CIIAS. . JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. ' tmnmif tn Brwr-omoa at N. X AS a-00-CLSB TTB.l '' 3 E SENATE Pj WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,1882. Sit THE SOUTH IGNORED. Never since the wax has the South had a fair representation in the Cabi net at WashtniteaiwY member having rore thaqlioni'. meft iwr nnr. Mr a rr nit r .om rv nnvHj m r ...-"- a MmrtiiiABV ' "? VrrKCT -JR- UUIOU UC1 CUIUCI 1U UIO IUUO - u his cabinet by removing the only South- TH mrtt I rjSTITJ: DISCUL3IO RiGirr pF mAk xuxi a. rrvixoEK tixcDimir- It trip Tnnhntoffraohabv taoo-xlWnt is em man in it and replacing him by a A.faKiioh .f V I man fro: The House Passes the Postofflce Bill With Sundry Amendments, but Qn ash es the Franking PiiYilege, and Then now an established fact. Hayti is .enjoying the pleasure of an other revolution. " . . " JTV Va.W-4S4tfcJ.SJa' against Peru, with which he is connect- -uas counsel. Alexander Coehefc. a Frenchman, -rant a nnrtinn hi- ii v r v aa-r-wA wavaa v uiu . .u Resiwtef thd Oiscuftslon of ifieTa timnusion js m. r r rr r 1 1 WsQewmrViB father-of WASHINGTON.-Apni II.AT&li?wwnoflW8 0 - . --.. - . - I 111 afllA AAhA mi 1 - . Henry Grady of the Atlanta Cbnsti- tution is looming up as a 'candidate for Congressman at Large from Georgia. The Pennsylvania miners, through their delegates, protest against the veto of the Chinese bill. reported an original bill as a substltu for the pendinjr measures, authoxizii ;n that the Secretary bf theTttasuiy to4xam There are in the United States 5,000, 000 of people ten years of age and overt who cannot read. from New England. PracticalIy speaRng fehelffciJ worse off "in this re spect with no memberjnan with Due one, for one would be but of little toe to his section, however weUffisposeU, - mf T-V. dl 4" T 'iUik SIC T,jTT1 aTST toe and reportto Congresathe amount we have ftOttaug .eipfeclallyjloregret In of claims bf lsfflf Nevada the South in the selection of his cabt-1 f oroMys expeiriedtednesa. nAt. hnt it wnnM nAAm that Hrm assumed by said tates and territories 7 , . r 1 I because of Indian nosuuues. embracing as many States and as maqyl n n y people, and oontributinr as larger asi The-6eiateoote up tBeJcate&Mr laid tha RntK ilma tn .Tia ' AnnfinVf ffhA I DaSSeQ S BmDDerOI DMVaW BfllS. ! craoung tne- rignt or wayto tn Louis ' and San rraneiaca forthe pending- measures, wthoiizing jfejjtil- Mr. Teller, the new Secretary of the Interior, thinks there are no good In dians but dead Indians. held in San Francisct in August, 1883 Florida rattlesnakes have commenced business. A young' man at Mount Pleasant died on the 1st in at. bite of one. nauroodr thef-Perdiatt: Cfengf4ssh43raeintp CIHP cW,4he Arm.jof nAUier came up as unfinished business,' m -i- i I U uiros, wnq represented tb at rtbfey , b Hawfoy kMtta iUathejaito fnrm nrwhiih 4t mmA ,fmm fthAmii. I "to Do rewaraed. A oommittee .Of- J road-committed as nn attempt bo xiQ- S ??djtne matxt an I late the treaty; rights of thIndians. recoi eeiarr rons-oi euano to cocnet. uDon. Ene.con- . . .... ' - . - r . ) ' , i ,awon, nowe ver, tna be fin?uia; proposed toisekeb theia laaaa.Whutirirf ti iiSSm. Kbw YOBSSoHUiara flouj.