-J Ksi!sic3caaBSKrss "Pii-tinenD wul commence thT r er v MW DOatllEe staalnni.fJthjarJmi.m.a.11' -'i ... .L L " . I , "v Fit -J is ' " 1 1 1 it on I my Hellei on Am Correct : ' - r till I I wr m PI l' II II I UT,-. f II ' Mir MM mr 1 a i n i n n 1 i i ii i ' I " ii miiIiiisOtailSwd: OOKDEitTSED SOHETlTTT.T.g, 27 Stops; ia34tsrReefe9 $90 h fir iSmtilcnH Case, SOctaves,HetalFoot Plates,Upright B WKS. HWUneBJiwii w "WiVI BUV mimrvai Ptwii BorinCT. Lamp Bunds, Pocket for Music, Handles and Pjill Dl Hollers for moving, Beatty's Patent Stop Action, a NEW AND NOVEL KEEDBOARD (patented,) ENORMOUS SUCCESS. 8alea over MOO a month, demand increasing. tW Factory world rr DAT and by S Edison's EtectrtoXighta at NIGHT to fill order mmfUfTmH AmuyiHtn(erai, nothing can be fairer jpome and examine the instrninent. Leav N. Y. City, Barclay or Christopher St. Carries, 8.W a. m. or l p. (fare, excursion only. M 85). JLeave Washington at I m. 1 nr i. arriving inn. x . at a.au or d. m. same utiyv routes from Chioa, lUcfimondk Phila. .Boston, &ct see "Beauty's Excursion Kout Circular,") $5alkwed to pay JJ.BLll.Ulff lUUl tOWVl EMMIW Unjl"1 nalltn attendants meets ftll tralniu rrWiuifl 30. 40. ft50 ud. Fianoforteft ftl25 to filGOOi UoliV.I iiln.t.iul '.(liumi ft A rlH ncxMl rki Aatl m-u-n DAITEEL F. BEATTT, VasMngton, "Saw Jersey (Efnlllhcd 186.) For Eool'e, Vi'tOJH andCSLjifeS in i)lafof plaBter. Sam Dlee andcataJotfne mailed free. w. H. FAT.CamdjnJI. J YTIDrC JMPBOVED BOOT BKEB, 25c. licloua, wholeHome, sparkling temperance mall idr 25c C. B. BIBE3. 48 N. Dela. Ave., Philadelphia. $1000 BJfWARD! for any case of ttiina jjieeaiDg, luinmg, Ulcerated, or protruding PTI.lta that IteRINO'9 iriLjiii njauaaxaix. xniia w uuio. jrnspeuvu uj . x. MILLTCB, M. D. , 9 1 5 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular. Sold by druggists and country stores. SI. r . a r m owalHTW fl 1 A B..aal ka T T ID ME9AI AWARDED the Author. A now and great Med ical Work,wairanted the beet and cheapest, indispensable to every man,entitled "the Scianceof Life oreli-Preaerration ;" bound in a a. W 1- , i a no. 1 0S l fiMfl AnTw oe A end nowAddress Peabody Med' PHY V PT V lEal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR. 1111 OliLI . K.BR, No. 4 Bulfinchst. Boston I A ND PATENT i ANDPFNlQIflN flTTflRNFYS Laud Patents obtained, and special attention given m coniesieu jrre-euipuuu, numeaitMui, jiuxienii tuiu Timber Culture Entries. Highest price paid for Land Warrants and Scrip of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dis abled in line of duty. Pensions Increased If rated too low. Bounty, back pay and new discharges ob ta ned. Send two 3c stamps for blanks and "Cir cular Information." Address STOOD ART & CO., 413 G St, N. W , Washington, D. C, GEORGE PAGE & CO. 1rfll1liifiiJtnifMi ft-f 4. Patent Portable Cucular SAW "BTTTiTiS, Also Ctationary 'tuForuli STEAM 5 N. SCHBOEDEB BALTIMORE, Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, Sbinrie Mills, Circular Saws, and GaUXLVDIlSG MACH UN jRH Y. Send for Catalogs. Agricultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST & CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS, .T Dllll nillO I IH)irat8l 25Drbar'l DUILUJIIU L HI Lseid tor circular FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, IV. C. mar21 -dAw4w JlisjcjeIIatte0UB. NEW LAUNDRY! HAVING ESTABLISHED A NEW STEAM LAUNDRY In CHARLOTTE, we will shortly send by mall to all the citizens In the place OUB PBICE LISTS, and will be pleased to make special arrangements with families, and If those wishing to make such arrangements will notify us we will call on them In person. It Is our Intention to do work to a SUPERIOR ITiAlVIYER, And we respectfully solicit the public to give us a trial. All work DONE PBOMPTLY, and Ladles' oarments will be handled by lady assistants only. THE LAUNDRY Will be in cm8tant operation, and there will be no delay In dolDg work. tW Information famished" on application. L. HAYMANN & CO. mar30 tf CONGRESS WATER. CATHARTIC AND AL ERATIVE, Is a well known specific for CONSUMPTION, IN DIGESTION, and all disorders of the STOMACH, LIVES and KIDNEYS. NINETY YEARS' popular use attests its purity, safety and