GHA9. B. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. (BsmsD a TBm:&&t-omtmj a piabloitm, THURSDAY, APRIL 18,1881. A DAY IN THE WOODS. There are 319,219 white and colored children of school age tn Maryland. The Zuni chiefs hare filled their jogs with salt water from the Atlantic and started for their home in New Mexico. Ml I mm 1 I I The James gang have scooped in something over $200,000 by their opera tions on the road within the past few years. The cooks of Berlin have organized an association the object of which is to raise the art of cooking up to the dig nity of an acknowledged science. i i In actual gain in population in ten years, from 1870 to 1880, only one State exceeded Pennsylvania. The gain in Texas, was 773.170; the gain inPennayl-i vania was 760,949. Miss Phoebe Cousins, the female law yer of St. Louis, wants to be appointed on tha Utah Commission, and has a ponderous petition prepared to present to the President. An Ohio man who was recently taken into a den in Cincinnati and swindled by bunko sharps was so much disgust ed with himself that he committed s'ul cide next morning. It is hard to tell from reading some of the Western , papers which was the worse man of the two, Jesse James the assassinated highwayman, or Governor Crittenden, of Missouri, who conspired with the two assassins to kill him. The Episcopal JSundajr School Pioue. -iHJt t &f 4 m We wer prelnlriajr jOO MoBdayvsb ttieneit ibejBing;wtien the "Sleepy God" had lifted his fingers from our eyelids our first thought was "the picnic." We sprang up with a-happy heart,, full of bright anticipations of plAasuWbut our ardor was quickly chilled, for w realhtd InBtantttat the thermometer had fallen several de grees ; ' and, a' sigh escaped us as -wfr thought of the pretty spring dresses, and pared direct and practical toad to a settlement or tma vexed question. No real issue uoon the tariff had been '"W1 urf aucepieg, ua ne contrary MH the! a&tu&li nnfytt inn -Itivnlvwl iit ; one or two beautiful solos. The after noon wore quicklyawajr.and the time to prepare for our homeward trip ar rived. Many fbasketaof fragments? 1 rtervw f arirottenv hr thftki -Ifiiant com-1 mittee oUTflome wdtlospital,'' alWSPsari IWd fcn we faced about. One young lady lin j ground; which was In substanceihis': gereu bu iuu uyuu vims wsu wo i mm mp lann snouid and must be re- feared we'd have to (l)eca(her), bat she vised, that we must have a tariff nrodn- too came up in time tf low ita .the. 1 fitng. ample revenufl.tameetthe wants "three cheers" proposed by Capt Wilkes f and obligations of the GOvernmentrso toourjr4rKihesi,wnwgr fair nfdtfifctlor to EYITE ATTENTION P3 nr. it 1 i! 13 1 ! Ml f ; WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF- his gi vfuvite phi 1 ImwwimITu Mf lAivi place adjoins his, and to whom we are J Bible, burde ,,. The train very sooficame thunderihg the lovely hats, thit had been or. Ltipv W we crowded on neiteMKeiter. DrtJQ ' f,L l t()dk.jats,rwhere we could geT The Chicago Times is of the opinion that should the present foolish policy of trying to limit floods in the Missis sippi river by means of dikes be contin ued, the city of New Orleans and the greater portion of Louisiana will be destroyed. The best proof of improved manage ment in the postofflce department is the fact that the establishment is beginning to be self-supporting. For the quarter ending December 81, 1881, the revenue was $678,424 greater than the expendi ture. Half of this sum was saved from cutting off the Star Route thefts. Senators Miller and Laphani, of New York, have as vet had no recognition whatever .from President Arthur. They have made recommendations as to ap pointments, but Arthur has treated them with indifference. He has not once consulted them as to his New York appointments. Even the mighty Wood-pulp Miller is mercilessly snubbed. A Boston paper wonders how it is that young men (in that city with sala ries of five and six dollars a week can spend nine or ten. They play a little game of draw, probably, on the tills of their employers. It would be perhaps as difficult to understand how a govern ment officer with a salary of a couple thousand dollars a year can, in a few years, accumulate property to the amount of .many thousands. Louisville Courier-Journal: We did not have a very high opinion of the late Gen. Hurlbut in life. But there was one side of him on which there was not the least discount. He was a fighter. He was a fighter from Bitter creek, pretty high up, and north side ; and if he had lived and Shipherd had dared undertake any of his free-nigger tricks on him, he'd have gone for Shipherd then and there, and the likelihood is, he would have made Shipherd "drop that oyster and git off de wharf." ' Here is the way a writer in the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph dashes at the leaders of the Independent movement in that State : "It is altogether incomprehensi ble to me how any respectable Cauca sian, filled as he ought