i' &f)t Charlotte bserter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: may, vmr P0 aidi in adwx 8 00 sum rr .i.:. 4.00 Three month- "u One month WKEKLY EDITION: Weekly (in the eountv), in advance 92.00 Outtftheemuity, Ffxt-prnd 2.10 x month 1-06 Liberal Reduelionjbr dlubt. f aol attfl gab griutirfl. - . THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has beerjCthoronghly rappnea with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can for man at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TIGS; RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4c. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY APRIL 16, 1882. NO. 4,076. Si A rfj miller & Ms ABB Making a Tremendous Sacrifice ON Dress Goods. They propose to cloe out THRIR ENTIRE t-TOCK OK DRE3S GOODS Pegrain & Co.. DEALEkS IN Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. OUR STOCK OF Ladies' Misses ? Childrens' HOSIERY I3ntlrely too large, and must be reduced. In r r der to do so we lnteud to sell them very fjHEAP. Alexander & Harris PEGRAM & CO., Have the Bet . tocii of Gents' Hand-Sewed Shoes I.N THK nTATE. WE WILL OFFER MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 17th, 1882, ti 000 yards of FIGURED LAWNS, at prices the lowest ever reached by such good In this market. ALEXANDER & HARBIS. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply you with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes. Alexander & Harris WILL OFFER - Monday Morning, April 17th, '82, The Largest Etock ot PERSIAN LAWNS, WHITE LINEN LAWNS, FBENCH NAINSOOKS, H ABA LIAS, BISHOP and VICTORIA LaWNS, PIQUES, etc , ever offered in this market. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE A PRETTY LINE CF GENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS. Who like to look at prtty Goods will find our WHITE GUIPl'RF EMBROIDERY. NONSCKJK KDiiIM3 and INSEttl llNGd. SWISS EDGINGd and INSKRTINGd. ant HAMBURG EDGINGS inui IMdERTINGS, the 'arg'St and pre. tlest ever seen here. They are st"ily beautiful. ALEXANDER & HARRI3. PEGRAM & CO., H iVE ALL KINDS OF Childrens' Shoes and Slippers. Bouse Furnishing Goods, CUCH as Table Damasks, Colored and White ii Table Napkins. Lace Curtains, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Cane Mattlogs, Rugs, etc . can be found In great variety "and VEiiT CHEAP, at ALEXANDER A HARRIo'. PEGRAM & CO., KEEP A WFLL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Vales OF ALL PJtlCES AND SIZES. DON'T LTORbEr that we are leading the market on r Staple Goods, viz: Bleached and Brown .Sheetings and Shirtings, Prints and everything wanted In that l'ne. ALEXANDER & HARRI3. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats or the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL line of Ginghams you have, Is the exclamation ef all who have seen them. Prices low, at ALEXANDER & HARRIS . PEGRAM & CO., - - ' CAN SUIT THEIR Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOTS and 8HOES THEY WISH. ORIENTAL LACES7 ITALIAN LACES, lauquedoc Laces, Torchon i Laces. Bretanna Laces, Antique Laces, Spanish Laces, Guipure Laces, ca Tremendous stock at "" Alexander & Harris . PEGRAM & CO., KttEP ALL KIND3 OF Shoe Dressing, French Blacking -AND- Ljobs' Ueel Stiff ners. GENTLEMEN WISHING a ready-made 8uit, or wbo wish their measure taken, can do so by calling on us. We have an elegant line of samples to select from and if you are not -pleased you need not take the suit v ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. aprlB 58 &OB&B, lotltittg, Set OUR SHELVES AND COUNTERS- RE Laden with FRESH and bTTLISH GOODS in great variety, and we ak you to examine our Goods and co are our prices, with the full as surance thai you will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest The public has already voted SEIGLE'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED in the city. Every Novelty of the Season in TRIMMINGS and in NECK WEAR. All should come and see for themselves. WAR NER'S CORALINE CORSET only 97 cents. T. I.. Nf'MJLE A: CO. mar23 Rlcfttcsl. A NfJQi -Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe t It acts immediately ! It never fails t Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., It 13 the viost effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It lor a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have seen lta magic effects, and know it to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, itnenisn rrussia: Alter long years of use, I am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., Bays : It is a panacea for all Drulses and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis says : In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. W. Liim, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killeu frequently. It relieves pain and sorencss,and heals wounds like magic J. W. Dee says: Tor scalds and burns it has no equal. PERRY DAVIS' TAXN" KTIXER is not a new untried remedy. I'or forty years it has been in constant use ; and those who have used it the longest are its best friends. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medicine, it imperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, 50c. and Sl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS Sc SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. septfdtw sept $ cct. A BLJESSIISG TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea, dismenorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down phIds so peculiar to women. Price &3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. MIR Scrofula or any Itlood Dlaorder. Dr. Clarke's Pilla. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fail to cure when directions are followed. Price S2 50Der box. Five b.-xesSlO. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess ur uiarKe Medicine Company, New York City. N I N VALUABLE BEHEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure pr. Claike'M Gonnorrhea PillN. in 4 to 8 days of. all urinary anec tlons, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and spdimp.nts in the urine from what ever cause Induced, whether of re cent or longstanding, une to inree boxes usually sufficient Price $2 mr hiT TTir( hnTM for M ailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. rrilEBE IS A BALM lfi GILEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' on1 ImnntATiw. a a thrt result Of 8elf- Dr. abuse In youth, sexual excesses In maturer years, or otner causes, ana producing some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions Dy areamsj, nimness of Sleht. Defective Mem Clarke's ory, Phlslcal decay. Pimples on Face, Aversion toSoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexuil Power, &c, rendering marriage im nnharmv. Are a positive Invigorating ....a In torn tr a U7AAka OnR to Iy boxes usually sufflcieni- tncesi.ou nerbox. Four boxes $5. Sent by UIO IA .Tv . mail, prepaid, on receiptor price. Plls. Address'l. wante jueuiuiuo wiu pany, New'York'City. " " Iebl9 dw lHw THDirt co:s These Fens BPecW Snli5L3 pctot, itiim ccTTOdo or rust, and will beJoj4 tea aurataut rtyles of nlctol ptateel pens, jeat f il by luafl oa receipt Ot 8 rota, r Golo Aentt j jfoiion, Blakeman, Taylpp & VH . DAVIS'N pain y , killer JieuQl f ns. THE LAND LEAGUE. Resolutions Passed on the Second Day. We published yesterday a synopsis of the proceedings of the Land League convention at "Washington. On the sec ond day the following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The evil and long-continued English laws relating to the land in Ireland have kept the people of that country in constant poverty, subject to the terrible visitations of famine and rebellion, which have been repeated af flictions, nd the Irish people have at length resolved to abolish these unjust laws, by public agitation and other le gitimate means ; - And we recognize this as an Ameri can, as well as an Irish, question, the millions of Irish-American citizens of this country having a deep and natural interest in their kindred in Ireland, to whom, by their filial relations, they are compelled to keep sending annually an enormoQs sum of money to pay the rack-rents of landlords ana save their brethren from ruinous distraint and eviction ; And the sufferings of the Irish people under this iniquitous system have been too often misunderstood by other na tions, through the malevolent misrepre sentations of the English press, which, as an excuse for English oppression, persistently maligns the character of the Irish people and their movements by exaggerated and false reports of manufactured agrarian "outrages;" And the people of Ireland are gagged to silence by the suppression of a free press, by the imprisonment without trial of 700 of the most xespected repre sentatives of the people, by the constant threat of arrest leveled at every man who dares to criticise the injurious pol icy of the government or address the people on their rights and duties, while 50,000 soldiers and 15,000 military police Overawe the people, under absolute con trol or magistrates paid by the govern ment, while the cannon are planted in the public places of the cities of Ireland, while public meetings are prohibited and dispersed, while the police invade and search at will private dwellings, and enter and remain at private meet ings; while every man's liberty is at the mercy of spies and informers, who are encouraged by government procla mation ; while among the political pris oners are four members of Parliament, one of whom is acknowledged to be the leader of the Irish people, and would, under free institutions, be