' 3 , Ash poiyiTgmdhe fish f ot the 1 XDIDKD AT.TTV in Inn BnTBIU UT.aB Mass. Th-gfW!tTonlc and alterative, contains BatDTORTl AT.mr in Inr Bnrmu Vials I .iE lvA.A-jl t j , ij . . T!55??'aaaafc-. ;9WIbTW,ti,rEWre ahin .13 .RflOl -VWtt lit -OVUlBOQ 9tli eoi BTOlffHb -WJ ,7.11 -irmflj , -rHKllilI ,i 9Lbii9H 10 jtBll 1Ul t1 3 'X'.'-illl Jou 101 -jlnhl (tit UMlt Stl l !li'..M ICii IK) 1111(1 Unin -nt V 1 1 : ! l: 1 "!; Hi' s; i.; 2 IQhSlts Reeds, 390 en Tonarue s, 8TSTOP8, Walnut or Eb-nised Case, 6 Octaves,: oot flates, TO ENORMOUS SUCCESS. Sates over 1000 a .licfltUCi omaiwl inromurimr. W Eactorv wota-IDO- 1A ana fowl Hlsoif!ftIflmQtlKtaliStH In"TO oraers .-. "-(.irf .V.ITAaUAILJHTaf J . . j i- 1 . . L It p. m. tl Free Coach with polite attduita muWWrttt-alniu Other $OU, 0, SOU Up. 1 UUltHWITWJ aiw WJIIUW. 1 UCU ULMU Jirsey (KxtnMlnhed 18eU. BEER, 250. gallons ol a de ns temperance your" druggist, or sent by u. Jt. U1KM, tla. Ave., Philadelphia. REWARD! for any case ol Blind Bleeding, Itcning, Ulcerated, or frotrudlng PILKS that DeBlNG'3 falls to cure, prepared by J. P. Ine without bis signature. Send for old by druggists and country stores. SI. BQLD MEDAL AWARDED ar. A noirand great Med- the A nthar. A nairand stvat ical Work, warranted tua best and cheapest, indispensable to every rcan,eDtitled "the Science of life or, So If-Preservation bound in finest Frenah maslin, embossed, fall gilt,300 ppwcontainsbeaatifnl steel engravinss, 126 preecrip tiooa, pnee only $1.25 sent by mail . iilaatrated sample, 6oents; end now.Addrees PeabodrMed. V il Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR. BiiLI .KEE, Na 4 Bulfinch st. Boston, LAND PATENT PENSION ATTORNEYS Laud Patents obtained, and special attention given to contested Pre-emption, Homestead, Mineral and Timber Culture Entries. Highest price paid for Land Warrants and Scrip of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dis abled in line of duty. Pensions increased If rated too low. Bounty, back pay and new discharges ob tained. Send two 3c stamps for blanks and "Cir cular Information." Address. STOOD ART &. CO , 413 Q Bt. N. W , WasMngton, D. C, GEORGE PAGE & CO. Manufacturers ot . Patent Portable Circular SAW HULLS Also statUBuy ua roruus STEAM ENGINES 5 "S. SCHE0EDZR ST. BALTIMORE, HD. Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, Shingle Mills, Circular Saws, MillSnppllesjBto. TANITE EMERY WHL8 and GHINOINQ MACHINERY. Send for Catalogue. Agricultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST & CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS. Dim niwn i imchmwi ALSO .Send lor circular FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C. mar21 d&w4w NEW LAUNDRY! HAVING ESTABLISHED A KKW STEAM LAUNDRY In CH1RL0TTE, we will shortly send by mafl to all the citizens in the place OUR PRICE LISTS, and will be pleased to make special arrangements with families, and If those wishing to make such arrangements will notify us we will call on them In person. It Is our Intention to do work in a SUPERIOR MANNER, And we respectfully solicit the public to give us a trial. All work DONE PROMPTLY, and Ladles' Oarmente will be handled by lady assistants only. THE IiAlTNDRY Will be in constant operation, no delay in doing work. and there will be Information furnished on application. L. HAYMANN & CO. mar30 tf ' ' OLD MAKES Lookina MADE BIT es DOBBlUS' ELECTRIC ' Scouring' POLISH ASrC YOUR lWln the World. mm tOKMl)IHlY J? 8, SP.ENCER & CO and FlEtitts BROS.; Charlotte, N, C L1HE! LIHE! LIQE ! j-a. -aai?aTUAL kiln we are now prepared to FILl, ORDERS PROItlPTttr,1"'' ..8h0Snotk!e'Rn1 at. prices that dfefy comDeH-' We have an agency In 'Charlotta of a r e rssr vefflo?? isa renceBstoquautyotiuWgiven onappl, cauia ' ;, 8)N BHOTHER8V I