gtyt t)arlotle (Bbserpn:. CUAS. R. JONES, fcditor and Prop'lor. IXbtkbxd at m Pcm-Oma ouMMLam, N. 0.. AS SaCOJTD-CiaBS JflTTXB.1 SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1881. IN CONGRESS. THE SENATE DEVOTES ITSELF CHIEFLY TO THE PASSAGE OF PRIVATE BILLS, AND VOOR- HERS DISCOURSES ON THE IM PRISONMENT OF AMERICAN SUSPECTS. REPUBLICAN HYPOCRISY. There are indications that tbe Repub lican party managers are working up the color question, with a view to po litical effect in the coming campaign. The movement of the colored people of this State to secure certain rights, which, it is alleeed. have been denied them, and which culminated in the Goldsboro convention, is part of the scheme, which originated not among the colored people, but among the white managers, who never let slip an oppor tunity to practice upon the credulity of the race, whuiii they have found it so easy to dupo sin.-wthey became a factor in politics. The prosecution of the citi zens of South Carolina, charged with violation of the United States election laws, in which Attorney-General Brews ter shows such extraordinary zeal, is substantially a part of the same pro- gramme, which, under pretense of se curing a "free election and a fair count," means an effort to wrest that State from the Democracy and turn it over to the Republicans. The idea is. to mke the negroes believe that they have, been im posed upon, defrauded out of a victory that properly belonged to them, and im press them with the idea that they may look to the United States to champion their cause if they assert their rights and contend for the supremacy of the State. This, we say, is practically what these probecutions mean. Last Thursday a delegation of promi nent colored men w'aited upon Mr. Brewster, who has shown such zeal in the South Carolina cases, and protested acainst the non-enforcement of the civil rights of the negro in Florida, and received f nmi him the assurance that the case complained of should meet with prompt and full investigation. Here, then, is the colored question in some shape coming to the front in three States, two of them very close States, and within the possible reach of the Republican, the other with a large negro majority, which, if it could be held together and voted solidly for the IteiDublicans. would ensure it to them 4- - , There is time between now and the next election to work up these States and get the negroes pretty compactly in line for the work to be done. This is undoubtedly the game. It is the old game which has been played, to a greater or les3 extent, on the advent of every gen eral election that has been held in the South since the war. This interest in the colored man, however, is mere pre tense. They want his vote, and for this they heid with him; his vote received, he may rest under his so-called griev ances until his vote is wanted again, when their interest in him will be again aroused, and they will patch up more "whereases" and "resolves" to show their friendship. It is somewhat remarkable that while this is going on in the South, and the Republican managers are persuading the colored brother that he is very badly treated by the Democrats, that three Republican United States Senators take occasion, in the United States Senate, to pronounce negro suffrage a failure, and to express the opinion that this country belonged to the white man, and would be ruled by. the white man. One of these Senators was H. M. Teller, of j Colorado, who has recentljbeen ap- pointed Secretary of the Interior by Ir. Arthur, he thus indirectly, if not not directly, endorsing the views of Teller by taking him into his cabinet and making him one of his council. What do intelligent colored men think of that? How could they fail to see the hypocrisy of the party whose presi dent places in his cabinet the man who proclaims himself an advccate of white supremacy, while it pretends to be the especial friend and champion of the colored people? The appointment of Teller to that position was an affront to the colored voters of the United States, and would be so regarded by them if they were not used to being kicked, cuffed and humbugged with impunity by the party which has trifled wilh them at will ever since they be came a voting power. Perhaps, in the course of time and in the slow de velopment of events, the colored people will discover how little of real interest or friendship there is in the Republican party for them. The Chinese Question, in the House A Proposition to Pay Certain Ante War Claims Elicits a Lively Discus sion, Calls Some of the "Loyal" Members Vigorously to the Front, and Some of Them Vent Their Opinions Freely. mal condition the industrial and busi ness