lu (ETravtottc (Dfcsevuex:. SUNDAY, APIilL 23, 1882. Index to New. Advertisemente. Attention. Fire Department. i lexandnr & Harrls-B-auilful Goods. T L. Sehjle & Co-New Good. J. a. Shunnonbouse Lawn Mowers. THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. Young Men's Christtax Association Devo tional exercises in the afternoon at 5 o'closlc. st. Pe rER's Catholic Church. Services In tha morning at XOVa o'clock, and in the afternoon at a o'clock, by Hev. L. P. O'Connell. Second Presbyterian Church. Sei vices la the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7 o'clock, by Kev. N. M Wcods, pastor. Sunday School at 4 o'clock. Baptist Church Services la the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and lu the evening at 7V& o'clock, by the Rev. o. F. (iregoiy, pastor. Sunday school at )i o'clock a. m. Lutheran Church Serv'ces in the morning at 11 o'clock, and In the evening at 7tfe o'clock, by Kev. T. H btrohecker, pastor. Sunday School at 3 e'clock p. m. Associate Reforsted Presbyterian Chapkl. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7, by Kev. W. T. Wa ler, pas'.or. Sun day school at 0 o'clock. St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Services in the morning at li o'clock, and in the evening at 71 o'clock, oy Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Bector. bun day school in the afternoon at HVi o'clock. Calvary Mission Church (Methodist.) -Ser vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in the evening at IVa by the pastor, Hev. J. W. Wheeler. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Class Meeting at 4 P- m. Kikst Preshytehun Church Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 bj Kev. Dr. A. W. Miller, pas'.or Sunday school at :iV3 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wedn-sday even ing ai 7 'clock. Thyon Street (M. E.) Chcrch. -Services in the morning at 1 1 'clock and in th? evening at 71 o'. lock, by Rev. J. T. Bagwi 11, p istor. Sunday chooi at HVi o'c'.ock. Prayer meeting at 7Vfc Wednesday evening. Colored Pkksbytkrian Church. Services In the afternoon at :-t o'clock and in the evening at 7 V by Rev. Mr. Wyche. pastor. Sunday school at 1 f o'clock a ni. BUSINESS NOTICES. A Down Town Merchant, Having passed several sleepless nights, dbiturb ed ly Hie agonies and cries of a suffering child, ami becoming convinced that Mrs. Winslow's Soof'ingSynip was Just the article needed, pro ciiivd a Mipply for the child On reaching home and ;ii-i!iaiiiting his wife with what he had done, die irlused to liave it administered to the child, a she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That niht the child passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning home the day toiloviing, the father found the baby still worse; a:id while contemplating another sleepless night, ti mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night ajl hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted with the sudden aiui wonderful change, and although at Orst offend ed at tlie deception practiced upon her. has con tinued to use the Syrup. and suffering cry lug babies a;i. i rstless nights haTe disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet 'ailed to relieve the Imbv. and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold bv all Druggists 25 cents a bottle. IHnu Advertisements. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strerife.h and wholesomeness. Mora economics than the ordinal kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tsst, short weight, a urn or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Disease 13 an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within; its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the causs must be removed, and in no other way cut a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tiblbhedon Just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer, ami, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem Kor tljre Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this reat remedy has no equal. Beware of lmposters, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. For Diabetes, aik for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer. If. