1 1. 1 .Hi M.Ula'UIKJ -w w n p TMPRGVtD R10TeKKR. 2fx3 u into REWARD! for any ease of Blind Bleeding. Itching, Ulcerated, or protruding P. ail Dr. J. H. 8CHKNCK, of Philadelphia, has )ut published a book on "DISEASES OP THE LCXflS AND BOW THEY CAN BE UKKU," which Is offer ered Free, postpaid ,to all applicants. It contains valuMe lnl ortnatiea lof all aho suppose them sebes Wlllfted fffti. rf liable to, any diseases of th$ &$oat or ltngs Address Da J. H. SCHKNCK 4J5d5,600 Archl4reEW Philadelphia, Pa.. P. O. Box 2888. ARD CQUECT027 C Sad Sev Rtsxnn lor Ten v New irhrB CsUrda. Humororm. brijrnt, attractive. Diamomp Santr FactosiJP.O-Box S a, Bal o mora GEORGE PACE & CO. t ijluniMtnrcif (ff F&tentxoxtahu Urctur SAW TiTTTiT.S Alio Btttumwy ua rauue STEAM GrisLaa MowrMinA ana Barrel Macaw Mill HuppueeLeto. and GltmDIN or Catalan ii ii rv -i - - n . This useful and el. nnt voliune la a ho plsta Library and n o y o 1 o paedla, aa well aa the beat Dic tionary si the world. Superbly boaad la etotbndUt. IT cow- Ml UTCLISH tAK- ouagc, with It trno meanlna. derivation. spelling and pronoun uaUaa) ud r- vast amoaat if aksatntely Bfsraatlon P acliBte, Itythol- ee.i yelng a perfect Library of reference. Webster' Dictionary costs as 00. and the American pop- ten tlaoes Mm aMmax. N.Y.Atlaa. " W have nerer seen lta sxjual either In price, finish oT con- Ish cT con and library tents." The. Advocate. "A perfect Diction icuonarj ana uorary ui reieroDce wtrtiits s 1 litis, news. il. T. one copy of the Amerie Popular Dictionary (lllaatrated), the gr. Mk Tr pobUaaed, post-paid to any ada 1 1 . aiuiratUsraolanarmnteeil1 est and best book on reealpt of II aawnAramtiB(atleai gaarai Tfto copies postpaid $. OrdT art one. . Thle offer la srood for 0 dan only. an. a wui never oe maai again. &x frlendC to copies for Five Dollars send with von and tou tret i PiOllara uetflTeof your yon get voar own book free. World KaaaiMtviBg Co.. ST Hassan St. Ft SW. Our readers tviU find ihi wonderful boo the cheap est Dictionary published. The information it contains is worth many times the amount, asked, for it, and it shodld bs i&he possession of everybody. With this booh in the library or refer ence, many plher muafwrnore'exm pensive works can her tiispensed with, and ignorance of his country, historu, business, laws. etc. is inexcusable in dnw nti&Si Note the price, $1, post-paid, PER WEEK can be mada in rati iruntL SomethlBic entlrelv newforawnf tRsnu Ll ire, u. W. JNURXHAM A CO. . Bosl. Br fa. aprl8 dw4w TpriEVVSPAPERT,lEflb I Just UecelTed a large lot of FlraTciassNBWS Ja. INK. put np In 25 lb. packages, suitable for publishers of eoontry newspapeta. "Address THE OBSEHVEB, mar28 Charlotte, N. C. dry I DESIRE to announce to the public that I am now prepared to do waohlng and lroDlng In the best possible, manner. I have succeeded In get ting better water than I bate been using, and will now agree to take family washing by the month as follows: For aandkercblefs. towels, socks and napkins atone and a halt eents each. All other family goods at 8 eents per article, except lace cur tains. The prices are extremely low and eVery respecta We family in Charlotte can fford to give me a trial. The washing of each family Is kept separ ate, and ladles' clothing Is handled exclusively by females. I will call at the house for the wash and deliver It within three days. I askedthe public to pay no attention to outside reports about my business, as I guarantee satisfac tion or make no charge. , , . L. H ATM ANN, Prop'r, aPfH Enterprise tueam Laundry. Native Mineral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ALUM WATER r '. -cuaia- Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Torpid Li?er, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Chronic Pneumonia, etc. ' I.tv,8.?eTft?',teratlwTo1c "d la ANTI MALARIAL in its effects. Read certificates from bridge - county.'Ta.. and araten for the reeeptkxv., f w ejrt aft asms SaAM vma ei A -v . . yearr,sacOT ,81? i . ssvT I4i,. " .11 VI1 T ffjyr' I :o: . TT VaSSiaTtS! MKHtlon to onr viixoitDsas a?Bniix, f f"tcs tun wqrcotiipea- I reoueea ptices. ' . ! TOrereweawtittalItTefLtmt) given on appll- B1MUW BUOTHSBS, a, 1H No. RGatoey City B. - .Jt! ':;.'' i- .em i--q nr. ... -.. . ot Virginia, IR.yNorthJi l AlateaaAU 51IpJn, , .V.