rnarT-Sm - .GaffneyTOc.; cq j;iiJ oi.f iwixi '! i TJcnwwn Co SftDDLETOWir, COS'X"- 75tbDS Metal fh,t-srtb HwsryActlon, rrrrm v" OWHktJCTjtBiO y. on Urarans H SB-- siij bps till Vnr it nn.rtr of a eentnrr or more HostetA Stomach BUtera has been the retolng specific for pDrfyfj3fflfe otheTdS orderF aralDost emp&aUcally indorsed, by medical men as a health and strength restora tive. 4Wunteraaienar)cr. to premaiuro uo- cay Okbdustal&Kand coralora the agea ana nrm. y FOB SA-py ALL DRUejSISTS ANDDEALISRS uKNJUALiiI. , aprl l ' ( . UA I i M HP'' WE INVIfEE. i YOUR attention to Johnston's Patent Standard Dry Sized JCalsomlne and fresco Paints, knowing that they meet the wants ot Painters, Housekeepers and others througnout the country. They are carefully urepaied from the fineat select ed raw materials; all - of the ingredients am thoroughly Incorporated, nnd they -are onerean sale in a finely pulverized condition- slmplrr aulring to be mixed with water, to ot tnem ior use. They are made of the PUREST WHITE, and In graduations of all .the leading an, fashionable Tints, Shades and Colors; thus adaptlni? them to all tastes and uses. The advantsgsa of our pre parations are manifold. , They are ready for Immediate use, requiring ne experiment whatever, as the color and quaifty are determined before they go Into the handsot the consumer. THEY CAN BE MIXBD and USED RY ANY ONE. They can be applied with the greatest ease and,. faMiiiv. and when drv will nresent a smooth, rtctt and eveH surface, which will not rub or scale front the wall. -t . If used according, to directions, they will work well upon an absorbent surface; hence the neces sity as heretofore, of preparing walls to stop their suction, (except in extreme cases,) Is overcome. They will save the waste of materials and loss of time common with the old mode of mixing to produce desirable" tints, etc. They will keep for years, without change In col or or quality. They are the only cheap and avail able preparations for the purpos4n the market. A full assortment of color, at : WILSON 4 BURWELL'S apr5 Drug Store. lew Furiiri I CONS tlTL:Y COMIIfQillt. i WHICH I WILL SELL, CHEAP FOR i CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. E, AT WHITE Of,' O feb'21 Cures. SYPHILIS In any v stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD 80BES.PI PLES, BOILS. ANY SEI ; DIB A'S . CURES WHEN ALL OTHEB .BEMEDIES JPAIL!!! If you doubt, coma to see us, and we wim .... .,,WX m-tT -n it ,UjDichrCTTiloxUlniJl WrrWttt paWotlltai, tftfu wtrbf the little 1 "Mess&ga, torjnjfttmi Aak any pnralBeatUMeglBtristo our Standlig. Etf-$1000 REWABn wlirbe'paldto any chemist who wui find on anaiyste'Of. X 1UU bottles ot S. S. 8. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or nuj in moitti Buusuuice. HUCX SPEfflWJL Price of 8mall Size, Large Size , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. decSl 7i n nt a GO. 'wtfl man their' Cat-. losra tor . 1 Htt. fall dMcrlnMn YA :e'- Ust of Xlower, lield and Garden BoTba, Ornamsmtal GrMses. and - Immartfltlas niaHii. XAUes, Boms, Plants, Garden ;t'f. P,OCHSTER.N.Y. V CHICAG0.1LL I vtt VARIETY STORE :A- tljlJ lo eAii'SEfi!j 10 .'.T 7U I wmar20toofi3e7dwn:: HOSIKRY, HOSE SUPPORTERS, GLOVES. 