i BriER.25o r.ir fit lata i bkAge makes 5 gallon or a de licious, wholesome, settling beverage. Ask your druggist, or sept by BKtfABD! for' arr case of sioao Blind Bleeding, jvcdihb. Ulcerated, or protruding MLKa f thatJ)eSlNU'a PiLK BEMEDxJslis to cure. prepared ny j. jr. None genuine without his signature. 6ehd for circular. Sold by druggists ana country stores. 31. Worth Sending Tor. Dr. J. H. SCHENCR. of Philadelphia, has lust published a book on VDHKA8ES Of THE LUNPS AND BOWTBBTCAN BK tlBKB," whtenteofW ered Free, postpaid, to all appllcanu. It ooritali valuable Information for all who suppose them selves afflicted with, or liable to, any diseases of the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCHKNCK & SON, 600 Areir street, FMlaflelphia, Pa.7 Pror BOX . c Bend 3c. stamp for Ten new brisrht. attract! re. Box6(4Baltimor9 CEORCE PACE CO. JOJUiailWluaT)ia Patent Portable Circular SAW aim SUtloairy sad PorUtls STEAM 5 X. BCHEOEDKE BT., Grist and Hoop Mills, Water wheels, Wood working nd Darml ei uaoi Circular Bsws, Mill Buppllegjeto. T. and ttRjTXblNG or Catalogs The American Popnlar Dictionary, $1.00 This useful and el. Igaat TOlnme Is a com plete Library and An e y e 1 o pae4 la. well aa the best Dic tionary In the world. Sapcrcly- bound In cloth and gilt. It con tains btest WORD IN THB KXGUSH LAN OCAOS, with: Its truo meaning, derlvaUon, IlllP- railing ana aronoun elation and ivast amount of absolutely necessary Information upon science, Mjtnol- okt, uioKrmpnj, m ill; rlcan History, Laws, ate-, being a perfect Library of reference. Wsbstsfs Dictionary costa tt.ofl, and the American. Pop ular .Dictionary costs only $ . "worts ten times the money. -H.Y. Atlas. I " Wa hara never seen Its aqqai altneT la. price, finish jr ' eon tnta. The AdToeate. "A nerfect Dictionary and library tents." The AdToeate. "A perfect D! of reference'' Leslie's TUus. News. M. T. One copy of the American Popnlar Dictionary Illustrated), the srreat- est and best book erer Dnblished. post-paid to any adc drea on receipt of S I . -Kntlre satisfaction guarante copies postpaldS2s, Ordr at Orte-, Tbli food for to days only. Bad will Meyer be made agi copies for Fiv DollaDi. vOt n-reof your ft And with taii arln vnn Trn? OwH n0KTre&. This offer Is sin. tiiX tendC to World Maaateetariax Co.', S Kama St. Vtl V. Our readers tvill find this wonderful boo the cheap est JHctionary published. The information it contains is worth many times the amount asked for itf and it should be in the possession of everybody. With this book in the library or refer ence, many other much more ex pensive works can be dispensed with,- and- ignorance of his country, history, business, laics, etc. is inexcusable in any man. Note the price, $1, post-paid. $30 lit free. FEB WIXX can be made In any locality. Something entirely new for agents 85 out- u. w. iNUttAHAai x CO., Bostcn, Mass. aprl 8 dfcw4w T! '0 NEWSPAPER MEN .-S Just Becelved a laree lot of Flrst-Class NEWS INK. Dut ud In 25 lb. Dackazea. suitable for publishers of country newspapers. Address THE OBSEkVEB, mar28 Ctarlotte, N. C. 5ntwise aundry. jj IDE3IBE to announce to the public that I am now prepared to do washing and booing In tne best possible manner. I have succeeded In get ting better water than I have been using, and will now agree to take family washing by the month as lollows: Fur handkerchiefs, towels, socks and napkins at one and a half cents each. - All other family goods at 3 cents per article, except lace cur tains. The prices are extremely low and every respecta ble family In Charlotte can s fiord to give me a trial. Tire wanning of each family Is kept separ ate, and ladles' clothing is handled exclusively by females. I will call at the bouse for the wash and deliver It within three days. I asked the public to pay no attention to outside reports about my business, as I guarantee satlsfao Uon or make no charge. L. H ATM ANN, Prop'r, aprl 1 Enterprise steam Laundry. Native Mineral Wafer!