i lllf.Dliu .fxawajj'vr:i v. , i,':i, '. , ..... ... BtXVZt. 'l -i-;T ; jqiiI. -Vryo -i-i i Vi baHif" SUSSOMTPTIOir RATES: TUX0B8XBTXS JOB DEFABTKKNT ' Has been thOTonghly anppUeil with, every needed want tad with the latest stytoa of Type, and every .manner of eb-Jnttng caa now be done with aeaanaay'dliipatrih arid cheapnmT .. Wa can fur nish at short notloa, HT.Afcra, tori.iMi&tiliO ?. .. LXTTiaBIADQ.CABDa, ; TAGS, BCZZFTSrfOOTZfiS, PBXH3BAiafI3,HANl)BrLLa, - PAMPBXrratCIBCTJLABJ,CTCEB, 4a. rw month. . . . .' j ..... . 7S 4 o r.f 1 S2.00 2.10 wsdfcfe n mmsAM Mmm.. :. ..... Out tfV l.OC VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, Nr'CMDAY) mW'tim A &rIAp JetdmeUonfbr Out. NO. '4, ilfVJ ?3 "Treadwater Jim." una ' t r r- TV II I I II . J " ,n JvJ' rt i it'll II lrv uTV. AfVf 51' tMC" t Til' r- iri t t i' ! j fl I A-VW 'S. a ' A H ,. . , t - ' ii - t -. .... i , , -.. , ;. . -....-. -.1.1 f tflP-l-Ut:- . .) li,-' .t' "t ftl.IT, 1 A IMlLIMlli l-MIll A H VNDSOTIE PARASOL. Alto a FAN. and look at our DRESS GOODS. We bare the largest stoc'i of LAWNS, GINGHAMS, ETC., fit TOWN. We can beat any House In tbe city on BieacM 1 Brown SMte ani Slirtte Tbe young men of the e ty will do well to call sad select a nice SPRING SUIT. We will take your measure, make you a handsome suit and if you are not satisfied with lit and Goods joa'NKKD NOT TAKE T. Three hundred sam ples to select from. leiaiir t apr2 1882. 1882. : o : :o : Spring Style Hats. Pegram & C., Have received and ant d .i;y receiving A BEAVTIFU1. LliE OF AOS F.R ITN G S K NN N SEE N N N GOB N 6QO EES N KN S8 Si, iff ani Mt -HATS.- Don't Fail to Call ud See Them. PEGRAM & CO. febU -BOSTON METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Uetairurgists, Assayer and Analytical Chemlits fitlLh ad SILVER BEFINEHS. Prudlcal Hlli-Bana of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. It I Fit ItTOBY O It E THEATEP. fctirveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions of works and SuppllesTFuralahed. eAAGER3 0F The Kfcw England Smeltiog Works. ;oi.n, sii. vck, COPPEU and LEAD Oil E - MELTED " Olf RETURNS or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. T OMiS BINHS... A. H. KIDNEY...... 3 U.X HOLLIDAY.. mar8 tf , . . . . .Mktaulchgist. .MlSTUS KKGINKKB. .....Pbo. CHMnart PfflY 4 CO: S Vhewi 'Vena KM SWCMffiT bMnM M Vffl neint win pot iwrt,n4 f& bM bymail oa receipt ef Iftcmtf. . r. ? Bali laiirtir'T ,-r' Js' A Harris far AH ; n rrr - ri rr iiTTrTjnrTj'u"LafvxruTjuw-w- -iuND- COUNTERS BS Laden with VfiKSH and dTTLISH SOOD3 In great variety, and we a-k you to eiamlne our Goods and co are our prices, with the fun as surance thai you will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest The public has already voted SXIQLK'3 GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED in the city. Every Novelty of the Season in TBIMMQNG3 and In NECK WEAR. Ail should come and see for Oiem selves. WAB- NEB'8 CORALINE CORSET only 97 cents. T. i.. :;n.n & CO. nar2rt PERRY TAIN KILLER A NTCr - Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. Alter forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe! It acts immediately t It never fails I Editor of the St. Jons (N. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., It is the mt effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of it for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have teen its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: Alter Ion? years of use, I am satisfied It r Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It Is a panacea for all Drulses and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has failed me. w. "W. Lum, Nlcholvllle, N. Y. , says : I use your Paih Killer frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and healt wounds like magic. J. W. Dee says : For scalds and burns It has no equal. PERRY DAVIS' FAIN irTT.T.TTR, Is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been in constant use ; and those Whe have used It the longest are its best friends. Its success is entirely because of iti merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and prone, while to-day this medicine Is more extensively used and more higrhly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike mod medicines, it imperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, 50c. and 81.