Stye tffjartetic b0tna:. CIIAS. II. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. lEHTMMD AT THV POBt-OmOT At CSABLOTT N. C, AS 8JOOHD-CLAS8 MATTBB.1 HARMONIOUS AT LAST. In another column this morning we publish the report of the commission ers upon the progress, present condi tion, &c, of the WYstern North Caro lina railroad, the l;i.-t parazraph of which is significant. "SVe quote; "We take this opportunity of express ing our gratification at the energy now "being displayed by the present owners "and builders of this road since our last "inspections, in complying with the con tract made with the 6tate for the com pletion of this important line of rail way. The continuation of such energy "will continue to receive our approval "and support." While the last sentence is not con structed according to the rules of ele gant rhetoric, it does contain the ac- t l .: w, null the ele- knowledgement that "harmony has IN CONGRESS. FRIDAY. APRIL 14,1881. The potato bug around Norfolk is becoming aesthetic now and dines upon strawberries. Barnum don't drink whiskey himself, but he treated Jumbo to a quart on his arrival at New York. Tom Evans, of the Reidsville Times don't want any Oscar Wilde politicians brought to the front in the next campaign. phant Jumbo in his cage from ine steamship landing in New York to Madison Square garden. been reached at last between the com missioners and the "present owners and builders of this road," to use the exact words of the "report." There was a time when the commissioners voluntarily tendered Mr. Best all their The Senate Pastes the Indian Territo ry Right of Way BUI, and Sundry Ap " propriations, While the House7 Scuf fles with the Tariff Commission Bill. Washington, April 13. Senate. Senators Plumb, Allison and Beck were appointed conferees on the Post Umce appropriation bill. Oameron, Penna, presented a protest from the Central Branch of Land League of America against the imprisonment of American citizens in ireiana. neierrea. Tne Senate took up the bill for the adjust ment of claims growing out of tne de struction of the United States brig, General Armstrong, in the port of oy al, Azores Islands, in 1814. The committee amendment, specify ing that the total of claims to be passed upon, and not exceeding $70,739, as the amount proved before the Court of Claims, was agreed to. Pendleton eu logized the valor and skill of the offi cers and crew of the Armstrong in de fending their vessel against the attack of three British war vessels. He re garded it as one of the most heroic and brilliant actions in our naval history. Piatt briefly opposed the measure Bill passed, yeas 41, nays 13 Jvellogg s bill to extend the limits of the fort of New The condition of Senator Hill, of nnnrcris. is reported as now quite satis- f ai.t,rv and the physicians anticipate moral influence and support in trying Orleans, and far other purposes, was 585 barrels, on a basis ot : si.17. sugM-steady factory, ana vuo yu jo .. . . n n,., after thn ft20.000 annrnnriatirm and uncnansFd; hards 101A0; New Orleans MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH ,- ar!L 13. IB82? PRODUCE. ' v Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine firm, at 55c. Rosin firm; strained S1.92Vfe; good strained $1.97. Tar steady, at $1.7 6. Crude Turpentine steady, at 92.25 lor bard; $3.75 for yellow dip; $3 00 for virgin (Inferior), corn unchanged; prime white 98: mixed 90. . - - ' Balthtokk Noon Floor unchanged; HowaJd street, and Western super S3.50S4.75; extra S5.00SS8.00; family S6.26ffiS7.2S; City Mills, suner S8.50aS4.75: extra. S5.OflftS7.80: Bio brands 87.25. Wheat Southern strong; Western opened higher and closed a shade easier; Southern red S1-40S1.48; amber S1.50S1.60; No. 1 Maryland : No. 2 Western winter red spot. SI .42 asked. Corn Southern steady; Western nrm ana inactive; ooutnera wane yucca i; swum ern yellow 84386. BixraiOM Night OaU, higher and Inactive; Southern 606S; Western white 63B5; mixed 60S62; Pennsylvania 62065. Provisions -firm and unchanged; mess pork S17.75SS18.75. uulk meats ebeuMers and clear rib sides, packed 81ASH11- Bacon shoulders 9; - clear rib sides 12: hams 13Uiil8i. Lard refined 1214. Coffee quiet; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 89. Sugar- firm; A soft 10. Whiskey higher, at $1.22. Freights unchanged. CiHOmHATi Hour, firmer, but not quotably higher; family $5.8086.00; fancy $6.50ffi$7.BO. Wheat demand fair and prices higher; No. 2 red winter $1.33. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed, 78- Q)7HV8. Oats-sirong ana higher; wo. z mixeu, bSVa. Pork-quiet and firm, at $18 50. Lard quiet, at $11.25. Bulk meats in gcod demand; shoulder S7.B0: clear ribs SI 0.20. Whiskey firm, at $1.17; combination sales of nnisnea gooas WE INVITE ATTENTION WE INVITE ATTENTION -TO OUR STOCK OF- FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, Which is now full and complete. We keep the best Goods made, will sell them at the lowest possible price and giarantee satisfaction to all purchaser. Our stock Embraces a full line of Goods or all grades, and or various styles and prices, being well adapted to the wants ot both the city and country tride We Invite all to give us a caU and Batlaf y themselves of the truth of our assertions. iL. EI. XL&EIKIHr BRO. New York Central Pittsburg. Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville... Rock Island South Carolina Brown Consols, Wabash, St. Louis A Hactnc Wabash, St Louis .& Pacific preferr'd Western Union. 1.27 1.38 22tt 1.30 1.28 1 02 29 82 CITY COTTON MARKET. no further trouble with his throat. to enable him to regain possession or the Western .North Carolina rauroaa, and that too when the "present owners and builders" were doing all that was The Southern Independent gravitates oa natnrallv towards the llepublican i. miiiA inward a fod- ;ki nt,ri. nf ih nnntraft. with I tedious and desultory debate upon it paii-v . "w"st i w .4J - fflllftWftd Sherman. Walla, and . J ones. passed after the $20,000 appropriation had been striCKen out, as recommend ed bv the Committee on Commerce. The Indian Territory railroad bill was azain taken up and a somewhat Hnr Tt is the same instinct, VA1 kJ wvv.t " impels both "picking." About the most distinguished dele gate that Africa ever sent to these h.v the eleDhant. He had DllUlvo j v resided in England some twenty years, and was quite a celebrity. The Richmond Dispatch wants a con stitutional convention called, that the constitution may be so amended as to authorize the exemption of manufac turing enterprises from taxation. Chandler, the new Secretary of the "Navv wa3 an ardent friend of Blaine, but now hates him cordially because he thinks Blaine played him foul when the Senate refused to confirm him as solici tor-general when appointed by Garfield. Gath says that when a man dies in New York he gets deader than any where else in the world; they carry him across the river and bury him on Long Island, and New York her head about him no more. the State. The "report" shows that harmony has been restored; that the commissioners lpdcre. that the Richmond and rAnville neonle are Drosecutinz the work with "diligence," and above all that The Observe was on the right side in tho controversy on this subject last fall. bothers NOT IN ORDER. Several of the State Legislatures in the North and West passed resolutions requesting the President to pardon Ser geant Mason for shooting at Guiteau, and after the announcement of the killing of Jesse James by young J? ora one of his gang, the following "whereas" and "resolved" were introduced in the Illinois State Senate, but were voted out of order : Whereas, Mr. Bob Ford, the slayer of Jesse James, has rendered valuable ser vice to his country by killing the worst outlaw known to the history of modern times, and while his act is not unlike that of Sergeant in the fact that. he is a better shot: and Whereas, This Senate has requested the unconditional pardon of Mason; therefore be it Resolved, That it is the sense of this Senate that Gov. Crittenden, of Mis souri, snouia at once uuconuiuouauj Peter Cooper, James Watson Webb and Thurlow Weed attribute their great age in part to oat meal diet sea soned with Santa Cruz rum. Oat meal of dicrestion as I nardrm Rob Ford, the voune and noble wheat meal. bero, Z 8UC vamaui Bel VIVO w isis wiuiu;. While we are very far from admit ting that there is anything of the hero in Sergeant Mason, there is no compari son whatever between the two men. Ford, instead of being inspired even by a pretended sentiment of patriotism, simply turned traitor to the chief he had followed and treacherously killed him from the mercenary motive of the large reward offered. He is hardly a fit subject for legislative eulogies. Tfonnhlinan naners say that Jesse James was a Democrat, which seems to be a fact, and the reason why Jesse resisted arrest so long and took the chances of being shot down was his aversion to going to the penitentiary where there were so