2Sssewewbweewe J ?nOMECHIFlETS; '"wiiDNESDAY. APRIL 12,1882; ;iU4 ra.iiUEn. J Pal Sunday. KBmpanied, i .1. r lawW jsmi.j , ft v.. m h. I iwuzULUu m incow u uiepiaauuai I 1 Wt iie requested ta meet a ttia wSnrt 4 EliST. u.Vr f 1 below.. Pineville, 3 tif .aJwat L i i . I M w Wk W.?"- T I IVi..-1 u HI.- j "uinuuaiiy to-morrow at twelve I prjeviouVday's luimay.naMOMiae!1" k entirely DiwenCed by the use of BOB-1 OClOCk. May toeXSp2rti'h wexiSf C3TA large en vl& evidently con- ever, while the colored population, suit i - - - r if i ! j i t J.. FCIib9.preaclilqg in thai T I this vuk'.nc'i ,. ,.if . .. . I pp. JUttie the irritated ajP orevenio wo rom nuuDC on. doubtless; ' AflerVvlisf' i -rei; d"?4?!. via.nr1nir KxtncUueknOWntObetlM I .I..' ivii'sin':.''!'' I nana m-nA AtmnvAarlv ntitintl,.'i - - BW"""" I l u nqwHHl H BST IDU infl I w.-. -. T ,-- l L, , .. . . . ... . , i Mttainter;tlfcenI K i preach in TLZZtini pain of euttlng teeth ? If so rfkenof roilr tthisaVAtl ZLrTl l Th nnhlifl SSffil . tarrbladiedrof the Bantist church .WM Uatelj-dependaponltraerelsno vesteMaT SmariMmI t Mr trim's I ni8neB ID61X race.1 . AU xneTTauaDie, SA"Vf'a'tiJi th.Mn.dt.hf Mr. tw vki..?H. eliartBrea early In ,tbBir.tad ' o & v a rax t i . j. gaiahes their race - All theTtrailable, I tained at St lSulailIevs; enJwcbant of a oAHTwmo 8YBUP. ItwUl reUeTettie gunerer uuiii-( itoU.AKbOUt 11 MSSKS ShCTeifr l the beneflt of Mr. Dr. Whitfield, wife f the pastor, who is shorUy al Sriotion ot one of the eldest and best physicians to leave Charlotte for Spartanburg. .na nurses in tne uoimju ouh, cycij wucrc . s . "wo uuwm wjjuwtiMnuuw iun wrkt finer PTPltAmimt.loat.: oa&V In f ! I . . . ' - J o v..vU, .ou nocA. iu uu9 ocv-1 auigefl in egg roiling, base ;tion, that there ia really no such thing 1 8ttCK other Munei MJdccttdett "'vMWIWl,MUIU vmi cm- i A r. Tiitrhr. a. fari val vrsui hAln in thn hoaAv I thn friitj.i rw'.it nf fth" Tkantfttta siwl and nursram.. 25 cents a bottle. 11 l-rn;f . j ( r ' ' I ) ;T1tA rf Tlflkivflfai Vicf will vntA SiLx I on the 18th of April on the question, of tO them.! 9 4fHintiAl AiihaotrtnHAn a aMnanO in n 1 J 1 . . . .. ' 1 cuS, neautsu uy a prominent pnysunan, i ment of the Smith . Biiildinink Dmd l wtrf sauroaa Jompany. r t w ,y."ww nunar aouMS music was caHed inW:redttisiU(tota feh-;l.; The poUfehugfiaa appeared M ioi a genuine rabid canine. I iwan th in m, u I 6f the truck Xarzna, la. Princeas Ann proceedings;- tdgr rne Uuonod Club at its regular 1 a late hour of the night meeung, neid Monday night at Mrs some e county, Ya and f eara are ehtertained that they will do aexioua damage. Thus far they are jwn,lto;arawbeiry VWHWtl . ' ..,..T-:mf.: ..n: i: Dewey's, elected Miss .Louie Morehead I Charlotte Matual Bailaiav a4 .