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. ain5 pnESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded at A reasonable prices, by WILfeON & BURWELL, Trade street. C COPT'S Electric Biusn, at WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drug8tore. "y E HAVE a stock of very fine Fever Thermome " ters, and Hypodermic Syringes, received direct from the manufacturers, to which we call thu attention ol Physicians. WILSON & BURWELL, Trade street. "AhJSER'S Safe Liver and Kidney Cure, at WILSON SC BUR WELL d Xrug Biore. T)HEpared Mustard Plaster ready for use, sold by WILSON & BURWELL, Trade street c COLGATE'S Vlolette Water and Handkerchief extracts, just arrived at me a rug score oi WILSON & BURWELL, Trade street 1 INK Thermometers of all sizes, at DR. COOPER'S Elixir Buchu, with Juniper Ber ries, Cubebs and Holland Gin, will cure all bladder and Kloney troubles. Sold only by WILSON & BOB WELL, apr22 Sole i gents. Early Vegetables, CABBAGE, GREEN PSAS, ASP ABACUS, W ft ROYAL BiWSft J RADISHES, 4c, at S. M. HOWELL'S. Leghorn Egss for hatching api22 HOME CHIPlETS. tTo-day's circulation of The Dai ly Observer is larger than any for mer issue since its establishment in 1869. iW At the mayor's court vesterdav morning Clarinda Husky and Isabella Wade, colored, were each fined 62.50 and costs for an affray. tSTEain fell at intervals during the day yesterday ; at night we had a storm of thunder and lightning, during which the rain descended in torients. $WM.r. Frank Andrews, of this city il , . t wuu recently emigrated to Texas, has returned, and, having "seen the ele phant," declares that Charlotte is good enough for him for the balance of his days. ESRev. O. F. Gregory, pastor of the Baptist church, will preach this morn ing at 11 o'clock on "The First Essen tial Element of True Church Prosperi ty. Services to-night at 8 o'clock, as usual. ESHe was a merciful man to his beast. So, as he rode up Trade street yesterday afternoon, he lugged a heavy bundle i nhis arms, doubtless consider ing that he himself was quite sufficient w ciht for his horse. I3F" In our yesterday's issue in the account of a charge against A. R. Moore before Justice Waring, the defendant is by the substitution of a "u" for an "r" described as a "housebreaker" in stead of a horsebreaker, as we wrote. Accident to a Carriage Driver. Yesterday about two o'clock Bill Sumner (colored), a carriage driver em ployed by Col. Frank Coxe, drove into Mr. Wadsworth's livery stables for shelter. This proved unfortunate for Bill ; for, as he was leading his horse out again, the animal slipped, and fell on Bill, who when picked up was found to have sustained a fracture of the shin-bone. Ho was placed in the car riage and taken home where his inju lies were attended to. last of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Charlotte April 17, 1882: J Boper, co!, Coly Bursh, Lila Cros land, Mrs Sallie Davidson, Geo Flem ming, Mrs Louisa Fayson, Laura Hayes, R A Haygood, Levenia J Hun ter, W B. Johnson, Miss Ester Johnson, C Jurgenson. 30 Liberty st, Will Kez zich, Mrs Minerva Moore, Alexander Phifer, C II Peake, Miss J McL Parks, Mrs N McPerry, J F Rice, Carrenda Spriugs, B S Senders, Mrs L E Savage, Edward Sirapkins, Susan Tarrence, J Eugene Yalk, Miss Cora B Weam, W L Williams, Israel Williams, Jas White, Jesse Walton. When calling for any of the above, please say "advertised." W. W. Jenkins, P. M. . - - - - English Sparrows, Numbers of English sparrows are now to be set n about the city, having it is said found their way South from the neighborhood of New York, where a number were set at liberty a few years ago, having been imported for that purpose. This bird is commonly known in England as the1 house spar row, from its habit of frequenting towns and building its nest about the houses. It is a very familiar bird, pick ing up its food from door, window, and yard, and often increases in number to such an extent as to commit serious depredations in wheat fields. But al though feeding principally on grain, sparrows bring up their young on lar va?, and a pair is said to destroy about 4,000 caterpillars weekly in the breed ing season. This has caused them of late years to be considered on the whole the farmer's friend ; though for merly in some parts of England a con siderable annual sum was paid for spar row heads on account of their grain-destroying proclivities. Farmers now, however, are generally wise enough to recognize that the sparrows quite earn all the corn they eat. They are easily caught in simple traps; the flesh is deli cate, and sparrow-pies are in repute in some localities. In color and general appearance these birds are much better looking than their cousins in England general ly, owing, doubtless, to our clearer at mosphere. We extend a welcome to our small, feathered immigrants. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel. James Whiteley, F Y Ramsey, Baltimore ; S C Johnson and son, North Carolina; C S Bratton A M White, Davidson College ; J 0 Bar ham, Virginia; W IP Holland, Balti more; Jno T Vann, Virginia; T E McLure, Chester, S C ; Mrs F H Kenne dy, Miss Kennedy, Frank Kennedy, Ha.erstown, Md ; M T Lawler, W Mo ran, Jas R Ellerson, Richmond; J M Brown, Boston ; T K Leslie, W D Mar tin. W H Justice, New York; HD Stowe, E B Springs, D J Rea, T B Cov ington, Mecklenburg; Geo A Fuller. Lawrence, Mass; P II Israel, New York; WA Slater, Baltimore; Jas R Boyd, New York; Mrs Leola Leon, Los Angelos, Cal ; H Coykendal. J J Surratt, Blacks, S C; T J Shiver, J W Oliver, Atlanta; Judge D Schenck, Lin colnton ; A M Smyre and wife, Gasto nia; Jas Hoffman, Dallas; W C Black, Kings Mountain ; T G Wall, Atlanta; Dr J W Huckaber, W T Freeman, Richmond; D E Allen, W P Dixon, North Carolina; L J Crowell, Balti more; H D McGinnis, New Orleans; G R Duprey, J C Morris, J S Moore, Da vidson College ; Geo W Billings, J P Beckwith, Cleveland, Ohio; Dr W A Wilborn and son, North Carolina. Charlotte Hotel E T Wade, Greensboro ; D M Williamson, Black's Station, S C ; Mrs Jno Erwin, Davidson, College; LCSelma, Davidson county; Mrs M E Marks, Monroe ; Jno F Leeper Garibaldi, N C; J R Williamson, S H Hilton, Mecklenburg; SE Cadwallader, Philadelphia, Pa; E L Smyre, Gastonia, NC;NH Gilsey, Baltimore, Md; Q T McLelland, Baltimore, Md; A HKin sey, Richmond, Va ; W Y Holland, At lanta; N C James, Henderson ville, NC. Lydla K. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound baa done thousands of women more rood than the medicines of many doctors. It Ifl s positive core for all female complaints Send to Mrs. Lydia X Plafcbam. A LIFE EBBS AWAYfj BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENTAL PIS TOL SHOT. Cain Memtory, Colonel, ie Killed if W. A. Jaqnins, in the Bar-Ro,t the Charlotte Hotel Too Mach Fotfinc With that old Pistol. Yesterday about noon a most unfor tunate accident happened in the bar room of the Charlotte Hotel, whereby a colored man man named Cain Membry lost his life, at the hands of W. A. Ja- quins, the bar-keeper. It appears that Membry frequented the bar-room, rfrid Jaquins was in the habit of larking with him, and pretending to shoot him. He came in yesterday morning, accom panied by another colored man named Jim Gray, and after the two had bought some whiskey, Gray caught Cain by the arm and drew Jaquin's attention to him by saying "here's Cain," on which Ja- quins made a jump towards Gray, who then left the room, and the shooting happened immediately after, nobody being in the room at the time except Jaquins and the deceased. Jaqnins states that he took a pistol out of a drawer, behind the counter, where it was usually kept, and presented it at the deceased, not knowing it to be load ed. Cain dodged and Jaquins started to wardshim round the counter, as he didso the pistol went off the ball struck the de ceased, who exclaimed, "Jaquins, you've shot me !" and then staggered, Jaquins rushed towards him, and caught him as he fell. The ball struck Cain in the back, just below the left shoulder blade, and passing almost through his body just above the heart lodged in his breast Drs. Wilder and O'Donoehue were immediately called in, but the man died in about fifteen minutes after the shot was fired, never speaking again after his first exclamation. The house was quickly surrounded by a crowd, all anxiously inquiring what was the mat ter, and many requesting to be allowed to see the man, and when this was re fused, standing about, and peering through the windows intently. The coroner not being in town, was telegraphed for, but on its appearing that he could not arrive until to-day, Mayor De Wolfe decided to hold a pre liminary examination in the afternoon, and fixed 3 o'clock for that purpose. Punctual to the appointed hour the usu al crowd filled the mayor's court, and the witnesses put in their appearance ; but the mayor did not arrive for some con siderable time, and a number left, un der the impression that the inauirv was postponed. The mayor, however, at last appeared, and the following evi dence was taken : Jim Gray, colored, testified that he was in the bar-room with the