. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DaUy, one iear, post-paid, in advance 98.00 jteiotff- -.-""" 4.00 fltndWMMa....'M......).ri.i 2.00 OnmonOI..I"-.---".----;-v-"'"'-...- 75 WKXKLl EDlflOUt! Weddy (in the county), in advance .- .$2.00 Outtftte county, Fpstr&td 2.10 xmontbt 1.05 tj- Liberal Eedvetionjbr Clubs. E'egrani i& .o., DKALKKS IN - Boots, Shoes, Hatsi Trucks, TRAVELING BIGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEGRAM & CO., Have tbe Best Stock of Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THS STATE. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply you with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF- Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE A PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. PEGRAM & CO., HaVK all kinds of CI oiivca aim ouuucid. PEGRAM & CO., KRKP A Wl-LL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks act! Valices OF ALL PRICES A'riD SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE ."U3T RKCHVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the Latest Myles. Of .he Latest Styles. PEGRAM CO., CAN SUIT THE R Farmer Friends Wilh anr kinds BOOT? nndSHOIS THEY WISH. PEGRAM & CO., K4EP ALL KINDS OF Shoe DressiDg, French Blacking AND Lyons' Heel StiffVners. td H si t- r o i o o - r o o o jag, r S3 s, tjlji ! '-S3 S '6? 1 At i (UU VOL. XXVII. m -JUST RECEIVED- A HANDSOME STOCK -OF- NECKWEAR, In all the novelties of the season. WHITE GOODS SflSB: Nuns Veiling in all shades. Big Drive in Dress Goods FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. One of the Handsomest stocks of Cane Matting In the State. New stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats; also Fur Hats In all leading shapes of the season. New lot of Lawns very cheap. Come and see. and be convinced that we have the goods to suit you arid at pilces to Bell them. T. I,. XVMil'E & CO. apr23 Tardtcat. A Never-Failing Cure for Burns, Scaids, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe t It acts immediately ! It never fails! Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, eays : In flesh wounds, aches, paius, sores, etc., It 13 the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of it ror a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have teen Its magic effects, and know it to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Bhenlsh Prussia: Alter long years of use, I am satisfied It is positively efficient as a healing remedy ior wounas, Druises, ana sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Oa., says : It is a panacea lor all Druises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: Ii gave me Immediate relief. B. Lewis says : In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. W. Lum. Nlcholvllle. N. Y.. savs : I use your Pain Killer Irequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heals wounds line magic J.W. Dee says: For scalds and bums it has no equaL PEEET DAVIS' PAIS KIXLEB is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been in constant use ; and tnose who have used it the longest are Us best friends. Its success Is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and cone, while to-dav this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medirinex. it is nerfentlv safe even in the hands of a child. "Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, SOc. and Sl.oo per Dottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proorletors. Provldenc, R. I. eptdw sept & oct A BLESSIING TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea, dlsmenorrbsea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price 53 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. JOR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Pills. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fail to cure when directions are followed. Price $2 50per box. Five bnxes $10. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarice Medicine Company, New York City. A IN VALUABLE BEiVGDYi For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments lnihe urine from-what- Dr. Clarke's ever cause Induced, whether of re cent or long standing, une w inre boxes usually sufficient Price $2 per box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price; Ad Gonnorrhea Pill. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. 