-' Vice President, and decided to give a Associate Ananal xaectti errand concert, instead of their annual 1 Ofiicera . . ... onfira. whifih will miiha oft rinrinor t.hA I iSle annual meetint :6f therahare-4 derstendtbnoiiHUTitf'theTJBitetl SOf.h nf Mat 'mtlAhrat.f nn Th r1nh la holders of the fiharlotte Mutual Build 1 States training-8hr ''Portsmouth. He now in a flourishing conditien, and the aW L(.A interest manifested. ningat830. ; ,. , . -'V vh , , hjirojeeiL iwiiid AdlL tW The following will be of inter- QetiexpaW1iWf b&n&tfto. .tefeiqajg est to several of our Charlotte people. chair.andMr.aM. Butt appointed mNmkS iH.nd a-oTIVm. secretary.. . .... i M. de Piers will succeed im. vhltA i tutiohaffiof vesiterd I-The 1 minutes of ioW' liQriaois l Wn WittiwilpTdyM it tutionaiisi or yesterday. ai aii iMetidehitioonBt ine annual meeting or tnearantte- toBerlin,T miles, distant, abeirtmid ville Manufacturing company will be were read and conniinea. , night on '8attdJJ'?nfgh 7H4 was in held in their office at GraniteTille on Reports of the secretary and treas toiicated. andon the way laid down On Thursday, the company will be sold on urer aiMi uditing committee were sub thewtlrbaoltrifckrand was ' killed by a sharers " I miti4 at 1 adopted . I : i passing tram,- ; - On tr. stion, the meeting then pro-f , a aispascAirom tWMX8fK 8ayB Absolutely Pure. nr r ra fhpldin than competition with the weighty a um or phosph cans. .ivjiaaj ill - K!. Vnvlr LeBoy DfctJdson, 80le 'AgetitChju'lotte.'N. C. Resvlt of a Pisbteg Trip. loeeded A Charlotte Party Were out fiahmfirl the snSngyear, - Monday ifeVenirig, arid camehome Jate J Blstlno'tJ Jf1 frlvig mifmm.T!. i T .Only to report that-no 41&'bi6en-l fr&ittoin. 1.B&1tf&'ti0Qy- mlMAiaA Battr itla Thi. ruwir nnr Tarles. Amarrel of trarltf I eaoffht. One of the vonnif ladles. hnw-1 P. . H. Phelan, W. .M. WUSOn, W.: !.' stated' Oiat the atljatfta tilien the JeWS trengib and whoiesomeness. More eeonomia AVA ... . .. - I Kevle. C. W. Eddin and A. G. Brenizer. 6f Southern Bussia bate reXspmmenceid. tneorainaryKinas, .ana owuio ww? " :- " . - - : 1 Th niwH v lh Jw Mh ' tthnM Mt DhSld sold onto to to fi8h accidentally got her own hook I were unanimously eiecteo; , , on fire With prolenm T " " ; ?BiKiNQPOwpraoo!r I caught through one of her eyelids. Was I There being no further business, the .vm.' lii,-llvL. she looking upon-any of her male meeting adjourned. , - j Y'SSSSTZSwmlS irienus at tne time r i Auo "cwo iucu pihu i saturoayi , ' ' .in .1 J.. J T T T IJ A TJ I " ' Married at X aiaon a, j. on tne wtn I retary and treasurer and J. E, inst.. bvDr. J. M. SDunk. at the resi- I ttrnev. . J v I Hk.! . ' - I MfrWaWlVnAa Kaofil ei Hi toll- rt ft L'. of the bride father, vjapt, J no. ill. xloey I ThereDorUof the offirs show thai W.f" -r . . i h Miss Viitnriii Tiwis. After reeeiv- I aoanoininn ts H in Merhlv nrnsTVrons I The. German r Dress. eonimentinZ On ine the congratulations of their many condition. Organized only one year XJS fiends, the happy couple left on the 10 ago, its receipts have been as follows: an nnJustifiaWe wdfflesoS toter- a. m. train for Goldsboro, thence to From installments. .... .92343.75 ferenee, particularly as it comes from a Shelby, where they will spend several I M entrance fees 465.W I country which upholds theMonioeqoe- xutereat uu iusus , vio.iv,i uruie. . ! a v,i, o fines. 12&.40 15.00 .-:tte 1 irud ' j eiitU tit 1 '"TSttiUO H C4i9C fault m l - - )!! 4''4lJL.''--i ' t-T---': : . .t-Vtit '--iit ' '.O ii-'' '! !