to be with as pirations for the elevation of human kind, can obtain his consent to enlist in a party which openly declares for the supremacy of the lowest classes and a carnival of crime. The nauseating mess! A clerical renegade, Felton; a political Pariah, Speer ; a lunatic jump-ing-jack, Miller; a standing-until-he-has-grown-to-the-stamp candidate, Gar tell; a printer's devil-with -his-face-washed Thornton, who. owes his re nown to the good-humored ridicule of the press; an assassin-of-the-interests-of-his-own-people, Longstreet, whose minions perpetuate red-handed murder knowing that the Federal courts will prevent their receiving richly merited puaisbment;a gentle tempered idiot, Hook; a dandy poet, Cox; and a few stragglers of infinitely less (unsavory) reputation! Good Lord deliver us!" occasion, and would now be pronounced "unseasonable." But the absurd thought arose in Our mind, "perhaps jbls majesty the sun. has not yet arisen from his bright cano pied bed. For once, we may be eariy.' A glance at the clock. Seven. Alas! Well, maybe Dame nature is playing us an April trick. Let's l3ok out. Clouds, every wh,ere., Np matter; we're going anybx)wv '. At ten o'clock, the ehudren with their teachers, sarrintehdentr 'and pastor, with many invited guests, assembled at the mint yard; always a pretty place, but particularly so, at this bright sea son, vvnat a gay ana loveiy signxi Groups ot beautiful children in holiday attire standing here and there, Young ladies, seated upon the grass, in pic turesque postures, already attended by their devoted cavaliers, or else anxious ly awaited them. At last they had" all assembled, and the drum sounded,' the signal for starting. The children form ed into classes, each headed by itsteach er, and marehed-to the depot. ! Here the lively sale of tickets began, and one gentlemen, alone, disposed of nearly a hundred. The school occupied otie coach by themselves, while parents and guests, were in another. " One lady was late putting in her ap pearance, wnicn was vajeyiring on toe patience of her party, for she had the' host t and the acronizinir thought sprang up, we shall be dinnerless." No fear ; if they had only known how many baskets were there. All aboard, and we were off.' How lovely our beautiful city appeared, as we elided past the many handsome residences of some of our wealthier citizens; especially that of the parents of our host, Mr. Brevard Springs ; for it was to his place on the Catawba river we were bound. The "Military Insti tute soon came in view, and a loud cheer went up from the cadets on board, responded to by their less fortunate comrades, who were Tapidlyi left be hind. In passing "The Fair Grodnds," we felt sorry to see its dilapidated Con-' dition. It seems a pity that per fine ' a property should go to ruin, i If 'the county could not . nave afforded a fair once a year the city might haye given as a parft, with that splendid drive sur rounding a flower garden, with, a foun tain in the centre. The "grand stand" might have remained, and those of us too poor to ride, could have gone up there, and looked at others enjoying that delightful pleasure, if we could not participate ourselves. Pineville only a moment we linger ed. Then the river; we crossed the bridge, and there stood our smiling host, waiting to welcome us. Off we jumped. The train glided onward, leaving one c(k)ar(r) behind, which was immediately taken possession of by several gentleman.- A path newly cleared was pointed out, and after a short walk of scarcely a hundred yards we were at the ground, on the South Carolina bank pf the river. We found two long tables already pre pared under the bridge and several benches placed here ana there. k Surely, some thoughtful "somebody' had been there before us. The young folks soon commenced their various sports. Swinging, rope jumping and fishing by the little ones, although many of larger growth parti cipated in the last named. One bright little girl, Connie Jones,- was the first to capture a fish. It was quite a large one, and she brought it up, triumphant ly displaying it to the admiring eyes of the crowd, and many envious boys ask ed eagerly, "where did you catch it?" Two young lads however, had "good luck" also, catching quite a string about nine. There were several hunters on the ground, but as no game was "brought aown no dispute occurred as to who should or should not, pick-et-(te.) The gentlemen complained of the cloudy, day, but we discovered at a late hour a stray sunbeam that had been with them all the time, but they knew it not. Thus our eyes are often closed to our bright est blessings. J Rifle shooting was engaged in to some extent. A bottle was' thrown into the river, and many of both sexes tried their hands at hitting it At length a gentlemao took the rifle an(&)dreto ight. I noticed a lady dodge j several times as the piece was discharged, tintil assured by her has band Tthat there was no cause for alarm. ' i - Many went walking; many in search