interests in conflict, or come up to the expectation of the people of that section. The report then proceeds to argue that the government of the Uni ted States was given by the treaty ab solute discretion as to determining the time and manner of such suspension. The House then proceeded to the con sideration of the private business, and at 12 -J30 went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. The first bill on the calendar for the relief of Edward B. Armstrong, one of the heirs of James B. Aimstrong, of Missouri, met with some opposition on the ground that though the original claimant had been loyal, E. B. Arm strong had been unable to prove his Vhite. of Kentucky, advocated the measure and contended that the claims of loyal persons which originated be fore the war should be paid. The Re publican party could not afford to vote against this bill. It might gain some congressional districts in the North by such clap trap, but could not, he hoped, gain any in the South. Camp, of New York, earnestly pro tested against the passage of the bill, contending that it would open the doors fnr nt.hsr rp.hfil claims. It would be quoted as a precedent for the payment of salaries to those officers who resign ing thftir commissions had turned their swords against their country. It would be cited for the payment of the balance of the salaries of those gentlemen who had left their seats in the House and Senate and plunged the nation into war. The men who had gone into the rebel lion had forfeited every right which the constitution had guaranteed to them and the only right they had was to have their property confiscated and themselves hanged higher than Haman. The debate was continued at great length by Taylor, of Ohio, and Buckner, Ot missoun, in auuinuu ui, uu Bright' DUcase, Diabetes, Kidney, Litver or Urinary Diseases. TxFaIS.? fear 'an of 'hese diseases 11 you use BopBItters, as they will prevent and cure the wursi cues, s?en when jou nave been made worse by some great puffed up pretended cures. , WE INVITE ATTENTION WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Washington, April 14. Senate. Lapham presented a remonstrance transmitted to him by the Chamber of Commerce of New York from the bus iness men of that city engaged in xne China dry goods, iron and cotton trade, and embracing the signatures of bank ers and insurance companies against the passage of any law prohibiting Chi nese immigration. It sets forth that such legislation is contrary to our national policy and an unnecessary affront to a friendly na tion, prejudicial to the commercial in terests of the country in reducing if not destroying our growing commerce with China . which promises to be of vast im portance. Lapham said the petitioners were an imated by that spirit "which so univer sally prevailed in his boyhood, and which was expressed in one stanza in a the song, Jefferson and liberty with which all were familiar. "Here strangers from a thousand shores, Compelled by tyranny to roam, Snail find amid abundant stores A freer and happier home." The paper went to the committee on foreign relations. Maxev. from the committee on claims, reported favorably with amendments a Bayne, 0f Pennsylvania, and Burrows, JUDGE LYNCH IN ALABAMA. Confesses the Vengeance is One of the Culprits Crime, for which Wreaked. New York, April 14. ASelma. Ahv. special says that Henry Ivy and Jim Acoff, negroes, who it has transpired were implicated in the killing of J. B. Weissenger on December 10th last, were taken out and lynched by a body of forty masked men at 2 o'clock yes terday morning, in the woods, four miles south of Brown s Station, on tbe Alabama Central Railroad. Last Wed nesday Ivy, who had been haunted by thoughts of execution and was suffer ing from pangs of conscience, made a full confession of the crime, pronounc ing himself as the man who really did the killing, and implicated Jim Acoff, then at large on the plantation. The confession was made, without fear or compulsion, to seven Intelligent white men. Ivy and Acoff were immediately arrested and held to await the action of Ihe grand Jury. When it became gen erally known on the neighboring plan tations that Ivy had made a confession, the negroes became greatly excited, and it was only with great decision on the part of the white people that they were kept from hanging the culprit then and there. Ivy and Acoff were confined in a, school bouse. Yesterday morning, while one of the guarda was absent to cet a drink of water, forty masked men, thought to be all whites,ode up to the iviMincr rmicklv overcame and bound and gagged the remaining guards, and rode off with the negroes, who in vain pleaded for mercy for 'Mast one more Say" of life. Ivy's body was found hanging to a tree near the school house. AcofTa body has not yet been discov ered, but there can be no doubt of his having been killed. More Rations Furnished. "Washington, April. H.