gaqTt and gtiutiti. - ' 4 - ' . - " ; . w IH1 OBSXBYKB JOB APARTMENT Has beehbroughV supplied wfta'every needed want, and vtth the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job PrJntwt can now Redone wttb neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can for ntah at short notice, . V " BLAWKS; MLL-HXAM, - -- - - - . Lrma-HXAiiacABDa,:, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PRoasAjonEs; handbills, PAMPHIJT8.CIBCtTLAR3;CHECKa, 4f. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DjUv, one year, post-void, in advance $8 00 Six months 4-00 Three months. 2.00 One month 75 WhEKLI EDITION: Weekly (in the county), in advance 82.00 Out of the county. Pod-paid 2.10 x months 1.05 VOL. XXVII. CHABLOCTE; Nv 22, 1882. Liberal Seduction far Clubs. ; no;4,08i. nifm i m . .i fi nil- . : i. i it" . - ' - Alexander & Harris ARE Making a Tremendous Sacrifice ON Dress Goods. They propose to close out THEIB ENTIRE KTOCK O f DRESS GOOES. Pegraiii k Co., DKA.LEKS IN - Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. OUR STOCK OF Ladies' Misses 1 Childrens' HOSIERY Is entirely too larg?, and must be reduced. In or der to do so we intend to sell them very CHEAP, Alexander & Harris PEGRAM & CO., Pave the Best too:; uf Keats' Hani-Sewed Allocs IN THR STATE. WE WILL OFFER MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 17TH, 1882, 000 yards of flGURED LAWNS, at trlcs the lowe ever reached by such goodt in this market ALEXANDEE & HASSIS. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply j on with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLE3 -OF- Ladies' Misses and Children's Shaes. Alexander & Harris WILL OFFER - Monday Morning, April 17th, '82, The Largest tcck of PERSIAN LAWNS, WHITE LINEN LAWNS, FHENCH NAINSOOKS, M ASA LIAS, BldHOP and VICTORIA LaWNS, PIQUES, etc , ever offered in this market PEGRAM & CO., H4YE A PRETIY LINE CF GENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS. KLADIES -at Who like to look at pr-tty Goods will Dn 1 our WHITK GUIPUHE EMBHOIDKHY, NAINSOOK KDhIMtS and INSEnTINGS. SWISS EDGINGS and INSRRTINGS. and HAMBURG EDGINGS and IN.SERTINGS. the largfSt and pre tiest tver seen her. T hey are sli'ly benuttful. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE ALL KINDS OF Chita' Shoes and Slippers. House Furnishing Goods, CUCH as Table Damasks, Colored and White O Table Napkins, Lace Curtains, Table and Floor Oil Cloths. Carpets. Cane Mattings, Bugs, etc. can be found in great variety and VErtY ChEAP, at ALEXANDER & BARRIs'. PEGRAM & CO., KEEP A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Vices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. DON'T TTOkGEr that we are leading the market on r Staple Goods, vtz: Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Prints and everything wanted in that l'ne. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. PEGRAM & CO., have just received a fixe stock of Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL line of Ginghams jou have, Is the exclamation ef nil who have seen them. Prices low, at ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. PEGRAM CO., CAN SUIT THE R Farmer Friends Wiih uny k rids BOOTS and SHOES THEY WISH. ORIENTAL LACES, 1 TAIIAN LACES, Leuquedoc Laces, Torchon 1 Laces, Bretanna Luces, antique Laces, Spanish 1 aces, Guipure Laces, a Tremendous stock at ALEXANDER & HARRIS . PEGRAM & CO., KSEP ALL KIND3 OF Shoe Dressing, French Blacking AND - Lyons' Heel Stiffeners. GENTLEMEN WISHING a ready-made Suit, or who wish their measure taken, can do so by calling on us. we have an elegant line of samples to select from and II you are not pleased you need not take the stilt. ALEXANDER A HARRIS. apt 18 -AND- -COUNTERS- RE Laden with FRESH and STYLISH GOODS in great variety, and we a-k you to examine our Goods and co nre our prices, with the full as surance thai you will tad the examination and comparison to your pecuniary interest The public has already voted SEIGLX'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED In the city. Every Novelty of the Season in TRIMMINGS and In NECK WEAR. All should come and see for themselves. WAR NER'S CORALINE CORSET only 97 cents. T. I,. SEKJLI & CO. mar2fi A N8fr-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Cruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe ! It acts immediately I It never fails I Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, Bays : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., it 13 the most effectual remedy vre know of. No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. Prom the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have seen Its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied it is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It Is a panacea for all bruises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relief. R. Lewis says : In forty years' use it never has failed me, W. W. Lum, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic. J. Dee says ' Tor scalds' and hums It has no equal PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KJXLER is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been in constant use; and those who have used it the longest are lis best friends. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever beore. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medicines, it imperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, 50c. and SSl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldenoa, R. I. septdiwseptkoct. BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea, dismenorrhaea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pdns so peculiar to women. Price Jf3 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. i'OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Pills. In either stage, whether primary, stcondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to curs when directions are followed. Price $2 50per box. Five b xes 810 Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. N INVALUABLE BEHEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure nr. Clarke's Gonnorrhea Fill. in 4 to 8 days of all urinary arrec ti ns, smarting, frequent or difficult nrinutinn miipinis ritsp.hareea and se diments in ihe urine from what ever cause induced, wnetner or. re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price $2 per box. Three' boxes for $5. VTuilori fraa nn romlnt. nf nrlee. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New xork city. 'THERE IS A BAL.1TI IN G I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea and impotency, as the result of self- Dr. maturer years, or other causes, and producing some oi tne iouowmg effects: Nervousness, seminal emis- .inn fnlcrht. amlaalonn bv dreams'). Clarke's Dimness of sight. Defective Mem ory, rmsicai uecty, ri'iT'ra wu Face, Aversion totf oclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexual Power, Sea, rendering marriage im proper or unhappy. Are a positive cure in two to 8 weeks. One to 8lx boxes usually sufficient Price 81 50 per box. Four boxes 85. Sent by Invigorating man, prepara. on iwciijiui ynuo. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Fills. "fcbl9 dw 18w "PERRY & C0.'S These Pens aro'BpedaTry -baxdened at tha point, will not corrode or rust, and will be found meet serricemble and durable.; Bamplec&rd.'wltb ten different ityiea of nickel plated peas, seat foe trial by mil on receipt of 25 cents. Sole Agents IvisOfc Blakeman, Taylor A to r DAVIS' -PAIN . killer SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Reported for the Observer by Walton M. Busbee, of the Balelgh Bar. Hallyburton et als, Executors vs. Car son, Executor, et als. McDowell Smith C. J. The testator whose will was execut ed ia 1857 devised different tracts of land to his several nephews and among others to his nephew John, the defend ant", who was made executor by the will. The plaintiff3 allege the insolvency of the estate of the other debtors, the ex haustion of the personal estate and the consequent necessity of a sale of the land devised to the defendant in order to meet their claims. In 1863 some of the devisees having died the testator executed a. codicil re voking the clause giving the land to them and bequeathing the same to the said defendant. The appeal lies from the refusal of his Honor to adjudge the sale, he being of opinion that the provision for the the sale in the will had been revoked by the codicil, and that the primary lia bility did not rest on those lands. Held : That when the codicil is in ir reconcilable conflict with the will, it must prevail as a revocation ; but when a codicil does not in terms revoke a clause in the will, but modifies it in some of its features entirely consistent with the intention of its other provis ions, it will only be allowed to have that effect and the clause thus changed will remain as the embodiment and ex pression of the testator's intent. Where an absolute and unqualified gift in a codicil is incompatible with the disposition of land made in the will, it must hava a revoking efficacy or be itself nugatory. No error. Affirmed. Gilbert et als, vs. James. Alexander. Smith C. J. The plaintiffs allege that the decree ordering the sale of the lands of their intestate, was obtained through the fraud and falsehood of the defendant, and ask that it be set aside and annull ed and his pretended conveyance of ti tle be declared void, and ask for gener al relief. The matter was submitted to a jury who found for the plaintiffs defendant appealed. The defendant proposed to prove that the deceased attorney, Stephenson, in his lifetime asked the witness to act as guardian to the infants, Franklin and Mary, and receive their share of the proceeds of sale and that in the conver sation he stated that he was their attor ney. 2d Exception. To the refusal of the court to permit proof of the good char acter of the attorney to be introduced when offered during the examination of witnesses. 