00 t VTTTIARK, GLASS WARE """i JrlvTUKH iRlirK nnA thufc. atWLmSiTrzs .n tr mm 3L STEEBEnnv. Under Traders National to&k. ar2r Vnr nnsrtsr nf . flflntnrr or mora Hoatet&t ' laj i ii .! wsiin. urn i IS i nni m 1 1 III si i i If il b 'A i i.i. , hit r tr k IE le 8HIBTTNH at a .nH l n.V Vvvumn. Respectfofly. fc. STAT NEWS. Greensboro Patriot: Only a I woaVh nam wfl chronicled the de; loajtcr ?l PVOIt JoOakIro. and fid mMrh4d HM&t-Wrr Charles,! wiJPi. was an employee on the Chester pan road, met with an accident by which he IrMAH a font hia lacr havinff been sm- nutated three inches below the kheeP J This is doubly sad as he was the hope A Cigarette factory is thenexaejf, A I 2 1 I enterprise ui viiocuowivj. ' JndffG Schenk has boueht the beanti- ful Ogburn aMidence, and will soottief come a citizen of Greensboro. iJf Raleigh News and Observer: Senator Vance and son will time at Ajrpca, as tfce g At; pel re KureivbeBn iWEKri-Mfni con nMSJifeiTersoril-tetI2ethbdiSt church during the prteacnt revival j A lad employed in the Brockweffik gun shop, on Salisbury street, yesteraai; again illustrated the old, story oJ&i wasn i loaaea, ov snooune muiii. xu sm .v-i-msjsr.iw smis. .-Kl 'rfmmU&me rascal who last winter stole so manv overcoats and other articles of clothing, and !bo was sent out to the workhouse by Jjudgtf Bennett, has made his escape. Hohe srot awav is not Known, dug scone db is, and jailor Jones has recieved a 1 from him. dated at Norlolk, in "Rd wards makes inauiries about Dr Wrhahas left. here. , All the artteleYffi7 vi n ami Att, iff Ara.ri ran avnTnT.vtfirn. unvr " a . I a 'J i il TltA.J VftLTA onment. I Asbeville Citizen : On Monday morn ing three passenger trains left the Asne ville depot at nearly the same hour, On their regularly appointed schedules, on three distinct branches of the Western North Carolina railroad; to writhe ia t ffawto mm wvetfttl ml Same hour.v This iasriDeratipas senger train on that branch and m&rks the oDemnsr of a errand era to us arid to the people west' of us, so long hopef uUy waitine almost aeainst hope, to see equal justice, dpne, to Jbat magnificent, negJected.faQfHlmOBtpaiown part of the State. It is extended to FijrdoU river 21 miles, and thence to Wajm.es.1 ville 10 miles farther. Communication is held by a line of stages. By Jan the road will be extended to .Uiatjpoiht" 'nossfolvttenl biles' farther.! SWffiattil I Bock trains will rxrw-juafrliQlW rand r-' - - - w .x -n r - , . the eaD or three-tourtns or a muei oe- tweenthat point and the end of. the Tennessee road will be closed when the bridge across the French Broad is fin ished. . ! Wilmineton Star: The committee "to solicit subscriptions for the Clintopt-'fip Point Caswell iiailroad are hard raC Txmr lr ngnvaefiinor I OSB1UK. ' -flu fCOTieaip mfqng winyi i ; Milton Chronicle: A lad of fifteen or sixteen years old, residing in this town, accidentally swallowed a six-penny nail on Friday last. He says it hurt him a little afc first, but he seems nat,tp A rifcrn hov was drowntd at Olat bom's ferry on Dan river Thursday lasW He was crossing the river in a s&ux when UAaolBDjroke.and Jie fell into tT w!liowli AulieWis eJekl ffi the M. & S. R. K. has given rise to t4 rumor to the effect that a lease of the property is contemplated. We are aJ know-nothing in this matter, although I the rumor has prevailed for two wetksi'f . A . 1 1 A? .iL!n A. AkA! 4 quite long enougn ior uumeuuiug cur roborative of the truth of the rumof to turn up. i Mr. Green Carter, a prominent plants er of this vicinity, has sant us a gourd iUreferkr: Jho. H. Nunnally of this county mr more on the cotton he raised last year than he did on his home crop of tobacocy He made over eleven hundred pounds ei cottonJaat jpar.and it, ,wjA a dry bad timfe fteit, jrocl aJU utzno&MorenQaa factory at Leaksville. He will make' more cotton this year. -tn Salisbury Examiner: An unsuccesi ful attempt was made last Sunday nigH: Shavex'sfaafer-Ti idtildJitf tttninl G f i 1 1 1 litis i J oa Vbllnf inftiDy ftl nfeldr4; were arrested and commiuea last i u?83a: day for violatios of the revenue law. They were arrested by M. L. Arey, apq tried before Commissioner J. Y. Bari' Mr. George Archenback, one of qnf most thrifty farmers, sold 14 car U8ome Wfh.,l v. in cn it M I Kill Ul II M . t irrna m enlrirMiaeCCji: