iswawe3Eptsi.Fy . o ' 1 l 1 All i I ! " ' r - M - - TmDAy, APRIL 7, 1. store. ?SEmnonhouse -Head this Advertisement. BUSINESS NOTICES. ., .ntirelT nrevented by the use of SUH- NKTTa cuCOalNK. No other compound pos the peculiar MQpefftoa. i wttlch M ewrty JevarfaUhiondhtoM f Mm wmii hair.; It Sing the hair when harsh and dry. U soothes irritated scalp It afford the richest luatre. It invents the hair from railing oft It promote Its UiihT vigorous gro tb. U la not (creasy nor J53ty. K Tt,s not.dlaagreeable odor, ft kills dBurneWltov&lna Xtriftsre known to be the best- . f ' : , . Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! inn too disturbed at night and broken of your AJv v . .... anffArini mil mdna nrffK II. -a t br a sick chUd suffering and crying McructatingpalB of cutting teeto ? Jt SMdget a bottle if. MR&. ,Wr SStvg 6YBUI". It will reUete the so. co at INSLOWa It win relieve the poor little mct immediately-depend upon It there is no JXtikn about it There Is not a mother on earth inhas ever used It. who will not tell you at once IwLt it wtlf regulate the bowels, and give rest to the. 1 SThir and relief and health to the child, operat ic like magic It is perfectly safe to use in all inffts and pleasant la the taste, and is the pre Slnntion of one of the oldest and best physicians rt nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 eentsa bottle. 1 niKlif Ulefc of the Klditeyfc, DIs be tea. vn daniwr from these diseases if you use Hop RltterS' besides, ueui mi irmm inuiu; uiouw.iiC ever made Trust no olhrr. 2 mi IflMfcli&eracttts, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economlca than the ordinary Hinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a uin or phosphate powders. Sold only In eans KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. v23 New York, or Dartdjnn. Sole Agent, Charlotte. N. 0. Hi i U.T LVKJ I OPENING OUR NEW IP OF MILLINERY, Including aTi the latest novelties in the MI L LIN KB 7 LIME. II T., BONNETS, FLOWERS PLUMES, ItlBBONS, SILKS LACED, &C, In all the new stjlej, colors and qualities. Also, all tbe new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery Gloves, Parasols, &c the LAHQB8T and MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Bats and Bonnets On Monday, March 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GUANDKST D IS PLAT OF VINE MILLINKBY they have ever seen In this city. Betpeetfun?, . P, Query. niar22 -OPERA HOUSE.- IIUIH(U, ft Hi II OlllilUOs i a 7 fi GREAT COMEDIAN, CHARLES L. DAVIS In hu celebrated character Comedy, : in four Ada, entitled "1LVIN JOSLIN.'k The Only True Representative of TBE NEW ENGLAND FARMER, Supported by a Full and Powerful Company of dramatic celebrities 180 Lanfflu In 18(i 9nnritet. iroaU)Mt SncccH off the Age. Funniwi Play Ever Wlinewed, three Hofirael UproarioonFOn. Usual prices; seats secured at Central Hotel and Mc-imitn Mualc House ; . aprz im FOR RENT. NICE fdur room Cottace, Conveniently arranged Apply to C. W. KDDIN3. apr0 At Postofflce. Native Mineral Water!! J HOCKIlUIDE CVA.) . Dyi ( htonic DlarrbtiBi and, Dysentery, Skin Diseases, 8erofui5, Ctuonlo Pneamonla, eta . UUl WertBl.AfcTt'ToBtoVS sUn?1" h aliuau la ns caecta.- seaaSTtuMaies eminent physicians in cur pamphlets. NO AHTf FICIAL H ABES OB SALTS SP'lngs, which are beautifully located to Bock bridge county, Ya,, and are opea for he reoepoon of vialion IronT June 1st WOctobei 1st, each ear; capacity, 1.000 gnests.,, . For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. J. H. Me ADEN ana Dr. T. C; SMITH, Charlotte, M. C . marl2iy . - . ' mm mm ii we are:now Spring and Styles Mm mejcliS tiding m. take place at -- - - . m ma .A.' - 'HfTTH v Ls'WTto grand opening at Mrs. New II 1 11 Cs3ooinifs mtrflaVrwasUadei & mm. " .. . tSrWecall-Uie attention of the members of the Hornet fire company to the advertisement of a meeting of their company this evening. The buildings in granite row pre sent quite a different appearance since tbe old shingle roof has been taken off and a new tin one put on in its stead. E2T .Already w"e have heard some of our best citizens remark that the clouds were very much tike those of last year, which all remember were always high and passed around everybody without raining. 