Stye fjffiteitc bBtriitfc HVBSVRIPTI01T RATES: DucUy, on year, pottrvaid, in advance $8 00 TJtrttwonths.. riirj jj.Jv . 2.00 OnemonVi .78 WHXKLl BD1T10X: WUV C(n tf onfy), tn advance, i.. ...:....S2.00 OutlfV1, tfgtrvaSSi. 2.10 imoNtM 1.05 nf UbeM BtOutttonJbr '.v,.-- n , i -s, i i 1" .- I'. k i V ' TUE OBSERVER JOB DEPABTMENJ Haa been thoroughly supplied with' every needed want, and with the latest styles oi Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and -cheapness. We ean tw hlshatshort.notioe, . BLANKS, BILL-HEARS," LETTER-HEADS, CARDS. TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, . CTUESDAX AjPRjL 11; 188 NO. 4,071. ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' " 1 ' ' " ' ' 1 " ' ' ' i - ' , 1882Gi882. ''. . - i I'egraia Co., -DKALEBS IN- AAUiU'i TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c, Alexander Harris -will take-' THE MEASURE -OF- IN TOWN, Have you an ekgant suit made to order, GUARANTEE FIT OR HQ SUE FEGrRAM & CO., HAVE JD8T EKCBIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the Latent Styles. Of the Latest Styles. Alexander & Harris la lie special htteutlon to BLEACHED AND BROWN Sheetings and Shlrtiagg, PEGU AM & CO., Have the Best Stock of Gcnls' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THE bTATE. ASK. AT- Alexander & Harris' -for- Persian Law ns, Wli ite Lin en Lawns, MASALTA, Or anything else you want la WHITE G00D3. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply jou with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES OF Ladies' Misses and IJMIfa's Shoes. , I,.. I, INK AT Alexander & Harris' - FOR Swiss Triminiugs, ORIENTAL LACE, SPANISH LACE, MEEICOTTET LACE, OB ANT KIND OF Uaoo YOU WANT. PEGKRAM & CO., HAVE A PRETTY LINK OF GENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. AJK AT ' Alexander Harris' FOB- MBUB& EDGINGS aM ffiSEETIONS. SWISS 1 DOINGS and INSERTIONS. NAINSOOK EDGINGS ani INSERTIONS. ANTIQUE EDGIN3 and IK8BBTI0N3. PEGRAM & CO., HiYS ALL KINDS OF Children Shots and Slippers. Embroidery and Laces. There la no stock of the above Goods In town tnat WILL COMPABE WITH- Alexander & Harris' ty EVERYBODY In the city are Invited to call and see them. PEGRAM & CO., KREP A WLL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Valices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. I'EGRAM & C0., CaN SUIT THEIR Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOTS and SHOES THEY WISH. PEC RAM & CO., KiEP ALL KINDS OF Shoe Dressing,, French Blacking AND Lyons' Heel StilTeners. Hoots Shoes TT J inks n aprli g8 (&G&&,MiAUiUQf Set'. OUR SHELVES AND COUNTERS RE Laden with FRESH and STYLISH GOODS In great variety, and we ask you to examine our Goods and co are our prices, with the full as surance thai you will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest. The public has already voted SEIGLE'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED In the city. Every Novelty of the Season In TRIMMINGS and In NECK WEAR. All should come and see lor themselves. WAR NEB'S CORA LINE CORSET only 97 cents. T. I.. Nl,MJf,K &L GO, mar2ft m eUtca I. A N9tr-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cats, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial. Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe t It acts immediately t It never fails 1 Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc., It la the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It ior a single Hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have seen Its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, TJ. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia.: Alter long years of use, I am satisfied It is positively emcieni as a neaung remeay for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., gays : It Is a panacea for all bruises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has failed me. W. VT. Lum. Nicholville. N. Y.. eavs : I use your Pain Killer freauently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heals wounds liKe magic J. W. Dee says : For scalds and burns It has no equal PERKY DAVIS' PAIN KHXER is not a new untried remedy. For forty year it has been in constant ose ; and those who nave used it the longest are u bestjnenas. Its success is entirety because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and crone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. , Every family should have a bottle ready Jor use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medicine. t in nerfecUv safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Tour druggist has It at 25c, DUc ana si.uu per Dome. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldenc, R.I. ' sept (.tw sept & oct. A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea, dlsmenorrhsea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pnlns so peculiar to women. Price 93 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. T?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. C)ark' Antl- In either stage, whether primary, ttecondary or tertlary-are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price $2 50per box. Five b xes$10. Syphllitlc Pills. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess ur uiarne meoicine Company, New York City. jN I ft VALUABLE I BF.1TIEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in to 8 1ht8 of all urinary affec Dr. tions, smarting, frequent or difficult Clarke's uriaatlon, mucuus aiscnargea- auu sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or longstanding. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price $2 per box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Gonnorrhea Pills. 'J'HEBE IS A BALM IN G I LEAD. For an cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lmpotency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse in youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and nroducinst -some 01 me iouowiiig effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions Dy areamsj, Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem Clarke's ory. 1'msicai aeciy, i-iinyioa vu Face, Aversion toSoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss ofSexuu Power, kc, rendering marnage 1m nrnrxror unhaDUT. Are ft positive Invig'Xitlng cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sumcieDi' rnuc x.ou per box. Four boxes $5. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Pills. febiy d3tw 13w PEMY&GO'S TheM Peas tpeOrtr 2iL pau-wfanot corrode 52Sji ' ten Afferent atylea of nfckel plated gm . tzlalbymsil on receipt of S6 cents. u ; fvUon. Blakeman, Taylor & Cfc, perry DAWN -"SPAIN "M,l KILLER fjietiol ons. ! TT.I llll Ill AFRICA'S DEADLY MALARIA. Only an Isolated Section Fit for White Habitation. , : New York 8taf. TJntil within a comparatively recent period the greater portion of the conti nent of Africa has been a sealed book to the world. Thousands of years after Asia and Europe were seats of great empires the vast interior of Africa had never been explored. It was only on a narrow strip of this vast continent that civilization obtained a foothold. The northern and eastern coasts were the homes of the civilized people from the earliest times, but east of . them, for 3,000 miles, the country was an unknown world, save to the native tribes who inhabited it. The main reason for this was tbe fact that the deadly malaria claimed as its victim every white man who endeavored to penetrate into the interior, That certain portions of Af rica are suitable for the 'white man, however, has during the presenLoeo tury been fully demonstrated Although the general belief is that alF -porttonk j are alike deadly -to averybodyiexdmtJ thfl nporrn. . r I "The popular idea," said Rev. Dr. Strieby, of the American Mission So ciety, to a Star reporter yesterday, "is that the whole continent is unhealthy. That is a great mistake." "What portions of Africa are suita ble for white men to dwell in?" asked the reporter. "All of South Africa as far up as Madagascar is a fine country, and white men can live there as comfortably as anywhere else in the world. The cli mate is as healthy and salubrious as that of America." "Do you recall one single instance in your experience in which a white man has ever lived for any length of time?" -"Yes. Rev. Mr. Tyler, a missionary, was about to go there. His wife was a very delicate woman, and his friends told him that he was taking her there to die. That is twenty years ago. I saw Mr. Tyler a year ago, when he visited this country. His wife is a strong, , healthy woman, and six healthy child fen fill the house." 1 Rev. W. F. Poddock, of St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadel phia, said : " W hat Africa n eeds is men constitutionally suited to the climate, who possess the intelligence, skill and energy of the white man, but do not, like him, fall easy victims to the mala rial influences and burning equatorial heats." "What inducement has Africa to offer to emigrants V" "It has immense quantities of salt and vast beds of coal and iron f rich mines of copper and gold, which lavish ly repay all who work them. The yield of the South African diamond fields for 1879 aggregated $18,000,000. Soudan alone, wbich is more than ten times as large as Great Britain, possesses soil productive enough to supply staple arti cles of food for all Europe. "Has the country any internal im provements ?" "It has. six partially completed rail roads in South Africa, and five