Stye Charlotte bseruer. SUBSCRIPTION HATXS: Duly, one year, post-void, in advance 88.00 XxmorUto 4 00 Pave months Om month WXSKLT EDITION: Weekly (in ontV) " odvance $2.00 Outdfthecmmtv, Fpspaid 2.10 zmontt 1-05 1- Liberal Reduction for Club. Alexander & Harris oali trod Jab printing. TUB OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has beenlthoronghly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETb. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY APRIL 18, 1882. NO. 4,077. t -ARE- Making a Tremendous Sacrifice -ON- Dress Goods. They propose to clo e out THF.IR ENTIRE J-TOCK OK DRESS GOODS- peirrani & Co., -DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hate, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. OUR STOCK OF Ladies' Misses fhildrens' HOSIERY Is eutifely too large, and must be reduced. In or der to do so we Intend to sell them very CHEAP, Alexander & Harris PEGU AM & CO., Have the Best toe tf Gents' Hand-Stwed thoes IX THE rTATE. WE WILL OFFER MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 17th, 1882, OOO of FIGURED LAWNS, at trices the lotte.-t ever reached by such goods In this market ALEXANDER & HABRIS. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply jouwtth the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLE3 -OF- Udies' Misses ai,d Children's Sines. Alexander & Harris WILL OKKER - Monday MoiDing, April lili The Largest stcek ot PERSUN LAWNS, WHITE LINEN LAWNS, j' BENt'H NAINSOOKS, MAALIaS, BIrHOP and VICTORIA LaWNS, Piy'TKS, etc , ever offered in this mark t. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE A PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS. g: LADIES -arJ Who like to look at prtty Goods will find our WRITE GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, NAINSOOK KDtilNuS and INSERTINGS. SWISS FDGlNGd and INrfKRTINGS. and HAMBURG EDGINGS and LV-iERriNGS, thi largst and pre. llest ever seen here. 1 hey are amply beautiful. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE ALL KINDS OF Chilta' Shoes and Slippers. . House Furnishing Goods, CUCH as Table Damask9, Colored and White i Table Napkins, Lace Curtains, Table and Floor Oil rioths, Carpets. Cane Mattloga, Bugs, etc . can be found In great variety and VEttY CHEAP, at ALEXANDER & HARRIS'. PEGRAM & CO., KEEP A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Valices PF All PRICES bNd SIZES. PON'T XORuET that we are leading the market on J1 Staple Goods, viz: Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shli tings, Prints and everything wanted In that line. ALEXANDER & HARRI3. PEGRAM & CO., have just received a fine sTQq of Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the Laiest btyles. Of the Latest Styles. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL line of Gtngham3 you have, 13 The exclamation ef all who have seen them. Prices low, at ALEXANDER & HARRIS. P )Jgu a m CO., CAN SUIT TIIE'R Farmer Friends With c.ny k'nds BOOTS and SHOES THEY WISH. ( ) R I E NLTACES7 ITALIAN LACES. Lauquedoc Laces, Torchon 1 Laces. Bretanna Laces. Antique Laces, Spanish, (iuioure Laces, a Tremendous stock at ; LKANUICB fc HARRIS'. PEC RAM & CO., KSEP ALL KIND3 OF Shoe Dressing, French Blacking -AND - Lyons' Heel Stiffcners. QENTEMEN WISHING a ready-made Suit, or who wish their measure taken, can do so by calling on us. We have an elegant line ol samples to select from and If you are not pleased you need not take the suit ALBXANDEB & HARRIS. apria grg CSoofls, l0ttotifl, Set. OUR SHELVES -AND COUNTERS-- RE Laden with FRESH and STYLISH GOODS In great variety, and we ark you to examine our Goods and co are our prices, with the full as surance thaj you will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest The public has already voted SEIGLE'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED In the city. Every Novelty of the Season In TRIMMINGS and In NECK WEAR. All should come and see for themselves. WAR NER'S COR A LINE CORSET only 97 cents. T. I . NEM2L.E A: CO. mar23 BVcflical. A Nt -Palling Cure for Bums, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe ! It acts immediately I It never fails ! Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, Bays : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., It 13 the i?io t effectual remedy c know of. No family should bo -without a bottle of R for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have seen Its magic ttTects, and know It to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: Alter long years of use, I am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. Vf. Sharper, Valdo sta, Ga. , says : It la a panacea lor all bruises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me lttunedlato relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' uso it never has failed me. W. W. Lum, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic. J.W. Dee says : For scalds and burns It has no equaL TERRY DAVISMaIlN KIIXER is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been in constant use ; and those who have used it the longest are its brst friends. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day thig medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Everv family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills nay often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Vitlikemost medicines, it isjierfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Trv it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, ooc. ana tsi.ou per Dottxe. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept?dfcw sept & oct. liLESSIISU TO VqIANKINEI. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dismenorrhaea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price 83 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York nty. nr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. OR Scrofula or any Itlood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's A isll- Pilla. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to rrfi when OJrectlons a:e followed. Price 2 bOffcr box. Five b xesglO. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine company, New YorKXtty. IV INVALUABLE HEHEDY. Fer weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure nr. In 4 to 8 days of all urinary attec- tl'ins, smarting, trequent or ainicun urination, mucuus discharges and pdlrnents In ihe urine from what Clarke' ever cause- Induced, whether of re cent or lone stanaing. une w mree boxes usually sufficient. Price 82 Cjonnojrnea fill per Dox. inree uoxe iw 90. VI olio, 1 fiw nn ivonlnt of nploe. Ad- dpes pr- Clarke Medicine Company, New xom Liiy. IIEUE IS A BAL7I IN GILEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea and Impotency. as the result of self ahuse In youth, sexual excesses In Dr. maturer years, or other causes, and producing some vi mo luuvmug effect: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Clarke's Dimness 01 signt, ueii-wYo mem ory. Phisicai aeey. rimuies uu t.nnnlfttv of Females. pjinfualon of Ideas. Loss ofSexuil Dnn,r Arc rnnfirine maxriaiiH im Invigorating nnnr rr nnhannv Ar a nosltlve cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sumcieni- tnce w au ner box. i our ooxes n. own 113 uii nrpnald on recelDt 01 price Pill". Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, Nw yorn uh? Nickel Pens, Vtaeae Ecus aw Rped&TJy taxSmtA a ttS pomt. vrill not corrode or rust, and will be tomxS SaortsOTVlceable and durable. Bm pie card. --lta ten different styles of nickel pUted peas, sent for trial by mall on receipt of 25 cents. Sole Agents , yi8QR Blakeman, Taylor 4 PERRY DAVISV PAIN J KILLER febiy d&w 13w - "PERRYTCO.T WAYNE MACVEAGH'S LAMENT. His Party with Only Three Principles, and He in Opposition to All of Them. Philadelphia, April 15. At the an nual meeting of the civil service reform association to-night the Hon. Wayne MacVeagh presided, and, in discussing a resolution condemning the letter of First Assistant Postmaster-General llatton exempting postal employesfrom the provisions of the civil service order, broke for the first time the reticence that has characterized his conduct since he retired from the cabinet. Mr. Mac Veagh said that President Hayes had consulted him in the preparation of his famous civil service order, a portion of which he (MacVeagh) was the author. When, however, Mr. Hayes was put to the test practically, he failed. There had been questionable political services rendered by officeholders in the South. Mr. Hayes allowed himself to be over persuaded, and the authors of these questionable services in Lonisiana and Florida were rewarded with public office. After that all hope of Mr. Hayes' civil service work was gone, and the closing days of his administration witnessed Sherman trying to elect him self President by the aid of the Treas ury Department. Then came the short lived Garfield administration. What ever hope was in that was cut short by Guiteau's bullet. He continued : "What Arthur was in the-New York custom house he is to day in the President's chair. Person ally, he is a kindly, well-disposed gen tleman, and my intercourse with him was of the pleasantest character, as it was with Mr. Hayes, but men rarely change their political training after ar riving at the age either of these gentle men attained. My party leaves me in this predicament: It has but three prin ciples, and I find myself opposed to all three. Its first great principle is the spoils system ; the second is opposition to civil", service reform, and the third seems to consist of repudiation in old Virginia. Then the boss system is a