The gftavtotttje flftsmrer. '"FRIDAY. APRIE U. 1882. ; Index to Ne. AdTertUementa. ? r ? ' , ' &' Ma Beed-Tohe Ladles - ' BUSINESS NOTICES. premature L,0 of Hair , entirely prevented by toe use of BUB iTT'q cuCOaINK No other compound pos WB i thp necullar properties which so exactly 8eMhe varlocondltIons of tU Uuman hair It an ins the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes 8.0 r?Ated scalp It affords the richest lustre. It the lrrltatf' a sco v nromotea lt ...AiianM 1 I in l ' 1 Flc'rr odorous Kroth. it is not greasy nor "puy. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It kills drtBurnett's Flavoring Extracts are known to be the best t i ! t Mrs. wlBslow'sSooillBgByiMjii. .. cisnmis Cobb thus writes m the Boston M.rUtl'in r reemau: no nuiuu uj u uicaus ic- n pnd any kind of medicine which we did not f n to be Kood-partlcnlarly for infants. But of ulS Wlnslow's Soothlnp Syrup we can speak from . ..riPdiJe- In our own family It has proved a knowicue , . iviiier an infant trnuhlBri with TT7n nrSMiIsl ttw HA vmnnna ha culic pains, quiet sleep, at night. Most par Here la an a blPSSiiiK ,,iot lpn. and Its narents unknown vrents can appreciate 'these Li olniro Here l tui a. 1 1 iv,to TTiiiu wuiRo yrci- ?S iind which is harmless; for the sleep nflla rtVlIaVi mmlra f-. nnM h nh it -idords the infant it perrectiy natural, and !L mtiVcberub awakes as "bright as a button." l.h h rine the process of teething, Its value Is .AI i!.,,i hle We have frequently heard mothers 1 thpv would not be without It from the birth of li mitlll It had finished with the teething ' 'l in any consideration whatever. Sold by ail .insists. 25 cents a Dome. jlau Mucrtisetiieuts. Absolutely Pure. This Dowder never varies. A marvel of punty strength and wholesomeness. More economlca ihan the ordinary Unds and cannot be sold In comDf tltlon with the multitude of low tst, short weight, a uni or phosphate powders Sold only In cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., uv23 New York. LeRoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte. N. C. U. 1 WE are:now opening our new priof and Summer Styles OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties In the MIL LIN KB Y LINE. HATS, BONNETS, FI.OWEUS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, &c tn all the new styles, colors and Qualities. Also, all the new styles and qnalltles of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery Gloves. Parasols. Ac the LARGEST and MOST COMPLEX J STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GHANDEST DISPLAY OF KINK MILLLNXBY t&ey have ever seeu In this city. Respectfully, Mrs. P. Query. nmr22 WE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY A NEW SUPPLY OF BLACK, and GREEN TEAS, for the retail trade. R. II. JORDAN & CO., TRYON STREET. VIOLA COLOGNE, CJuaitg, Pints an.i Half Plnta, refreshing and last ing. For sale by R.II. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. - IMPORTED BY HUM. in Quarts, Platj and Half Pints. Collates Violet and Florida Water. K. II. JORDAN & CO. DR. SCOTT'S ELECTEIC HAIR and FLE3H BRUSHIS, R. H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. RUSSIAN UN FLOWER SEED, for sale byl R. II. JORDAN & CO. 5,000 CIGARS For the Retail Trade, Just Received, by R. H. JORDAN & CO. A FINE STOCK PAINT and WHITE WASH BRUSHES. All colors PAINTS in small cans. R. II. JORDAN & CO., apr8 TRYON STREET. CABBAGE, eppEF peas, LAYING HENS -and - SWEET POTATOES. S. M. HOWE Spig UrJl v HOME CIIIPLETS. ZWXo mayor's court yesterday. tThe carnival at the new skating rink comes off to-night. E"The connecting pipe has been at tached to the water stand in the rear of he court house. tjTThe young men will give a hop o night at the pleasure club rooms. Dancing will commence at nine o'clock sharp. JSFThe streets of the city were made lively yesterday morning by the ming ling musical sounds of many instru ments, played upon by one man at the same time. He was a walking curiositv and took in the town. tThere is a difference of opinion among our people in regard to whether there was frost yesterday morning. Somes:ty there was frost; others say there was none but we are glad to state that alj agree that so far there