other projected lines across tbe Sahara Des ert. Telegraphic communication is complete from each colony to the moth er country, and there are several steam ship companies abroad established, with more in prospect Thirty English steam ers regularly trade along the western coast. "You speak of a railroad across Saha ra; is not that impracticable t The Desert of Sahara discloses rich oases hundreds of miles in extent, and fertile mountain regions dotted with towns containing from 10,000 to 30,000 inhabitants." Rev. Dr. Nicholson, of the Reformed Episcopal Church at Philadelphia, said: "A work of civilization is waiting to be done tor Atnca, but only colored men can do that work. The white mancan- uot live there. Roman Catholic mis sionaries have tiied it for two hundred and fifty years The Moravians tried it for thirty-four years, making hve at tempts, commencing in 1736, and did nothing. Englishmen tried it in 1792, for two years, at liulama island, with the loss of one hundred lives. The London, Edinburgh and Glasgow socie ties tried it in 1797: but their mission aries died. Many other attempts were made befure Liberia was settled, all of which failed. .Missions have been es tablished in Liberia, but at the cost of many lives. The white man cannot live and labor there, and it is a remark able fact that only infinitesimal por tions of the mighty continent are owned by white men." Rev. Dr. Menry M. scuaaer.ot ijrooK- lyn, was at one time a missionary to Africa. In alluding to the physical features of the country he said to the reporter: "Africa is one of the most fertile, productive and beautiful coun tries in the world. There are great des erts, but there are also great lakes, mighty rivers, fertile plains, beautiful forests and lofty mountains. There are waterfalls which, though not as great as Niagara, surpasses it in beauty." "What can he produced tnere by tne labor of the emigrant ?" "Everything that is necessary to sup ply the wants of man. The soil can produce Wheat, rice, cotton, sugar, cot fee, tobacco, dates, yams, plums, pome- granites, grapes and figs. It is an in finitely producing land, with great ca pacities and resources. When questioned in regara to tne settlement of Africa by white men, Rev. G. D. Pike, of this city, said: "Tropical Africa is a negro land, span ned with a malaria wmcn is tieaaiy to the white man. Of seventeen mission aries sent there by Germany to the west coast ten died in a single year. Out of eleven men taken by Lieut. Gordon to defend a fort in Liberia, eight died in four weeks. Mungo Park took forty white soldiers with him, but thirty perished before he reached the Niger." "Can vou mention a particular in stance where the distinction was mark ed n "The famous Niger expedition was fitted out with all conveniences. It was manned by 150 white men and 108 ne groes. They proceeded a few hundred miles up the river and selected a beau tiful site for a model farm. Speedily all the whites were stricken with fever. and onlv one was sufficiently strong to navicata the boats to the ocean. Nearly on-third died in two months, while of the 108 blacks, not one suffered from t.h a climate" ThiR testimony, from persons who are fwivprsant with the country, makes it avMnnt that' Africa, in the tropical por tion, can never fall under the sway of the white man, and that only the north ern and southern portion areuueaior his reception, An AHrfroca hv Rev. II. S. DeForest. New York, April 10. Rev IL S. De PrtroafL nwwidant of the Talladega Col- gregation in DeWitt Memorial Church- last evening on we uuumv PeCWS OI WW CUiicjst ; , .: - Drlgbl Disease pi Uj Kidney., Dla- No danger from these diseases if yon use Hop BitteiSfbMldes. being tbe best family medlcme ever made. Trust no other. ii The Assassin! Vte'wfj 'jof American Guiteau was-? visited in his sell and interviewed oy ji reporter, recently. Guiteau was looking stout, and. was. m good spirits, and said that he thought by tne time ne. was released he would weigh two hundred. pounds. 1 TTben ryou do not believe." said the sentence pronounced by Judge Cox will oe carriea out e , . j i "I haven't the slightest idea that it will be." . "Upon what do you base your hopes ?" queried the reporter. , "Why, upon common sense, -of course," said Guiteau. "You see," con tinned the assassin, "Judge Cox's raU ings in many instances were faulty in the extreme, and I know that the court in banc will deal justly with the case, when it comes before them. Judge Cox in charging the jury- showed that ha. was jsimply catering to : a . bloodthirsty element: va , thiseonntry, wbih .cried aloud' for iny blooAbot without rasori.; ThSfriTBry lemenf7bX whicrT apeak constitute! railroad ' wreckers, railroad striker&rand