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ALUM WATER cuaEs Dyspepsia, Indigestien, Torpid Layer, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Chronic Pneumonia, etc. It la a powerful Alterative Tonic and to ANTI MALARIAL In Its effects. Bead certificates from eminent physicians In our pamphlets. NO ARTIFICIAL OASES OR SALTS. Bottled In Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Bock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors-from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Mc ADEN and Dr. T. C SMITH, Csiarlotte, N. C. -mails ly :oK): , HA VINO now two more Kilns, in addition to otit PERPETUAL KILN we are now prepared to TILL ORDERS PROMlTrXT, on short notice, and at . priees tbat defy competi- uon. we guarantee quality, aad make no charge unless Lime proves satisfactory. We bave an aaency in Charlotte of A. c. flnm- mervllle; who will receive orders for small lota at icuuvcu pricea. Uefereqce as to Quality of Lime given onappli- Box No. 88, Gaffney aty B. a mar7 3m Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHOHEH. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 1KD- 9 Telegraph Company, Is the -SOLE LICENSEE- otthe- imencan JeB Telepto Company for supplying Telephones In the States of Wnrtnla," West Tlrglnia, (south of tbeR a & a.) North Carolina, Booth Carolina, Florida and Alabama tamstrrjets squirt rented tm Tor parHeuiars addrMS flOLTTHEBN BLL TELEPHONE aSd TELEGBAPH COMPANY. -sunt -. I r-hlleod8m i05Br)adv?ay,ev?xoK. ARfl ROLL ECTORS I Ehronso Cards. Humorous iahomo Shibt jTaotobx .P.O. I A ENGINES - -- J'j-;m rr, Kmngie amis, ft-L Stomach Jl nnartar nf a nntnr or mora Hostettttr's Stomach Bitters h been, the reigning speplnc for Indigestion, dyspepsia, fevemnd ague, a lo f physical stamina, nver-piaun mm um orders, and has been mosT emphatically Indorsed by medical men as a be&Rh and strength frestora tlve. It counteracts tendency to premature de cay, and sustains and contorts the aged and In firm. N i - FOB SAL BT ALLDBCGGHljfe ANDDBALXRS GtSlOJXLY.l aprl . ..--. ! , CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CPHK BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 SYPHILIS . in any tage. CATABSH, ECZEMA, OLD SOBES.FI PLE3, BOILS ANY a jx a as : CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL! 1 1 If yoo donbt, come to see as, and we will CUBE TOD. or charge notbing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the' Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Drr>et as to our Standing. tyflOOO REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of 100 bottles of 8. 8. 8. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. 8WLT SPECIFIC CO.. Props., Atlanta, Qa. (FIB BOTTLX) Price ol SmaT 8fte 81.00 utrge size, .. i.4o SOLD BT ALL DBDG GISTS. dec81 -JUST RECEIVED AT THS VARIETY STORE -A LOT 01- HAMBUBG EDGING at from 2c to 2fic a yard TXBT Chkaf: LAWNS at 61c: BLEACHED 8HIBTING at 7c. 8c and 10c; LINEN TOWELS irom 91.2U to 90.1 5 per dozen. GOOD BARGAINS. B031ERT,OSE 8UpPDBTEBS,GtOVE3, COB- 6IT8, CBOCTERY.TI1I WARJGLAS3 WABE LAMPS PlCTUBSTaAMtS.land many other things' at comparaUcely low prices. I Ear CALL and SEE. El Bespectfully, : C. M. ETHEBEDGS, Under Traders' Nauonal Bank. mar28 CONGRESS WATER! CATHARTIC A N D AE. ERATIVB Is a wen known specific for CONSUMPTION, IN DIGESTION, and all disorders of the STOMACH, LI TEB. Jind KTJDNETS. NINETT TEABS' popular use attests Its purity, safety and superiority to all waters' of this class Avoid all coarse, irritating waters; foreign and domestic: they Impair the dlgasttve organs and kidneys, UierebyllridilrrerarablersTitts, mart 4m wvi - t DR. A. W. ALXZAKDXB. DB."C. t. ALEZANDEB. SURGEON DENTISTS, CHARLOTTE, If Office or Tirade street over 'L. Berwabger fc Bra's . clothing store. (JOcs Moots from 8 a. m to 5 pfi. at2 lUATip&XMEEi?. ZUISVIUJ, H. c rpHB househaajbeen leased for a term of dtmmlJS:. Dr- Beeves, whose nan Intention is to vw at ouusuy nrsvetass nouse in respect. vwomoaious sample rooms on ant and second Atm Tw uvuoq ui Boor, July St? 01 tt6 pOW,C !" soUctted; ftiFtiitrire i Ann 1 mm la mm l II M til'-' II i-i rr m DIS ASWijf vtag g p SATURDAY, APRIL 22A1832. SrlT ATE NEWS. j Greetrsboro North State : Iliah iPoint; is to hSrezaa (Episcopal catrrcbL a lol liavinfclj'WIy. been purchasedlhfrn wDicn'W'yKi one. The?eo!!et'ttoD8 of internal retefue in theK?5lJ'rict. for tte week ending SaturalyTaaE foot up l8,9478"j i 'a jNyWBbfjro'Me8senger: Mr. A.'G. Bassaaearpenter employed-Jby Sir. Hardingrwrthe W.