many Republicans. The Kentucky State Senate has pass ed a bill making it a misdemean&r for a drunken man, "with more than forty pounds of steam to the square inch," to operate a steam engine, unless he choose to take his engine away out in the woods and blow up all by himself. The prosecution of the citizens of South Carolina charged with violations of the United States election laws has been in nroeress at Charleston since last Monday. Thus far there has been nothing of importance elicited, and the point in the cases on ttial seems to turn on the identity of the election boxes produced in court. . Augusta Chronicle: The battle of Ire land will . be fought in England. We learn that in England's manufacturing towns and cities and among her agri cultural communities the rebellious sentiment has more life than across the channel less demonstrative, per haps, but infinitely more dangerous. Men who witness the beginning of the twentieth century will behold the end of the British monarchy and titled aristocracy. Failure in Richmond Slip up of the Readjuster Apportionment Bill. Richmond, Va., April 13. The fail ure of John H. Bryant & Co., proprae tors of a large sumac mill here was an nounced to-day. The liabilities are quite heavy but the amount is unknown. In the Senate to-day the Congression al reapportionment bill recently passed by the House of Delegates was defeat ed by a vote or 10 ayes to iy nays. Messrs. Hale, Lybrook and Newber ry, Democratic-Read justers, Williams, Republican-Read juster, and Wingfield, straight-out Republican, voted with the Democrats against the bill. If the bill had passed it would have given the Readjusters 8 out of 10 Con gressional districts or tne state, it was considered an extreme party measure. The House bill providing a new char ter the city of Norfolk was passed ayes 18; noes 15. of Florida, opposed; and Williams, Call and Maxey favored the bill. The pending amendment to require the con sent to the bill of the general council of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, before it shall take effect, was rejected veas 15. nays 30. The amendments offered by Plumb, McMillan and Sauls bury, were accepted by Maxey in charge of the bill, which then passed yeas 31, navs 13. On motion of Kellogg, the bill appro priating $6,000,000 for the improvement of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, was taken up and laid over as unhnish ed business for to-morrow. Mr. Plumb, from the committee on appropriations, reported without amend ment the House bill appropriating 880,- 000 to supply tne denciency in tne cur rent year for the subsistence of the Arapoho, Cheyennes, Apaches, and other Indian tribes. He explained that the bill was substantially identical with the oce recently originated in and pass ed bv the Senate, and was made neces sary because the House had declined to recognize the right of the Senate to originate the measure. Beck: "We do not concede tne re quisition, but waive it for the time." The bill passed. Plsmb, from the same committee, re ported without amendment the House bill appropriating the amounts below to supply the deficiencies in the current year: tor printing stamp, etc.. for tne revenue aepanmenc, o,uuu ior the manufacture of paper for the use of the Treasury department, also S150, 000 to continue work on the Washing ton monument, the latter appropriation being for the next fiscal year, and to enable the person in charge to make his contracts for the coming year at this time. Passed. Adjourned. House. un motion or &na, or Lou isiana, the Senate bill was passed pro viding for one appraiser and two assist ant appraisers at the port of New Or leans instead of two appraisers and one assistant appiaiser as at present. The morning hour having been dis pensed with the House at 12 :40 went into committee of the whole on the tariff commission bill. Turner, of Georgia, opposed the pend ing bill, contending that the tariff need ed immediate revision, and then argued in support of revenue tariff. Updegraff, of Iowa, and Brumm, of Pennsylvania, also spoke upon the measure. The committe then rose. Adjourned. 