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A 80N, Proprietor, - ' Provtdww, R. I. sept dtw sept ft oct. A BLSSIftG TO WOMANKIND. Relie ve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidlt of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those dlstressfng bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price $3 per box. Sent free by mall Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. on receipt of price. Dr. uiarke Medicine Company, New York City. R Scrofula or any Blood Dinorder. Dr. Clarke's Pill. In either stage, whether primary, aeeondarr or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price S2 50ner box. Jflve D xes 5510. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. A INVALUABLE OEM ED Y. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucous discharges and sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or longstanding. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price S2 per box.. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarku'e Gonnorrhea Pill. PHERE IS A BALM IN O I LEAD. For an cases of Spermatorrhoea' and im potency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse in vouth, sexual excesses In maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem- Clarke' lory, Phlsicai aecsy, nmpiea on race, Aversion wwociciy ui rvmaies. Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexutl Power, &c, rendering marriage im nroneror nnhamur. Are a positive Invigorating cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient' Price 81.50 per box. Four Doxes t. Bcniny malL prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. j ' PiUa. feb!9 Uc 18 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAKTEES TOR DRUMiCESS. THIS house has been leased for a terra of years by Mrs. Dr. Reerev whose -intention Is to keep a stnotry flrst-Oass house in every respect. . Commodious sample rooms on. first and second Tba patronage of the potme la aoncttedi w " i FOR, SALE. A Desirable Residence on B Street, be tween 6th and 6th streets. Is offered i..u it Mihhiim mvati moms ana nas zXw Bro-nionAiL moom and iiremisea in good re-. ZZi? nAwiiDn siven earir In ApriL Terms fa- voraoie. m-vvv - CrJSt-7, At Brown ft Weddtngton's. BT SAKUSL W. SXALL, HOLD 8LM Rom the Jacksonville Times. " WTw's datl "Wydafs Treadwatef Jla-i Dewust little nigger in town ' What de folkes all sez deyU hang him. FKase wy. nit don't seem he kin drown! He keeps hlsself dere In le watah 'Bout half oi his time to de year, An' ef he'z got enny home 'round hyaf - Hit's out on de eend ob dat pierl . . i "Well, de name what he'z got it was gin hi at By fakes what was kaClr? de faeks, Fer dey sed dat sum title was due him 'Ease he'd done wun de nobles' of acksl . Ob koarse I kin tell yerde story, 'Ease I was rite dar on de spot, An' ef Jim if entltull'd ter glory He fa'rly eamt all dat heTs gotl "Yer see. hit woz out on de wahf , dar, Wun sunshlney mawnln' in May, Dat er 'ittle chile up turn de Nawf, sir, Woz too ken out dar f er ter pi y; An' Jim wuz out dar wld his fish line. An' de nuss warn't a watchln' de chile, So hit walk'd off rite Inter de brine . Atdatcorder dar by deblg pllel "Well, den dar wus skreamin' an eryln' Fum all de foikes "to and ob yler, .But Jim seed hit warn't no use tryla' . ' Ter reskew de chile turn an heah 1 So he tuck er long dive ter de watah An struck whwdeehUrhedgone down, . An' hit tuck Mm