13T It is a fact, that North Carolina produces more hay per acre than any State along the line of the coast from Maine to Texas, with the single excep- iod. of the Empire State. This speaks well for our agricultural facilities. EiTThe arrangements for the new Central Hotel bar are about complete though it will not be formally opened until Monday. It will be conducted irrler the discreet management of Mr. W. It. Cochrane and doubtless will be as heretofore, the choice resort among places of thb kind. t3T We notice in South Carolina journal that the ladies in e city of that State propose to open a first class coffee saloon, to see if they cannot in duce the men to take coffee instead of whiskey in quenching their thirst. We hope they will and that it will be a suc cess. Let somebody start such a saloon in Charlotte. BSTThe Home and Democrat says: One of the pleasures of editing a weekly paper write an article and see similar ideas make their appearance in another paper published before yours, making the item stale." Judged by this standard we suppose "pleasure's cud" must be "full" when the aforesaid "edi- or of a weekly" writes out two full columns of Supreme Court reports only to find nut that they were paid for and published by a tn;r enterprising pub- isher a week before. An Accident. Mr. John Phelan, while passing along the sidewalk by tbe Oates building on College street, yesterday, was knocked down and hurt by being struck with a bag of cotto? which was thrown from a window in the second story of the house. Ilia injury, however, we are glad to state, i; not of a serious charac- er. Personal. Adjutant-General Johnstone Jones passed through the city yesterday. Dick Hilton, Esq., was in the city yesterday. He contemplates establish ing a lumber yard here. Mr. D. A. Coble, for some time an employee of this office, left last night for ,hi3 home in Greensboro, where he will spend a few days with relatives and friends, thence to New York to prac tice his chosen vocation. Our best wishes attend him, wherever he may go. A Long Time Ago, Mr. Smith, the manager and owner of the Tourists, played in Charlotte in 1833, in a minstrel troupe in the court bouse. All he remembered about Char- lotto was tbe columns in front of the court house, and Dr. Pritchard.who was well-known to many gentlemen now in the city. This was before Charlotte had an opera bouse, but it seems from what Mr. Smith said they were show-going people, as they had an engagement for one night only when they came, but played rive consecutive nights. Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Last Might. The regular monthly meeting of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce for April was held lust night at their room, on Tryon street. After some discussion, the committee on the improvement of our public roads was continued and instructed to re port at the next regular meeting of the Chamber. Captain John Wilkes submitted a verbal report in reirard to bis recent trip to Washington City in the interest of the establishment of a Federal Court House in Charlotte, which wa3 satis factory to the Chamber. R. N. Tiddv then introduced the fol lowing preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Wmmir Aa Wfl helievft that the com mercial interests of the country de- - . . , t A - . 