degradation ; it goes from the gutter to the White House; it subsists on tne spoils of office. The duty of this asso ciation, and of the country, is to sup plant these bosses; until that is done your work will not be executed. You cannot pretend to be interested in the degrading spectacle of Mahoneism in v lrgima the deliberate prostitution ol government powers to aid repudiation of a State's obligations. If we could charge that upon the Bourbon Demo crats it would be some relief, but, to our sorrow and humiliation, these things are done in the name of the par ty of Abraham Lincoln. Instead of going forward, the Arthur administra tion makes a retrogade movement." New York's Dos Show. The bench show in !New York under the auspices of the Westminster Kennel Club will open on April 18, with the greatest bow-wow chorus ever heard in A menca. There are 10a classes or nign ly bred dogs, the total number of en tries to wh'ch exceed 1,000; 3G mastiffs are catalogued, including the champions Girth, Grim, Leah, llob, and Samuel J. Tiklen s imported allace, and Mr. K S. Sanfom's puppies Beau and Belle, Fifty-nine St. Bernards are on the list, with six champions, including Mr. Til den's Askhim. Twenty .Newfoundlands and eight Berghunds are entered. Twenty-seven greyhounds and elevm deerhounds will add interest to the show. Fourteen btates and Canada send 142 pointers. There are 158 im ported and native English setters. The display of black-and-tan setters, Irish setters, and Irish spaniels will be the largest and best ever seen. Ihe mis cellaneous classes will contain many wonders, among them Mrs. W . Apple ton's Chinese dog Chico, with silky black and white hair. Chico weighs about eight pounds, and when he walks his ears sweep the floor. In the line of black spaniels, which are becoming very popular, there are fourteen entries. There are two champions of new classes in fox-hounds, one from London, Cana da, and the other from the Queen s County Hunt. Mr. A. Belmont rurdy and Mr. John Aspinwall are the princi pal exhibitors of foxhounds. In 187(3 only two foxhounds were on the bench; there will be sixty in this show. Many women exhibit their pets this year, principally pugs and terriers. The show of blue-blooded bull-dogs will include Mr. Mortimer's Blister, wose pedigree has been traced back tp 1510 in Spain. A novelty of the show will 6e caged quail, on which the contesting bird dogs will be required to show their points. Oleomargarine. The Bureau of Statistics furnishes some astounding figures regarding the growth in the manufacture of oleomar garine and the effect it has on the dairy interest. In 1878 the amount of oleo margarine exported was only 1,698,401 ponds, but last year it was more thau 26,000,000. On the other hand, the amount of butter exported in 181 was 21,331,3 j pounds, while the year before it was more than 37,000,000. Thus oleo margarine is exported more largely than butter. Perhaps that would not be so very unpleasant, but the home consumption is also rapidly gaining the ascendancy. The oleomargarine facto ries of New York have a producing ca pacity of 116.000.000 pounds annually, while the production of dairy ixutter is only 110,000,000. pounds, and the con sumption' of the manufactured article is gaining upon that of the dairy at a moat astonishing rate. Oleomargarine is not manufactured to any extent in the West, but its substitute there is the infinitely less wholesome lardine. In another year or two the Bureau of Sta tistics will have an equally interesting tale to unfold regarding its consump tion and sale unless something ij done to check it, Further Respite to Lamson. London. April 17. Sir Wm. Har- oourt. home secretary, has written to the hierh sheriff of Surry notifying him that a further respite has been granted to Dr. Lamson until the 28th ot April Sir Wm. Harcourt further says: "You will at the same time see that the pris nner is informed of thin extension of his respite and that it he clearly ex- nlained to him that no further respite will be granted, and that no evidence which has thus far been submitted to the Secretary of State, either from Eng land or the united states, anoraa any justification for advising any interrer ence with the sentence of the law." Thellncendiary Arrested. Wit.attnoton. Del . April 18. An T.vfirv "Evenine snecial from Crisfield Maryland, places the loss by yesterday morning's fire at fifty thousand dollars, anri aavs Wm. J. Booth, the alleged in cendiary, wag given a hearing this morning, but the case was continued to avail: rUvfilnnments and Booth was committed to jail. Hall, the other pris oner, was discharged. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. Btlnirirjg irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and UrtaSSwmSaJn cared by "Buchupalba." $li Depot J. H. McAaen, Charlotte, N. C. A LION SLAIN BY A TIGER. The Exciting Encounter That was Wit nessed in a Philadelphia Circns. A scene of the wildest disorder pre vailed in Philadelphia last Tuesday around the quarters of Adam Fore paugh, the veteran circus manager, the occasion being the transfer of 500 ani mals from their winter quarters to cag' es preparatory to being shipped for the road when the season opens. The winter quarters, consisting of numerous large buildings, are located at Lehigh avenue and Richmond street. The animals were loth to move their frames from a home which a stay of four and a half months had developed a warm attachment for. After coax ing had become exhausted and patience ceased to be a virtue, stripes and blows were reinforced by tackle and prods. The enraged brutes, yielding with pain from the numerous thrusts and blows, gave up .resistance. The cage animals, rather softened during theirconfinement, began to as sume something of their native feroci ty at the sight of the noisy demonstra tion on every side. Lions and tigers pacea up and down tneir narrow quar ters lashing their tails, and now and then giving vent to horrid snarls. "Her Majesty," the ferocious Berlin tigress, who has a record of killing her keeper at the German capital two years ago, would not stir under any consideration, and it was not until a rod of iron at white heat was thrust in to her cage that she left with a rapidity of a discharged cannon ball. It was during this tumult that an un leoked for tragedy occurred. In the same den with two lions'were kept two tigers, separated by a strong wooden partition. One of the tigers was werk ed up to such a pitch of ferocity by his removal that he threw his body against the partition with so much force as to carry it away, and in less time than it takes to narrate had fixed his fangi deep in the throat of the lion. A tor rent of blood gushed forth, and the king of beasts attempted to throw Lis ad versary off, but it was of no use ; the ti ger's grip had done the work, and in an instant the lion fell back cold and stiff. Half a di zen employes rushed upon the scene by this time and beat the fero cious beast, which stood gloating over his victim with his blood-dyed jaws, and drove him into a close cage. The animais wire all packed about 3 o clock, and in the evening departed for the na tional capital. THE SOUTH CAROLINA TRIALS. Verdict of the Jury in the First Cases- Two of the Jurors Sign the Verdict Under Fear of Bodily Harm. Charleston, S. C, April 17. In the Jnited States Court this morning the ury charged with the election case of Bates and others, from Richland coun ty, appeared. Before the verdict was aunounced two of the jurymen J. W. Fountain and B. F. Strom, both white, announced that they had signed the verdict on Saturday under a misappre hension and under fear of bodily harm, and that was not the verdict that they ntended to render. Judge Bond held that their avowal came too late, as they had .signed the verdict and the jury had been discharged. The defendants ex cepted and gave notice of a motion for an arrest of judgment aud lor a new trial which the court decided to hear ater in the term. The verdict as an nounced is "guilty as to the first count and not guilty as to all others, with re commendation to the mercy of the court." Judge Bond, of the United States Circuit Court then announced the decision of the court and overruled the motion made by the defendants on Saturday to quash the array of the grand jury on the ground that the tales man had been lllecrallv drawn. Dis trict Judge Bryan filed a dissenting opinion., ihe grand jury was then swoin. Mormon Emmisary. Wilson Advance. Several days ago a man and two la dies came to Magnolia. The man gave his name as Gaylord Smith, of England and claimed that one of the ladies was his wife and the other his daughter. He introduced himself a,s desiring to lec ture upon the ''crimes of the govern ment against the Indians, and asked permission to lecture in one of the churches, which was refused, but he secured a hall and delivered his lecture on Saturday night. His lecture was far from being on the injustice of the gov ernment against the Indians, and was nothing but praises of Brigham Young and the Mormons, which he described as being the most happy and prosper ous people in the world. It was gener ally believed by those who heard biaa that he was an emissary of tfce Mormon church, although he disowned any alle giance whatever to them. The Truth About Our C;irls. From the Phlladelshla Press. A great deal of the platitudes we hear pronounced against the young women of the present day are a species of cant. There is not one young woman in a thousand to-day who isnt capable of making a more agreeable home, and keeping a more inviting table every day in the week than the most accomplished housewife of a century or a h'alf century ago. Diktreea after Eating, the result of indigestion, will no longer be expe rienced If a half tablespoonful of Simmons Liver Regulator is taken after each meal. It Is such a good digester, and so mild and pleasant n its ef fects, that It is used by many after a hearty meal to ensure good digestion. The- Regulator does not nauseate or irritate the srhach. Is purely vegeta ble, and, can ba tkeo in any condition of the sis- its' use is discontinued, and the system Is not left consupatea. THAT HUSBAND OF MINE, Is three times the man he was before he began using '-Wells' Health Benewer." 