-The Secre tary of War to-day directed that two hundred thousand additional rations be issued to the commissioners atJNew Orleans to be distributed to sufferers from the floods in Louisiana. bill to reappropriate and apply tne amount appropriated by tne ace or March 1S77 to pay certain .Southern mail contractors. On motion of Cameron, of Wisconsin, the House bill for the allowance of about 150 claims-arising under the act of July 4th, 1864, for Btores and sup plies furnished the army of the United States, all of which have been reported by the accounting omcer or ine treasu ry, was passed. The Senate then took up the calen dar and on motion of Teller, devoted the morning hour to the pension Dins, of which a number were passed. At the expiration of the morning hour, at 2 o'clock, the bill for the im provement; of navigation in the Missis sippi and Missouri rivers, which came up as the regular order, was temporari ly laid aside, and 60 pension bills After disposing of this business the regular order was again passed over, and Voorhees addressed the Senate unon the resolution recently introduced - r - . j iu by him aecianng me conauci, oi me State department in relation to the ar rest and imprisonment by the British authorities of Daniel McSweeney and other American citizens in violation of American law, inconsistent with the value of American citizenship and de rogatory of the honor of the United States. He said the Secretary of State had failed to respond to the Senate res olution of March 9th, peremptorily in structing him to report upon the Mc Sweeny case at the earliest day possible until March 20th, although every item of information transmitted on tne latter date was in the hands of that officer when the resolution reached him, ana could have been sent in within 24 hours thereafter. The American State de partment, he asserted, of late years had alwavs proceeded very slowly when ap pealed to in behalf of an American citi zen in a foreign prison. He proceeded as follows: "A government which is indifferent to the fate of its own citi zens, whether at home or abroad, which fails to respond boldly and swiftly to their appeals for justice, and leaves them to waste away their lives in prison, untried and unconvicted, is unworthy of allegiance, and ought not to have and will not long retain a respectable position among the independent powers of the earth." The speaker then re viewed the case of McSweeny, "a natu ralized American citizen, who was ar rested by British authorities in Ireland and imprisoned on the 2d of June, 1881, and who has been in prison without trial ever since, notwithstanding the repeated appeals of the prisoner and his wife to our government for protec tion and redress." The unmanly and pusilanimous silence of the State Department throughout the whole case was, Mr. Voorhees said, such that every Ameri can head would be bowed and every American heart filled with humiliation as the facts become known. He, Voor hees, felt degraded in his pride as a citizen, when compelled to state as he now did with the communication of the State Department in his hands, that for six long and weary months to the pris oner, after this government had receiv ed the letter of Mrs. McSweeney, not a single step was taken by the authorities here for an inquiry into the circum stances of the arrest, and they were then influenced to take action by con siderations other than a just apprecia tion of the claims of McSweeny to pro tection. Mr. Jones, of Florida, asked whether McSweeny was in prison now ? Mr. Voorhees said he understood that he was as no notice had been given of his release. Com menting upon the prisoner's recital of his sufferings in jail he said the picture was one of wanton brutality, such as barbarians alone inflicted on their pris oners, whether guilty or not, and showed that the spirit of torture which for so many years disgraced English history was yet active, especially when the victim belongs to a government whose administration cares nothing for his safety and still less for its own hon or. Upon the history of the case Mr. Voorhees charged that there bad been gross and flagrant violation of the aet of July 27, 1868, section 2,001 or the Ke vised Statutes, for which somebody ought to answer at the bar of the Sen ate under articles of impeachment. At the close of Senator Voorhees' re marks the galleries, which contained many members of the land league con vention reeently in session in this city, noisily manifested their "appreciation of his effort. Upon the suggestion at Senator Sherman tbe resolution of Mr. Vooi- nees was rererrea to tne committee on foreign relations with a view to .en quiring into all the facts of the case. The Senate, at 4 AO, went into execu tive session, and when the doors wre re-opened adjourned until Monday. HcrtSE. Willis, of Kentucky, pre sented aminority report on the anti Chinese Mil and; it was referred to the House" calendar. The report states thatfthe "minority members had desired to report a bill fixing the term of suspension at fifteen of Michigan, in opposition to the bill, after which th,e enacting elause was struck out, thus defeating ihe measure. After the consideration of several other private bills the committee rose and after the transaction of some un important business the house at 4.30 ad journed. To-morrow's session to be for debate on the tariff commission bill. Sugar Cane Killed A Terrific and Rain Storm. Hail Plactjemine, La., April 14 The Times-Democratic's boat Susie B. ar rived here after a trip through Bayou Grosse Tete as far as Rosedale. Wool folk, Shady Grove, Augusta, Trinity and Daquin places are under water. The cane will probably be killed. The los3 to the sugar crop here will be about 3.000 hogsheads and the loss to stock 1000 hogsheads. On the Gay and Dagre places Wednes day night during the terrific hail and rain storm, the sugar house was blown down and nothing has been heard of its 11 white occupants. They were Mr. l'Ovillon, his mother, brother, wife and child, Mr. Hopaker, his wite and two children, and two unknown persons. Search this morning showed all the refugees furniture crushed, but no bodies were found. As their boats are missing it is hoped the people fled to the woods before the storm broke out. Report of Committee on Contested Elections in Florida. WASHINGTON, April 14. The House committee elections to-day adopted the the following resolutions by a vote of 7to4: Resolved, That Jesse J. Finley was not elected as a Representative to the Forty-seventh Congress from the Sec ond Congressional district of Florida, and is not entitled to a seat. Resolved, That Horatio Bisbee, Jr., was duly elected as Representative from the Second Congressional district of Florida to the Forty-seventh Con gress and is entitled to his seat as such Representative. Rainey was instructed to report the action of the committee to the House, and permission was given the minority to make a report direct to the House. Failure of a Buffalo Bank. Buffalo, N. Yn April 14. The First National bank of this city closed its doors this morning. A large number of their drafts issued to live stock dealers drawn on the Fourth National bank of New York city, on the 4th instant and since that date, were yesterday dishon ored in New York. The extent or amount of drafts un paid cannot now be ascertained but is thought to be large. The failure of the bank to pay their drafts will seriously affect a laree number of live stock dealers who sent dishonored drafts in payment of stock sold by them. It is believed that depositors will be paid in full. APRIL 14, 1882 PRODUCE, WrfjpMQTOK, N. C Spirits turpentine Ann, at 55c. Mloeln arm; strained S1.92V&; good strained 81.97T&. Tar Arm, at 81.75. Crude Turpentine flrnu at 82.26 lor hard; 83.75 for yellow dip; 88.00 for virgin (Inferior). Corn unchanged; prime white 93; mixed 90. Baltimore Noon Floor firm; Howard street and Western super 88 50384.75; extra 85.00 8(5.00; family 86.25387.25; City Mills, super 88.60384.75; extra 85 00387.80; Rio brands 87 25387.50. Wheat Southern steady and firm; Western irregular and higher and closing easier; Southern red 81.40381.47; amber 81.50381.60; No. 1 Maryland - ; No. 2 Western winter red spot, 8l.4288l.4254. Corn Southern higher; Western Irregular aud easier; Southern white 90391; Southern yellow 88. Balttjiori Night Oats, firm; Southern 603 65; Western white 63365; mixed 60861; Penn sylvania 60365. Provisions-firm; mess pork 81 8. 00a8l 8. 7 5. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed 83 LI. Bacon shoulders 9; clear rib sides 1 14; hams 3318 Lard re fined 1214. Coffee lower and active; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 8tfe39lA. Sugar- strong; A soft 10. Whiskey firm, at Sl.2Ufe. Freights dull. Chicago. Flour firmer, but not quotably higher; common to choice Western spring 84.76387.00; common to fancy $5.00387.50; Patent $7,503 $8.75. Wheat unsettled, active, firm and higher; No. 2 Chicago spring 81. 35381.86 for cash; 81.36 for April; $1.29381.29 tor May. Corn unsettled and generally higher, at 74375 for cash; 7ttfc for April: 77a77 for May. 0ts unsettled and generally higher, at 49V43 52 for cash; 491A35284 for May. Pork steady, at 818.353818.40 for cash. April ana May. Lard demand fair and market firm, at at $1 l.5 for cash, April and May. Bulk meats fairly, ac tive and a shade higher; shoulders $7.25; short ribs 8 10. 