of flowers; and! never saw such a col lection of beautiful onesf m my life 1 woodbine, violeta,4'daisies,j)inks, the fragrant yellow jasmine, and pond lil ies. These last werjenot gathered with- uuii DuuiB vip aim ujuuyie. ( : f : them,- andohe fair man (poor fellow) waswlmost pressed into on by two-la dies (one of them fat also) who would Bit by 1rjro.vtHe. dldnt Beem to. mind the pressing process very much, haw ever, indeed hef must have been tickled, for his face was in a broad grin aHhe time, particularly when the fat, lady clapped her chubby little bands In ap plause at that song of cherished, mem ory, ' ; - - - - ' - . ;. "Jotm Brown's body , Lies slumbering In tbe grave." One happy,; lively young couple were missed. Were they left? "Oh, no," an swered our polite conductor, Capt. Clarkson SimCmn's the engine and ills wife is with him. At the depot we saw her smiling face once more. . V How Quickly we had gotten Thome again." Every hack and carriage was soon full oi living ireignt, ana many walked. Thuswe separated,, after one of the most delightful days wa ever spent pic-nioing. Oar thanks are due mostly to Mrs. H. C Jones, who first proposed the pie-nic and whose energy made it such a socceas. James, 'the - assassinated: Mis souri' highwayman; was the - son Of s Kentucky Baptist minister, and, started out on his course shortly af ter the war broke out to avenge the wrongs done his father by Union partfzanB' around his home in Missouri, He was a man of fascinating manners, and Of much personal magnetism. CONGRESS .YESTERDAY. ..;! I) A BW PRtTATfi BILLS ?ASSEJJ ' in he sjbfAtfe. ; The Home Dicnsies Several Minor Matters, and again tackle tkie .Tariff Comiaissioa Bill. '''is. WASHINGTON, April 12. SbnATE.--Comitnittee reports on pending) legisla tion were made as follows: ; Morgan, from the commlttee on pub lic lands, reported as amended his bill to increase the endowment of the Uni versity of Alabama from public lands in said State, rne amendment dimin ishes the grant from 92,1 6Q acres to 46, nsn acres, the Dumose beintr td aid in supplying the University .with scien- tine apparatus, library and " buildings fit for literary purposes. By Williams, from the committee on railroads, a bill for the settlement of the accounts of the Mobile & Ohio railroad company. Upon the passage of the bill to place a former army officer, Herman Biggs, on the retired list, Sherman' remarked that if all applications of this kind now pending were granted the cost of the retired list would be increased by $2, 000,000 annually. Rollins- said that similar- measures before the naval committee had bee a so numerous that it could be said to have devoted itself at this session to re constructing, not the navy, but the navy register: ; Hampton said the case was that of a gallant soldier who had voluntarily de clined retirement when entitled to it, E referring to serve for his living and ad been pensioned on account ot a wound. . This wound now incapacitated him for work. - The bill passed by a vote 34 to 15. On motion of Jackson,- the Senate bill referred to the court of claims for the adjudication of the claim of Geo. . Payne, for alleged wrongful seizure and occupation of nis sugar plantation, in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, in 1862, under orders of Gen. Butler, was con sidered. The bill waives the statute pf limitation. The facts as stated were that the claimant was a loyal citizen. having taken the oath of allegiance on the morning of the day of the seizure ; that he was living upon, bat temporari ly absent from the estate at the time it was seized, and that the plantation was subsequently re torned to1 ita owner, minus a, part of .its maf $bM property. The bill passed, , . . ' . : The ..Xjadian. TerrUoryVrauroad bill again eame up as . unfiaiahed business, and Vest spoke tn advocacy of the bill. The proposition to -make the1 right of way conditional upon the aaseht'of the ChccUwa ahdChickasaws was discuss ed without action, Vest .GarlaiKl and Saunders opposing, and Jones, of Flori da, favoring. ; - vpendingitoffarnwdmetft to tpis effect the Senate. went into excutive session andadjoarned.' t i.u s?tj Cqx,ofevv York, offered a resoiu tlnn ft fa amV rwTft a A provide that the committee on commerce in re oortintr tbeTiver and harbor appropria- tionblll shall make a report in two sep igainst oa wu.m9 leaa en Cm tha rWrtnlA Tn ddctefne' he iraily concurred, and he be nevea timrnostof the leading Bepub licans, and Democrats throughout the country ,hd. committed themselves to t. Whert the committee rpse. on motion of Xing,, of Louisiana, aresoltttion was adopted instructing the committee on appropriations; to consider and report what, i any are the further! measures of relief that should be extended to, aufferers bj,the present floods of the; Mississinm river and it tributaries., The House adjourned and the Re-j puoucan caucus was announced iq tase piace jrnqay evening. , , , . Weather - South Atlantic and East Golf partly eiouay weather and rain, -"Northeast to Southwest winds, lower barometer, sta tionary or higher temperature. ' PRESENTMENTS. . :.