-falr; Liu ,i.4iujhi4.. vom vsq-ic. Der active and 75Vtfdod to to huher 0SB tain. dlsc6verle -! WcttfJlie' ?had-: general government should not be ig nored altogether by an administration claiming to be nationaikn njpt lectiou- air hrfeei)tibifcanWy whwh was in its inception purely sectional claims1 to be so no more,; haying :cea$ed to be . , ' , . . . l sectional whenf It crossed ' tW ' ditldmg i Upon a pretext sA -ratifying an act of The Triennial Conclave of Knighte u . , obtaih'raid fooU?tho Choctaw Muncik aaiA the-bUL m..1 nf (ha TTnitArt RtntPA Will Ml . ' ' ... I nrnnrtuul fn.aairiv t.Koiw. laid, vtthflnt. aouhuib i hAM in f i,& snnf h if if ho rhpn ;t na i -rrrr ' rr" --v,wi . nrnvinmiT MnniinunBiDTBaiiigimff r.nw vuvuuuw tional party in fact as it claims to be as 1 te rf : cQmaefiaationtherefot.: Tfialia.ad6.i well at in name, it should be roiisisteatlcouM conettvaitf . tevr, gt e'' and rtMm7. in fh nnnnrils of its ad4 UiJmtMi8W.WaWvlJTiBlOAI3gM .Al,Ausu" yiuiuweu. uy gtafidlnl XWMolasiSfiimaSdtod " t iftthaoraperieiralBenMOlthat oeatB.Wi OUmaw.son, a34flusHitttoi ; sn hMeff-find.;. Boston Ministration au bbcwous. awwuiuu i ,aeaisration in coniravenUon-of aTnls netr unaer tuft laws 'Pefa seemp4flrtjafr3att.,xnrtiB&utet and hAVfl thfi merit of cattaiatanis . at least I STf a ,S?Za it I. ta liave revived the olaim neon a ,Vw lflfflkJwlrrP9i9Brf Pomes- .' ,j-UWv m iM,. r yw-'17TCrJirtr-ViJ ino aeeK4oara45i -Texas; irz. , TOTr-iess a m it. -v' - : fr r'; i txmmmMm itmwuMi poxe,.gpjag i usDRMr mMwam from the Richmond, Va., became a city on the 2d of July 1782 and wants to have a lit tlecentennial in commemoration of that event Jumbo, Barnum's big elephant, ar rived in New York last Monday. - The custom house men did not examine his trunk. The New Orleans Times-Democrat estimates the loss direct and indirect from the recent flood at not less than 850,000,000. The President has received a petition containing 350,000 signatures, and a mile long, asking for the pardon of Mason. The city council of Lynchburg, Va- has passed an ordinance exempting manufactories from taxation for a pe riod of eighteen years ; this with a view to encouraging enterprises of that kind. The jury to try the cases of the citi zens of SoutI) Carolina charged with violating the Federal election laws was empanelled Monday, and is composed of six white and six black men. The Utica Morning Herald, Republi can, says it is a mistake to suppose that the country will accept Mr. E. Chand ler as a representative Garfield Repub lican. During the past year nearly $79,000, 000 were expended on fences in the United States. The cost of the fences now in use amounts to more than the National debt Mr. Arthur has held out the idea, that sectionalism was not to enter into his administration; and he "Was the first President since the war who refrained from alluding to tieputh4o asecon- ai sense winch waa-taken as sign max he.intended to deal more liberally in this,! but that mv government stands A ready "JLL "" " 1 'ii i I, ii . ' The rl.i -.f Sl"2"W" ' 1 .' mmw M r en man juompaiiy. Mr. Jacab RShinhfir iri niL .r, ViB commute on foreign MWUO we ijsryjLTE attentio? k ism 1 Hi v-ffN - -r rl WJf : : - :t a: . tti 1 V" EtE WE TQr OUH STOCK OF ATTEN-TION Es2H33 FOR TJ ! SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE; luU line ol Goods of aU grades, and ot various ctvs and nri. heino V wi 7CT -.Xr.Trr"" pomimmm. Invite all to give us a call and sallsfj themselves ol the truth of out assertions: r """" u W-a wo w ana OOttotrj U4de sUrated the immense wmmerciai ValuB of .(thgtianft depfia"or'!Pe This fi It JB I-Sa LI 11 ' . .Dd-n fair demand. jHHt "nlfenk: No. a t.84aai.861A foreasn: S1.8f?lA 2&Uvmt Hsfu ; C6ra-4n taod Kef to Per tion. In prOsecutlhr hfs" claim' "beTfire uote& lovet: at461ftSk491 MflL' Mri--aeUTetittrni aol Inchsrptt.