so long fer ter tine hit De people tho't bofeem would drown. "But purty soon outln de streem dar Er kinky Wack hfidoum In site, An' belt close ter his brea, wif bofe han's, aah, Wuz de baby all limpy an white I Den de moufs ob de peeple was epln'd In er long an enkuridgin shoutf "Cum on wld de bote, menf Jim holler'd TU tread watahjon teU yer git out I" "Den dey bent ter dere ores like Marsters An flew ter whar Jim, wld de chile, Wuz doin' hlz bes' ter keep Ootln', But weak'nin' hlz lick ail de while; Dey brought de two bean ter de iandln' Ah' de muther wns crazy wkt loy. While de father Jlss retch'd fer dat dukey An' hugged him ez do' hlz own boy 1 "So, yer see, dat's de reezln' dey gib him De name dat yer heerd me jess call An' nobody bonders' along wld Jim, An' he does ez he pleezes wld all I Ob koarse, what he done wuz rite brave, sab; An' mebbe wuz worthy er erown But Jim! -Well, Jim 's jess de blamedes No 'count little nigger In towni" SHORT STOPS. Hon. Casaius M. Cla', of Kentacky, wants Tilden nominated in 1884. Cornelius - Vandi rbilt, who killed himself in New York last Mouday, was a wild, dissipated fellow, but he had good 8tr'-.'.ks in him. Years' ago he borrowed from Horace Gn eley large sums of money, which his father refus ed to pay. II mitfht have escaped pay ment uiidei - tiio statute of limitations, bu' wh n h came in possession of the money left him by his father he paid the datifrhteis of Mr. Greeley every ct nt amountiug to $71,000. The Pittsboro Chatham Record slutes that David S. Burns, who was a deputy Cf Hector under Col. Young in the 4lh district, and was dismissed by the col onel because he expressed satisfaction at the assassination of President Gar field, has been appointed a storekeeper. The board of aldermen of the city of W'lmington have appropriated $62,520 to meet expenses for4the current fiscal year emiing Mrch 31, 1883. If good nihilists knew what trouble they caused in printing offices when they killed one of these distinguished Russians with such distinguished names they would think twice before taey touched the dynamite. There is no fun in tackling all the consonants in the language promiscuously thrown to gether. The shooting down of Jease James in St. Joseph, Mo.t last Monday, will pro bably be the end of that gang of out laws who have so long bid defiance to the laws of Missouri and adjacent States. They have been pursued for years by officers of the law, and then at last it was only by the treachery of two of the gang that tbe bold leader : was Mricken down and bit the dust. James was a lawless villain but a brave man and had in him the stuff that heroes are made out of. Corn planting in Southern Kentucky is said to be three weeks earlier this year than usual. The Augusta (Ga.) News says there is an "epidemic" of religion among the colored people in that city, and that about four thousand of jthem are to be baptized this spring and summer. Sciatica is what is troubling Senator Logan, of Illinois. Washington gor mandizing and "sperils" will get 'em in the long run. The Afghan war cost England $108, 000,000. A North Carolina rattlesnake seven and a half feet long is one of the at tractions in Richmond, Va., and it is very early in the season for snakes, too. On Thursday, 6th nstn Miss Eleanor Ewing, daughter of Rev. H.EwingV of Lancaster, Ohio, and niece of Gen. Tom Ewing and Gen. W. T. Sherman, took the white veil of the order of the Sis tersof Mercy at the convent in Pittjs j burg. Miss Ewing is a beautiful and wealthy young lady, and was formerly a great belle in Washington society. Philadelphia Record: The fortitude of the Southern people in misfortune must command the admiration Jof the world. Accounts from all sections of the inundated regions agree that the people, white and black, seem cheerful, notwithstanding the terrible ordeal through which they are passing.1 They