- ' ... ' 5 An Investigation of the Causes of Those -Dark Forebodiag wkleh Make . . Powerful Men Weak. Golden Bale. Much Apprehension has been - occasioned throughout America .from the: anBauQcejaent m&ae or rroiessot rroocor urn we reiam in nine teen Tears ot the great comet of last summer will anae the destruction 61 tha eartnV Sut while peo ple are becoming bo strangely : exerdsed avei UiU annonnoemenl, an event ot far wore serious Im portance, wnicn is tasmg place to day, seems to be almost whoUy overlooked, t JPhe nature of this most tIU) tuMect cn be host fcxoialned bi rest- Ini the tollewuw expediences , ' BUnop'& p. Haven known to the entire land; I was on accountably awakeae ouS feljai at ot s sound Deep, ana lay amn unut nomin. u mind seetned unusuaUy acUve, and ha po xuj n- viewea nis past oie, wmca naa oeeq na eicunui one, bat laid extensive 'plans for Che ' future. ' He dld notfeelpBotaUy lu, but could -not account for the unusual activity or, his brain, nor for Uxe restlessness which seened to possess him. In the morning he had but little appeute, but was apparently wail in other respects. In a few days, boweveri he began to feel restless and morbid, al though be tried earnestly to overcome the feeling which had taken poasesstoa ot him. But try "as low him, and he was oonsciooa or a gtaouat sinK.- Ing and wasting away oi au luspnyBioai ; iacuraes. and: FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, hleQ feiiovj full and complete. Our otock Embraces a full line o J&WlJllMa .u of the truth of our assertions. We knAn thft biit Gnoda inula- vlll baII nt th lnnat nnMlkl t . . . Our otock Bmbraces a fuU line of Goods of all grades, and of various styles and prices, being well adapted to the wants of both ihrt tU;rtii.?" 1x11 1-1-? r3 . m It is probable that the young lady celebfajfedln those channlDg lines ot Robert Burnsi had tan, moth spots and freckles, with other beauty blen isbes. for such' conditions, .Dr. Benson's -kin Cure should be on every lady's toilet table. ' 1 ' MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH ' ' ". APB1L 12. 1882 TTT 0! remptary manhef. Shortly befo wrote a letter we last one he which b paki as IollDfi : "X I aratebllls. the first to inclhde aJlappro- Inoti(among ther thlnCT aWravlPfiations f()rvimtureTemen ton sea, UNIVERSITY NORMAL SCHOOL OP 1882. This school will begin June 15 next, and continue five weeks. The Board of Education entrusted its organiza tion to Superintendent Scarborough and President Battle. They have se lected for its Superintendent, Hon. M. A. Newell, Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Marvland. who has great experience and skill in the conduct of Normal Schools, and is distinguished for his vigor and tact in managing teachers' institutes. Prof. Edward P. Moses, Principal of the graded school at Goldsboro, who has so ably carried that school to suc cess, who likewise has had large expe rience and skill in the management of normal schools, will be associate super-' tntendent. The other officers will be, shortly made known to the public It is de termined to make this a Normal School tn every tiptf cujarf V ; -J ' w4m T ' i-t"topletely cued. fh llsti this enra bteje wr Uni Cure, man of actum! .remedi-that has' won Its MkmfihA fiiihllc sola ,! n laden, and evervthine deUcloiia. I wise. -This amendmeM Was c isare8uit,'ii n hs, .v, in tko iirir. I in ft - - - u 1 1 mora wldelv nsea and laorougoiy praisea man lamb, but do hot -suppose it catne from Mr: Springs' fold, Q &?T ? some or tne gentlemen were very sel fish, two of them I cannot blame; for they were Carrie(d) away but one flew,, on witn a oxra, Bnotner wiur a umnai) went off by hkmself; another Mf(j)res deeply, and tnere stucK. One stood OS by a roundtree the livelong day. and still another sat ; on a stuttpj because- rotsootn tne grass was not sumcraury Mattie(&);or(z) some such excise. Hi . In due time the matrons of the patty' commenced preparing dinner, andanqh a dinner. Those two long tables wrte 1U8L but one bad-Juan won all the collection of good things, and upon second thought that too was nice, for it only wanted age to make it perfect And then the cry arosefor eater. Surely there could be no want L Of . that pure drink with two springs so near. ; No,' LUBt was not, tne trouoie, out Duckets had been forgotten. We wete iaformed, however, that there was a tub bridm full of lemonade; enough for all. ' ' The drum was sounded, calling the wanderers heme. We afterwards found a large be(&)U that1 would, have served the purpose better".' They came however, and such arcowd r(hkm-a, Dick's and and Harry's,' associating in-; timately with the daughter of a j3. D. CoL Jones reonested-! ailAncAj and our minister, Rev. Mr. Cheshire, took posi tion between the two tables, and rever ently, devoutly, asked God's blessing "that whether we ate or whether we diank, we might do all to HUgldrtr .while the lartra uumM atwrT hwffh fcow uncovered heads, vSSa respotif akeand gulf coasts, aud tgaoie tnrougn wroori second t to include apprc rivers nav- States: the . 