in fact communists and, nihilists. Did you fcnow. quicaly con-. tinned .liuiteau, "that there are Ameri-. can nihilists?" ; ! . The reporter, said he had never heard . that there were nihilists , in this coun try, when the assassin said: "I tell you,, it is a fact There are thousands of. them in Cliicago, New York, St Louis and other large cities, and, mark my words, that some of these days you will find that one -of this class of : which I have spoken will commit an act that' will cause a perfect reign of terror in this country' "Will another President be murdered by what you call the. American nihil ist?" asked the reporter. "l won t say lust now what l meant by that observation, but I will say that the American nihilist is a more danger ous citizen than you or any other ordi nary man would imagine, uia senwab, the beer-seller, of New York, is a pro nounced nihilist, as well as a commun ist. Some of these days that old brute will do something to startle the coun try. He is an old agitator, and -ought to be put out of the way. He is a bad citizen, io fact" . The reporter stood gazing with aston ishment at the assassin during the del ivery ot tins little speecu, when Gui teau straightened himself out and said, in a loud tone of voice: "Sir, you look astonished. Do you think because I am confined on the charge of removing President Garfield tnat l am not still a good citizen, and ever anxious to see the country rid of bad people? That is why I tell you that this country is infested with certain classes who are not good American citizens, and ought, in my opinion, to be driven out ot the country. When l am released from jail I intend to pursue the communists and nihilists until they eave the country. The reporter, having become tired of Guiteau's moral observations, fired the following parting shots at him: In case tbe court in banc sustains Judge Cox; then, of course, the sen tence of death would be carried out?" 'I suppose so," said Guiteau. 'Are you prepared to die?" asked the reporter The assassin again straightened him self up, his eyes flashing fire, and gazed full nve minutes at tne reporter, wnen he exclaimed: "Prepared to die! Why, certainly, I am ready to die when the Lord calls for me. U nave always uvea a correct and virtuous life, and I know that I will be saved." Sir. Diggs on Riddleberger. In discussing a resolution to inquire into the eligibility of Senator Riddle- berger to his seat in the Virginia Sen ate last Saturday, Mr. Diggs delivered the following as expressive of his opin ion of Riddleberger: 1 or one. I serve notice on tnat sena tor the champion bulldozer of the Sen ate a ve. and tell thee to thy beard that despite thy valor, tbyfine new fortune and thy victor sword, the pigmy of the mountain will never lower his crest to the plumed night of the valley. When the street-waikine courtezan is admitted as a missionary of virtue to a convent, then is it time for the Sena tor, who lives in daily and open viola tion of the constitution of his common wealth, to prate of cpnstitutional law. Wnen the plundering AraD or the desert, tricked out with the spoil of his bow and SDear. Is installed at west- minster Hall to adjudicate the rights of property, then let the Senator, who has swindled the creditors of his native State to pension his partisan s,boast him self of his respect for the rights of others. When the unbelieving blasphemer. Robert Ingersoll, entreats the Grand Sanhedrim of the Church militant to acknowledce the Dower and reality of the eternal and unoriginated God, then ... 11!1 i. i let the leaaine smrit or a nuinncauon caucus preach submission to the deci sions of courts and the authority of the authority of the promulgated law. When the swarthy denizen iromine jungles of India hies him away to the Universities uxrora ana wamDnage 10 deliver lectures on polite literature, then let tbe Senator, who refuses to yield to corrections of misstatements from his colleagues here, who refuses to yield to points of order, who makes sport of the hoary head of bis brother Senator (Mr. Ly brook), and who de nounces as a criminal from his seat, surrounded by the privileges of hip position here, before the verdict of the jury, a gentleman (air. massey; wnose hands were tied and whose mouth was closed, set himself up as the shining ex emplar of senatorial courtesy. . When the motner ox states ana states men behold one of her accredited dele gates to the national capital bartering her voice in those nans tor tne crnmos that fall from the festal board, desert ing his post of duty to control the stormr counsels of a midnight caucus, to save his party from the blundering-) leadership of an incompetent subaltern, ana tO iaateu uyuu 1115 liaumoiaro a