superiority to all waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, Irritating waters, foreign and domestic they impair the digestive organs and kidneys, therejjy inducing irreparable results None Geiulne Sold on Drauglir, marl 2m eod LIHE! LIIiIEj LIME! .f EBPETUAL KILN we are now prepared to FI I.I. ORDERS PBOIOPTLY, on short notice, and 'at prices that defycomneti Uon. We guarantee quality, and make no eharee unless Lime proves satisfactory. " We,.lhaT0tt?nejr ln Charlotte of A. c. Sum roerville; Who will receive orders for small lotsat redaoed prices. " Reference as to quality of Lime given onaDDll - cation. SIMON BBOTHXBS, W 8m ' 88, Oaffne, C, m hfwspapfr mn ; Just Received a laree lot of Flrst-Class NE WS IMHT. nut nn In fiR Th. nfulmoa im.ki. t kkkentoal. Book. Ace. only OC7U ATM:' mm ui Portaua . I A. t ENGINES S :! jQubliflhersoi country newspapers. Address If ,..tMi.:' J' THEOBSEkVbb, mar28 . Charlotte, N. C. ' " D"1 Duiunuin 1 1 1 r Tictje iirtcle Co, xvia UUWV9J; ul a vtouimi; . vt wvLW,Arouwci a fitnrnftK Rft.f0a baa hum' ilitai'ivifiTnfntv mAAlflA fni lndfeeatlon, dyspepsia, fever and ague, a loss of physical stamina, Urer complaint and other dl- AwlaM nnil hna knan ma n vv, n fr. a ft nrt 1 1 a. 4 ndAMaWl by medical men as a bealtb and strength rest cay, and sustains and comforts the aged and nrm. FOR SALT. BY ALL DBUGGISTS AStpEALXBa QKNESALLY. arrt ' i WEJNVITE : L . I i i YOUBa-.enilono Johnstorfs Taieittt Standard ' Dn Hlzed Kiilsomlne and FffisAo Paints. knowing that ihey niet the wants of Patntmri nouseseepers ana omi-rs urougnoui me oouniiTi i They are carefully prepared from the finest selecV ed raw materials; ail oi the ingredient are tnorougmy incorporatea, ma tney are ouerea ior sale in a oneiy puivenzea condition, amply re-. quiring to be mixed with water, to fit them for use. Theyare made of the POHEST WHITE, and ln Kraduatlons of all the leading and fashionable graduations of all the leading and fashionable Tints, Shades and Colors; thus adapting them to all tastes and uses. . The advantages of our pre parations are manifold. , ' Thpy-are ready for lmmediats use. reQuirtng no experiment whatever, as the color and quality are determined before they go Into the hands ot the consumer. THEY CAN BE MIXKD and USED BY APT ONE. They can be applied with the greatest ease and laatlll. a.M nll .au,aa.nf n aaannnM. Waak and evefl surface, which will not rub or scale from the walL If used according to directions, they will work VVC11 UjyJll Oii llUSUlireUII UUI I Ul? , UCUIXS tUO UCUMT slty as heretofore, of preparing walls to stop iheir suction, (except in extreme cases.) is overcome. 5 They will save the waste of materials and less of time common with the old mode or mixing to produce. aesirsDie nms, eic Thoi still kuin fnr venra HTlthont nhnni7A In ftftl or or quality. They are the only cheap and avail- aDie preparations ior vue purpose in wit mantel. & 1 ' 1 ' 1 assvruiieiJii 111 ivivi, a. WILSON & BOB WELL'S apr5 Drug Store. ON ST A N TLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CAH, BOTH WHOLESALE and BE TAIL. 8. I 7 I AT WHITE FRONT. feb2l X rrH CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FJULJU If you doubt, come toeee -os, and we wUI y CUBS T0U. or charge noatlngj Wnte for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. 00? BE W ABB will be paid to any chemist who will And on analysis of luQ bottles of SsTs. one particle of Mercury, IOdldtfof Potassium, or Atlanta, Ga Price ofaSmall Slze,...... miyi pizef. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. decSl POTATOES! ' PAT A HmTTC! I rAAi WiLCJ I 1 ON HAND.: l if EASTEltN YAMS, AND LOUISIANA CHOKERS. AT marSl t i )f l.-ltJEtffcSilt O. JO. nUWaB.L,li'Bi VARIETY, STORE- -A LOT Ot- GOOD-BARGAINS. ' "Xrtix AU wakb, GLASS WABK jw0, jtxwauiue jraAms, and many othfer idlings at. comparatively low prices. BesTJectfally.Vf, 'm&ftttrlL lew Wire Cures (-1132111 j1 gi SYPHILIS ro I a g inany y g W CATABRH. y IT W t ECZEMA, OLD a. PLXS, BOILS, i IJlJ ' S? SKIN C H W S dis as .g .p x snoo'J Up to His Eyes in Books-Cooper&ff GoThe Reftaaal to ConfirmTAtmrav rr-rr-' TTKB'i slaT and! iPer-t sonal Dots. "" , ; - j !tc WA8HTNGTON. D. 0 ADril 4. fblOtlftV- .ajmneia, wno nas Deen quarcerea ac the National Hotel most of the winter, has rfimnAdTinfl taken rnnmn a.r.'NV. ftit E street, N. W. Thither I went th other niRnt, ana louna Mr. Arm Held to the middle of a formidable array of books; loolywgfltlipuj?li ii, were in a rifle pit. TheTtobti wtreitf eVeTT stairo of nrr paration. Some were assorted otife.