and si.oo per notue. perry DAVIS & SON. Proorletors. Provldenoe, R.I. sept d tw sept & oct. A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhaea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pnlns so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York city. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. ?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Pil la in either stage, whether primary, itecondarr or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never tall to cure when directions are followed. Price 82 50per box. Five d xes 8iu Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price- Aderesa ir uance uaeaicine company, New York City. A N INVALUABLE REMEDY. For weakness df the Kidneys and bladder, a quick and complete cure In 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination. Mucuns dlscharKBB and Dr. Clarke's sediments In the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or longstanding. One to three Gonnorrhea DOxes usually suiiiuieuw m. va per box. Three boxes for $5. MntiAii free on reeeint of price. Ad Pills. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New Yorlt city. ""HERE IS A B All ITI IPf O I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lm potency, as the result of self abuse In youth, sexual exeesses in Dr. maturer years, or otner causes, ana producuiK some oi ine iuuuwuik effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem- Clarke's lory, rniswai aecay, x-iiuyiw vu race, Aversion tosoclety of Females, Coufuslen of Ideas. Loss of Sexutf Power, , renaermg nuunaire -nmmror nnhannr. Are a positive Invlg rathig cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient- Price 8150 per box.- irour doxbs mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address DrTciarke Medfclne Com pany, New York City. Pills. feb9d&w 18w ST CHARLES HOTEL. HBADQUABiTEES POfi DBTJlfltEBS. 4 . ; 8TATXSYILL1, N. C. f THIS house has been leased for a tern of years by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose Intention U to keep strictly flrt-class bouse in every respect. Omodious sample rooms on first and "FOR A' Desiwble niderjee-oaJB Street, be- lorsaie. itwujwwIT. ,rM ModlS. ,11 njejiaew.;??"",!! r?5foi fa. nalr. uuuBBim, .mn flnjf.1 , r u. lua.h : X DAVIS'N PMli . KILLER OHARIiOTTE KKWS NOTES. Newton Waller, a vounsr man. waa Btruck by ligfatninfr at Hillvillei K. J, Sunday, and instantly killed. Two small children were struck at the same time. " . -'' . i r; - Baron Yon Bechtalsheio, ex-Aristrian consul at St. Louis, Mo, ehargwd with embezzlement, wag yesterday discharg1 d on the plea that the court had no jurisdiction, and that the offense! only cams within the scope of the United StatesCourts. Outside of tl limits of the tj of Panama, the , wb.ole population jalong the line ofihe Isthmus cabal does not exceed 3,600 souls. The-whole nnmber of deaths amons tbs- canaimblflyes has been lesvtban lop, and. conaiderirrjr the wretched medical service, the com pany maintained that the mortality has been neither exceptional nor alarm ing. ! ; The case of the creditors of, Arch bishop Purcell was called, in the Ham ilton County District Court, Obit, yes terday, but was laid over, all the parties not being ready. The chief jtlaestioh involved is as to the power of the assignee to sell church property to pay the claims of the creditors. John Wilbert, a Swiss, who was com mitted to the Eastern penitentiary, Philadelphia, Pa., January 7th. as a tramp, committed suicide in a cell in that institution yesterday morning by cutting his throat. He was committed, to the penitentiary in company with Beinhard Buch, who committed suicide February 11th by cutting his throat. Daniel Bitter,' aged 64, of Lebanon, L'a., was found dead on Sunday mora :ng, with his face much swollen. The coroner held an inquest, and a verdict was rendered that Hitter oied from the effects of an apoplectic fit. Hitter's life was insured for 830,000 in speculative insurance companies. While Charles Fischer and a : man named Trotter were riding side by side on horseback near Poplin Station, on L the Cairo branch of the iron Mountain LlailroHd, on Saturday afternoon, they got into an altercation about some busi ness transaction; whereupon Tfotter drew a knife and stabbed Fischer to the liuart, killing him. Trotter was arrested. Threats of lynching him are fret-ly nude by Fischer's friends. J.ilm Jonas, a middle-aged Bohemia!