the chief magistrate of the country; while the possession of arms is a crime punisha ble by a heavy fine or imprisonment; while the habeas corpus act has been for years suspended in a time of pro found peace, and the country is suffer ing under the ntty-nintn savage coercion aw since the year 1800; And no reform can be expected while over six million acres of Irish land, out of an acreage of fourteen million, are owned by less than three hundred indi viduals, most or whom live in England, and spend there the enormous revenue of 20,000.000, or $100,000,000, which they grind yearly from their Irish tenants; while twelve of these monster absentee landlords are in possession ot nearly thirteen hundred thousand acres (1,297, 8S8, and five millions of the Irish peo ple own not a solitary one; while tor the protection of the proprietorial rierhts of these few thousand landlords a standing army of 15,000 military police is maintained at the expense of the im poverished and defenseless people; And whereas the surtenng insn ten ant farmers look to their kindred in America for sympathy with them in their efforts to better "their condition, and to explain the motives of their agi tation and protect their good name be- tore the world trom the falsehood and aspersion of the English press; there- ore, be it Resolved, That this convention of the Irish National Land League of the United States send to the struggling tenant farmers of Ireland an expression of profund sympathy from the millions of their race in America, who are proud of their faithful and enduring adher ence to the principles laid down by their brave leaders, now in prison, and an earnest assurance that we will stand by them with continued moral and finan cial support until they have succeded in abolishing their antiquated and de structive land system. 9 Resolved, That we neartily indorse the desire of the Irish people for a na tional existence, and, as Ireland, first by force and again by corruption, was robbed of her national birthright, we pledge ourselves to do all that is con sistent with American citizenship to place her once more among the nations. Resolved, That we advise tpeiarmers in Ireland to continue steaany ana pa tiently in their passive resistance, which has already proved so effective a wea pon. We exhort them to stand unflinch ingly by the policy left them by their leaders now in prison, and to keep fresh in memory these words of Charles Stewart Parnell, addressed to them be fore his imprisonment: Let no man leave his post ; continue your organiza tion just as before, and have others ready to take the place of those who may De arrestee ny inis poucy oi pas sive endurance tne insn people com mand the respect of the world, and prove themselves worthy of freedom. Resolved, That this convention in struct its officers to confer, at their ear liest opportunity, with the council of seven chosen at the Chicago convention as to the feasibility ot uniting under one head all Land League branches now organized in the United States. Resolved, That we express tne grati tude of the Irish-American people to the ladies of Ireland, who, like women of Limerick, took the place of their husbands and brothers, and, assuming the risk of arrest and imprisonment, nobly upheld the flag of the Land League. , Resolved, xnat we are proua oi tne Christian forbearance of the Irish peo ple under their dreadful exasperations ; ana, wnue exuuruug evtsiy mau m jlio land to continue to use his influence in freventing even the least act of vio ence, we solemnly charge the British government with the responsibility of all crimes and outrages of an extraor dinary nature occurring since tne im prisonment; of the chosen leaders, of an indomitable and exasperated race. Resolved. That while we do not ask the release of any citizen who has vio lated the iust law of the land, we de mand of the proper authorities, not as a favor, but as a right, the immediate trial or unconditional release of Ameri can citizens confined witnout accusation in foreign jailF. AnotherTactory Spoken Of. StatesvUle Landmark. t T -P. TTinof anrl Mr. T. Sum mer,"who have recently bought the Rif, iu .vxnMrfv in Tinrt.h IrftaAlL have It in contemplation, so we understand, to add to it machinery for a cotton mill. We hope they win ao so bo. w o uave f ami toa n ft fid more factories. These are intelligent, industrious and enterprising gentlemen. If they estab lish a cotton factory, nobody need be concerned about tneir maiuug iu buc cess. THE BIDIAS QUESTION. Some Vigorously Expressed Views From a Colorado Standpoint Washington Post. Congressman .Belf ord, of Colorado, has introduced a bill in the House to open up the Ute reservation in thfct State. He is abundantly equipped with sta tistics en the Indian question general