(.!' . Kdjiii.i .iaT .i!tiii M: "ia mw sir tufi ,sm 1 tsij'w m-it V:. 1 f .-iiJ-'V' s mr. !' cmeHS iliffs .hfv1 -fi;si J "Vfa y : h-finh.'A .;wfflT't)uiuU jtin v! Si-.etB 1 I ..iv.b pth-bAjB llJjai.9:-jsd itK bt;i. -fisiir1 !nvi),t "'i ittl''!-il ..; im : t:l '.. c. li-.il-! J !. iV.5 ' :3I "."lMBi; .li'.Kf!H w; I! acjOJ I ti .I. H 1iv1 'i!U.iiHwioeIi;n booi' 3r'l JlKXi! .-!:fw f .i!9 MW h9d T fl:JrW .ll '! Tfhjft r. t'5R ftT''f .."ill nf '3 r.l JI f(?i V.-tMtlll tifl t:. 1 1.) '!?. lus.-.ni- j ' ! 1 t I ' ! ! WW Iti AMl.i-Mil&ift W: 1 i0 1 IV till' V 1 fin mi' ,3 I ;0f$fOT p?sriptio3t Including ft "Tiiin! 1':, J. O-. t.. REDUCED IN IfEICE: Light "and Dark Printed Nainsooks nil -FROM- . 44 io sH'ri.Tir) I'iir. tiffin 7,1! id r.v' F VIOO PIECES LINEN LAWNS C3 5 ' , ' .... , 7-,, ; 3IdH BLACK, SOLID WHITER WHITE GRoWi wltb BLACK FIGURES, , BXApDS-crRovnsi witm-vhit FiovjRtes, white grotjivd wltb Flgruree In all 0oion. Tbeyare BEAUTIFLHi GOODS 95 .Tii. MiiJ WtS lii; bxsw V ?DiTE llJilHtlll. IP B4IIST, ' 2$ tEDUCED-l'fiOM 658. !7J.::. S)!S" I". 1', Laces. .1,1 WEfiai ERESENT Wt AMDtoSV OPENING OUR NEW Spiiif iiDd-'taer Styles MILLINERY, f r f ' i ; ; IncTUdtof Ell the latest fatiteltles iaFtto jSuLLijtHyiLiNt. IIAlu1li;J ,u- iA'' BONNETS . ..FOWJSR r f?W r days with relatives. A. (? t-.: " OK XVEET FA.BRIC, ANli i COJt?J,JtTB LISB OF ADITS' NEPlC W EAR , REAE SPATSriSHMeE TISSUES. A Do With a Suicidal Manias A young man whose modesty pre vents his coming to. the front vouches release fines. . It is understood now that ' Mr. Chas. H. Reed will argue ; tne exceptions in In oJbUeiejlej, Abo, jdl tie new bfylei KlnvKifi Pa.ri.4bla. com plkti arocjc nt the city. WILL OPEN Ofiafterp-lals and., Bonnets m.fa1 9f; 07551 i the Guiteau case for .the defendant in -total . Z0,vJ.6i I r.: .rOiMik - ; j During the same time it has loaned! 1 ....,,.:;...... for facts which, to say the least,. are a on mortgage 024,360; it has been con- T i?eoffiier,T ai r "tf.ti,.; little singular. He was at the town ducted at an expense of only $530.38, SSSSSJSSSSttSS' creek a day or two since attended by a nas cash in bank: to the amount er Arthur Mueller; is $30000, .instead little doirbelonflrinir to a neighbor, when 100 05 Tho nt. nrnfihs tn dhare. of $2JS00. and the directors; batardav f o l w ' tr - I . i . . ' . . ... thA animal nddenlv exhibited svmn-1 hM, v,M ftiruft4T wfcrl closed tne namx unuis orafireo, oy ue t n7T7-' " I "r.rz rrrr ' T' stocMioiderB to resume. TiiiTiK r 11 h. Mi riLiiun 1 tuuviiiahiuii iui uiio a imiiart omAnrr t wi 1 ana ma 01 vna r j iM water, jumping into the dhrrent,whicn proflt8 pe, 8hare 0r interest on Smnlt& was swift, going under and staying so I investment of nine and one-seven-1 mai?W aWanMWnS?dr (nVeviht?to long as to lead to the belief that he was I teonth per cent per annum. j the South by . way of, the Kprf oik and I drowned. As some value was attached I The shareholders endorsed the man-1 Western railroan, a r large ntrmber of to him, he being a household pet, pains &eement of the affairs of the assochv teWI fflS werfftakentopunhimout which was Uon by unanimously