SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1882. Index to New Advertisements. Wilson A Burwell Warners Safe Liver and Kid ney Cure. Springs Burwell Old Oaken Bucket Tobacco. BUSINESS NOTICES. WOMAN. HER HEALTH AND LIFE Depend more on the regularity of her menstrual functions than on any or all cause combined. An actual or a ' living death" Is the inevitable result of derangement ot a function which makes woman what she is in every respect, and especially In her mental and bodily constitution. Hence, imme diate relief from such derangements is the only safeguard against wreck and ruin. In all cases of stoppage, delay, or other Irregularity of the 'courses," Dr. J. Bradfleld s Female Regulator is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood, and de termining directly to the oigans of menstruation It Is a scientific prescription, and the moot intelli gent physicians use uv Prepared by J. Bradfleld. Atlanta. Ga. Price: Trial size, 75c; large size 8150. For sale by all druggists. The Florence Nightingale or the Nursery. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers burg. Penn.: A BENEFACTRESS. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, 'A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collcklDg and teething siege. Mrs. Wlns- if" " lJWV" e J e . "v-.i (uo buuu uuiu pell U, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what It professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we had the power we would make her, as she Is. a physical saviour U the Infant race. Bold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Jlexo dxrevtiseraettts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strngth and wholesomeness. More economlca than the ordinary hinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a um or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. BOTAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. LeBoy Davidson, sole Agent. Charlotte. N. C. Disease is an effect, not a cause. origin Is within ; its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the causb must be removed, and in no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURB Is es tablished on just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all disease? arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy ha s no equal. Beware of im posters , imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer. 0. II. WAKSKIl & CO., Rochester, N. IT. aprl6 A FRESH STOCK OF Lupulin Yeast, Gem's. Royal Baking Pewder, Pearl Sago and Flake Tapioca. R. H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. DRINK MISSISQUOI WATER, the best water known for all kidney diseases. For sale by R, H. JORDAN & CO. CARLSBADER Spudel Salts and Crab Orchard baits. For sale by R. H.. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. A NEW SUPPLY OF Eppj's Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate, Nelson's Gelatine and Flavoring Extracts, Just received by R. H. JORDAN & CO., TRYON STREET. GENUINE VICHY Water, In quart bottles, and all kinds of Mineral Waters, for sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a full stock of Patent vy Medicines ot all kinds. R. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists, USE USE Viola Cologne, the best and cheapest In quarts, pints and half pints, for sale - only by - only by R. H. JORDAN & CO WE KEEP THE Finest Black and Green Teas for the re tall trade. R- H. JORDAN A CO. ROBARE'S Aureollne, or Golden Hair Wash, for sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO., f ROYAL ncDUf Jk J mmwMX arkieh i&mMwfa SS2 CURE S ttQME CIHPLET8. &r m Mayoruit yesterday . W The new Carolina Central depot is rising magnificently. t;A white flag floated gaily ia the breeze from the stand-pipe yesterday. W The building of the addition to mw Metropolitan hotel is going briskly j.urwara. W East Trade street remaini in demoralized condition, while the street committee are deliberating about the manner or proceeding with the werk. The managers of the Catholic picnic have secured the services of the Italian string band to accompany them on their excursion next week. "Gentlemen receiving invitations to the public reception by the Literary and Debating Club are entitled to the company of ladies, and ladies, of course, to gentlemen escorts. " Old-field strawberries were offer ed on the streets yesterday at 15 cents a quart The old field berry don't Dut on many airs but it is a royal member of the family, nevertheless. l&Chief Operator J. H. Allen. Jr- has resigned his position in the West ern Union Telegraph office here, and Ui leave for New York next Monday make that place his home. W We learn from the Shelby Au rora that Rev. N. M. Woods. Dastorof the Presbyterian church in Charlotte, has consented