iRIDAYAPRIL 21, 18L Indexed Sw Advertisements. ' T p J R ie -Plantation and mill for sV.e. Y. l Glover For Kent. BUSINESS NOTICES. A Down Town Merchant, Havins passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed ty the agonies and cries of a suffering child, anl becoming convinced that Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home ind acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to the child, lis she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering, and the narents without sleep. Returning home the day following, the fatber -found the baby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning bright and hap py The mother was -delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless nights hare disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. jiciu Advertise intents. Absolutely Pure. Ill's powder never varies. A marvel of purity strrrigth and whulesomeness. More economica than the ordinary Kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multliude of low test, short Wfttht, a um or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. ov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Disease is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure t'ue disease the causs must be removed, ard In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURB Is es tablished on Jmt this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CEN T. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. Theelemen'S of which It is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem.. For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinsr Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of Imposters, imitations and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer?. If. II. WARNER Sc CO., Rochester, N. If. arris mm Removed TO Corner College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PERLUB'S OLD STAND,) and ridding- to cur already large Stock - OF CORN, FLOUR, II AY, BRAN, ' MEAL, STOCK FEED. A FULL LINE OF Choice Family Groceries, AT BOTTOM PRICES. We are ready and will be glad to serve our old friends and the public generally with Goods In cur line as LOW as the LOWEST, and respect fu iy solicit a share of your patronage. A. J.Beall&Co. I'. S - We have 1,000 bushels White Corn to se:i ON TIME. Ihose in need will do well to call tuid see us. fpru Early Vegetables, CABB iGE, GREEN PEAS, ASPABAGUS, RADISHES, Ac, at S. M. HOWELL'S. apr20 Dwelling for Rent. A Four room dwelling comer of Sixth and Gra ham streets, will be rented on reasonable Urrms. for the remainder of this year. Apply to prl9 5t OATE8 BROS. A CO. THREE SAFES. 1rOR SALE, any two of three ' Fire Proof 8afei. all of them the best of makes.. One small, j one medium and one large. Ap- Ply to or Bridresa ((ROYAL msh jk xl Am CHAS. B. JONES, Prop'r Obsibtij aprl8 tt Home chiplbts, tSTBusiness guiet, ana the stand pipe noisy all day yesterday. tThe atandpipe behind the court house had reached a height of about 43 feet yesterday. iW No mayor's court yesterday. The city has become quite a model of order and sobriety. tW Thank heaven Charlotte don't have a municipal election this year. We know how to sympathize with our neighbors in the surrounding towns. m Rev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor of Tryon Street Methodist church, will preach to-night preliminary to a series of protracted meetings, which it is pro posed to conduct at that church. tW In consequence of the services at the Tryon Street Methodist church to-night the regular weekly meeting of the Library Association will be omit ted. ItYesterday there was to be seen at the dry goods store of Mr. Williams, on Trade street, a bunch of rye six feet eight inches in height, raised on the farm of Mr. William Todd, Paw creek, this county. C3lt is said that the standpipe will L completed about the second week in May, and that the rest of the water works being already completed, the fire companies ought to give a grand water works exhibition on the 20th. E2F"There is certainly a good deal of depravity in human nature; and so doubtlessly thought the straight-backed youth whose hat blew off in the square yesterday afternoon, and trun dled gaily across the street while the spectators smiled benignantly, and the "nigger" stopped his wagon to laugh with safety. tgThe sun has begun to make his powei felt; and