- nt.hflrs wfirA franlrftfi anri anmhVKftvV1 reached the advanced stage of addrsk: xnere muse nave Deen a wacron ioad altogether, and Mr. jA.rm field said henad ant tJ fail 0d6tituent3.: ri tfrlftM fVnri. mnb ante ject to another, and finally touched upon 4-1, anAAwaVM anna . n n U . AU . 1 L a has taken such an active Dart He was. of course, highly elaled at Cobpera rlftfeaf.. savino that he roftrlo1 ItlHfib light of a State blessing, relieving it,' as it would, of an officer who, being trained nn in tho 4 ntt ohrwrvl rf rwlitia ttrv..! doubtless followjn toejoptatopaor BpTpected to' dispose of their'present stocks it1riaf.inr.iia rwrtjtTXM-iAria'rJibSMiifft&tih ivnviilnrJwi In nt.ventted' thdremark thatthi think mg aDd law-abiding people of the.State kvo ui mui nuu uio owimjb oenators a hearty support in their fight for official Duration -Yea i " said h Pufmcu?Da-, . x.e.8' Sai.a.fie .an .we nave me sausiacuon or Knewincr thatr it was not a. nartviflffht merelvt ft wl a flghl tfiatenliae Jympath tne Detter class oi uepublicans, too. J. have now in mv possession lettera fYiStrV T- v. . k. - . iwjpuoiicans wno stana mgn in 'tneir party s council, approving of my opposir tion. If I were at liberty to crive names.. which I am not. I could eriva von f,h names of at least a half dozen men, now holding positions under Mott, who i ;a a . . nave written me, saying tnat (Jooper was ndt.thernrnrfir klnd'of a. man to hold the position, of collector." ; "What do vhn think rtf t,hrtmnr thaf opposition to Cooper's confirmation Kta TX7i f V1ro nrn U "i Deneve it a mere rumor, and nom ine else. I have heard it said that if an investigating 'committee would be al lowed, (iooner nnnld he nnnHrmeH hnt. T do not think he could be. A number of Republican Senators, as you know.iwere opposed .to hipi. and are. still. -t Jhe fact thatRaam played "double has dissatis fied both the Grant and Sherman ele ments, especially the former, and his DrinciDle ODD09ition in "Radii hi ian Mr. cles came from the Grant winer of the party, , I can, jse.eUUlMLJto gain by compromising with an enemy alter you have whipped him i if ertmnrnraisn in ever desirable, it is before thei battle." ? As I left, Mr. Armfidld again attacked the mass nr hnnlrs nnrf Vivthta iimo nn doubt, thev are making rhA-trinil moo. senger swear sideways. as tne matter is or importance I en close a full report of the committee re- buildings at .Asheville and Greensboro, Asheville. N. C- is in the western district of North Carolina., the State beine divided into two judicial districts. eastern and western. 1SThei PODOlation is somet&bflr over 8,00a Two district courts .are held yearly, with occasional special terms. and also sessions of the circuit court as business requires. The business trans acted by the courts is very large. At some sessions of the courts l.ooo suits. civil and criminal, are found on the docket. At present the court is held in the county court house, and there is not sufficient room for the. various Officers transacting the public business. About 30 counties in Western North Carolina attend these terms of the United States court. The town is a business point of great interest, dealing with six or seven PAiintmq In thn vintnttrt aKn. U jl UD TIVIUIKJ, XIICIO niOl snma on atnroa norf of miiinh H-. n,hnin I saie Dusiness, nve large hotels, four to bacco factories, a female college, and various hicrh schools and araiipmiea It is in the. midst of one of the finest tobacco-growing regions in the world, oroducinir the fine trnld leaf tnhafnrt at. tensively used for wrappers. The plant ers ship annually millions of pounds in the leaf, which is anlil in thnirarinni markets in the country, thus navinc n 4arge revenue into the United States Treasury. The postoffice is one of crreat imnortr ance, the money order