to preach the annual ser mon, at the commencement of the Shel- High School, on the 24th and 25th of May. Base-Ball Match, this Morning. There will be a base-ball match this morning between a nine from the vi cinity of Charlotte and the first nine of the Charlotte Military Institute. The match will be played on the Institute green. . Base Ball Match. Yesterday afternoon, on the grounds of the Biddle Institute, a match was played between the Atlantics and the ne of the Institute. The play was good on both sides, and the game very osely contested, resulting in a victory for the Atlantics. The score was: At- antics, 21; Biddle Institute, 20, Catting Affair in Monroe. On Wednesday night last, Mr. John Winchester of Monroe, got into a diffi culty with a countryman, whose name has not transpired; and Winchester was badly cut about the face, arms and breast. His wounds, however, are not thought to be dangerous. The man who used the knife has not yet been ar rested. Burglary. The store of Messrs. Bell Bros, Mt Mourne, was entered and robbed of goods to the value of about $200, on the night of Wednesday last, the thieves making their way in by boring away the lock, and removing the bar by reaching through the hole thus made. We understand that a reward of $25 is offered for such evidence as will lead to the capture and conviction of the burglars. Sociable. The voune ladies mission band of both Presbyterian churches of the city, propose holding their sociable at the residence of Mr. Harvey Wilson, on Tuesday evening, May 2nd. They cor dially invita all Presbyterians in the community, especially the younger la dies and gentlemen who are members of either congregation. This is entirely a free entertainment, and all will be heartily welcomed. Another Fish StoryGood Business. We are informed that on Thursday afternoon a party of eight persons went out with hooks and lines to Mr. Bar ringer's mill pond. None of the party had more than one hook ; yet they seem to havehad excellent sport,f or when they came to count up their spoils as night drew on, they had secured a total of 703 fishes, having among them nothing smaller than a good-sized perch one of the party alone having caught 167 with his single hook. This is o-fish-ially tes tified to by one of the party. The II arrisburg Train Robbery Ar rests in Charlotte. In our Wednesday's issue we gave aii account of the arrest of several negroes for a train rolbery at Harrisburg. The authorities here received information hat some of the men concerned in the robbery were in Charlotte, and yester day Constables Orr and Means had two colored men pointed out as the thieves. The men, named respectively John Williams and Lafayette Williams, were accordingly arrested and brought be fore Justice Davidson, who, after a pre- iminarv examination, committed them to jail until next Tuesday, when they will again be brought before him. The Supposed Infanticide. The jury in this case met yesterday and examined a number of witnesses They appear indefatigable in their efforts to sift the matter to the bottom, and from the numbers of people spend ing their valuable time peering about the windows of the mayors court room during the day, it would appear that their efforts create considerable interest among many of the public. Are the people who so act personally interested in the matter ? or is it merely a moroiu curiosity that prompts them to an noy the jury by projecting their faces in at the windows of the room where the jury assemble, rendering it necessary for one of the jury to stand as sentinel there continually ? Early Closing. The early closing of stores is now a subject of consideration in several of the cities in this State. The Wilming fnn star speaks thus of the action taken by the leading grocerymen of that city: All the leading grocerymen of this n liana arrraori tn hti nrrnnffAment to close their places of business at 7 o clock in the evening, coniiueuciug vu j il.a 1af Hav nf MflV. And COIl tinning until the 1st of September. W thaJn chwIh rnnn will also movein the matter of early closing pretty soon, in oraer uj wbu and clerks may be enabled to Indulge in needful recreation. Early closing ought to be generally adopted. Hotel Atttrntfsv OeTARXOTTK HormL. W A Bailey, Lexington, N C; Jno Eeefe and Lady, Plainfield, K J Mrs Mary Coxe, Plain field. N J : Chas Stewart Washing ton, DC; Andrew A Smith Garibaldi. N C; N M Brown, Atlanta, Ga Jno S Bichardsoni Monroe, N Ci Capt E Ev erett, Wilmington, N C; Judge H D Stowe. Conntv : F E Kirkpatrick. Coun ty; E Griffith, NC; Dr John Harrill, Shelby, N C, A H Jerrin, Spartanburg, S C ; L E Ennis, Baltimore, Md, Order from the Adjutant-lenerai In preparation for the ,2Qth of May celebration in this city, Adjutant