7WiQ;8V. Hogs-firm; common and light $5.bUt 37.10; packing and butchers $8.ttoaS7.60. Chicago. Flour strong and higher; common to ohninA Western BDrine Js4.7fiffiS7.00: common to lancy $5 0087.50; Patent $7.50QiS8.7B. Wheat somewhat nigner ana ciosea ratner eaaier j u. Chicago spring 51.85H)$l.Bt for casn; w..aow 3 1.86 for April; S1.28IA lor May. Ctorn-acUve, firm ana nigner, ai n8U)ora iur voau, to wu, - for April; 160MWS ror may. usia-uiruug auu higher lor iuture aeuvwies, ox om r for May. Bafley-qulet and firm, at $1.10. Porfe unsettled and generally higher, at $18,003! $18.05 lor cash anu April; S18.17iAaSl8.20 lor May. Lara unseuiea uu geucrauj iuwcr, a at Sll-27VfeaSll 30 for cash and April; $11.821to eS 11. HO IOr May. mUK. mtu uuaeuicu ami wnraiiT lower: shoulders $7.25; short ribs $10.25; short clear$l0.45. Whiskey steady and uncnangea, ai i.iw. New Yobk Southern flour, firm and quiet; common to iair extra ul choice extra $6.80Q)$8.50. Wheat-l3c higher. unsettled ana excuea, uuiciusmsuiuiotuj under the best prices; No. 2 Spring $1.35; un gSdred$1.20$1.47: No 2 red, April $1.42Vb- higher and excited, but closing very firm; ungraded Oats-V&S'llAc higher and active and strong: No. n 49 VS nops uuil auu luiuiuouj uuuouscu, Yearlings 12a20. Coffee -a shade firmer and .H. sHthnnt. marked chanze: Bio cargoes SSkw- into; lob lots 8im. Sugar-very firm and rather aulet; fair to good refining quoted at IVa 75h; refined strongf Standard a m&m. Mo lassesactive and firm; sales Cuba 40c for 50 test- Porto Bico 425o. Bice qntet and firm. Bosin dull and easier, at $2. 42332.471. Turpentine decidedly lower and unsettled, at 60 0iWV. Wool unchanged and dull; Domestic fleece 34348; Texas 14329. Porlc-qulet and fim $1 7 123S17.25 for old; $18. 12V for new. Middies long clear 10U. Laid-unsetiled and t,Delng somewhat hither, but afterwards became wak and declined 6371Ac and closlnii stronger with a UlT bu-loesi., at $1 1.0; May $1 1 5UT $1 1 60. Freights to Liverpool market dull anJ weak. Cotton, per sail 5 32d37-32d; per bteam 5-32d3Vid. Ottici of The Observer, I Chaklottb, April 14, 1882. ( The market yesterday closed firm at the fol lowing quotagons: (inrui Middling 111 Strictly middling, 11 Middling. 1 1 Strict low middling. 11U T nu middling 11 Tinges 103101 Storm cotton 7391& Sales yesterday 67 bales. Charlotte Produce market. If PIES "01 MOTTO ! WE IUVE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFER GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES That the Pub'ic cannot Perceive the Dlflereuct. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, APRIL 13, 1882. JUST RECEIVED. 9? 31 00 H531.00 3-25a3.R0 ' 7KaH nn 2.50a3.00 65a75 5aB 18a20 7a8 3a5 COTTON. Galvestoh-Quiet; middling llc; low mid dling lltec: good ordinary l0c; net receipts 184? grow -; sales 850: at. 32.669. ex port coastwise 50; to Great Britain ; to continent . ; to France ; to channel Nobtoli Quiet; middling 11?ic; net receipt 583 ross ; stocX 34,176; exports ooast- iT'744; ale 300 exports to Great Britain 2.482; o continent . Baltimore Steady, middling 12Vfec; low mid dllna llbc; good ordinary 10c: net receipts ; 8 - ; sales : ock 27,807; exports coastwise ; spinners 250; exports to Great Britain : to continent . Bosros Steady: middling 12Vio; low mlddllnv ilc: (rood ordinary lie; net receipt 507; 1.314: sales : tock 9,680; exports BUYING PBICES. Corn, per bush'l Mbal, " Wheat, " Beans, white, per bushel 1.25a2.50 Pkab. Clay, per bnsli. l.OOal.10 Lady, " 1-50 White, " 1-25 Floub Family Xxtra. Super Oats, shelled Dried Fruit Apples, per lb Peaches, peeled " tJnpeeled Blackberries Potatoes Sweet 75a80 Irish 1.25al.50 Butter .., North Carolina. 2325 Isgs, per dozen 13al3V Poultry Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb Geese Beef, per tt., net Muttoh, per lb., net Pork. " " SELLING PBICE3 WH0LE9ALTS. Mlf.ATS Cleir rib sides 11 all 14 Coffee Prime R! 141V Good 121&al5 SWhfte lOallls Yellow "a9 Molasses r,nha 45 Swrar Svrup 35a5 Cnolc New Orleans . . Common Sait Liverpool tin? coarse Whiskey Corn, per gallon Rye, " Brandt Apple, per g.iUor, Peach, Wine, Scuypernong, er gallon. RETAIL. apr2 5f TvMiL Street ( BURGESS NICHOLS, 20a2o Ra20 20a25 8 25a35 8al0 8a9 H5h75 40a45 . l.roal.2K .. 