35 ; short clear $10 55. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at 81.19. New York Southern flour, steady and moder ate Inquiry; common to fair extra JP5.6038B.75; good to choice extra $6.803$8.50. Wheat ViZblVto higher, uisettled and feverish, but closing nrm ai a inna unaer me oesi prices; ungraaea rea $1.05381-50: No 2 red, April 81.43SH3S1.441&; May $i.44iAS$1.45i&. Corn &431e higher, fev erish and unsettled, but closing very firm; ungrad ed 7788tt; No. 2. April 861AS86; May 83143 85. Oats unsettled and lower, but closing stronger, with an active trading; No. 3. 5914. Hops dull and unchanged; Yearlings 12320. Coffee 14c lower and weak, with the demand moderate; sales 3,000 bags Rio P. T. quoted at 831 OVfc. 8ugar-quiet and held very firm; sales 829 hhds. Muscovado at7te; Baba 615 16 ex. ship; fair to good refining quoted at IWi'tBfa; rflned easier and Quiet: Standard A 9. Molas ses firm and rather quiet Rice steadily held and demand moderate. Rosin quiet and un changed, at 82.421882.47. Turpentine clos ed firm, at 59 bid. Wool dull aud in buyers' favor; Domestic fleece 34348; Texas 14329. Pork fairly active for export and very firm, op tions dull and nominally lower; old mess spot. $17 12V48$17.25. Middies quiet and firm, and unchanged ; long clear 1 014 . Lard -lower and less active and closing stronger, nt $11.55. Freights to Liverpool market dull and nominal. Cotton, per sail 6-32d87-32d; per steam 5-32d3l4d. FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, Which is now full and complete. We keep the best Goods made, will sell them at the lowest possible price? aDd guarantee satisfaction to all purchasers Our ntoctrEmbraces a full line of Goods or all grades, and ot various styles and prices, being well adapted to the wants ot both the city and country tr W We invite aU to give us a call and satisfy themselves of the truth of our assertions. 49.500 33.000 3.800 600 7,200 Sales for the week American Speculation Export Actual exports Forwarded from shlos' sides. Imports 95.000 American 48.500 Stock 873.000 American, 571,000 Afloat 461.000 American 221,200 LIVERPOOL COTTON CIRCULAR. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "Cotton closed quiet ly on Thursday. It re-opened with fair demand on Tuesday. To-day Thursday the demand In creased and the rates are generally repeated. American was In improved demand, good ordinary and upper grades advanced l-lt5d in sea island the sales were small and prices unchanged. Fu tures opened firm and the rates generally improv ed Mod." FUTURES. The Post's Cotton Report says: Future deliveries ODened 3 to 4 points lower, but advanced 9 to 12 points. At the third call there was more dispotd- tion to sell and the sales established a decline 01 lto2tolnts. ADril brought 12.33; May 12.42 and .44; June 12.58 and .57; July 12.72; August 12.88; September 12.47; October 11.79 and .80; November 11. bO. The regular future market failed to reach this office to nlgbt. Li PIES 01 MOTTO ! WEI IIA.VE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFER dOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES 7h;it the T;ib ic cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock ot PRING GOODS, JUVr RECEIVED. apr2 m9 fratte gfeeet COTTON. Galtbstom Quiet; middling llTfcc: low mid dling llc; good ordinary lOT&c; net receipts 1,209; gross r-; sales 864; stoek 33,669; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to channel FINANCIAL. Nkw Yosk. Exchange, 4.86 Hnvernments irregular New 5's 1.01 Four and a half ner cents 1.16 Four per cents, 1 20 Money 21&3 i State bonds inactive and strons.. . Sub-treasury balances Gold $86,166 020 " " Currency.... 4,112,939 Stocks 11 A. M.-Tbe stock market opened in the main weak, and Dtr cent lower tnan yesterday's closing prices, the for the Omaha preferred, rne uoioraao coai, nowever, oprnea 1 percent higher, at 51. In early tiade, alter a general fractional deciln, there was an li31l Der cent, th Denver & Rio Grande, the New Jersey Central and the Wabash preferred be ing most conspicuous therein. This was lollowtd by a reaction, ranging irom ipai per cent, in which the Alton & Terre Haute preferred, the Denver & Rio Grande and the Heading were prom inent. Weekly- net receipts 4.830; gross 4.80R; sales 2,314; exports coastwise 8 922; to Great Britdn 1,398; to continent 100; France ; to chan nel . Nokfoli Quiet, middling lltye; not relpti 935; gross ; stock 80.283, exports conwt- WIM ; Rales : exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 