3d. To the limited effect given to the deed he received, in not extending its operation to the interest afterwards ac quired by the feme in the share of her supposed deceased brother. 4th. That the personal representa tive of ti e attorney t3phenson is not a party to tie action. The court says; 1st, That an agent's declarations are not admissible to prove his authority, for the agency must first be shown aliundi, before the declarations can be received to affect an alleged principal. The evidence is but hear-say and not part of the res ges tee. 1 Greenleaf Ev. see's 109, 110. Rob erts vs. Roberts, 82 N. C. 29. 2nd. It is the duty of the judge who may have committed an error during the trial to correct it as soon as discov ered, and where the judge is willing to admit the evidence at first excluded and before the retirement of the jury, there is no cause of exception. State vs. Rush, 12 Iredell 382, Brown vs. Washington G3 N. C. 514. 3rd. Where a grantor conveys all the right, title, interest and claim to an es tate, it is apparent that the deed em braces only that estate which the grant or then owned and was able to convey and not that which may afterwards ac crue, for that is separate and distinct. 4th. Where it is not important to the parties to the action, that the personal representative of an attorney should be before the court, and where he can still be brought in without disturbing what has been already done, exception to his not being made a party is not tenable. The character and bona fides of the attorney who files a petition are not necessarily involved in the issue, for he may have acted upon false information. Generally it must be assumed that those who act as attorneys for a party and are recognized by the court as such, possess the required authority to repre sent him. University vs. Lassiter 83 N. C. 38 and Sutton vs. Schonwald, decided at this term. No error. Affirmed. State vs. Freeman Henderson. Ashe, J. The defendant was tried and con victed at the fall term of 1881 for as sault and battery and false imprison ment. It was in evidence that the prose cutor, King, was found between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock at night on the day of the alleged assault, in a state of helpless intoxication on the sidewalk in the street of the town of Henderson ville, wUh his head upon the step of the postoffice, and in such a position that those who passed were compelled to walk around him. He was arrested by the defendant, the police officer of the town, and carried to the calaboose, and made as comfortable as circum stances would permit In the morning he was carried before the mayor and convicted of a violation of town ordi dance No. 12. The court says : That Ch. 3, sec. 23 Battle's Rev. give a town constable the same power, as a peace officer and min isterial officer, as is given to a constable in the country. He may arrest without warrant for affrays, riots and breaches of the peace committed in his presence, and for vio lent and disorderly acts and threats; for exhibiting publicly an obscene pic ture, or of committing like offenses against decency and morality. 1st Arch. Crim. Pleading 26, note 2. These last mentioned offenses are nuisances, and drunkenness falls within the same category. If he may be apprehended without warrant for these when com mitted in the presence of the officer, he may also be arrested upon view for public drunkenness, for when open it becomes a nuisance and indictable of fense. State vs. Waller, 3 Mur., 229. If a person be arrested at a time and under circumstances as he cannot be carried immediately before a justice the officer may keep him in custody, commit him to the jail or lock-up, or even tie him, according to the nature of the off ense and the necessity of the case. A magistrate has no right to send a man to prison by a verbal order, and the officer who executes such an order is not protected by it Judgment reversed. Error. "Excruciating Agendas." 