'UEItE IS A BALItI IN OILEAI). For all cases of Spermatorrhoea', and lmpotency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse In youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or otner causes, ana prodvein some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem ory, Phlsical decy, Pimples on Face, Aversion tosoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexuil Power, Ac, rendering marriage Im proper or unhappy. Are a positive cure In two to 8 weeks. One to Mx boxes usually sufficient- Price 81 50 per box. Four boxes $5 Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Clarke's Invigorating Pills. febltfdAw 18w FERB7 & CO. S IiqI fans, ' itiMi) Peas are KWCJaTJy Jatrdaned at t&4 point, will not oarrode or rast,nd willbefotmt,- tt trMnttWfrniflkalnlted sens, seat farA1 tyaVL MtfAv IPwgr 4mW b- w . i sm w -m tibyMlraoofKcents. fifteoni Blakemaru Taylor Co,b "' V-inmr-Vnriir.' ' ""' ; GOODS XPAIN 1 . . r ' ' ' ' ' i I.. I. II. III J It ! II JIIIIJIUJ'.MI UMII IIIJUIUJU U" V UWJI I Tg. fl-' ,. ,- H-" r 1 : 1 " I .1 1 II l II - W ' I 1' I . I - I STATE NEWS. Greensboro Bugle: Wyatt Bowman,; of Winston, was. .stricken, with: paraly sis, on Sunday night last, and now. lies in a critical condition. . J. W. Payne has been informed that his brother Geo. C. Payne, of Browns ville, Mo. was killed in the cyclone, of last week, which destroyed that town. Col. J. T. Morehead has on exhibition a bunch of wheat, product of one grain, which has fifty three heads, and is thirty six inches high. He, also, has oats-now heading-which are forty inches high. A number of discharges were made on the Richmond and Danville railroad last week. Mostly the extra force em ployed during the heavy freighting of the past two months. Newborn Nutshell: Good dwelling houses are in great demand and com mand a high price. Strawberries are plentiful in the city now and selling at 25 cents per basket Six small schooners were lying at the foot of Brinsons wharf Saturday wait ing to unload oysters for Bair's canning establishment 1 Wilmington Star: Charles King, col ored, sentenced at the last term of the Criminal Court to convenient for two years in the County Poor House, for lar ceny, made his escape on Saturday night last and is still at large. Superintend ent Savage offers a reward of $10 for his capture. "The Masonic Grand Chapter of the State will meet in Wilmington May 30. The delegates, who are expected to, bring their families with them, will be the guests during their stay in Wilmington of Concord chapter No 1, and a round of festivities has been agreed upon, in-, eluding an excursion down the river and a big dinner at Mr. Perry's new Smithville hotel, which is promised to be ready for the reception of guests on the 1st of June, the very day of their expected visit. Raleigh News and Observer: The Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows will meet in Wilmington May 8th, which falls on Tuesday, being the first time this important body has met in Wil mington since 1857. ! We regret very much to learn of the loss of the Bonitz Hotel, at Goldsboro, by fire yesterday. Oxford Tliorchlight: Weare glad to learn from the Index Appeal that a narrow guge road from Petersburg to Oxford is now in contemplation and eliciting some interest and attention. The beautiful and splendid residence of Dr. Wilkins, that passengers so often look out and see upon one or tiie com manding hills across the river from Gas ton Depot, was accidently burned last week. A GEORGIA MIxE. Which Would Create a Craze in Cali fornia, Augusta E- enlng News. Georgia people do not know and do not appreciate Georga mines. M. Sau ford Cohen returned last evening from Maeruder Mine in Wilkes county owned by Maj. Geo. T. Jackson of Augusta, ana he says tnat it me ore rrom Magru- der was taken from a California mine, it would run California crazy and sell the mine for millions. Mr. Cohen lived for several years in California and is well acquainted with Western mme3. He has made a specialty of this business and he pronunces some new specimens taken from Magruder mine as fine as the country can show. A new vein has been opened at this mine, and, while remarkable silver ore has been developed, lead is mined in richest quality. Specimens of gold ore are taken from the mine, uur people ought certainly to look into this shaft. Republican Virtue. Charleston Newj and Courier. In commenting upon the charge of Judge Bond in the "Acton