ly, but as yet has had no opportunity for their elaborate promulgation in the House. Last night he said to a Post re porters follows: "The trouble is that when ever an In dian matter comes up the members of the House lose, their neads. They over look the fact that we have in this coun try 250,000 Indians, who occupy 236,000 square miles of territory, an area equal to i"ngiana ana xreiana, equal to tne republic of France, almost as large as the German Empire, and of this domain the Indians have not cultivated over 500,000 acres. We allow white men to take 160 acres or land, on conditions that lead to their cultivation soonetDor later; but when we deal with Indians we make no such conditions, but give him a square mile where we give the white man an acre. In my judgment this country was made for the men who are willing to cultivate it and make its products con tribute to the welfare of mankind. The white man can so utilize one acre as to promote the happiness and comfort of a hundred people. The Indian requires from 600 to 1,000 acres over which he may roam in search or game. The problem we are required to solve is : snail this land be devoted to the com fort and maintenance or the men who are willing to cultivate it Or devoted to a set of savages who will neither adopt our methods nor accept our civiliza tions Looking at all the phases of this Ques tion there are but two things for the Indian to do work or starve. No man has a right to the soil wha is not wil ling to cultivate it. We appropriate now $5,000,000 to support able-bodied Indian paupers. If .Congress were ask ed to appropriate that amount to sup port tne same number of white men there would be a howl. What is the difference between the Indian and white man V That is the only question I have to propound at present. Temperance Democrats. Washington Critic. A group of statesmen were standing on the floor of the House shortly be fore 12 o'clock discussing the late mun icipal elections in the west. Said a Re publican from Cincinnati : "Oh I we lost the election on account of the Germans voting solidly for the Democratic ticket. "And," put in able Ike Hill, "we are going to lam you agin' next fall, and don't you forget it." "Can you retrieve your loss in the fall elections V" asked an anxious stal wart of the Cincinnatian. "Oh, yes, I think we can. But," he continued, "I must confess that I was sadly disappointed in our defeat this time. During my ten days stay in Cin cinnati I met many temperance Demo crats, who told me that they intended to vote the Republican ticket because the whiskey men were allied with his party. "Did the temperance Democrats keep their promise?" asked a bystander. "Well, no. 1 saw the same lellows, who promised to vote for our party, standing at the polls on the day of elec- tioa peddling Democratic ballots. DEMOCRATS ALL DRINK." This remark caused a general laugh ter, and Ike Hill quietly said: "Pard, if you place any reliance in what a Democrat tells you about voting for the abolition party, you will get badly left. A.nd another thing, said Ike: "1 have got the first temperance Democrat to see. They all drink, and they take whiskey barefooted every time; no mixin' it for them." Work of a Storm in Louisiana. New Orleans, April 15. A special to the Tini'js-Democrat from Morgan City gives the following account of the damage done by the storm of W ednes day night: On Beer's Island a sugar house was blown away ; on the lower Atchaf alaya the dwellings of P. Caland and Mrs. Moore were destroyed ; on .Lit tle Wax bayou the houses of John Framenthal, Louis Kolk and Jean Fit were swept away and much other dam age done. At the Alice plantation near Jeanerette, a colored church was driven over to the west side. At Cyremont a negro church was blown down; at Will's landing place a warehouse blown over; on Bayou Boeuf a large house seen floating during the storm was found next morning lodged against a bridge, but the occupants had disap peared and it is supposed were drown ed. The house of Eugene Tomlico and a cooper shop were also found against bridges. The residence of James Peni aou ftoated a miles j Reany Penison's store with its contents was swept away. The kitchen and all of the cabins except three were swept away from the Rand ly plantation. James Simmins' resi dence with its contents is a total loss. Orelou Comours' residence was destroy ed and the stores of Alex Penison and Jules P. Fellot were swept away all cabins occupied by colored people were carried away. Efforts are being made to get a boat to go to Bayou Boeuf to aid the people. At Lake uaiourae everything is gone. D,eath of J. M. Alexander Esq. atatesvllle Landmark. We regret to announce that Junius M. Alexander, Esq., of Shiloh township, whose serious illness, of pneumonia, was announced