168 Constance Street. New Orleans, La., March 16, 1881. ( H. H. Warner Co.: Blrs-Your Sale Kidney and Liver Cora has relieved me in the most happy manner from the excruciating agonies of kldne and bladder difficulties and gravel. The Connecticut prohibition conven tion Wednesday nominated George P. Rogers for governor, The Missouri Legislature met Wed nesday in extra session to redistrict the State. The crop reports in Arkansas indi cate ft better yield of wheat and corn than for many years. The Connecticut Senate Wednesday defeated the House . resolution asking the pardon , of Sergeant Mason- - French Canadians areT returning in large numbers from the New England States to the Dominion provinces. About one hundred and fifty Mor mon converts, mostly Norwegians and Danes; have arrived at San Francisco en route fox Salt Lake. The Mexican government has grant ed a subsidy, of two. thousand dollars for each round trip to a line of steam ers to ply between Vera Cruz, Havana and New York. Mr. Parnell has notified the governor of Kilmalnham jail that he will pro long his leave of absence for another week. . The railroad commission bill Mas passed yesterday by the lower House of the New York Legislature. It goes to the Senate. By it the commissoners are to be elected by the people. President Arthur accompanied by his son and daughter, paid a visit to Anap olis Wednesday. At the instance of Prince Bismarck the circulation of one of the minor comic papers at Berlin has been prohib ited for two years. The receiver of theNorth American Life Insurance Company testified be fore the New York Legislative com mittee Wednesday that the expenses of settling its affairs had been $34,378, and that there are $289,706 on deposit to the credit of policy-holders. Mrs. S. J. Gray, colored, wife of Rev. S. J. Gray, of Lexington, Ky., has re ceived a verdict of $1,000 damages in the Uniied States Circuit Court at Cin cinnati against the Cincinnati Southern Railway Company for refusing her - ad mission to the ladies' car last August. T. P. O'Connor, member of Parlia ment for Gal way, was given a reception at Cooper Institute, New York, last night, previous for his departure for home. A decree was signed in New York Wednesday for a partition of the prop erty bequeathed to J.GordonBennett by his rather, the will leaving one-hair to himself and one-half in trust to his sis ter, Jeannette Bell, the income to her during her life and her share to her children. A hurricane swept over Brunsville and several other towns Thursdav, in- juredsome people and destroyed $150,- 000 worth of property. Chas. Robert Dunn, the well-known scientist, died in England last Thurs day. The bill which passed the lower House of the Virginia Legislature to take a recess until the 7th of June, was defeated in the Senate Thursday by a majority of three. Liberalism at Goldsboro. Winston Bepubllcar. We publish to-day a copy of the pre amble and resolutions adopted by the convention of colored people at Golds boro. For a proper understanding of the resolutions the preamble should be read with them, and the whole con strued together. They contain no doc trine which should be deemed offensive to any class of Republicans, but, as we understand them, they make no allu sion to anti-Prohibition, which is claimed by some Republicans to be the basis of Liberalisni" in North Caro lina. So long as general terms are em ployed no harm can ensue, for there will be nothing to give offense to the most fastidious. If there is indeed such a liberal move ment as described, we also hail it with satisfaction, and will welcome all Democrats to the Republican ranks who are willing to subscribe to such liberalism, but we d j not mean to fol low the pur-blind leadership of Demo cratic Bill Johnsons on the liquor ques tion, or any other, for we have better leaders of our own. The true nolicy of the Rermbliean nartv is to avoid such questions as will destroy harmony, and to unite upon principles where au can agree, and which are so well recited in the preamble of the Goldsboro resolu tions. A Snake Story. Greensboro Bugle. Mr. W. D. McAdoo's fine old gray horse Gen. Lee has been sick for six months, unable most of the time to work. Yesterday he gave the General two packages of horse powders, expell ing a live black snake eight inches long. The General is much better to-day, and it is believed his troubles were all owing to the snake being in his stomach. Steamer Probably Lost. New Orleans, April 21. The Times Democrat's Morgan City special says the steamer Tom Parker which left this port for Sabine Pass on the 10th has not reached her destination. She was probably lost in the storm of the 12th inst Patting his Haemies out of his Way. CArrmTTA. ADril 21. Political mas sacres have recommenced in Mandalay. tt- . mi 1 1 . A. J Lt. i JVing ineeuaw una put to ueaiu au in ferior wife, two half sisters, the chan cellor of the exchequer and fifty of their relatives. lire in the West Virginia Penitentiary. Wheeling, April 21. The fire last night in the wagon factory of the Web ster company, in the West Virginia penitentiary, damaged the building to the extent of $28,000. Insurance $23,000. Death of Gen. Burt. Saratoga, April 21. General Burt died at 1.30 this morning. Prematnre Lm of Hair May be entirely prevented by the use of BUB NKTTS COCOA INK. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of. tins umnan hair It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy, vigorous growth, it is not greasy nor sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are known to be the best There is no worse enthrallment for tormented man than the exactions of a morbid nervous con dition. The over-taxed brain then gets no rest from tranquil sleep and needs the pacifying in fluence of Dr. C W. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills Soothe be InTlid. A few drops of 80250DONT mixed with water, and placed la the mouth of the invalid, will re-, fresh him. It aromatizes what else would be dry and uncomfortable, and gives Infinite pleasure, j and Incites appetite. Ko nurse should neglect jSO&ODONT. v" 17nprinclplet Desdlssra , The popularity and world-wide fame, of Simmons Liver Regulator has Induced unprincipled parties to place spurious compounds called by some gar bled part of our title or name In the market.- A majority of these enterprises have died a natural death, but ethers are periodically cropping- out To. those who have not yet learned the great worth of the Regulator this word of caution is necessarj To the Invalid lt may be a question of life and death. Ask for Simmons Liver Regulator, and look for the signature of J. H. Zellln 4 Co., and the largest red Z on White Wrapper. A CARD. To all who are suffertne from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervens weakc ess. early decay ubs ui .uiiuuiwa, a.c.,i win sena a recipe inat viui cure you, F&KK of CHARGE. T1U i great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Jouth America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Kiev, dUDAT-xi x. nun Bianon u. new iorK JKf From Andrew's American (jueen. CLEOPATRA OB THB QUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY WAS Birr SKIN DEEP. The renowned Uueen of ahtbi. with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue, would never have aprjeare d within the Dresenee of the grandest of th9 monarchs of the past, bad she not also possessed that which It Is the crowning glory of the fema'e person a skin unchallensnd for its Oriental softness and Its almost transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had aulckiv lost her charm and power by one attack of blotches or of pimples, or of horrid tan and freckles. WOMAN RULES THE WORLD by her beauty, not less than by her purity of char acter, loveliness of disposition and unselfish de votion. Indeed, In the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty in a body takes precedence over every other consideration. Beauty thus forms an Important part of womau's "working capital," without which too many, (if not bankrupts in what relates to influence wlthl . i the circle where they move,) are powerless for great good. Hence we see not only the propriety but the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to her Is essential to success, and influence, and use fulness In life. And, since "beauty Is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance are required to guard it against the many Ills that flesh is heir to. Among the great and annoying enemies of beauty, 07 EITHER SEX, as well as of comfort; happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin disease tetters, humors, eczema, (salt rbeuin,) rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases of the hair and scalp. For the cure of all these, Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, after years of patient study and investigation devoted to diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CURE, which has already by Its marvelous cures, established itself as the great remedy for all dis eases of the skin, whatever be their names or character. Its success h -is been immense and un paralleled. All druggists have lt It Is elegantly put up, two bottles In one package. Internal and external treatment. Price SI. 00. EVERY ONE PRAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile . They con tain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50c per box. $1 for two, $2.50 for six, postage free. Dr. C W.Ben son, Baltimore, Ma. C. N. t eittkkton. Npw York, Is Wholesale A gent for Dr C W. Benson's reme dies. apr4 MRS. LYD1A L P1NKHAM, OF