is no damage done to either the fruit or the wheat. OfSaid one Irishman to another, in the employ of the water works, in ban dying wit, yesterday evening : "Pat, where do you board when you are in New York? The other : I board at i Wather Street, and I always works tor the wather works, but I never dhrinks wather." The Supposed Infanticide. The jury in this case are summoned to meet next Monday morning at ten o'clock. They have now been occupied with the investigation a considerable time, and it is to be hoped that their efforts will shortly result in the cen- viction of the guilty party. Personal. The Misses Watts, who have been on a visit to their uncle. Cant. Harrison Watts, of this city, left last evening for New York, where they will remain some time before returning to their home in England. Miss Linia Skinner, who has been on a visit to her aunt, in this city, for some time, left yesterday for her home, in v innsboro, S. C. She was quite a fa vrrite in the social circles of Charlotto. It Is Said That Charlotte ought to have a public park. That the colored hands quit work on the standpipe.on Wednesday ."'cause its too cold to work, sail." That when the sun appears again they will probably quit because it's too hot. That they really quit because they had some money, and wanted time to spend it. That young beans have been dam aged by Wednesday night's frost. About the Re-Charter of the Banks. The Congressional Record of April llth contains tfie fact that our imme diate Representative in Congress had presented the resolutions recently adopted by the Charlc te Chamber of Commerce to the Committee on Ways and Means. The resolutions, it will be remembered, were in favor of the re- charter of the National Banks, and in favor of the repeal of those laws in re gard to our National Banks which still levy war taxes on deposits, &c. Similar petitions have been presented from a number of other commercial bodies, and they will undoubtedly have consid erable effect in shaping legislation on this subject. German Pretzels. The Greenville Daily News believes in lager beer and pretzels (we suppose the former becausa it always goes with he latter), and says a representative was present Tuesday "when Geo. Heist, the pretzel baker, received his mail. To show the extent of his transactions he had orders from Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and North and South Carolina. Mr. Heist ships to nearly every btate ana is the only pretzel baker south of the Potomac. His busi ness is rapidly increasing, and his goods pronounced the very best made. His orders multiply so fast he will soon have to enlarge his manufactory." Very good. Can't some of our bakers start an enterprise of this kind? An Artiul Dodger. Jim Mack didn't, like his quarters, and hi3 work in the city workhouse. He went in there for an affray, and he left on Tuesday, for what or where is doubtful. He was a smart boy; this was how he fooled Supt. Shinn : He bandaged his ancle with some old rags previous to having the ball and chain decoration attached, and after he had been at work cracking rock for a short time, made some excuse for retiring into - . . i -w-" it r a corner or the yara. jrresenuy suinn heard the gate rattle, and behold the bird had flown I Jim had slipped off his shackles with the old rags and quit work without notice. The Supt. pur sued him as far as the north depot but finally abandoned the chase, and when last heard from Mack was in the neigh borhood of Rock Hill. Shinn offers a quart of beer for the capture of the fugitive; and swears Mack won t iooi him with an old rag if he gets him again. But he hasn't got him yet. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the postof- flce at Charlotte, April 10, 1882: Tommie Anderson, Minerva An drews, Mrs R J Alexander, Miss Beler Brewer, James Brazen, Ella Barringer, Liza Bynum, Mrs Bartley, S A Caruth ers, Mrs. T H Cannon, Jennie Claborn, J S Crenshaw,. Harriet Cloths, Alice Crockett, Franklin Davis, T H Free man, Esquire Freeman, colored, Thos Fox. Jessie Hinton, Marthy Horton, Ella Hislop, Mag Hunter, Thena Har eraye, Josephine Jennings, JuliuKir by, Ben Moore, Wilson Motey, Robert Mack, Jim McLery, Sarah, Ann McNeil, Mrs Honora Maxwell, Green MuUer, J no Parks, colored, George Parks, Anna Ricket, Banks Russell, Jacob Smith Sallie Scott, Dorcus Stitt, Sandy Scott, Tbos Tyson, J R Turner, Ellen Wilfong, Mrs E A Weddington. Lula Weeks, tt West. Moses Winfield, James Wil liams. Carrie Williams, Mrs E A Wy Hams. WhencaUing for any of heaboTe please say "advertised. W. W. Jenkins, P. M. Magistrate's Court- Constable On yesterday, arrested Austin Howerton, who has been living on J. W. Miller's plantation since the first of March, charged with stealing a horse from W. H. Hearne. in Stanly county, on the night of the 13th of March last. He had a preliminary trial before Justice Waring but no definite point could be arrived at as the accused made oath that he could prove an alibi. The case was consequently continued until next Thursday, the 20th. The justice bound the prisoner in a bond of five hundred dollars, in default of which he was lodged in jaiL Listen to Father Evans. Five dogs killed on the streets yes terday. Charlotte Observer, 9th. Send your dog-slayer this way we have about 250 worthless sheep-killing, egg-sucking, half-starved dogs here that ought to be killed. They are fit for nothing on earth but to bark and steal. They have cleaned out the last sheep in the settlement Milton Chronicle. Well, if you have no more sheep to kill, we can't see that it would do any good to kill the dogs, but just as you say. Our dog killers are too busy to "come down," tiut if you could manage to send your dogs "up here," we will see to it that an accommodating policeman shall try his hand no, pistol on them. The Introduction of the Baptist Denom ination in America. BaptistB in Charlotte, and elsewhere, who are readers of The Observer, will tbe interested in the following, clipped from the Baptist Weekly, of New York city. Mr. E. R. Dodge, for some years superintendent of the Wes tern Union telegraph office, here, is a descendant of the now famous Trist- tram , and a kinsman of Robert Dodge, who is preparing the history. Says the New York paper : Robert Dodge, a descendant ofj Tris tram Dodge, one of the first settlers of Block Island, has just completed, after much labor, an interesting history of his ancestors, "Tristram Dodge and his descendants in America, with historical and descriptive accounts of Block Is land and Cow Neck, Long Island, their original settlements. Tristram Dodge came from England, and hrst settled Jtsiock island, April, 1C61. His grandsons were of the ear lier settlers of Cow Neck, Long Island, and, with his son, of New 'London, Conn., was the founder of the very nu merous Dodge Family, of the Middle and Northerwestern States. The book gives from original and contemporary entries, his history, to gether with a complete record of the public service of the distinguished members of the families of his descend ants. The history of Block Island and Cow Neck are here first written from the original sources. It also gives the first history of the establishment of the Baptist denomination in Englard, its persecution and introduction into this country through this family. The work will be an acquisition to every library, and to scholars and his torians it rwill be indispensable. The author, Robert Dodge, Esq., of the New i ork Bar. No. 11 Wall steet, is now in viting subscriptions, and will print th book in quantities sufficient only to fill these advance subscriptions. 1 vol about 300 pp. Price S3 per copy. The work is now completed, and will be printed when an adequate subscription is received. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel. A C Freeman, Albemarle, NC; J Q Holland, Gaston, N C : J P Little. Richmond coun irks. Wil- C; A D Scarborough, McGilead W E Blalock, Norwood, N C derman, W G MacRae, R W Hicks, Wil mington, NC; William R Pinnerman, Asheville, N C ; KL Steele, Jr, Rock ingham, N C; R Smith, Lowell, NC; ID Stone, county; John A Ramsey, Salisbury, N C ; A M Diggles, J N Mer rill, W D Martin, A Simmonds, J F leynolds, S G Bertram, J F Baker, J B Guest, New York ; C B Justice, W M Justice, Rutherf ordton ; C E McCleer, Wilot, Richmond, Va; W Reade. Ala- Dama; McD .Norwood, Durham, JN C; B Y Warner, W B Burgess, Greens