tbiUfrf liid "lVo r loaasT'o hav. wbicn nroumit Banana u L aa ncy wk Huiuiuyjcai- j: i J i Mi4.A at a t ' ntinellXa t teain county has triple the number i rerim " . wJ4TWblislcarxiferjiife ariirebf uol Tom uooDer uasseu turuuicu umo on loofrSahnrrlav nn hill WAV noma IMffll v . . - - v . r . . r t vvasnincrr.nn. 44rDressea nimseii coiiKfri;a.i .u. rs-u-u. hdent that he would yei oe connrmBaja gn as Collector of his district. h onhg. nent American magazines and liter; iournals. Her next effort we learn, w be in book form and is already in tb Vi onla nf fho rnhliflhr 1 '1' Duharfant? ,Mt,.0rS. Carr aid Sheriff Blacknall have fitted up a poid onedlha will stock it with the choicest fish. west of the factory. Mr. Wilson tl Wilson Mills, is the contractor. Trie- tvamaa gM rrni r rr nn 1 V flnMalirAvli)nMinMilifThA work of mm w aceainvvBx track laying on the Midland N. C. Boadii: ia nrocrressmsr. The iron due down i of the best quality of steel rails. Tne instruction trains -ace .riopm up ;h is nofnt on the other side or the river. i A colored woman was brought heie insane Aysymm. xne woman nat arownea nercnua ana was on triai iqr-r, murder, but her insanity being clearlH ovc Tralalnrfi Vans and rthaorvAr- The MMIVlU V n t WUAW .v. A Oio.uu" nuuwBuviBiw.u "" "T I Mini nnn Taaolw tyfft Grantham, aheriff of WavrkTn twuii vwk sm ysisrsM.j convicts, ana j. js. uickins, aepuirf snenaoi uaiuax-county. conmDuwiirrwr,fTrriaTr one convict. i TT.i j i 1 1 1 : uuveruui auiueu b cwuuiuuu woo .AM.A-Brh.4- lmn ...f.. .nl tVao physicians apar&h ol further improvement, It is evideatPfaUJ01 w:u1 further improvement, that other attacks .are It JM5ZSt'BBO; ex. enotLzTi to inir SO car to the rxmtL About twohirda of the peach crop has been cut ofc by- the frost in thfe eountzusracrf irciibe Barmbnndancje-j of thm'TrfettrW4reeemption w have no more cold weather. Dr. Beall ilras "drained off his la arge ired tnct. enooirn w wxxTsTTxmas anow sur crrfaia eonnrr jm finftscion9.wfi 9 I forttiobertannrrieatinaiihinr -ol man oy cue name or bock, ac wor. in one of theHkfbrof the Hoovftr Tti OoUteinittlaina6lTlbiiaintvl waylay etoswiaway t idtfitreted2itb be De arawnooii ia t fmnxw When hi fwnaax the to ef'ttieBlKiftheloslLm oaiiancl raHfBg'Hud tatarioe -of wecwaa-cniineormtwrieirviia a isDeputy U. a ColleeoHyiPiiW anaijMpuyiiaHhaii4r. Uyau iureo a iameiiucitfi3UH9rvr'? country oaar the BtiHilsjf'Imei.'oBfl last weeKio wioaTOewwaiie'rnhe' rwhea the1 -offlcetsi arr4ved.i;The o a. man named Megtrept'outtnrpu; ty-RiiltetiBof iwhlk5; tMrty1lleria''oX low wine and a forg qoahtitV ,of br :waltotttfei,t eiJ,Ybn' AT iniv r&tii - bJ . sucn a Wheat wop. in e.what.isheaaing,,, niki-. 9.4 r iJaoa v ., ' Confederate MemorinlXMT at Mum Or asimottnuieTy.:'8tnd :xn Jffi the , fc. TLIl .ykJ biJ I .i-:V-" 'riirt;iB. trhy of Nnririia: ; ; ; - j "iVMt aitoataejEsJflt pigeon B Hay woodi sen as us some of the fi specimens jO Wyhqakifrm his farm Wei ever saw &BpBason-or ine year.imr, S. f ailed"io enclose Dart of his lettferV bt,frmjw1B; 4i send, we m September, onht-Muidy jaoilrfiwhrrih ji i rr: . . Wm .Th&.ganrpl8 seat areahYerad fdtfr lwrShfteaffctftupdlB.rep ohcr SSttgh 'I canwrite! pn SoVwT ExTiibi t thesfe sam pies, UftuJ be2 ovr-farmers hu tiifui ni u this- rakUr.' I cut the clover, turned theeedk.spWetli me wneai ana narrowea in. ine Mros- pect gciodloiQteR.CKiP. on thVenrr . Tsuggest Xehtiicky ; sewarnesc Bowtme Dusnei Of clean seed toixdereswo bushelsof oreharjil ygrttswo -utwflf jUloerasSi tWQ.oitto 1 A J!aa. a;-A ' ' 3Pf,.ea pp qne oii(Q: oimouay.. j, ; ,.. A 'S yinpafnitinW Walter on Pres i '" 'fdent. ' : UeWtor'World,.i " i:' :" xl' - 'llow the President :enfbys hisbffice fetold -irx story just out of a Missouri ponticja ana lawyer who, m