a youth with a porta ble tent over his head was to be seen about the square yesterday morning. Couldn't the city furnish the police force with these elegant and conven ient contrivances ? We would like im mensely to see them thus arrayed. ' a-. . - Remember the Concert To-Night. Dvn'i lurge; the musical concert at the Female Institute to-night. It will be recherche in all its details, and the programme is a delightful musical menu. And who does not love music? "Music the fiercest grief can charm, And rate's Scveiet rage disarm; Music can soften pala to eae. And make despair and madness p'ease: Our Joys below it can Improve. And antedate the bliss above." Sagacity of a Horse. A widow lady on the east side of the city planttd and sowed, but was saved the trouble of reaping, a crop of beans and other vegetables; for Wednesday night an old horse from a neighbor's lot made his way into the garden, and when he was found the crop was gath ered in. Thoughtful ou the part uf the horse, but the owner of the garden would have preferred to do the gather ing herself. At Home and Abroad for May. 'Hie May number of this popular magazine has been sent out to sub scribers, and it affords us pleasure to say that its pages continue to grow in popularity. We feel proud of this be cause it is .i North Carolina enterprise a Southern work of merit, but prouder still because it is a Charlotte publica tion, published by TnE Observer printing house. Go on your mission, cherey, bright, modest, welcome visitor. Lighten the household cares of many a sunny home Ly enabling the matron, or the maiden just budding into wo. manhood, to while away tedious hours by reading your chaste pages. Go into gem-bespangled palaces, as well as to the humble cottage, and carry with you the intelligent, christianizing influences which have always marked your course. Elevate Southern literature and teach the world that "good can come out oi Nazareth." The Horse Stealing Case. Austin Howerton was brought before Justice Waring yesterday, on a charge of stealing a horse, the property of Wm. Hearne, of Albermarle, Stanly county, in March last. Mr. Hearne lost his horse on the 13th of March, and advertised the mat ter in The Charlotte Observer, offering a reward of $50 for the capture of the thief and $25 for the recovery of the horse. Through this advertisement, he received a communication from Mr. A. II. Stewart, to the effect that he had seen a man pas3 his house about the timo of the robbery, riding a horse answering to the description of the missing animal. Before the magistrate, Stewart swore positively to Howerton as the man he had seen with the horse. Howerton, however, brought a number of witnesses who testified to having seen him on the day in question, and also on the previous and succeeding days, about the place of Dr. Miller where he lives, and which i3 a consider able distance from Stewart's house, and also from Mr. Hearne's place. Justice Waring decided that the prisoner had established an alibi, and he was, there fore, acquitted. The horse is still miss ing. A further charge was then preferred against him of stealing a mule, the property of Mr. Guilford Hatley, also of Stanly county, on the 18th of Janu ary last Mr. McGuinnis, living about eight miles from Charlotte, in this county, testified to having seen Hower ton on the 19th of January riding past his place on horseback, and looking back from time to time at a mule, which followed him at a distance. He, how ever, rode off, and Mr. McGuinnis took charge of the mule until Hatley came, identified it, and it was given up to him. Several other witnesses gave evidence which tended to strengthen the case against Howerton, and then he, not having any witnesses present, was bound over in a sum of $500 for his appearance at the May term of the In ferior Court, the witnesses having to give bonds in 8100 each. Howerton succeeded in obtaining satisfactory se curity, and was set at liberty. THAT HUSBAND OF MINK, Is three times the man he was before he began using "Wells' Health Beuewer." 11. Druggistr. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. Eloentiom at the tJfiWjtSffj Normal Sckool jf ..? ' ' We learn that Prof. 3. H.Bayhill will hare charge of thel department of elo cution during the neil fSssioQ of the University Normal SchdoXsTi) facul ty of the Illinois College say com mend him as a master in his depart ment" - x Dr. R. H. Lewis, oi Kins ton, will lec ture on physiology and hygiene. Dr. Lewis is a fine practical physician and a teacher of ripe experience. Georgia Knights Templar. Charlotte Knights Templar need something to infuse a little more life into their organization. How would a trip to Sayannah do? The News of that city says : "The annual grand conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Georgia will convene in Savannah on the 17th of May, on which occasion that august body, and all Sir Knights who may honor the occasion with their presence, will be the guests of Palestine Com mandery, No. 7, of this city, Besides the subordinate commanderies of this State, it is expected that South Carolina Commandery, No. 1, of Charleston, the eldest body of Templars in America, the Jacksonville Commandery, of Jack sonville, Fla and several others, among them some from the Western and Northern cities, will be present Ex tensive preparations are already on foot to give the 'pilgrim warriors from afar' a warm welcome in the Forest City, and those who do not attend will be 'pilgrims penitent' indeed, and will regret when too late, that they were not present." Early Closing. The early closing movement is com ing to the front. As something for our merchants to think about and act upon, if they see fit, we give them the benefit of a clipping from the Greensboro Morning News. If a similar unani mous action should be found practica ble in Charlotte, it would doubtless be welcomed by the clerks and other, as sistants in the various stores in the city. On April 14th, we understand, the following agreement was signed by all the merchants of Greensboro, ' ex cepting two or three, whose signatures Will doubtless be obtained: "We, the undersigned, merchants of the city of Greensboro, do positively agree that we will close our places of business at 7:30 o'clock p. m., Saturdays excepted, from May 1st to September 1st, 1882. For every violation we agree to forfeit and pay the sum of five dol lars to the city tax collector, and sub mit to being published in the city papers as having violated our obliga tions. One-half of the fines thus col lected shall be paid to the party inform ing and furnishing evidence of convic tion, the other half to be held by the city treasurer, to be used as two-thirds majority of the signers may decide, after paying all expensesof publication, &c, the fines to be imposed and col lected when any store is found open or the sale of goods is made after eight o'clock p. m., excepting Saturdays and the sale of goods for burial purposes, all fines collected to be held by R. M; Rees, city tax collector, after allowing him the same fees for collections as are allowed on collections. " Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel. W W Boyd, T G Morgan, Frank Lederle, Miss Georgia Prather, Atlanta, Ga ; Ruf us S Merrell, S B King, D L Gurnsey, W W Canuth, S M Merrill, Boston, Mass ; E C Spin ney, Burlington, Iowa ; L C Johnston, Philadelphia; J H W Sterns, Geo Sin clair, Lancaster, S C; J F Love, Mt Holly, N C ; J W Ramsey, C H Guild, Baltimore ; Ed C Ray, H M Munsell, E H Hotchkiss, A W Porter, New York ; W B Wilson, Rock Hill, S C; F S Wil liams, Virginia; J M Birmingham, Miss M i5 Little, Jesse Edwards and wife, Mrs Covington, Wadesboro, N C; Di J W Huckabee, T H Leary, Jr, Thomas Adkins, S T Berendge, Richmond, Va; T T upper, New Orleans; C L Turner, W D Turner, Iredell ; J H Wells, Shel by, NC; M Wood, J W Bulla, W E Gibson, Washington, D C; P M Brown, D E Allen, N C ; W T Newman, Ga; D J Rea, Providence: Geo S Evans, Fair View, N J ; E James, P J Tate, Lin colnton, N C ; J M Taylor, Lynn, Mass ; R J Misenheimer, Concord ; E W Tate, Mt Island; C H Stockett, Nashville, Tenn ; C C'Covington, J T Alderman, Wilmington, N C; Mrs J D Shaw, Rockingham ; J J Vann, J C Austin, C N Simpson, Monroe. Charlotte Hotel B A Brown, Brownsville, N C ; Ruf us Lefles, G Gat ley, Stanly county ; A C Freeman, W H Hearne, Albemarle county ; John N Little, John A Young, -R & D R R; J B Eaves, Rutherf ordton, N C ; L B El lis, Laurinburg, N C; C W Lamy, Mon roe; L H Robinson; T R Wolfe, Pine ville; WS Gray.C C & A R R; John Traylor, Salisbury; D Stanton, York county, S C; Hugh S Spencer, William Spencer, Jno M Knox, Chicago; T L Neil, Michael Donald, Tim Donald. Washington, D