80a 1.00 .Sl.75a2.00 .32 00a3.00 .82.00a300 Si. 50 31-50 1' '. Wallace broth KeUBTMMarki KIND! m FURNITURE. BEDDING, &C. a rsrcx Lxa cm Cbfap Bedsteads, AlfD LOUKQM, Parlor & Ckambor Suits. coitou 9B au. coma kajtb. e vest tsubb eruan. erS to ; low mid 10 5 16c: receipts stock 5.379; exports Britain ; to BISHOP PAYNE AND THE FLORI DA RAILROAD. vLast Wednesday a oelegationof color ed dignitaries called upon Attorney- General Brewster to protest against the failure to enforce the civil rights bill in the State of Florida, citing the case of Bishop Payne, who, they alleged, though holding a first class ticket was ejected from the car in which he had taken a seat, several miles from any town and compelled to walk back to Jacksonville. They say that the atten tion of the United States district attor ney was repeatedly called to this out rage and he persistently refused to pay any attention to it, and hence they ask the attorney-general to investigate that gentleman. . We find in the Jackson ville Union a version of the affair which places it in a different light and Bhows that Bishop Payne not only wanted his rights but had an exaggera ted idea of what these rights really were. According to the statement of the conductor of the train, who is vouched for by the Union as a reliable nan in all respects, on the day in ques iijo there was a large party of colored Ljme& going from Jacksonville to Fer "nandina to a church gathering, the party being granted half -fare rates, and provided with a car 'equal in all its appointments' to the one occupied by the white passengers. In this car all the colored excursionists took seats ex cept Bishop Paype, who was unknown to the conductor, and who seated him self in the car occupied by the whites. When asked for his ticket he presented one of the half-fare tickets, but was told by the conductor that be could not , recognize that ticket in that car, and requested to go into the forward car, whereupon Bishop Payne became Another Stenographer Removed The Shipherd Investigation at a Halt. Washington, April 13. Andrew De vine, one of the two official stenograph ers of the House of Representatives for the committees received to-night a let ter from the Speaker of the House, similar to one recently received by the nthar official stenographer for the House committee, Mr. Hayes, inform ing him that for the good and sufficient cause he had been dismissed and that his services would no longer be requir ed. It is understood that the dismissal of Messrs. Hayes and Devine will be brought up in the House for discussion to-morrow by Stevens or BandalL In consequence of the dfefective re ports the committee on the Shipherd investigation declined to proceed with business yesterday. To-day another stenographer was in attendance upon the committee. Exploded her Boiler. Charleston. S. C. April 13. The steamer Planter, from this port, explo ded her boiler this morning, just after leaving the dock. Jake Washington, colored, deck hand, was scalded to death. L. S. Bosang and W. T. Hann, Mate and Engineer, both white, were seriously scalded. Two colored men were Blightly injured. The Planter had a cargo of merchandise, and about 12 cabin passengers. None of the lat ter are injured. The vessel and cargo are but slightly damaged. The vessel was towed back to the pier. The Weather. Washington, April 13. Middle At lantic States, fair weather, vanaDie winds, stationary or higher barometer and temperature. South Atlantic States, clearing weath er, northerly winds, stationary or higher barometer, stationary temperature. Gulf States, clearing weather, north erly winds, higher barometer, station ary or higher temperature. A Testimonial to Hon. Chas. W. Jones New York, April 13. The Irish Na tionalists of New York City, will, this evening, present Hon. Charles W. Jones, United States Senator, from Florida, with a handsome set of resolu tions, throush Edward G. Byrnes, who is now in Washington, as a delegate from the Land League. The presenta tion will take place at the Senators rooms. Another Cashier Short. Washington, Pa., April 13. Cashier Ruth's defalcation probably amounts to $75,000 or $80,000, but investigation has not been completed, in one instance the bank had a credit of $14,000 with the Pennsylvania Bank of Pittsburg, but Ruth had checked out $12,000. He has been placed under arrest for em bezzlement by order of his bondsmen. Rations for the Sufferers. St. Louis, April 13. The steamer Citv of Cairo, of the Anchor Line, which left for Vicksburg this afternoon took down $40,000 government rations for the sufferers by the flood in the State of Mississippi, and the steamer City of Helena, which leaves to-morrow. will take down the same amount). IWt Britain 358; to France . wrLMDJGTON Steady; middling 1 l&fec line ll8 1tic; good ordinary 37; gross ; sales ; mmitwlse ; to Great continent Philadelphia Steady; middling 12Vic low i.trtdllng 1 le: ood ordinary lOtyc; net receipt! U4Q muRR9: sRlei : s Dinners : tooK 15VG03 ; exporis Qreat Britain ; to continent dATANSAH Steady; middling llc; low mid dling llVfec; good ordinary lOfc net receipts ' etoss ; sales 