(Shatlottc Oftscvucv. "SATURDAY. APRtL 15, 1882. Index to New, Advertisements. Wrner's 9' K'Sney and Liver Cure. m . A N M Tailors-Private Bmrdli.g. vrtiViiiuable Property for Sale. S." Mi Howell-Ba tern Yam. il U SIN ESS NOTICES. premature Loan of flair ... entirely prevented by the use of bub- nkTT'S COCOA INS. No other compound V?.. h nt-cullar properties which so ei pos- exactly . i'h curious conditions of tl.o uuuian hair It inftensthe hair when harsh and dry. It soothes irritated sca'p It affords the richest lustre. It n Events the hair rrom railing on. u promotes its x.,..,ihv vigorous crovth. It Is not greasy nor no disagreeable odor. It kills J Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are known to be the bent- Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Rev Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston christian Freeman: We would by no means re ,inend any kind of medicine which we did not knnw to be good particularly for Infants. But of Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrup we can speak from ?iwMslpdee- In our own family It has proved a iTssl ne indeed, by giving an Infant troubled with " ,j " .,.ilns quiet sleep, and Its parents unknown n'it it nle'ht. Most parents can appreciate these iiniirs Here is an article which works to per f 'rtiii 'il and which Is tiarmless; for the sleep which It affords the Infant Is perfectly natural, and till lilt le cherub awakes as "bright as a button." A nd during the process of teething. Its value is ,, ..,(.,. lable. We have frequently heard mothers v'the! -would not be without it from the birth of the child till It had finished with the teething , L.re mi any consideration whatever. Sold by all dniailsts. 25 cents a bottle. jXea Aduevtiseiueuts. Absolutely Pure. Thl3 powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economlca than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a urn or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. T.eBoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. fcOTTON CINS. JIIU The Brown Cotton Bin Co., New London, Ct., Israel F. Broirn, Prts't. Edw. T. Brown, Treat. These machines nm light, make flue sample, and claanthe seed properly. Best English oast steel In the saws ; the teeth will not bend, break off, or tarn back, Iron pulleys throughout, brush strongly made, with adjustable boxes, cast steel journals and two belts one at each end ensuring cool bearings, full speed, and steady motion, (only Gin In market having this Improvement.) Extra large shafts to saw and brush cylinders. Strong iron frame best materials, supe rior workmanship, una finish. tS"More Brown Gins have been sold during the past three seasons than any other two mokes combined. Mr. Israel F.Brown (from 1813 to 1868 of the firm of E. T. Taylor & Co. of Columbus, Ga.), the president of the company, has had a longer practical experience in making Gins than any other man living. Present facili ties for manufacturing and shipping un equaled by any other establishment of th3 kind in the world. Hence our very low prices for such superior machines. l'rlce List of 0158, Feeders and Condensers. jj n m a its m 13 s jjj "liniliiiiiilllilllillllllllllrMITfrrffl pTj Price with Price- with tkua Prices of Self- Self Gins. Feeder or Feeder and Condenser. Oondnser. ) sa w a 75 00 $T00 00 $125 00 k " 87 50 116 00 1 60 t " 100 00 13S 50 188 00 45 " J12 60 1M 00 179 60 to ' 125 00 160 00 195 00 to " 140 CO ISO 00 220 00 '0 " 160 00 06 00 282 00 80 " 180 00 232 00 28 00 DTNote the prices and Improvements t don't be deceived or allow yourself to be talked Into buying other gins. Our machines are fully guaranteed. If not satisfied with our guarantee place your order with, .my responsible merchant of your-acquaintance and get him to buy for you. Time, when desired will be given to any responsible person. Write for descriptive circular with hundreds of testimonials from enterprising- planters. BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New London, Conn lemovei. TO Corner College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PERDU'3 CLD 8TAND.) iitl adding toour already large Slock -OF CORN, FLOUR, WAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED. A FULL LINE OF Choice Family Groceries, AT