-v ri olEIGRAPHroMPANY. ' tyM-mSS W Broadway. New tork. . . tTf mfkv Miia to cut, ffre pared b JU femlneHlioutTJJ a&naturjSen ar.ioUMTugglarMcoumv8iOBa. a. r N ! - worm cyeiiuiiiu; x ui. rs v X IkV I ENGINES- V ! V.SCHBOEDEBST., JVcS Rry, onrngM mum, jrcniar paw. U MAD H rNKRT. MM 1 M 1 1 i ' I r lillllO erpnse T 1T7IT 1T 1TTT1 - r rrrt h I f Vf0 lillllT. 1' 1.11 II". I K 1 MMs. 9CTU Ot :-).SUi i'lll ,li r .1:1 I I T T Ctrl &(tErfff0 TelfapaXfiapan;, . of the- Frwqigamsta USto i rrfM I Vor a nnartor of a eentnrr or mora Hoi tetter' a J jtoajichfiUter bas beea thalfnl,nfaclllc for proaMtatntaaNtyar aomaialat anJ other dis orders, and nas oeen most empoaucauy mooreou by medical men as a health and strength restora tive. It counteracts a tendency to premature de cay, ajid-scntaiis and comforts the aged and ln Irm. I FOB SA LK BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DBALBBffc GENERALLY. f apri CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL 8SLL CHEAP FOR CASH. BOTH WHOLESALE and BETAIL. E, AT WHIXE FRONT. i fe02l CUBES WHEN ALL OTHE REMEDIES FALLHJ If yoo doabt, eotne to see vsi and we will CURE TOU. or charge nothing!!! Wnos for paroealan, and a eopy of the Utile book Mag ItftBe TOIdrrnnate' Buffeting." fat any promtiwra Oroggbt as to onr Standing. grllooe-MWAES will be paid to any chemist who wui tod ooawuysls of 100 botflesof B. 8. S. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or aartrineralsbtuuiaa. rr ' HWIFT fiPsVTIIrVf! m T. yv.. .ivy,, , . Atlanta, Gl Tf rmn csurrubl ' Large ffJze, 1.7B BOLD BI AUj DBJJGGI8TS. dac81 ' - LOT WJM i ' A HAM; tAMBTjBq jtAGrNqafc iam 2e to 2ca yanffl V: S?.I.-"?A''-f'AWS at BV,c: BLEACHED? 8HIB Xrom. GOOD BARGAINS. IE SUPPORTERS, GLdvSL COB- BTtIJf Srll OLkA WARE RE tBlklS. laicl afany other nyaratJy ofclrlcksl f 1 t ' tar cam Respectfully, C. M. ETHERS DO K. toiler' TrAdgrS'sJlbnal Bank. mar26 it"! , VATHAHTIO AND At EBATIVaTI xnm specific vor aDrtsxmvncvi. tn. NDTKTY TEARS' popolai: na attests Its purity, safety and Bpetiority to ait waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, Irritating water, foreign and UUQM9SU0 kidneys, marl sm Ft"tXAin)aB. db. c. l. alexkder. 'Ti'.'ilT .j UltsAlS HI Office on Trade street X. BerwaDgerdt si cldUSnol Store. l i r v face hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ton.iii ili.ll nnliji'l iiif)1 JTHlneTiaat)Mri!e4l8Hriiraff X by Mmi Betes wbw'teftanttbo la to keep a strictly flrscJasa honse In every respect. C ommodious aamDM rooms on first and second (andj Boon ft 'tf the pubBato solicited; 1 w J jf lew Furniture 1km Cures .oa;, K S G SYPHILIS CjQ Ta g in any . w W stage, g -H W CATAERH. fk ECZEMA, OLD ' JP. SORES, PI '5 g PLES, BOILS ' J i S ANT AJ H H 8KIK 2 GO H I I v 'uw' ,",voir fV-WWa 0IKais "to I of Delegates to-day in l TBsf a-, aw, . am--- n . I AVVHrUJ UOVvlO 1AVAV4 litwv M.auvi m J vu ueajHiMoviu on imngpiA i Hill rz r i v l I 90 iii AT Greensboro Patriot : Judge Sthej will remove to Greensboro in Marr ' Arcrument on the dumurrers mztnlBr Western N. 0. R. R. suits will be hafcK before judges Bond and Dick sometime auring next montn. ; e : f srver: .ast. s here! ,were $18,949.99. There is no change in Maj. R C Had-' Brer's condition. J--... J, In Henderson, Granville and e.therj counties the great nail storm of , last week did great damage to crops "and vegetable. " ; 1 Gpterner Holdfei vfas slttinAu pr, yes terday, but does hot waikf about. He converses pretty freely, and without dimcuity Rev Dr Charles F Deems has been in vited by the ladies of -Edenton Street. Methodist Church to deliver a lecture here in aid of the new church. Vol 2 of Mrjor John W. Moore's 'fos ter of NorthOarolina troops in the lat war will be completed this week.'