o RES nlcldui, whdieaeme, 8Pf'Xt. nr W br beverage. Ask your SLnl Dy oTwmni fr an case of Blind Bleeding, Itching, Ulcerated, or protruding nrr W that IWlRINU'H mti t.?LIX-915 Arch street. Philadelphia, Fft. SaiT SoWbr druggists and country stores. 1. mua id cure. rnv w wt j" Worth Sending For. Dr. J. H. SCHKJitK, ot Philadelphia, has Just published a book on "DISEASES OP THE UJHGS AHD HOW IBEI CAM BE CVBKB," Which i offer, ered Free. postpaid,.) all applicants. II tontatoi raluable information for all who suppose them selves afflicted with, or liable to, any diseases of the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCHENCK 6 SON, 600 Arch street, PluUadelphla, Pa., PJP. Box 2888. r- ? . I vtAmsuttV 100 LINEN. J MILT. .1 5 CARD COLLECTORS!; I Send So. stamp for Ten New 1 pvnn RHiaTgACTOBX je.U.Box 6033altimor 4 1 ... vinTTmrrmH- nnmL bilt to. GEORGE PAGE & GO. Bfamnlkctwert ow Patent Portable Circular SAW Alio Stationary sad Portaila STEAM EtIGIIIES 5K.8CHE0EDEEST., BALTIMORE, MA Orlst rod Floor Mi Mills, Water Wheels, Voo4 WorrBg le Mill a. drcnlar Haw. Mill Snpplleeta T. WHKItlJI or Csisbfi The American Popular Dictionary, $1.00 Thl useful and el, gmat vols ma U eom 8 tot IrltrarT asd in evelopaedla. aa hnit M ba keu TMo tionarr la the world. Saperbly bound In loci an gUt- It Co TAiaa btxbt wosd m thb nouaa lak euASX, with its trna meaning, derivation. una ana piunoua OB And a Tuft aaiaaat of absotntely aaoaaaar inionaauaa upon science, Mythol ogy, Biography. Am erican History, Xawa. etc., being a perfect umnei.nurwai. WBtrs tHoslummrf eaata -a-J American. Pop- ular piotlpnarr ten time the money. K. Y. Atlz. "Wa have sever sverseenltiaqiiai either In price, flni ' Toe Advocate. MA perfect Dictionary i enee" Leslie's TQuo. News. N. Y. O flnlih or tents andUI biary of reference' ne copy cc rreat. dress SI. awBntlre satisfaction guaranteed. Tw copies postpaid $. Order at once. , This oner ta good for so days only. auavU never bafiiade again, fij copies for Five PoIlarfj.Oetfivoor your taan to rPnd with you and yo getfCP'? own book froe. World MaAsXMtnnsff Htsun 8L, FlWStir. Our readers will find this wonderful boo the cheap est Dictionary published. The information it contains is worth many times the amount asked for it, and it should be in the possession of everybody. . With this booh in the library or refer ence, many other much more ex pensive works can be dispensed with, and ianorance of his country y history . business, Uats," etc, ts tnexcusaoce tn any man Note the price, $1, post-paid. CQn PEB WEEK can be made In any 40U Somethlm; entirely new for agents locality. 85out- ni iree. u. w. muoAxiAJu x co aprl 8 d&w4w Bostcn, Mass. lttscjcllanccrtis. T 0 NEWSPAPER MEN.-- WE bave Just Hecelved a lanre lot of FlrstrClassirEWS INK. Dut ud In 25 m. nackaees. suitable for publishers of country newspapers. Address THE OBSERVER, mar28 Cnartotle, S. a I DESIRE to announce to the public that I am now prepared to do nahmg &bd honing In the best possible manner. I have succeeded In get ting better water than I have been using, and will now agree to take family washing by ne month as follows: Fur handkerchiefs, towels, socks and napkins at one and a half cents each All other family goods at 8 cents per article, except lace cur tains. The prices are extremely low and every respecta ble family in Charlotte can afford to give me a tnaL The washing t each family is kept separ ate, and ladles' clothing Is handled exclusively by females. I will call at the house for the wash and deliver it within three days. I asked the public to ; ay no attention to outside reports about my business, as I gnaran tee satisfac tion or make no charge. L. H ATM ANN, Prop'r, aprll Enterprise ttteam Laundry. Native Mineral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ALUM WATEE CUBES Dyspepsia, Indigdien, Torpid Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, ChionJe Pneumonia, etc. It is a powerful Alterative Tonic and Is ANTI- m. alakial in its effects. Bead eertUU&tet from eminent physicians In oar pamphlets. ' NO ARTIFICIAL GASES OR SALTS. Bottled in Its natural state, direct from the 8prlngs. which are beautifully located in Bock bridge county, Ya., and are epea fr the reception of visitors from Jane 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1 ,000 gneeto Tor sale, wholesale and retaJL. by Dt J. H. Me ADEW and Dr. T. C. BMTH$ folotteytt (T mar 12 ly .