-, residing in Omaha, Neb., killed his w.fe yesterday morning by dis charging iihh barrel of a shotgun into her shit', lie then turned the other bar rel of Uie tftm upon himself and blew a halt through hid .breast, dying instant ly. ." Mrs. Julias was a notorious abor tionist, and had driven her husband to desperation by her abuse of him. The Methodist preachers met in Philadelphia yesterday morning and received a communication, presented by Rev. O II. Tiffany, from the Ameri can delegates to the ecumenical confer- J ence, regarding a commemorative cen tennial meeting of the introduction of Methodism in the. jjnj&d States, to be held in ISS1. A committee was ap pointed to confer with the provisional committee. Mr. Be. cher on Lenten Observances. Mr. Beecher discoursed on lenten ob servances in Plymouth Church Sunday, and, according to the New York Tri bune's report of the discourse, he dis played very little of the spirit of humil ity. "Why should I wear sackcloth, if I have other good clothes V queried the Plymouth pastor. "Why should one be asked to give up what is innocent and, good ? I won't look toward the family, because it is present, in which a little girl gave the best answer, when she was asked what she would give up dur ing Lent. 'I know what I'll do,' she said, ! won't brush my teeth." Laugh ter. "I know of men who come trot ting in in the morning and say 'My dear, I must make a short prayer this morning. Men want me down town, and 1 must hurry. Oh, Lord! have mercy ou rue and bless me, for I am a miserable sinner !' You are a miserable wretch i That's not the way to treat God. Don't crawl before the digni taries of heaven. I never crawl on my belly before God ; I never say I am so filthy and sinful. I am not so. We are all sinners, but not criminals. I have no remorse, because I do not love God enough. I don't love anybody as I ought. God is not a crabbed judge to say when he has heard a confession. Open the prison door and shove him in. I go before God as a nobleman, and say, 'nevertheless I am Thy son.' He has the best clothes brought out and the ring pnt on my finger. The true theory of life is to rejoice always. Lent should be a time to review one's whole conduct; to clear the soot of passion out of the flues of the soul. Perfunc tory and machine piety is odious to God, and should be to man. If a man's brain is out of order, he cannot be a good Christian. He may be Christian ish, but no more ; but if the head, liver, bowels and heart are all clear and in good working order, it is easy to be good and do right." . A Senatorial April Fool. Washington Post. Senator Beck, of Kentucky, who can take and appreciate a joke as well as anybody, had his eye peeled for April 1st foolery, and consequently, when invited by a distinguished colleague to partake with him of a Saturday morn ing breakfast at Chamberlin's, winked a slow and appreciative wink. The very first thing he did, therefore, was to eat a hearty meal at his own house, and the next thing was to walk down to Chamberlin's and survey the ground. His surprise was genuine, however, when, instead of finding a room full nf emptiness, he saw seated at the well laden table Senators Pendleton, Butler, Wade Hampton, Morgan, Bayard. Yoorhees and Senator-elect Randall Gibson and his would-be host If there is anything Senator Beck appreciates, it is one of the meals to which Cham berlin gives his personal attention, and it was only because the joke that he had played on himself was too good to be lost that induced him to relate how, out