LYNN, MISS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE3ETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure fWr all Ifcaae Palnftal Csniplaiata nd WeakaMM rama t our fee4 feMale yepalstion. It win cure entirely th wont form of Female Com. plaints, all ovarian trouble, Inflammation and Clcera tlon, Fatllng and Displacements, and the eomeqnent . Spinal Weakness, and ia particularly adapted to the Change of life. It will dlnolve and expel tumor from the stems ia ' an early ftage of development. The tendency to oaa corona hnmon there ia cheeked very speedily by Its use. It removes falntneaa, flatulency, destroys all crftTiag" for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. . It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and IndV. gestlon. That faeong of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, ia always permaneatly cored by Its use. It win at all time and under an circumstances act m harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex thla Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND ia prepared at S3 and S3S Western Avenue, tynn,Kaas. Price il. Six bottles for S& Sent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. MmtUm Mi Paptr, He family should be without LYDIA & PIKXHA1TS XJVEB FILLS. They cure constipation, MUonaness, and torpidity of theliver. tt cents per box. as- Sold by all Draccistai. PRESCRIPTIONS PREP ABED at all hours day or night, at reason Is le prices, of the best materials and by com petent pharmacists, at WILSON & BUTIWXLL'S apr9 Drug btore, Trade street PUREST WINES, BRANDIES and Whiskeys for Medical use, guar anteed of the best Quality and reasonable in price. WILSON & BUBWELL. apr9 Druggists. RECEIVED TO-DAY. FITS Barrels Baw Linseed Oil. 5 barrels Boiled Linseed Oil. 5. COO pounds Pure White Lead, 5 barrels Machine Oil WILSON & BUBWELL, . apr9 Trade Street. COCOA, CHOCOLATE, Nelson's Gelatine, Mustard and Spices of all kinds Fresh arrival x, l WILSON & BUB WELL'S apr9 Drug Store. Richard A. Springs. Formerly of Charlotte, N. Cl ATTORNEY & COUHSELLOS at LAW, flo. IT IfaaaM street. If w ITorp. ? . I All fionespondenee will receive prompt attention. Bxhbskck: 1 st National BaniTCharlotte, N. a Balelgh National Bank, BalelghiN.tif Hon. W.P. Bynum, ex-Judge Supreme court NorUiCarafna. aprie 6m - : TO TIE -:H:-& w an.ttKL043 wn. he wnrn- harf.r. rL'XwiTa, , pw!M DOTTED In handsome patterns, at 20c to 50c Alarge stock Ask to see Oor "HOLHESVILLE" KIGHT-GOWN GOODS. U. i BEFORE PURCHASHING. Hargraves & "Wilhelm . AGENTS FOR "UNIVERSAL" FASHIONS. aprl6 MASON & SHONINGER PEttjraEI & U OF IJ 1 Jiff ljlSi iSigffH MUSIC H DUBim Eight of the Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instants in Stock. PLFNTY CF MONEY ON OUB LEFT, P1EXTY TO EIT OX OUR RIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Put Ten Dollar OF OUR Neither do We Throw in a 1 8888g8 11 n 88 111 888s88 H. SPRIG NKw T(1P,( NEW nun kyiuvii COME ! F OB our stock Is now complete. We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED IN OUB OWN HOUSJS. We are Justified in asHerUnz. and tint r-rnoaomta thut tha Inns attia. rtence and standing of our House, Is a full guarantee that T 1 1 jut oiiOTBCiBTG 16 THB MOST RELIiBLE SOLD In this Market We. make- up orsVclass Waranento, and always study the demands of. our patrons, and Insure them absolute BOTTOM PRICES. We do not bay lob lots in order to introduce Low Priced Goods, but Invariably offer the public such CLOTHING and made up in such a style as is worn In fashionable circles la Northern cities. We had the choice of seleettnr our stock by irolrg early in the Market, ot which privilege the Late Purchaser is debarred. Our stock ef Soyas' and C3a.llcl.re93x'aB CTlotlxlxAS is as One as always. The latest stjies in HATS, ALL COLORS THE FINEST IN TEE CITY. TH E YORKTOWN SCARF, ; The Latest Out, In the Very Latest Shades in Silks. y W C-A. TaX, jA-lTiP US. Tery Bespectfully, L. Berwanger 8t Bro If. D. GaraaeaU aiaAe Orator n LADM ! i -I5l: :W:- It wm pay you to see our Dress Good ... We have .XT" 8 n,CB ,ine 01 wun8 veiling Bash Hlbbons will SWISS'---- of NECK WEAR, Cretonnes and Fringes for same. mm FrcntFoiward to tho Bear, DOUBLE-QUICK! McSmith Music House, -THU- -Li-tributmg Depot for the Carollnas- -FOB- CHICKERING KRAMCK & BACH, MATHUS HEK, -AND- Southern Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIME, CO. OEGAMS. Gold Pieces on Every Stop ORGANS, House I Lot or a Railroad, But w Beat .That all to Pieces tS CALL AND SIE ME. e Will Guarantee 10 per cent, on all Moneys Invested. W For Parslculars call on or write to McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. FBI 888S88 mqq Skert rfUcr smES LATEST COTS apr2

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