hnriorrtr tribe of hireling skihiaciks. then let the Senator-elect from that stricken Stetei hiipself th& hero . or two - double daUy bloodless duels, prdclaitn himself the first apostle to nsher in the era of small things ana em aner men. . Moving springs ol action are deeply interfused with principles subject to certain laws. The ner vous man finds bla life blasted, but he can be re stored to rigorous health, by Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They are simple, harmless. ana efficacious. ' . A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and b discretion of youth, nervous weakx ess. early decay oss of manhood, Ac; Twill send recipe that will eore yoo, riiu oi uunn. im i grew rewwi was dlSCOverea oy a nussnmary v juaw uovnes, Rorwi n. onrf-ttddreBsea enveiot to tne kit, JOSEPH T. INJtAS, ptatton IX. Hew of k CUy ; BsTJIOBD iLCit AKD IBOX 8SIOB88 WATXB AJTD Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains iwice ai much iron and fifty percent, fnorealum- tnnm than nnv "alum and iron mags'? known. Just the thing! at the "spring weakness'' now so general. Sold by an aruggisis or any sianain Prloes reduced one half. - ' maylltf . . ... 'From Andrew's American Queen. c CLEOPATRA OB THE " ' QUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY '1TA BUT KlIf DEEP: a ' 'lite renowned Queen of 8heba, with all her royal J pomp, magnificent apparel,' and brffllant reUnne, wvuiu never nave appearea witnin me presence pi me grandest of the monarcbs of the past, had she not also possessed that which It is the crownlrjg gwry or jj iema:e person a akin unchallenged for its Oriental softness and Its alrflost transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had Quickly lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of pimples, or of horrid tan end. freckles. . . . WOMAN BULKS THS WOfcLD by her beauty, not less than by her purity of char acter, loveliness of disposition, and unselfish de votion. Indeed., in the estimation of -oerbanstdo many men beauty in a body takes precedence' oyer very outer consujerjMiou. jMaauvj4iup ormvan i i in puna ill pan oi wunan wonuBg,.capuai." without wbich too many, it not bankfoa n whit relates to lofluence .wttpio the circle, here they movere power loss, ier great spoo. JHBBcejwe aee not onrj the. propriety nnt the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to her Is essenUal to success, and influence, and use fulness in life. And, since "beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance are required to guard it against the many ills that flesh Is heir to. Among the "great and annoying enemies of beauty. OF EITHER SEX, as well as of comfort; happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rneuuo,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the hair and scalp. For tbe cure of all these, Dr. 0. W. Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient study and investigatlpn devoted .to diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CUKB, which has already by Its marvelous cures, established itself as teb great .remedy for all dis eases of . the skin, whatever be their names or character. Its success has been Immense and un paralleled. All druggists have It- It is elegantly put up, twe bottles in one package. Internal and external treatment. Price $1.00. EVERY ONE PBAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness ani bi&in diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They con tain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50c per box. $1 for two, $2.50 for six, postage free. Dr. C W. Ben son, Baltimore, Md. C N. bittekton. New York, is wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's reme dies. apr4 MRS. LYD1& L FINKHAH, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS 1 - ' Ie a Positive Cnre for all those Painful Complaint, and We1tiiMM oeoBtmon te onr bet female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com. plaints, all ovariaa trouble, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Tailing and Displacement., and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can eerous humors there Is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving: for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating-, Headaches, Nervous .Vrostratlon, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing' down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmoily' with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure ot Kidney Complaints of either sex ttils Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA, E. PIiriOIAMS VEGETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at 233 and 135 Western Avenue, Tynn.VnM ' Price $1. Six bottles for tS. Sent by mall in the form ot