1 J manu tne repeal or. certam taxes levieu nnnn national and other banks, and known as "war taxes;" therefore. Resolved, That tnis unamrjer or com merce respectfully petitions Congress to repeal the laws levying First The 2 cents Btamp dufly on bankchecks,- Second The payment or tne tax oi l per cent, on bank circulation. Thirri Thp navment of the tax of one-half ot one per cent, upon all de posits in banking institutions. . ' Jtiesoivea, 'za, j.nat jmr oeuaima uu r.hfi TTnnaft of ReDresenta- tives be requested to vote for the bill to r. as i i l V. . n recharter tne nauonai uaua, wuvoo oh a atom am ahnnf. to exnire. Kesolvea, 3a, xnacine secreuiiy uo instructed to sena a copy or wjbbo ietu- inMnna fn mir Senatnrs and members Of Congress, with the request that they use meir luuueuuD uu kitd "uo" , in f avnr nf t.h of these burden some taxes upon the commerce of the country. , . . A communication was read from Captain E. F. Young, of the Hornets Nst Riflemen, in regard to tne ceienra tion of the 20th May, suggesting a pro gramme, and asking the appointment of a committee to co-operate witn me nremen and military in its observance. In response, the following was aooptea as the sense of the cnamDer : Wttttrwab Thmilitarv and other nt have deter- mined to celebrate the approaching 20th May,- and h.ave requested the Chamber of Commerce to co-operate Resolved, That we heartily approve of the proper celebration of the ap proaching zotn May. -D,o7ij That ft rnmmittee of three members of the Chamber be appointed by the en air to coniw p t"" other poblic bodies in Charlotte having The appointmenu vl iuc: uuuwi win frvA annminnHi imrnxiLcii .j.v . - - onnnflff OTS BATS. Clears oat rats, mice, roaches, es ant bed bu skunk iVchlpmunks, gopheis. 15. Drug- SW9$ - - . ' , :T ! Of nowto RaisetkeTVljidy : . . Homer, in his description of the forc ing of the shield of Achilles, speaks of the, furnace into which the matarlall were thrown as being blown by twexff pairs of bellows. If a furnace wanted blowr to cast another shield for another . Achillea, we.. beUeve that Charlotte is jost the placefotnish the blowing machinery r . '!.,''' Messrs. N e wco mbe Bros, of the Char lotte Planing Mills and Bellows Fac toryhave only been in business here a ittle over, two years; but during that time their business . has been steadily growing, and; bids fair ere long to be come one of the most important and remarkable , manufacturing establish ments in the South. Believing that some account of their work and its progress would be of in terest to the readers of The Observer, seeing that these gentlemen have intro duced a totally new Industry into the South, an Observer representative has' made it his business to call upon these gentlemen and ascertain a few particu- ars concerning their undertaking. The first department visited was the arge room devoted to the making of bellows. Here for the first time we earned something of the anatomy of a pair of bellows never having, like the historical Irishman, cut a pair open to see where the wind came from. This is the part of their business which is a new thing in the South, and being, as we have said, ignorant of the inner mysteries of ft pair of bellows, we were much interested in the matters of "bot tom board," "middle board,'' "ribs," &c. The bellows made by the Messrs. New- combe have gained such repute that. while previous to their advent here all our smiths, mechanics, and others who required these implements in their bus- ness must go North to procure them, the case is now reversed, and the Char- otte Bellows Factory ships its produce tions as far North as Baltimore, as well as to Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia Virginia, and all parts of the two Carolinas. The business in this department steadily increased during the first year, doubled itself, the second year, and this year the firm expect to. send out from their establishment about 615,000 worth of bellows,which appears to us to be raising the wind in a very satisfactory manner. It is satisfactory, too, to know that the whole of the material used in this factory, excepting the nails and paint, are produced in this State. The w od is grown w ithin our borders ; the leather is tanned, and the iron is worked, in our own eity. In addition to their bellows factory Messrs. Newcombe carry