If 11 I ) Pl.t i LOOKING TO A COAUTltfff. The Republiin State Executive Com mlttee mfihi&t consalt about party; nate a day for jSalli that event is the second Wednesday June, and Raleigh the place. After this matter . was settled the next thing; mteH 161 in $3K ?4XeS?cfca.ire,!t eflectin we hwite attention fill1 r ssMsri f m 1 8 Jy, f - - but Heth's boyfu with skdetermination to capture it, piarje f wciB.xojpewomenwnana ioi mflrce,yeptiteaia)raBly lafiict'ensuedffia'nnot be faentthll fothebnst: tiidm Blatchfofd Wrt t& t the Wealthiesfi4Mh!hJlter sat upon d aisctisslon waa lhe Mli to be Deference to the so-called Mvm&iMmS AitowLjBQvnmant in i tfai ouf , A the most distinguished failure that ever after some ventilation otvlewipro( and wielde41heiayetbi thaHoasecft Rep-1 con ittUMWert reaenUttvea; 7 " . - I WiT"!1! described. It was an awful moment bayonet to bayonet, Sword to sword, breast to breast, But in a few moments the Federal lkagavajwas and , rushed? into the petfift! of retread 1 A Qwr Hancock's effleial wtwrt-niw WE INVITE ATTENTION -TO OUR STOCK OF- street railroad and wagon road bridge uver tue mo uranae. Washington, April 20. House. The; Bouse on motion of -Blackburn, of eniocky. the Senate bilLwas-Jiasaed It is stated that- the iron., mines of, Michigan yielded last year more profit than the gold and silver mines of the United States. i i The Montgomery Advertiser says that it still persists in thinking that Alabama's corn crib' will, next fall, be moved just 1,000 miles nearer the equa- The Greensboro Patriot says there is an unauthenticated rumor afloat that the State Council will reconsider its de-1 cision in reference to the calling of an extra session of the legislature. ' The Richmond Dispatch publishes the delinquent tax list of the city, em bracing about 1,300 lots, the to tax on which the owners have failed to re spond. If the Missouri courts would try oth er murderers as promptly as the St. Joseph court tried '.the slayers of Jesse James, the jails wouldn't be quite as well atoek grey are. V V The postmaster at Milton, N. C, has so much spare-time that he has none to counting the verses tn th New Testa ment and measuring their length to find out the longest and the shortest. Cleveland has a very beneficent and well-conducted institution where wo men who Work out during the day can leave their babies, with the certainty- that thev will be well taken care-of at the rate of five centra, day per head. In the political trials now in progress in Charleston there are eleven Republi cans and one Democrat on the jury. The probabilities are that Brewster and Melton will not find it difficult to get the kind of a verdict they want. Utica,N. Y., Herald, (Rep.): Presi dent Arthur continues his process of setting only stalwarts on guard by the appointment of Heman Snow to be postmaster at Camden, in this county. The President may find out, by and by, that this process will be understood at notice from him that he desires only the holders of the big medal, the M308,w to vote the Republican ticket. tions this charge of the. Confederates. d lyfainajority I He says: , "The enemy regard this as e iithfthej t&t eral movement Mottanp hilfrieadp "published a . congratulatory : order. to f avor&g Ihe ednlition, KeoglOmdj hi "his troops, endorsed bOen.1 Hill and friends opposing it As far as we1 cant '$tetj: Le,fateiftg tlie fof tfeett valor learn it is about the division that fck- Mfti rtytng. us frqja pir, entrenched of public buildines FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, i iCalkin&fOftladiana. chairman jof committee qa elections, called up OOOtor Ahfe Jerf ci0nf U, asobtsriioA full and complete. We keep the best Goods made, will sell them at the lowest possible prices and guarantee satUfactinn tr. an at Frankfort, Ken- 1 our etock Embraces a full line ot Goods of all grades, and ot various styles and prices, being well adapted to the wants o both ibt on, ii?"rehase" aragniMBwn i ' lT'WrrTtWwW r iW'iiwraHt nri Ht1f thmatAA or t,h tnirh nf nur iuuuri.innu ' wuuiry