-Tjhe, roster will probably fill eight volumes. . The second Baptist Church is now having a revivial. Rev Mr Baldwin will assist RevvW R Gwaltne&tyhepas4 2 54 ftB breseiir p6mrhodiDip4jnp .fijndsome UUUUlUgi . Wilmington Star : There was consider able frost up the road Sunday night, and down as far as Lumberton it was reported to have been quite heavyV'in this vicinity there was a heavy, -ceKl Imp of the day ; we are glad to see it and to" be able to record the fact. A large force was engaged yesterday in openingrra new turnpike from the main one to Greenville Sound. It branches off from the Wrightsville road near Martin's place, about four miles and three-miles below the city, and will be about two miles in length from the main turnpike to the "City of Greenville." ,.; .j i - j i a T T V . Money mt Mrs. Jjun.es. A dispatch from Sedaiia, Md., states that a subscription has been started fo the benefit of Jesse James's widow and and two children. It amounts to SOOX and it is calculated that it will be inr creased. Although James participated in robberies the plunder of which amounted in value to $263,778., it is claimed that bis widow has only about $2004eft. She has received the offer of 1a good arary totraytl jKftkj ctreus. thuT aurjarndr. TwoJof JesseflJaHae's horses have already been sold for a cir cus. Mrs. James, who is now living with her sister in Kansas City, has leen repeatedly solicited to give a full ac countiOf ris ltfe.'hjut f belays : "Theft's, orietrirng certarn', ivhax I do know-of Jesse will never be made public. I'll go to ray grave without telling .any? thing." She adds that her husband was tired of a bandit's life, and was anxious to settle down on a farm, but they couM t mAffr as tne liter? HAm. "If ftHaFessfe alone," she8aid,"we would have lived all right. and he would have been on honor to his country. "Na by a fair Draft." Detroit Free Press. The last Legislature of North Caroli' na was in session, soon after the late war, and a lobbyist had failed to get thnugkapet sehenje. Jle 'Wf in con sequence much-disgusted at the whole thing, and was freely expressing, his opinion. "Tain't no use talking to me," he aaid "If you were to pick the whole Stat over you couldn't find no as double d-dashed fools as we've got in this Leg islature." "Well, my friend," said Nick Woodfin, 1 can t say that 1 agree with you there. I think it possible that number of that kind ot fools might be bad in the State ej picKingj out iion uhinktaey could be gtrtrin anything'-Uk) a f aircraft." Death of Rev. Pi. Bowen. Ashevllle Citizen. The announcement of the death of this sterling man and minister, will cause sadness throughout this district It occurred at his home in Henderson ville, on Tuesday, 11th inst. Mr. B. had reached his Gist year and the 28th of his ministry,, For a long time he has be& reearded lis J6e o the leading minds of the Baptist denomination, and hii eve it effort Was far. the srood of his fellow menifand cis rudbry. He leaves a wne ana eleven children. Uor sympathies go out to them. A New Insect. Raleigh News and Observer. Yesterday! we heard several persons from the country speak of a hitherto unseen and unknown insect, which they describe as "a cross betweerra horsefly and a mosquito." It is said to be a savage biter and to show horses afidfcafXiraeflv. n-m all Iticounta if rjst b? b eftlile titer) and appears ift greal AJeitllmgn who. lbtj.wbul UtJ miles tfrofcHtfee cityT says that a day or so ago they gathered in such numbers around him as he was walking on his farm that he had to beat a retreat. "Alti-Prohibition. Raleigh News and Observer. The executive committee of theanti- Erohibitlon association of the State has een called to meet in this city Mat 2d, i frlicwi T.Tf: Pfriot in h.e: tt,ElBrunhi er: d, Powfrs. Cnmlferl 'Ha uaxv w. A.Aioo: IJ w- el bp Stafford. Guilford : C J. Bailey. David- son; j. j. Renfrow, tary. Simms. Mecklenburg: J. H. Wake; F. M. Sorrell, secre- Unn I 1 i i i . . 