electing them to rbrfolk by thT&d rroniinlottlmtbf resisted on his part by struggles to get I serve another year. ? steamers. , ' t . . I . .,h . ... . . j '.. I I LJ , ! , : - ' ' a (jnfiBiasot ACJsa, 1 oaCK. Alter Deing lanaea ue again li&S?ao?Ki I jumped in and repeated it as regularly as ne was puuea ouiuuuu bb uau uuu- 5 ARGES auto 8TliKt LAOEH, &C, .oUliU ' lND-t " ."V. ' - . i ( -- i . . : - iiiiiii .1 -HiI ..: .i.W:ii; :.:;. A Federal Court House ia Charlotte. For several years the necessity for a Died. Hill ahmMh In ttlffl 4 ly to be tied by the feet and carried j government building in Charlotte, f or J tteitta day oTf At a ...... . i in um ni ui wtuar m nor - away irora uie airvuiu. i the accommodation oi tne mans ana i mh. sima niton nenmber loth. 179S. abd therecordsof DistrictTftnd CircuitFed, JhASSM loarr awn, ihsv, a&a hi, cuma never le-mar-LUi early life akeonaeeted aenelf wtth the PreabrteTlaa Charch, UTed model er.'Wuwian araoes. od'e. otto die J kne Ladles the nraseht time Js HOt precisely known, I k:mc, nharlnftn hav i 4 oeofdlai to the irfll of. theXotd. BwiwniaT nfspfTAT ivs- Tun MiLLJNK&T T , I vw - -7 - 1 in ner waiK ana eoawraaqon. uuwim mo mo on Monday night Wh the innocent 1 membera have exerted themselves SSSia !. (KM. ASSORTMENT ii i WH0tB3ALi AND RETAIL, ntral Hotel Birildnig. - Out lwsrgTTMflrbf a weirtielectea -assortment of UOftt fcttpt In tbt Prrarareaa When we wBlneplliMii to tney hare ever seen In this city. Re?peetfolly, A Kaia Upon tne rotnet. 1 er8i furts. not less than a suitable Jaoaary 29th, 1889, and Mis. Urns never re-atar- In 1856 the whole number of swine DuUoUngin which 8aid courts should be in the United States was estimated at held, has been apparent, and the Cham, mSSJ!S 4XX000.00O. What the number is at the of Cofllmerce, represenUng the utTlSt present time 4s not precisely Known, busine3S interests of Charlotte, have f ffTLdLTi but it was lessened to the extent or one 1 interested in the matter that its otpto, sto mads SJSSSJTfi'fl tir j wi,;u tha innnMnt I . 1 utaeenlldfen of the tielKbboaoea.-aM s uigei vu iuuuu; I memoexB nave eier tcu (.uciiiboitto oongrecanoa asteDwa m turn tuu gnurcn, uu and unsuspecUng porcine inhabitants I considerably in regard to the matter. hbJ b on the premises of CoL J. -i do M I sometime ago, at their own expense, sne died 1 rhsdt aao were eniovinz their innocent siumDers i tKa fc . .mmUtAA tn Waahincrton. I ",wp,w,";ij' on that nighi, perchance dreaming of wajcbCapts. John Wilkes jeas chair. sweet dreams of wandering in acorn-1 maDit lay tne importance of the mat strewn woods, some prowling thief 1. faxis the eommittee on Public received ltri5i SOTpLj 'o? broke in upon their retreat, and select I Baildinga ahd Giounds, " ' 1 : ''" ing the victim . that woft commended I It ha8 been nnderstood for some time himself to his Tidgment, araggea mm i oommittee were iAvotably in oS and cruelly slaughtered him ins a cimea to the , proposition, , but yester- field hear by, unmovea Dy me piwiaus i day General Drayton, president of the m r- marStS tf wiftM toJ! dU.i.f tloi 1X1 1U , - ' - .Win. '.' tst m .. V . tn& .f."iUm 'J ii" u41. .; iMK.j v j WE" TT BLACK. Bd CREIV TEASK : fot the retail ffadiC , r ' R. U. JORDAN:& QO TpOattv btianoe.otttmraStOQM),wa-l S- nmin. wnn KruwpirwiiTM. aiuu i BEiii.sanaoac- at 18 per inoattf : itontj at irpUjasm. - i . . inn i hi . - ..ni..