-SiliiS- ers'7.20; 'WlllRkAV and oBlntf rather weafc: imenided xmhftiHK: Utt, .9.. !ii8aj2ftBiavtia8i :6atiiiiic dull ana. prices wfthout, quotable changS; Ifearl- raa txmee-outr and unchanged? Bio lDgS .120 eargees n f thar, Axtramitv. Hv.dimirf,tiiat.ihBLr eJirilary IS, TfimAHiMhAd hrhanatlin liualn- '1833, WDldh provided Ofat aftibne WhO' atenw,an4. wsert g "eLl aDar&a strmox nine xuuiaii ixiujabry.ior i ww-giuK-w j auoooou tuumuu j. railwad purooaegoverx over-rMipgiteunif orm practice bexeto-i ahcWfcaTfc tg WWrf fore. , "My .cWetcpw respect than his aqtean -mdIto i J a &v.ttT i winrn i r. wonnvBOEauirui nn nnn h, m. i w,v . aww., , , wj, vum j.t aor unu uoae, . rwp, W-l- ia7SraattalTi going w mauguraw a Droaa anas na-1 Jt",' tft Wc ti;mo nA f iZZi I of Periithfe 'aaawtiilw&yw&MM tional poUcy that would command ye-1 Zn 'Ti T the guahd which' tia ete; lTemH- st)ect and Derhans a followintr amone I The discusaion then turned jUDonnQier the better class of people in the South, pending amendment of IngalUv reauir-, But thus far there has been no evidence WKlgtt of any improvement that would con-1 before toe act shall take effect ' firm such impressions. No appointment 1 Jonas., of , iuisiana, opposed ,he J amendment as a. virtual, defeat of the raEeTwdnet of way, being oppwWW.Ji aiieeea to nave oeen aireauv snvenuv I -- ioaiM uwowMHujtoiMTu i B . - T fWa A ' I ham BAllM MAt Kl kAAAMMi J 871381 TOWl: new raMjer snaamete iong clear. 104k . Uud Apojot hTesnd'iaTri laetiye,'tut Mosln f .83-s KMlsfits(to) Lttarpool -martoC dull. v;"J it .Mtii (:-: 0xrmiK-hin'; itaiqaling 10; lew mkv jdas ttWsa-, food;QdlnaiT jQifra , nsl.reeelpts """Tt J", x oc aa,oo; ex- -pon ooa-Te 540; to urear Britain ; to wntltoent ---j ' tefranee to channel f the South, while some of the best men of his party In the South$have been ap plicants for posions which, have been given to opponents from the more favored 'sectionSr and he caps the climax of this studied indiffer ence to the' claims of Southern Republicans by removing the only Southern man in the - cabinet and re placing him with one Cram New Eng land, which has always had more than her full share of that kind of recogni tion. As we have remarked this practically amounts to nothing, but it serves to show what estimate Mr. Arthur puts upon the South and how much he ap preciates the so-called Republican party in this part of the grand national do main. As voters the members of that party are looked upon as of the politi cal household, but when it comes to sit ting around the festive board or sharing )m the PeruVl-H eriano. bedsl dJuShlplrd waj cloely uistioned tat t-hfi mfttinftr l?v' WhJlv ViAWmiui. av came, into possession or.ine, .papers' ;whieKif holds M mmamMMti' tie, Jtor, Jie . seemedr to( 'tomtit little knowledge m im subject a. certain 1 cjt$r seyeriu wmthe ave, ageht who id in Paris. Noarota-e toady; mlaV 11 u-16e; aetiWtk 510; wise exports eoaat- to ureat amata difficulties. ; the Choctaws, and that that tribe liad . W9?W.-,H pe gniaeqnjsiieir,. declared in favor of the proposed road J and, aiso xo v&Jtacv iftat a cboselir ac- by electing public officers, friendly to w m the grant The righU of the Chicka-; "iwede. was pbhg thattheolaim saws were not affected as the road Hi Wpany was flot would not reach their lands. : The bill finally went over without action. . A bill-was introduced by Vest to au thorize the construction of bridges across the Missouri River, between its mouth and the mouth of Dakota River, across the Mississippi River, between St Paul, Minnesota, and Natchez, Miss., and across the Illinois River, between its mouth and Peoria, Illinois. The'bUl was drafted last month by the St .Louis Merchants' Exchange as a general bridge law and m tended to secure rea sonable; protectionto navigation and to authdnzal)ridga companies to con struct bridges ol varying dimensions at suitabletwints on the Mississippi, Mis- taouri and Illinois 'livers -without fur- The Philadelphia and Southern Steam snip Company Wound Up. PmisHiAiril 11. The Phil adelphia and Soiithern Mail Steamship company was organized, in 1500,, witn a capital of $700,000.1 The company own ed eight steamers of: from, eight .hun dred; to one thousand tons burthen. each built for freight; and passenger ; traffic between Philadelphia, Savannah, wunungton, jsew urieans and Havana. The enterprise, however, was a failure from the start -.The com pan v has been i gradually disposing of their steamships at private and puouc sale, the Jast ves sel having been sold, just previous to tasv ftjerutmas, ana. , to-aav tne Ufec; go Mr. Arthur believes in protecting American industries from competition with the "pauper" labor of the old world, but he does noli believe in pro tecting American labor from competi tion with Chinese pauper labor. Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond, a spiritu alist is discoursing in New York, professing to be inspired by the spirit of Garfield. It is said she rehashes Garfield's speeches and sayings in pretty good style'. ' Augusta Chronicle: Jesse James had a $ 500 coffin. Twb preachers officiated at his funeral, and the choir sang, "Oh, What a friend we have in Jesus P And yet some people wo-derAlhat Bob In geraoll is a power in the land! A Louisville wealthy leather mer chant states that $1,000 spent in adver tising brings him' mote orders than a $4,000 a year agent has ever done before. This wise merchant is a constant ad vertiser. stock- Miariugj . T, ntt .jhniHnn hftiritr I holders met and voted to .. wind ' ud at-1 in tne tamiiy councils they are left dp- fftntirri- specified in bill which fur-1 lairs and disaolye the corporation. T . - . k . 1 ii . I : . j cidedly out in the cold. TtEE TWO CABINETS. As Mr. Arthur's stalwart cabinet is now complete we publish it with the I Garfield cabinet, who have all now with the exception of Lincoln, Secretary of : War, been retired: . . ... Garfiekl; .j Arthur. : James G. Blaine. I F. T.FreUnghuysen l&Stiffla 1??- SECRET ABY OP THE TKEASIJBT. Wm. Windom. " Chas. J. Folger. SECRETARY OF WAR. Robt T. Lincoln. Robt T. Lincoln. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Wm. H. Hunt I Wm. . E. Chandler. SECRETARY OF rOTiU0R. i S. J. Kirkwood. Henry M. Teller. ; ATTORNEY GENERAL. j W. MacVeagh. Ben j. H. Brewster. POSTMASTER GENERAL. Thos. L. James. Timothy, O, Howe, Under Garfield the "South Jiad 6ne representative, in the person Hunt, in the navy. Under Arthur she is com pletely ignored and has none., RENEWAL OP IfATIONAE, BANK CHARTERS. The American Protectionist has this to say On the subject of the renewal ?f the national tank barters : 4 T , ' , The vote on the motion to suspend the rules for the purpose of making the bill for the renewal " ofitha nainai bank charters a speclaTorder for April lotu, in. uie xuiase ox presentaii ves, may be regarded 'as"kn lndicitJnrK of the strrogtiiof the( fxieiiis cf the pres ent banking syateni in Cr4ss,VThe motion was defeated, but as it secured neaVly the requisite, two-birds majhri ty, it may be suppcthatlBeartTwp thirdsof the members of thepresent House of BepresehtatiTes are favora ble to a renewal bf the charters. This is not a good time to -pro pose measures which ooutemplate .radical changes n financial systnis .Busiuesafis iesi tive, and . ita, pfcpery is tall tflnes largely dependent' (rpnuUnetTTo propose a change ih our t)aqking;lairs now would aeem Ireyjnhch iikesrvp lutfon, a leap in the dark which feW would be willing to take. There can be-little doubt .Uiatrovislon for a re newal of bank charters wilf be made bafqritije ciosof PWt sessioit" ther instructs that all designs and plans for contemplated structures shall pe submitted to and approved by the.Sec- retary of War prior to the beginning of the wora or construction. Executive session. Adlourned.'. ' HouaETbe morning hour haying been dispensed wUn.- 4lr.