business being nexfiintol!ime to the largest money order office in the State. The rent paid by the government for a court house,. nnstnffinA and nther nnhlir nfftnaa nrall justify the government in putting' up a (ka n n -F. fV n a, . . n n - H..LI. J uments. That, the Slefrat.an rf tho TrMonni hbe, and if hereby;; autborJzatd dK I -rectedto purchase a site Ydr, and anse. I to be erected thereon, a suitahle hnilr.. ing, with fire-proof vaults therein, for tne accommodation of the - United states courts, postomce, and other gov ernment offices. at the citv nf Oreenn. boro, North Carolina. The plans, spe cifications, and full estimates for said hnildino nhall Yk nrevinnnlv maAaanA approved; according t9 lair, and shall not exceeu; iot r ins site i ana ouuaine jt)leU the siim of fifty, thohgand dof iritli 11 t ; i-iii s 'rovided, That the site shall leave a a. J . : lirTf ' n .tr LMaVCU', iunb bue SIR BUail leave 1 the hnilriinff nnevnnsed trt dancer frtm I fire from adiacant buildinca hv an nrien t space of not less than forty feet, in eluding-Streets 'find ;; alleys and no tndney -apT)r6ptiatea for tlnstirpose shall be available until a valid title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of North Carotlna shall have ceded to the United States exclusive iurisdic- tion over the same, during the time te unuea otaies snau oe or remain own JfljiiBrs thereof, lor all toUf poses except tbe-f I Administration nf the (riminal lawa f I said State and the service of civil pfo-1 cess therein. ' ; A maii hessenger8etvice has been uiuoicu cBwtuusuou xiuui manning. Clarendon county, to Central Railrofcd Clarendon county, to Central Railrotd Company, S. C, as often as reguired. . The Jostofiice at? LawaonviU.-RnWlr. Ingham county, N. C, has been discoTU tinued : mail to Reidsville. .iM A new office has been established at Rippetoe, N. CV with David A. Griffiti as postmaster; also at Polenta, N. C., with W. M. Saunders as postmaster. ; The commission of Geo. W. THrksrsn. as rx)tmaster: at Branchy Ule, S, hka ..1 1 ' wa-uva w vuwiiys ton-Branch Branch ville fn Animato xiuulii ft ill 11 1 mnm nig txi nor or. imoiau) uni Tk i .Tri xi. . h . . " i xriuicu lnKSTiue to uamaen. x roi April 1,1882, omit both branches, th navinsr Deen mane genarate rnntec. der No. 14017 and 14018. aBranchville to Augusta. Prom April 1 1. J.BSZ. to j una SU. : IKK. aervinA Trn A3raQcnvi9, py inrfinnejiiatcibffi( aDiuu, ms. . loouin - Carolina 1 K.B,) . . I H. Tuesdays and Saturdays at Um1 aOviitrQ i Vyuu wty uoro uv o n. m. Aa-eave tort 1 . . Conwavhrtrn Mrmrfavs and tiVtfiotra t t 1 I . m.i"ATrtvelit Marioir C ffi fey . p.'apri i lJ.tr pud wtfuawira n uoon containinK tto legBAdsite Cents,f in white Rf r. 1 1 ,vrr- rr- rr TTi us m . i tr : rvM- wn in ui i .Jugrtaat & i a. , 'tappew'Miv WWDf BURmtaw," en- scamp is ebocIatt3 browmnJ o.'.; . C.....J i f ' Thi flvtB-Cftnt fcUmps now ' tfa usa are wguiwiuwi cases equaitj- wiw m nADi7 ADM ll ilWl -. . J-ki. l(ii.;i,f,-,i i .ft'll Stamps 6t the pwsent issue dust b6t the public wlth'thy new, And 4a. no odse for individtialni'lir tai raturrf latidmnA f.n the' dfcnflrtrtiftftt. tAn tsna-rmi Ar vol atwnt Wia sattitime tbeifi3ueof nw' A.. Mi - 4. - J. , 4 1.- place of -thte- of -like denomination enVfilonfl Riamn-arill ha-, .inmAnhot similar in design to the.neadhesiw AiKLUi ttuuu rhuih I'tiirin : ' I fiH Hnnna v 141 uh uyai. , jrosiiinaatBra. WU1 Joe ex I before offering the near: one for sale. I :; vwststtviATn-FsL 1 , aA Unoloo who hoKMrtl,..(ini t I v 5caies,wn0 naa neeir eonflned to his room for seral weekf wjtjfe rheu- J matiam. was ahl t.n W At ST?tia tt .?ovvaJ iJVJ? $J2$ House, f-. of the Greenahorn Vnrth fit i a man. ; tioned in, connection with the position of solicitorof the Treasury. ; Messrs. . W: Thurston, A. 3. Galle 1 nav: anrl iT. Ul. Whlfn! oiLVnnmn JTorth Carolinians, were in: the city Senator "Vatine haa j.ton & olinrf to- spite to visit Raleigh on conrtbtiBiness. A Patent: for j h nntttn "nlanrjof anrl guano dUtribntor combined,- has beeii Kfwiwxir m jjeqjamin Morgan; oi Greenville, SIC. Picktp.