4 t i auons xor Ha had bean an earnest and dfllirent wsrker,1 and la his seal frequently overtaxed iU.strtrth, and being absorbed In bis duties failed tp'obaarve tha common fymptoms wnn wnien w was anuciea, thtis penrattmg tb work Of Oestraotlon ro ob un heeded.' ; Bufthe end anouy aama iq a; most pa eve- iB.auea in beUaf that Oath is hear affects dlflerent mind differently, but protH ably ail who are in a lau couditiou or oaysica and mental strength lnstJnetlrery shrink from It with aa lndefliiabla dread and horror: A dying man Is no mora able of blraslf to foresee his own destiny or the destiny oX those be leaves than ha was before he began to die." The recent sad aud sudden death of Bon. Clark son ji. Forter la one of the most serious warnings Ter given lu tha long list ot Innumerable cases of ttal neglect. It is net sufficient to say that many other brilliant men, Including Kverett, Sumner, Chase, Wood, Wilson and Carpenter, were swept away by tha same fata trouble. The question is, were these men sufficiently careful ot their health, and could they have been saved? Tne Albany Argus In speaklna of : Mr. Potter's sudden illness and death says: "One of the physicians who attended Mr. Potter here was interviewed last evening. He stated that Mr. Potter's inability to converse had for some time Served to baffle the physicians in their efforts to determine tbe root of his illness. It seems, however, that Mr. Potter, soma two years ago, suf fered a slight attack of kidney . disease, unwise dependence upon a robust constitution and natur ally perfect health, and neglect of proper clothing, doubtless sowed the seeds of a disease that need ed but soma such personal neglect as that of Tues day momlogto develop. From tbe symptoms at first shown. It was thought that his only trouble was nervous prostration; but his long continuance Id a eml-uncon8cl&us state led to the belief that his illness was seated In a chronic difficulty more mysterious and dangerous." Up to the latttr part of last year Mr. Xdwaid F. Book, a member oi the New Yorks'ock exchange, was doing business In Wall street, New York. He had everything to encourage nrm, "and make life bappy, but was -the victim of unaccountable un easiness. His experience as described by one who knew, was as follows: "At unexpected times, and on occasions when he had the greatest reason to feel Joyous be was irritable, and haunted with strange fee'lngs of discontent He endeavored to eheck these feeunes and appear pleasant, but it required a great effort to do so; after which he would again relapse into his former morbid mood. This feeling continued tor a number of months, when he became con scions of an added snsatloa of lassitude. He was tired even when resting, and although experiencing no acute pain, had dull, acnlag sensations in his limbs and various parts efhlsDody. Shortly afterward his head began to ache most frequently and bis stomach failed to digest property. Being told that be was suffering from malaria he consulted sn eminent physician, who to formed him that his kidneys ware sllKhtly enacted, and gave him medicine to restore them. But ha craw worse Instead ot better. Ha then consulted other eminent doctors oi another scnooi and was Informed that he had a brain difficulty somewhat in me nature oi a tumor, out in spite or all efforts to the contrary be continued to grow worse. At this time his condition was terrible. What ware at first simple symptoms had develop ed terrible troubles. He was flushed and fa- Ten Su. cmnwaimy uneasy, auu jo biwbj wrwey. He bad an Intense appetite one day and very little i the next. Hit palaa was -Irregular, ' his breathing Uooredy ana aver? Moment oi existence was a baxdeo. -Thasa Usastrbu symptoms continued, aiafaea-aadbody became alaaolorad, bs heart was lrTBgMlsf in its action, and his breath came m aaortr aatwtasita; gasps, He .grew constantly worse motwjiasuuiamK ue auuoai precBuoonaox ats Meads aad anally died la . the greatest agony. Attar his death an examination as to its actual lit wnanimtai irhnn his tirnln was found to be In a perfect condition, and the reason ot his de cease was at an entirely different nature." ' Tho eaperteneos watch have been cited above all hada commoaeause and were each the resolt of OBOoTsaafta-Jhat disease, which so deeelttully. yet surely removed tha people above mentioned waa BfiiMf-disease ; of the kidneys. In the case of Mr. Book tbe examination after death, while showing the brain to- be lrj perfect condition, re vealed tne lemeie ran Ln ne was me rieum i a e on uncnecK disease. Tha the world are fast learning that mow than one-ball tbe deaths which occur are caused t)f this monstrous soourge. It is one of the most' deceitful maladies ever known to tbe human rses. it manifests itself by