boro, Ga; A T Searle, Hornsdale, Pa; J as A Leach, Thomasville, NC; Wm T Newman, W Hugus, J Y Sage, J W Oliver, Atlanta, Ga; Dr. Thomas Hall, Boston, Mass ; L R Warren, Virginia ; F Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio; A Mc Queen, Red Banks, N C; J W Bulla, W E Gibson, Washington, DC; J J Perry, Bellair, N C ; W A Hoke, Lincolntom N C; Sam M Addler, Wm L Dalian, S A Williamson, Baltimore, Md ; W H Hearne, Albemarle, NC; Dr EHunt- ev. W J Boylin, Monroe, N C ; R C Koerber, Central, S C ; R A McLean, King's Mountain. Charlotte Hotel. S C Atkins, Virginia; Lewis W Fry, WZ Hamp ton, Clemonsville ; Daniel Smith, C H Henry, N C Colt, . Baltimore ; Chas T Stewart, R M S; W A Leeper, An drew Smith, Garibaldi; O P Heath, S C; Miss Laura Bruce, JnoL Truman, Statesville; G A Garland, NERE; Rev C A Plyler, Lancaster, S C ; M A Jones, Richmond, Va ; F P Curtis, But ler, Tenn ; A R Moore, Greenville, S C; J B Bruce, Tradersville ; T D Chandler, W M Anderson. Mayesville, S C ; A J Hoffman, Rock Hill; Jno McGee, Pine ville, N C ; W Y Perkins, Monroe, N C ; J S Smith, Lincoln county, N C. Reception at the Home and Hospital- Poplar Street Corner of Sixth. To the Editor of The Charlotte Observer. As the addition to the Home and Hoaoital is now completed, it is open to the inspection of the public, and all are invited to visit it. On Thursday next, April 20th, the lady managers will be at the Home from 2 till 7 p. m to welcome all who call. They will be happy to receive all . . . - a. iV.: 1 . 4. wno ta&e an interest m mia vutuiby. As the building has taxed the re source of the Home fund very heavily, thfi managers ask for aid in turnishing the new rooms. Not for new furniture. hut. for such articles of household use as each housekeeper may feel able to Rnarfi a table or a chair, a pmow or mat, a curtain or window shade, bits of ramflt. or anvthinjr available. Any contribution will be of use and will be received with thanks. Articles may be sent to the Home on Thursday, or if rh name of article and donor be Riven to one of the managers or to the matron, it will be sent for. As thia community has shown itself always- ready to respond to ealls of charity from abroad, the Bftaaagera hope that thia hopje charity wiU be sustain ed nnri that orarreta and lumber rooms will he raasacked to find spare bits to furnish comforts for this Home for the ainfe and friendless. Managers Home and Hospital. An Answer to"C. M. I." in Regard to the 20th of May Celebration. To the Editor of The Observer. The article of "C. M L" in to-day's Observer meets with our entire ap probation with one exception, viz: The proposition to admit to the competitive drill the cadets of the Military Insti tute. Our objections to this is that the State militia have not the advantage of the daily training which is a part of the education of the cadets, and in which they are daily exercised, while we of the militia are only periodically called out for instruction and drill. We do not feel that it would be any reflection upon our militia organizations to ac cede to the daily trained cadets of mili itary institutes a proficiency in drill to which it is not expected we can attain. We would be pleased if "C. M.l. Would pro pose a competitive drill for cadets of military institutes who may favor us with their presence on the oc casion, and will co-operate in any scheme which may be determined upon tor obtaining a suitaDie prize to be awarded to the victors, and in finding comfortable quarters to visiting schools of cadets. H.N.R. Mining in North Carolina To the Editor of The Observer. Seeing a paragraph in last week's Ob server, stating that "the mines in the vicinity of Charlotte are doing well, I would say, as one who wishes all suc cess to-the mining business in North Carolina, that I am glad to understand those mines now in operation have a good prospect, as the majority of them in the legitimate sense of the word are only prospecting. Although the word "mine" is used here sometimes for a hole ten feet deep, a shaft fifty feet or even five hundred feet in depth is not a mine. It is neces sary to have levels, stopes and cross cuts, to develop the character and width of the mineral body the vein