company wjth. a Senator, froua his State, called ori the' President a day dr tWO" aco. The Petcrn' politiTr; after had bfeen- it&trodttced tbitha President, said: i ; ' '"Ml . fj&Vtepk I an very gla(6 to raeet youIt is .be, first time I ever had-tM hMsute-bf Seeing yb'u; iri. fact yWfetWnrbJIrakr8ttt'f evers4w YAH ltek&kttetterj.3.i:i4 . ; ; u ... . itYflS.f ti) President ; leplied, ,1; am annoyed very muob.bup.the rusUrWiIl Wo vr 1rfy sborl; liTiope.M J-The1 Western statesniatr resumed ; At "I have Wten hearctatyou, Mr. Pres-, Adent jhein?, a? very fine ward poIiT ticiah. I. presume you had rather be ootwht(6prgj;he' boys rip" than' Were. beinffa&ny berjd"measulfe for of nce -fa The,,f rraenrVaiignk 1 ; KndTsaid J " n.i i' I- fi sisj in' :i ,, " Robvyv aaia-t Arrest m Colattfpas jCosmtY'The t -1 JPnsolver Perforated ...A tramp, who ay.e. liis, name ras Al fred MervirLrwas arrested about' eleven o'ctbek1 6it feundayi:ntght, 'some "three Tnaesmko EoUson's P; Os on the ' C. foiiRailspad,? ebacse ,-Fy.hbr:ekmg $aTfdvTrnlA(Wet)ef ijy;; oktMnfS7I1te4nou ld HrxotKft ,of ;afep8Hj!WWitk9ibfore hs- liceG. BobonnMojayAn wheff haaiX)uiici,over in each-case. 'AJnid4cklexamlriatf6rfa fact thatHliaddrtyfi fihot inltiie flesbiiar3 ftrfmmkA.mmje fAl from Mrerf cufl.'' He' w tskfenj firtsbwaa- feuadiattefi Briaoners posses- i -j i say il pp. n nail is mil ii his ' EWTofRK.J 'B.PH1 'K-THB J Tribune i ,. m. . T 7.n. ., I r BT 1 i rl W I 1 1 1 IT 1 Tiniilill I III I iMl i I II I .'rSTT? "N? i nriYaieietLexs receive uitJr4i. ilidf:v&tDh'arj.?peeaBTfOT coot: it tfm8f1eirlcfa who havfiWrifirff"AtfiwSa to unite wil me in this wdWrfS. Del Monico.Mts? MrajwatoldtoakvefSJMiss.WaEtfer .if tJliawrJenc anriiMta..t-crwiorcu' A Democratic Hearsemttiefr Walfli I ITaTiTflfjrroia me aeceaseio aim. if, dJ ri S - fJ.8 .Yerfua aj ,1,, ; AJtetmaMtlWB,.;h 1 iIiKMAisrtafsaifai--. ita""T I M n reran im. i : o --y . -- v vz -.m . a iuuiaau ai tv t -v -"w aui fwfpnspa y-aaaasnt- awjajisi v n 111 1 ara mi i I hffiAAWtlaMIB UM H'MllIHieUll, LM oou we many fietdsi radniirrferitai ASSociatitM. ' one: to the k?st Tune.-ud? turWHheOtH & &223tl Lltlll UltSViaAil UK 1U rrrff4ort.Q SflAlCDiUui) B TTlTTlCrrrrw rrj it-rr- TiiwiTTiT-'rin .ni i . .j-.ajj tt tijti nnrnnrAFP rn nnn inn hiifvi w i nu i n 111 nnr Z3 V9rffr jsbk. r CJl LUH UHttnirxWaM JlliUnUI AiA UAAMiUIAillUi ltical a 1 7 n T X Tr 1T MI i . .UiM .llAiJO ITJ 1- tc hi BMu IrgeroVod l.,d PTOMolic 4stttEmnrMdHtlifltc iiahAte&Bieavp9rUa I rf3MlH te3tlJ lo I d la nam. 288 Western pamphlets. ,eweaKsw by, i I O&e-! fli io etont rsv hs.adrraxJ s-n r.vl. si Koth Foreign und Domestic. SarB.8prt1gs-jN.jYJt.jA new watef re- iures- otrong ,!diurec.Utea,i J nr..; i : T! t.-t , led.verj highly , aa a .cariartlqand al- . t&veaiid'iH a forms' q dyspeps. ; '.-. 'i ir.. ' :fb'jLSSia CONGRESS WATER, if .10 CASKS- BDJTALO LTTHJ A tn til.: ..;. . And m full supply of 'I'-? o J . T .r: K v.' f- ' . laE'.-lfiEa' :tf.. itT-: TTDffEADI .-. T AIJ08. lS. THE; BEST ATUBAL APERIENT. .1. 31 AaACAtHABilC;' r afjiU. wine jass fall before hreakf ast I fTrioIJHunydl JanKfe-aBafon Llebig af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known .waters." , tfmraaTiStrfffMtffloI rfrlfV "Invariably good and promjaaocess;' most valuable.'' .JPtof Bamberger Vienna; '.'I have prescrtDed these writers with-remarkaWe sHceess.n - Ervf. ecmaartt t WiBWteirS - I - presenile none but thjs " Frof. Ltoultr unJrOoH, M. )., p. H . XmQon. '. "Mere pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses fhmm wrtacy.' ' Irqf, AUun, M. D f,H.S Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. -Preferred to Pulina and Xrled- -rtohsaall': - ' - - H r -r , H, McADEN, J " ImpoTdng and rlst-enslng Pharmacist. Worth Tryon Bt, - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO .SARATOGA When jou ean get water .Just as fresh and spark ling as when R flows from ttier spring at Saratoga. :We reT9 n watenn large . block tin yeservolrs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled Agahve very week. ' ' - t- :j h. MoadiS, : : . , t , , . ,pnlst sandCiiemist. Prescriptions carejTiail j preimd by experienced . . and oompeUjnt drurtj,da or nlgbt- ' ' . IulT28 ' , ' .