& W. railroad ware- housewrHiff the roof Monday, break ing hijrrjmrahd being other Wfsapajn- Dr. Ws Faison, a taleMed airrd a 'nativi of clever sTf3trffl? physician. DuplirfotiBty, but formerly a resident of this city, left here Monday nightoH a trip toirazn, via London. Raleigh -Nws and Observer: The revlVal meeting at the Second BaptfBt chijferl Ontfrfues, and much interest-w maairstea.. 'j The coodi4ion of Mr. R. C. Badger, last niirht-was critical in the exta-wae and his friends have little hope of hia recovejry.., 6'ojernor Holden's condition remsflfe? uncSaBged. -His physicians arehdpe- ful. -- Thetrners all report the lands m excellent" condition and all are busy "pifin'2oihe next crop. The pros peots of the coming crop are very gtfqd.' Mr. RJtvLBryan died yesterday m orat ing, after a brief and painful illness, of pneumonia. Tne aeceasea was taaren to his bed last Saturday night His age was 8pRT9 The funeral will be hjelb? from Christ church this afternoon at 3 o cKck. . . Salem Press: The secret of so much hickory, dogwood and persimmon vood being dBlTVeTed at the spoke and shuttle factory, -ihe empty corn cribs. The wood iS"8r3W to raise the means to buy corrxr-v, ' , Orr-Morrday night last a citizen was attackett oh the street by a large dog whieiMnade- spring for his throat;. , A thirty -twd calibre ball put a stop fe the antagoHTstfeeVl demonstrations, of th blood:tfrstyJbeast. Newbern -Tutsheii:.st,ewbern has seventeen jutorneysfaway. Reid8rnieTimes:"iGunn Drouent Wftntwoflli vesterdacfi ioint snake. ne uug up m uis piace near iui hjvuu- It was examined witn mucn interest dv severaLofihe citizens, Col. Settle (offer ing tenl4rrs to caichyhim onei just ike it. The tan couia oe easily lanen to pieces. ...... ; Durham. Plant- We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. DatJte, daughter of Mr. Jonn JSL Wilson, bhe died Wed nesday at Vinson's Mills, of consump tion. , . , Main street in Dufuanns to be paved. Whiteville Enterorisei Mr. Wilev Powell handed us a swewpotato grown this year-fejkA gentleman of this town, with a "vine nine feet long. Last Sunday there was a mad dog in the town of Elizabeth, Bladen county. He attacked several animals, among which was a valuable steer. Mr. H.-D; Williamson, of Cerro Gor do, sent to out town last week a hand ful of oat three feet and seven inches in height, which was taken from a five acre lot. - One of our townsmen says he can beat that. Monroe Express : Wadesboro is going to have a new national bank with a capital stock of $50,000. It is said that the Cherasv & bans bury Railroad will be completed as far aa Ansonvilleat once. Robt. Guynh, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. IiJY..Norwood, died on Wednes day evening, the 19th inst., aged about three years. We learn that Kev, a. u. Covington, of Rock Hill, S. C, was severely injured few days ago by his horse running away witn him. Ease, the utile daughter of Dr. and Mrsv Ramsay, aged about had One of her arms broken 20 months, a few days She is now ago. by falling in the yard. doing well. Tarboroneh Southerner, ihe Scot land Neck Railroad has entered the corporate limits of that town. The citizens now feel more independent, as they can get freight whether the river is navigable or not. A regular sched ule will be run over the road after the 1st of May. " .Last weekacnud aoont seven months old was so badly burnt tbat it died in three hours after the burning. Its mother, Mrs.A. L. SJtokes, so it is said, had left it on the floor, aad had gone to get something for dinner, or to get wood to put on the ore. when she found her baby enveloped in flames. How it caught ntaoar informant did not know. Dr.-jamesor tfetnei,"! fitt county, while under art old shelter from which the weather boarding had! been taken off, had his back broken the falling of the building upon him. Dr. O'Hagan made an examination as to his injuries, and he gave it as his opinion that the back was broken, and that if the doctor got well he-would be a cripple for life. It is thought that the spinal cord is un injured Later Tuesday the condition of the doctor was not so well. Onr Forests Louisville Courier-Journal. The Forestry Congress, which will meet at ' Cincinnati on Tuesday, the 25th instC'will discuss the very impor tant wxbieet of preserving and renew ing American forests, a subject which we have discussed, very oiten ana one whictTcaniiot be too often or too earn