con tains, before it can properly be called a mine. sav a level is, driven rrom a shaft at fifty feet from tbe surface, and another at one hundred the mineral body between the levels is what we used to term "ore in sight ;"and this put a value on a mine, either good or poor. One great hindrance to mining enter prise here is that such extravagant prices are aked for all properties show ing any indication of gold, the owners not taking into consideration the fact that some gold can be found in other places than fissure veins,- as, for in stance in gash veins, counter veins, &c, of which no mine can be made. Another drawback of this State is that so many places have been "salted" in past years, or, in other words. North ern capitalists have been swindled by being induced to pay large sums of money for what were represented to them as raining properties, but which in many cases were not worth five dol lars for mining purposes. The result of this is that really good properties suffer in reputation; owing to the de ception practiced with respect to oth ers. However, I sincerely trust that the time will soon come when capitalists will renew their confidence in North Carolina; and that fwould quickly raise the State into a flourishing condition, its resources being great, not only in the precious metals, but also in copper, lead, coal and iron. In fact, this State ought to be ahead of Colorado, instead of fifty years behind it. W Lewis. Charlotte, April 5th, 1882. Hero dtjertiBemeuts TO THE LADIES ! I AM now permanently located In Gen. John ston's brick house, on Tron street, between 7th and 8th streets, where I will continue the business of DKESS MAKING, calls solicited. Mrs MARY REED Orders left with Messrs. Wltikowsky fc Barach will be promptly delivered. aprl4 8t Having taom O TO Corner College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PERDUE'S OLD STAND,) and adding- to onr already large Stock or CORN, FLOUR, BRAN, HAY, MEAL, STOCK FEED. A FULL LINE OF ice AT BOTTOM PRICE& We are ready and wljl be glad to serre our old friends and the Dubllc generally with Goods in our line as LOW as the LOWEST, and respect fully solicit a share of your patronage. A. J. Beall&Co. P. 8. We ha?e 1 .000 bushels White Com to sell ON TIME. Those In need will do well to call and see us. aprl4 TO RENT. FOB the balance of the year a house In Wilkes boro, with three rooms, kitchen and garden at $8 per month. Apply at THE MINT. aprll gt NEW BAR- AND BILLIARD ROOM. TAKE Pleasure in informing my friends and the Dubllc generally that 1 hare onened AN ELEGANT BAB and BILLIABD BOOM in the Central Hotel, just In rear of the. office, where at ail times can De iouna me cnoicesi witira ana LIQUORS. W. B. CPCHBANE. apriitc PRESCRIPTIONS "DEEP ABED at all hours day or night, at reason X ble prices, of the deal materials and by com petent phi iarm acuta, at WIL8UN pUllWJELIa Prog btore, Trade street apr9 PUREST WINES, T Bill DIES and Whiskeys for Medical use, guar- AJ anteed of tbe best quality an reasonable In price. WILSON arBTJBWELL. apt9 Druggists. RECEIVED TO-DAY. T7IVK Barrels Raw- Linseed Oil. 6 barrels Boiied .ft? Linseed Oil, 5,000 pounds a ura wnue Lead, 5 barrels Maonlne Oil. WILSON ft BUBWKLL, Trade btieel apt CQCOA, jMHOCO LATE, Nelson's 6efatlner Mustard and ho Family Grocer KJ Spices ox an kumh. ' jftcsb arrival as WILSON ft BUB WILL'S apr9 Drag Store. HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE LINE OF Spring Cass. CASSILIERE PANTS AND FINE- Worsted Erocks and Vests. OUR STOCK WILL BE COMPLETE, AND WE WILL PRESENT THE LARGEST -AND ASSORTMENT -IN THE SOUTH. GREAT CAM HAS BEEN GIVEN TO OUB PBODUCTIONS THIS SEASON Oar C&3 Goods have all been MADE ORDER onl we will display some tery HANDSOME EFFECTS IN THE LITEST and MOST CORRECT STYLES. I D. Latta 4 M, CLOTHIERS. 13 Suite, i f mm EVER DISPLAYED FOE THIS WEEK. :W:-& Of Every Description, Including THE NEWEST IMPORTATIONS. REDUCED IN PRICE: Our Handsome Lit and Dark Printed Nainsooks FROM- 5Q Baws TO 100 PIECES LINEN LAWNS SOLID BLACK, SOLID WHITE, WHITE GROUND "With BLACK FIGURES, BLACK GROUND with WHITE with Figures tn all Colors. Tbey are BEAUTIFUL GOODS." 