4,034; gross ; sales 1.464: coastwise 2,414; Great Britain 7,810; channel ; continent ; France . Balttmor Steady ; middling 12ic; low mid dling 1 lc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts ; irross 110; sales 125; stock 27,915; exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 61; gross 2.457; sales 419; spinners 3,6i6; exports Great Britain 2.333: coastwise : continent . Boston Steady, middling 1214c; low middling llc; ood ordinary 11c; net receipts 487; Kroas 564: sales : stock 9,680; exports to Great Britain ; to France . Weekly net receipts 2.835; gross 7,258; sales ; exports to Great Britain 6,9ti5. Wilmington Firm . middling l lfec; low mid ling 113 16c; good ordinary 10 5 16c: receipts 48; gross ; sales ; stock 4,620; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 95: gross ; exports coastwise 1,698; to Great Britain ; to con tinent . Philadelphia Firm ; middling 123&C low middling 114C; good ordinary 10&c; net receipts 322; gross ; sales ; utotk ; ex ports Great Britain : to continent . Weekly net receipts 4.780; gross 6,790; sales : sMnners : coastwise ; continent ; to Great Britain 5,900; stock 15,925. HAVANKAH-Flrm; middling lis&c; low mid-, dllne lltec; good .ordinary lOtoc: net receip.s 329; gross ; sales 1,000, stock d9,001; exports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 2,662; -gross 2,670 ; sales 7.900; exports to Great Britain 8,173; France ; coastwise 5,134; continent . Nkw ORLiANS-Flim; middling 12c; low niid olinu llc; iod ordinary llic; net receiu OHSI: ross 1.3S4; sales 11,000: stock 194.881; xpnrt to Grtiat Britain ; to Francw ; coastwise ; to continent ; to chan nel . Weekly net receipts 5,913; gross 8,557; gaie9 exports Great Britain 25,313; chan nel 3,794: coastwise 8,186- France 4,592; contl- Btocks Irregular and closing strong and higher Alabama Class A. 2 to f Hi i& Alabama Class a. small S2 ' Alalama Class B, 5's SS Alabama- Class 0. 4's 84 Chicago and Northwestern 1.28 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, l.:i8t Krie 35&s Kast Tennessee 11 14 Georgia. 1-K5 Illinois Central. 1.34 Lake Shore 1.077 Louisville and Nashville 75J Memphis and Charleston r4 Nashville and Chattanooga t2iA New York Central 1 .2814 Pittsburg 1.3 Richmond and Allegheny 22 Rlohmond and Danville 1.4.r Rock Island 1265i South Carolina Brown Consols,. 1 02 Wabash, 8l Louis 4 Pactflc 805ft Wabash. St. Louis Pacific Dreferr'd 55 Western Union 83 ?S BURGESS NICHOLS, kinds or URN1TURF. BEDDING, &C. TtTLL LSI 1 AJTD LOCH9B, Parlor & Chamber Suits. OOTTEKB 0 AU EXKEfl Ctt EAKB. WSiiy TSA9B SkXT, Statesville, INT. C OFFBR 5 THE- CITY COTTON MARKET. fol- Oftick or Thk Observer. Charlotth. April 15. 182. The market yesterday closed lirm at the lowing Quotations: Good Middling 1 14 Strictlv middling ll&fc Middling 1 1 Vs 8:rlct low middling 1 1 h I.nw middling 11 Tinges lOfflOtfe Storm cotton 7Q9Va RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK ENDED FHI DAT, 14th. bales -LARGEST STOCK-: - or Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday . . Friday 68 63 43 45 7 GENERAL ME RCHANDISE Total bales 311 rnr. ?kvt favohablk tekms ad in competition with ay i the country, thevwiixhecudto QUOTE JMMCES TO THE TRADE, maris ly Xottcrtcsi low middling receipts 243; 9tock 21.431: exports to Great Britain ; years and restoring the penalty clause, but in view of JtbUtement that Page wouia, on Atonaay, tnaeavor to pass his bill nnder a suspentesrof the jcules, they had 4eterminedi6t'" to report M fifteen year bill, but io vote f or Tafi&s motion. They filed the report, however, for the purpose of formally stating their f'reierence for fifteen years. They base heir argument In support of that pro position upon the demand of tbe people of the Pacific coast as asserted at pub lic meetings and on the fact that to that people a suspension ot even twenty years was not acceptable. J. F. Swift, the ' only member of the commission who represented the anti-Chinese sen timent, had declared that a ten years suspension was worse than nothing, and that 'it would not restore to its nor- A Report on War Claims. Washington, April 14.The House sub-committee on war claims made a report to-day upon the claim of Brad ley, of Knoxville. Tenn., for 85,000, for property seized by the Union forces during battle in the late war. The re port elicited considerable opposition upon the ground that this claim if al lowed would establish a precedent for a large number of similar claims now pending before Congress. Action upon the report was deferred until the next meeting of the committee. i I I i S ' Southern Congressmen Before the Com mittee on Commerce. Washington, April 14. The House committee on commerce