--.I. i 1 . 0EES INDORSED BY . PHYSICIANS, GLE8GYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST WED1CAI TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ; SYMPTOWS QJF A TORPID LIVER. Jjoas of appettteaneea, bowels eostive Pain in theHead,with a dull sensation in the bactecart. Pain nnder the shonlder blade, fullnes after eatfng, .'wlthdisin clination to exertion, of body or' toind, Irritability of temper Low spirits, Xios" of memory wim teeang ot navinE neg looted some dnty; wearinesay Piazine FMnerfirot-the Hear' t Dote before th eyes. Yellow SkiA. HeaaaCheRestless n?aa at nXfhh hlr . polored. Urine. ; LT THESE WABKOreSASS BKHZEDEBi SER10lOTStSE&Wia600leEDELOPED, TU'IT'8 TTf-ae'cfrrr adapted math caAespoe doseect such a change of feeling asto: astntosneanffereT. They Increase ine Appetite and cause th txxlr VJ Tk ion nrt tlie system U OBrtslbaMitftCTV(ntMAeUnen th nittstlve Organs, Kcmilar K too Is are jwre dnced. WW & ep.T4BftnrraJW.T, Bbaac..bra singlaisppJteatioaf fblsAfxa, .It y i urparw 'nattirai color; acta insumtaneooary,- Xii w j fEiinYimj''niirimj 'IllfWW -'Iff' ieBiiitiprBff& ntvciu reui- foVcfeinWlWTWlU ADKKdi symtMUVletter UtAptd-.apon it In the iorm oiADoq(Tceiuy; !K?rryIa,sxLKif.,! whiww r. n!xn snr .Af.s h?iw dllA QioBewli : kfcow nkbsiE'&f Uedlcal 1 .Compounds, who put ol .Rostrums known to sout, rand bii atiahtetfproVx ormlesWdmri'riMile edmaflbnotlflln 'X ete frauds ltavenOTputatI(jnTo kus'alfi and wlir elieatrouforafewpenneyswerytwayUfeylan. , - it.H.Sbew imi.w. Beckwita. bisboo of Oa.. J Oeit Jflo. Xjooavtt aitwnetoV, 2o ' i: j vutuvusuvp AAiia'.u " 01 iici . ui ati t i and thooAnd of outers irorn whom we nay i alet fcra Of rtnmen'c!fttlonili1-rJr,iTimrirtdn r lers orcommenaationana reeom PV.rRWW.AieMiW. SW aayuar to, m x&m vx. irru aocuiciii ttii m i iiinimi in tt - w w.nr w tti .ui t uimaiAUAiAi Asia ua. auucuiuiuui u.;r Xna liwoh ltfei ml baa Mud isiT no 5iom a . 7aow t Arfh'iSbfcT1 vlliiuui &Vi iluiJ .ual tiiuiuldx : ?f?lns5 W feLwo fare yCarArvontJlfc P "tl Inrrt 1An Annti a. Uraflpiiio1jore QfflqS, 3$. ray St.t ewprkj TtTM sr VsrksM IsMismaW Wrt-j tjreor. .zaaepaewi . , . -ilill tins iu ItOUiiMiT Mill t" ' li'liiiliHI an- I yjyv ""7s. ' ' ; r t w . si . Msa t f ' lit. t ... UJ iiTAiiirJiMLi Jmrtjm m Mi kaUnriffiakVKslnAJ 'WW $3 Ostf ::.! t. X. T. a r reeled by tbe Railroad oil tclale, and iajr, b HeHesl oa aa Correct L OOSDEHSED S0HEDULES. THAIK8 eonre xast. Date, February 19th, 1882. Leave Charlotte, f High Point..... . Arrive Greensboio, Leave ttreensboro ArrlaHUlsboro,..-i..., ." Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleteh,.v.,..;. Leave Raleigh, , Arrive QOidsooro'. .. No 51 Daily. No. 53 DaliT. t)5upm a 55 am 5.51 am 7.20 a m RO0an &25am lli)4am 11.48 am 1.15pm l.AO ntn 8:R1 n 1 O AA n m 11.20 nm - e 9 4 20 pm Na 17DaHy except Satnrdv, 'U . M'XeavejGreensboro.. .ftOOpm Arrive at Raleljth,. . ..8.04 a m Arrive at Gold8boro,..8.00 a m No. .M rVinnoAfs nf iHnk , ... K . t i . s o uimunuunj witn It ct XI. Si,?- .MSa!. S 5Ji West, via Dan'- mingtoo. , u " .. for Wll- Kp. 53-pConnects at Sallshury withW n C.R. North, East and West .r1 a. it. ior H nolnts TKAIN3 GOING WEST. Datey February 19th, 1882 Leave Goldsboro,. ... Anive Raleigh Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham,...;...,!.! Arrive Hlllsboro Ari.6reensboro, Leave, Greensboro, . , . Arrive High Point,. Arrive Bailab,ury,. Arrive C e No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. 