7 T H" uao uiu&eu uui in rjermuaa lowur ship, Chesterfield county, and every ef fort is being made to prevent its sprie jd TheJPetersburg Chamber of Comnxerce has received a communication front the New York Board of Trade asklngl the chamber to take daily action in rei-T rence to that pas i j proper - no? on a baHBrspt 4aw, The petition has been referred to the committee on commerce and commer cial usage, for proper action. ? . it witi :t m.. jjuO A Short Recess. Richmond. April 19. In the H furtherance of f ekding .esoiutio: providing for a recess of the Genera! Assembljfroni- Saturday next juntil MmeM-ytae,"$aM6pted-yeBs 49, nays 35. A strict party vote, excepting nTpoirtrxe-RsdmnbnWmorrtw" McLean the Queen's Assailant; Ac London, April 20. After the jttiiy in tne case oi itodericK MCLieans, ' Queen's assailant, had rendered diet of acquittal on the ground sanity it was ordered that McLean in cusionv nnn HarMJrTCa-1 ureL-LXhe Ubaatioh f2MI pani.aTs zxHrjaiiesi , .Bbn afj aa- BL M in at a ar -w m nv wv sb sb f w t . r 1 -aas in health from any cause, especially from ilv. wltn long Dcuuvus lasumoniBuii. hub 1U U al 1 J iM mM BlvaV I - "STATE NEWS. r&W, neTO0ferMuratffeiglmost-ta a frostylboint:'ii U : Hi) ImDrovments seems to be the order in uw ajnrtnexnemaers-c dtk W A3.. . V k edfell. chf.rnlan.i Jo 4 -olsa" 2. a-. 1 AT ll, iew!iiaov b - aw " Hal IsWTaatT as 1. ussa n. l deiJunea iTJlhls 11 loimolW waVtf'tk lAYIsT IliTllI II1UB1 Iimi.IITUarilH.lW. IMIH Tin ?ar.. orttonBltr?ODC?.andln u. ts 1 STT.T Bruno Baueu, th;jdiatinguiflliecl Ger- ..(aa. aa afar r v ... - I au- ox iirj7Lrcrateto'siroWes-tftv) .3 lifetime, U 1 -ili'.T ; 1 1 lianfiral Mdhnna o H rv-i if a that- U T r Mv-f-w- ouuuwi. ijuaiiiiic UiUI Uen 'hippWlry Jtheridtis Read luslers irftr4eislalur.'H;Kill4ot- s jD3ajBi oweyerBaty wiuppsa.- ut4iegfrirffrOM stffadsori reports .thatfri tenpiriQt iitbre iLifQitrds has jreceiyed ggnorrnftretter m akin g iuj ui oio wing up xqe cavairy tar I. ; ,- 7 't .t. 1. f. -. ,r . f ,,.,, ,4 not occurred Tuesday at Cam borhe, in Corn wall.fcI caused by the iU feeHncr -akalastoth; Irreh miners. A' y mob: wrecijBdy th, boasea ofIrishhiett ana a uatrjocjiurch ,. j. n. ; . Two hundred Jewish rf usees rmsaprt through Xemjburg, 'Austria, on Sunday,; tmrmitli' 'fAr ' Jrnnt-iiu:'''rirAJr.riTi1Ql enroute" for ' America; Two 'hundred more were expected to arrive there on iDionaaji f com Jirody.' B A't 'Lexington; Kf., ' Thestlay; Wood iwara ie urasatieui ,soiaj 79 aeao: o horses .fw-. S31.m-, IL G. MaDoweH bought Fanny Wilks for S3.00O. -An other was softf for' $1$0Q, one for SljSQO hu -one ror t,oo. Two hundred and nfty-tvo cities and towns in Massachusetts voted against liquor Ucense,73 in fayorjiWhiie in tm S2,fj m ravor ot license. " An AvssociktedPres3t dis from Lawrence', Mass?, says: ''Considerable excitement la caused here bvtlie disaD paneat Rev,(Danjel -HBeryiTJas- tor ot St. . Patrick's , Ronaa C$thol!d church, who has uad charge ,6f a Jarge ateoirrit of money Used as a building IUUU. . Sir Charles Dike, under foreign sec retary,. replying to a question by Sir Hehry' Drurhmond Wolff, stated that the correspondence regarding the .im priioned . American suspects, is being printed and will.be presented to the House soon. Gov. MeEnery. of Lonisiana, has is sued a proclamation establishing quar antine againstvesseis arrivm at N&w Orleans after May l from Rio.de Jane- no, Vera Cruz, Havana. Matanza. St Jago de Cuba, Port au Prince. St Pierre. Point a Pitre, together with such other points as may oereatter be specified. The Manchester Guardian, speaking of l)r.. Lainsori's ; case : "Enough has oeensnown w prepare us to near with out surprise that Sir William Harcourt ana ttmautborities do not see their wav to wards authorizing the execution of a niaji pynqerning wnose moral, respenai piUly so great doubts can be shown." In the Hduse of Commons Tuesday Mr. Wm. M. Johnspn, attorney-general for Ireland, replying to a question by -Mr. ivewis, memoer ror inoTonuerTy, said that wnen Mr. ParnelT presents himself atKilmainham.be will be legal ly detained under the old warrant. This statement was made to dispose of a question which had arisen as to the legality Of a rearrest. ! I I as I A Respite for Sbapberd Mrfilaine to b Heard, in the Pernviaa-Chilian Affair. Washington, April 18. The House committee oniorelgn affairs interro gaieu mr. oncoo ii. onipnera lor an hour or tvVo this morning, but failing to get saiisiaciory answers, he was ex cubed from further attendance unless notihed by the committee. He refused to tell from whom Heb- ner purchased the Cochet claim, and what he paid,: A list of wealthy gentlemen, includ ing w. H. VaiiderbLrt,: E. D. Morgan Norvin Green, Hugh McCulIoch, A Jieimont and .. 