- A Reniniscenetf of Franklin J. Moses, Cor. Baiomora Sun, " . ,, Washington, April 4. The recent arrest of .I. Mnsfta .Tr ov.fi i -r - r wvwj v W A VAtiV .of the State of South Carol iua, in New xorK, on account of swindliiig; recalls one of his outictiiuns in Wj4ahi1.fr ton from the effects of which the authori ties of South Carolina are low striving hard to be released. In 1869 Moses came" to Washington as adjutant-general of South Carolina, with a requisition from JL K. Scott, the then carpet-bag Gover nor, for the quota of arms due the State under the act of 1S0S. The accrued amount due the State at that time was $8,708. This was too small an amount for a margin of pickings and stealings satisfactorv to the enthusi.iat.if nature of Moses. He went to President Grant J 11 m T r - . anu necreiary or- war itawlings and . . lc"llul ftwiuLo ui iii3 perns tin miuumg ine carpeiroag state govern meui, ana uie importance of arming l. It!.:., a . " iiiB iuiiiuh to preserve peace ana secure order and tranauilitv at the next -le. tion. There was no militia at the time oeyonaa rew disorganized negro com panies scattered throughout the State. Yet on such --representations President viiuLiuu me secretary oi war permit ted Moses to draw lfioon S muskets, with a full set of infantry ac coutreme&ts, valued at 3124,000, or more than the quota of the State for thirty years Jto come. The action of President Grant and of the Secretary of War was - ciwtr a vioiauon or me law as was ever committed. Moses and Scott dis tributed a few hnndred of thene arms to the negroes and disposed of the bal- J A. .It . . uce anu put me money m ineir pock ets. Probably between them and their coadjutors a cool $100,000 was divided from. this . operation. A bill is now 1 DendinC in the HnnsA nf Tta-nrenen t.a from thw operation. A bill is now f. D. 7 . lives, with a favorable renort from the committee on military affairs, to relieve 1L. (Til. a. a, ri a. ... mo ouite or ooum uaronna rrom tnis debt nniustlv out nnon her. Unless the bill passes it will be twenty years more uoiuie ouuty vsruiiiiiA can receive any arms irom me general government un aer me act or. ltjoij. Exports for the Month. Wilmington Star. . Below we trive A statement nf the fnr. C v.. j. v. .aw ..aau VJ.HU& IIIIJJJIUK' toft for the-montbrof Marcitjast -dosed, "1 3 , M avm . as compuea rrom toe dooks at me cus Pttnn jL99.fl halea Tuolrrhinr- Q MV7 S1?VI1THTC nri 1nf1 aft ttO9A0A9 xvuaiu nuu lurueuum. 4o,iiio uarreis, . . a v.nan. vamea ac ?tiui,yoa. Tar and Pitch-li barrels, valued at $23. - . ; . . Spirits Turpentine 11 1(520 cr&llons. valued at $56,452. C- . I - Lumber 804,000 feetTalued at $14,- .902. .... - - 1 11-' IAn AAA il.i 1 'A J dMA. oningies iouuu, vaiuea ai 1,100. 1LC i s.kll tanantia. Uolna At ill. Total valuation of foreign exports for tne montn hjui. un American ves sels $1269; on foreign vessels, $387, 632. ' - - The Bakersliops Flooded. Morgan City, La- April 6. The bakers hafe .ofeen compelled: to stop baking, the last oven. '. been closed. I -K vn1m baking, the water having reached the Alio lu at net uouae liivt tuso uneetall has been oyeaed uwuwuscu' unaouutucv in the railway denoL ' " "V i . , Tibm lrsaal Bxrprlnc. '- . . I i s iCampoeii' scceef . ,. Kew 0fleatu,'lAr March 16th, 1881. T . H. B. Warner 4- Co. : Sirs t know irom per- nuu expenenee uxba your, -two juoney ana i.iver PlIU I.. n aMU.,1 . kf . .1 1 11 . allMaaJl. . VtaUO 10 O VII VliiTUUlt. 11 TCI UlUaUUilaJ. : Lydia E.Ptnkhaa'8 Yegetable wmpomid Is a- RHiuwu-auui. xemeay tvx air inose painiui cow V,l f f, tai Anal UfltniAa . A ' ala.av.Waf... M Am W, aif female population.. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink- ham. fna WAAlAm Imdm T.rnn. Masa.. "for pamphlets. f ' - rl lie dv-itl t)i '.mm i r -. r 1 ; o sjlh . 1 '.. '13;'iU ,YTi' KO!T.SS THra saO So bA-i JHSitAf i.U J--1 ' "Miwi a nu nw. 14 mm' ' ! 3 Just &eelved, it(. "iii OlBlTOA -triCHT. m ffoow'fTf-ef' ' Saratoga Springs, N. T. sembling the Imported Tichy, a new water aan an fVsde Becommended very bighiy as oathartle and al- i. : ,MMw 631 of arspepsla. 