look forward to better times In the future. One of the most significaiit features in connection with the wide spread ruin that has -overtaken Ibptlb: planter and laborer is the kindly assist ajrice that ! planters who cih &mmanki the means are giving to ' the rloreki laborers, and the inducements they are! holding out to them to return to the plantations and go to Work. : ; . The Water Sabsldihff land Planting, '.. ; Profjfrteasinf . - j Naw Origans, April TneTimes Democrat Vicksburg sMdat .rfepotli flourishing condition of things at Lake Providence: and throughout- the entire sectidtrtigfcoW can scarcely keep paces with tha rapid ry tecedmjr ?Wlmm there' ae lqa ax?ilry, latid JppVfeitei TjiTta Providence; the- same: eondi turn exists, and' planters all' seem cbiifident that full crops will do maae uus year. . vrS-12 .hi : Th r'Bsssrir. h an (red at Odiisla il.ir. - rrr.i .. . a T nv.-. isara Heninarxic wag rnamMinjiAD-: con Tuesday mornttig to M. Sax Greek. -i$xm.:i-- TheDeopie of tiie Pacific sIom are fn dignant at the Presidential veto of the Ontnese pui. ; in ;somd: . ipcaiiues ' the President was burned in effigy. The municipal elections throughout the West Tuesday showed Democratic gains everywhere. A fire at Battleboro, Mass., Wecnes? aay.-'destroyea ar nntober of iewelrv manufactories, involvrbg a loss of $125,- uoo, and throwing JJ5U people out of em ployment. ' : ! The State credit Democratic execu tive committee Of ; Tennessee haa in- strtod ita cboirmaiitfi call the" guber natorial convention in conjunction With wfn oTtfils tarty.-in ordeEtrfmtte thatf, On XfonflAv" mAPn broken at MiBneaDoUslinrra bv alsdd- den swetfin the Tiver ftnd several jmilv lionaCeet- M lumber TttOated db wn past Paul. It is believed; tt&t four millions of feet, valued at $40,000, will be lost - - ! i Dick ' Atkinson, a Colored convict. servinsout a third term in Uie'Deniten- tiary at Columbia, S. Cl, attempted to escape on Hondav. and wastnot Wbile Bwimmingin the Congaree rycer. The Doay nas not yet been iouna. ; In the United States Court at Charles ton. S. C Tuesdav: the iurv rendered a verdict of acauittalin the case of Hush1 P. Kane and . others, revenue -ofiicers, indicted for the murder ot Amos Ladd, a moonshiner. In the suit against the Standard Oil Company for some. $3,000,000, alleged to be due the State of Pennsylvania: for taxes in arrears, Judge Simon ton, at Harrisburg.Toesday directed judgment to be entered against the company for $33,277.5f Among the cabin passengers on the steamship Lord Gough, which sailed from Philadelphia Tuesday for Liver pool, were Joseph Brumpton, the great Grirasly forger, and Scott, the English deteciiv. , who came over to secure lirumpton'a extradition. ThA will nf ITfinrv W T .tin of Allrtv i v ..... m.M.m j ... M-MMm 1 1 .. 1.1:. I . . Mm 3W iuah.es uo puuuc uequests, auu alter naming several small sums to be given to relatives, it gives the balance of his property to his children Richard H. Dana, Jr., the executor nlimed in the will, being dead, thw port's son, Ernest, will be made administrator. The annual uu-eihsg f the stock holders of the Denvf and Rio Grande Railway was held at Colorado Springs, C-il.. on Monday, Over $20,000,000 of stock was represented". The annual re port ntiou s that the gross earnings of 1881 were $6,244,000, and -the net earn ings $2,040,000; fixed chaige?, $1,369,- 000; amount applicable to dividends, $1,255,000. The board of directors of the company was increased to mne members. Eugene T. Beecher, a nephew of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, was arrest ed.Tuesday in New York upon an order granted by the Supreme Court a year ago in a civil suit. Horatio G. Angle, trie plaintiff, charges that he rave Beecher and Buel T. Hitchcock mining stocks valued at $15,000 for a tract of land in Arkansas, and that be subse quently discovered the