case," in which he mentioned the fact that in the first trial for a violation of the elec tion laws in South Carolina the accused were Republicans, and "the Republican party was thep in the ascendency," we called attention to the real motive of the prosecution at that time a quarrel of the Republican factions, between Bowen, the friend of the district attor ney, on tne one siae, ana ueLiarge, De longing to the other side. it will pernaps interest toe iriena&oi good government to learn what venge ance was metea oat oy tne itepuDiican party to the commissioners found guil ty of scratching Bo wen's name for Con gressman rrom tne Danois, aner tne closing of the polls, and writing De- T nw.tfwi-k'f noma in 4fa afoQ rl TVift I nfan1. ants were three in number Gleaves, Williams and Langley. The jury con victed all of them. In the case of Gleaves, Judge Bond announced that, unless the government consented to a not pros., a new trial would be granted. This was done, and Gleaves, colored, was at the next elec tion made Lieutenant-Governqr, and remained in office until the downfall of corrupt government in 1876. Langley, black, and Williams, white, so far from beine sent to the "penitentiary," were sent to Columbia, where they were kept hn nominal confinement . Williams was taken into the family of the lailor.and, notoriously, was treated more as assist ant jailor than as a criminal. iotn Langley and Williams were pardoned by President urant oeiore tne expira tion ot their sentences " Langley was almost immediate! appointed Auditor of Beaufort county aria: continued so until removed by ttftmpt6B.-Williams was shortly afterwards elected Intend ant of the town of Beaotort, and was Intendant Of the only Republican town in South Carolina at the time of his death, a year or so ago. . - Wanted for False Representation and Eorgery. V Lynchburg, Va., April 26. At the instance of W. H. Evans Co,, of Cin cinnati, and Messrs. R. T. Lacy & Co., tobacconists, of Lynchburg, Va, the authorities in several places have been instructed to arrest W. N. Glass, for merly merchandise broker of Rittle Rock, Ark., as Glass has falsely repre sented himself to be a member of the firm of Lacy & Co., and on; the 17th inst forged their name to a draft and obtained money on it from Mrs. Green, of Jackson, Miss. Indians Barn an Arizona Town and Massacre Tirty-FiVe White People. San FBANCisco, April 26, A dis natch from Shakespeare. N.M.. dated yesterday, says teiegram just, reueivea t tM:; the "flPSrator :MSt$fjm:m Darnea ijiQ. TO,nuueveT..wrovrgyeu in is afternoon, fcOTdJaW Tbirt j-five white people were.: uuea. ij nutans-- are? pattering into small bands andakina 2or Cbrihibna mountains, . CbLorsytn with his entire command is in pursuit, CIIARLOTTB ; N.; C., ,THUKUAY APRIL 27, 1882; .. . .;. NO. 4,085. . tiinrs Werih Kk ' l.V.Tfiat fish, mar T be seated rnach easier fx. .dipping anto boilinir watery 2v.That fish, may as well be scaled, if desired before packing down in 'salt; thought in- that case, do not scald them 3. That salt fish are quickest and best freshened oy soa&ing m sour mule 4 That milk which is turned or chan ged may be.sweatened and rendered fit for use again oy stirring in a uttie soda. . 5 That salt will curdle new milk, hence in preparing milk porridge; gra vies, etc ,the salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. 6. That fresh meat, After beginning to sour, will sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool over night 7. That clear boiling water will re! move tea stains and many fruit stains. Pour the 'water through the stain, and thus prevent its spreading over the fah- ric. . : ( . r 8. That riDt tomatoes will remove ink and other stams frm white ctoth; also from the hands. ' . 9. That a teaspoonful of turpentine boiled with your white clothes will aid the whitening process. 10. That boiled starch it much Improv ed by the addition of a little sperm or a little salt or both, or a little gum arabic dissolved. 11. That beeswax and salt will make your rusty flat irons as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag and keep it for that. purpose. When the irons, are hot, rub them first with the wax rag, then scoar with a paper or cloth, sprinkled' witn salt. 12. That blue ointment and kerosene, mixed in eqnal proportions, and applied to bedsteads, Is ann unfailing bedbug remedy: and that a coat of whitewash, is ditto for the Walls of a log house. 