C; J D Austin, EH Austin, Florida; Wm T Simpson, New York; Isaiah Shuttle, Augusta, Ga; M T Saville, H A Starnes, West Rutland, Vt; Daniel H Hope, Connecticut; Jnp W Houch, T H Devereaux, Baltimore ; R A Smith, Greensboro ; L L Johnson, Philadelphia; N Dumdnt Lowell, N C; S H Lowe, Lowesville, N C. A New Comet. Another comet is about to pay us a visit. It is at present only discovera ble through a telescope, but is expected shortly to come within the range of our unaided vision. But everybody Who can command the use of a telescope ought to get at least one look at the new comet before it becomes visible to the naked eye. It is a sight to be re-' membered, especially if the comet should make as great display within two months as the astronomers predict it will. Remembering that this gives promise of being one of the grandest comets ever seen, it is interesting to look at it in its babyhood. It is far from possessing anything imposing in its appearance. The inexperienced ob server has to look twice before seeing it at all, especially if the telescope he is using be of small apetirre. - Yet any body can tee that it is an infant Her cules. Ik'liM'a.ftl'W.ato pact andbrilUant, and i trails behind it in its parrtfJiop-lBneaay flight a little, straight bright tail, bigger already away out there in space than most comets are able to display at their peri- helfon. Looking at this little cornel I the telescope, It is difficult tofi ea2 it power and possibilities, 6t com pr tUecd t the speed With fcvbieh it U during to ara tb UH. ' fwi-.Jjirv. si-.- i The later' WeisuTes- fcrmftrnl Ihefirst f calculations that tpe cbmet will go ex- traorclinarily close to the sun. No as tronomer .has succeeded in identifying it with an previous comet,' and it is probable that j tbia is its first visit to the solar system, at least since men have made records of celestial pheno mena. It is hot impossible that it last exhibited the glories of its train to the inhabitants of the worlds revolving around some distant fixed star. The question is frequently asked, "How large will the comet be ?" . It is impos sible to say more than that, judging from the brightness of its nucleus and the present rate of increase in the size of its tail, it ought to be a more brilliant comet than that of last summer. But nobody can promise that it win be, be cause the nature of comets and the laws that govern the development of their tails are not weH enough under stood to enable astronomers to make positive predictions concerning their appearance. - . This comet's position when Hearing the sun will not be such as to give us the best view of its tail. The comet of 1858, like this, one, was watched from the time that it appeared as a faint ob ject in the telescope until, hanging in the western heavens, it seemed to span half -the arch of the sky, making the autumn evenings brilliant with its light. By the 1st of May this comet should be conspicuous to the naked eye. Interesting Case. From the Tolsnot Sonney Home. On the lOth of March an adult negro boy, on the farm of Mr. So well Whitley, accidentally received a wound in the head from a small pocket pistol, the ball entering the brain immediately between the eyes, and ranging obliquely to the right making a very small wound. Dr. Herring, who was called to the case, found the boy in a semi comatose con dition and completely paralyzed on the left side of his body, Both sensation and motion completely lost, the median line being so exactly marked that- to Knch the left sfde of his nose made no lpfessiony but to rArich the right side made hini' wince. ' The docter probed the wound two inches, and found the boy's brains ooz ing out left with the understanding that a9 soon as deathtook place he was to be informed, and the location of the ball found by post morem examination. The boy is now living, and able to walk about with a stick. Sensation has been restored, and some little motion per ceptible in muscles M his thigh. The wound has healed, and all pain left his -head. His arm and shoulder are per fectly helpless, but he can drag his root along and stand upon it to . make his Dext step. He-4augbs with the right side of his mouth, can put bis tongue out straight, and sees much better with his right than his left eye. The query for the profession is, where is the ball, and will it kill him? Homicide