-i4yaooi Jiat Bas, from the committee on approprif tjruiarnortftoSbacli1 the Senate bm-tat propriating $60,000 to provide for The Indian in; The floods in Louisiana have, accord ing to the Times-Democrat, about put an end to deer hunting in that State for some time to come. Thousands of deer driven from their haunts to the up lands by the waters have beenmerci-j lessly slaughtered. The House of Representatives yes terday sat down pretty heavily on the f ranking privilege feature of the postal appropriation bill passed by the Senate. They couldn't afford to face their con- stituents:wfth a franking privilege re-' cord staring them in the face. The bill of exceptions upon which the assassin Gaiteau asks for a new trial is quite voluminous, and contains. thirty-two assignments. bf error hi the rulings of Judge Cox as to the admis Bability of Evidence and some thirty in his charge to the jury The cause of bi-metalism seems to be gaining strength in England. At a meeting of the International' Money Standard Association in London, held recehtly, a resolution was adopted de claring the exclusion of silver from the currency bf the country would be a dis astrous measure, '...' The Washington Post publishes a list of those officers of the army who would either immediately orlma short time be retired from the lists should the Senate rpasa the pending retirement clause of the. army , appropriation bill. The" total number in . the Post's list, is seventy-one,' wMch' includes thirteen generals, among- them 3 Gen. Sherman and Major-General-Haneock:, but as the .latter is not quite fifty-eight years old, he would have four years longer, as the age pf retirement if stiff -Wo'. ' ' vik y second Missouri mvokm , w I WashmgtonlaStSatumy.was a native 1 wwgbt-tain; llbrtheastd 'siutib Tift.fiM. Maasachusetta. m 1837 lt9w,uucJ F nigaef tearJ he-move4 to Wtthtag ...11.: '' annolnffld' printer 1 Vftftra later to the oenaws. . ice. charge 0Ct5e.'CheXfffn;.aTia,'ArapB hues' agente inladiaaCerritety. i Mr. Kan dall... of -Pennsylvania, held thatlhi wasabill in the 'line iof tbe general aliprppriatlbaf or thesppprt pf the government and as such could not be originated by the Senate. : j . The Senate bul was aceoraingly.wk.a-. drawn, and an original bill to tha :ame. effect introducea in Tire nouse ana passed.'-; . . ':. :' , , " dJ The House then 4went into" conim tee of the whole on the post , ofScefi propriation bill with the ijenata ameni . ,,The jfollpwiug. Senate amendmen wAraonculn; apprbtfeg.ssi ten witn the neceasarj Ampwmants ..i Aflalignant Type of Scarlet Fever. Pottsvtlle, Pa. April U.A malig nant form of scarlet fever has broken out at Cressona Within - a. few days one family lost all its . children consist ing of four, boys and two of. another family who were in.gpod health died yesterday.: ' 1 u-'. -. ! This morning the citizens called a meeting and to-day au tneachools were. closed.' A liberal use. of disinfectants has been ordered and great : uneasiae is felt ! The physicians seem unabW to cope with the disease, since it termin ates fatally within 24 hours, of thev hp pearancexjf the first symptoms. t . : ; ' 1 .i ! , mm m in' i : 't ; Opposin t a Redvetiba'of Waf es. j ' jROY.'tf. YlApril lf.Fotrr hutidred oDeraUvea at llarmoriY Minahave eivan notice thai they would leave becanse or y .redaction o wages, ; This.notfceia Damoer narsrciiHiuNueitu sua in is re norted that btheifs will fbllofW the ' ex- ampte ana- accept a reaucuon witn me rjag. ...... ........ ttntiewtaiiaingiMcuieirwagea are v1xLti'f'" Ka raiaeA whan thA mnrVofrVilH Afl - ifoods warraht ltlome deny thait any otCT?ff;:f:: Concession win- uo mnue. v. 1 liwITw. iBDruarr.. BorOT r. .i. : stow 1 1,008; sales. 