1,500; stock d9.12iS; exports coastwise 2,077: to Great Britain 4,050; to t ranee ; w cuuuuem . New Obleass-Steady; middling 12c; low mw ..i..,,. i iKi,.. onoA ordinary HUic: net receipts a VroTs' 7H8: sales 2.000; stock a8.157; exDorts to Great Britain 3,967 : to France ; coastwise ; to continent 35; to chan nel . Mobile -Quiet; middling lltyc; low middling lHhc; good ordinary lustc; net njcciyui io, irross lVi; saies uou; b- ... - . DiHIoln coast 0Z: trance ; iu vjicoi kuuuu , to continent . Memphis Firm; middling llic; low mid dling lll&c; good ordinary 10ic. net reoeims 306- ctoIs 43; shipments 2,024; sales 1,000; stoc 52,921. AUGUSTA Quiet; middling low De aling lie; good ordinary lOlic; receipts Od; shipments ; sales 167. Charleston-Steady; middling HTfee; tow mid dling llc;good ordinair lUfcc: net receipts 835 gross : saies uu, nn iuc exports ooastwlse 491; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to chan nel . New TOBX-Qulet and steady; sales 640: mid dling uplands 12 8-lBc; middling Orleans 12 7-1 6c; eonsolldated net receipts 8.502; exports to Great Britain 12,095; to France 914; to continent 30o; to channel . Liverpool Noon Firmer: middling uplands RSbd: middling Orleans 6 13-10d; sales 12,000; speculation and exports 2,000; receipts 17,800; American 4,000. Uplands low middling clause: tnrii riftiivprv ft 4'2-4d Q 6 43 64d : April and May 6 42 64da 4J-64dtf 0 44 4a June ; June ana Juiy Cheese ,r,J)9 Lard. perTD ISalWs TaljjOW. Der E a8 Btcon- ,, V r. hrwrmiM luan Hams,K.C 1 -4alB Hams, canvassed 1 oa I b4S rice 8al0 tatesville, 3NT. C, -LARGEST STOCK- rrttjerijes. OIF- May and 47-4df?fi48-4d: July and August 8 53-64d; August and September aq Li October and November . Futures VJ -x W"X I Liverpool -5 P. M Sales of American cotton 10 100 bales. Uplands low middling clause: April aeVvery -d; April and May -; May and June d: June and July d; July and AUKUSt 6 63-H4CI. aiSO OOZ-O-iU; Jiususi niiu tember 6 57-6.4d; September and October . Futures closed barely steady. FUTURES. Particular Notice. All the drawlnes will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control of GKNIBALb l. T. UUAUKEGAHD and JU-BAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOKTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE FIFTH GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS S, AT NEW OELKAN3, TUESDAY, MAY 0, 1S82. IHth MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve funrt nf Kf;n ooo hfts since been added. Rt an ovprwheimine DODular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One oilar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 rnnltnl Prim 5.000 2 Prizes of J2',500 5.000 5 Prizes of 1,000 A'99.9. 20 Prizes of 500 1 0,000 100 Prizes of 100 10 P0 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Frizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes oi 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 GENERAL MERCHANDISE OX rilE ITIOST FA VOIt A III. E TERMS AND IX COMPETITION W ITU A!V JOBBEKS IN THE COUNTRY. THEY WILE BE GLAD TO tlUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl8 ly s FRING ST 00K IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Before Making their Purchases. HANDSOME STOCK. OF receipts 122: gross 1,240. sales 105.0OO Dates. 12-26.28 l.86a 87 12.520.53 12 670.68 12 81 82 12 440 45 1 1 760 77 A Pugnacious Official. Philadelphia, April 13. City Com missioner, William S. Douglass, was arrested to-day, and will have a hear ing to-morrow upon a charge of asaaul upon a representative of the Evening Bulletin, of this city. The latter called upon the commissioner about noon to request some information about the new building, and In reply, he was seized by the back of the neck by the city official and kicked out of the build ing. Awarrrant for his arrest was sworn out at once. ASebooner Wrecked. Washington, D. C April 13. The Signal Corps Station at Smith ville, N. C reports Schooner Minnie, from New York for Charleston, ashore on Frying Pan Shoals, and will probably be a to tal wreck. Crew saved. Fatal Boiler Explosion. Baltimore, April 18. By the explo ion in the company shop mill, corner of Fremont and .Pratt streets, tnis after noon, it i reported there were 12 per sons killed. Five bodies were recover ed. Splicing in High Life. Vienna, April 13. Princess Therese "Von Leichtenstern and Prince Francis Joseph, of Bavaria, were married yes terday. Nkw York Net Futures closed firm April May June. July August September .-V. , - ........... J 11.560 57 December.'