in Kershaw. Lancaster Review. We understand that a homicide was committed in Kershaw county lasfSat urday, the particulars of which are as follows: A man named Daniel Peach while intoxicatdd went to Mr. Thomas Cauthen'srmill. which is situated in the upper part of Kershaw county, and got into a difficulty with the miller whose name is Clark. Peach drew his knife and attempted to cut Clark, whereupon Clark struck Peach in thehead with a mallet killing him instantly. Clark sur rendreed himself to the nearest Trial Justice, Tennesse State Debt. Baltimore Son. The question of the settle ment of the Tennessee State debt is expected to come up before the Legislature, now in ses ion at Nashville, A dispatch from a leading banker, always weir informed on such subjects, says that it is asserted. quite positively that the Donanoiaers will propose a setlement at sixty cents for the principal, with 4, 5 6 per cent in terest, and that it will be accepted by a majority of the Legislature. Lydla B. Flnkham's Vegetable Compound has done, thousands of women more good than the medicines of manj doctors. It Is a positive core for all female complejnts. Send to Mrs. Lydla E Plnkham. MARRIED. On Wednesday evening, April J2th, 1682, at 68 Centre street. Baltimore, by the Kt. W. N. Murk land, D. D., Miss Anna Ju UcKaj Dr- B" Frontls, of Lexington, N. C. , DIED. Yesterday, Wm.G. Hunter, grandson of Mr. Wm. H. Hunter, of Mallard Creek townabip.of typhoid pneumonia, at the age of 21 years. zxo &dtrersemeiits. FOR RENT. ATHBEB room' brk cottage, goed water and garden, on B street, near the Baptist church, Armlv tti P. M. BIGLI apr20 44 PLANTATION i MILL ' FOR SALE. IOraXBfor stile at a btrrfarn'mr plantation lying on the waters of Big Sugar Creek, near and partly within tn lnoorporatfou f Ploerllle, containing 150 acres of choice farming- land. On the land there are '50 acres efprtmeval fdr it, 40 aeJM of toe bottom Hand or the rery bet auailty, and 40 to 60 acne, of , uplands , to eulttra on. besides the bottom Adapted to tne cultivation of.ootton. corn.'Ae. On the premises there tt a fine merchant and saw milL lost newly renovate, with water power sufficient to turn the maehlaery of a targe cotton mill with from 8.000 to 10.000 spindles if de sired. The pnbMe road leads through the planta tion, and the residence is situated enly a few bun dred yards from the depot of Pineville.. Any one desirous of examining the property can call on or address me at Ptoerllie. V. C. apr21 d2t w tf T D. Jy BKA. FOR RENT. ANCW. Brie Cottage, eootaalng flte rooms and fcttchea, good well of water, tfitnfctnd wtthln one Mock of the DubMo square. Apply to F. B. QLOYKH. anrai 8t . - . Airb ' ioiDg MaeMnef j FOR SALE. - tt wtt.t, nffa Um at nubile out nr. at Oro. JL Chesterfield county, a C, on the 2nd ant8HC PATS of mat ju. r, n not sooner sou, a vara ble Lot oi KnglnesaBd other machinery belonging to the Bicks Gold Mine, at Oro, Ylz: . One 40 hotse power engine and fixture; two 1 2 horse power engines, hoisting attachments and mumum 1 1 hnriTT ptrmr engine, hoisting at tnnhmnnt. natl flstnira' fns Iftstsmn rraUerr- ftne plaining taachlne and edger; one pump and UumieiaijmM and? eoBnectlng rods; one drag inui. isamsims barrels and at- iscnmena: sneet coooer. amakataating pan, assaying fumace;ilot bemtoals5 pdo lot wladow wsightswe lakwpe; ob lot machinists tool; one lot crucibles, and sundry other articles. tfiftMS. All sums under Twenty fire Dollars Cash: all iroms brer that amount on three or six months time, if preferred, wtui approred seeamy. C N. xtKPTSABN, marl 7 eod till may 1 Receiver. W-!lluiffl -I .mill L-a2Si"! vU'lili lit. f vizl list mxwimom r n -ir -g- wt- m --aiA.M mm r-v e m. ir rr h 4"wjia xv.-w-wm w.m w m vu HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE LINE -Of- Spring Cass.- Suite, CASSIHERE PANTS AND F1KE- WorsMTrocks and Vesi OUR STOCK WILL BE COLIPLETE, WE WILL PRES -TBI- LARGEST AND ASSORTMENT !: OREATGlREiASBM GIVEN TQ OTJB PRODUCTIONS THIS SEASON' OtiHbw Goods bare all been - . " j. MADE ORDER a&4 wf will flpiay some very IH TH1 LATtaTand MOBS' CORBKCT 81Y(3 in. 0 a i "rt' .'Mil eiiliiTjfKjii OtOHIERS; (1 a ts iw mmm Ell DISPLAYED KJ J i JU JLJLI UAJVDS0S1E . . . . H . I - xl i r i s. j -am- mm l. t a r ' mm m- . m m. mwmzi jltib ? V- pi ri i . ... . m H . m i- 4 ,r.. v v w - si THE NEWEST REDUCED - Oiir Handsome Lit I i. 1 ? 