of abundant caution, he had made as large a draft on his stomachic abili ty as was likely to be honored. Tis Very Strange. New York Tribune. -Five men have signed a certain pa per. Thereupon the market price of $5,000,000,000. of securities have changed, the cost of food to 15,000,000 of con sumers has changed, and the prospec tive value of agricultural producta raised by 20,000,000 of people has been affected. -These five persona represent ed the trunk lines, whose new compact as to freight and. passenger rates has been published in detail. The five roads agree to fight no more, to divide their business on the basis of the traffic of 1880; and to submit disputed questions to arbitration. ; i i is 1 ; From Penoaal Experience, 95 Campbell Street, ; Kew Orleans, La., March 1 6th, 1881.! I IL IL-Warner ft Co.: 8ttti-I Jmow from per sonal expsrienee that your Safe Kidney and Liver , a, TJJ&SPAY ?Writing WiU Lemoa; Jaice. rTattier'ioiin trerarrL of the Society or jesus, wno was connneaana cruelly tortured. In the Tower xf London,! at the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign,was in the habit of writing letters in orange oriemon jmce to nis rnenas. Tneinan- ner in which he thus : baffled the-vigi lance or nis jailers is described in de tail In bis highly interesting autobio graphy, published a few years ago by itev. jrainer morns, ue says : "Now, lemon juice has this property, that what is written in it can be read in water quite as well as by fire, and when the paper is dried the writing idisap- pears gaiBrHoiu ic is steepea arronvof again beld to, - the fire. But anything written witn orange juice is at once washed out by water and cannot be read at all in that way; and if held to the nre, though the characters are thus made to appear, they will not disappear, so that a letter of thislsort, once read, can never be delivered to any one as if it had: not been read.;. The party iwill see at once that it has been, i-ead, and will certainly refuse and disown it if ft should contain anything dangerous." One result of Father Gerard's ojrange juice correspondence' was that' with the aid of zealdus friends outside, he effect ed his escape from the Tower in 159?. The last ten years of bis life were spent in the English College at Rome, where he closed. long, arduous , and merito rious caree r on July 27,' 1630, aged (73. The Roof of tne World. Popular Science Monthly. . Adolphusscnlagintweit, the immortal though - unpronounceable explorer of Central Asia, calls the highland of Pamir "die Weltzinnethe roof of the world. On the road ;from Ponjanb to Yarkland four passes have to be crossed that are higher than 17.500 feet, arid for a distance of two hundred and eighty miles the halting ground is not below the beight of PikVs Peak. On thei east ern plateau of the Beloor-Dagh there is a shelter-house near a cliff from bose summit the main chain of the Himalaj- as with ail its giant peaks and lmrpeas? urable ice-hVlds is. in full view froia the highlands of Lassa to the sources of the Indus, while in the west the head waters of the Oxns and Jaxartes can be traced to the ltrJ-rs of cuoo, where the peaks i.f the llmuoo-Kosh liftjtUeir crests !' yerlastlng suow. In spring theec.ouf (he avalanclies reserpbles the boon of cuntinuoys thunder, and in midwinter, when the storm-wind sweeps tl.e table land, whirling pillars of snow scuil along the ridaes, and often seem t daitee u geLlier like spectres in their fluLteiine windineslieets. i Our "Land of the iSkv" in" the Sutherii Al-' leghenies ntusL ie a mere plazacom pared with that top roof of the eath- , Forest Fires jn Brunswick--treat Damage to Turpentine Trees, &c. : Wilinlngton Star. : Sheiiff E. Y. Taylor, writing us from Brunswick county, under date ojf the 29th Tt, says the fires raged furiously in that count? iast week. In Shallotte, Northwest and Town Creek townships there were at Tleast three hundred thousand turpentine trees burned, together with turpentine, fences, etc. It