BOTTOM PBICE3. Mr We are ready and will be glad to serve our ola friends and the public generally with Goods In our line as LOW as the LOWE8T, and respect fully solicit a share of jour patronage. A.J.Beall&Co. V ft XCa t,i- t irn ViuohAla White Corn to sell ON TIME. Those In need will do well to call Having HOME CHIPLETS. tW No mayor's court yesterday. tW Yesterday was a cloudy cool day. ItOur farmers are now busy plant ing corn and cotton. SSFVVork was commenced yesterday on east Trade street preparatory to paving the sidewalks and macadamizing the street. tS'Tlie public are informed that let ters deposited in the city post office af ter ten o'clock at night are not mailed until next d;iy. CA "carnival" was held at the new rink last night, a few of the visitors appearing in masquerade costumes, mostly of a nondescript character how ever. Bicycle riding'was also indulged in at intervals. CSThere are thirty-three white mil itary companies in the State, all of whom have been invited to attend the celebration here on the 20th of May next, besides many other companies in South Carolina and Georgia. WThe Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, of Brooklyn, New York, lectured to a large and appreciative audience in Ral eigh Wednesday night. His subject ws the "Bright Side of Things." Couldn't the Doctor be persuaded to re peat his lecture in Charlotte ? ESTMr. J. A. Elliott has presented Tue Observer with a few well-grown strawberries, grown in his garden with in the corporate limits of the city, the first we have seen. Mr. E. presented us iast year with the first of this luscious fruit, and is entitled to the "cake." tSPThe revival meetings at the Cal vary Mission church conducted by Rev. J. W. Wheeler, pastor, assisted by Rev. J. F. Butt, are being well attended. Much interest is manifested'and quite a number have professed religion and many others are penitent. Wtl.Mfc Further Charges Against the Reputed Horse Thief. Messrs. Misenheimer and Morris, from Cabarrus county, were over here yesterday after the man Howerton, ar restee on Thursday, on a charge of hors(.-dtealinr in Stanly county. It ap pears thai he is wanted for the theft of another horse and mule in Cabarrus county, and the gentlemen named were anxious to assure themselves of his safe custody. Another Hoax. The Lenoir Topic of April 12th sajs: We interviewed the Taylorsville mail carrier, who nownd then gives us an item, as to the grand epidemic of one case of smallpox reported to be raging around the Alexander poor house. "There ain't no smallpox in that part of the county," he replied. "Well, in what portion of the county is it raging V" we asked, sharpening a pencil and feeling for paper. "A leetle below Charlotte." All of which is news in Charlotte. There -has n t been a case of smallpox in or near Charlotte since the war. Majried. On the llth instant Mr. W. M. Liles, of Sugar Creek, was united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father, to Miss MollieS., the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. S. 3. Caldwell. The rite was performed by the Rev. J. M. Whary, in a most lrapivsai.v and beautitul man ner, in the presence of a large number of the friends of the contracting parties. Shortly aftur the marriage coremony the company was invited to partake of a magnificent repast prepared for the occasion. To the newly joined pair The Observer extends granulations and good wishes. Personal. The Concord Sun announces the fact that W. Sraithdeal, an old frii'nd, will shortly move from Salisbury to Concord to engage in the hardware business. Thought you were making too much money in Salisbury to change, but if you had to do so why didn't you come about 20 mires further South, to the livest place in the State? Mr. T. T. Duffy, of Dubuque, Iowa, and brother of Mr. P. F. Duffy, of The Observer staff is on a visit to Char lotte. Mr. Samuel Bear, of New York, treasurer of the Adams mining and re duction company is in the city. B. Drake, Esq., of the Stateaville American was in the city yesterday. Mr. D. M. Vance, will shortly go to Texas, to grow up with the country. The Concord Sun says: Capt. Orch ard, the Tucker mine superintendent, shipped two gold bricks to Philadelphia last Saturday. It was 500 pennyweights, and for one week's work will do pretty well. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel Thos T McCand less,BT Smilie, Atlanta; Jno B Lil lard, S Levy, Samuel Baer, Jno, L Ash mead, Jr, Mr nd Mrs HC Hardy, H Fulenerider, New York; H C DunlaR, J N Little, Geo M Traylor, J C A Boa nan, Georgia; P E Collins Pittsbufg, Pa ; W II Davis, E F Hall, L L Lanier, Philadelphia, Pa. ; S E Bishop. Chcraw, SC; LC DeSaussure, South Carolina ; F M Johnston, Davie county, N C; Jno T Vann, Dr J W Huckabee, Richmond, Va; Pride Jones, North Carolina; Geo D Sulden, Erie, Pa; J F Rogers, King's Mountain; Ike Lowman, S M Adler, Raltimoret 8 C Johnston and son, jnew Jersey; EB Drake, Stateaville ; James Robertson and wife, T J Renfrow and wife, Band N C Mine; o ouuvy, Wilmington : T P Mitchell, W F Mitch ell, Fairfield, N C; Capt J E Hoey and wife, Faison, N C; Master n x uien wider, Shelby; C II Overman, Reids villft NC: RJ Tatum, Laurinburg. CnARLOTTE Hotel. J M Fitch, Jas a Mc.Kinnev. Caswell, NC; Jno J iazi- nr .T A Ycuncr Jr,; R & DR Ri Capt E' Everett,' Wilmington, N C; S B Townsend, Laurel Hill, S C; J E Mas- sey Fort Mills; B J Misenneimer, r ju. Morris, Concord ; J A Belk, Rutherford rv,iwp N Ci Prof Wm Baker, London, i?ia,i. u TT Gladden and lady, B K Humphries, Whitaker's, S C; L L Suggs,' II M Rhyne, Dallas, NC; WM TTnpr Lowell.N C : C N Corney, Bal- Md: Caleb McKeel, Cold Springs, N J; LC McKnitt, J E Gower, kQanibridge,Mass. Epileptic Fit. A colored man, name unknown, fell down in a fit on the Carolina Central platform yesterday afternoon. He was for some time thought by th bystand ers to be dying, as he lay unconscious for near half an hour. Water was sprinkled on him and other means taken to bring him round, and eventu ally he was able to get up and walk off. University Normal School Programme. The superintendent and the assistant superintendent of the next University Normal School, Hon-M. A. Newell, now superintendent of public instruction in Maryland, and Prof. Edward P. Moses, now superintendent of graded school, Goldsboro, met in Richmond on the 10th inst, to complete the programme of the next normal school. We will publish It as soon as possible. The Municipal flection in Salisbury. Salisbury, N..C, April 12, 1882. To the Editor ol The Observer. In your Sunday's paper you were good enough to give us a ticket for our municipal election. I can have no idea who could have made up that ticket for Salisbury; certainly no one who has given a moment's thought to the sub ject. A great many think the thing was gotten up in Charlotte as a joke; it might bear that construction without straining. Others think that owing to the number of fossils on the ticket, that the writer was afraid to haul it into a Salisbury printing office for fear that it would be put into a cabinet collection. At any rate, th ticket would not be one that the people of Salisbury would care to elect at this time, especially when you take into consideration the progressive interests of the place. Sal isbury has been looking up in business for some time, and a good board of aldermen, with progressive ideas, could do a great deal for the place, especially in the way of permanent road (street) improvements. We must have young, fresh, progressive men to step in and relieve the old fogy set ; men who will strain a point to get out of the old rut on to hard, smooth ground; in short, active young men, who expect to "live and let live" here, and not old men, who are waiting to die, and like to run the town while they are waiting. This class of men have had the city affairs in charge for years, and instead of progressing they have been march ing in a double quick retrograde move ment, crushing out energy and enter prise on the part of worthy young men to satiate their -own greed for gain. Look at our handsome well frames! Look at our fine (V) sidewalks! Look at the handsome sheds sheltering our sidewalks! Look at our display of beautiful beef and sweet smelling fish stands, so near the "path" on Main street as to cause our ladies to dodge, and catch up their skirts in passing! Look at the handsome; yea, palatial row of wooden shanties erected in less than fifty yards of the public square, in clear violation of an ordinance which says that no wooden structure shall be erected on either of four blocks touch ing the public square, or words to that effect Yes, Mr. Editor, there is a decided feeling among many of our best citi zens that a change for the better can and must be made. How is this to be done? Elect the same old board of aldermen and mayor? This would hardly need an answer, when they have shown by their works that improve ment is not wanted. Do you suppose men who do not improve their own property would improve that of a town ? We want men of capital to locate here ; with this class of men in the lead they are not likely to be attracted. We must be rid of old fogyism. The majority of the men you mention are shrewd business men, ye,t they lack that spirit of public improvement, believing what was considered good fifty years ago all that is needed to-day. They have no ambition to make Salisbury more at tractive than it is now. We have all the advantages to make one of the most beautitul towns in JNortn caro- ina, if the authorities would only help nature a little. Hopeful. ANOTHER TICKET SUGGESTED. For Mayor Theo. Buerbaum. COMMISSIONERS. North Ward L S Overman, L W Klutts. South Ward E, J Holmes, S II Wiley. E.ist Ward John Snider, J S Bryant. West Ward J D Gaskill, P M Bern nirdt. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Madame Autran widow of the author of "poems de la Mer," died recently leav- ng a will or strikingly impartial nature. '.t orders that her heart shall be placed n the tomb of her second husband in France, but her body in her first hus band s tomb in America. The Queen of England has now reign ed about 44 years. The salaries and per quisites paid to her ana ner ramiiy win average fully 05,000,000 a year, or dur ing the period of her reign the enormous sum of $220,000,000. For selling adulterated milk in New York citv last year 350 persons were prosecuted in the criminal courts, and the collected fines amounted to $11,657. The convicted offenders during the past month were thirty-three, and nnes 81,470. Tha northern churches are it is said expending from $800,000 to 81,000,000 yearly in churches and schools in the south, chiefly in schools. All the 1,500 colored Methodist Episcopal churches are used as scnooi-nouses. as near a estimated, the principal denominations of north have expended more than 813, nno in thfi south for school and church purposes in the last 15 years. Annf.hpr marriaere in hieh life is imnfinriini? at Berlin, the parties being the Hungarian giant Drasal and the Prussian mantess Marian. Each is said tn ha over fiicrht feet hieh. This will be the third union of the kind in recent years. "T am nnfl of the sunerintendenU hom and mr hrnthers are the others." remarked ex-Postmaster-General Jewell to a visitor to his great leatner Deitmg manufactory at Hartford the other day. w. aro all nrartical in this business: f! U VI f " - ' we are tanners by trad.e, I can put on an anrnn and do anv Work in OUr faC- tory, irom tne currying oi jeatup w mo finishing of a belt. The following well-known persons are over 70 years of age : Ralph Waldo umownnl!) Hharles (TOonnor 78 : David . - Jl 1 Al Dudley Field 77; Charles Francis Ad ams John G.Whittier and Jefferson Davis, each 74; Oliver Wendell Holmes qtii pnmAiina K. Garrison 73 : Jeremi ah S. Black Robert Toombs and Phineas T. Barnum 72; Wendell rnunps i ; Judah P. Benianmin Alexander H. Ste phens andiioratio oeyniuin; w, If You are Rained .. - A.nMl.llv tvtm f ho UNA in neaun rrom auy uo, "t T- or anv oi ine mous auu uubuuuio . f - largely, with long fictitious testimonials, have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, a"'"B time you mil have the most robust and blooming ueeuui. A CARD. To all who are suffering from 1J: oss of manhood, Ac., I wUl senda re that win cure you. FREE of CHARGE. TW great remedy was discovered by a missionary in iouth America. . -rr"r ti - -j .i.j aitalnr wi r no KIEV. J qsEPH T. IN MAM, Station D, Ne York City. Mann n- 1 1 -w i ii mwwiii cutcivwv n. uv Death of a Prominent Pythian. Richmond State, April 7. A telegram was received here this morning by Leroy S. Edwards, Esq, Grand Secretary of the State, informing him of the death of Joseph Dowdallu preme Keeper of the Records and Seal of the Knights