-'".'.::'''. H'SS January '-UD',,u February Marsh The Post's Cotton Report says: Future deliveries at the first call sold 2 points dearer, but lost the advance and l to 2 pin in addition . At the second call May was bought at 12 26 : July 1 2 56, October 11.69; the two former at yesterday's clos ing auotatloDS. and Ociober 2 points higher At ter the call Liverpool reported an improved de mand, and spots was 1 point dearer. This led to greatly Improved inquiry and prices rose 7 vO 8 above yesterday's dosing rates. The desparity be tween Liverpool and our market continues in full . nH io insiirA1 iimn with muoh dl8sstlsfac- Uonbythe T Bear Interest. The Bulls point to a great falling off In receipts, to decreasing the sup ply of American cotton to small htocksat our mills and to an Inevitable ultimate European demand, although as they allow It may be delayed longer than desirable. At the third call V2.23 was re f,,afnT Anril: Mav brought 12 33; June 12.48 taia-AQ; Julv 12.A4: August 12.78 to 1279; Beptembw J2.43 to 12 44; Ofitober 11.74; uary 11.68. 1857 Pr zes, amounting to - SI 10.40C Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points to wnom nuerai cu'uycuatiuvu nm i. Kor further IntormatlOB write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Begistered Letter, or Money Oruer by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAT7PHIN, 127 La aallo Street, Chicago, Els., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. - Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attenties of the Public is called tnthn fact, that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. aprll New Carpets, Oil Cloths ! Rngs. HOUSE FtTSHISHIKG- GOODS A SPECIALTY, The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries in the City. CALXj A. 33 SZE3IE3 THKM. ELIAS &d COHEN . maris lm fltscclianc0ttS. -AT- WILDER' S -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE- Jan- You will fiDd a choice and complete stock of PIKE ! FRESH fcRUGS, Golden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract OF BEEF and TONIC 1NVIUORATQK. Don't be Alarmed t T)Hrt'a Tt1AaaA TflAttAtAa. or an V disease Of the ktrinava. Hvnr nr nrlnarv organs, as Hop Bitters win mrcatnlv and lastlngl) cure you, and It Is 1 only thing that will. FliSANCIAL. Nw Yobk. 4-86 i the Captain Howgte Escaped. Washington, D. C- April 13. Cap tain Howgate, formerly disbursing offi cer of fche Signal Bureau, has escanad dienant and declared that he would not from jail. It was stated in the newspa- but that the conaucwr comu iib wuid umo vuv ii oiW in- moVB. ann h train and eiect him. This the conductor would not do, but told his unknown passenger that the train would stop at the next station when he could either get off fir take the car called for by the ticket. The Bishop took the first horn of the dilemma, got off at the station, which was four miles from Jacksonville, and walked back to that city. The Union says this is absolutely all there is in the affair. ed considerable liberty in the way of visiting his home, spending Sunday there, &c., but that statement was de jiied, by the officials in charge of him. Late this evening an announcement of his escape was made from police headquarters. SKINMI MEN. "Wells' Health Benewer" restores health and Tior, cores Dyspepsia. Impotence, eexuai weom tj. SlVDepat ST ajIcAden, Charlotte, N. C. . BID FORD AXCX ABP IBOK SPBIKOS WATIB AHD Mass. The great tonlf! and alteraUve contains lwkw aa moon iron ua tuvr vpi iui. mure tuuu. taum than any "alum and iron mass" Known. Just the thing for the "spring mMm : now n general, bora dj u uuw " Price reduced one.Jialf. may 11 n 1 2014 $86,627 8,915 Mathers 1 Mothers 1 1 noners i u ire voa disturbed at hlght and broken or your, Kxch&nge :mL'" Governments irregular, Vi higher. New 5's, Four and half per cents Four per cents Honey State bonds generally Inactive Sub-treasury balances wold, ". . ' Currency.... Stocks. 