13. That kerosene will soften boots or shoes which have been hardened by water, and render them as pliable as new. 14. TUat kerosene will make tin tea kettles .is ' bright as new. Saturate a woolen rug and rub with it. It will also remove stains from clean varnish ed furniture. 15. That clean rain water and soda will remove machine crease from wash able fiibiics. A Strange Phemenon. Baleigh News and Observer. In a private letter lrom .J a. life Gilliam dated at Waynesville. he s .vs: "A cu rious fact has- been rel i;iii t. uie. They say that if cattle be brought 1'ioin south ot i his, from .Hutlin! ' u'd county or any county in Soutli I'aruiiua, to tliis place, the caltlo heiv wlneli. route in contact with the catttn thus brought are soon taken with a aistempt-r of which they almost invaribly dit, while the cat tle brought here suffer from no disea:-e. It is further said that if cattle are brought here lrom Transylvania or Buncombe, they aim st iu variably die, while the cattle which come in contact with them are in no way diseased be fore or after the contact,. The section so affected is small in area, and seems to be, so to speak, 'moving." . Tl Costljr Wife. The wife of Lieutenant-Governor Tabor a Colorado millionaire, has brought suit for separate maintainance, infidelity on the part of the husband be ing charged. Mrs. Tabor asks that she be awarded the fine house on Broadway, Denver, which she . now lives in, and that it be set apart for her exclusive use. It is the finest residence in Colo rado, and is valued at $150,000. She furthermore asks for $50,000 per year for her maintainance, alleging that her husband is worth between 87,000,000 and $8,000,000. It is stated that if Mrs. Tabor will sue for divorce the suit will be allowed to go by default and he will give her the Broadway house and $3, 000,000 outright, but she will not con sent to a divorce. Lynch Gets an Offer. Washington Star. A prominent ex-Confederate officer, now residing in Washington, stared out the other evening to find a man-servant He met a pretty good-looking col ored man and asked him if he could recommend a good servant. The colored man regretted that he could not. What are you engaged atV"i asked the ex-Confederate. "Why can'fe I em ploy you ?" "I am not doing anything just now," was the reply, "but I expect to; have a seat in Congress in a few dajfs. My name is Lynch, and I am contesting the seat of Gen. Chalmers." Good and Bad Cnltnre. A south Carolina farmer, writing to the Columbia Register, demonstrates the difference of good and bad culture by showing that on land of the same fertility, an intelligent farmer raased 0 bushels of corn to theacre,while thrift less man raised only 5." This Richland farmer says in conclusion "I .have never bought any corn or hay since the war, hut have, always enough at a coat never exceeding twenty cents pej: bush el. As to long forage, or rburfhness,' the only difficulty with me has been how to consume ail that accumulates on my hands." Such a farm.er iae worth more to the South than a Congreesman-at-large. j Native Mineral Watter!! ROCKBRIDGE (V..) CUtCHS Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Toipii Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Chronlo Pneumonia, ttct It Is a powerful Alterative Tonic and Is ANTI MALARIAL lh its effects Bead .certificates from eminent physicians in cur pamph ets. NO ARTIFICIAL. C.VSfcS OR SALTS. Bottleat in Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully lxted In Bock bridge county, Va., and are rpen for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity 1 1,000 guests. , For sale, wholesale and retail, by Sr X H. Mo ADEN and Dr, T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N C. marl2 ly , A favorite Drescrintioa nt mw! nr. th most noted and successful specialists In QieV. S. . (now retired) tor the core of JTrw Dbitiit, Iiomt Mantfp4, Welce ajid Sent 51,11 iffiiijil -60W4I ratlaail Bevedint:misMctir higfiTi nrein . ia mtmri ajlfrtUtteetbeaindthe J ?2K2jV2dofi - aahinj roterfl4nooen t:bewioblnr ' amnaj Oftdtsfi Stai?! rt cinnslaM frea. oo.r. ninafiotttea; laeawnin acne;okaorj)retr d 4etoMWwraptfonrti-W r giriei wa uonMiiiiMBir PTgas-uga kDlliil'V.