81. Druggists. Depot J. h. MCAaen, unarioue, n. o. Ho Never Told His 'Wife Until.-. Mr. B. L. Holt, who lives near Quitman, sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, 1m., about three weeks since n a letter a dollar bill. He was ad vised by mall that his ticket had drawn 815,000 In the March' drawing ot the Louisiana State Lot tery, and he drew his money by express. He was careful to say nothing about it to his wife until he found out he wa ,uCky man. This is the sixth time he has invested, and once before he came Within four or five numbers of the capital. Holt's haul is a good one- Maryvllle, Mo, Democrat, March 23d. "ExcrHciatinff Agencies." 158 Constance Street 1 New Orleans, La., March 16, 1881. f H. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has relieved me In the most happy manner from the excruciating agonies, of kidiie and bladder difficulties and grayeL 8. HUTHRIE. J,t Is probable that the young lady celebrated in those charming lines of Robert Burns, had tan, moth-spots and freckles, with other beauty blem ishes. For such conditions, Dr. Benson's Skin Cure should be on every lady's toilet table. If Ton are Rained in health from any cause, especially from the use of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long fictitious testimonials, have n rear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and In a short j time you will have Ue most robust and blooming J health, ' From Andrew's American yueen. CLEOPATRA OB THE QUEEN OF SHEBA S BEAUTY VJU KIT SKIN DEEP. The renowaed Queen of 8heba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue, would never have appeared within the" presence of the grandest of the monarch s of the past, had she not also possessed that which It is the crowning glory of the fema'.e person a skin unchallenged for Its Oriental softness and Its almost transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had quickly lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of pimples, or of horrid tan and freckles. WOMAN BULKS THS W0BLD by her beauty, not less than by her purity of char acter, loveliness of disposition and unselfish de votion. Indeed, in the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty in a body takes precedence over every other consideration. Beauty thus forms an important part of woman's ''working capital," wlthouOfhlch too many, (If not bankrupts in what relates to Influence within the circle where they move,) are powerless for great good. Hence we see not only the propriety but the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to her is essential to success, and Influence, and use fulness In life. And, since "beauty Is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance are required to guard it against the many Ills that flesh Is heir to. Among the great and annolng enemies of beauty, OF EITHEB SEX, ' as well as of comfort; happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rheum,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the hair and scalp. For the cure of all these, Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient study and investigation devoted to diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CUBE, which has already by its marvelous cures, established Itself as the great remedy for all dis eases of the skin, whatever be their n imes or character. Its success h?s been immense and un paralleled. All druggists have It. It Is t egantly put up, two bottles in one pacaage. Internal and ex ernal treatment Price 81.00. EVEBY ONE PBAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and brain diseases, posltu ;ly cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They con tain no opium, quinine, or otier harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50c per box. SI for two, $2.50 for six, postage free. Dr. C. W. Ben son, Baltimore, Md. c. N. crittestow, New xogf, Is Wholesale Agent for Dr C W. Benson's reme dies. apr4 MRS. LYOIA E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PIIMKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ia a Positive Cnre for all thote Painful Complnlnts