ir k the- the isted when tne suDject of making pro- ( hibition a party question was under disoussion. Dr. JiOtt xrriecl h point then as, he does now, -i and forced that question into politics in opposition to contested election case, Jynch vs. Chal mers, from the Sixth district of Missis lBlppii-''i'iJ moil t ,jt ,.i l .lii. : ;Mr. Carlisle, of Kentuckv. - called at tention to the fact , that.) AfebeTton-of Ohio, who represented the minority, in Tunes. Ana weu raignt, tne uontea- r account of sicknfeaa. and a.rdlvthauffht A - 1 l i . m a k I i ? i. . . . . , . I eraie uenerais ieei proua or tne cpn- it jau to caii iup ie case jn tne ftoence duct brtheir troops on that Occasion, ofthat gentleman., ' iir. , li . rvlc, 0I oyer Jour jear, thb 1. J&SSSttgLSSL tne oniy wsianee wiere we saw payo- erton stating that he would ; endeavor ' PL ES. BRO the judgment of Keogb, Jenkins (and J nets locked (many of the Confederates j to be back on Monday, via the lUesm1 Vio; kooq orainaiT lie; dtbfBwMwlMi is evidently his intent! .ihxown , away their bayonetsand time, Mr. Calkina thought the diBeus- $i.JgL S'Jft. to make it figure in the coming cam- paign. An n firr. nf thin ireara mm a th riT1 ecutive committee of the anti-prohibi-tion association, of which Mr. T. N. uooper, ur. Mott s rigm naa man, is tne chairman and leading spirit, is called to meet at Raleigh on tbe 2nd of May, for what purpose is not defihltety stated, but the fact that it was called while Mott and his frienils were in conclave would leave the natural inference that there was a special niotiVfe and that they had something to do with it Dr. Mott evidently calculates on forming a clubbed the enemy with the butts of their muskets) and we pray God that 4hall never see it agaW u PR. MOfTP-RDICTS JSIC A representative of the Greensboro jNews interviewed Dr. Mott, Tuesday,, whil$ on his way to Baleih, to attend 1 ol tke w hole on 'the tariff. . commission ..... ' c-m. r C . 3. - I hill : '-' ' T.nTniwi.inff nrrM KAimn man pvopn. . v.... sion might run Qo for .two davB and that no. vote should be taken, until Ath ettqn's return. .-,, , ... .....j., ; ; Finallv the House deferred action1 on the LynchrCbaljofters contested election case of Mississisajppi, until Athetton, o4 Qbio.tfhQ represents, r. the vmihyrity returns,. ;ai v ..m au,-v -..' The Jlouae thea want into committee SATAirSAH-QnJetr1 mWdlm llc; low mid dling i mo; good ordloan lQVac; net receipts 490; KTOiS sales 000; stock 81,968; export coatw1e. 1658; to Ureal Britain ; to France tOjCpntlnent . 1 " Nkw Okljcaks - Firm ; middling X2c; low mld dling,llc; ood ordinary 1 Hfec; net receipts 500; cross 648; sales 6,700: stock 167,267; exporta tq Jret Britain ; to France ; oastwise t to continent 3,253; to chan nel -, MoBilJS-Quleti middling llc; low mlddltn net recerou 739: stock 21,704: exports Great Britain to continent Mkmpks Steady; middling 12c; low mid dling llc; good ordinary 11c net receiuis 298; srross - ; shipments 1,857; sales 650; fltods 47,065. . A.UGtJSTA- fflrotf lie; Wpments -Dull; good middling lli&' ordliiary 10;; sales 2 10. ; low receipts mi-105; tive committee. The News man ask ed: -WU &e Jcommitteg foftaii&e any policy in issufhg the call? ; Tha depends -ota5 circilmstanceB. I have some propositions and suggestions to submit to the committee, which if the A Georgia strawberry raiser, who cultivates about twenty acres, says suit able ground well attended to ought to yield about 1,500 quarts to the acre. In Kentucky and Mississippi as many as 3,200 quarts have been gathered from an acre. In Georgia, with the early prices they command, raisers make a profit of about $200 per acre. Shipherd, the Peruvian Claims man, from whom the committee at Washing ton has been trying to learn something, is no slouch. He never loses his head and answers questions like an old stager who was accustomed to being on tne witness stand. He knows considerably more than he will tell. . The.fiity council of Chicago, in de spair over the intolerable condition of its streets, baa