10.20 am 12.40 pm 4 10 pm 5 23 p m 6.07 pm 8.50 pm M.10 pm 9.43 p m 11.03 pm 7 25am 8 06am 928am 1120 am I 2 50al No. 8 1 -Daily except Sunday. . . ; ' Leave GoTdsbbro,.. 2 50pm i( , . ArriveatRaleigho7.l0pm Leave Raleigh 5 00am ,; .- " Arrtye Greensboro, 2.20 P m No. f?9-'Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air iliat1 ??lnt' ltt the Soo'a and Southwest, Southeast BT-B" for VOlt3ta e"th an No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A; C Alr i eJLai Pirts South and Southwest: at Char Southeast c- a fr aU points South and TV. N. C. RAILROAD. &0IHG WKST. Na 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 0.20 p m Arrive Kemersvllle 10 6 p m Arrive Salem 11.20 pm Na 52 pally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 8.30 am Arrive Kemersville 9 41 a m Arrive Salem . ....10.15 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem. 5.15 am Arrive Eernersvl le 5 50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m . NO. 63- Daily. Lave Salem... 6.00pm Arrlv - KernersviVe fi.40 p m Arrive GreeMaboix.- .... .-.rr. 8.00pra T-'E UNIVERMITV lltlLROAD. 10 l, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University,. Arrive Ha elgh 7 0 a m 8.20 a m 10.15 a m No. 2 Dal y ex. Sunrtay. GOING 8OUTH. Leave Rallh, Arrive Unlver.-iiy.. Arrive Chapel Hill, 3 bO p in 5 5 p m ' rt l-l o m Pflllmau Sleeping Cars WiMt On Train NO. 0 pw Ynr ami A Miinia trio UTnch Ingion and Dunvlile, ana betwesn G?ee sboro and unarieaion. On TraiBNo. 52, Hcnmond ;ind Chailot e and Washington and Chariot e Ma Danville. 4dB" Through Tickers on srUe at Greensboro'. Kaleleh, Goldsboro'. Ss.iW.bury ami Uhnrtotte. and all prlncipai points Snuth. tiouilnvest. West, North aud East. r r migrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A. Pi'PE. General fH.-.-ieiieer Agent feb28 KtchMond. Va. PlCHmOD & DANVILLE R. R. PASSING KS DEPARTMENT. On and after March 5th. 1 882. the rasn. fer train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Ine Division of this road will be as follows: fttllowlna- Dchsdnls. Mall and ... WESTWARD. Express. Mall. - . No. 60. Na 62. - Leave Charlotte, M. 12.40 a m 11.05 a m Arrive Gattonla, L 1 .85 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartauburg. K 4.04 a m 2 85t) m Arrive Greenville, H . . 5.32 a m 4.09 p m Arrive Seneca,. G 7.15 am 5.54 pm Arrive Toccoa, F 8.28 am 7.05 pm Aruve Rabun Gap Junction, 9.32 a m 8.00 p m ArriveLula,E 10.18am 8.48pm Arrive Gainsevllle 10.51 a m 9.1 5 p m Arrive Atlanta, 1 .40 pn 12.05 am . Mall and EASTWARD. Kxpress. Mali. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta. 2.15pm 5.00 a m .Atrlve Galnesvilie , 4 54 m 7.41am Arrive Lul: K 5 2 m 8.32 a m Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 6 22 pm 9.14 a m Arrive Toccoa, v.... 7.06 p m 10.07 am Arrive Seneca, 5.'. 8.24 pm 11.21 am Arrive Greenville. H. j 10.O8 p m 1.27 pm Arrive Spartanbnrg, K. 11.40 p m ' 2.59 pm Arrive Gastogla, L-...... 2.06am 5lpm Arrive Charlotte, M . . . 1 3 15jim 6.00pm , CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. WiP Railroads. r . B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W.'P. and W; & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Heoreta Ralirojul i I E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and iiviu auiuna, no, F with .Elberton AicLlne to and from EUdrtoh. ueotgla. t : Q with Colombia and Greenville to and coins' Columbia and Charleston, 8. C : i ' H with Columbia and Greenvflle to' and rrom 1, Columbia and Cbariestoa. S.. a, . . ; ' a. wim oyariauuuiis iiuu asiievuie, ana opariail- burgv Union and Columbia to aadifronv Henderson and Ashevlile, and Alston and Columbia. L wilSi Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and .from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. x A., C. CM R. 4 D. and A T. & ior au points west, north and East. , Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. , A. PuPS,- G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent. ' T.:M! R. TitcoTT, ! . fitnefftl Managey. t ; . . ; I.