-. - lilie i m&mm H to addition' tp oar PERPETUAL kiln we are now pdrepared to T I IX- ORDERS FRdMPT17l pn abort notice; and at erlflea thai detrcompea- if..Vf namnM uaUV.analxuake jb charge unless Lime proves satisfactory. - anBtrency m vnoriorte el A. C Hnm- mervlUe; who WUl l receive rders f of small lots at reduced prices, Reference as to qualltyjof Lime given on apptt eaUon , , . , SIMOli BBjOTHEBS, TelMiesl elwnes ! THE- SODTHM 'BHI, JELEPHOliE ; J Telrgrapli ay -SOLE fEIOENSEE X'iiJl.tilUAaiJtiil4rtrlnrL 'WPVlnlLsouth Ot tfie B. O. B. &.,) North r-j.nn. Siith r-miirm. KnrLU ana Alabama. . r i j.uaf ai7stT3 AITO i u D3lltratlujf ar FofTUMlawBorewr- -'AV SOUTHBRfl BELL TEtEPHONE A 4iv,7M'. j andjXELEORAPH COMPANY, ftl 1 eod 8m 106 Broadway, New . . .. e j say nr,Bmnsn bend 1 interpnse Laundry. UWatel s i a .. ar--a-ri r i ii it i v : riuarter of a eenturf;tiore Hostetteifs SbBrrtacb Bitters his been tfcd iwdio-astion. dvsDensla. forsr j specific fbr . a loss bf physical stamina, Uver comptal and other dls- orders, and has been most jgwi tlcally Indorsed by medical men as a neau tlve. It counteracts a ten strength restoBa- to premature de- cay. and sustains and agea ana m- firm. jj&itXy FOB SAL'S BY DEALSBS aprl Mewl CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CJEAP FOE CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. E AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 Cures J SYPHILIS in any stage . CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PI PLES, BOILS. ANT 8 K IN D I 8 AS . CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL Ml. If yon doubt, come to see us, and we will! CUBE you. or charge nothing! Write for paruenlars, and a copyof the 'little hook "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask, any prominent Druggist aa to oar Standing. EbT$1000 RKWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of 100 bottles of 8. S. 8. one particle olMermry, Iodide of Potassium, er any Mineral substance. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO.. Prop., ' Atlanta, Ga. (PKB BOTTLI.) Price of Small Size, $1.00 Large size,.. .. , 1,16 BOLD BY ALL DBTJOOISTS. ec8l JUST RECEIVED- AT TB3 VAELETY store n HAMBURG EDGING at from 2c to 25c a yard mi vaiir; lawns at oiac: BLEACaKD mwriNtt a vfecand lfltej LlfftN TOWELS from 1 1.20 to o per ooEen, D BARGAINS. . iftUPP0aTJRS;GLDYEB, ObR- HOSIER 814 r Tm,WmGSA83WAB FBAMSlJ id JrAaij other (AMP4 relyhptliefl. i CALLahd8XX.ua Brectfully, a M. EfHKRXD6E, Under Traders' National Bank. marSA 'if ' 1 CONGRESS WATER. OATHAVCittJ. AL, ERATIVE Iff a weUknown scfo)fic"fiu cmspitTp$, lit- digestion, and arrdflorOefs ot fheBTOsUCB, UVEBatalKIDNXTa . . . NINETY YEARS' Opalat use attests Its purify, safety and superiority to all waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, Irritating waters, ftrSin tad domestic; they Impair the digestive' organs and kidneys, therebyflnducrng Irreparable results j None OeHwIsae.Swid on Dranghr j marl 2m eod' s" SB. a. w. uxjimmi. , PSL (J. JU. ALSXAUDER. 'SUrtffiOII DENTISTS, , , , rTMns honae haSlMm 'tnrirrJi imr et tears X by Mrs. Dr. Reerea, whose intention Is to keep a strictly flrst-chttt botiae In every respect. 1 Cemmpftovrf samplf rooms on first and second publlo is solicited, July l,dtf. -,-i i " V j" ' I Andrews j h cc H BOCESJtY. PlCTTRl otynparaa SUN1A-APRIL 23, 1881.- wwfrq NOTES. a Mrs. "SemBJErGuiteau's sisterTle Chicago TtHtfflday for Washingtoo j Five incfeaf Eaow fell at CtJaeov gan. Mich .Wednesday, w The Graa -Opera House at Cmin nati was sdWWfrsday for $200,001C The Mississippi is rising so rapiiily' near F tehytfim tnat another over- flow is ajfdjiii1 people on thettWi lands aie praparing for it. It is saidHraWO, persons wereerk ously injurearrhlly 1,000 housSd$-, 8trovedatho nocnt anti-Jewisuj-ipts Ut Balta, inffiU,Russia- VLn the MHejtTlal at New Haven, f CpnnThursaay tiie panel wasexnauai- $d without oataifling the tenth juror. rGeo. M-Jttf W. W. W. Scott, E. J. irowtherand John Cox were indicted St. Jj ohMo.. Thursday, for the ft oflggOOjn bonds from the reg- ters Lchas H tflJM who is charged with 1 Wtost is shown by their Ownership rpolsoning' Mi. Hamilton and her1otr pONW l-jW 3ftJBMfnv VAll c.anwi. ROM Dee ii trautureu auu liuuna-i Lnjad attlmt'jBiBee Lijrhe trusteer-of Dartmouth College, TOew Haiifpsritrer have passed reaola- tionsof euundence in President 15art lett SejiatojCEasard will deliver the mmmencen&eat ration. 