land did not be long to them.. In default of $10,000 bail Beecher was committed to Ludlow street jail. Where the Tariff Shoe Pinches. Baltimore Sun. Doubtless all reasoning directed to the ultra-protectionist, who is a manu facturer, with the view of inducing him to discard his fallacies, must faU so long as he is asked to abandon the high tariff merely because it is unfair to the consumer. What is needed is to convince him that it is prejudicial ; to the manufacturer. Yet this should be the easiest of things. - Reference to the unanswerable fact that absence of "protection" is just the kind, of protec tectiou that is found most efficient by the English manufacturer, it dwelt upon, ought to settle the matter with any thinker who does not hold manu facturing in England to be an essen tially different thing from what it is here. The assumption that if the South becomes industrial, it must, out of con sideration of its true interests, become protectionist is sufficiently absurd. The clear thinking which is supposed - to prevail there may perhaps be taken as a guarantee that that section will escape the economic errors from which Penn sylvania and New England suffer. Manufacturers have, in tbe long run, the same interest everywhere to have the widest possible market. The high tariff, in securing to the manufacturer the home market; excludes him from a better one the foreign. Yet we must buy some things from the foreigner. How the American manufacturer Is, by means of his tariff, put at a disad vantage in comparison with his Eng lish cousin is well exhibited by the sta tistics of our trade with Brazil. -British East Indies, Japan nd Cuba for the fiscal year 1881: Xx ports from Imnortsto Adverse Balance. Country. United States Unlt'd Statesl Brazil,.. China,.. Japan... India,.. Cuba,.. Total... S9.252.415 $52,783,408 S48.580.999 aa.a68,08 15,121,608 18,012,206 64,647.007 10,87 11.184,097 17,164,187 52,498,948 3,93711 868.069 12,153.059 831.681,133 172,923,127 141.142,003 Tbe Teastfn for this nnf arorable trade balance of $141,142,003 is that the peo ple of the countries here mentioned are unwilling to buy our manufactures at prices artificially enhanced by our pro tective tariff, but prefer to buy the cheaper English wares. There is a set tlement, however. They do not permit us to go one hundred and forty-one mil lions of dollars deeper in debt every year. They require us to pay for the English wares the buy. They are cot in want of our unprotected -agricultural products, but England is. Sa we send our ffTaiu aAdlarm produce to the man ufacturing country, te which the J3ra rlllans, Gntnese are iw debt, and ;tis Jro'iceb t'0. .'. Instead of paylpg It oursves with our manu f aetumt we get the Englighman to do itraswithia.;r " ' . . . Tke' mlegularS Wu. lkw 6RLEANS, April . 6. The reor ganization of the parish committee last night elicited a spirited contest. The combination against Dfimont, the regu lar chairman of the; Republican State committee, by the. appoeition manager, failed, the imarsetectinffthe tempo rary chairman; hy t .tw(Htaird8 TOte. ; :r - Trvsa Tar Xeetk ' v ! Bniher than have them pulled. Let jour denjtt save aQ he can. ToodesenB to hare trouble, be-. cause yen have not need BOZODONT When properly fixed, then nib . on the 8OZ0DQHT, and keep UiemaUil4t for Uow to eome, ' 41 - J rJe J -- Vl 1 , u at iiJi is is;- j. fJUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY The renowaed Queen of Sheba, with all her rqyal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant reGriue Sfonld never have appeared within the presence of- tbe grandest of the monarchs of the aat, had she not also possessed that which ft la the : crowning" giory of the female person a skin challenged for Ita Oriental softness and Its almost tmnsean; dental purity. -Cledpatra, ho Mine emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had qutekte lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches orof pimples, or of horrid tan and freckles. : WOMAN RULES THE WORLD by- her beauty, not less than by her purity of char acter, loveliness of disposition and unselfish de votion, indeed, m the estimation of 'perhaps too a body takes precedence over every 'other consideration. Beauty thus forms an Important part of. woman's working capital without which too many, Of not bankrupts in what relates to influence within the circle where they move,) are powerless for great good. 