estly bTotrght before the people. Just to give a general idea of how the for ests in this, country are disappearing, we quote the following from a recent paper on the subject of our forests by Gen. BrisbinT "Last year there were 101,000 miles of railway in this country, and this year we are building 16,000 miles of new rail way. AIL, these roads have to be tied with comparatively young timber. I harfTfiOtUt hand an estimate of the number of ities used per mile, but the annual "consumption is very large. Some years -ago, to build 71,000 miles of railwayetirjg'ed 184,600,000 ties. Ties have tote replaced every seven years, and it is t air to set down the number of ties reqriiredTtnnually for future con sumj?tidiTat "160,000,000. As every one knows, railroad ties are cut from young timbeiFtbe4reS being from eight to twenty inches in diameter, and this de mand "tflfrpfr the very source of our timber supply. It is a fact that the fences of,the United States have cost more than the land, and they are to-day the moftfataable class of property in the .UrufiedU States, except buildings, railroads ajad real estate in cities. To, keep upijefences requires annually an mormouAXDllsumption of timber. The 125XX) tanas in Kentucky require l&u, 000,000 yairrtinB fence to inclose them. The nuJaTSCTof rails requited is set down atgf0Oo7K)0000, costing SJ5j000,000. To repTTCM keep in good older the f enOw trrttrirone State alone-costs'an-nuallyClEstgXXOOO. Illinois, a compara tively istwState, has $200,000,000 in vested tff fences, but it costs Jier only aboAtCSOdvOOO annually for- repairs, m aflTvjTVtvwr fences being constructed of wireVTUry whole value of the fences in the TJSifisrstates mav be set down at $2,00ftee0fl00, and it costs $100,000,000 eep tnem in renaTx.! The city Qfjcjlpalone last year employed I7,8i)0 meojitt. handling lumber There were 500r clerks, 4,000 woodworkers, 2.000 8atlot8.i,000 men to loadand un load the "vessels, and 10,000 4 men to bandle and prepare the lumber jtot mar- procciet(U& The lamr. Chicaeo to. 1881 exceeded 2,000.000,000 ftefiai one tram'roiTcara less thmx SOOfianar FoCtreeafli iai av j IDDlYtl Chieagqrjnarke . These figures Are (indeed itprlill&R and iriay l wellfalann an fpib Bsito 1 the future . source afl orrlrjbeMsmnAY. There is no hope of. any diminution iru the' fu ture,, fOt-gChicago r wiirsreqriire more lumber thii year than sheldid-iast. The depsandj8jrTOrJicteasing' ahcTthe sup-plyg-ever mdiremishlBg.Ms3 Between the, two the end-mnat come 6PQn and the prajjd plrlltoe8t?Mlspy fterthe SaginttWy-Muskegonr Ment)monee, Mati- lsuee. ;anq iudington -goPiceB are ex hausted-, ,4Je- Itod&yrountai n slopes tfvSCaiL hat isrorth taking Every earweTflmand.000.tX)a acrea-of trees WBesfftojirjotxiiwO. trepiace The end is so plain, even a tool cuts iPitu lUa.JhiLtJupgrr' i matn ona lsvioresL renewal nee or building " and lnduRtrial jnurposes. OT?rfdEitoalI our rvs-nw-er- lees-ana r-tire reRuiaruy nd dvtratton df-the rainTaltIf noth- tn 8 dbn6 to retoedr thejiL large jtions of our ipuatWlflllnvitably pmeas sterile aahara. . . - if ; i . - -i-r . . . fining Intelligence. Sarlsbury Watchman Silver galley stockholders are to meet in Tnomas-vie'OB tfiBfaepfiT May ror tne purpose of erecting" Officers, it is reported c,at tiiere is to be an entire The Lrialn shaft at the "Wardinineis flown" 62 feet They axe workjng day and night, and expect' to cut tlie large vein in a xawxeat. Une or two email streaks, of ore hay e-been cut already, Mr. 13. Greenwood, or Nevada, is here. He says ho has justleit the Pa cific slope ana Came nere to prospect. He will firetlturn his attention to Mont gomery county. f Thi adiourned annual meetine of the slockliolders of the North State Mining Company was held m the company s oflice- here -on yesterday, and 374,855 shares of stdck were represented. Wm. Brandretb, Iarcus P. Bestow and Goo. B. Flint wece elected directors for the ensuing thxee years. The executive committee jmade a report explaining tire present order of the company's working, which was adopted. The meet ing then adjourned. - The Welborn mine, comprising, some G00 acres, lying in Davidson, county, seven miles from .Lexington, has been aeain started to work. On the property are fourteen shafts, the deepest being ninety feeti Mr. W. A. H. Schreiber, of