deceased He left the house, and shortly after heard a pistol shot. Did not turn back when he heard the shot. Witness had treated Cain to whiskey before leaving. There was fooling going on between Jaquins and Cain. Witness had often seen Cain and Jaquins fooling together. Witness attracted the attention of Ja quins to Cain by seizing the latter and saying to Jaquins, "here's Cain." Ja quins on this made a jump, and, said witness, "I thought he was coming at me. I then went out and paid no more attention to them." Witness did not see Jaquins have a pistol. When he heard the pistol shot, he did not know whether it was in the house or not ; that was the reason he did not go back to the house. Witness did not see Cain again after leaving the bar. At first witness said he had not heard deceased and Jaquins have any conversation, but in reply to Jaquins he said he remem bered hearing Cain say, "There's a straw in this whiskey;" to which Jaquins replied: "That's the only one." Witness had often seen Cain and Mr. Jaquins joking together, and they had always seemed on perfectly friendly terms. They appeared quite friendly and good-humored on the occasion in question. Never knew any cross words to pass between them during this kind of play. Cain always made out as if he was afraid of a pistol, and Jaquins would pretend to get one. Then Cain would dodge and run. When Cain would go into the barroom, he would generally peep around the corner of the screen and laugh, as if he expected Mr. Jaquins to fool with him. Witness had seen him do this on three or four dif ferent occasions. Then Jaquins would reach down behind the counter, as if to get a pistol. Witness never thought anything else but that Mr. Jaquins "done it to scare him." After witness heard the shot, he saw a crowd begin to gather, and he got scared and went away. " F. A. McNinch, chief of police, testi fied that a little before 12 o'clock yes terday morning he was on Tryon street, about twenty-five steps from the Char lotte bar. He heard a pistol shot, and saw Jim Gray come along the street. Witness hurried along to the bar, and there saw Cain lying on the floor, and Jaquins stooping over him, with a hand kerchief in his hand. Witness asked : "Who did this?" and Jaquins replied: "I did it, fooling with that old pistol of yours." Witness here produced the pistol, an ordinary revolver, of rather small size. One barrel of the pistol was discharged, and the rest loaded. Jaquins went and got the pistol from behind the counter, and handed it to witness. Jaquins told witness that the shooting was accidental.and that he had often fooled with Cain in a similar way; and also said he was not aware that the pistol was loaded, and explained that the pistol was discharged owing to his hand catching against the counter, as he went round towards Cain. Jaquins also stated to witness that when the pistol went off, Cain exclaimed: "My God, Jaquins, you've shot me!" and Jaquins rushed round towards him to see whether such really was the case, not knowing whether or not the man was only joking. Jaquins caught him as he felL When witness arrived Cain was not dead; he lived about fifteen minmteo. Witness spoke to him, but Cain was not able to otter a word. Jaqnins was trying to do what he could for him, and continued about him, en deavoring to alleviate - his , suffering, nntil he died. A doctor, waslmmedi- ately sent . for to examine him, and stayed with him until he died. Witness found a pistol belonging to Jaquins in the drawer, where in; psuHlly i rut, it. U was loaded Whens wiUess t .utnl it, after t her shooting. -The' dectetd was often in'4the bar, and wastm frtehdly terms with Jaquins! Witness had given the pistol with which JaqQmu said he had shot Caky.into his charge, with several others, to kt them out of the way of the children. 