1 41 j e-sorts 1 1 ; to eonnnsni ming jicpKOoaordinarjiuo; net raaetpts s spots, 804;, sales, 260, stocs .,28,074; exports eoaattrtsa ; spionerg. - j etpom to Greet SrttoW 1,600: tattfaeht'-s . . v - BderoM Steady: mkMHfng itVto; tim infddrtnc ller--wti oHUnunrlUi not receipts 64ft; . . nA. l. r sMa . Qiaatatitaln - : to France Bnff ll aloxs.-' tood oMtoart lOB16e leeBlwi 182; igrois -satesj Htoek 6.706 btwbIs 0frwt . . -.. to, lUreat Brlbtto to Fmr.tnKJ.PBlA Bteaqy; middlfng .-,2tyC low middling 1 lfc:rtort ordinary lteiq; net focelpw 2,1X1 : grow 2.588; nales: spinners -z : tcck 16,965: exports Uteat Britain ; toconUnent SAtAjruxa Stcadi; mlddllne llSbc: low mid dling liveci ooa orajnarj iuo; net receioti Boy; gross - saies. 1, suu; srocs 48.685: exppm ooastwise ; 10 ureal Britain to Srsnee . t ,1 to continent .... . ' . Nxw OrlkXhs 8teadj; middling 12c; low mid dling liBbc; Kooa ortnnarr llicr net receiDta 670; gross 683; sales 4,000; stock 217.683; wxporta to mew nnim ; to prance coastwise ; to continent 2,050; to chan nel aUddllng lltoc; low mlddltnB, laarr 10c: net recelDU M: sales '400 r stock 24.597: exnorta sow oi; xranoe ; to ureal uniaw to continent . HncPHia Qalet; middling 1 lr; low mid dling Utac; good ordinary Itffec; net raooipu 944; gross 543; smpments 303; salei 500; -AoeOCTl iait; middung lIVs- low mii- min:. lie; good ordlnrr lOysi receipts 197 shipments i sales 86JL ... . Chablkstom Steady; middling llc; low mid dltng lle; good ordinary, livfec, net receipts nous; gross ; wues 400; -siock 24,085 expons eosKwise ; to ureax ttniain W conaneut . ; to France ; to chan nei -. Naw TOEK-Qalet; sales 307: middirng uplands 12 1-1 6c; middling Orleans 12 5-16p; consoli dated net receipu 6,990; exports to ureat Britain i,oo; f io craaee .- ;. to continent a,U50 w c.iifumei t LmBTOOL Noon Moderate Inquiry freely sup- miea; miaauDg upumas wyga ; nnaaimg oneans 6 lS-lBd; sales 10,000; speoolaOonr and -export s 2.000-. . receiDta 2 1,000: American. 14.ti0a Ur- ouuua , wwj uuuuunx . ciauso: . Apm aeuvery o av-avncevsa pw, aprn ana may oav-WM M4aj May ana June H4'i-tf4ia4104d June and July 6 4d-64d0 45-64d; July and aog ,ust 661--44a650-64d: August and September 6 55 -64d 1 September ana October ; October and Norember 6 82 64ds Futures weak. 1 LIVKBFOO- 5 P. K. Sates of American cotton - bales. Uplands low middling clause : . April delivery d; April and May 6 39-64d; May and June 64l-64d; Jane and Jul? d: July and August -T Angnst and September ; Sep- eniDer ana uctpoer . y , oiupea ciosea qmet MoHnvs-Quiet: (ood ordlE gross ( ' Raw YrO&t Net receloia 60S: gross 8.432 Fusarfis closed steady; sales 107.000 bakes. - April-, 12.17a.19 Mar ia.26S!.27 Jn&s.'.'. ... . .... .. .. . ... 12.42a.43 r TT- 4 .v. s?rfiTaSr?J 1 f f . 3" - -I 1 t ft WE HAVE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFSBbOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES That the PubMc cannot Perceive the Dlflereace. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, apr2 JUST RECEIVED. 9 JWSa. ' V:- r Vu( FOBWITURt. BURGESS NICHOIA BEDlN0fV&C. a muvnam . Cheap Bedsteads, aitb Louirasa, Parlor tz Ckanibcr Suits. eorroaovjUL WKytVTKAM X.C tStatesville, INT. Q. , COFFER TEtK -LARGEST STOCK- OIF" GENERAL MERCHANDISE ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND IN COMPETITION W11 II ANY JOBBERS IN THE COUNTRY. THEY WILL BE GLAD TO QUOTE paiOE TO THE TKATJE. marl 8 ly ' '.: : .- -- . - STOCK . . i i ' .i.T.f. Iii.57d.58 12.71 .72 ll.67a.69 T,h? Pacific. Mills If W. E. Cnandler can manage a navy aa well as he can toani&hlate' an elec tion count we wiup0yiile oslf dtftne x Weather. Washington. Anril 11. VifliiiA Afi1 lantic States fair weather, northeast eny winds, rising followed by JalliBa South AtlanUiffrwiifi'itA iy winas, 8xauonan or'tfltfhf btrtii xm wux-iair -reatherr v -rartatfld Win BUtionary w arer ' - nartii AAAtffe MS Mtki a 11.1.1 m a vjwooiuuai iign ram, winas irom ess stationary temneratnri ; vtuii i West 'artly cloudy weather." toaonth: stationar- iiAuu stationary temperature. t pionajr weatnar talUielWiiterfi neitlon barome- aow ma id taoved t6 UiKSJ April il.