5 In the larleston Hurv returned arf indictment against UQavid JwsMSsWAan and Henry J. Mo Laurin, commissioners or election ior Sumter cottrity, for not counting three of the polls in that county. The Red river, at St. Vincent, Minn., Is forty feet above low-water mark. he Red WBkgJiills elevator has been partially mraermineo. Dy ine nooa, ana the drawecidge at Emsrson, recently completed at .co3t of $70,000, has been swept away;;' .The SpThIsli "government has set apart a further sum of one million pes etas to be expierTtted in the construction of roads, iff order -to give employment to laborers in. the droughtrstricken pro vinces. :i The ice bridge at Quebec Ms not yet broken, but it ts no longe used for crossing the river. Three persons and several horses have broken through, and thoughlLTIwere rescued the bridge is now regarded as someJjat unsafe. Jav Gould has .established an experi mental farm oa the Staked. Plains of North TexasLtbe sectionals known 'fnore fammany as"The Grealmerici n Desert," anffTne general idea is that it is sterile anUnmhabitable. Mr. Gould ajjd others thtafflthat the whoe section may be turneainto a fmeJgrain-pro-ducingcouniry. The Deseretews, (Mormon,) of Salt Lake City, says the House of Repre sentatives in the Cannon case' violated "law and precedent, righfcrmwl, justice.' UThe Tribune (Gentile) says that "neither Cannon Tiorggy othe r polygamist will ever agatn ait-in jCongress." The con stitutional convention ftTw in session 1s controlled by hurctr!irlBftence, but many of thtv-iuaiubers faforadjourn rrrent till fall. The State Assoeiation of TonrUy Super intend?ntsbf Public Extraction. The fallowiTrr-Ts the ftrogrammeor the annual meetlljg of the State Asso ciation of Couaty Superinteadents of J?ublic Instrncttort of U&tffi Xarovrna, to be held atXJbapel Iflii the-ffrst JJdnesday of July, 1882: TIgBSmXV,ENING, JULY 4. ZZ Preliminary Meeting. 8 p. m. Address of Welcpe Hbn. K.P. BatUe. - . itikT Responses The president 2pd Super intendent Waller. r f WETeIpAY MORNING. , 9 a.m. Annual address by retiring president.- -' - , raper Dy penntenacrjiatcner Subject :"Tb fficienfSlfcnntend- Discussion TjfTaper opened by Super- UAtendent Brown, of Henderson. 4 p. m. Paper by iwin ten dent Duckett-StrWeiCtt "TheVJttUJc Schools avNecesstty.Jl. Discussion-opened by Superintendent Johnston, OTTfcfHreoJn. Paper byJ&iaejanten6n -merling-- hferbject: "ltlfiacher.'v DiscussiottjiSupeririendent John. WEDNESDAY EYlSTSs. 8 p. m. tSflres b Staliliuperinten- dent Scaxborough, ew and rrafcftished business. THFIWDAY MORlg v 9 p. m. Paper by Superintendent Smith, oXJiockingham-fcddct: "Our Public Schools and Their Critics. Discussion by -Superintendent Har per, of L.enoir."' p? Brief reiMatairom snperiritendents UnWtheir jearPAOTk and'auopess. , TRURSDAY AFTERNOON. 'O m laTai atasai Viv 71 1 n ta it t n n 1 1 n 1 1 f Odell subject: "Best -Methods of Njtading Teaeheraf DiscussioHwr-isuperinwnaent Aiex- Kffner, of Jfishington. , f .1 aa , Tfr f'aM1HoreAlaaJtl8t Women Could do. JTashlngt&rLeliJrjJ&e Providence Journal. xne wiyes-tn many or me represent iron arffrrTftSTrTtSTth em selves verv nse Taj justffowih paying attentions ta, cnftBtitiianta nf their respective hus bands wjiQlYiBiOhe capital. This re pvttids me, fit tyUn T. Lincoln would have said, of a sf ty .told by Mrs. senator T3ingham, tba taeiher of Lady Ashbur--ton, when herinsrband was canvassing the PennsylYanTKaLegislature. He one day had a party of members to dine rwith him at his house in Philadelphia, Land a representative from a rural dis ftrjpt brofctva desert plate, one of a price less set or ttevTeTTTorceiain, nt tor a gitc WkingsjU)djjK&J$h its weight in gold. seeing cae. consiernation ana aisiress ofier guesUvasUfis, Bingham at once re lieved it bvSirVHMr to him with an air LoXjperfect uafiaafiern : -It is 9f no sort oi consequeuiaj ar Luia ware is exueeur iogly brittlfiaMpreaks very easily; re st look, ami by way or anniustrar n she tookjtfBjs plate before her as she Bpoaaretraek it with a knife and rbrokeitin pieces, then ordering the es toeTroenaway and fresh plateB LbrbughW bXaa&2storthy man had the waoie load ,ef megtincation ta&en from his mind, aQQQtoted for Bingham. aJ A Sen away Accident. tesTllIeJaa LtLast Tuesday-Afternoon Messrs.