6( 1 25g REDUCED PROM 65c0. Fans, Parasols OF EVERT FABRIC, AND LADIES' NECK W EAR, REAL SPANISH apr9 0LD MADE NEW WITH mak.:s Looking Glasses ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best tn the World. FOR SALE BY J. 8, SPENCER &. CO and FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, N. C DR. A. W. ALEXANDER. DB. C. L. ALEXANDER. SURGEON DENTISTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office o Trade street over L. Berwanger& Bro's c othlng store. ' Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. apr2 ioofei Stationery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Central Hotel Building. Our stock consists of a well selected assortment of goods kept lntne BOOK BUSINESS. Miscellaneous and School Books, Sunday School Books and Bibles Of all grades, pocket and family, Photograph and Autograph Albums, fine and cheap Box Paper, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Ink and Ink Stands, WrltiDg Paper and Envelopes, Paper Weights, Block Games, Scrap Books, Tablets, Velvet and Ch-ap Frames, crayons. Slates. Penholders, Slate and Lead Pencils. Black Board Rubbers, Blank and Pass Books, Blotting Paper, Bristol Board, Card Board, Copy Books, Gam, Rubber and Rub ber Bands,Bubber Penholders.a large stock of Gold Pens always on hand, Composition Books, Ac, &c. Ac. Also tbe largest assortment of Wall Paper and Window Shades of every description, Picture Nails, Wire and Worsted Picture Cords, Chromos, Dining Room Pictures, all of which are sold at ex ceedingly LOW PRICES. Subscriptions taken for all the Dally and Weekly Papers; Magazines a specialty. Also agent for Butterlck Patterns Wrapping, News and Paper Bags always on hand. REMEMBER THE PLACE. TIDDY & BROTHER. apr8 I DESIRE to announce to the public that I am now prepared to do washing and ironing In the best possible manner. I have succeeded in get ting better water than I nave been using, and will now agree to take family washing by the month as follows: For handkerchiefs, towels, socks and napkins at one and a half cents each. All ether family goods at 8 cents per article, except lace cur tains. The prices are extremely low and every respecta ble family in Charlotte can afford to give me a trial, Tbe washing of each family is kept separ ate, and ladles' clothing is bandied exclusively by females. I wUltoattsjttfee bouse for the wash and deliver tt within three days. Ia8kedthepabiltdtay iio attention to outside reports about mr'bUBlaees, as I guarantee satisfac tion or make no charge. L. HATMANN, Prop'r, aprll Enterprise Bte&m Laundry. WITTKOWSKY s. BARuCH V Unli ,ljit! En Laundry erpnse :B: White Goods, FIGURES, WHITE GROUND Belts I aces. A COMPLETE LIJiE OF LACE TISSUES. 0rugB and JtlerUctueb. FRESS MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at DrJJMdens Draff Store s ARATOGA rICHY, F'-om Saratoga Springs. N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, JO CASES ROCKBRIDGE ALUM, -J Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doex A wine glass fall before breakfast The Lancet "Hunyadi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Yxrcltov, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Hcanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, X. 7)., V. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Aiken, M. D., F. R. B., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rlchshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, - - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from tbe spring at Saratoga. We receive this water tn large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be replied again every week. J- H. moadkw, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 CONGRESS WATER. CATHARTIC A If AJL EBATIVF, Is a well known specific for CONSUMPTION, 1N DlfiESTfoN, and all disorders of the STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS. NINETY TEARS' popular use attests its purity, safety and superiority to all waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, Irritating waters, foreign and domestic; tbey Impair the digestive organs and kidneys, therebyinduciiig Irreparable results j Nane Ctettnln Bold on Draught Biarl 2m eotJ IRH I! VI hi, apr9

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