-A cold Bnkp a .m tiiKAHatdenartezlaBaatli rromllawaititolowa and kichliran--H?.d4he wholH fMnnr thii in as aki. - . . w iiiiwm i letyfifellfor1 on for '-comoeiisation' prfra ift thBtTofitOfflCrf. bv SlSOJUOO creasing hv e5000d mmM rar.maii. uana doxuuou uy ...xauui -ovidinff that if any.person snail he after perform any eervica or any-mi contraexorin carrying msune s ho-ft alieam anv monev4.dnei)K itoffioe Denartoaent to the.oontz lor. amenuutcub rawtiug bef ofn) , opppsed tbis amenfl ment.' among Hnm Janbon, of Illi- flegraai ( sxovn. ;j;nincuana, was giadlto geethcfcarbaniar was notoiici inac a uaai wavepc ma kind a iVilsr . but wherr4t did he wanteU to ritcntop of tb$t viyt an floatr with usance. Tbaftoiq ytiat ttilmeinwrtgres tjamwltogstampa? ete.; increasing "tie 1; rIWlraaaaAp anprjQpriauoa. for twmpengaopa' - iq I sevjenaddwopal.weavera werawrM at ! i I;. nNAWCui v T : .il.. 11.480T49 seyjenialaoqal.wayera.,were;hila at theiBaei&e aiUs. thi makiar total num-,. ben oCsffeaverstw esnhrapa,, J5a.J inan auames arempperaiion., in . sne spinning department. ;; lti ' . . u.r : r Ap,poiatmen8r . : ...... , Mkii io-atrv nominated ratblm Robert tJrShm Rliitf," W - te ' Un jtedv States Mftrstia) for the eat tftm district tr? Lou isiana; Edward F. Burton, of Galrfor nio.supeiiutwadentoftheUnited States- f 86U 1-0 6tt4! S89.65W - 8,895 !tr CmJIrmUpD8 by teJiate.r latioo er could fi.'-rlzit. liinnKiscal ri3iitirTr-fc S a. A 4 V , Stauear' .as sniStottpi. cesiro- Duev.Aiioc tralred.ebollilr! of great ilistar rU Ah seat' . -W akhqjotd Ann! 11. LvdvroB firmed, the nominations of. 6. !? aoa4ft of IBmww. -fpr.pubOip print-; eivanw a targe rwww Wjfjmw y. nussterjiaod axmytpjomots. ihi: iliar;Tfa.ecfiswr. ,-s : -a a- Ma. 2.1 , .1 . IT. TTTT svt-,.-, -4 at CKiWEBiAprLk il.-T'treorgO im. VUU- i Ai8Dama--vi" -b. tehsn.. j--... .... . .- .i eoTatomeiits Irregular. A6W 6'8) a. .... M . - Foot and a naif per bents,. Four per eents ....w Honey, State bondsr-ratherdun... Sob-trensurr balanoea Gold,. - , 'J-Correner... ncii.--Jl I. Ikt-The' stock market opened stMDt, anU generalfy 1 Per eent higher than yesterday's CJbslfyr". paces, tbe Ckorade Coal. ti?e IraUona, Bloomiagton Western, tbe Illinois Cen tral and tne Lake Jtrlet WeBte.m being promlnenf in the adrance. In early deallrjg3 the market fell eSUiltft$er eeht, thelWesten Union, the New JvrsgF Cen&al, fhe Lake tihore- and the Denver 4 ,va Grands being most eonspicuous In the down ward wovetnerit' : f trrs was lollewed Br feeowir bf Utd)Th Der osnt the latter for the MlcnlaaaCen- t.attefwbicn.Sotner decline' ol lis per cent took plaoe, the Penyer Bio Granoe and the Sew York Central leaalnithereln, .. '8iocs-lrregalap: i;i - - : ""' :t - ; Alanama Qaas A.'itoe ..'.... ' ' i 2 Ali lama Claw A smatt. k .' '2 peony-o iuiaafXJ utmsa u 3 wlaioota. of w'aahicv.asus t-day appointed. fXeifa nttw ,Jiiim -Mt 1 r. ? t v ai-, tt I . i.- Cl rety Kite -I' WASttlNaTOK. 1 JfAiiADEll' IltfTAne. v r . , "-. i . .a. - A. At 11- f ft i nvi ftfirsa usanc as lers acoouao' caua tM0i nortSF3O,txw W 60,WU. unuaiptKu-; t. waow-l-g" 'J ,"' wi 'ayibitwtuim tf-jf.1!l h-ii4i COo JUO .SUKHlllUH j"j-:';;a t-'l I ... ri l'mrinttri1a wVifjl 4'!Ot V'l JS ai t3i'H liU-.v: . j t ..! , . !r lrKi'W1Tu tr-"i:.raatTi oood (tnUnef uu Bug - unu tmw ukw uieujwjrs i if aiCTir bm. at 11.75. ; Crude 'l-TPeniine IS U'ttttt 12.89 I0f. Georff lUtnoM jrrmtsd wa: ttjonj IS , jwaa-iujiHsan mat. ' mi - . ,'KiiAOTiaiBUKe-roan .rose, ana derson.QfIllit.l8. from the 4mm on i5srya fcoj rfepfr' bill for the construction of the Ulinou and Missis-1 siprfl ea&alt BeTeYredt taaoimi( Adjourn at a." Clear out rata, mloe, r files? v;rwl.;'femt-ai oabhp 4or irtr (iiiferiarX ' Kl.Ta for yesow dipt 'COs TOt-inngfta; Cbleaffe'Rad' Northwestern. .