-Wm. White and'a0Snie Smith, of Khtloh township, ihie) . oounty, started ITbm town on a iwiMtorse wagon, leaaed with dry hid09iTrg home. Aboiitthe residence oJE-4r-John M Duke, three' miles irompmniLtie norseatook fiiEht, ranawaj an threw both of the young men from tfiO&gon. In the faH-Mr. Smith wht in n non of Mr. O. N. Smith, of Shiloh-3-oth legs brokenjind his injuriesjaust be very serious He received rgitfactc attention from Dri Tv j. iAtuyuuo,yjirTyuu was iortuirately butalitUeSSSpe behind, and jTje Ruined to health listi' i naoe, especially from tWose of any of Abe "". ' that promise so iw,u wsssjasaauuoua leaumotHais fear. Resort ve Mod JMttera at one, an i meyou will gaJian most robust and blolna ?..S UriUed-Svates Circuit Court atl were the notorion VocePfoiv tTSrr.. .'nursaay, tne grana t rmd heitn naid Mt.omo. the Vahin of ITEMS TJFTNTER EST. i ii. On Monday usokmh fmsfceteat er&in were fold at theNeir VQrk-PrftdMde. xenanffe.f,ui8 1 larareat auanuty axer lafid nis pdtmltttlMt lit bniv ASOo.otx tbis rate of tnicrtle ,mWt iqe. seri ous inroads upon herroixet, ... ri rresiaeaciuarneias crave on every pleasant Sunday is, visited by tliQusands1 of,auiet people, " the sentifles still-' pace auout the vamt, :tm ts?oiie.faoors- ui wfflcu ki v inruwn aacKvrepauuK wo COfiln.i:;'" : . ; y jr.,; r- , Qufeen Vktoriav who received $5,000, tKXKby the-williot MrNeabUiev miser, ,hsJbeatowe.,.an anjjuity.ot$500 ppon a great-nephew of; tlie deceased, who was not mentioned tn the 'will.' general S. A. fturlbut's Tietghbors at itockford, Ilf.; iaf that tB lftW-iriiriis-ter was-so honest that, though .'ha had many eppoitunties to ateajhe :did very poor. His widow has only $10,00Q, for which suto his life was iOTOTed.' ' - f .- Thar, t.h nrnnorpra ar bHIT alivft In .fjiw - "'.''."4 frapges and rented out for othej pur- A copsignment'of nIn4ty-four bales or raw siikathved in Ne'w Tork on Monday from -Hons: Kenki bnt when opened -was found to contain aothing srnppes iiS.,' Wno the raw silk. Ojueen Victoria reluctance to por tion her children -.out of her immense private fortano is constantly ridiculed by such radical London papers as the ji,cno. a ma luurjiju, lur example, printed the other day under the sig nihca&t heading or "The Royal Mar riage," the text of the will in which the miser, J. C. NeaMeft all his property to the Queen. The sum which her majesty received under this will was $5,000000. Lambs do best upon good pasturage. If fed in the stall, they must receive only the best and tenderest hay. If the latter is even, slightly too coarsev or is unpalatable from any cause, such as tinfavorable weather during its mak ing; the animals will not eat a sufficient Quantity, and will be much retarded in their development Even hay of aver age quality requies the addition of grain, best of oats, or some other nitro genous feeding stuft Two of the electric lighting compa nies have obtained large contracts for illuminating the streets of New York during the coining year, and the World considers the rates so economical that it urges the extension of the system, so that New York way be "belted atnight with a circle of these lights. sal The Emerald and Hiddenite Mining Company. Btatesvllle Landmark. The Hidden mine in Alexander coun ty has been sold by the original pro prietors, Messrs. Hidden, Roberts and Yernngton, for $3Q,GG0, and the com- uanv Durchasine it has been chartered and incorporated, with the name above, under the laws oi tne state or .New York, with a capital of 8200,000, divided into 2,000 shares of the par value of $100 each. The office of the company is fBcoadway, New York. Mx. J. D. Yerrington is' president, Mr. R, H. "Rob erts secretary and treasurer, and Mr. W. E. Hidden superintendent and manager at the