is a serious blow he says upon everybody who suffered by the fire. Some men of small means lost al 1 their boxes, which were their, only chance of support. Many lost all the fencing around their already planted crops of corn, leaving ehem exposed to the depredations of hogs. This present week, however, witness ed a wonderful change. The flood gates of the elements opened, and water enough fell to make two or three crops, while roads are washed up, creeks im passable and bridges overflowed. Which will retard planting operations for sev eral days. "But," philosophically reasons our correspondent, "we have to take every thing as it comes; what cannot be cured must be endured." Dorsey Expected to Die. The New Mexflfib News and Express of March llth says: The opinion pre vails that ex-Senator Dorsey will, not recover from his sickness, and . that his death is only a question of afewjdays or weeks. It is said that ex-Senator Dorsey has sold his ranches, ranges and brand in Colfax county. The sale in cludes a number of excellent ranches, with the home ranche, which is consid ered one of the best in the West, all claim to the vast range comprising from 1,500 to 2,000 square miles of terri tory, and nearly 25,000 head of cattle, with calves, and including mant fine thoroughbred bulls. The purchasers are reported to be a big companyjeom posed of Eastern gentlemen, and Harry Gray, the effioient manager . of the ex Senator's vast stock and business, re cently took tire books of the concern to; New York to . .deliver .them to thei pur chasers. The purchase price is reported to be very high, and probably ranges from $600,000 to $700,000, the Prairie cattle company, who were anxious to buy out the ex-Senator, having offered between $450,000 and $500,000. i HOW TO TELL GENUINE 8liri(tltas LIVER BEQl' LAtOB, OB nsnoiciNE. - Look for clean neat WHITE WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon it in the form of a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade. Spatula, Mortar and Graduate wl h the words I.Q. SIM MONS' LTVEB BKGULATOB or MSDICIN K 4ere on JdsO observe the signature of J. H. Z EI LIN ft CO., in red ink on the tide. TAKB yo OTUER. Beware oi those wb' know nothing of Medkal Compounds who put oi. ' nostrums- known to sour, and oeinr analned iok onhlees and only made to Beece tk public, and pirate on lbs wall earn ed reputation m- aeuin ws- nwdieine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and; vui cheat you fora few penneysBvery way they oan. See WlieasrHi (h 3entae. IHOi'amPenSi----:-"-Bfc Ber. JoorW4 BeekwUh, Bishop of Oa,, fiftj. -Jno. B7 Gerdon. D. S. faenato 'Bt Eew. BtebopPieT08, i- ioB.- yoo, etui Douner, -: - J.SOSUXSDI Rem&H. : Bon: -A O. '. . Pmf: David WHits. D. -Chief Aosvoe' wan watnes. or a. i WuacJer, AAWjUP.M.Phlia.,Pa.1 and thoasBandif ol'otaers from whom we have Vetr ' ' aw. aF AiunmAfMlttifrui fttul MMnmnumilfltlAii Itisemmeuy a Famlry Medectoef and by b lngt kept ready forlmed1ate resort wn save may aa now et-offertng end mairra i-Asr in .tunksVatoiaIIUL sf-w.-is-ui y.i.i : Dr. SiEionslivcFj sjmy.- avow. BrecKunac. ni . sola brnii i&vutixTKv&ita. feb24 'i!-y " ' :' !' ; APRIL C, 1882. From Andrew's American Queen. CLEOPATRA QB THX QUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY WAJ BCT SKIN DEEP. The renowned Qaeen of Shebal with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue. would never have appeared within the presence of the grandest of the monarchs of the past; had she not also poegeBsel that which ft is the crowning Jorj.pt OflJCbnerper- skin tmchaiftnged foiluOrienlU softness Its almost, tonseen dental parity. Cleopatra, nttdlng emperwsrSt bay, and ruling empires by her word, bad quickly lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of pimples, or of horrid tan and freckles. WOMAN BULKS THE WORLD by her beauty, not less than by her parity of char acter, loveliness of disposition and anselosh de votion, indeed. In the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty in a body takes precedence over every other consideration. . Beauty thus forms an important part oi wo mart's "wonting capital, without which too many, (If not bankrupts In what relates to Influence within the circle where they rnove.) are powerless for great good. Hence we see not only the propriety but the duty of every ladr. preserving with qealous , care that which to her is essential to success, and Influence, and use fulness in life. . And, since "beauty Is but skin deep," the utmost care And vigilance are required to guard it against the many IUb that flesh is heir to. Among -the great and annoying enemies of beauty, oir sitheb sxx, as well as of comfort; happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease -tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rheum,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the h.ur and scalp. For the cure of all these, Dr. C. W Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient Study and Investigation devoted to diseases of the Skin, at last trought forth his celebrated SKIN CUBE, which has already by Its marvelOUi cures, established Itself as tss great remedy for all dis eases of the' skin, whatever be thefr nan.es or character. Its, success h sbeeh Immense nud un- para0ifed. All druggists have it. ' It is ei titiy put tu), two bottles In one i ckagel Intetnur and external treatment. Price $1.00. ' EVE'iV O.N'K PHAISES. 81ck hadacht. nervous headache, neuralsla, nervousness; puRdytds, drspepsla, sleeplessness and brain dlsea e.. positively cared by br C. W. Benson's Celerj an i Chamomile Ptils They con tain no opium Q'i'nine r otier harmful drug. Solo by all drUKKL-ts. Price 50c per box. Si for two ?.R0 for six. postage in, tec w. Ben son, nai;lii.re. SVi c. N. ritte.. ton. N w York, Is ho.es ile a z at tor Dr C W. HtiisouN erne- dies. spt4 HRS. LYDIA E. PIHXHAB, OF U$i MM., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S 'VfiQETABLB COKPOUNP. Is a Positive Cure fr all Um Painful OvmvlalaU mm Waakasssss mnui taaar bast female papalatlaa. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com. plaints, aU ovarian troubles, Inflaomatlon and Ulcers Uon, Falling' and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change- of Life. It win dissolve sad expel tumors from the nteni In an early stage of development. The tendency to ean csrous humors there Is checked very speedily; by Its use. It removes f sintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating-, Headaches, Nervons Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression sad Indt gestlen. ; That faeUng. of bearing down, eanslnr pein, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its "use. It will at all times and under allclrcumstances act In harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. . For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. - aru e. pixKnAM's vie et able com PO trSTD Is prepared at S3S sad tst Western,' Arenue, Tjyna.Kaas. Price L Six bottles for fe. Seat by1 mail In Um form of pUla, also In the form f losongs, on receipt' of price, 1 per box for either. ''Mr. Plnkham freely answers sil letter of Inquiry. Send fr pamptii. let. Address as aWre. Mtntim this Tap - '' - Ho family should be without LTPtA X." PtNIHAlrS, UTIS PILLS. 1 They sure fconsWpattou, ;bUIOjtwniis( . and' torpidity of the Mver. cents per box. j- 8rd liy all Drn-ists.rea fiBcetliittJCOtts; PHYXICIAM J, CLEROYFJEH, AND : THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UQPH OF THE age symptoms OF A TORPID LIVER. loss of appetlte,Kaniea,bojwea costive. Pain in tnsHesd.with sdnii senaatton in the back part, fain under tne anpnlder . blade, fullness after eattngi with, a diain clinatign to ( exertion of tody or mind, IrritaoiUty of temper. ixw spirits, joi of meniorTf withs reeling of having nei nes ' looted some duty, weartnesa. Diwiness, lritirlnr of ihl Beari. Doti before tho eyes. YeUow Bkin. .HeaofaeyBestlesa- IT THESE W ASSTJT QS ASB UXBZJCOZB. SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE OEVELOfED. . TUTT'S such eases,i ttf fsslinf a : They KskercMtM the APPttt.aMoasMai body to TsLke Flean. thos the system Is ,anatyuetrwmsemstMsenin INCstMpr duced. Price ! piswsxeMHs are vtv IWawsy Bt, Jt.T. OYE. 