introduced ef bill to re vive the old-fashioned country road making aystem. It provides that every able-bodied male inhabitant between v the ages of 2L and 6p years shall give two davs labor" on the streets in the ward in which he Uvea, or in lieu there of pay $150 a day. - - r The rivalry between Barnum and iTorepaugb, the showmen, is resulting in some good to the charitable institu tions of Philadelphia. Barnum adver tised that he would give the receipts of One exhibition to the armory fund of the First Regiment of that city, where upon Forepaugh announces that he will give the net proceeds of a week's performances to the charitable institu tions of the city. They are now wait ing to hear from Barnum. Tom Evans publishes the following in the Beidsville Times: fcMr. Henry Edmunds, of Charlotte county, Va had a large red hound named "Bose," that one day caught a rabbit in the field where they were cutting wheat and swallowed it witboutitirig it. It killed the dog. The rabbit scratched out Our correspondent Touches for tU as.AaeL-" hereupon his venw- awe fpjoc je Mjpton Chronicle, re marksj tiahVstallow may be all 'righbitjbj iroudflie to have some bodyivbach for the Icttr pondontr - When the new constitution of Cali- fornUiirae pd ton miMaS, thequtiorillaf hlbillag-Chinese immigration was Submitted as a sepa rate question to ascertain the sense of coalition witbTtae "kdti prohibitionists, I acted favorably upon, will "stir up whom ne designates as tne noeiai i Yrhlt J .4. party, if he can do so, and the. persua sive powers ot his friend hooper will no doubt be called into eerciB"f or that purpose. Thatthereis adapositfonon, the part of some of the anti-prohibition leaders to maintain the alliance formed in the prohibition campaign, cannot be denied, for they have proclaimed them" selves in favor of the "liberal" move ment and that means alliance with Mott, Cooper and company, but this number as far as any public declaration has been made is insignificant few and far between. Whether a sufficient num ber may be found to make the coalition amount to anything, remains to be seen, but we do not believe there will be, for in opposing prohibition when it was an issue before the people the Democrats who took that view were in the main honest aha3i5 not purpose lending themselves to placing the Radical party in power and do not propose to do so now. With the great body of the voters and nearly if not all of the leaders, it become a settled question when the Verdict of tbe ballot was recorded, and the Attempt of Dr. Mott & Co., to use them to re-establish the supremacy of the party which he engineers will meet, we believe, with the rebuke it deserves. With him and his fellow manipulators it is a matter of perfect indifference under what banner he marches, provid ed it leads to victory, for victory is what he ia after, and it ia a matter of no im portance to him under what name or deyicehe wins,, provided he does win. A Republican viet6ry linderia so-called liberal-disgnisev-wilL" answer his pur poses quite as well as a Republican vic tory, straight. He and his partizans will reap the benefit ; will control the Manlrestmcr intense interest, our young Irian's next question yras quickly anncipaiea. I do not feel at liberty to 1 state i par-, titulars, just now. ' ! , Yon expect your suggestions ' to be adopted? ' Yes, by a majority of the committee "And. then," with a tomahawk smile, "you will hear the music." Ajpause. "The man who does not seethe sagos of prty disintegration is a Jool. ,l;t is coming with bewildering force, ' and; will upset many icely-laid plans,"! - In. reply to a question about Cooper' confirmation, the doctor thought io tsi- ' ceedingly doubtful,1 and J attribntfed his defeat to an understanding between Senator Ransom and Don Cameron, Ransom being anxious for bis defeat hoolnfir thus to check the coallaon movement in this State,' which would, go on, however, he remarked, allj the same. Amons the sneakers were Turn or: of JCentucky, ia opposition . to. .the meas ure,, Dingley . tavnng it; Townend, of Illinois, opposieg, and McKeszi, of Kentuckyi oppostOfri' McKenzie isboke at considerable length from the stand point that. Congress by its ways ; and imeane coinmittee should: perform the duty which it was proposed to delegate to acommlssion no more fit for at jthan the ways and means committee ought to be. He further, objected ; to the? pro vision empoweriag xhes -President' to appoint a commisaion.if a commission there must be, holding that Congress waa entirely competent to select; i$err bers of axch. commisaion I and ' shbijld eeleet it. Hia speech was full of hu tnor and satire and bore hard upon the do-nothing policy of the present Con gress and its ways and means coinrrit tee. McJ&ensie nas a tine voice and nis speech was listened to as intentty and enjoyed as much by Republicana as by Democrat and. its conclusion was Te eeived With applause from both sides ofltbet-Honseif. ;- - t,i-.tv.' tl' ; The committee' rose, and King, of Louisiana, introduced a bill appropria ting JS9,000,000 for the improvement and copstruction of the . Mississippi levees. iiefrre4. -. . j .AOjourneau ; CHAKLBSTOHQtdet; middling lfTfec; low mld aiUig llc;good ordinary llic; net retelpts 85; grow ;. aalee 200; stoci 15,608; export eoastwtge : to Great Britain ; to continent ; to Prance ; to chan nel - :. NswTOBK,-8tesdy; sales 1,195; middling up lands 1214c; middling Orleans 12ic; consolidated net reoerpta 3.799; exports to ureat Britain 9,030 to Franee 1,155; to continent 4202; to cbanner . Ltvhbpoou Noon Moderate lnqulrj freely sup plied; middling uplands 6 11-16Q; middling Or leans 0d;'8alefl 10,000; speculation and exports 2W0; BBoelpts. 18,800; American 9,950j Dp lapda low middling clause: April delivery B41-64d:.ADrllandMay 6 41-64d: May and June 6 48 4da 42'64dffi 43-84dr June and July 8 4HJ4d; amy and August '50-4d August and September 6 5iVtJ4d; September and October ,; Octpber and November . Futures quiet. PI 01 MOTT 0! WE F1AVE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFIt GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES - Th;U the P.ib'lc cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, FUTURES. Nw .Yost -iNet reoeiDts 503: gross - Futures olosed steady; sales 92, 000. bales. .AprU....... Ma$ . ........ June... ... July..:. Ausrast u.;., 6e,ptetnber.... October Npember ...... . December... January February. Maran. 12.2ffl.27 iZ.HVff, 32 12.45affi.4B 12 rtoa.Bi 12.75a.76 11 67S.B8 11.4B 48 11.47a 4fl ll.58ffl.59 FlNAMCIAIi Kkw Yosx. Weather. Was Iicbaniw 1 Oorernments ttrong, i&QVt blgber New 5 s,. 4.86 1.0176 SHIKClTON, April 20. Middle At- I Sauriaad balf per cents, i.iu lantic Statei fair weather, westerly SLrr aui' Vii . . . a - w - - I UUUDI . . . vtfi'n winds, nighet barometer, CJNGRESS YESTERDAY. THE MISSISSIPPI IBPROrEajENT BILL RESUMED IX THE SENATE 915,000,000 ASKED FOR. originally published, lia, the rfceidsvi 4,P Times, ht self-explanatory : . . atiplyiM raOnfcy w the distretiii of Danville. Vx. Aoril 8. 1862. 1 the river commission , to rebuuflirig ot apiT. C.3PnM'$9e?3 W ' lleveea. He said the question was to vin a recent conversation With a gaU toa constituents tne most important or lant llac7Clenexats:the Confederate I the session; that the area covered by armv:"Ain'nnMnnmlanf n.W, KA f fV, v ana fit AirapfiA vrAiMllrlcr .ar. infantrv. in the late wartisfidithA bavU waa iatirer than that of the States otlMLaifliai.aftyfDriaani.aiJaa.fiBkfjrji! tiiaiw? netinlheoriel4f5HetepMth N3W Hampshire iXfiraeai.si&jJpi tjgg, TOi Ot snppose,theie t mpnt, Connecticut and Hbede -to .SS5.TaEaSKtoS tho peopley on1 , votes case xqr ft. 1 There! WerellsiJtt Drohibition. '883 ictafii and 5,881 non-committal, who, while voting upon the constitution did not vote upon the Chinese" pffippji tioh. The inajuribj lui pruuiuiuon -Was 14774 which snows now the people of that State regard the Chinese as an element ot ICftjaoxw And this Is About what the people or an the Pacific States think about it ! In obedience to a .proclamation by the governor, in