-. ' ------ t VIOLA COLOGNE Quarts, Plnta and Half Ptnttwtresnlng and last log. For sale by R. H, JORDAN & CO., DBU.QQIST3. Bay HUM. In Quarts, Hnt3 and Half Pints. Colgates Violet and Florida Water. shrieks of his unfortunate prey. Tbe I Qg' commerce, recited the dark deed has been reported to tne vig-1 followin? 0fflCiai report which Thb Uantolficers.0f; the law. Let us nope I Obphhv is asked to publish infuUi the criminal will soon be Droogntto justice. . r Hotel Arrivals Yeteray. Central Hotel. E T Jackson, Ed JMcLeer. Jno Kirkland, Jr Jas H Flagg, Walter G McRae, Geo L Ashmead, L -frafrfax. A H Wells, Maj SR Cbiaman, ttAtrorfti T.A Conklin, J T Baiiey, G W Ogleaby, H C DunlapJ AMcCool, , ) ,XOS.X ' ' A ' Small tiocket Memo: m- r s i Book ' , Dlt, SCQIT'S ELECT BIC HAIB and FLESH BROSHES. . w . ... - --vt tst i' i a ia nto tin .i k. i i aimer, nonwiii i t..nin n.iriT nn V I l&AWUWM, J " - I 1MTU1K WW; mw jp, ' OH ri nnntain 'Haev and wife, Faiaon s, jn the last ten years, it'is L-V vvt -A w,, v n? r. M l larca country trade and Fuller,T B Wright, B BW. Tmlil trldnarriva i r. I rd, from the committee on Pub ,c uildings and Grounds, submit ted tati following j The Committee on Public Buildinga and Grounds, to , whom was referred the House bill to provide for the erec tion of a public building in the city of Charlotte, In the' 'StaM of North Cflrnlina. renort that . Charlotte is rapidly growing place, uDiea its population in t- i tne center ot a the converging About twenty accounts for the present year ant twoaote ana . a, nww w Kffl ftr :!.' .i s'u- , .Tq9t j''. ! f... ..is '-a' : '.'' "i' Jo :wj , .": : ! ' ' Ot aU gradee, poeael aad famBy. Photograph and AatocraphtNuns. fine, and cheap Box Pa per, Vmmtom Rnnk, Worlr HRTM. Ink And U1K BtanOS. rtUnc taper and KnTelopes, Paper Welguta, SmTSuim. SntB, Baolu. Tablets. Velvet and seap Frames, crayons, Slstea. Penholders, Slat and Lead waeat.-Bleek Board jtnDoers, jflanK nruwi ouwu, hmA Pui Banks. - Rio "CaraTJoatotkJlirBotB br BandaJaabMr eaneldersA lere stock: of Gold JPana alwara on hand. . Comcosluon books. c , AiAomsitaeetrti lndowvhda i uia. aiiADa One on M. A. ainR.dna 1 nt nut Mnwftmbar. and J.A.'. ior 927. one same nine." an persona uwihf vr ; Its.' 'iJ O; f otblddea to trade for mffiBsW 'I I P. 8.-Tbe fmfler ef the 3Wl;i!W rewarded rlearlngltat-x , a JHIflWlfKJK. -aprii at, j . JT., iif.s-n.i". bin.; TJRTrtiaTO.aibeareday OTfaatreaeon. A..iei petentpl apr9 e beat materials and by. eonv wtlson Bcxvnaj.' . Drag bhbb Trade atteet PUREST A. .Wl.'V;! 10 Vi'Viri ft J1U1J .s3;i"S ; :'. t:-..,.)&dl rfiiwVtfd'J-'J i Kwiii!" iT!!f ntlfl'i Vf ill t oifctis r. f Utct fitl TKil nUifr.'i t: nil 'iat .;nts '-v:-'' .:m.;..iI ioaabla!v-jovi; imi nfWjyt;in ir or waiF apor ou dsasrlntkHt.