to-day, heard arguments from the congressional dele gations of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina in advocacy of appro priations for river and harbor improve ment which the members desire incor porated in the river and harbor appro priation Din. ro-morrow tne commit tee will hear delegations of Virginia, Florida and Alabama on a similar sub ject. A. New Fleriia Enterprise. New York, April 14. Ex-United States Senator A. McDonald, Hugh J. Jewett, of the Erie Road, A. S. Sullivan, of New York, and Milton Taylor, of Cincinnati; have organized the Florida mill, land and lumber enmpany, with a capital of $500,000. They have pur chased 625,000 acres in three of the gulf counties of Florida, from which they propose to take yellow pine for ship ment to New York. Weather. Washington, April 14. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States: Partly cloudy weather, northeasterly winds, stationary or higher barometer and stationary temperature. "Excruciatlnr AsranclM." 158 Con stan ee 8treet, 1 New Orleans, La., March 16, 1881. I H. H. Warner Co.: 81 rs Your Sate Kidney and Liver Cure bas relieved me in tbe most happy manner from the excruciating agonies of kidney and bladder difficulties and gravel. 8. Gcthrie. nent 8,350. MnBUJ-Firm; middling liac; listc: (rood ordinary 1U4C; net gross ; sales 50; niMt ; France to continent . Weekly net receipts 1,121; eross 1,149; sales 1.00; exports to Great Britain 2,704; coastwise 1.004; Krance ; continent . Memphis Firm ; middling llTsc; low mid dling ll$fec; god ordinary 107kc. net reoirta 23: ktoss 265; shipments 378; sales 6,500; stock 52,828. Weekly net receipts 1.831; gross 2,430; ship ments 5,284; sales 13,900. Augusta Qalet; middling 1 1 Va 3 ; low nvd- dUn lie; tfood ordinary iuw; reoeipu ioo; shipments 5,463: sales 621. Weekly net receipts 811 ; shipments 5,463; sales 1,884; spinners ; stock . CHAHUtaTOH-Steady: middling lljc; low mid dling: llc; good ordinary lle; net receipts 71- btoss : sales 200; stock 23,192; exDorts coastwise -; to Particular Notice. All tbe drawings will hereafter be under the fx-cl'i-ive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BUAUBKGAKD and JUbAL A. EaBLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE FIFTH GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLA3S i!, AT NEW OKLEAN3, TUESDAY, MAY 0, 13S2. . U4th MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Incorporated In 1808 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 31,000.000 to which a reserve fund of Si50,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will tabA nlare monthlv. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Before Making their Purchases. HANDSOME STOCK. OF "FJ Spw f!arn Great Britain to France to chan- 103,000 sales Great spinners '285; stock, last year. coast- It Is probable that the young lady celebrated in those charming lines of Robert Burns, had tan, moth spots and freckles, with other beauty blem ishes. For such conditions. Dr. Benson's Bkln Core should be on every lady's toilet table. . &1NNT HEN. Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures ujspepsiit impotence, Bexual Debill tyV 91. Depot H. McAden, Charlotte, N. c. BlDTOBD ALUM AR 1BOH gFJRXJUM WiTW AMD Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and ffrty per cent mote alum inum than any "alum and toon mass"' known, just the tnmg ipr uw wwsnese" now so general. Bold by H aruggtets of toy standing. Pi-lee reduced mepw. ' 1 . ignyn to continent nel . Weekly net receipts 2,854; gross 2.4R0: coastwise 2,368; continent Britain i,oi; w rnwm . New Yobs Quiet; sales 360; middling uplands 12Vc; middling Orleans 12c; consolidated net receipts ; exports to ureat Britain ; to France ; to continent ; to channel Weekly-net receipts 2,081; gross 18.052; ex ports to Great Britain 9,136; France 014 con tinent 1,928; sales 4,706: stock 324.244. Montgomery Firm and in good demand: mid dling llc; low middling 11 ic; good ordinary lOiAc; receipts 444; shipments 570; stock, pres entyear, 8.361; stock, last year, 5.436; sales 570. MacoA Firm; middling lllc; low middling lOSic: good ordinary 1014c; receipts 81; sales 261: stock, present year, 6,368; stock, last year, 4,170; shipments 274. Columbus Quiet; middling lH4c; low middling 11c; good ordinary lOftc; receipts 232; ship ments 457; sales 50; spinners 30; stock 8,407; exports to Great Britain . N ashvtllb Firm ; middling lUfcc; low mld aood mlddllnar lOUic: net receipts 324; shlnments 1,024; sales 681; stocki present ftaar, 10,904; 11,818. Port Rotal, 8. C Weeklyrr-net receipts stock : exports to Great Britain wise 221: to continent s sales Pbovidkncs, R. I. Weekly net receipts ; stock 10,000; sales 