'i,J' - ALSO, ' ' g CiSES CONGBESS WATEB, f? ; Q Cases bock bbidge alum, . ! , JQ CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. . And a fun supply of IMPORTED APOttlNARIS ASH . .HnoyadiJanos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! " - JJliNYADJ JJlNOS. THJ NATUBAL APERIENT, i AS ACATHABTIC: Itoiat A wine glass full before breakfast. Pita JaUayrf "TTnn v.ir Tt.Ia.Sia. T. -r i.u at tens that its richness to aperient salts surpasses that of all other known watera." The British flfedical Journal "BunjMU Janes. Tn mOHtAfrAnAhlA aat.tat naa, t aperient water." Prof. Vcrehow, Berlin. 'Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." JUTD1r RmiTwMaVaM Vlanna 1 IT V A . these writers with remarkable success." mf. Lander Bnmton, 3L ZJ, F. R. 8., London. ttemln ecy? v BurpaB8e8 PMi' iJPj R- Bo MUitary Hos pltalNetley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled AchshalL" JOHN II. McADKN, Importing and j-lsrer.8lr.g Pharmacist CHABLOTTE, North Ttyon Bt, N.C. DON'T GO TO SARAT0G.V When TOU can e&t watPr 1nat na fraaV. or.d oTfb-- a J uvdu BUU OtQi ZJk- ims as when ft nova from rhA snrincr at qh-qtao We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as scon as emptied to be refilled again every week. JH. Mcaden, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by -experienced and competent druggists, day Qr Dltdht. July28 Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be undfsr the ex- Pint: f tftk iTnaa. 11 ' . . A. . u ,1 inSiA . " itUU C"1'! 01 UEK b,KA L3 G "tiuiHMuuu HX1U 0 1 IUA Jl, A. KAKLY. A SPLENDID 0PP0B.I o .. TO WIN A F0BTUNB F0UBTH (.BAND PLSTH1- dujiuji.IjLAMIJ, AT MW URLKlNS . TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1S82. lra MONTHLY DBA WING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leels- uwiuu uukiui nuu iuHruaDie DurDoses with a capital of 81, 000.000-to which a reserve fund of $650,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise MiiMw a. pan or ine present state Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBEB Drawings will uuie piace monuuy. It never scales or postpones. Look at the t&Dow uits uuinouBon : CAPITAL PRIZE, 830X00. lOU.UOO Tickets at Two Dollsrs Each. Half aLicneia, odd uoiiar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize... 830,000 1 CanltiO PriM 1 Capital Prize.... 2 Prizes of 82,600 5 Prizes of 1.000 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prize of 100. 200 Prizes-of 50. 10,000 . 5.000 5,000 . 5,000 i 10,000 . 10.OOO 500 Prizes of 20 in'onn 10,000 j.u iij.ooo Ai-i-KUXJMATION PHI7.KR. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300... . 82 700 -' -ja"aama.vu l Jura VI 23TJI... . 1 Ul 9. ApproxlmaUoq Prizes of 100.;. :.:.. JB00 1857 ft sec, amoanting to.. 8H0.40C ivi "ucrai Waiipnsauon win oe paid. jror-iurtHer lnrormafinn hi-o niao.i. .n Wtter, or Money Oraer by mall, addressed only to Van Hplnnnn T a or M. A. DAUPHIN. 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Pis., or M. A. DAUPHIN. 607 Seventh strett, Washington, D. a The New York office is removed to Chlcaeo. N. B-i OrdfiTN addMMAlt tn rVai. rwi.m,. . -vaa. W11VUUO T.111 1 17 wji": iiivuiiii oUaOiiuou. . t J aMaaaa.' ' ' Tntt nnmmlsw nt tAntlnn nf flu Dnhii t a.7iTV . " la nuica w uio luui iuo enure numver 01 the Tickets ior eacn onmiy orawing is sold, and conse- vjucniajr 011 mo uiutss in cacnarawing are sold and drawn and paid. M.a.fl POPULAR MONTHLY DBA WING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1882. a.a wv waHiiaaaa wawua .X... Ull lkaaaWaJ.UajO CaaWWCyi.- edl under nmvislons of an Aet nf thn AnAra1 la- sembly of Kentecky. - The United States Circuit Court on- l wjb 31 . rendered the following decisions s ; , ,. ; 1 10 a ii t me tiomnKnwaiui visaiDunoxi Com- pacy Is legal. . ad r I3u xiaa uAawuiB iuq laii . Th Cnmtwutv has now on hunil I an a mum fond. .Bead the list of prizes.for the : APRIL DBA WING. v .1 Frize. . 1 Prize,..- 1 Prize,...,.; 930,000 10,000 i 5,000 A J XlaUWOf iPliUUU CUUl,. SOPrtzes. ,..500. each.. 10,000 10,000 100 Prizes,, ,100 each,., 0,000 zoo afflzes, ' ' oe each, SnO Prizes.- 90 fuinh. ,V00 42f 10,1 ,000 ,000 1000 Prizes. . 10 each. u vtuAA. .............. lUiOvU' 0 PrtisM. ft Unfit rh ATnrmlinalliin riiimin taa ,9 ftazea, 100 .r . " "1900 BeiBtt Mftnflv OV 1 Baslr- rjmft tn - XJtr, i wmr I -by .Express, t, .DON'T SEND; BT REGISTERED LKTTEB D POBTOFFICX UBDEB. Orders Of $5 and uiJwatA, by. Expyeaa, can besebt atsar ex. i hv. . , a,",'.