(ilolM Moraonb lingB-vlationI JMoaJKUSO. illmt'd Oatfita 766. . A0w ..ANCHOR: PU BLISH'O A,Qa, t.L-iiijk ......... . - t I i . . . . i. ' f' .i I UW1II A UUlIIL.i . ? i r..i .. . A-.uAii..,i ! To all who are suffering lrom thr errors afidin discieUon of jouth, nervous weakcesa, iarly decay oss or manhood, c.VI win sfend reclpe-that will tore you, 7BXK of CBiBG&'l?W -great remedy was discovered by mlBslonary ia rkhri America.1 Send S'Beltaddreased envelop-, ir th bt, jyoacn x. ii jiaji, etauontU, ew xoyK.viiI... From Andrew's Amertcaaaeenj OB THE ' QUEEN OF SHEBA'S BEAUTY f UTAS UTJT SKIN BEEP. The renowned Oaeen of 8hebawith &t her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brllUaot retuiae,' would never have appeared within the preseriee1! the grandest of the monarchs of the'pisk, had Bh not also possessed that which it is the i crownlfig glory of the fema'e person .skin xnjchallengexl for its Oriental softness and . its almost ! transcen dental purity. Cleopatra, ' Boldln emDejort at bay, and ruling empires, by:r46.r irard, h(l4ntoltly':l ion ner cnarm and power by one attach ox blptebM or of pimples, or'of horrid tah -and freckles. t , OMAN RULES JH OBLlj ... V ., . '., by her beauty, not less than by ifef pnrlty of char acter, loveliness of disposiUOft and nnselflah de votion. Indeed, n the estimation of perhaps too many men beauty in a body takes fcec&fenee over every other consideration- - Beauty thus jforms an important part of woman's) "working ' capita" withoutlfhlch tot) many, (If not bankrupts In what relates to iDflaence within the circle where they move,) are powerless for treat gobd. pgabe'wti see not only the propriety 1 bbt tter r61 jf of every lady nreservlne with zealous 'care thatiwhlnh ta her Is essential to success, Bad lfiftaenoej ana use fulness in life. And, sines "beauty islbufkiri deep," the utmost care ani vigilance are required to guard It against the many Ills that flesh is heir to. Among the great and annoyfng enemies of beauty, " OF &ITHER SEX, as well as of comfort; happiness . and health, are those pestiferous and horrid sk'n dlseasi-tetters, humors, eczema, (salt hetriri,) roufel) apd scaly eruptions, ulcere, pimpres, ana au diseases 01 tne hair and scalp. Fo the cure of a)! these, Dr. C. W Benson, of Baltimore, after jears of patient study and investigation devoted to diseases ot the skin, at last brought, for! h- his celebrated SKCN CURB, whlcn has. already by Its marvelous cures, established ltselfaa tje great remedy for all dis eases of the skin, whatever " e their names or character. Its success h s teen immense and un paralleled. All druggists fiave it. It is eiegantiy put up, two bott'e.s in one p c age. Internal and external tr atraei. Price SI 00. EVERY ONK. PRAISES, .-lo h mlae. nenous ht-idache, neuralgia, nerve usiie-8, p nl -is, dyp'psl. sleeplessness nr,if biMin rlisea es. posttl elj cured by nr. C. W. "e. sn'i's tlerr 'tn i CI miiii' ;!e They con tain i ii opl irn. ijuilne. r ot cr Larmful drug. Solif all diuig.tp. Price. 50c ppr box. SI for i wo. s2 rio for six. postiige ire. Dr. C W.Ben son, -i il'iiiu re. M i. C. N. i. ritxe: ton. Nw Tork, la 1.0 es Je a g nt for Dr C. w. benson's reme dies. apr4 MRS. LVDli E. PIK01M, OF UKN, U&SS., LYDIA E. PiNKHAM'S VE&ETABLB C0MP0U1TD. - -- Ts a Positiv Care for all llF4ul-Complaliit nd WttfaiUMI o MBmon to our-bt female popnlatlon. It will core entirely tne wont form of Female Ooo plalnta) all ovarian trouble, inflammation and Ulcera tlon, Falllag and Displacements, and the cobawraent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumor from the uterus la an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked verygpeedifj by Its use. It remoTes faintneaa, Satulency, destroys all crarlng; for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. ' It cures Bloattnf, Headaches, Karroos Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression abd' Indi gestion. That feeling of hearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanency Cured by its uiai It will at all times and under all circtimstances act to harmony with the laws that goterh the female system.. Tor the cureot Kidney Complaints ot either, sex this Oompoundlsvnsarpeased. E.T9IA B., PINKHAJTS. VEGETABLE ?OJf POOU prepared at ?3J and Z35 Western iAyenue,. LynntlUss, Price L Six boUleaTor tsr" TSent binafl ln therorm of pills, also in the t ornr of loteiiges, pa receipt Of price, filtOr box for either, lirs: rmkhaav freely Answersn letters of Inquiry. Bena f or-pampb let. Address as above. ' ilntUm this Taper. Ho family should