1L. Garrison was read to him, and he was asked whether any a 1 a. . one oi mese gentlemen was a stock holder in the Peruvian Company, but declined to say yes or no. Mr. Shipherd was asked if he knew Mr. Whitelaw Reid, and replied that he had been well acquainted with him for seventeen years, and had received number of letters from him, which were still in his possession. His atten tion was then directed to a statement in the New lork Tribune, in which Mr, Reid is made to say that he was not aware that he had ever met Mr. Ship- neru, rt- 1 ; a - 3 11 1 , a Ate wiuis3saiu uiai ne was not re sponsible for the "awareness of Mr. Reid: he only knew that ihev had boon acquaintances and presumably friends ror seventeen years. r TTT:llr.. a. t- il. iur. iv unguis Luoa. me witness in hand for a few minutes, and directing a au a.,. . 1 a. a. a . - - . I to dis atireouun'H teuer-oi August 9th 1881, to Mr. Walker Blaine, asked him what his object was tn writiDgthis let ter. ne witness somewhat surprised the committee with the statement that ne iooK?u upon mx. xnaine as no lawyer, ana, seeing in- mr. vvaiKer Blaine a Wight, clear-headed attorney, he ap tracnea nun. as & law ven Mr. Williams rwdtni.fjoBQ, the letter, inn ii i roH ' ' fi "Upon wSatfffounds did you regard MrrVVaiKer iJiaine as an eminent at- 4orncyf' ; i VYirrBra aamitteu that he had never haardof his conductirig any case, bvtt Mr JUHamsqaotine f rom the let ter,-4 V)u sjtv, 'Uifeelmy embarrass ment in attempting to discuss tbeke mattars with bo emtireift?: etaftesmarL ana wereiore turn to -yotL'' Did you expect the son to mstrucfc the H father? AM... wu.uwsu. DIt , X 1C1V Hit CHI" I Mrzwtim-tfiipemjou thought the iegaiaBfaiciaiMKrairties of Walker jjiaine snfcinq, were, perijox. to you A in thin HiadiBTuia T wiaa OA A n rTAJ , ' - -.HwayMaarw M, VW WM WV IUVwvfT v sjir. Twiimv---a.l accept tare c in statfee t increAinbvnetf What pecniiar legal cirrtJ;f 3n:;M)fw Blaine did you wisU toygrqnje? ;' - t:A---It WAJITinf. nKvinrMrV Ttiaarjia Mr. Blonht then tnnt un the. vtaaifn'm. alaon nAputtisqBtion to the wit ness? ' H .?!. - -1 : .. I u . 'oilfitili 'expect by usejoi flattery or some.- othet means to Mr. ShiDherd. fi Ah f understand; ,ih T,xXViirx axrenrptea poxnmropeiUY um jBMumme, ana, ca irautuy an swer if such was the cas it hasescaped Watch renx aritSnPS? ftftv1 xnB xs ew ix ork World, informing him that line him that hfi wnnlf appear before the committee on TlhrrfSi Bla4na;ili lo i a mill l9ista' ?.!, masses HMmw n lottevlf. ot tlje R. SLeer aai-Qthei;, fine iBteatn- I 111 V nil .antiHii I xui. XI day. Mr. mm ym.l liPr Anril 2rwrh hark Osmhr OMilliaHll H It n 1RMH nsi I i " m l ll III II i I i a. ,1 mi ,a I I il f vwr , CURES AND " WWW1 The only known Specific Remedy for Epl eptlc Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures-Bpileptle Tits, Spasms, Convulsions, St 'tjpi."'ertlgo.Hlsierics, Insanity, Apoplexy, PartfTyslr, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv osa Disease a. This lnmtiihiA mmAiiu miu nr.oino kly eradicate eVery species of Nervous Jjeranee- ment, ana drive them away from whence they came, qever to return again.. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the n'eredJtory tain or poison la the system, and ihoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys vhe cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE r i ; Cures Female Weakness, General Detllity, Leu- currntea or wnires, fainful Mentraatlon, Ulcera tion Ot the Oterus, Internal Heat, (iravel, Innam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder, ror Wakefulness at night, there Is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be without It. It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Oures Aleohollsm-, Drunkenness and the habliof Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst eviis that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis trlends, little thinking that he Is on his road to luln. Like the Opium later, he first oses the drug in small quantities as a harmless aDtidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes stronghold upon its victim, leading blm on to his own destruction. The nablts of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to aUmentlvenesa, aa dyer eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings antll ft paralyses both the stomach and appetite. So everydrlnk of liquor or dose of op um, instead of satisfying, only add? to Its fierce tires, until it consumes the vital force and then luelf. Like ihe glutonous tape worm. It cries ' Give, gle, give!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours Uself. . Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets tne nerves, butidsnp the nervous sjstem, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of tbe Heart, Asrtima. Bronchitis, Scrofuln, Syphilis, disenses of the -Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of vouth. DfTIllHrif ntls nil red he the net. nf thls Invaluable remedy. To jou, young, middle aged, and old men. who re covrlng your suffer I' gs as with a mantle by silence, look up. jou can be saved by timely effotts. and make ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of jour Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret lnger, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and souL If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore yoor shattered nerves, arrest premature delHy and Impait tone and energy to the whole i-ystem. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of (its. She was also deaf and dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter boss. Spring water, Wis. SAJIAHirAt NERVINE Ha been the means of curtne mv wife of rheuma Usm. J. B. Klitcher, lort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E B. Balxs, Hattsllle, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vert'go, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. Wm. Benson, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rev. J. a. Edik, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, a'ter spendirg over $3,000 wun oiner aociors. t. a. cobson. New Albany, Ind. SATIARI TAN NEKV1NE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jennie Warbkn, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored onr child of fits after given up to die by our family physician. H having over 100 in 24 hours Uxnri a.nee, vervlua, Warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NEIIVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albert SiarsoN. Peoria, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending S2.400with othjer doctors. J. W. Thobston, Ualborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently born character. of epileptic flls of & stub Bev. Wm. martin, Mechanicstown, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my sen of fits, after having had 2,5001a eighteen months. Mrs. E. Kobks. west rortsaam, . i, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored, me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MI8S URLENA JUKiAlJi, ' ' Granny, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN If ER VINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many years' duration. JAcobstjtkr, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me ot bronchitis asthma, and general de bility. " Oliver Myers, Ironton, Ohio. - ( ........ SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula ef many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Curid.me d flta Bare been well for over four years... ., -Charles E Curtis, Osakls, Dpugias county, minn. . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnrtd a friend of mine who had 14? snepsia very badly. Muhael O (.onnar, way, fa. ,,,, , . SAxHAStlTVN NERVINE 4Lis pCTHraBenlly cured me of epileptic fits. -, UAViD xrikblt, ites atpmes, iowa. ,;, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife Of epilepsy of 85 years standing ,j u- aRY CLAKXJfaJrfleld, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE. ftuii nty wife 6Ta servoui dlswase1 'ot 1 the head Jfi. tiSABaJl MtjULlWpe-, Pa. SAMARITAN NE VINE Cerny sdnoTflts. VH has not had a fit for aB4)uoB' years- .:. . , JoskDavjs. v, uuuuuiu, iuauuuyiu uuuiiLy. . - i . l ' ' i : f . t . I . j i .tit ... . : & 'I'lOS I" '. .AD II JU'il X-R17.V.1I-STTA- "l Js-ret sal hrdwfelatseveiywheiseoivmai be bad uwcciiHpiaMf. niwwwiano oDtauluBher erldenee of we eriralive Brtjoertks 'HfmiarUan. cant postage. stamp ournal of ueatthi afxtrj)e.fEDaa per- www 9eot 1 -mu Wombs' fctfkroe1 BtSTtms, .ii '.- - . - - - -- u . . scneauiea are Cor IZ- Jl?.iallroiU1 "clal., and may be Relied on aa Correct : MT -- -. Worth Carolina Railroad. OOSPEirSED gQHEDLTLEg. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No 51 No 53 Daily. Dailv. '3s,r:::;;:::; iiYSS iSJsSS::'-Ills1-- Arrive Hlllsboro.... ll04aS Arrive Durham, ll JwSS Arrive Raleigh...... i iMSS Leave Raleigh,. MoSm AjivGoidlboV,, fn g , Na 17-Daily except Saturday, " i.eave trreensboro.. .fl 00pm veafr?a,Wll1 3.04 am Arrive at Goldsboro,..-8.00 a m NfC,?Heitsat Greensboro' with R 4 D. tZhT v. A i 3 1wrin. ast nd West. via Dan- ...id. Muiusooro wun W. ft W mlngton. R. for Wil- A5KWe N'oSKndXs fr trains going west. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. 50 Da'lv. No. 52 Daily. Leave Goldsboro,. . . Anive Raleigh Leave Raleigh Arrive Durham Ainve Hillsboro Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,.. rrive High Point,... Arrive Salisbury,. . Arrive C e,. 10.20 am 12.40 pm 4 10 pm 5 23 p m fl 07 pm H.5 pm M.lOpm 9.43 p m 11.03 pm 1 a 50 a 7 25 a m 8 OH a m 928am 11.20 a m No. 18-Daily except Sunday, Leave Goidsboro,..2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. .7. 10pm Leave Raleigh 5 00am Arrive Greensboro, 2 20 p m t 0 -Connect at Charlotte with A A C Air- Southeast ' ' & A' K E for aU lut toutu and No. fi2 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Alr lotowlthrI?,,iSaai?tta?d So'hst: at Char W. N. C. HAILKOAD. G01N' WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro o ?n n m Arrive Kernersville ' " ' "i o'h J 5 m Artw Salem 10. pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro c q0 Arrive Kemersville 4? f S Salem ....liaioaE GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem t ie M Arrive Kernersvl le J"" S BO a IS Arrive Greensboro f;a m NO. 5;i Uaily. Leave Salem n nn r Arrlva Kernersville . ' U'28 d m Arr.ve Greensboro. gloo P m STATE UNI VERS I TV RAILROAD. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. Arrive Ha elgq 7. 80 a m 8.20 a m 10 15am No 2, 1) ii y ex. Siinfiay. GOING SOUTH. Leave RaMih, Arrive University.. Arrive Chapei Hill, H HO 5. 15 H.15 p m p m o m Palimaii Sleeping: Cars WiW Change On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and naneston. w0n,?ra,ln No-52,fiichmond and Chailct'e and Washington and Charlot;e ua Danville. t3TJhVf1lT,c.kets on saIe at Greensboro. Raleieh, Goldsboro'. Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West North and East. Ki r Kmlgrant Bates to Louisiana Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, , . General Passeneer Agent. Iet4 HlehMond. Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSENGEE DEPARTMENT. On and af er March 5th. 1 tho ger train service on the Atlanta & Chxr-otte Air Line Livls:on of this road will be as follows: I Mall and WESTWARD. j Kxprefs. Mall . I No. RQ. No 62. Leave Charlotte. M 2.40 a m 1 1.U5 a m Arrive Gaitonla. L I 1.35 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K 4.04 am 2 35 p m Arrive Greenville, H ; 5.32 am 4.09 pm Arrive Seneca, li 7.15 am 5.54 pm Arrive Toccoa. 1 : 8.28 am 7 05pm Arnve Babun Gap Junction, , 9.32 am 8 00 p m Arrive Lula, E 10.18 am 8.43 pm Arrive Cainsftville 10.51am 9. 