on an exten sive general carpentry business.includ- in'g the manufacture of sashes, doors. blinds, &c, aided, where possible, by the most modern steam-driven machinery, for planing, tenoning, sawing, mold ing, jointing, &c. We understand f urthejr that, encour aged by the progress of of business already in active operation undei their management, these enter prising gentlemen have in contempla tion the addition of another depart ment (which we are requested not to specify for the present) which will sup ply along-felt want in this section, and for which, also, our own State furnishes the materials abundantly. We wish the Charlotte mills all pros perity, and believe our readers will en dorse our good wishes; for it is just such men and such energy that the South needs to utilize her resources and create industrials enterprise in our midst. It is just such concerns as this that help immensely to bring about the "New South." More Hydrophobia) and Bigger Doses. Four dogs, all supposed to be suffer ing from hydrophobia, were killed with in the corporate limits of the city yes terday. The first was shot in the back yard of Mr. F. W. Ahrens, at about four o'clock p. m. A second was first discovered on Trade street opposite TheIObsebver office. He created quite an excitement as he went down the street snapping at everything and everybody. He was followed by a crowd and was finally killed on Fifth street near Leak's old tobacco factory, now one of the city schools. A third, which belonged toW. E. Holt, was killed by Policeman Carter, and a fourth was shot just about dusk in front of Adams' beef market, by Po liceman McNinch. It is seated that the last one, a very fine, large animal, first exhibited signs of rabies near Wads worth's stables, and attempted to bite several ladies who happened to be on the street, and who escaped only by running into houses. The timely arri val of Policeman McNinch, with his gun, probably prevented his biting other persons. In view of the fact that hydrophobia has actually attacked several dogs with in the past few days, it would be well for people who own dogs to keep them on their own premises, and if necessary this ought to be required by a city ordi nance. In Jail The Mecklenburg jail is not a very cheerful residence. Business took an Obsekveb representative there yester day and he was very thankful when that business was transacted and he saw sunshine again. Although only there a short time, his sojourn was long enough to form a resolution to walk circumspectly and retain his free dom. Good Friday. To-dav is Good Friday, the anniver sary of the crucifixion of the Saviour, so-called in allusion to the Denents con ferred by his death. The Saxons named it "Lone Friday," because or the pro tracted religious services on that day, and the Germans term it-btiuer jrn day," on account of the solemn silence nhaarved in the churches, or "ClurFrei- tsiv. from an antianated word signify ing penitence. During the first two or three ceftturles of Winsuanwy w was taTIftd"tfie :nasch."c luse ChriatCthe Paschal Iamb. was slain "on that day. It is' observed at the present day as a day 6f prayer and public worship. Ckas. I Daris aAJi JstfU- 'jiblitidisM. ejg AiviH: J oslip," Ma presented by Mr. Cbas- L. Davis, the creator of the cjxai actei ftrndfroift the press:nclesshonld. an those whose ?pnm or aaor aoes noi tappKltd tw hole. . The Peoria Natiotial Bnfoetatha thi otlowragtbt , The comedy 1s irjesUUbjy tuunvarid' Charles U Datis aa .TAlvia JoaUnwai immense beyond description. He IS a whole shew Jn himself and bjs company gave him the most From the time the curtain tolled up at the introduction until it went down , for the last time the- audience . was kept in a state of continual merriment. -'The company advertised to give 180 laughs in 180 minutes, and they did that and 3 ore too., Many of those who witness I the performance say that it was the most entertaining and amusing that has been given here