pills, also lathe form of lozenges, on receipt of price, ft per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhann freely answers all letters f inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. JWentto Ms Paper. '. So family should be without LYDIA B. PWKBAIF8 LIVES PILLS. They ' cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity -of the liver. tt cents peir bo. ! yj- Woli by eUt mglsta. -gS i'li. " Tna bojitaf. aMiwftra: af Tiudav inrrd that. most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Liver, IT, tnereiore, me juaneys ana urvers are kent in nerfect order, nerfect hearth will be thetre- sult. This truth has only Jaeen known a short ttme and for years people suffered great agony wi hout betoK able to find relief. The discovery ot War ner's Safe Kidney end Liver Cure marks anew era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simnle troDieal leaf ot rare value. ILcoU- tains nut tha elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order. It Is a POSIT1VB BKMfiDX lor ail tne diseases max cause pains m the lower part of the bodyfor Torpid, Li ver Headaco J&HiiiH3e uizrmesa lirsvei ever, A too Malarial Kever and all difficulties of the KiririAYiL -Liver and ITrinarr OjvanSL' - It is an excellent and' safe remedy for females during' Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is myaluablelor Leucorrhoea or ITallmg of the Womb. ' As a Blood Purifier It Is unequalled, r It cures the organs that kakx the blood, . , This Eemedr. which has done . such wonders. Is put tp in the LABGB3T 8IZBD BOT1 LB of an medicine anon the market, and iseli It I drogfists, and all dealers at 81.25 per bottle. Fer Diabetes enquire tor wabjnkk h saitje , piAnuETSUKic. una ruairiv is ttemeoy. - - --arwARNEa-ft co. an28 . 15 -JEtochester. N. T. DB. A. W. ATJQCAMDXa. TIB, CL ALKXASDEB. :):iT SURGEOH DENTJ8T8, C HABIj OT XB , ! K Ot OfBce err Trade street Mt c Ui Berwaoger Bars viewing sBS?2liUL3lC'2U X'UUS: umos noura irom apr2 mm- To tie In :H: - & JUST RECEIVED. A -fiMoriAWN8 in MOIRE EFFECTS. cX& GOO P3 and TRIMMINGS CORSET FOR SI .00. fc"11?1 ma FOSTER KIDS, LACE NETS In black and coh rs. We have a tb t . C.t0 .P1!?116-. 11 yu don 1 868 w& id a handsome stock of mnrrnurn cvrinivir ywaotstdng.nlceUiUllmtr. MttAW newest thing, an ''OSCAR loans will flnd a line of JXT 3 w Of THEM ARE JUST 'TOO TOO." Hargraves aprd OH! ID UI MASON & SHON1NGER PELOIUIBET & Eight of tlis Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instruments in PLENTY OF MONEY ON OTJH LEFT, PL.ETVTTT TO EAT ON OTJIt IlIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. Wc Don't Put Ten Dollar Gold Pif ces on Every Slop OF OUR ORGANS, Ncitlier do We Throw in a But w"Ul J AAW i- ! J H. IYIcSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. l" 838888 Ml .88 11 11 ill IL. ilRWMlGER & MO. NEW STOCK IW COME ! FB our stock is now complete. We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED IN OUB OWN HOUSE. We are lUStlfled In asserting, and not PYorcsratA that thfl nnir ftn. rienee and standing of oar. House, Is a full guarantee 13 rjUU jnuaXBlSLlABLJS OVLiV in tniS Marfcet. study the demands of our natrons, and insure them w in oraer to imreuuce juow raeea uooas, Dut made up tin- such a style as is worn in fashionable BeiecKng our gweg. or gwag cariy in me jnarnet. ot waiett privilege the Late Purchaser Is debarred. $vT&&f?tfe& ren's Olotlxixs is as so. as HATS, ALL COLORS. Glffiif (DlHinG GOOEDS, nvCibLnc dJT oil! THE FINEST THE YO RK T .. tu.-j'i no ; - ' :i , , The Latest Out, in the . i. .i ' -i i : ' L. It. B.--Garnicnts IVlads to Order oo - :W: JUST RECEIVED. you want Just call for it. The roui.z men Twin 1 mm n . , L. n aM K HA N. come down -inT ?V1 ' U7Ti mm on? t t - F" -A. JJ J3 wSl on our countei-s, and some PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDER?. & Willielm. mm E FA m I LIU si" Front Forward to the Bear, DOUBLE-QUICK ! mcSmith Music llonse, Distributing Depot for the Carolina -FOB- CHICKERING, KRANICK A lIACIf, M ATHUSHEK, -AND- Soiithem Gcai Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIME, CO. ORGANS. House I Lot or a Railroad, We Beat That all to Pieces. 1ST- CALL AND SEE ME. JBk Guarantee 10 per cent on all Moneys Invested. For Farsiculars call on or write to 888888 sgZ 8888. 22 ! that C CJJtHL OLOT IlSTGr We nrnk-A nn flnitnlnaa Marmnnts. and always ahanintA tuItttim perrntu We do not bur lob lnvarlablv offer the nhl1 snnh CI YTWTNfi anil circles In Northern cities. We had the choice of IN THE CITT. O W N SCAR F, All -jv; -If. Tea Latest Shades In Silks. Very Respectfully, Berwanger & Bro. Short Notice. apra Stock, w KS SPRIG STYLES LATEST CUTS r 4 ':. "K ri1 - t, i 1 :r1. V 1 irt 1 1 in ;1 ! ,11 ; f 1 1 I- i i