'Henpewe s not only the propriety' but 'the duty of every laty preserving with ' zealous care that which to her Is essential to success, and influence, and use fulness In life. And, since "beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance ate required to guard it against the many' Ills that flesh Is heir to. Among the great and annojihg enemies of beauty. OF KlliiKK SEA, as well as of comfort happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rbeuta,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the hair and scalp. For the cure of all these, Dr. C W. Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient study and investigation devoted to diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CURE, which has already by Its marvelous cures, established itself as thk great remedy for all dis eases of the skin, whatever be their names or character. Its success h .s been Immense and un paralleled. All druggists have 1L It Is elegautiy put np, two bottles in one package. Interna! nnd external treatment Price $1.09. EVERY ONE P3AI3ES. 8Ick headache, nervous headache, neundja, nervousness, paralysis, d5ppsla, sleeplessness and brain disea-es. no&ftliel.v cured by Dr 0. W. Benson's Celery an - Ciiaino:..ile Mils. They con tain no opium, qu f.lne. r ct ;er harmful drug. Sold by all drueeiMK. Prloe 55fic per box. SI for two, 2.50 for six. postage tre. Dr. C w. Ben son, Bttjillltore. Ms! O. ri. RllTEtTON. N'W 10IK, is hoiesnle Ag ni for Dr C. w. Utnson's i erne dies. apr4 BBS. LYDIA E. PiNXHAM, Of LYfSH, HASS., LYDIA E. PSNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for rfl tae PalnTnl OomplalaU 4 WeihulM MMBan to our but feiamle pvpnlatloo. It wUl ears entirely the worst form of Femala Com plaints, all OTaiian troubles, Inflammation and Uloara tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Change of Life. ' It will dissolve and expel tumors from the -a terns in tin eartr stage of development. Ube tendency to can oeroua humors the reis checked Tery speedily by its nee. It remores faintness, flatulency, destroys all crarlns; for stimulants, and .relieres weakness ot the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Kerro-aa .Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression, and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act la harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM P0TJBTD1S prepared at 233 and 36 Vf esters. Arenue, Lynn,Kass. Price SL Six bottles f or $&. Bent by mall' In the form of puis, alio 1 n the form of losenges, en receipt of price, $1 per box for either, lira. Pinkham freely answers aU letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Identlon this Paper. So family should be without LYDIA K. PIKKHAJI'fl UVXB PILLS. They cure constipation, bIUousness( and torpidity of the lirer. f cents per box. XT Sold by all Druggists. -S . The leading Sdeatlsts of To-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Liver. If, therefore,. the Kidneys ana Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetre- son ait This truth has only neennowsva short time and for rears pie suffered great agony wi bout beimr able to find relief. Tne aiscovery 01 . war- ner'sBafe Kidney and Llve Cure marks a hew era m the neatmenc 01 these troirBiea. Maae from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it, con