11 A. M. The stock market opened rather weak, with the prices fe per cent lower than yesterday's closing quotations, the latter for the Lake Shore. In early dealings, after a frac tional decline in the general list and 1 1& per cent in me waoasn preierred, tae mar&ei sum up IfeSl percent, the Louisville Nashville, the New Jersey Central and the Lake Shore being prominent In the upward movement This was Tollowed by a decline of 131 per cent, the latter for the Wabash preferred, wiille the Colorado Coal told down 2, ts 61, but recovered. BrdCKS Irregular,- but in the main weak j Ainoama-jiass a, 2 to B KHS Are J orvln with the rnTnaln -of cutting teeth ? Tf so, go at Alalama-Class A, small ofS andtJbprae oi MKa. wuwmj-o -?ir Life Saving Superintendent, Washington, D. C, April 13. C. H. Spencer, of Orange, Fla.. has been ap pointed Supt. of the 7th life saving dis trict, in Florida. ...... snnessee.... soar avaM IO wall a.. th mnr liaiH I HM ts. A' Iffb'ZwWttei to no Chicago and NormwesteV . .. W r. I Northwest preferred, erdrelWC aid heawT to tie child: ope t- " - an(t nieasaQt to tne iasi, anu is uio njiu uiw ---- 25 cents a bottle. lllriolirt6M ' Lakeshow .t:::;::::: I Louisville and Nashville M-mphlsand Charleston ridsnvuie and Chattanooga.. In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1882. ThMft drawings occur monthly (Sundays eicept ed) underJov!lonof an Act of the General As- sembly oi A-enuu. The United States circuit won on marou oj, nXXoS'-TbutXon Com- pwiy is legal. ,t. t.o Hi-oorinirgi are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fond: Bead the list of prizes for the APHIL DRAWING. , p-,,e $80,000 prS:::::::::. 9 1 Prize 10 PrizOT, si.OOO each 10,000 20 Frizes, 500 each , - - 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 .200 Prizes. 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 ,'J.SSii' IS l.flflO Prtxes $113400 Whole Tickets. 82; Hall Tickets, ls 2T Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, 8100. ' Bemit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Impress. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFF1UJS uiOJJUfc uraers or tS and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. . Address all orders to ll. M. BOARDMAN, Courler-Joumal Build Louisville; g., or BOP Eroadwsy, New York, aprl " ' TRY IT. CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THE FINEST SELECTION In the CITY, ncludlng the famous LA PARE PA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Artielts, an assortment, and everything generally kept In a first class Drug Store. Special attention given to Physicians' Prescriptions day and night, batis f action guaranteed. t3&- GIVE ME A CALL. &J Comer Trade. , and College Street apr8 . Read this Advertisement rH&MPI0N Hnnw Ha A Hprse IAPERS and MOWERS!, "Chieftain" Lock Lever tea. Kentucky Caiie Mills' and Coi TiM Kvaoorators. improved ueere cultivators. th nnif hrated Dow Low Cotton Planter, will save mote than enough to doubly pay for Itself every season. Oftiser ana Jsmpire J nrasners nuu now Powers, Thomas' tmooimng narrows, Acme nar rows. Ac a lot of Fresh German Hiilett, Eurdtin and TTariv Amber Cone Seed. v- - will compare prices wun any iuu.iaiuj& B0U3E IN THE STATE. J. G. SHANNONHOU3E, Agent, tpi7 lw Charlotte, N. C. HOW TO TELL UEXUINE SINirfQXN L1VEU LtTOH, Oil ITEDICINE Look for clean neat WHITE WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon It In (lie form ot a ribbon gracefully curved lnio the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, spatula Monar and Hraduate wl h the words A Q fclM-MONS- LIVER RKGULATOR or MKDICIN K lher on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN CO., in ifed ink on the ulde. TAKE U fJTUEf. Beware of those wb know nothlriR of Medical Compounds who put ou nostrums known to sour. and being analyzed provv onnie.s anacniy maue to fleece the public, and U pirate on the well earn ed reputation of Zellln & Co's. medlclDe these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a few pennejs every way they can. See Who Endonea the Genuine. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Rt. Rev. Jno. W. Beck with. Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, U. S. fcenator, Rt Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shoiter, J. Edgar Thompson, Hon. B H. Hill. Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Willis, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Phila , Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters Df commendation and recommendation It ts eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resoit v.111 sue many an hour of suffering and many a dollar lu time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, If AKUP ACTUBKD ONLY BY " v ' PmLlDELrUv, Sold by ail Respectable Druggists. Jeb24 . FQR RENT. BY the year, the store room near the court ho. se; or would let the same by the day, week, o month, for auction or similar purposes. Also, by the year, a four room Cottage. opr5 tt. BARRINGER.

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