1 " C. Ii, Adams, proprietor of a bar ad joining the other bat,- testified , to being near the house at the time of the shooting. Climbed np on a wagon to look in, but did not see anything. Ja quins used to be witness's bar. keeper. and was then in the habit of fooling with Cairi, who was .very easily scared. uif you just pointed jour finger at him, he would run. The joking between uaquins ana cam was always in a friendly manner, Jaquins was in the habit when with witness, of searing Cain with an old pistol which was kept in the bar. Buster Carson, colored a carriage driver in the employment of Mr. John Wadswortb, testified that Cain was formerly employed in Wadsworth's stables, and witness was acquainted with him. Witness had been in Adams bar wRh Cairn while Jaquins was em ployed there, and seen fooling going on between the two. Jaqnins would pre tend to get an old pistol ou$ of a draw er to shoot Cain. Cain would then ap pear scared, and would run. Witness had seen the same kind of fooling ber tween Jaquins and deceased at the Charlotte bar. He never, on any of these occasions heard a cross word pass between Cain and Jaquins. Cain would peep from behind a screen at Jaquins when he entered the room, and then the fobing would begin. After the last witness had given his testimony, the mayor informed Jaquins that he was at liberty to make any statement about the matter that he wished to make; but that this was merely an inquiry, the mayor, having no power to try the matter, and as he would be bound over to the Supe rior Court, Jaquins might, if be thought fit, reserve any statement until the tri al. Jaquins decided to reserve his state ment. - i The witnesses were then bound over in the sum of $50 each, and Jaquins in $600, to appear at the Superior Court on the last Monday in August. We understand that the inquiry be fore the mayor, hayittgsoclearly estab lished the purely accidental nature of the shooting, will probably be consider ed as rendering an inquest unnecessa ry. . Fire Department. The annual meeting of the fire de partment will be held to-morrow even ing, when the chief for the ensuing year will be elected, and other import ant business transacted. Hitchcock's Analysis of the Brble. We have given this Work, now being offered to the -citizens of Charlotte by subscription, a cursory examination. and cheerfully recommend it to all who desire to study that greatest of books. This work . is truly an analy sis or tne uiDie, arranged, ac cording to subjects, in twenty- seven books, and is designed to facilitate the study and promote the better understanding of the word of God. Besides the classification of the subjects treated of in the Bible, it in cludes a pronouncing dictionary of scripture proper names, an interpreting dictionary of scripture proper names, a history of the Bible, a dictionary of re ligious denominations, sects, parties and associations in the world, and a family record. It contains also Cru- den's Concordance, said to be one of the most perfect ever arranged. It is sold only by subscription and Mr. H S Cram is now canvassing Charlotte with a view of introducing it Mr. J. A. Wil more, general manager of the canvass, is also in the city, and will probably make this place headquarters for the State. Oar SOtk May Anniversary We clip the following from the last copy of the Raleigh News and Observer, to show our Charl&tte nednle how the newspapers are talking about us, as well as what may be expected of us at a distance: "The good people of Charlotte propose this year to celebrate the 20th of May in their very best manner. They are to have a military display and troops, bands and all the accompaniments; and they are to haVe Senator Bayard to aeuver wo- aaoress., -tie wtu ma a very handsome oration, we do not doubt, and his words will come from his heart. The Blue Hen's Chickens, as, Delaware's company in , the Revolu tionary war. , was ; balled, came down South to help: us in those days that tried men's souls, and did some good work. too. and Mr. Bayard can wen point to them aad.their action as indi cating the steadfast Sympathy; Dela ware naa ever enieriaxneu. tor ner Southern sisters.. We shall hope that the occasion will be a great One. and that Mr. Bayard will he eqial to it ' ! ! "For Charlotte tne anniversary of the event to be commemorated is the proudest day in ber annals. But it annVa nnt amnfl td the dRnendantn nf 'Tom Polk,' and of. the, participants in the meeting max aaopxea me "resolves. but to the people or tne entire state, for no colony was more fixed in opin ion, more resolute in action and devot ed to the principles of the, American revolution wan. was 4 on n Carolina. The 'treasonable resolves of Mecklen burg.' which the British Governor de nounced, found a warm response in the hearts of all our people, but it was at Charlotte that.the thoughts took form and crystallized into words. And, while it is a matter to colebrate in all parts, of the -State, mere particularly should it be recalled each year at the very spot w hero the, great event trans- PLED. In