-Xv8AGE, Superintendent, mar 12 i 1" li'l H II f li II..J i Mil jj . c;r o. & A. R. R. CO. OONDENSEl) SOHTIDni. ft. lTnLEffct Sund&y, Harch 12thig82 1 ' -' r 1 - - Train No. 62; , Passeng'r. Tram IPassengT. -Leave Charlotte. 11.80 am1 125 pm Arrive Cheater... 1.2 p m lArMwJ Wihnelwre,.. ...:.. c,&:::::: mi m 5.45 a m 6.87 am Arrive Lexington,, li Arrive BWge Springs . .y t . Arrive.GrarJteville?. . ..:... Arriwa ugusta, .'.I . . . .;. . . 5.12 pm 7.5o a in1 9.12 a m ,952am 8.4Q pm Train . No. 18, Freight Train ; No. 20, Freight. Leave Charlotte,... 5.40 am itAffinS H-OSaml'T pm HOCB nm; a tttt a . arrjro vuBsier.v 9Jt a m Hoa.pm n.TTpm 'Att: xrrva tv nm: lXBSri'm Arrive Columbia.. a i8a Leave Columbia, Arrwe LtiifcttmrV.i. ; . 40 a 40a 47 a 7.54 a m 4vArfve:AUgutaw 1930 A ottvanuaa. ana t lonaa pomta. 4 dayf80" V-m fecal" daU wauf- -ly Srebsttabioi0iirisft at CharkMd '.'koi. Train Na 58, Daily, . fl fill n m Arrive at StatesvuTe, Train Wn JhrWaMkXA ..8.12 Pin i"tC 1 W( f V BKHW, IIIU, . . . V , M Kavri-jit Txain Not!62l Dally -i 06n&eetsat Cotombla with 1 the . O, R.ja. for Char eston, , and wkh the,C. ft -.i Jlaftr N& iDatijw. Gosbefcu. at i Afccbst with i Tickets sold to ail nointa Bonth. BonthMiUaTMii.iixwuo u...at,7 XJen'i Paesenger agent Columbia, a C, March 1st, 1882. - fcls mar22 -v.. WHSBI I iinnrvl nj wuauuittiui added to our Stock fur GUANO. and Chesapeake -ALSO GENUINE Kaifiitt, or German Potash Sails tar CALL AND SEE U3. . e Street. mar7 I HAVE JUST RECEIVED- -A LOT 0F- ASD hi B f II A'i'l. A vr nn i Os- C'a.i liide'-k. II 'l . mar5 EXTRA ICII? ! We hv Just received and offer fcr a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decoration, 56 pieces, 810.00. woitu ' 81500, I EXTRA Ftftg TEA ETTS, gold, etrd aid flower deeoratl combined, 4 pUeea, $12 50, worth $18.00 PO(aLLEATr8fte while, yerj- nice, vpleoet,t5.0fJ. P,ORCElAAINEJLNEa SETTS, 17 pluses, ror Z : flCOO; deeorated, 1B0 0 eces, for $35.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior Quality, complete with shades, at SI 00, worth 82 10. AH OthBr Goods io Proportion, tW WHOLlESAXE ahll RETAIL OA Respectfully, J. AMD T ne rnwiM Fd& s'ae. WILL offer for Jer for sale' ii t frabllc outcrr. at Oro, t Chesterfield iterfield county, a a C , on ,Um '2 nil and 3rd 1X1 SOfMAV.lflXTItf mtnA.nM a Vahl- PL9t Bnglltj and other xnathtnery belonging the Hicks Oold Vine, at Oro, viz: One 40 hone power engine and fixture; two 12 horse power engines, hoisting attachments sod flxturea; one lo bowe fower eneine, hotttni at tachments and fixture&ume 10 stamp battery; one plaining machine and edger: one pump and at tacbmeutsene.et atptng ana Cenneetlng roi.i; one drag milk 20 AnvvgamaUnc ; barrels and it tacbments: one P sheet copper, amalgamate paa. aeeaftnt fam'eeFob lot ehemicalsr one it A!rVff.wiW -Pf (Wlfwes one e pjacmm; ou mm crucioie es, and sundry other nrticio 'jta.n-AU . sum under Twenty five Doiim pAaff: all sums ovef that amount on three or six fogtithg tme, if preferred, wh'aprored ecurlt)r 9 mil 1 eod nil may l utceH TQitmnft r men.-;! austHecelvedararirelot of Flrst-ClatsNKa ma F. C. MUNZLKR I lie MfellT In Kega and Bottles. T McantEJBXkmmmm a apfx-i . i t- 4 f POkTIIkfaWsh,! nf.. So Iva MlWfc a wanAiie pns Aadrea-i - IBox265,ChariHt,l'c- Sirpp Colleg John I Wk II mi Mach I '.1 r

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