of Pythias of the Uni ted States, which unlooketl-f or and sad event occurred at Columbus, Ohio, last night Mr. Dowdall was elected to the position he filled in the order in 1875, and held it at the time of his death. He was about fifty-five years of age. Ener getic, faithful, and devoted to every in vest entrusted to him a noble and pure man his death will be universally lamented. While he held the responsi ble office of Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal in the Knights of Pythias, he was likewise not less prominent in other benevolent orders. Recently he was the Grand Master of the LO.O.F. of Ohio. The Knights of Richmond will take suitable action to show thier respect for his memory. &AvzxtlszmmtSw Private Boarding. A FEW Boarders eaa find good accommodation two blocks from the Public Square, on Tryon street, at cheap rates, Apply to aprl6 .3t Mbs A. N. M. TAYLOR. Valuable Property for Sale. rpHK Baptist Church property, located on the X corner of B and 7th streets, In the city of Charlotte. For terms, Ac, Inquire of m T. Li. VAIL. At Traders' National Bank, aprlS 3t Charlotte, N. C, E AND LOUISIANA SWEET POTATOES, at greatly reduced prices, at S. M. HOWELL'S. aprlS Disease is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within ; its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease, the causb must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NEB'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVEB CURE Is es tablished on Just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it strikes at onee at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of lm posters, Imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE.- For sale by all dealer?. U. II. WARNER & CO., Roc heater, N. Y. aprl5 SDrin we are:now opening our new i OF MILLINERY, Including all tbe latest novelties in tbe MILL1NKBY LINE. BATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, &c, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and Qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods. Neck Wear, Holery Gloves, Parasols, kc, the LAKGK8T and MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hate and Bonnets Oa Monday, March 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles tbe GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE MlLLINEfiY they have ever seen In tills oly. Respectfully, . P. Query. mar22 PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED at all hours day or night, at reason bie prices, of the best materials and by com petent pharmacists, at WILBUfl IK BUKWfiLli'a apr9 Drug btore, Trade street. PUREST WINES, BRANDIES and Whiskeys for Medical use, guar anteed of the best quality and reasonable In price:1' WILSON ft BUB WELL, apry Druggists. RECEIVED TO-DAY. FIVS Barrels Raw Linseed Oil. 5 barrels Boiled Linseed Oil, 5,000 pounds Pure White Lead, 5 Darreis machine uu. WILSON & BUS WELL, apry Trade Street. COCOA, CHOCOLATE, Nelson's Gelatine, Mustard and J Spices vt all Kmds. rresn arrival i W ILSON & BUB WELL'S aprfl Drug Store CABBAGE, GREEN PEAS, LAYING SEET POTATOES. S. M. HOWELL. apr3 Iain era 1 J Styles ! Sprin Slimmer Styles HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE LINE Spring Cass. Suite, CASSIMERE PANTS -and Fine- Worsted Frocks and Vests. MW Will OUR STOCK WILL BE COMPLETE, AND- WE WILL PRESENT THE LARGEST AND - . ASSORTMENT IN THE SOUTH; GREAT CARE HAS BEEN GIVEN TO OCB PBODUCTIONS THIS SEASON. Cur fine GooUs na7e all been MADE m ORDER and we will diiplay some very HANDSOME EFFECTS lit THE LATEST and MOST CORRECT STYLES. CLOTHIERS. MOST ATTRACTIVE D SPLAYED 1 1 Iflu I L FOE THIS WEEK. :W: White Goods, Of Every Description, Including THE NEWEST IMPORTATIONS. REDUCED IN PRICE: Our Handsome Light and Dark Printed Nainsooks -FROM- 100 PIECES SOLID BLACK, SOLID WHITE, WHITE GROUND Willi BLACK FIGURES, BLACK GROUND witU WHITE FIGURES, WHITE GROUND with Figures in all Colors. They are 6t BEAUTIFUL GOODS." 25S REDUCED FKOM Gog. IFaus, Parasols OF EVRY FABRIC, AND LADIES' NECK WEAR, REAL SPANISH LACE TISSUES. apr9 2tisccXlatic0tts, OLD MADE NEW MAKZS Looking Glasses. WITH DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best In the World. FOR SALE BV J. S, SPENCER & CO and FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, N. C- DR. A. W. AIJEXA-NDEB. DB C. L. ALEXANDER. SURGEON DENTISTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office on Trade street over L. Berwangr & Bro's clothing store. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. si apr2 loots j Stationery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Central Hotel Building. Our stock consists of a well selected assortment of goods kept In the BOOK BUSINESS. Miscellaneous and School Books, Sunday School Books and Bibles Of all grades, pocket and family. Photograph and Autograpn AiDums. nne and cneap vox. raper, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Ink and Ink Stands, Writing Paper and Envelopes, Paper Weights, Blocs tiames, Scrap Books, Tablets, Velvet and Cheap Frames, Crayons, Slates, Penholders, Slate and Lead Pencils. Blck Board Rubbers, Blank and Pass Books. Blo ttoK Paper, Bristol Board, Card Board, Copy Books, Gum, Rubber and Rub ber Bands, Hucoer Penholders, a large stock or aoia Pens always on hand, Composition Books, &c, 4c 4c. Also the largest assortment of Wall Paper and Window 8hades of every description, Picture Nails, Wire and Worsted Picture Cords, Chromos, Dining Room Pictures, all of which are sold at ex ceedingly LOW PRICES. Subscriptions taken for all the Dally and Weekly Papers; Magazines a specialty. Also agent for Butterick Patterns. Wrapping, News arid Paper Bags always on hand. REMEMBER THE PLACE. TIDDY & BROTHER. apr8 I DESIRE to announce to the public that I am now prepared to de washing and ironing la the best possible manner. I have succeeded In get tiag better water than I have been using, and will now aeree to take family washing by tne month as follows: For handkerchiefs, towels, socks and napkins at one and a half cents each. All other family goods at 8 cents per ancle, except laee cur tains. The prices are extremely low and every respecta ble family In CbarlMte- can afferd to give me a trial. Tbe washing of each family Is kept separ ate, and ladies' clothing Is bandied exclusively by females. I will call at the house for the wash and deliver ft within three days. I asked tbe public to pay no attention to outside reports about my business, as I guarantee Satisfac tion or make no charge. L. H ATM ANN, Prop'r, aprll Enterprise Steam Lauadry. & - :B: - White Goods, he LINEN LAWNS Bells a Laces '9 A COMPLETE LINE OF vns ai pledtctucs. ffiiirai Both Foreign and I omestic, Just Received, at DrJIMcAden's Drag Store gARATOGA yiCHT, From Saiatojra Sprin s. N. Y. A new water re sembling the impo ed Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cu es dyspepsia, aius diges tion, is a pow. rful tonic and strong Uluietlc. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cat rtlc and al terative and m -ill forms oi lyt ipsla. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, Q CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! pTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. ASA CATHARTIC: Doei: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyadi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most eQlcnclous aperient water." Froj. Yirchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Frof. Scanzcni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Frof. Aiken, M. Z F. R. S., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rlchshail." JOHN H. MoADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St., - - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When yon can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tm reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J- H. moadkn i , . Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and oompetenfdnigglflti, day or night uly28 CONGRESS WATER. CATHARTIC AND AL ERATIVF. Is a well known specific for CONSUMPTION, IN DIGESTION, and all disorders of the STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS. NINETY YEARS' popular use attests Its purity safety and superiority to all waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, irritating waters, foreign and domestic; they Impair the digestive organs and kidneys, therebyjlnducing Irreparable results None Genuine Sold on Draagbr rl 2m eod FRENCH BATIST, ana see us. uprl4

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