accordance with a res olntion adopted by the legislature, the people of Ohio wul'&rn out "oft the 27th Instant to plant saplings by the road- riiilfMid ytlw abfr 41 W'treeplantlhg is well The House Postpones the Considera tion of the Mississippi Contested Cases and Continnes the Discussion of the Tariff Commission Bill, McKenzie, of Kentucky, Making the Principal Speech. Washinoto?, April 20. Senate. The President sent the following nominations to the Senate to-day:1 Al phonso Taf t. of Ohio, to be envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipoten tiary of the United States to Austria Wm L. Dayton, of New Jersey, to be minister resident of the United States to the Netherlands; Nicholas Fish, of New York, to b6 minister resident to John M. Francis, of falling fol lowed by rising temperature. soutn Atlantic ana .East ti tilt fair weather, south westerly winds, station ary or higher "barometer, stattonary or higher temperature. Vvest Gulf fair weather, southerly winns, lqwer Darometer, stationary or higher temperature. Tennessee and Ohio valley fair weather, south westerly winds, rising followed by falling barometer, station ary or higher temperature. Bkoford aluvakd Iron sprihss Watxb ajtd lUsa The great tonic and -alterative contains lwloe as much. Iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing lor the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold bj all druggists of anj standing. Prices reduced one half. '' : mail 1-41 . ' MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH 1Aln4nm TAtm X4 Vrnnia Jaxtr machine, and dictate its course as here-tTork, to be charge daffalrs to Portu- tofore. The iteople of this State, we gal ; J. p. Wictersham, of rennsylvania take it are too intelligent, and have had too bitter experience of Radical rule in the past, to be caught in such a trap as is proposed to be set for them, and enticed into this so-called liberal coali tion combination, set and adjusted by trigger-workers Mott & Co. The game is too thin, too easily seen through to deceive those who do not wish to be de ceived. They propose, however, to play it for all it is worth, and have evident- y based their hopes of victory on the success of the coalition which they hav.fr I ueen uoiug vueir uest w euect. BAYONET CHARGES. During the "late unpleaaantuess'"bay- to bs charge danairs to Denmark; Adam Badeau, of New York, to be con sul general at Havana. At 2 o'clock the Senate temporarily laid aside the regular order, the Missis sissippi improvement bill, and McDUl addressed the Senate upon the regula tion of the inter-State commerce bill, introduced by him, creating a board of railway commissioners, being informal ly taken up. Upon the conclusion of his remarks the bill was referred. : A message was received from the President relative to the convention to define the boundary line between the United States and Mexico. Referred. v The-Honsebill appirlating 05,000 to supply the deficiency for the current year waa called upland. passed. xne mair tnen announcea tne Mis- iPRIL 20, 1882 PBODUCB. Wilmington, n. C Spirits turpentine dull, at 54c. Eoslndull; strained $1.92tv good sualned $1.97. Tar steady, at fl.SR. Crude Turpentine weak, at Ks.3o ior nara: to ior reiiow aip; j:i.76 for virgin (new). Com unchanged ; prime white $1.01; mixed 02, Balttkobx Noon Flour quiet and unchanged; Howard street and Western super S8 75336.00; extra S5.26f2sStt.25; family S0.6OiS7.5O; City Mills, super H.60eft4.J5; extra 85 00387.80; Bio brands $7 37S$7.60. Wheat Southern easier; Western active and higher; Southern red $1.45SS1.6e; amber 1.5&asi.ti2; No. 1 Mary land 81-60 a&ksa; Ho, 2 Western winter red spot, $1.47 asked. Corn Southern easier; Western aotlTeand higher; Southern white 92Ma; Southern yeuow Hmw. BAiurnoBX Nteht Oati. lower: Southern 59331; Western wnite 6063, latter an extreme; mixed 58Q59; Pennsylranla 68)261. Provisions Brm and unchanged ; mess pork $18.50 $19 50. Hulk mean shoulders and: clear rib sides, packed VHV Bacon-shoulders IH4; clear no sides vw, haras vainaiVA. lam re fined 12H. Coflee duH; Bin cargoei ordlnarj to fair 81A391A Buwup-steady: lioftia WHls- at i.vs,i iio. irreigau nominal. Money.. State bonds generally Inactive Sub-treasury balances Gold.. $86,628 " " Currency.... 