for, lo, these many mtnths, and we are more than half in clined to believe that they are right in their opinion; The. Alvin Joslin com- any can rely on having a crowded ouse whenever they revisit this city, and the. merit of their company entitles them to that wherever they appear . - The Supposed Infanticide Fonr of the Prisoners Released. Thejury, assiduously pursued their inquiries in this case yesterday. In the morning they took the testimony of a number of witnesses at the mayor's court, chiefly: respecting the condition and actions of the colored woman Mag gie Morehead during the past few weeks. No new facts of consequence came to light ; In the afternoon the coroner and jury proceeded to the jail, where: they had before them for examination Anderson Phifer and Alice Morehead, both color ed, two of the prisoners (the latter hav ing by some error been previously spoken of as Maggie White). At the close of this examination four of the prisoners were released, viz: Anderson Phifer, brother to Maggie Morehead, on a $50 bond, H. G. Springs security; Eliza White, mother tij Maggie More- head, on a $50 bond, Jno. T. Schenck security ; Alice Morehead, daughter of Maggie Morehead, on a $50 bond, Jno. T. Schenck security ; and Ella Bell, the girl arrested on Sunday, on her own recognizance of $50. Maggie More head is now the only prisoner remain ing in custody in this case. The jury then proceeded to the mayor's court, where after some consultation they came to tLe decision to hold themselves at the call of the coroner for some time longer. Maggie Morehead will be brought be fore Judge Shipp this morning at tLe mayor's court on the writ of -fuibeas cor pus issued on Wednesday. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday, Central Hotel General Johnston Joues and wife, Asheville; Henry My ers, Philadelphia, Pa; Jno A Dodson, Goldsboro; Jno West, Washington, v. C; Ed M Burke, Lowell, Mass; MM. Pitlsbury.N C; Thos May, J D Pern berton. Miss Mary E Little. Wadesboro; S T Usher. Sulphur Springs, N C; W J Usher. Mayfleid, Ky; J T Alderman, Wilmington, Del; Frank Wheeler, Meridan. Conn : W M Neel. Winston : Z A Willard, Boston, Mass; J F Iver son, Columbus, Ga; T Dixon, Shelby ; Geo A Dowden and wife, Newark, N J; W W Perry, Columbia, S C; F J Moulton.N Y Graphic JNew YorK; U F.Newby, A M Vickery, N W Newby, Bandleman. NC; W T Newman, Ga; J J Gibson.'Chester, S C; Chas T Wat kins, Richmond, va; P w Wooley, Stanly county; Thos F Hargis,DS Wilson. HS waiiis, w t Linton, uaui more. Md: C Johnston. Geo Fuller. L Spader, New York ; Jno T Savage, J W Carrington, Atlanta, Ga. Charlotte Hotel A H Hedge- cock, Kernersville; A M Vickery, Ran dleman, N C; B F Newby, N W New by. Farmers. N C: J S Lean, UUBK; GC Funderburk, Monroe; JPMcMa- nus, Tradesville, N C: S J McJSiroy, js C; H Bryant, Pineville; L A Joriss Iredell county; R B Boomen, Green ville SC; R.C Strother, Wallace, 8. C ; W J McMurrav. Nashville, Tenn; js u Stokes, Garabaldi : C H James, Lowell, N C; J E Lewis, Washington, N C. tyzva &&vzvti8tmtnt&. ATTENTIOIV, DORNETS. ATTEND the reg ular monthly meet ing of yonr compa nr. this (Friday) erenlng, at 7Vi o'clock, sharp. Business of im portance to be transacted. By order W. B. COCHRANE, O. F. Asbuby, President becretary. apr7 It CUlFIDinil B11PEB3 and MOWXBS, nAlllrlU II "Chieftain" Lock Lever Hone Hakes. Kentucky Can Mills and Con ner Xvarotors. imDroved Deere Cultl raters. the celebrated Dow Low Cotton Planter, will save more than enooffb to doubly pay for itself every season. Gelser and Empire Thrashers and Horse Powers, Thomas' Smoothing. Harrows, Acme Har rows, && - . A lot of Fresh German Mlllett, Haogariaa and Early Amber Cone -Seed. win compare prioes with any -. fiXUABLI HOUdX IN tOS STATE. . j. u. BiiAunuu3it, Agent, apr7 lw Charlotte, N. 0. AT- WILDER'S you wDl And a cbelce and complete stock of pube fresii Drives, Colden's, Ldbig's ' liquid Extract BEEF SUtd TONIC llfVIGOBATOB tW" TRY IT. -SB