symptoms so slight and common, as to seem un- wonny oi aaawMmi saw r mesa tot mhuhui symixoms are we are. stages vi PBODUCX. WnjmiGT0, N. a-Spirits turpentine dull, at 540. Bo&ln quiet; strained $1.90; good strained Si. 951 Tar firm, at $1.75. Crude' Turpentine steady, at 82.25 for hard: 3.75 for yellow dip; $300 for. vtiKln (inferior). Com unchanged; prime white 93; mixed 90. , BlLTTMOM Noon Flour steady; Howard street and Western super $3 50Q$4.75; extra $5.00a$.00: family $6.25$7.25; City Mills; super S8.60S4.75; extra' S 00087-80; Bio brands $7.25. Wheat Southern blguer; Western active, stcong and higher; Southern red $1.40 $1.47: "amber 81.50381.60: No. 1 Man land ; Not 2 Western waiter red spot. $1.39- 81-404- Corn Southern scarce; and nominal; Wee tern tnacUve aad higher; Southern white U QW, Southern yeSon 83S84. . BAM-atOB--Nlght Oats, steady : Southern fiOa- 04: Western white 60160)64: mixed 69rt0: Pennsylvania TJ0H)B4. frovisirmi-higher aud flrmr mess aork $1775018.75. Bulk meats Lstwulders and clear rib sides, packed 8UlliA. Bacon-shoulders 9; clear no sides yd; hams 1 3Vi913S4. Lard refined 12. Coffee dull and firm; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 84 S 9. . Suirar- higher and Arm; A soft 10. Whiskey firm, at $l,2C120Vi. JteJahts dulL saaadii ta ianVbim vnlakf on1 iitrtstVt onrAsl 9n w-kl 1 $5.80a&6.00; fancy $&60f2$7 a Wheat-strong Hnn nieuer: no- z rea wmver i.nzrii..-i.-L. uorn stronger; No. 2 mixed, 78Vi878-. Outs -strong; no. & uixeu, on. rora-Bawng ana. signer, at $18 60. i -Lard-flrm,. at, $11425. Bulk meats strong and higher: shoulders $7.25; clear ribs $10.25. Whiskey- active and firm, at $ 1. 1 7 ; com bination saies oi nnianea gooas oiu Darreis. on a basis ot $1.11. Sugar strong and higher; hards lOlaralOw; New urieans7Vstxoi Hogs-active. firm and higher; common and light $5.60S$7. 10; packing and butchers $6.60887.40. '' New Yobk Southern fWdr, firm aad rather enoieedTa$6.80Q8.50.. ,1?beat ljllfcchlgber I aaanaetued ann ievensn; jjw. ,z aprmgsi.i4; OngraoBorea i.uua9i .ho: ungraded wmte i.a; Carn-r-aiSlo higher and, somewhat, excited, but dosing very strong; upgraded e2a8ovs; Southern yeUow 87S91; No. H. April 881 Oats-iac higher and more doing; No. 8. 51VQ59. Bops demand stu i very siacK and prices nomtna;iy un changed; Yearling 12320. Coffee -very quiet and orlces somewhat uomlnt I: Bio cargoes 8iS- 0; Jbt lots 4ai Sugar-very strong nnd dentaOd fair; fab td good refining quoted at 7Vfa fibltk. renned strong and fair Inquiry; standard a 95fer2t. Molasses held very firm ana demand moderate! Bice steady and fair lnouiry. Bosln quiet and firm, at $2 4of2$2.50. Turpentine dull and lower, at 64. Wool dull, weak and declin ing; rxmetlc fleece 84S48; Texas 14S29. Pork-held'hifjher and eloswi tron.' with the de mand less active; old met $17 008l7.2fi; new mess 817.80e$l.OO. Middies a ulet ind held very strong, with the prices unaltered; long clear - . . . . . v . . . . m . i i i - 1UUI, Lara openeu i vsifiuc uiguer, uui suuse quently lost most of the advanoe and closlnn firm, tt .$11.60: Aorll 811.5ai$ll-60; May $11 553- $11 62Vfe. Freigbts to Liverpool market dull and easier. Cotton, per sail 5-82dS7-32d; per steam 5-82d8d, WE riAYK 8TOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFBB GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES That the Pub lc cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stork of SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, apr2 0 ' BURGESS NICHOLS, in iimi BEDDING, &c! Cheap Bedsteads, AHiLoumn, Parlor & Chamber Suits. IIAIB. WXBT I&lM cTfldER, R.C Wallac BROTHERS Btatesville, N. C, HffhtWdBey troHD.wmca ma gone on ad. until It resulted U aeote Blight's loatmi ohTsielans and scientists of the cant'syi thJcproVement of riterslof local or t stages of the worst fcistory or tne wortd. from iraub les aaosUrzy; Dneumo- nla. hraln fever, ana similar aiaoaseei vroen it was in7ut TMhdltaaat.-ahaTKidnavaj The rav- I agasTfWl tae been grastU! Increased yo mouoa oi nurrawfcqt -amiuigau, the isetKarttani recent years noway was State commerce. Referred ' On motion of Burr wfcd the Senate amendments to the consular tod diplomatic appropriation bill .w6r6 not coiunKiie4- with exceptaoi of one DKraJine uiat vtne $ secretary or State haH hrcafttav8tiftte the en- I lire amount required for the support of -tbe consaiarmna flipiomatw service, m- ciaaing ail consoiar; asen w ana ouier pfflcerwh"ar paid by fees or other- vWima iHfbr f fta Remrirn' nor check. Its in-, M WDWnl 'wa pmw -vac nxra qwuiT i COTTON. Gjj.te3toh Qalet; rolddllng 1 lc; iuw mid dling lllc: good ordinary 10c; net receipts B79;gross B8l; "aies stocs aa,6B; ex ports soastwis 2,944: to Great Britain : to continent 200; to France ; to channel 1 m NoaroLK Quiet; middling lliic; net receipts 484: 2tois ; tock 88.819; exports cmt- wle 835; sales 151: exports to Great Britain ; to conttnejr. . Baltmobs Steady; mldd lng 12lc: low mid dling 1 lc; good ordinary lOifec; net receipts ; gross 3oo; saies 4Zt; tock zs.Uha; exports coastwise : spinners 375; exports to Great Britain ; to oonOnent . Boston Steady; middling 12Uc; low mldditna lle; srood ordinary 11c; net receipts 285; gross 762: sales : stock 9,080; exports to Great Britain ; to France . Wilmington Steady; middling 1 lSfcc; low mid ling 113-ldc; good ordinary 10 5 16c: receipts 14; gross ; sales ; stock 5,342; exports coastwise 378; to Great Britain ; to continent . Philadelphia Steady; middling 1214c low middling llMje: good ordinary 10c; net receipts 443 grow 676; sales ; spinners : stork 14,741; exports Great Britain 1,900; to continent Savannah Steady ; middling llc; low mid dling llVfee; good ordinary lOfcc; net receipts 358; gross ; sales 1,700; stock 44,920; exports coastwise : to Great Britain 4,123; to France ; to continent . Nnw Orleans-Steady; middling 12c; tow mid dling llc; good ordinary lUfec; net receipts 709; gross 1,410: sales 6,500; stock 211,891; exports to Great Britain ; to Prance 4,692; coastwise 3,1 16; to continent ; to chan nel . MnBiLX-QuIet; middling ll4c; low mlddUn llfee; good ordinary 10o; net receipts 6; urns : sales ouu: stock 1 1 ,o . exnorta eoast 241; Franco ; to Great Britain 2,704; to continent MnCPHlS-Steady; mWdllng 1 l4c; low mid- 'dltng llc; good ordinary lOwc; net receiots 840: gross 404; shipments 647; sales , l,400t stock 54.MU. ' Augusta Q'-Uet; middling Vv io 'mid dling lie; good ordinary 10c; reenpti 98; smpments ; saies two CHABLK9TON Q'alet middling llc; low raid- ' tiling ll;good ordinary UVec; net receipts , ij IQ; gross ; saies ouu; stock Z4.890; axnorts ooastwise ; to ureal Britain ; to continent -; to France ; to chan nel . Naw Tom-Steady : sales 602 i middling uplands 12VcC; midrliiag orleaos 12kc - consolidated net ;icelnu 3.791: exports to ttreat Britain 9,463; to France 4,592; to continent 200;- to channel UvtaPboL Noon Steady; middling uplands 6dt middling Orleans 6 13-1 6d; sales 10,000 ; speculation and exports 1,000;. receints 36,000; American li.ouu. viiauus iuw uuuuuuk ciause: April delivery 6 40-64d6 42-64d; April and M y 640-64da6 42 64fl; May and June 6 43-64d 644-64d; June and July 648-64dt July and Ainmst K3-fi4a??fl52-fi4dfffl53-fi4d: Aneust and Septenrbet 6 67-64d; September tndOstobef ootooei ana uoKmoer rurares steady. , . - . .. ; KUTUBK3. ftxn toWi Net receipts' '60S ; gross 4,743, Futures closed steady: sales 81.000 bales. -Largest stock- OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE ON rilE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND IN COMPETITION Wi t II tlV JOBBERS IN THE C OUNTRY. TRIES' WILL BE CI.AI) TO QUOTE PRICES TO TBE TRADE. . marl 8 ly OCJK SPRING ST IS COMPLETE. Wiolesale :lflj5KlnYite4 to Examine it Before Ming their Purchases. HANDSOME STOCK OF Mew CarpetSs 4M1 Cloths ! lags. HOUSE PTOHISHIHa WODS A SPECULTT, The Larrat and Ctoest Stock of Embroideries in Ik ELIAS&COHEN. Ciiv. maris lm har leartad -Of ! mow than four huadvaav mo 9omMMl eases of Brtght's disease, many , at, tfiem muenworse tnan tnosa snore deacnoea taw most of wfiom nad been tireo uif4y prdnflaearbysti tslans. 1 wnxr ii are means used to nefaaaM iuBoctoost waruuo vne Maj......... June...:.... July. August Bewember.. October November.. December. . . JaQuao February.... Marsa....:. 12.16.00 ia.26.00 12.4ifD.42 ia.ra.57 12.7 1 00 11 87.00 Il.47f248 11.44S.51 11.613).63 11 Tne Senate ameridment to tbe t flcalloasbUl Waanotconcurredln. , , r -: A bill wk reDorted by Pace, of Oali- fonda: front the 'committee on edtica-1 tidn aad labor t execnte cel-t-aln treaty stltmlatlonB rtlatiDf to thChlpeafi.-.Jid We ire under obligations to liV. Jaa. . B. Eads for copies, of, pamphlet giving infonttation about ' his proposed ship tail way across ,the Isthmus, .Whether M.lEaflf n66iedBAi efforts 4r ot to enfist the support of ttie goyern taent in its "construction ic 1 is only a question of time When such a wor ' ha onmniiiihflrl. As bettfeen the w ?-rrr7r. A.HJL.iJL- lows'' went on agi iproposedliessepscanai buut-uo ituiw geredf and 80on the Yrpodswererlngini xr. AATriA tn us that tha lattei.i by far 4, with sweet' wODtrs. WVe Indebtei the more feasible of the two. 1 to a gentleman from Wilmirlgton for provides for ten years t uspterrtfien -of inn migration ana goes into !enecteo aajyj, after passage. Put on the House calen dar. t '. ;" ' ' The electioA committee, reported in' favor of Barbour in the Eighth Virgin la district election contest.1 The House then went lnttf committee of the whole on the tariff , eommissien 1 nmfto aH Mil: ' -n: v r.,i r-IS.V-f t f ' w t lnnrimerable Isrers. cratic sfde woaM espport the gentleman. axyui ixow iyrn (UeWlClI fiU tae BXWSUb nai-wDue auuea were tone em; cnon manmacrarea .anwpsjifr not ap- Srove of the doctrine afi'litHg 'ail , the. eneflts of protection to manufactures any medietrnrwhleh has erer oeen perore AMJMiaAn:inasiA.mfnfiiiadt2iara IsiSot ftdxusc store In the aostoe tend wMie it cannot ba ftHmd. Allliooga BMsutfs disease is so