- - . T 1. aJ .51 fT,bBa,tesidejBWofi;Cto wa!k)th PuWlfiauaje. Also f .til x itrgct Tribuiu twvuuiuws rur- uuu-uiui interest in two jtsnoK r ! (VlttntTAta An Mint BtMiiBt inrf An. A. 3 Ittbrse.HofgyandHamfisa., Apptyto mar3atr. .V;J.; . . A. H. C8B3WJB1L. JtlclwOTiore Mm TaAiNs eomo xast. Da, February 19th, 1882. No 61 Daily. No. 58 Dailv. Leave Charlotte, .... n$$lrnii '"' Arrtre Greensboro..". V." Arrive Durham- j. . Arrive Baleigh, . .'. ... " Leave. Balelgh. ..!..:." Arrive Goldsboro'.... a 66 a ui fi.KI A m 06uuim .8.51 7.20 a m iu.44 p re - 8.00 am ti.zupm 8.25 am 1 1.04 am 1 1.48 am 1.15 pm 1.40 pm No. 17-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. Arrive at BallKh, Arrive at Goldeboro, BOOpm 8.04 a m 8.00 am fVn. Kl PAVIVlAAAr. aTh A t t u ""cv-l wreensDoro' with BAD. mlngton. ".aw a. h. for Ho. 3!nnnAAfci n oikl ... North. Kaaf to" for a;l points TRAIN8 GOING WKST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro,, . 10.20 am 12.40 pui 4 10 pm 5 28 p m 6.07 pm 8.60 pm MlOpm 9.43 pm arrive uaieigh Leave Baleigh Arrive Durham.... Arrive Hlilsboro ... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,. Arrive Hie-h Pnint 7 25 a ni 806am AlTJve Sal1shnr Arrive C e " .". No. 1 8-Datly except Sunday, Leave Go'dsboro!.. Arrive at Baleigh, . . w Leave Raleigh...... Arrive Greensboro, Nn Kf ra, . a. . . . ' utheast " ?' K B aU 1)01018 eorxth aQt- r . wuueem at unariotte with a f. Itoutteift. ' U A a " ""Hi .M W. X. C. It A I LROi I. 6QIKQ WEST. NO. 50 nallv Leave Greensboro..: nan P m nvo Ji-erqersvuie t n iTJ ' 112o pm NXL 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro a on . Arrive Kernersvllle .V" o ?? ? m Arrive Salem tivH? A J A 9J a ui OOINS EAST. NO 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave flalnm k WaartM, TT m .' 5.15 am ai.ro ivemersvi ie kra: Arrive ureensboro ; ; ; ; fffi NO. 58- Daily. Leave Salem a onr. Arrive Kernersvilie e VX 5? Amve Greensboro Sffigs "TATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No 1, Pailv GOING NOBTH. ex Sunday. Leave Chapel Hill,.... Arrive University,... Arrive Ha elgti 71.0 a m 8 20 a I0.J5 a No. 2, Daly ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave Ralt-liih, .. Arrive Urflverilty.. Arrive Chapei Hill, h ao p 5. 1 5 p 6 15 Dm Pfc Sleeping Gars Without mm On Train No. 50. Not. v L r!S?5i? DtnvLle' au txtweirGreeboro and On i Train No. 52, blchdWd and Chariot e and Washington and Chariot e cia D.tnviiie. n??1101! Tlc,kets' n sale at Greensboro'. Ra.elKh, uo.dsboro'. Salisbury and Uharlotte. and all piinclpal points South. Southwest. West. North lioat, - i AaUiigraiu tt-.'ites to Loufsiana Tex as, Arkansas and the cjoutbwest. address, A P PE . 00 General Passeneer Agent HlchMond, Va. RICHiVIOND & DANVILLE R.R PASSEZfGEE DEPARTMENT. On and after Mumh Kfh leao tk r"JtSR lhe Atlanta & i.Wlotie A -"" ui uiu ruiiu hui oe as roilows: Mail and Kxpres. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mail. No 52. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Gas-tonia, L Arrive Spartanburg K '. Arrive Greenville, fl Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainseville Arrive Atlanta 12.40 am 1.35 a m 4.04 a m 5.32 a m 7.15 a dd 8.28 a m 9.32 a m 10.18 am 10.51 am 1.40 pm 11.05am 12.02 pm 235 p m 4.09 pm 5.54 p m 7 0S n m 8.00 p m 8.43 pm 9.15 pm 12.05 a m "TTail and EASTWARD. Express No. 51. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta. Arrive Galnesvil e Arrive Luia, K Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrivn Tmvaia V 2.15 pm 4 54 m 52rt m 6 22 p m 7.06 p m 8.24 p ro 10.08 pm 11.40 p m 2.06 a m 3 15 am 5.00 a m 741 a m 8.32 a m 9.14 am 10.07 am Arrive Seneca, Q. . . 11.21 am Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive (ijjfnntji T. 1.27 pm 2.59 p m 5,11 pm 6.00 pm Arrive Charlotte, M . " CONNECTIONS. .A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and W. P Railroads. B with Rrnnni? trains nt 3annla r.nti a W. P. and W. & A BMlroada. ""a" C With RTTlVlno- trains nf (.nnmla Dnllwvn a4 E With NorthftaWtPm Rallrnarl nf Runni. I. frnm AthdnVTf. .wauu IVU1 AtJ4tyUO VlCaW - F with Elberton Alr-Llne to and from ETberton. Georgia. u with Columbia and Greenville to and from uviuuiuia auu vnanesron, a. u. H with ( Villi m hiu finai aoannlll. .a . Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K wlth Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan- uuu aoucTiun, auu aUBluu una uoiumDia. . L with i Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and rtV.lrt Tkollna and l.aa,A. " .a.. M With C C A A., f! C. T At n onal 1 T l.n for all points West, North and East. ' .ruiiman sieeping-car service on trains Nos. 60 unci n I nm t ariynfiiir aihinoai haim.H i a, a a -1- ""-vu ...iTaiiftP UC.YTCCll ALimiUl 4UU G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. B. Talcott, General Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 G., C. & A. E. R. CO. CONDENSED SOHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. " --Train Train No. 62. No. 48, , Pa38eng'r Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte,. . . i i.bq am Arrive Bock Hill, 12.35 p m Arrive Chester 1.28 p m Arrive Wlnnsboro 2.50pm ... '" Arrive Columbia, 4.18pm . Leave Columbia. 4.25 p m ' 6.45 a m Arrive Lexington, 5.12 pm 6 87am Arrive Granltevilie. 7.40 pm 9.12 am lEtllLAgg 8.40pm 952atn Train Train No. 18, No. 20, ' Freight Freight Leave Charlotte 5.40am 5.40pm AKTOBock Hm 8.03 a 7.82 pm ArrJ" Chester. 9.B0 a m 9.03 p & Arrive Whinsbpro,... 12.55pm 11.17 pm Arrive Columbia 5.05 pm 2. 18 am Leave Columbia,. a.40 a to Arrive Lexington,. 340am Arrive Ridge Spring. .; . .sffi , Arrive Granltevilie, 7.54 a tn ArrWe-AngiMta,. .. . . .j 9.80atn awtauji va, iffui muiuocui IU JOiumDia Willi tha R C. R: ft. fn. rThaKMfarm! . v. f, r fa n iT .T. T,-." 1 u v. x. u. a. j. iur a-usiuu, jxewDeny. ADDevuie, &c , At Augusta' wfth'Oenttal Gep,hv B.' B for Macon. ifaui ay. uaaij-uonnects at Augusts with Q9 Georgia B. B, and Central- Geerg aTfor Mpon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. . j dar! local, daily eo, laah i rum mn -oiirn iitvim or t senger. dally, atfi.85 p. m. Freight -oato exoteBt Sunday, at &42 a. m. and 4.45 p. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO DIVISION: Train No. 68. bally, " . ill LaajaiChariotte..,. . ., Arrive at Statessllle. .... ...BOOpitt Tralna62:iteUv ' T Leave Statosville,. . . 8";s 1 'TliViM'nIif A all nnf nfa Onntt. ' Oa,lvn.v. j- Bnt.rhnK.afc- .urut nnotruBtk : luaXui tKia.ni. r.v lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, T- a. m. . AALwrr, eu'i passenger Agent ' (Galnmbla.&Cl. Maih it taaa ' pm m 'jot Wfl - -AL?0- GENUINE Kaioitt, or Gcmiao Potash Salts. CALL AND 8EI VS. LlU&k. 7 College Street mar7 I HAVE JUST RECEIVED -A LOT 0F- n AND m m in m Bfi tH ATI.AWA Al HUlf.AIIKI.. PHM SIZF, ..- Can Un4B.-u ii marS EXTRA We have Just received and oiler lor a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decoration. 56 pieces,1 $10. 00, worth 815.00. EXTRA FINE TEA KTTS, goW, bird aid flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, $12.50, worth $18.00, P0BCELIAN TEA 8BTTS, plain white, very nice. 44 piece, $5.00. PORCELAINE DINNER SETTS, ir7 pieces, for $15.00; decorated. 180 p eces, for $35.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior Quality, complete with shades, at $1,00, worth $2 0. All Other Goods Jd Proportion. iW WHOLESALE and RETAIL. JJ Respectfully, J. Brookield & Co. febl9 Telephones! Telephones ! TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE -AKD Telfgrph Companj, lathe -r-SOLE LICENSEE -of the limim Ml Telephone- Company For snpiJlylng Telephones in the States of Vintlnla. West Virginia, (south of the &AO.R B..) Nortli Carolina. South Carolina, Florida and Alaba . PRIVATE LINES 0btjQciri;aal9t ttlepbonas ud rented For par Iculars address UUVTUEKN BaCLL TELKPHONS fobll ebdfetn 105 Broadway. New York. 73 F. C MTJNZLER ipanys it Beer, i'-'.ilu-;a.s-.il 5.:.: X.li.- QEIt A 8PtCALTi. jfegMiW W mail lot eJ bottlkd WfcWflKo I offer to the public at tea1! j- - 'V-S"4 r . niU' V. amUil AlialaVa., f tBoxa55, Chattoae. ii -liD ,1Mta wn Supr GUANO. Equitable To Merehants. nr win ' A . A Paper Dm ohn R. Eilins. 1 .'' 'i.dl-:a.r.il i.:.- m: tali JHaTiUBt ALland P6ai a jeasopable jan mbr28

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