CIGARS ! Tobacco, THE HNXsT SXLf CTION in the CITT, ; Deluding the famoui LI PAEIPAbraad of Cigars lleiiii.!inIMet,M an assortment, and everrthlnf geaeraut kept til a first class Drag 8 tore. Special attention given to PhrsieUms' PreacrlpUoDi day and night Satis taction guaranteed. GITE1UACALL., 1 " Corner Tra.. .and....... ...Conege Street. spr8 Read is AdydMent ore elts, k - in ii mm -JiH'lt ! : T !: t::..Y . - .1 . .'ninio') o) !ft --; ft- -VE ABE OmUlIG- -IN- HEAVY CASS. PANTS, CASSIMERE SUITS, irt ih Uur Fall Stock Generally. WE WANT THE R003I FOR OUR WHICH WILL BE THE FINEST the MARKET. We Deferred Baying Until Late To Secure the Advantages In LOW IPinCES under the advanced Sea son, and will be able to AT LOWER PRICES THIN D, PAID WHILE III MARKET. OUB STOCK WILL ABBIV DU&IN9 tbe NIXT TEN DAYS, AKD WI WILL HATt A WOBD WITH YOU. Hie Wise Man W01 Wait ! '.If i :l. ' Ik, HOT DRY GOODS DEALERS autr24 SPRING STOCK Ear ii Tin n n nn Tin , ;;; . , , ' ' : . " COUNTER ! S'f- : Wl HAVJt PLACXO OM OOtt DAE6AIN COUNTER A LARQS LOT OF NEW t DESIRABLE FULLY WORTH 60c. to be . sold without reserve, at 25c 25c 25c 25c 25cJ ANOTHER LOT OF IDS, AT 12Me 12V4c 12fee lWic 12Vi lifts 200 PIECES Handsome Printed Lawns, 61Ac 614c flJ4c 6iAc 6Vjc OiJ 6c 6VSio . 200 PIECES 16c Fancy Lawns, at I0e 10c 10c IOC 10c 10c 10c CO PISCES ZEPHYR. GINGHAMS. 12l&e 2Vo I2y&e 12V 12c I2c 12c illinery Opening' THIS WEEK. Ladles, you are all invited to examine our NSW and HANDSOME Milliner j Goods IN WHICH WI WILL OFFER EXTRA BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OUR ENTIRE SILK STOCK. Black and Colored Silks, SATINS, MOIRES, BROCADES AND AT 60 CENT3. ii -HOUSEKEEPERS !" A BABE CHANCE Is within your reach to secure your House Linens at MarvelouslT LOW PHICE3. TaUe Damaak, TVblte and Colored 1'e CI otha, Dinner Cloths Break faat ClilMf Tray Clvtbw, Dor He, Napkin, Towels, Mar seilles Quilts, Carpet, Rats, Born) ITlattinfr, nun straw, Fresh and New GOODS. PAB&S01S, STO-SHaDES, AKD- Tnese and their prices rou must see to fully ap preciat) our (-Sorts to please the Trade. White Goods ! White Goods ! WE HAVE Iverj Tabrie srodoced under that head NSW, FEXSH and BEAUTIFUL. Hosiery, Gloves Notions HATE NOT BSZN NEGLECTED and we (eel sa'Jsfled that we cannot fall to please ' - the most fastidious. " tV Those al the Beaders of this -Adv." who aaanot favor oa with a call, will please send for samples, which wtH he nronvtly famished. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. api2 M-Woo Back Lfnnt Wiltkowiy Baraeh i lfHr?l A Kirs riEVcn faiu. 5 The only known Specific Remedy for EpiiepMo Fits SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, 8pa8ms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance. Vertigo.Histerlcs, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the genus of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison In the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness. General Dnhntfr. Iah. rrrhoea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera u tu ui wo uierus, internal neat, nravei, inflam mation ot the Bladder, Irritability ot the Bladder. or Wakefulness at nlgot, there is no better remedy During the change of life no Female snouid be wii hout It It Quiets the Nervous system aud gives rest, comfort, and natures sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Otilum Eating. These degrading habits re by far the worst eviis 'bat have ever betalleti suffering humanity. Thousands die annually ft m these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but Joi the pleasure or drink ing and treating his filmds, little thinking , he is on his road to iuin. Llue the Opium Kat r he first uses the drug in small qu nil lies as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to allmentlvenexs, as over eating first h flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until It paralyze 1 both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or d- of opium. Instead