-. .v. ..Tiis ' Chicago an-l-ttoth western preferred : a,. ............... j.. ... cetraL..v4i-iv.-i - i-... ;ehQre. ., ; j-k- r. -f j ; i lenronu.BM vDBrmsHJir. .....v. ... ssh-llietandCat4ttano(wai . . ..n i. . . Blcbmond and lllegnetiy .'. BichJBcmd aad,DairrlHe.w;V..vJ... fiod lBlaod.iU t-4. h- .;.i.ij- '-t aoqth Carona Brown Consohk-... WabiaH, 8 LotoTs JTPaeine, , -Wabash, 8t ola 4 Paelfitf prefeh?d- 1 Western rjntoo. a. .i.; -&;-.. j .". DIZT COTTON l-jjEffiR.' Bdward i extra ' mils.. J J DAIIII uWV.vw. . "f. 'iwiuuiii ntfiiiiiwrs -i-ii fn xwHn wmter rea snoi. Lprll astod. iOm-ioam )&S1 as .- . . . . w . w- - , --. Kwere auo a tarre ftramperdos. 4es.B-.i iuuer tn rtrniraiinfiri UArin;rlXcJifIi It Ma Snap V aottonv and the-, bult tow- gaea thej lilllaf it eYb1! th.-etnevAl'of Jtli lnsif34slsSif efca!kleswJa?a Ji4hiit1n!it." &tedfed: uiactn-iot-nAumagn4M-tcofliinui on wara and miErrB -hnoM .raia wecgoxo legislate intelligently en --u u---ifwoTiuj-fj j Mf&Mootajeea . I - - T m-m a. A ' n " --. nAnl U-M.-t-.1 .-! . a saouiaers ai.uoi'eiear ruw "aiovior: -coa-r sadr ana - unchanged. - Whiskey inoaafcj . 17. wmWMfcttetesf-toHhed goods 710 aasawiiJBstnifV9 in BHsaH-akt ana Dnoaangea; -na Task Jr .1 fWr Bk a.a Ylt . .,j .w, i . qiajjOTt-, -tfffiii,' 1888. 1 , - - the market rsstS(dri.elosedSr the fql lowing 'Quotations : Uj -: i ; i . r . ' flood Mlddllne. lltfc 8wtoyialddhg; .'. '.Li ... ....... life ludngu-;.v.".v.,o , .1 ll Tin. mMIHn llj Storm eoUoo.'.i..... .V..u...i.ii:Il :3fiF9V ?liSS iSekS5 wflfHf-eoftt 'Miifc.;i i!ji . . .riuyv. i 4ti:ct .'.!'.;; ' 'Tft'i''1'"' JlT ! Illtii ,f!.H HI'- :" wElyEyBoE Xy . .... w . ir.ii 'f t hi '..lx,-inA l I T; pESlEuc t9 imiwpaw le.the pnbuo th jl now prepareq w oo wssnwff antLuoning va Mit DOMfbte manner. -! I have eceedeln ebanged. i(RT.T3Iff VttiOji Hxam i iae ret- trngbettetwa-waha'.I have been Jwill i taxe lawny- wasomg ct lae.monin follows: For handkerchiefs, towels. 'socks sad aha siid a naif' -ems- ejKpo. An ether w fviunai ar napkins ax on j-ltalKoedai Mi Mnaiesi--i ml la1l-n'WIhM .Vf. M,. ..!. 1 aakedtatl is -and Ml rs .-. i U tts BSam-khUo'oufelfle IS NOW COMPLETE, Wholesale l letail Buyers bmted to Examine it Mre HakiDg their Parchases. HANDSOME STOCK OP HOUSB FUEHISHIHI GOODS. A SPECIALTY.,, . ie Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embradeim Jn the City. 1 SXEi 3?3EX3VI .pj4$;.ip .. . . .- .... i; , .. . ."r. - ? : -AT- : WILDER'S . : - f t; if---- . yon will pod s cboiee and fioaip.lete atock of Plifife FUESH DRUGS, -'CoHen'-, ifibig's ; Liqaid Extract BCEF and TONIC lNVIGOitilOU. GIGrARS: 1 TOBAGGO, A JUST RECJYED- U D U I: X .iwtfi adodlog t-e ailCiUiIlAtlBA braaa ot Cigas. Is ai Toilet Articles, an assortment, and everything generally kept In a first classI)ruK Store. Special attention given to PhHlcl&osVJ'xescrlpuo-s dsx and night. ats- raawujtfaaieea.A Corner Trass, I . . a -i . an . . X . i.Ceiiefee street spr8 rr tr rv?T?v (1H . 3?i HeVe the3 mmmi I iUi "Kateitaitt- E.OCH m Kentoekr Cane -til BOlfti0feHt-l-iHRl"j--fl HOWKBS. Lerer Is and Cod- ireuoiaTaiors. eeiebratea now Low Cotton Planter, will car-fur Uaetf ArasBeraacd Bone mm ereryi ef (MrrnaB!1 anjl Earlv Amber Gen- fleedt :V wi 1 compare prices wsau JtJitTBT ; oiik sustain tifj4 .1m 1C A Piedmont Patent Flour, nonl ierni .y. ri a. TracmibT m f bju'-l kit itiiiri li'liz't'lii CVU-- tn 1852. gophers. 15& ' ' I 1,1 apri v m