'nwTrmWfAradtiaaitaAOt0UT Black by a sio;k9 rtlllcsUao o'.this By. It Imparts a uatuial coloc, acts Jnstantaneoosly. Bold by SmtggMs, er sent byecressa receipt of f 1. OfTTce DB.' A, W. ALZZASniB. OS. C. Xb AUXASTDEBr ' RtlRfJrnil hFNTlRTJi 2 irk m&m X. BerwahiM i' firo'r'leUihig 'store." jjpsm n viinrw annua mvm v wm vu I. m. aaa iiAin IHIII . 30 w urrnv -bs w iws., no. i,m, T31-TV T TJ1 "TV7T T3 XTritZ -WE HAVE-- -:H: 80 "SARAH BARNHABD1 at $1.50 nm 81.25 25c and 85c 1 12c and 15o . 15c tihje JU-OUJt iiOCK XL A Job Lot of KIDM. at I.fCBB1JNTIMa, au e Iors, at uuujuw, at An Excellent Quality of 4-4 BLEACHING, at 10o 50 It will pay you to examlne.our stock of Dress Goods, Watered Silks, Cretonnes, IiACE CURTAINS, CLOTHING, GENTS' STRAW nnd.STlVr HATS? and In fact you will save money by examining our stock before purcbasrng. EVITTS" LADIES' SHOES, "TURNER'S" GENTS' SHOES. argraves mar28 mm MASON & SHONINGER IPEM&TOEI & Eight of the Leading Makes OF THE WORLD. floe Hundred Instruments ID PLiNTY OF MONEY ON ODB LSFT, PLENTY TO EAT ON OUR RIGHT, oh! y y -rSi r 1 riff 1 'fe feijgmHfg AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Pot Ten Dollar Gold Pieces on Every Stop OF OUR ORGANS, leither do We Throw in a Honse S lot or a 1 ai road, H. IWcSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. PEE l" 88P888 888388 I I Cta oa aa aa '11 It 11 111 88 88 88g.8 883388 IL. -BERWMGER & MO. NE ! NEW STYLES COME ! T7OB our stock Is now complete. We call esneftlal LA IH OlBUWfl UOUSK Hence and standing of our House, is a full guarantee jS?n5? k? i,.. ,Ulls MaJ:ket- We Saaenp rTrstcTiisTttarnnts, and aJwa7s SSf ?2l?2?D,d?!,0! lS?onSl,an5 1?,8ur? tnem absolute BOTTOM PHICE8. We do not bay Job iSSiVf 0-,?- Prlced ,tt?s. but Invariably offer the public such CLOTHING and made up in snch a style as Is worn in fashionable eireles In Northern citfes. We hsd the choice of selecting our stock by going earl In the Market, of which privilege the Law Purchaser is debarred. SwaylTTh1 Siln VX 'en' OlotHlns I as line as HATS, ALL COLONS. THE PIKEST IN THE CITY. THE YORKTOWN SCARF, " 4 , The Utest Oat, m. theTerr Litest Shades In Silks. si &T CiJLlIj A.3SJ-JD SEiHjlqr TeryBsiKtrallr, ' Berwanger & 6 If. B.GanscBta Iflade to Ortfer a &hxt Nattcee- 1 ZuAUfiSX&l AblOb bJLAUmXNT HM been thoroughly nrpplled wtth yy needed want, ana wttblhe latest style of Type, and every maimer. of ?ob Ptmtlng eiujb:done wttb ' nentneeftdTapatea and cueapneea, , We ean tor ritoh at short notice 1 " BINra,BILIrHIlI3, " ', ' LETTEft-EEADS.'CAHDS,- T AGS, BXCEIFTS, P08TEKS, PBOQ1UMM13, HA1TDBILLS. PAMPHLKT8. ClgCTJIiAB CHECES, Ae. WE HAVE :W:- BDNTDJO LINING, afl colors, at ife, SUMMER SILKS, from 50c to 11 2K MOIRE SATINS. aU colors, loo SATIN SURAHS, at - 76c and il 00 TUCKINO.at oto 100 The Best COBSET ever offered, at Ii Off Oar Stock of PARASOLS is large and harxhTome. llie 1 m . mm Ml l LIU Front Forward to the Hear, DOUBLE-QUICK j VeSmkh' Music House -TBK- -Ilstributlng Depot for the Caroilnas -f. B- CHI OK E RING. KRAMCK Ac BACH, MATHUSHEK, -AND- Southern Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BEL CHIME, 0. ORGANS. - j3ii 1 - stock, s? n But We Beat That all to ?iece$, call and. see me. a Will Guarantee 10 per oent. on all Moneys Invested. VST For Parslculars call on or write to SPRING ! ja22 " wbw i ntfAntinn tn tw aicurvTa umnvinrnnvn LATEST CUTS We are lUStlned In JWSPrtlnir mnii Tint mnmla r,r th.lniw.ira. that ttt stttt .ssru-s-rTvrsaL i - ' i . , ! " . 1 i i It. I I' . V,..i iii m z 1 , t -.fit N i t M r 1 1 1 1 '1 'A 4 -1 if- : l! .''4 ' I 1 f i K : t it- 11 j M i rorable. marll lm eod v ; At Brown ft we .i '-i-. 1 3

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