mine. The company has a board of 7 trustees and an executive commit tee of 3 members. The original owners invested the entire amount they had re ceived for the mine in its stock, pur chasing loo snares at 25 per share. At this date over 1,600 shares of the total 2,000 have been sold, and the re maining shares are offered at S25 in lots to suit purchasers. The above facta were gathered from Mr. Hidden who. after spending the winter in New York, parsed through Statesvilre last week; returning to the mine, where operations have already been resumed upon a-larger .scale than exer. .twenty nanas are now at work and the number will be increased as the season advances. uanng toe year there will be expended at the mine many thousands of dollars and as this money will, . for the most part, come into the" hands of our merchants, it is thought that they might feel sufficient interest in the enterprise to induce them- to subscribe, for a few shares of the stock of. the conmanv. The fact that the original owners have re-investr-ed in their own schernei and the further fact that the mine has for 18 months paid over 100 per cent, on the invest ment, are tolerably good assurance ot the soundness1 of the company arid the richness of the mine. It is noteworthy that all of thTef stock: ttnwf ar subscribed for is bv mernDers 'Of the jewwry trade and by the original owners of the mine, except a subscription maae by one ot the business houses of States ville Last mJnth an emerald from this mine, w&s SoM to a Philadelphia mineral , eo41ectoi'ic800r Congressman Qelforai's Freeh Boy. New tork Tribune.' " ' Conscressma'ti Belford, 'of Colorado has a vert thfn vorce, almost Inaudible acnposs . tbe ,Hpuse; and a nine-year old son: with an enterprising western spirit. , Tnepther day Mt. Belford jtried in vain to jnae the Speaker hear pirn tax order to offer.a bill.,1 Lfttle'Sani bote tire sitr nation as long as he could withcoiapo--shtfl.''theh dartinff forward id the 'area in rtonx or tBe.speaKeraoesK, pis ngure, undewtteu Ictr his agbtrt. lithe as' a- rtteshOpper. appearea in run view be e the: oraker, "antjl he called out anijci'the dmr -uett.' Jteirer, uen. Keif erf dont Joti se6 my fjapaa got a , paper he' wanteyouto looKat?'' The Speaket was amused at the boys re-1 ininder, and pTottbtly aww the itiefi pet from Colorado, wnd was permitte to 1 offer his measure!' Thw !itt!e seen amused the1 House; however Jittle suit- J A, -a. 1L. 'Mk . M All 1' ' ea to tue qgnity oi tn piace. WfJltlnglon Btan ' - ' ..r.v"'.-- ... A lartre'beftf baa- bfeen creatine con- tSideraWe excifcenieflt !inrthe neighbor- 1 recetftgr.; On Snnflayfejgho last 'a 'col ored man named willlamafteama eotri- thcrtion at his pig benidd ferit -eut to see' wnac . was tne'mairer.-' wnen ne fonfld'1 What he 'eabnosea Id He, tn his. ! wn lords' man arstetfntr - aMffis1 o' rifs pigs, . arM neunebne!W!m!!two r .tnree Times to "let aem ar wks ione." Wheri he gfJtrtdthe pen" howerfeffad eawthatlt was a ttg'black Bear, instead f a nianVaiid that hrfliaa'mad;? sL toeal upon one pig, and nad tnrown tne old caow anciTB& remalnlnS portion G offspring into astatrof wildest conster- naUonrh got f urtheraway. ; The iiext morning pearly- a larget iMrty werifcin' nis trades. animal nimseif. ra . wm fOAVi fiJW MM lett .wlssiijg; skcQ aaia " . 1. Z&WWWOtWV&V nervous cob- tuuu. im oejstta4. bn-hih gets no rest1 -fVi MQUll alfion .nil. tuuula tha n,n!r,1nn mile rais. ? "T I hnr. flAA-nrAA1 on1 nr-ooa 'I'lnA searcrr prtne rMar.and fotfna no : cobqo up TOitbihe . . i I . m-mt i asv i i... i i u. 1 l,iiM NEVER FAILS. TJieoidykfipiw Specific Remedy for Epi epUc Fits, fr awi, . mT wnVTInTn Cures Epileptic" Fits, 8pa8ms, Convulsions, St Vitus Danca. Vertigo. Hlsterlcs, InsanltvApoplexy. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This lrrtarribieTemedy will positive ly eraaloate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they eamev never to return again. It utterly destroys be ger ma ef disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE . i ... i : , . . Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu eorrbcea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion or tbe Uterus, Internal Heat, Ctravel, Inflam mation ef the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nigbt, there id no better remedy. During the change of life no Female should be wlhout it It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far tne worst eviis that nave ever t eraiien sunenng humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor ot because he likes It, but tor the pleasure ot drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that be is on his road to ruin. LlKe the Opium Kater. he first uses the drug in small quantities a a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence of tbe drug takes strong hold upon Its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimenUveness, as over eaUng first In flames the stfihia'ch. which ' redoubles Its cravings until ft paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, Instead of Batlsfytag.'otiiy'acrd to ks fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then itself. Like tbe glii tbnous tate-worm. it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until Its own rapacity devours l.ltselt. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in tocd casesr it produces sleep, quiets the nerves, butids up the nervous sjstern, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by tbe Indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by tbe use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covt-rlng your suffer it gs as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments it you wllL Do not keep this a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thas afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest prmature delsy, and Impart tone and energy to the whole by stem. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my little gtrl of fits. She was nLso deaf and dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter Boss, Sprlngwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NEIIV1XE. Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tlsm. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN AEIIVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E B. Ralls, HattsTille, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. Wm. ti en son, Aurora, II!. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spa-ms. Rev. J. a. EliIk, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me af asthma, a'ter spendirg over $3,000 wit ii otber doc-Uirs. p. B. Hoeson, New Albany, led. SAMARITAN NERVINE yjfectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jesnte Warren, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, IlL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it having over 100 in 24 hours Hxnri Kkeb, Vervllla, Warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albeut Simpson, reona, iu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnrf d my son of fits, after spending S2,400wlth other doctoral J. W. Thobhton Clalborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic flls of a stub born character. REV. WM. MARTIN. Me.-hanlc3i.own, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 In Mrs. K. Fobes, West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MISS ORLBNA MiRSHALL, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMAiRITAN NERVINE Has nermanenQy cured me of epilepsy of many years' duration. Jacob sctkb, St J oseph, mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored me of tronchltla, asthma, and general de buky. Oliver MxBS. Ironton, Ohio. S AJTIAR I TAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many yean' standing; Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of flt9. Have been well for over four Charles E. Ccbtis, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. years. SAMARITAN NERVINE MCoted friend of mine who had dyspepsia very toadly. MIlHAKL U COMUtB, Bingway, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cored me of epileptic fits. n.