in our last paper, died Wednesday morning.' For several days he had been gradually sinking, and his death was not altogether a surprise to his family and friends. Mr. Alexander was a member of the board of county commissioners and a 'ruling elder in Concord Presbyterian church. He was a prominent and most worthy citizen and his death ia a great Ipsa, hot only'to his family but to the community ahd the church- Hie Was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and several chil dren. The funeral services were held1 at Concord church this morning, being conducted by Rev. P P. Winn. Distress after Eating-, the result oi indigestion, win no longer ds expe-s rtenced If a half tablespoonfnl of Simmons Llrer Begulator IS laneu Bluer eacii uusau ii u sum , good digester, and so mild and pleasant In Us ef fects, that it is used by many after a hearty meal to ensure good digestion. The Begulator does not nauseate or irritate the stomach, is purelj vegeta ble, and can be taken in any condition of the sys tem, and, unlike any other known medicine, when Its use is discononueq, anq mo system s nai, leii coflsupaiep,. . Thousands of women bate been entirely cured of the most stubborn eases of female weakness by the use of Lydla S. Plnknam's Vegetable Com Dound. Bend to Mrs. Lydla X. Flnkltam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, MaB3.,f8r pamphlets, DON'T DIK IN THK BOUSE. "Bough on Bats." Clears oat rats, mioe, reach es, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. gfey &&vtvttezmztxXs. From Andrew's American tjueen. CLEOPATRA OB THB QUEEN OFSHEBi'S BEAUTY WAS BCX SKIN DEEP. The renowned Queen of Sheba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue, would nerer have appeared within the presence of the grandest of the monarchs of the past, had she not also possessed that which it Is the crowning glory of the female person a skin unchallenged for its Oriental softness and Its almost transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had quickly lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of pimples, or of horrid tan and freckles. WOMAN RULES THK WORLD by her beauty, not less than by her purity of char acter, loveliness of disposition and unselfish de votion. Indeed, in the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty in a body takes precedence over every other consideration. Beauty thus forms an Important part pf woman's "working capital," withoutnhlch too many, (If not bankrupts in what relates to Influence within the circle where they move.) are powerless for great good. Hence we see not only the propriety but the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to her Is essential to success, and Influence, and use fulness In life. And, since "beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance are required to guard it against the many ills that flesh is heir to. Among the great and annoying enemies of beauty, OF EITHER SEX, ,as well as of comfort; happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rheum,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the hair and scalp, ifor the cure of all these, Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient study and Investigation devoted to diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CURE, which has already by its marvelous cures, established Itself as the great remedy for all dis eases of the skin, whatever be their names or character. Its success his been immense and un paralleled. All druggists have it It Is elegantly put up, two bottles in one package. Internal and external treatment. Price $1.00. EVERT ONE PRAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They con tain do opium, quinine, or other harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50c per box. $1 for two, $2.60 for six, postage free. Dr. C. W. Ben son, Baltimore, Md. C. N. Cbittekton, New York, is Wholesale Agent for Dr C. W. Benson's reme dies. apr4 IBS. LYDU E. PlKKBiH, OF LTHK, MISS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Care for all those Palaful Complaint and WeakneitM o common to our bet female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com. I.lnints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJlcera Uon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Lite. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked reryspeeosly by Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving' tor stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. II cores Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its us. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. FIirEIIAM'S VE6ETABXE COM POUXD is prepared at 833 and 35 Western Avenue, Lynn.Vass. Price tl. Sir bottles for S5. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also In the tons f loaenges, on receipt of price, per box for either. Hrs. Pink ham' freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention. tMi Paper. Ho family should be without LTDIA B. PTNKHAITS LIVER PILLS, They cure constipation, blllousns and torpidity of the Uver. tS cents per box. J0 Sold by all Druggists. "6 HOW TO TELL GENUINE SIiriHOAS LIVER REGU LATOR, OR MEDICINE. Look for elean neat WHITE WRAPPER with the re( symbolic letter stamped upon it in the form of a ribbon gracefully curved Into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula. Mortar and Graduate wl h the words A. Q. SIM MONS' LIVER REGULATOR or MEDICINK there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., in red ink on the side. Take no other. Beware of those wh- know nothing of Medical Compounds who put au nostrums known to sour, and being analyzed prow vonhless and only made to fleece the public, and to Dlrate on the well earn ed reputation of Zeilln & Go's, medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain aad will cheat you for a few penneya every, way they can. See Wbo Endones the Genuine Hon. Alex H. Stephens, B& Rev. Jho. W. Beck with. Bishop of Sa., Gen. Jno. b. Gordon, U. Si faenator, Rt Bey. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shorter, J. Xdgar Thompson, Hon. B. H. Hill, Eon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Willis, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wonder, Assistant K M. Phila., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. His eminently a Family Medecine; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in , time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' liver Regulator, HilTCTACTVBJCp QNLT BY JI. 11. ZIL1N SC CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Respectable Druggists. feb24 " - TARTU IMC DISCOVERY! LOST jnANHOOl RESTORED. A. victim Of TdhttTnfrmfprudenc causing Troafr tore Becay, HerroM Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., fearing fcrfcd lit vain every known remedy, has s-rrm-nrl a imnl aeJf euro, which he will send FREE Ito Ms IrJlow-sufrerera, address J. II. BEEVES, J s TO THE :II: - w nil! 0tLACE3 1tow11 KrTr vr .1 -"'cuiua ureases, no naye a nice line or .Nuns veiling Sash Ribbons will &TtaSb s?S fflatr Colored Muli3at 5 --DOTTED SWISS'- In handsome patterns, at 20c to 50c Alarge stock 'Ask to see Our "HOLMESVILLE" S1GMVS Thebest 4-4 Bleached Domestic at 1 Oc. Ask to see our $1.00 CORSET. Wo will take Dleasure in showing you everything we have, and we know that we can make it to your interest to look at our stock BEFORE PURCHASLTINGr. Hargraves &"Willielm. AGENTS FOR "UNIVERSAL" FASHIONS. ay 16 11 IE 0 MASON & SHONINGER PELOIDBET & Eijht of the Loading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instruments in Stock. a M U 9 1 CUBfcl IfS PLXNTY OF MONEY ON OUR LEFT, PLENTY TO EAT OX OUR RIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTFE. We Don't Pot Ten Dollar Gold Piws on Ev r Stop . OF OUR ORGANS, Neither do We Throw in a Honse I Lot or a Raifroad, H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. li SSS 111 833a8 101!. 1 NEWS W COME ! FOR our stock Is now complete We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED IN OUR OWN HOUSK. We are Justified in asserting, ami not exaggerate, that the long eipe rience and standing of our. House, Is a full guarantee that OXmL CLiOTHING' IS THE MOST RELIABLE SOLD in this Market. We make up first-class Garments, and always study the demands of our patrons, and insure them absolute BOTTOM PRICES. We do not buy Job lots in order to introduce Low Priced ttoods, but invariably offer the "public such CLOTHING and made up in such a style as is worn in fashionable circles in Northern cities. We had the choice of selecOBj our stoek by going early in the Market, of which privilege the Late Purchaser is debarred. Our stock of Boys' audi C71xiXcl.ze2Xft3 Olotlrlxxg is as fine as always. The latest styies in HATS, ALL COLORS. mWW IFIDlMSillM (S00i, THE FINEST IN TEE CITY. THE YORKTOWN SCARF, Tke. Latest Out, in the Very Latest Shades in Silks. VT CALL SIEIE US. Very Respectfully, L. Berwanger & Bro. rl R.-. Garment Made to 04er on LADIES! & - :W: - - " will pay yon to see our Dress Goods. We have of NKCK WEAR. Cretonnes and Fringes for same. A AX Front Foiward.to the Bear, DOUJ3LE-QU1CK! AlcSmith Music Honse, -THK- Distributing Depot for the Carollnas -FOB- CHICKERING, KRAN1CK & BACH, M'ATHUSHEK, -Aim- Son liei n Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIME, CO. HE&iW. III J Ml II JL jus b jl x uu jl JLUL But We Beat That all to'Pieces, tST CALL AND 8XE ME. Will Guarantee 10 per cent, on all Moneys Invested. For Particulars call on or write to gAs 2222 S8&8 222222 ! Short Notice aprSf SPRING STYLES LATEST CUTS

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