3 914 Stocks. 11 A. M. The stock market opened strong, and M-dl per cent higher than yesterday's closing prices, the latter for the Nashville 4 Chattanooga. In early dealings a decline of iS) per cent took place, the Michigan Central and the New Jersey Central leading therein, after which the market sold up l&ai per cent, the latter for the Missouri Pacific, while the Alton A Terre Haute preferred advanced ii per cent, to 59. Stocks Irregular : Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 HIVa Alal lama Class A. small 81 Mg Ala! xuna-Class B, 5's 1 . 2Vi Alabama Class c. 4's. 85 , Chicago and Northwestern l-275fe' Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.3754 Krla,, 361 cast Tennessee 1 1 Georgia. l.fin 111 nols Central. 1 3514 Lake Shore l.'3 Louisville and Nashville 743 Memphis and Charleston 54 Nashville and Chattanooga HOlfe New York Central 1 -J2 Vi Pittsburg.... 137 Richmond and Allegheny 21 Bichroond and Danville 1.15 Boek Island 127 South Carolina Brown Consols, 1 02 Wabash, St. Louis A Pacific 27tfc Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferrd no Weslenrfnlon. 81 CITY COTTON MABKET. Omci of The Obsekter, l Charlotte, April 21, 1882. 1 The market yesterday closed firm at the fol lowing quotations: Good Middling 114 Strictly middling, 11 Middling. 11 Strict low middling 1 1 14 Low middling 11 Tinges 10l0l& Storm cotton 7S,9i,fa Sales yesterday 174 bales. , key arm, CiHcnrnATi Hour bnet chances, wneTeHhposlng: linea WmiTOi JHfetSt J actually met in deadly conflict were anything but frequent, but that it did occur sometimes cannot admit of doubt. On this subject the following letter, order of Diisiness, and after a statement bv.MiileraOt California, tnAt.ne,wottii lurfer pressihfif the Chines bill until ; hinj? orderwaa aisposed of, leoige proceeaea -toa voeate tne 0111 let and firmi-family Wheau-duu and Prices a shade-lower: No. 2 red winter S 1 Isfr f3$1.41. Corn dull Bd lowen No. 2 mrxed. 1 781. oats -easier ;. -firm, at S1V.UU. meats-firm and combmatlon sales of finished goods. 720 barrels. on a basis of $Llt . Sugar quiet and unchanged ; hards lOU&Ui Sew Orleans 7ter)8. Jogs steady; common and tight $5.7 56 87.BO,--packing and butchea $a.uux5. . ; Chicaqo. Flour firm andnuchanged; commdn to fancy white winter extra $0 503540 ; flnter superfine $.5oa$l5.RQi.lew te ebolce Western nrlne extra $4.003$? JOD; common to fancy Mln- nesoU spring extr $5. 00j87.50 ; poor to aancy uy(79.ha w peat M coold not, 1 all combined; acres of ares an Instant-pi. .You, Mr. Editor, know that af. Wil-1 It contained 24.000.000 aci liaMSbWff in 1862.the 13th North fsn'rw'' 1 WtfiaMTCtir WHfcri TtTOrmore tnan 2li Una volunteers not onlv usd thn rwfe loon Jua net-butrirad-rt-rised-aCTiust them." The! mated that, it lbeayea, werejebhUt late XapL GiLe3j Barley,, of!Uckin?-1 oxer 10)00acrea of, tlie best laodlh. ham. eaflant isoldieri fa-ne friend and the world would be brooeht into cailti- noble man Be ISwMJwlBMisaTaledifet life i VatibrfJWHrcH 'al-8 -Vdt? ribWenttivktedV AU. uim utw.V fvuip e with his fcwerd feciit 1 the hands ot.tiift'eaemi county of Caswell, members of thati wtivin wMch eunivaiion bM pro regiment still live whose persons bear ed tr tbat section sinc 4be.' warspo mu 'Wyonet, wounds: iJpounia .pjfKauj a.ni,ppcea, Wlllm ffMianMifJredfiidftlfid.or whose I Seweo And a half rnillioracrean! .cdttbtf living body will be produced if 'this lalitf3-,wMehWdWdsVBdi wouldjpW statement is questioned, still lives, who i a Qcen'nnu al vieid worth about yvwa tower. hade Jowecat &QIM tor oash and a EilSb for May. Poxk-Uvfalj dematftT and at $18.20 for cash and Iprfl; $17,453$ 18.J0 for May. Lara--acuve ana snad wwri;at$i 1.25 tor cash find Aprte 81l25SU7Msilor'May. $ W 7a I hlskeyBteady, and unchanged, at Milti'.ili to Jutnt ni Ji; .iui'.ii ' ! . Nvr;jo3K-ftherBi fiotav finni.etimmin to ,lalr. extra. $6V70S$aOKX,, opd to . ohotoe extra $6.65$8 tfhe&lzPiQ)lMfi Peher, uhsetttod nd feyerMh wt 2' Slphfig $ W4fi t ungraded .red 1.08ei$li52W)fiNe.,'SMlrUaiv4aW;; May jufsjSlinwir? f ranee: e.Hd eMBHMr Srtrr VwtrthrMil : nn. ersdedOTfiI94i NudJapiAr9r2)9;iMi:i)dats- ym plotting weaK ; steady and qutet; sales low ordmsryfilo lagtnt, hVs-8ngftr-nntibangfl(UB pdcaa and -dull; fair tot good ana HOW TO TELL GENUINE SIMJTIONS LIVER REOU LATOB, OR MEDICINE. Look for clean neat WHITE WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon It In the form of a ribbon gracefully eurved Into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula. Mortar and Graduate wl h the words A. Q. SIM MONS' XIVEB REGULATOR or MEDICINK there en, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., in red ink on the side. TARE NQ OTHER. Beware of those wb know nothing of Medical Compounds who put 01 nostrums known to sour, and being analyzed provV onhle.s and only made to fleece the public, and to pirate on tbe well earn ed reputation of Zeilln & Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a few. penneys every way they can. See Who Riidorties tlie Genuine. Hon, Alex H Stephens, RtvRev. Jno. W. Beckwlth, Bishop of Ga., Gep. Jno B. Gordon, U. S. fcenator, Hit Her: tnsnop fierce, Hon. Jno. Gill shorter, J. Edgar Thompson, Ben. B. H. BtH, . Hon J. C. 5rektar!Hge, Prof DavlcrWlHis. r. I).- . OrtM ausiiee Mrjara warner. or ia. i Lewis Wunder,tAflslstant P-M. Pnila Pa, and thousand? of 6thets .wxtffm we have let lers Or eomMicnaaiiOTi suu reroiuuicuuiiwuu It Is eminently a Famtly; Medfiolne; and by be !m knt read? Jar immediate resort Bill save many an hour ot suffeflng and many a dullar In nme- ana oocrors- rain. el X A. I ( K. k. A 1 r Sn. T Ml AA. S. AAlA.- J-" JLnwm 1 Jktyarw AlAUi tfK?AAUT '1 fVw. Mf JiiiV ' , j l i ueBOflrsLxa nnriniiLfir. i HKinc oul culluii hull buki muua i umci; owuiuwu a hob. juuiudbcs urui uiu ua jnsibrother wrf wMjled hy I bfeycJ we had sfcHl- one ; miUion nacres 4o 1 lBaSoof net in the handsof a brave foe, had A neeuee, -Kentucky,, IlMnbis and Sffisf f SffiSt'iaSiiffijc readv Overcome, in dearilv hnrl tn hand Rnnri. miitahlft .fhf'VHfi1 rirrSdllCtioO of Sroolr'atfi8alW.' WSSl-hfl and aefDrissed: conflictthe second man, who dared to.iSeiMWanch would 11 uAjuuuia wuu mm. wno were l me proauciion anu weaiiuui uiBuuuu-i-jjjiy ogQjj7rj.' new $18.123818 25. Mld th brave men that so recklesslv con- llrT!bVnT0t9ntinr'U!s aTeaifrpm over- idresrerj' flrnF' and 'demand IfeM; long dear iudiu wira openeuaooui tcow jower $18! it: le UffiSOc lo Cl08lB flm,: with tested with us on that bloody day?f flowratra 'fhe fubstiorl-1 was whejther What,reiment, in all that host of Fed- , Congress would- arMVoprtofaB'thneoee-i eral troops used the bayonet on the only sary money to this end'or consrefa that ocasioinlcnown or Keard irjf.rso far as eomltrT to?ah eternal jungle andwestv the knowledge pt ;.ydWoCbrres the inquiry whyV'if ,thia extends? It waa understood that itrl eonntrvvwas , capable iof r sucfar produce Lard-opeiied about flrra' Lard- but afterwards recovered .Dr. SimmoDs' Liver Regulator MANUFACTTJBKD ONLY BT J. It. ZtlL,IN $ CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by ail Respectable Druggist?. feb24, . . - and .i n 'nairi ek: War tn r $lt,52vnrreirht8 to- LTVerpooT market dull ( nottrtnalJ Cotton, pe iteam J3-82dOt- was a Pennsylvania regiment to atty 5? the.lntellitreapOhdentaof i make the , necessary, improvements no,' xnab the Philadelphia Times advise us. 1 . . Yours, E. B. Withers, , , Col, 13th N. 0. Reg. C. S. A If tnl paragraph catches the eye-of any man who was a member of Heth's jlHyftioi, imM 1inia, for; tbmsdvefl. he said., that1 its' wealth. was not actual but potential,! ana.Wee-rottrths of that class, , whicn I ..:; us f.n ii I:;r. JJUl .1 OALviarraBWDuri: middlteg' diiaKtJlles good, ordinary 1 ..nnonjdd!fjom-thft goifefaimen' f;J 11 ei Km i mid-Bi-netxeeekkts1 1 34rr6ss - mrnvWa 8.W ?Stt JSfavJ rjomoossttW ' 0r WTeai.wwn ,io; to eonHhernt innt u -i .i,;')-'.lnoZ fun; o eyeJopment. He said Uie tMnk In' tlie JaharaolerifltinR Vi fMt we sissipptnr.thetare ; of piY.eni.socesrn ap- at lauuuj worthy of imitation thev States, In Prnaaia. which had perhaps the best thousand officials. Through the system adopted she has ertea the f eTtUf ty of her good lands and reclaimed others, while the revenue arisiMfrpm thtjaie pne of,imbir not mmGX maintaining the system , hut Mturps, large surplus annually to the state. fnaj wao jwas vms minH nn 1AV Han UTatr IDOril,. UWWllim MilrUI lllfl 1BVKH SVRMm, I T. . i . ji ' ' i , , 7 . ry reguiiflwiaB .1410 ana. ue ithine. recwiee ' vividly re-called. Heth's men crossed Hefetffthatthfettdwinibf, nonrtTsi I Brmtn tii43; 10 maiLB fevees results 1 ?rdRFOtM-Onlet: nMddUni 1 TS; nel retelpt, 792!: -nsii-H-n3 atoek 80,272 ept" feoajit- wlse ,768;. sales ,lBQeWPn Pt Britain Baltdvobi Qulat middling 12Vee; mup wu spmners tor exporw 10 i5loonluent .! ' middling 12Vee; lowj rnioi i fst irtll vet theirivtr 4& in the face Artillery fuel formed a nine rom the conced Ureat 'A um nmiw 004; . . nnnnnn! OLD WADE HEW WITK .s :. in OftBBINl JUST RECEIVED. apr2 SMSf ITiado Steee BURGESS NICHOLS, WI- bUmIi and KeUg Dotie li ILL KINDS Of FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL LODI 49 AND LOUHQJI, Parlor & Chamber Suits, conmai ea au. diosm kakb. s WBST adi sfunrr. CBASLORB, M. E BROTHER Statesville, IN". C LARGEST STOCK- op GENERAL ME RCHANDISE OX THE lOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND IS COMPETITION Willi AV JOBBERS IN THE COUNTRY. THEY WILL BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl8 ly . . r .... iri ea do wer,o improve . qq j cnanneia nn ! ""-Jirauair Msw. 1 in 1 mrnrBi ! imur naimiinfr i mm: Best In tlie ,WorM.W I6R ALE BY,. 8, SPENCER &: .CO of . battle . io the face of the enemy Atiora nn r m a mtttt ..,,1 uki . 1 . , r " . AfM&iwfirifclnfthA'lfrtMrVf HVAaifwArVa Tth nnnstifcntional nownr nf CMtim? of taving surrendered the first and pad Jines f af tot 4eayftfia.ilaWng. solved to hold the third at all hazards , I ed the opinions of experto' ah: ohers poru Great BnuJLTi offienftSLr toWTl,9dr( w : M M. lIKnillui 888: exnorrl tura WdUsg nan IO r'a-W iteett'C .111!:! i!f. ill : ! , sskrdllniii llej dBB.7 M M M MrtfM H M U Tin T 8 IT" .Tib In: OOD RESTORED. tePrttaenfee1 &mi Prema- l)erjarr.' ii08t3Hnnd, etc., whicaia iIF FEEB dresa J. ni'ltliEVESL I.- ,' I OUK SPEING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Btfore Making their Purchases. HANDSOME 8EOCK OF New Carpels, Oil Cloths l logs, HOtTSE PtTBHISHIIia GOODS A SPBCULT7, Hie Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries in the City. CA.XiIj -A- H S3 3D 33 T3SI3D1VI. ELLAS & COHEN. maris lm miscellaneous. --AT WILDER'S NewDrugStore ou will find a choice and complete stock of PURE FRESH DRUGS, Colden's, Leiblg's Liquid Extract WE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY A NEW SUPPLY OK BLACK and GREEK TEAS for the retail trade. R. H. JORDAN & CO., TKYON STREET. - CF- BEEF and TOMC IWIf.OKAIOIt. tby'it; CIGARS t! TOBACCO, Deluding tfte fap)fiT.i ptftypA hrand of Cigars 'toijals and Toilet Articles. ari as?ortmeht, and everything generally kept in a firsfwas? DrnsfStore.' Special. attention given to nysieians rresenpuons aay ana nignr. sans faction guaranteed. apr " ' t? '.CoXVt Street VIOLA COLOGNE, Quarts, Pints ana Half Pints, refreshing and i;ist Ing. For sale by R.IL JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. IMPORTED BAY RUM, In Quarts, Plutj and Half Flut.. Colghtes Ylolet and Florida Water, R.IL JORDAN & CO. DR. SCOTT'S ELECTRIC HAIR and FLESH BKDSHIS. R. H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGIST3. RUSSIAN tSfcU FLOWER. SEED, for sale br3 R. H. JORDAN & CO. 5,000 CIGARS For the Retail Trade, Just Received, by R. H. JORDAN & CO. A FINE STOCKS PAINT and 'WHITE WASH BRUSHES. All colors PAIJiTS In small cans. R. H. JORDAN & CO., api8 TRION STREET.

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