tains just the elements necessary to- nourish and invigorate buthrof these greatTrrgans, and safely restore andeep tnem in order.: it tarri va bsmjedx iorau 1EMKDY for au the diseases that cause tjains hi iniu .rauiHA frisuTiH an the tower pan 01 we Door Headache saandloa Dizziness Gravel Fever. Ague Mtlariai Fever,, and all difficulties of the Sidneys, Liver and Urinary Orrana. It Is an excellent and- safe remedy for females daring Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and Is invaluable for.wicoriffi&ox falling of the Womb. " .... .. -r As a Rood Purifier it is unequalled, r tt cures tbe organs that maxx the blood. : . " . This Remedy, which has done such wonders, la put np In tbe LAEGE3T SIZED BOT1 Ut of any medicine upon the market, and fs told b.; drqgttists, and all dealers at 91.26 per bottle. Fer Diabetes, enquire for WABNEH'S SAFS PIABETES CDBK Jan2S -s .rsi Jt & ti t'4iBoebester. N. Y. DK. A. VtitMMXtMtnaL I tt Ii AIMalTDKR. 8URGEQNJENTIST8, sTI V A 11 MfWlMil V Mm JBm -Mm MA kw JL A Mm tin y i p.i jjmTJ. f, tfssjpMiisifc. ; Ofnee en Trade street T , over I DerwitMgej4tUjrv ,1 Brya -clothing store, ' 1. 1 r QIBea hoora from 8 sv ra. to 5 pJra. ' apr2 - llliii 41 iii 1 r -WE HAVE- -:H: "SARAH BARNHARDT" KIDS, at FINE HOOK LOCK KIDS, at - Ajoo;irtofKDsr AlPwool BLACK BUNTING, at . LACK BUNTING, all 6 lorsl at SI.BO- nr 81.25 . 2Kcand35c lc and 15oj 15o vwuj or 4-4 BLEACHING, at 10c Our Stock of PaOLSIs iaTgTarid hfmosome. . ' li will pay you to examlne.our stock of Dress Goods, Watered Silks, Cretonnes, LACE CURTAILS, CLOTHING, GENTS? STRAW and STIFF H ITS; and in fact you will save money by examining oar stock before purchasing." EVITtS" LADIES' SHOES, ""TURNER'S" GENTS' SHOES. argraves mar28 MASON & SHONINGER PELODBET & Eight of the Leading Makes OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instruments in ATT I MT) ATJ TT Ufl! ILIJ PLENTY OF MONEY ON OUB LEFT, PLENTY TO EAT ON OVIt BIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Put Tea Poller Sold Pieces ou Every Stop OF OUR ORGANS, Neither;do WeThrow in a House Lot or a Baifroad, H. McSIVllTH, Charlotte, N. C. hi n n in 83, ,88 88 8888 NEW STOCK If GOME ! PrvnnSrnimpwf'acL! attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED Jrl o??t?, iiD rrf . ,ra JlW5ed ln aMerting, and not exiggerate. that the long expe rience and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that ?-. irn ot,0'IBCT1SI& IS THE MOST BfLIABLE SOLD to Oils Market. We "keptoiasTmenafdws fLLlt811.!.?" Hai!?D1gl,)af2 1"8urjJ thftm absolute BOTTOM HKICES. We do not buy lob . . ... . sssravil-viver.lS," " ;rr J wi'Gij m iiwaet, or wmca privilege the Late Purchaser Is debarred. Our stock of Bova' anri Ghllriin. .t-. 4 - u aa snA . always. The latest styles m - HATS, ALL COLORS. Ill THE FINEST THE YORKTOWN SCARF, . . Tli9.l4te3t Out, m the jaj Latest Shades In Silks. - OA.Ij.11 LflLlfZD SEE TJ"S Tery Respectfully, W. D.Garaents blade iti brdet on Short Notlcr. WE HAVE- & :W:- BUNTING UNINO. all colors, at 8UMMKB SILKS, from MOIRE SATINS, alt colors, SATIN SURAHS, at TUCKINtt. at if 1.25 i.nn 60c to! 75e and $1.00 SOo to si.00 6C The Best CORSET ever often1!, at 91.00 fevVillielm. rrm v niTrr iUU in i Front Forward to the Sear. DOUliLE-QUICK! McSmida JIusic House, -THI- llitilbuting Depot for the Carollnas -FCB- CHICKERING, KKAMCK & BACH, MATHUSHEK, -AND- Soiilliein Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIME, CO. Gil B.S.- But We Beat That all to Pieces, fy CALL AND SKE ME. aH Will Guarantee 10 percent, on all Moneys Invested. For Parslculars call on or write to IIG! 888888 88 88- 2a22 1 w a iuju a ww d Invariably offer the public such CLOTHIWG and We had the choice of js, -1. si at Ssav kasar sV ssr eV sVb Je elbs fMtt war r Lf lao .IN THE CXTY; PR STYLES LATEST OT apr? maril lmeoa

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