- : David Thimblt, Des-'Molnes, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINfi Clfred my wife of epilepsy of 85 y?ars standing . - 'Hbkk CLarx, JBairfleld, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a'hervous disease of the head H -. ' i. 1 K. GRAHAM, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured mvson of fits. He has not had a fit for .'about! four years. John Davis, WOOuDum, Macqupu wuuijiii. SAMARITAII IIERVIIIE Is i or stte'br drngfefsts everywWre, er limy be had Trftm ,ui f i iumh sni msu.ni mjWHii uirtMCE 108,01 tile Curative prupeii4o ui muuviuui M4(1IJ plMMericiosacei pasHgesiamp opy of . out Mustratea. Jonrnalpf Heatta, himdrtds of te stinron rai 'of'enre frewperv uiciurea puoiOKrapneu niysz uusu nawduiuu iu ' ;f;3)r.'S.f EtOilIGpEfD& 00., ' ; ' WOBLDB lEPXld LNSTITrjTK, aprl ,dw iy ': 8 Joseph Mo The following-Schedule are Cor rected by the Katlroad Officials, and niay be Kelied on as Correct : North aSiina Railroal OOIfDElSrSED SCHEDULES. 1 , TRAINS GOINO EAST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No 51 Daily. No. 53 Daily. Leave Charlotte, ... " Salisbury, . " .Pigh Point,.. Arrive Greensboro,. . Leave reensboro, . . Arrive HUlsboro Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh Arrive Goldsboro',.. B 5ft a m 5.51 a no 7.20 a m 8.00 am 8.25 a m 11.04 am 11.48 am 1.15 pm 1.40 pm 4 20pm H 50 p m 8.51 p m 10.44 p m 11.20P m No. 17-Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. . 00 p m Arrive at Hal ten 3.04 a in ' Arrive at Goldsboro,. .8.00 a m 1 Bl-Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. B. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R R for Wil mington. No. 63 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points m Western Nonh Carolina; daily 5eeJ8DOro wltn R- D. R R. for a;l points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. 50 Daly. No. 52 Daily. Leave Goldsboro,. . . Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh Arrive Durham Arrive HUlsboro Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro,., arrive High Point,... Arrive Salisbury Arrive C e 1 0.20 a m 12.40 pm 4 10 pm 5 23 p m 6-07 pm 8.5 pm H-lOpm 9.43 p m 11.03 pm 7 25am 8 06 am 9 28am 11.20am 1 2 50 a No. 18 J)ally except. Sunday, LeavePGoidsboro,..2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7. 10 p m Leave Raleigh 5.00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2. 20 p m No. P0 -Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points in the South and Southwest, Southeast & H' B' fr ali p0iljts onXh and No. -2 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Air Line for all points South and Southwest: at Char lotte with C, C. & A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. . W. N. C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Lnave Greensboro 9,20 p m Arrive Kemersville 10 36 pm urlve Salem h.2q pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 830am Arrive Kemersville 941am Arrive Salem 10. 15 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem... 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvl le 5 50 a m Arrive Greensboro Y.00 a m NO. 63 Dally. Leave Salem. fi.oo p m Arrive Keroeisvilie fi.40 p m Arrive Greensboro g.oo p ra STATE UNIVERSH V RULKOAD, No 1, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,... Arrive University, Arrive Raieigh 7 30 a m 8.20 a m 1015am No. 2, Dai y GOING SOUTH. ex. Sunday. T .i - . i , -, i i . : : Arrive University 5 15pm Arrive Cbapel Hill j ai5 p m PalMan Sleepi Cars Wlont dame On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, ana between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Chatlut e and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. Hf-Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleleh, Goldsboro'. Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West, North and East. K r Hmigrant Kates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE. General Passeneer Agent. feb23 Richmond. Va. RICHMOND & DAN wTLTiTrrR. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after March 5th. 1882. the nassen- ger train service on the Atlanta & Cbarlotte Air Line Division of this road will be as follows: i MhII and WESTWARD. h.xpre!-s Mall. . I No. f0. No 62. Leave Charlotte, il 1 12.40 ami t.(i5 a m Arrive Ga.-toiiia. L i 1 .85 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartanburg K i 4.04 am 2 35 p m Arrive Greenville, H ; 5.32 am 4 09 pm Arrive Seneca. G i 7.15 am 5.54 pm Arrive Toccoa. 1 ! h.28 am 7 0." p m Arrive Babun J action, i U 32 a in 8.0" p m Arrive Lula, E 1 u. , 8 a m 8.43 p m Arrive Gains vii. ....JO 51 am H.15pm Arrive Atlanta. . I j 40 p in 12.0-S a m Mall and EASTWARD. Kxpress Mall. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta 2. 1 5 p ml 5.00 a m Arrive Gainesvil e 4 54 ml 7 41am Arrive Lu a. K 5 2 m! 8.32 am Arrive Habun Gap Junction, H 22 p m 9.14 a m Arrive Toccoa. K 7.06 p m 1 0 07 a m Arrive Seneca. G 8.24 p m 11 21 a m Arrive Greenville. H. 10 08 p m 1.27 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K. 11.40 pm 2.59 pm Arrive G .stonla, L 2.06 am 5 1 1 p m Arrive Charlotte. M 3 15 ami 6. CO p m CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads B with arriving trains of Georeia Central. A. & W. P. and W & A Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad K wi h Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. wiih Klberton Air-Line to and from Elberton. Georgia. , u wirn uoiumoia ana Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Colum la and Charleston, 8. C. K with Spartanburg and Ashevllle. and Spartan burg Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas ana Chester. M with C., C. fe A,, C. C., R. & D. and A., T. 4 O. f or ail points West, North and Fast Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Noa 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. a. Pope, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, Genet al Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 C., C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. Train Train No. 62. No. 48. - Passeng'r. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte, 11.30 am A Tlve Rock Hill 12.35 pm Arrive Chester, 1.28 p m Arrive Winnsboro 2.60 p m Arrive Columbia, 4.1 8 p m Leave Columbia, 4.25 p n 5.45 a m Arrive Lexington, 5.12 pm 6 37 am Arrive Ridge Spring 6 25pm 7.55 a m Arrive Graniteville 7.40 pm 9.12 am Arrive Augusta 8.40 pm 9 62 a m Train Train No. 18, No. 20, Freight Freight Leave Charlotte 7777777 5.40 a m 5.40 ' Arrive Rock Hill 8.03 a m 7.32 p m Arrive Chester. . . . .- 9. 50 a m 903pm Arrive Winnsboro, 12.55pm 11.17 pm Arrive Columbia, 5.05 p m 2 18am Leave Columbia, 2.40 am Arrive Lexington 3.40 a m Arrive Ridge Spring 6.47 a m Arrive GranlteviUe 7.54 am Arrive Augusta . 9.30 a m Train No. 52, Dally Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. R. R. for Charleston, and with the C. fc G. R. R. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, &c. At AOgusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Daily-Connects at Argustawlth the Georgia R. R. and Central Gecre R. R, for Ms con. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, daily except Sun day. Trains from the South airle at Charlotte, pas senger, dally, at fi 35 p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 45 p. m. -ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO DIVISION. t Train No. 63, ; Dally, Leave Charlotte eoopm Arrive at btatesvllle, 8 12pm Train Nol 52. Dally, " ' XeavQ 'Btatesvllle 7 00am i .: Arrive at Charlotte, 9.15 am Tickets soldtaau points south, Southeast and Southwest andDagRage checked through. No ana Daggae lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPS, T. M. B. Talcott, Gen'l Passenger Agent Gen'l Manager. Corambla, & C, March 1st, 1882. mar22 To Merchants. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED- A LOT OF ing Paper AND- D aper Bags. BOTH ATLANTA AIM D P H 1 1. A tli. PHIA SIZE. No One Can IJoderaell .Vie. marS- S FOR MAY, WITH PATTERN, Just Received, at TiF i Brother's. aprl 8 boston- METALLURGICAL WORKS. 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayer-, and Analytical Cheml-tts tiOLDaudMl.VK.il HEFIMKS. Practical IBill-Runs of Ores 100 Idh. and upwania. REFRACTORY ORES TREATFH. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, ek?telies and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works. GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SITIELTED OX RElUliNK or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Te' ms. T OMAS BINNS, Metalll"HC,ist, A. H. KIDNEY Mining Engineke. JOHN HOLLIDAY, Pkof. Chemist mar8 tf 3LOOS JUST RECEIVED- ONE HUNDRED BARRELS Piedmont Patent Flour, 1BE 1USE8T IN 1 BE Jill KET. SPRINGS & BURWELL aprl frapp ohm i Mm. Metropolitan FASHION EETS

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