be without 'LTB1A B. PINK HAYS LIVER FELLS. They cure constipation, bUlousnaas and torpidity of the liver 5 cents per box - Sold f all DrvsgisiU. - iQXurnANP r cf the ptessn ggnewttloTi.'It Is tor tho Core of this dissasev smd its atteqdanta JlCK-tiEADiCHEr 'hHIOPggESw.f DYS PEPSIA. COII8TliA'l'10Ji.yiLE8. etc thai TPTTS PILLS sMTe'atnedia worlA-wide repTxtatlon iro Beanwiyjhaa ever been dlaooTered ' that eots BQf gently en' the digestive organs, giving them vigor to as similate food. : - As s. natural result,, the y ervous System is JB raced, the, Muscles ere Developed, end the Body Bobast. rrt-nisM B. BTVAJU m Flaatec et Bayoa Se?. . , sy : jy niactaUon la to xnsustftta oistnot. per aevaraT Fra Z oould bo nkvHatf Crop oa stooooat oCblUoas cUsMteoes end calllai.! X was nearly discouraged wbea I bvgaa the use of TtnaT'B PJLLB.T result was srrkns: hit laborer aooa becazna hearty and topsst sovd I nave bad no furtner triable. ' " ' J- ' - They relieve tBe esuerged EJreT, sJestnsy Biel. Strang Kw tm,, mm stBoeisiei Uwer. Aw a v VT a T-t M 33 leously.- BLack oy a sini ImparU a natnwf 0ojrtacts InitanlaBeo reoaipc Ofrioe, 8B Mtxrrey Street, New Vork. Br. fFW8 MVJUUmf yalnmlm XjspiU mmm WB W 9UimtUn.J mi i i v i-i ftiiT r ., THREE SAFES. I TXB BALB. any tWO 6f 4 4 Proof Bafefe. sttef t 1 the best of makpji. Ona ar m i . r . One: medlam atad one 1 biytobr eddress 1 !tl KHE, ju m iuv rut iviB.Tai7VHi id m i v : I !, - CHAS. R J0NK3, Jep'rOiWEKVEB. ftWX$ tf , , . , , ! HE :H: - P L?,1? P1?"8 stock of LACES to town, kTJtJU k lfii TCning"resses. we ntf SSK Km,?' per yara. figured Mulls at 40c per yard. . DOTTED la handsome patterns, at 20c to 60c. Alarge stock plNfCK WIAB. Cretonnes and Fringes for same. i . . . . ; ' . i : .-" t ...... j . Ask to see Oar "HOMBSVitLE" N WWN (MODS.. The best 4-4 Bleached DnmAtin Bluing you everythlnt wev, ludwei V BEFORE PURCIIASHING. argraves Sc "Willielm . ABHIIS FOR "UNIVEBSAt'-fASHIOHS. OH ! YE OF I JlWMnn J. : Frent Forward te the Rear. P DOUliLJr-QUiCK ! i? !. ''va-'llTf V"1'111 M,lsic HoBse TV " THS- ' kn .'v ,.) ; dj, A jf tliii I KHANICH Sc MASON & SHONINGER PELOIIBET & Eight of ths Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instruments in I LENT Y OF MONEY ON OUB LIFT, . - i ; - . a ' ' PLENTY TO EAT ON OUR RIGHT. AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Put Ten Dollar Gold Pieces on Every Stop OF OUR ORGANS, Neither do We Throw in a Honse lot or a Railroad. H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. 888888' 8888ga ,X 88 WrigSa T I4 8888 arVooS u it NEW mi GOME! "COR our stock Is now complete. A IN OUB OWN HODSK We are lustiQed la Hence and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that A I r W sr-nr .eirTFrTTVr Id THB MOST RKLIABt.fi SOLD in this Market. Ve makeTnp firefrdass (larmento, and always study the demands or ur patrons, and insure Ab.em Absolute BOTTOM PRICES. We do not buy Job 1Mb in order to introduce X"w Priced Goods, but Invariably Offer the public such CLOTHING and .made up In such style as Is -worn In fashionable circle .In Northern dties. We had the choice of seleettngoOrstockby'KOing early ln.the Market, of which privllegB the Late Purchaser Is debarred. Our iatock of Boy ftttdl 01a.llcl.xexx'fii ClotlxixiS is as One as always. The. latest stjtes in,. - . y . HATS, ALL COLORS. ' ' rTll!E riKEST IN TEE QTY. ' THE YORK TOWN .SCAR F, ..... . .; ,,etestCintBe.Yerr ; , " . U Behanger & Bro If. D.-f3artsteBt iTIade t Order ett T"l i:?ffi5mvSswt "aat, BKMiBINbi latest tklM at), and ervry nnnn.1 WVITAW MMtMV'AAJLL. BLANKS, BILL-HXAPS, , . XETTK&HlADa, CABD3, ' TlBJCXTPTftl'OSTIHa, I'BOtilBlWireHrHANPBILLS, PAMPBILrS.'ClBfcliAB3i CHECKS, Af, & - :W: - it will pay you to see our Dress Good w h. have a nice line or Nuns Veiling 8ash Blbbona Twiii Pf Md LAW B aGutul Colored MuUs at 50c Colored Linen D lade at 37 toe. SWISS'- Di trlbutlhg Depot Tor the CarollnHS C1IICKERING, ntm, MATHUSHEK, -AND- Sonthern Gei.: Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIME, C0v0U6MS. LAMS OlUtn. i i- m 1 But We Beat That all to Piece CALL AND SIB ME. Will Guarantee 10 per cent on all Moneys Invested. W For Farslculars call on or write to III STYLES We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANDFACTDBKD e lustiQed in as&eiiine. and not axAovArntn that tha Innc assertlne. SssMrt rfetlee ' apr2 J

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