this dty yesterday, at th rtstdenee of the Misses FuTiaace, her sisters, m Fifth street, Mrs. Nancy Hatmoo, In the 4'id !ar of kr age. The funeral services rdl be conducted from Tryon Street LX. cnureh to-day at 8H oeioek. mrfndsaBdaeQBalTHanoMrt thsasessjtdieto vlted to attend- . Bkdiord Aixrii uro laoarBtauras Watbb ub V iHL-TriA area!, tenic and attsnttVa eon tains lwlee s much-Iron and flftr per eeoi more mlun tnmd thstf an? "alum and Ma saas' known. fosttMUrinqotto fftjgC stwhiiiiss"! mm general. Sold br all drotslsU of -oay sftiMllns Prix reduced ens haU. , " t mayll ff .... A THKKE room Ttjrlck bottaWi food water and XX. garden, onB street, near ue Baptise enoien. Appiy to bmmum. pr20 4t OS (I'm r. :f; I, '"rami! -til ffli rftf rlf - t -.ijsi! jpU CLOTHlNtj. 1 3 5 II LvA K W - rW; - lynst'.'b:- lliili (Stating Signified their Approval of Oar ML-' WE C6H&:t6t!ie f " I ri i 200 Fresh 0 fHESB Alii; , POSITIVELY WOBIH FMM iipl&OO. 'it These are FEtSB GOODS; and SPECIAL IN SHIBT3, UNDIBWEAB, NECKWEAB, HobrEaX, GLOVES and aU o her Genti' PurnlaMng Goods CALL AT ONCE, AS THESE .fiOCDS WILL SELL fiAPID.Y, apr22 pltscellaticotis. TO 4arner College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PXBDUX'S OU&8T1ND,) and nddlng- to oar alrendy lars;e Slock HAT,- BRA'N," , MEAL, STOCK FEED. ,; fi iCLL LiSK OF mm FailFtwiBs, T We are ready aad will be glad to serre onr old friends and the" public generally with Goods in ou Hne aalOW athe-IWSST, pnA respeot fni solf aBare ol yoibratlDnaga ' A.J.Beall&o. P W h.iT 1.000 bushels White Corn to sell ON TIMS. Those In need will de well to call and see us. aprl4 r. y: . r o n f.f WE-AfOOW OPENING OUft NEW Including an the latest MvMttes ' r j in the HIL1ANK8Y LINE. HATS, : , FLOWEIl'f . PLUMES, 1 SILspi, . . LACE, Ac, in aU the new styles, colors and qualities.' Also, all the new styles and qmlMles of LACES, embracing White Goods, -Keek. Wear, Hosiery Gloves, Parasols. Ac. the LARGEST and HOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPfiN Our" Pattern ifeidlLSlets P "FwWvfWWI Ww rw w When we wffl he measea lb i es we GRANDEST DlSPLAT' Orimi MILLINERY Kttwask SMBBaneAii In 1f Alter Mn.P. Qnery. mar22 - i - mt & - :B. - ' ; " f . DRIVES, it v " F03 THE BX5XirrjQ T06J-;. AlO 4AVN PIJLUt 05 OCR . BblTSal the following marvelous Low Prices! ' ! t .; y , ' ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT SVIT - . - 50 ALL-WOOL CASSlMEnlG &Vmym , - 8.50 Alt-Wool CASM!TIERE 8c CBETIOT Kf7lT, 10.00 i . Worth Mf'U Prices" Stated Above' 3ARCAIIMS MURMUR Beth Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr. J.H.McAdeo's Drag Store gABATOQA -yiCHY, From Saratoca Springs. N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hattorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, ' 0 CAS BE BOCK BRIDGE AffrK CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINIRIS ARD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY i ' 1 ; ' guNtim' Janou THE BEST NATURAL APEB1ENT. , AS AfATHlBTIC: Dosii tn' glass fun pefxjhf6aifsjt The Lancet "Hunyndl Janoa. Baron Ueblgaf flnnathat Its rtchness In aperient salts surpasses that of all otherjinown waters.'' . ns BrUUh MtUecd JmmeC-"thfirtM lanos. The mottstfreeabie, safest, and tnost effloaclous aperiewweter.'1 '.ii t . Prof. Yirchoip, BerliXL "Invariably good and prompt sueoess; most valuable." - Prqf. Damibtrfftr, Vlenna.'-r'T BhTB ptssdrfbed these writers with mark able saesoBa.' Pwf. Aywwn W y utaabttig-I t ptespglhe none hnf Ails " ' ' Traf. Lemdir Bnmhm, M. R. Jl JL JL London. "Mwe pleat sat than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." .-'-v. Prtf. Alien, M. R, Wi JL Boysi Ultttary Hos pital, Netley. Tteierred to PnUna and Frled richshau." JOHN H. M cADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist HotU Srm fit, - - CHARLOTTE, K C Whenba4sif get' watec Justsfrssh and spark- tratnmr4 Wlr I rn mm vimiHMw. Preserlpttons earefurir prepared by experienced F. C. MUNZLEK Ik Bermer frM Brewery Company 8 tclebmicd Lager Bwr, u;f i, tt,E4g-tiatdi8;'1 ; BOTlLiillfiSliWiECIALTY, ALB and PORTER, which Toner to the public at a reasonable prtcsi AiOdresS - -r -. -,,v : . i i r i : ! i lHKr C VUKZLttt, Look Box'Aoo, Cnarlooe, N. & mbr28 . r I k MI H ung as wnen it nows rrom tne spring a obtbmiks. We receive this water in large- Weefc ;ttn reserv elrs whithwflBBturnassoen as emptied to be refined J. H. MOADEN.

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