and tleatcnefie to common to our beat female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com. plainte, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Clcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to th Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cure Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by lta us. It will at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. IIDIA E. PIXEHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 333 and 835 Western ATenae, Lynn, Mass. Price BL Six bottles for 5. Sen: by audi in the form of pillfl, also in the form lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box. tor either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters, of Inquiry. Sen d for pamph let. Address. M atovo. Mention tkt Paper. SafamMy should be without LTD LA E. PHTKHAH'8 LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bUiouanss and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. tO- Sold by all Druggist. - OLD MADE HE? WITH Looking Glasses OF Pans! ELECTRIC Scouring PQim. ASK YOUR GROCER eUa. the World. 'Ml FOR SALE BY J. S, SPENCER & CO and FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, IV. C NEW BAR- AND BILLIARD ROOM. ITllCE Pleasure In Informing my friends and the 'public generally that I have opened AN ELEGANT BAR and BILLIARD BOOM in the Central Hotel, just In rear of the office, where at aiiomes can be found the choicest wlneh ana LIQUOBS. W. B, COCHRANE, aprll tf PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED at all hours day or night, at reason ble prices, of the best materials and by com' petent pharmacists, at WILSON & EURWELL'S apr9 Drug btore, Trade street. PUREST WINES, "DRANMES and Whiskers for Medical use. guar A an teed ol the best quality and reasonable in price. WILSON & BUKWBLL, apr9 Druggists. RECEIVED TO-DAY. FIVE Barrels Raw Linseed Oil. 5 barrels Bolted Linseed Oil, 5,000 pounds Pure White Lead. 5 Darreis Machine on. WILSON & BUB WELL, apr9 Trade Street. COCOA, CHOCOLATE, Nelson's Gelatine, Mustard and V Spices ol all kinds, irresn arrival WILSON & BUB WELL'S apr9 Drugstore. eS? MAKES 1 1 u oi llili 3 nrafiSfeK. DO JSW 9 TO THE :II: w Kt-5ffiP8iSf f..3 lnJ w ""-"'"s e uttva a nice line, or iNuns veiling Hash Blbbons will S2li?? &d Urf1 CoIored Mull3at 600 DOTTED SWISS' In handsome patterns, at 20c to 50c. A large stock Ask to see Oar "H0LS1ESVILLE" KIGI1T-G0WN HOOD:, The best 4-4 Bleached Domestic at 10c. Ask to see our SI. 00 CORBET. we will tike pleasure In showing you everything we have, and we know that we can make It to jour Interest to look at our stock BEFOKE PURCHASHING. argraves &"Wilh.elm. AGENTS FOR "UNIVERSAL" FASHIONS. aprie OH! 11 OF MASON & SHON1MGER j Wholesale s ReIB Jiff Srflig 3 ;B5gH M US-ICHQUBCTB PHUUBEI 4 CO. ORGANS. Eight of th3 Leading Makers OF THE WOULD. One Hundred Instruments in Stock, PLENTY OF MONEY ON OUR LEFT, PLENTY TO EAT ON OUR RIKHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Pnt Ten Dollar OF OUR Neither do We Throw in' a H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C SPRING 1 88883 II 8888 III NEW STOCK ! . NEW STYLES ! LATEST COTS ! COME ! F B our stock Is now complete. We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED IN OUB OWN HOUSE. We are justified in asserting, and not exaggerate, that the long expe rience and standing of our Housh. Is a full guarantee that OTTlrt!. CIjOTHINO 18 THE MOST RELIABLE SOLD in this Market We make up first-cla-s Garments, and always study the demands of our patrorjs, and insure them absolute BOTTOM PKiCES. We do not buy Job lots In order to Introduce Low Priced Goods, but Invariably offer the public such CLOTHING and made up In such a style as is worn in fashionable ci cles in Northern cities. We had the choice of selecting our stock by golDg early in the Market, of which privilege the L;ue Purchaser is debarred. Our stock of Boys' and Claildroii'a Clotliiug is as fine as always. The latest sties in HATS, ALL COLORS. FCRNISHUVG 6 THE FINEST IN THE CITY. THE YORKTOWN SCARF, The Latest Out, In the Very Latest Shades In Silks. CJLXiXj .A.2STX) SEE US. Very Respectfully, L. N B.-GamicaHi1Iaclo to Order on LADIES ! - " ,U1 P?y you to see our DressGoodj, We have of N SCK WEAR. Cretonnes and Fringes for same. mm r 1JL the Rear, DOUJJLE-QUICK! McSiiiilla Music Reuse, -TILK- Distributing Depot for the Carollnas -FOR- CHICK E RING, Klt.iMI K A BACH, MAT HUSH E K -AND- SouiSiern fiem Pianos, HAMLIN BELL CHIMl!, Gold Pieces on Every Stop ORGANS, Honse 1 Lot or a Railroad, si But We Beat That all to Pieces, CALL AND SEE ME. Will Guarantee 10 per cent, on all Moneys Invested. For Parslculars call on or write to jjjBo- A 2223 Wfc88 222222 Berwangerlk Bro. Snort Notice. A mm 00P.

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