1QQ PlIGESONEirrAWNS SOLIDBICK, SOLID TTCJOITE, WHITE GROUND with BLACK FIGURES, "BEAUTIFUL ' . i i i r f i OS 26g REDUCED3 EROT (Pans Parasols, 9 1 REAL SPANISH apr pfTdepi:rri7 WASHINGTON, D. C, ' Mni BaspectfuUy, aaa to-the, ladles, genUemen nd beads f familes of Charlotte, llllwgin.a, alaaa toi the Inttiuetlon of oung Ladles.,Mlsses and Masters on Thnrsdar, Andtaoth. from 4 30 to o'alxk p ku Prof. le Plprrl has over, tfieo, years' experience as a teacher. joL ltanoIng snd itepaitmsnt.-Tid Jeels confident in Bledume to hU psAbdos onnnfeedented The following are seme of the principal features EtheJcbQflUiLJtepftitmant, lirt A-Jtasy and racetu) Carriage; to wUer and Leare a Hoom tloa; the Perfect Co wtesy? twU Bow; -tci,ietc , so absolutely essential 10 every cue moving in refined circles. . f ' THE SCHOOL FOB DANCING '; will embrace the following new and elegant Quad rilles: ".Lawn TwiniB." "Saratoga Lancers" and "Mlnuett; aisotne waits edowf,'! "Walu iacauet.) f'Fatln- cancers, (ebmmoniy called the lza." etc ATI taught J apnei aoiuared tn all the principal cWe ofthel nlted States. ('' Parents are especiaify invited to be resent with their children on the ooeniDtr day. after which tttsse tsttorm, expeptcftroes. will pot be received. Twnt tiohaWI lOAgCtuteT tSMd. Tui tion Ten dollars ner scholar for the course! Five dollars for half, a coarse; payable, one-half upon subscribing"; the' balance when the term; is half out. i . - SfoVerWlsSrpaJea;togfv satlrfactory MtHfaSt re$uiid CtesV ftir Ladles. Misses and Masters win be convened for instruction regu larly on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday, at 4 30 to 6 o'clock p m. iVlbMays and' TbufadevrtnSii. freni 8 to 10 o'clo eonrmeitmrAtrirhrirtltoClab I lull trl itooms oi tne Toung Men's Pleasure Club. ,Tmt3 Qcoa WRE:HOWOPN!NG our new 9 IiKfludtog mn the latest noveltrts 4ft ths diLUNBy IdVrS. II ATS, " ' u ' BO!fIfETS, FLOITEUS ...-. :- :W.VMES( : RIBB03I . ''liACBIl, Sec, In all ihe npm styles, eolpra and Qualittea Also, all the new styles ana tjnalltles of LACKS: embracing Fhlte Cfooda Neck Wear, Hosiery dlores, ParwsoM,1 e.. the iAWfST and MOST VVMrJtlSi BTOCJS. IH TUB CITY. WILL Our Pattera Bate antf Bosnfe wT,enwewmbeprjflWlW show the Ladles the ttBANDMT .DI3PLA? OS FJJil MILLLNIBT thej;bave.ei seoain thselty. I t. f.'-n pi m.v'mi ss.-LvMn titer-'- Jt3i Mrs: pry. mar 2 mmm m k mm 1 1 a 1.1 -I .uw. V ... ijau&i uiuvit Aaa.ufuAUAUKJuy ivu i it i iK a " -oj-'i,iit r MILLINERY ' 'I' 1 i-n l PI QMS. IN flBHRHSsYflA'k - ... if,, " - ' - - 5! . ni -)nir. ft Wtsi Laces, LACE, JJSSUES. FRES1 n TER Both Foreign and Domestic, From Saratoga Springs N. X. A new water re sembling the imported. Viehy. Becommended as an antacid, euros dyspepsia, aids diges tion, la a powerful tonic and strong dluretl. Also, Bata Natural Mineral Water, Beeommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. r? CASES CONGRESS WATXB, r -It CASlS fejC'BBrDQE ALUM, 10 10 CASKS ' BUFFALO LITHIA. ?- id a ftnt" supply of i IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Al Hnayadi Janos Waters. TULl'REAJ EUOVRTY ! n' ;-.! . i:i lj.--jt.,; tilt r' l ' TTriNtABl TAJTO& . 1 th htsni .sisrAiViinEmNT. Does -A wine glass full betta breakfast. The Lancet rrRxmibn Janol. -Baron Llebig af -flryhat Ms ittbusw tm apetf epg watto snrpasses that ail ither nofnrateis.V t The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water. Pnwt VMwMe,nnv ntrnttHAg od and haeM wfM MtB MfAAMANe AiaaMa." Itt.-HmimrWfpivpi&rri none 1Wi'lwwi London. -'Mqrs pleasant piaaUa. rivals, and surpasses them lnsQoaci,", . 1.,.., t ,, Prof. AtkenTu. ti.UttiX Bcyal MTlftary Hos- plUL KetleyPrefpred to Pullna and Fried- JUL 7 ; - rJOHN H. McADEN, 'MliorttogandDlBr North Tryon 8C, - CHABLOTTX, N. C. When you can set water Just as fresh and spark ting IwheTKjItw! froklbe wring mt flaratoga. VeJecAlvelblihaatef in large bJoek tin reserroirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week, H. MoADBN, - Druggist and Chemist I Prescription parefjilly prepared to experienced wr night. 3uly28 weUiNllwaiMi 1 (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) avnavM lnt rMwrrctd a.rnll tot Af BOTTLED ALSaad- POBTlWTpjeTo a public at mnrzB "i J. IV-e. mm. mi-m mm. .- i :-7'; i ... mum, iliERALFA gABATOGA -yiCHT.

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