-Pletare oture Cords. CSirombs, Dlnlns I .laPlctttrevaU oi which are. sola at ex rfmAziBelalfr. Also agent for !5S T . v V'. -A E f . I B B IB i K IRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign, and Domestic, ' Just Received, at MUMcAdec'sD'T Store jABATUMA. "yiClal. From Saratoga SpTtngs, N7 V. A new water re sembling ineimponea vicny. uecommeiiaea . as an antacid, cores dyspepsia, aids diges tion. Is a powerful tonic and strong dlureti& Also, Hatiiorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al teratlTeand bi all forms of dyspepsia. j;' ALSO, CASKS CONGRESS WATER, Q CASES BOCK BBIDOE ALUM, Q CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. 1 s ' ' Andafungtlpplyor IMPORTED APDLLINARIS Daily and Weekly AHD v ! !vJ ,"J ,'lu, it. lo i!Jitifiijs sHoii vfi; as 1 MUd M ADIU4-OKDER nt C-t: Millard Wood, B G Johnson Washineton, D Ct.O Norman, Phihv r tt tatita a "XT C rrv r ni i i in TTf'iT f TfilTnfTttP Ttagan. tions in pewon witn me poatomce. a; Kr-n m m-.'H h rm. ii.n. : - wi - ... H. ??T i t G J Boney. B W Price, Wilmington, N fire-proof, but inconveniently toeatef SUlti'&L, TMT r'-HUJXL2ii'i4.! w " J . . .. y.,a1 i..tt- ui.i,nlf f thaiaitaf -rrvc ttsmia Raw Unseed OIL K b&neTs Bofled 111 C- O B Cox, ceaar u aus, s, v i anu wiiyuj iuauu i i"iiS'i!B5oon J"TSarhnrff. Va: B E Down El the public service: , JifJSBSBSsSS m7l" ----c. -' . crif-r, I The business or meAniernai rwoveiruo i wiuxin a bukwaui, t t V Thomas, H FulenwidW, C G Helfen- nanfttmftnl, wnion u lance in this dis-1 -w ; 5 i7u.Ti Avy Jadatri 1 P TT YYPTYA'W "Xr P.O, atein.wife and three chlidren, Mrs ly trict the receipts for., tost year bel jiiiW,' "i . ,tn u,i UlU g.imd ji l rv.3.'i..iti"ir.T-.j J'? r " I or,! maid Mra Icrsrs ana maaa, i a499.455.0S. aiso requires m uua poium. ' ' J i.MI UAifirn. "o s -t vd l5il tv.,ijnu,-t n. - - -- - - -. - iiaitcA ie titt - w . a a. - j &axiam k m j a 1 .ma - a i"tw. t. r Warren.' Virrinla: .nltatM apana wimo. : . i: (y;!5 .;;ii P'i7r-ii"-,nr5imv!imo -xiioaiufi ' ?o .ti iju!?i owwuiw,- - "T.-to' The United bUtrcireuit ana oisinct,BftmM mi? lo it ; ujjarwaia n Capt W ii James, oauuuy. , 1 conrts are,hcld in this city twice a year, IAigptfaAdn v; t In K0O2 lift 234Miia feiMMl2 '"T TWER vaTva xaaaaxivaA w , ij-a is nowxfc attteiQ zmtii Lead, fiWll'"! Aii'ilJt'iV n tO tooa tfaOMi :ayaiboUaJetter stamped apon .tt.tattae lartabon crmn Airmtathe letter For the Betaif'rai dl' BecelTed,by 7 ana bucra ia uu uuuuu. .- ir TT -r -r a Vr" e rf Minetree Bichmond, Va; E S Ehney, 0f the courts,' the preservation of the 1 R. II. JORDAN & CO. Jtoisc; j loftawSwS"If,:8 1 mi 'Ht g; ban 't nil r,i oj sJDfviKo newim ot -t 11-- irlnahn. J C Cobbi Cobb. -f v;ur - -W!Hr -AAXV, I ' -V. ' 1 1.4 A - I a. ,i,r,. Ihrlde: Bfldgwat, If Gi " .353 m enditstiassaw.linvlf if f! i la.HDhM!MnnaiiinK lata the trecmr the emblems of- oat- trade.. Spatulay rtiranaradta-BTl 81 a RimruTDiAr asDuam were otaff fiieanatate oi J h,sului m tneioe. ' :BaTi IV1 ai4 Eiatea an -vf: of those wb . tnow notMnr of Bedka iwwnds who xmt ov ,noatroini aaoira wsouw mao - . i GiiL Trenton . iitiiAxBenanuxewuMTiwuacwuM aprs :a STWQltfiTBIET. ' I C&W4?S .--.row,f .....rm " vn mif hlu.ia3- eif i 50 ioi ! : ' ' -nft1iintfliWAX0M 1 lTArtWAWasiwa i k..