Richmond, Va., has bonded the ul;lce, and discovered a new vein of sil ver and galena ore. It lies within a few miles of 1 the famous Silver Hill mine, and' it is supposed that the ore will finally develop into the same character -They are working a ten- stamp mill. Mr. W. Ji. Smith, assistant superin tendent of the Sam. Christian mine, called last Monday and showed us a lot of some forty nuggets, averaging about 10 pennyweights each. The nuggets and coarse gold, collectively, weighed something over 700 pennyweights, and was tne result or about a weeks wasn- ing about the first of this month. The mine is producing steadily now, and is paying all the expense of running, with a margin. The great trouble is the lack of sufficient water force. If the Tadkin or Uwharrie could be turned on this property, the result could not fail to be startlurg. At present tpey use pumps which supply two-inch nozzles, and only work a force of some thirty hands. They own Some J 00 -acres of land, and ara prospecting all ..the while. Last week they struck two feet of very rich grit, worth irom -25 to 50 cents per bushel. - - - i- r. Je ft Alone. Monroe Express. We learn that a little child, aged one and a half years, of Mr. Jacob Philmon, who lives about four miles east of town, while alone in the house on Monday evening, its mother having gone to the spring for water, caught on fire and was so badly burned that it died the following evening. Parents should be more careful of their children. A child of this age, and even older, should never be left alone in the house by itself if there is fire it can get to. A Buttermilk Farm. Beldsvllle Times. 'Squire George D. Boyd, of this coun ty, may justly be termed the buutermilk farmer. His farm is a land of plenty anyhow, and, witn hve good cows, he makes every day twenty-five gallons of rich buttermilk, which he sells and gives away and feeds to the hogs. A colored boy was in town yesterday with some sixteen gallons of the buttermilk for sale at ten cents a gallon. What a refreshing item is this in this age of frost-bit tobacco and-starved-up cattle 'Sauire Boyd is of the olden time, and believes in plenty of grass and fat cows. That's the music to reform this coun try with and place it upon a plane of permanent prosperity. I I Ban If Ton are Rained In health from any cause, especially from the use of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long fictitious testimonials, hae no fear, ueson to fctop uiuers at once, and m a snort time you will have tne most robust and blooming healtn. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. Stinging Irritation, Inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, curea oy "Buchupaiba." $1. Depot 4. a. AicAaen, unarioae, n. u HOW TO TELL GENUINE SIMMONS LIVEK REGU LATOR, OR MEDICINE. Look for dean neat WHITE WBAPPKB with the red symftolle letter stamped upon It in the form of a ribbon gracefully curved Into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula Mortar and Graduate wi h tbe words A. Q. SIM MONS' L1VKR RTMilTtj A TOB or MEDICINB there on, also observe tne signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Id red ink on the side. TAKE NO OTHER Beware of those whv know nothing of Medical Compounds who put o. nostrums known to sour, and being anaUzed provv worthless and only made to fleece the rubilc, and to pirate pn tbe well earn ed reputation of .Zetlin & Go's, medicine these frauds hive no reputation to sustain and will neat you for a few penneys every way they can. See Who Endonei the Gen nine HonrAis8tTOneiM. " Ri. Bev. Jno. W. BeckwltrvBlahop of Ga., uen. jno. a. Gordon, U. a, tenator, Bt Bev. BUbop Pierce, , Hon. Jno. 6111 Shoiter, ' J. Idrar Thompson, HOH.B.H.-HUL Bon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. Davw Wlliis, D. D. Cblef Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wander. Assistant P. M. Phlla.. Pa.. and thousands of others from whom we have let ten ef commendation and recommendation It is eminently a Family Medeclne- and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will save many an imnr at ' nnffininff and taanv dollar in ume ami aoowrs' Dlllfl. .;.tnsrUYer Regulator, aTAHTJrACTPBXP OKLT BT J. U. ZE1L.II? V CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Respectable Druggists. feb24 ket besides ber brought mw MiTMrtTHil ittelaf t 1 ltlr-lurxiDet - - " -- ---n'-rTrTui i -- - - W1 dliiM II H III ill IltfiQinirKI NEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Bemedy for Epl eptlc Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance. Vertigo, Hlsterios, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, and all Nerv ous Diseases. This lntallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species or nervous derange ment, and drive them away from whence 'they came, never to return aeain.. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing: the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eraoicar.es me disease, ana utterly destroys tne cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Ctrres Female Weakness. General Debility. Leu corrboea-or Wliites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion ot tne Dterus,-Internal Heat, (iravel, Inflam- mauon or tne Bladder, irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there Is no better remedy - During 'the change of life no Female should be without it. - It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comiort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism. Drunkenness and the habit or Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever, befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that he Is on his road to mln. Like the Opium Kater. he first uses the drug in small Quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes fctrong hold upon Its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating aild Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to allmentlveness, as over eating first in flames the stomach, which .redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. 8o every drlnfc of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only and to its fierce fires, until it consumes ihe vital force and then ie-elf. Like the glu tonous tape worm, it cries ' Give, give, give!" ui never enouga uiiui us own rapacity uevours itself, -fcamariian Nervine gives instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, byphiils, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this Invaluable remedy. To jou, young, middle aged, and old men. who re cov ring your suffer 1t gs as with a mantle by silence, look up. you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels in the crown of your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys ooin body ana soul. If you are thus afflicted, take DR. BICH MONDS HAMAHITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shHtterf d nerves, arrest prnature dely and lmpait tone and energy to the who:e ystem. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. She can now talk and near as well as anybody. nrrER koss. Spring water, wis. SAiTIAKirAN NERVINE Has been the means of curlna my wife of rheuma tlsm. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E B. Ralls, Hattsuhe, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vert'go, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. wm. bknson, Aurora, ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing ray wife of spams. Kev. j. a. Edis, Reaver, fa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, a'ter spending over $3,000 with other doctori. a. B Hobson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARIIAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. mlSS JENNIE V ARKKN, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it having over 1U0 In 24 hours Hxnrt Knee, verrtlla, warren county, lenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albeut Simpson, Peoria, ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure d my son of fits, after spending 52,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobbton, claiborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic flls of a stub Rev. Wm. Martin, Mechanlcstown, Md. born character. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 In Mrs. E. Fobes. West Portsdam, N. Y. eighteen months. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MISS URLENA mARSUALL, Gianby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yeai s' duration. Jacob burnt, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliver myers ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Haseuredme of asthma; also scrofula of many years' btandlng. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits years. ; Have been well for over four Charles E. Curtis, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. MIlHael O'Connkb, Bidgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. David tbkmblt, pes Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing HENRY. CLARK, J dlrfleid, MICh. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the bead n. graham, JNortn nope, pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He has not bad a fit for about lour years. JohwDavjs, woodDiirn, Macoupin county, in. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direct from us. Those wbo wish to obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 8 cent postage stamp krvtn hundreds of testimonials of cure from tmr. -eenewne nave used the medicine, and also their pictures photographed aiter weir restoration to penect neaiin. Aaaress Dr. S. A. BI0HM0HD & 00., Woblp's Epileptic Institute, aprl daw ly at. Joseph Mo 'gvxvzXXtx's X&xtitXc. Tle following' Schedules are Cor rected by the Railroad Officials, and may be Relied on aa Correct : North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TBAXNS GOING KAST. Date, February 19th, 1882. No 51 Daily. No. 53 Dailv. Leave Charlotte, . . . H 65 a ui 5.51 a m 7.20 a ro 8 (to a m 8.25 a m 1 1 .04 a m 11.48am 1.15 pm 1.40 pm 4 20 p m r 5u p ui 8.51 p m 10.44pm ll.20pm " Salisbury, ... " High Point... Arrive Greenshorn. . . Leave wreensboro, . . Arrive Hillsboro Arrive mirham, Arrive Balelgh Lave Halelgh Arrive Goldsboro',. . No. 17-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . .ft 00 p m Arrive at Ralitjh 3.04 a m Arrive at Goldfcboro,..8.00 a m No. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with B & D. B. B. for all points North, East and West, via Dan- vine. At lioldsboro with W. & W. K. R. for Wil mington. No. 53 Connects at Sails' nry with W. N. C. R. . ior an points m Western North Carolina; daily at Greensboro with K. 4 D. H R. for a 1 points ilium, jiftsi anu west TRAINS GOING V"EST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. 50 No. 52 . Daily. Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 1 0.20 a m Arrive Raleigh, 12.40 pm Leave Raleigh .. 4 10pm Arrive Durham 5 23 p m Ainve Hillsboro 6.07 pm Arrive Greensboro 8.5pm Leave Greensboro, W.IOpm 7 25am A rrive High Point 9.48 p m 8 Or! a m Arrive Salisbury 1 1.03 p m 9 28am Arrive C e, l 2 50 a 11.20 am No. 18-Daily except Sunday, Leave Go'dsboro,..2 50 p m Arrive at Balelgh,.. 7. 10 p m Leave Raleigh 5.00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2.20 p m No. KO-Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr Lfne for all points in the South and Southwest, and with C, C. & A. B. R. for all points South and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Air Line for all poir.ts South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, U. 4. A. R. R. for all points south and Southeast. V. N. C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro p.20 p m Arrive Kernersville 10.3H pm Arrive Salem 11.20 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 8 30 a m Arrive Kernersviile 941am Arrive Salem 10.15am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, txcept Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15am Arrive Kernersvi le fi.fSO a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem p,.00 p m Arrlv- Kernersville .40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No 1, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hiil, Arrive University.. Arrive Ka.eigh. . . . . 7.80 a m 8.20 a m 10. 1 5 a ra No. 2. Dai y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave Raleiah. ... Arrive University.. Arrive Chapel Hill,. . I 3 30 p m . 5. 1 5 p m H 15 D m Pullman Sleeping; Cars Without CliaEie On Train No. 50. New York and AUanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlot'e and Washington and Charlotte ia Danville. tThrouEti Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Balelgh, Goldsboro'. Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West, North and East. h r (- migrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas aia tne soutnwest, address. A. POPE. General Passenger Agent fet23 Richmond. Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSJINGEE department. On and after March 5th, 1882. the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air- Line bivls.on oi this road will be as follows: Mail aud Hxpre?s. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mail. No 52. Leave Charlotte, M 1 12. 40 am 11.05 a m 12.02 p m 2 35 p m 4.09 p m 5.54 p m 7 0S p m 8.0- p m 8.43 p m 9.15 pm 12.05 a m Arrive Gatonia, L i .35 a m Arrive Spartanburg. K 4.04 a m Arrive ureenvine, Li 5.32 a m Arrive Seneca. G 7.15 am Arrive Toccoa. F 8.28 a m Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, I 9.32 a tn Arrive Lula.E 10.18 am Arrive Galnseville 110.51 a m Arrive Atlanta I 1 .40 p m Mail and Kxpress. No. 51. EASTWARD. Mail. No. 53. Leave Atlanta Airlve Gainesville Arrive Lula. K Arrive Habun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa. K Arrive Seneca. G Arrive Greenville. EL Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive Charlotte. M 2.15 p m 4 54 m 52ri m 0 22 p m 7.06 p m 8.24 P m 10.08 pm 11.40 pm 2.0fi a m 3 .15 a ni 5.00 a m 7 41 a m 8.32 a m 9.14 am 10.07 am 11.21 a m 1.27 pm 2.59 p m 5 1 1 pm 6.00 pm CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas ana Chester. M with C C. & A., C. a, B. & D. and A., T. & 0. for all points West, North and Kast. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. A. PuPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M B. Talcott, Gencal Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 C., C. & A. 11. Ii. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. Train No. 52, Passeng'r. Train No. 48. Passeng'r. Leave Chai lotte Arrive Bock Hill,.... Arrive Chester Arrive Winnsboro,... Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington Arrive Bidge Spring, Arrive Granitevllle,. Arrive Augusta, 11.30 a mi 12.35 pm 1.28 pm 2.50 p m 4.18 pm 4.25 p m 5 1 2 p m H 25 p m 7.40 p m 5.45 a m 6 37 am 7.55 a m 9.12 am 9 52 a m 8.40 p m Train No. 18, Freight 5 40 a m 8.03 a m 9.R0 am 12.55 p m 5.05 pm Train No. 20, Freight 540 7 32 pm 9 03 p m 11.17 pm 2 18am 2 40 a m 3.40 a m 5 47 a m 7 54 a m 9.80 am Leave Charlotte,.... Arrive Bock Hill,.... Arrive Chester An 1 ve Winn sboro, . . . ArrtveXolumbla, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington,.... Arrive Bidge Siring Arrive Granlteville,. . Arrive Augusta, . . Train No. 52, Dally-Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. B. B. for Char eston, and with the C. G. B. B. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, &c At Augusta with Central Georgia B. R forMacoii, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Dally-Connects at Argustawlth the Georgia.R. B. and Central Georg R. R. for Mhgou. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, dally except sun. day. Trains from the South airWe at Charlotte, par senger, dally, at 5.35 p. m. Freight, dally except aunoay, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 4fi p. m ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO DIVISION. Tram No. 63, Dally, Leave Charlotte. 600pm Arrive at Statesvllle; . .....812pm Train No. 62, Dally, Leave Statesville 7 00am Arrive at Charlotte 9.15 a m Tickets sold to all points South, Southeast and Southwest and baggage checked through. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, T. M. B. Taicott, Gen'l Passenger Agent Gen'l Manager. Columbia, S. C, March 1st, 1882. mar22 miscellaneous. To Merchants. -I BAVE JUST RECEIVED- A LOT OK D log r apei AND BOTH ATLANTA AND Plfir. PHIA SIZE. tor; I.. INo One Cau Underbill Me. ii maro S FOR MAY. WITH PATTFRX, Just Received, at aprl 8 boston- METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assaycrs and Analytical Ctieml-ts COLD aud SILVER l. KFI Hilv, Practical Kill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and ui'W.irds. REFRACTORY ORES 1 RE fl El. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Maps made. Cons-tractions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Worts. u GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SJIELTED OIV R El U It Ms or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Te ms. T OMAS BINNS MFTALLnifiW. A. H. KIDNEY Mining Enginkek. JOHN HOLLIDAY, Puof. Cdeju-t mar8 tf 3LOO-:; JUST RECEIVED- CNE HUNDRED BARRELS PiedmoDt Patent Flci THE FINES! lf HIE UUI KIT. SPRINGS & BURWELl. aprl Wrapp aper M. ohn B. Ellis. Metropolitan FASHION m