of satisfying, only aid' o its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then It -elf. Like the gluitonou taoe-worm, H crls Give, give, give I" but nevei -nough until its o-vn rai aclty devours itself. Sam rltan Nervine gives Instant relief In such cases it produces sleep, quit ts tbe nerves, builds up tbe nervous 8jtem, and restores body and mind to a he thy condition. SAM R TAN NERVINE Cures Nen i iSDj pepsla Palpitation of the Heart, Asthrra, bronchtus bcioful. isyphllls, dlse. ses of the Kidneys and t 1 d. senses of tbe Urinary r gans Nervous Debl Ity, cauned by the lndlS'-re-tlnns of youth, per '.nently cured by the use t tl is Invaluable reD ly. To you, young, middle aged, and old men no sre cov- ring your suffr r oy silence lookup, jouccm oits. and make ornameiits . In the crown of our Mak r. eeu this a s cret l"DKer. uMl' 1' gsas with a mant be saved by timely to society, and tewe If ou will. Do not lts psyour vitals, tnd dtroy both body ai i soul. If you are tl in afflicted tke DK. HICH JIOD 8 sAMAHIT N NEBV1N ItwHlresto your shtterd nerves, arrest pi iture deUy at Impart tone and energy to the w le system. SAMABITAN NI RVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb but It cured b r. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Petkb Boss. Sprlngwater, wis. Has baen the means f curing mt wife of rhenma tlcm. J. b "1 ETCHER, K'N i olilns, Col. AM A III AN NEHVIE Made a sure cure of a c-ise of fits for ny son. E B. klls, 1- -tits-llle, Kan. SAITIAKITATV NERVINE Cured me of vert'eo, -urHlgla an U-k headache. Mhs WM. BENSON, -'rora, 111. SAWtHI.MiV NEKVINE Was the means of curing my wile of Rev. J a. Kdik Beaver, Pa. SA.TIAHITA IVEIlVlfc: Cured me of asthma, alter spending over $3,000 with other doctors. 8. B Hobson, New Albany. Ind. SAIT1 ARITAN NEUVIIKE Effectually cured me of spasms. Mibs Jbsnik Warren, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111. SAiTlAHITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family pby-iclan. it having over 100 In 24 hours Hinbt Knkk, Vervllla, Warren county, Tenn; SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. ALBBhT Eimpson, Peoria, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure d my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thornton cialborn, Miss. 8AITIARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic Ills of a stub born character. Rev. Wm. Martin, Mechanicstown, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my soncf. fits, after having had 2.503 In eighteen months. Mrs. E. Kobes. west rortsaam, m. x. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Oklkna Marshall, Uranby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yeui 8' duration. Jacob cuter, St Juseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliver Myers. Ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four years. Charles E. Curtis, C-sakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who bad dyspepsia very badly. Miceaxl O'Connek, Bidgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cored me of epileptic fits. David Trembly, Des Moines, Iowa, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing Hxmbt Clabx, Fairfield, Mich. SAMARITAJV NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head K. Graham, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored toy son of fits. He has not bad a fit for about lour years. John Davjs, Woodborn, Macoupin county, HL SAMARlTfill NERVINE Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evldfince of the curative properties of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 8-cent postage stamp for a eopy of our Ulustratea Journal of Health, gMng hundreds of testimonials oi core from per sons who have used the medidne, ana also their pictures photographed after their restoration td perfect health. Address Dr. S. A. BI0HM0BD & 00," World's Xpiuctio luarnvrE, aprlCAwly 8t. Joseph Mtf 7H.M mi

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