-- -- - - ' a sr . . Himn -. ' X'-a . m w a. lu HariM r -. . m . a. ua ew a --z. r uaiaab iaaruHUL ra. ;-- :, m ii r. . . jk.' a r pit sa . - . t roowvjoii iu ' iif i iuri serial io tub ariT .9Tii.attM3r I c i.s. .1 .... . j ! Aj-1 i7fM5;ri m uria rjvmi 9kmu t .liyRfUfnAAE9C8T I &TT tijss l i 1 s 7 jo bfiiemvi tdT .junta i fraki ua; oito siifiw iwi ami ? mso' m'Jd 'ruui ds ew? 51 a&sq erfJ ; au boa bu.oai.;i-iJi lWWTi flj yu tot CABBAGE GREEN PEAS, Sui2is w wn"-WM;S'5i4Q C-'M Xjoneei SWEET POTATOESf Jffi& O H AT ' TTVYTaTTJT T t XiTT C 'Li ' 1-fth.uhleeftase. : , IBJ Bl ! rl .Lut ,iuu Jij w-ifriJ J 14 3nq7 iT5SiW TTllifete.?aiweav baa a n n'ltmau - - . " ii-. -Daiti. i at Bngnra jnsi . wawr v - i M.ti, anntinn wumuar DunMrnaa. rttafckbjryt S? xvay, .giWa " l,; fn1 en iL'vir.rjnifai urn Mill to 3?JB3 iisa (5 ?.S 'Aft .'Tie. ff.tl il? d xail&: tftfai nt Led' Joi IbaK iw aaoixdM udi io.TOlbfeSi a lo 1 if;l1 dt Tab fiuil f.aa A I 'and beln analysed MOK. vortblesB andoalj and a nrste on ae weu earn 5Umr Co'i ! rneoMi these kADo i tflTJutsIlon'te- trjstaliraild will eneMyooforafwpenneneiwayaierem Bt. Bev. Jno. w. seeKwiin, msnop oi ua, Gen. JnaB.Gsdon,U. a Senator, ; BL Ber. Hahop neree. KiSSiSBSSdft ret a r igWanafXTA-ii ' Bon. C Bnekbnidze, PTetDeWp&Bi ftiwif Truflfin Hima wunir. of 6a, L Lewis;ynMer. Aasletara P., ?pu, jPa,, i l amd nawawada of etaera . frovi wbeaewelnveei- ? Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! 77 TJHTADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHABTICi boat A wine glaas fifflbetore breakfast .npaJhatu richness la aperient aalts surpasses that of atfeataer known waters.'' : . sJtm jmtfsn ALweat jmrnM-r"uvnna janos. TteTtfl08t agreeable, safest and most efficacious aperient water. - -TAo, Berlin. Tnrarlabty good and rotnpisTuxwssjmostTalnable.'' -" Prof. Bamberger, Vienna.! aave prescribed these writers with remarkable kuecee." -Profs Bcemxont, Wnmoorg.'-I prescribe none Dot una,"1 Prof, lander Brvmttm, Jf. 2., F.MtM London. "More pleasant than its itrala, and surpasses beOeyr'rene.to PaaarSed nchanau." - JOHN HTMcADEN, bBDorOns: and Dlffpeaamc Pbarmarlst Worta TryonBt. CHABXOTTB, H. a i)ONT GO TO- SABATOGA When yoBcaa get water Jost as fresh and Bpartt Bng as when U nows from the spring at Saratoga. We reeetve this water tn large blot to reserrptrt which we return as soon as emptied to be reflued "- Druggist and Chemist Presortpttont tatemOy prepared by experienced mad eoaipeieot aroggiau, day ot night ukuaat eonmei4es P?',wfS It Is eailBenaga laaattt MeeiaetaMM be- a a Insiuullat. wmtot Kill H masraaa mmnum dmw .. wwwi . iMlb xrsai boa .J..UTI "IT'S . .".rtua.ull U i rrrjcrskABaitJ ' AM aamTTJmown aoeeiae ior uuisauMriiw. IpiHSSTkocr.'aCi aU diwwlanof theBTOJIACH. b1ViyX3ah4airjSlTa" 4 tT' NINETXTEASa' popoiar useaHescBUBjnuiMi safety an4 sopflertty to att waters oi taa cMaa. Atom au eswftTOawiBwBae. Oomestle; Oey hnpalr. the dttjeWve organs and tnoTifitiKnTeparaTHereeuita 8olft! i) I niWpef.OaSi IJIiUi it. mirt'.iha oil '.4 . ('HUM .VI i3 aprfl

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