1,500. Sklma, Ala. Dull; middling 11 WC, weeKiy recelptt 146; shipments 162; stock, present year, 8,93- Rome, Ga. Steady; middling lUfcc; low mid dllng lUAc; good ordinary 10fec. Weekly receipts 801 ; shipments 832 ; stock 4,899. comparative cotton statement. Net receipts at all United States ports during week rAH 8arrte wek last year oS?. ,22 Total receipts to this date i&H'lxi Same date last year o,l vi ,054 Exports for the week 34 Same week last year 01 "1 Total exports to this date. 2.842.o7.9 Samp date last year d,;i7 Stock at all United States ports liH'Z4 Same time last year VSs'Sss Stock at all interior towns. Q f, 209 Same time last year f.Si'Afi Stock at Liverpool SlS'R Same time last year 868,000 Stock of American afloat for Great Britain zi.uuu Same time last year . . . .' 298,000 LrvKKPOOL Noon Firm; middling uplands 6 18-I6d; middling Orleans 6d; sales 14,000; speculation and exports 8,000; receipts 2O.200; American 18,400. Uplands low middling clause: April delivery 6 44-64d : April and May 6 44-64d; May and Jane 8 46-64d; June and July 6 61-64d; July and August 6 55-64d; August and September 6 60-64d; September and October 6 51-64d; October and November . Futures easier. CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Tickets, One Dollar. Half ds, Oil Cloths ? Rugs. 3QUSE fURHISHIHG GOODS & SEBC3ALTT. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries id the uty, OA.XiIj -A- ID THEM. ELIA8 & COHEN. LIST OF FRIZES: 1 Oanltal Prize S80.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of S2.500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1.000 5,000 20Piizesof 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10.000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1.000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. mar!5 lm AT 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. 9 AptfD.imaUoaIiJs of 100. ... 82.700 ... 1,800 900 1857 fres, ao.on j;i t 81 10,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all DOintS, 10 Wuoui iiuerai uu' jjcusauuu mil uc yaiu, ttnr further information write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Oroer by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUFHlN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., or M. A. PAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. The New York office is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt a;tenuon. Th nnrHcnlaf attention of tiie Public Is Called tn th rnrTt that the entire number ot the Ticket? fnp h Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse- Que drawn and paid, aprll w 3 NewDrugStore juently all the prizes In each drawing are soid aid NEW BAR- AND lou will End a choice and complete stock of PURE FRESH DRUGS, Mien's, Leibig's Liquid Extract WE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY A NEW SUPPLY OK BUCK and GREEN TEAS, for the retail trade. R. H. JORDAN & CO., TRYON STREET. -or BEEF ad TP.MC 1NVIGUR.VIOR. VIOLA COLOGNE, Quarts, Pints and 0alf Pints, refreshing and last ing. For sale b R.II. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. IMPORTED BAY RUM. in Quarts, Pint? and Half Huts. Colcntes Violet and Florida Water. R, H. JORDAN & CO. DR. SCOTT'S ELECTRIC HAIR and FLESH BRDSHf b, R. H.JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. BILLIARD ROOM. informing my friends and the nnhlic eenerally that I hav opened aw TAKE Pleasure LvxBPooL5 P. M sals of American cotton ftft2 APi?J M 6 45 64d! May and 'Jufle -t -Jrfj Juh and Jnly d; July a 5Ti a S rTn' august and September 6 Bl-64d; September and October -T Futures closed Rteadv' ' ' ' ' - in. I rallv ELEGANT BAR and BILLIARD KOUM in tne Central Hotel, Just in rear of the office, where at all times can be found the choicest WINES and LIQUORS. W. B. COCHRANE. aprll tt TO THE LADIES ! I AM now permanenUy iQcatea in uen. jonn ston's brick house, on TrjorT street, between 7th and 8th streets, where I will continue the business of DRE&3 MAKING. Calls solicited. MRS. LAUX Ordars left with Messrs. Wittkowskj & Baruch will rw promptly delveied. apri4 ut 3?" Mi IT. CIGARS i TOBACCO, TpS FINES? the CITY, ncludlng tne famous LA. PAfcEPA bnnd of Cigars totals and Toilet Articles, an assortment, and everything generally kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention given to Physicians' Prescriptions day and night. Satis faction guaranteed. GIVE ME A CALL, Corner Trade and., College Strae apr8 RUSSIAN -SUNFLOWER SEED, for sale by. R. H. JORDAN k CO. 5,000 CIGARS 9 For the Retail Trade, Just Revived, bj R. H. JORDAN & CO. A FINE STOCK PAINT and WHITE WSH BRUSHE3. A 11 colors PAINTS in small cans. R. H. JORDAN & CO., apT8 TRYON STREET.

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