1 5 p m Arnve Atlanta. 1 1 .40 p n 12 05 a m Mail and EASTWARD. Express. Mall. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta j 2.15pm Airive Gainesvil e 454 m Arrive Lula, K 5 2rt m Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,) 6 22 p m 5.00 a m 7 41 a m 8.32 a m 9.14 am arrive a occoa. r 7 (fi p m 10.07 a m Arnve seneca, ti 8.24 p m 11 21 a m Arrive Greenville. H. !l0 08pm 1.27 pm Arnve Spartanburg, K. 1 1 1.40 p m 2.59 p m A"je Gastonla, L 2.06 am 5llpm Arrive Charlotte, M j 3 1 5 a m fiJC0 p m CXJNNECTIONa A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga, F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton. Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, a C K with Spartanburg and AshevllJe. and Spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle. and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas anj Chester. M with C-. i A.. C C. R. D. and A.. T. A O. for ail points West. North and East. Pullman s;eepins-car service on trains Nos 50 and 51 dally. Without change betw: en Atlanta and New York. a. PoPK. G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott. Gttie al Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 C., C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. Train No. 52. Passeng'r. Train No. 4. Passeng'r. Leave Chailotte Arrive Rock Hill Arrive Chester, Arrive Winnsboro Arrive Colntiibla, Leave Columbia,. Arrive Lexington, Arrive Ridge Spring,.. Arrive Granite vtlle, .. . Arrive Augusta, 11.80 am 12.35 pm 1.28 p m 2.60 p m 4.18 pm 4.25 p m 5.12pm H25pm 7.40 p m 8.40p m 5-45 a m 6 37 am 7.55 a m 9.12 am 952 am Train No. 18, Freight. 54" a m R03a ii. 9.50 a m 12.55 p m 5.05 p m Train No. 20, Freight. 540 7 32 p m 9 03pm 11.17 pm 2 18 am 2 40am 3.40 a m 5 47 a m 7 54 a m 9.30 a m Leave Charlotte,.... Arrive Rock Hill Arrive Chester. Arrive Winnsboro,... Arrive-CoUaubla, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington Ai rive Ridge dptiog.. Arrive Granltevllle,. . A rUve Augusta,. . Train No. 52, Daily-Connects at Columbia with the a, C. R. R. for Char eston, and with the C. & G. R. R. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, Ac. At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48; Dally-Connects at Argustawlih the Georgia R. JR. and Central Gecrg R. R. for Macon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos; 18 and 20, local, dally except Sun day. Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, dally, at 5 35 p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a m. and 4 45 p. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO DIVISION. Traill Nov 58, Daily, Leave pharlotte Arrive at Statesvllle, 'Trafh Wo. 62, Daffy, ' 6 00pm 8 12 pm 700am -f...9.15am m Leave statsvine,.... .. ; Arrii:e at Chartotte,. . - " ;- - - ' 'Tickets sold to all points South, 'Southeast and Southwest, and. baggage checked through. No lay-over allowed On local tickets. A. POPE, TTM. B. TaT-COTT,- Gen'l Passenger A gent ; Gen'l Manser. . Columbia, 8. C March 1st, 1882. mat2iJ . ' . To Merchants. -I HAVE JUST RECEIVED- A LOT OK- Wrapping Paper AND BtII ATI.AMA Al n Plli.1,,. . PHIA SIZE. o One Can I ndoroii .T mar5 shef; 's FOR MAY. WITH PATTKRX, Just Received, at Tiddy (6 Brier's. aprlS -BOSTON METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayeri and Analjtlcal Chemist: GOLD and SILVER nr.FIEH. Practical Kill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY ORE-N 1IIE1I Kl. Surveys, Mine Faii:iuocA Repcrts, fck-ti-li-and Maps made. Coc-:ra.tioa3 of works andSup;Li Fa-aiihd. MANAGERS OF The New Eodand SmeltiD Worts, GOLD) SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SVIELTED ON REll ltN r purcham:i) COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treat d on Reasonable Te ms. T OMAS BINNS METALLUiiiiisi. A. H. KIDNEY Mining Ekginkkk. JOHN HOLLIDAY Prof. Chkmi-.t mar8 tf JUST RECEIVED ONE HUNDHED BARRELS Piedmoot Patent Flour, inE FINEST IN 1 HE WaI KLT. SPRINGS & BURWELL. aprl Paper Bags. olio B. Wm. Metrop o 1 i ta n FASHION ... . . n " i-.ii