common inclines, .. . ..... tn tha oauntrr. When eminent physicians in; tne nw t"; -" " Kia tn luvwniM Rr(htn diseaso. It is Onij nature mm ib. muuj uta mi it Tbt- some otnar name. 4r sbofcidTlaiaTleTift Uie ones wno are sunenng wna """rllvX Bi.MiiiMk4KAk and racall tllfr death of friends iramwaaA was supposed to b -J" "i"0? complaint, when t,W wsttT W'" disease, ind hSao tawr It The terrtbia P-Mff. tnonla. irhieh has been so dreaded. Is BsuaUy the nuniU mt nramlA or kldneT WHSOn. iUBg. ISTOr aani.acio stoUK cw Most -eases of. areauusxaa n tneirsex seneml dehUtty; wnen, could tne the 4g614 1.021A 1.1S 1 20 iwWch ha; iff tow as any Jngf AMen, I wasjtojlnpreseA anddeylnjfl dttiool crbwersAnd with the scene. j ..I.;!:, prodncersoriraw , material of any ef The little ones stood together in class- these benefltSrjivi ej, ,t . , es, waited upon by their teachers, while IT. Heathen proceeded to argue in favor the big folks helped tbemselveah-ftlipeiidi young tnan by the raandtree eame jrerv: near net getting ianythmghe stared there too long. If, in the end, he sue eeeds in securing the roundtret, he will not be disappointed we are sure, if it should prove a tr okenbougfu i After dinner most of the "selfish fel lows" went off again. but severaMin- vwOi perhaps, general denurty, wnra,eooiatna rwrnause haVe been known, l,fiff?.ll. found to be Brigbt's disease, buw another name, to marked otmtrast W W f8-! $ .tpallhfcafe rsons mentioned, coi yafco eiu ana lOmDer llowins: nromlnent names .001. John Q. WMtnAK Atlanta a , v. LarraDfte. Boston. Mass ; Gen. C A. Heekman, Phimpabnrc . N. J Her. D. D. Buck, D. D.. Genera. K. Y. Dt. W. A. . McKanus, Baltlrnore. Kd. : Idwlrr rw, mTenport1 Iowa; Aerr. Jl CKrnrlck, LL. p., h8tef, : T. ; MattheW Portland. Mich. ; CL W. X&st- .wew wmarkably wstoraf tormet haalt lyttusama remedy. Among Hhis n are tha following rmuient naniesi Oou Ji 6uld not and would notnntZj YWT.L.1 ion wtuu wejwwgcnt ine roosteaaa tntnr wnr amvtmnll.VI- t a . factory way oi Jmpiishing. it, an'd of feaucniR vu uwtMwiai to pass the bill. 4twouia prove we most exhedltious methMtoxttUaeiult. If ne wisueawxvwuwierjrti as nftw eristea ne wouia vote against?' the oi ir rmras ws na a sfevlslon ha IV Jonaa. MwunwHa. Visa. 7. JL Insraham. CUrreland, a : Benry T. Champnay, Boston, Hajn-i Ilder JaraesS. Prescott, North Bolon.O., wno U a prominent th. phAfer eomm unity, otners. maid mliknaforce of tne above facts -eomeHtrf sraJlajl nower. Thir show tha i J &$0neat promptness and attsnUon Jo the S BTB)i 4 disordered aaatthberore diseasa ie T2?3?M flted and bom iepuut ' They show how suoeessfully he dorisTaiid UiaUhfdanteni would vote for it, bellevrogit theSmoW4SrMtle, FINANCIAL ':' 1 Nkw ?obs Kxchanirr, .' . HoVernments izregular. but In main strong. .,...-!.. jvf-" New 's,-.., Four and a half per eerrta,... ....... Four eants,.....,.! Money;...,... - ..i,.,.. .......... 8tata bonds-lnaotlve Sub-treasury balances-oid.. M Currency.. . . 8rocM-Irreu1an ' f! j '' . ' AlaMuaa--CiiL9sX 2.tftR Alts (ama-MJlass k,' small. . . . f Aialama-rlass B, iVs.. .. . .; -Alabama Class C. 4's.. . ..... . WJ. . . CMdagQ and Northwestern.... ....... Chicago and .Northwestern preferred, JfSrjB . Wat-It ''( .t'i- Cast Tennessee. Georgia.. IWnefsC iauisnMj..9iM-ii:i Imlavllla and NjuhvillA VUCM IVDiVU. . Nashrilittaad Chattanooga. i. new fOTK veatrai,. ... ..T-,J Ricrmiomland AxtegheTryi .V,vli.-.'. . Kicaroond ana ianwiie........i.-. Browns GotJtols, Wabash. Sc. Coms A Paelhe. Wabash, 8t Louis ltfnAnevMstiA w wvpsit v unit n - , f r - CTT COTTON MABOT. 1 ::v , . .... . p, : ! . : i i ..; (! : OTKCT OXTEX Obsxtir, I :;.,.., CaiLBliOTiArAprU 13.' 1882. 1 Tb taartcet yastsfrisy dosed firm at toe tel. stricttl(fldd:rrr..... dn:T.isvatu.W. i I StJrtet low middling. 11 liOw middling..... .....-.v , i li :'Tthge.V vV?' 'v lOaiOMi bws yeteraay o oam. , , WILDER'S 01 j -lou will find a chelce and complete stock of PURE I FRESH MUGS, Colden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract -OF DEEF 8nA TONIC INV1GURATOR. -a -JUST RECEIVED- TBY IT. 588,825 I rr a Tin w mT i err ' THB FINEST SKliCTION In the CITY, noludtng the famoojLAPAttSPA brand of CI Jar J Chemicals and Toilet Articlts, . ' m 1.2ftfe 1.35 56TL an assortment, and everything generally kept In a first class Drug store. Bpeeral attention glren to and ntghw at'.s- PhysTchnis Prescrtptlons Ua 1 1 VI II apr8- 7 fiats ill 11 V.f I I I I 111 I IMLTi... Col eg6 Street - i mmm and MOWEHS. hlaltaln" Look Lever Uam jpUs, Keeteckr Cane Mllls'and Cop i per aaDorators.Tmorored Deere CulOrators. th ceieDrated dow ixw upnon riantar. jiiL save toor thaa eama hrrto wolypa3f r tfaeir syery season. Getser ariAter4ieirhjtamrs andBorar Bdveraf Thanaal BjitoflUitngrBBliotas, Aotoa Ba UtA 4fS4wwWR bu uermaa lurgirlao and fStetf filter- BDRW E L L li74f.or v srr Charlofc, M, C, aprl i: J ONB HUfDaFD SAIUtELS Dt. Patent Flour, 3 r n iv THE FTNK3T IN THB MARKKT. i

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