General Johnstone Jones has issued or der No. 61, in substance as follows; which we clip from the Raleigh News and Observer: ''The 20th of May this year is to be honored at Charlotte with lmposingand attractive ceremonies befitting the oc casion. The celebration is to take place under the auspices of the Hornet's Nest Riflemen, the fire department and the chamber of commerce of that city, and all necessary arrangements there for are being perfected." The pro gramme is then outlined, showing that there are to be prizes for rifle shooting. drills, etc The order then continues: "The various companies constituting the 1st, 2d and 3d regiments, and the 2d battalion of the State Guard, it is un derstood, have been invited to attend the celebration. It is earnestly hoped that the organizations will respond in large numbers, and unite with the Mecklenburg militia in again commem orating an event which constitutes so bright a gem in North Carolina's dia dem of honor. Bates of transportation on the vari ous railway lines approaching Char lotte will be announced hereafter. Quarters will be provided for all visit ing troops, should tents not be obtained. Further information as to quarters, subsistence, transportation, the cere monies, etc., may be had upon applica- i tion to Captain E. F. Young, chairman of the committee of arrangements. Troops attending the celebration will hold themselves in readiness for in spection and review by His Excellency, the Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Supreme Court Sixth District We give below a complete list of ap peals from this (the sixth) judicial dis trict, remaining for argument .on the docket of the Supreme court at the present term. There are fifteen ap peals from other districts to be heard before these will be reached, which, it is believed, will not be before the 8th of May: 266. Wilson vs Lineberger et als. 271. Shuford & Weathers vs Haynes et als. 272. Bernhardt vs Smith et als. 277. Richard Harris vs J M Ross. 278. J W Wiley vs G W Logan. 279. Chalk vs Traders National Bank. 280. Barrett vs Brown, trustee. 281. Johnston vs Smith. 282. State vs W C Hastings. 283. Gilkey & Gilkey vs May & Co. 284. Carpenter et als vs Huffstetler t His 285. ' Thornburg et als vs Gaston county. 286. R C G Love vs M H Rhyne. 287. State vs R L Crouse. 288. Cleaveland county vs C & A A L R R Co. 289. Gidney vs Moore et als. 290. Green et als vs Green et als. 291. A B Long vs G W Logan. 292. Wittkowsky & Rintels vs Logan et als. 293. T witty et als vs Logan ei als. 294. Fairly vs. Smith & Co. 295. Mullen vs Helderman. 296. Bynum vs Miller & Co. 297. Black vs Justice and wife. 298. Black vs Bay less et als. 299. Redmond et als vs Rutherford county et als. 300. A T & O R R Company vs Alex ander et als. 301. Johnson. Clark & Co vs Maxwell & Butler. 302. Latta & Bro vs Williams & John ston. 303. Culp vs A & C A L It W Co. 304. Britton vsA&CALRWCo. 305. Mauney vs Gidney et als. The foregoing list may be relied upon as correct, as it is furnished us by the clerk of the court The 20th of May Celebration. The air is full of the 20th, and the proposed doings on that auspicious day ; and the various committees having charge of the arrangements for its cele bration are busily at work. Great preparations are being made by the merchants and residents for the decoration of their stores and resi dences on the line of march of the grand procession. The committee soliciting subscrip tions to defray the expenses of the cele bration are meeting with good success as was expected from the well known liberality of our citizens. The list of contributors we understand is to be published as soon as the committee has completed its labors. The Pioneers were out practicing night before last preparing for the fire men's tournament. The committee having the fire men's tournament in charge, have de cided to have the racing on Tryon, run ning from the Metropolitan Hotel to the hydrant on the corner of Tryon and Fifth streets. The bicvcle racing at the fair grounds by the Charlotte Bicycle Club, during the celebration, will be quite an attraction. The fire department have extended invitations to upwards of twenty com panies in Virginia, Georgia and the two Carolinas to participate in the cele bration, and there will undouoteaiy De on the 20th the grandest display of fire companies ever seen in the State. The Governors of Georgia, bouin Carolina and Virginia have been invit ed to meet Senator Bayard here at the celebration. And. taking all the preparations into consideration, it is said that the celebration will be on a grander scale than on any former occasion, and will probably attract a larger number of visitors to the city than have ever been gathered here before the centennial of 1875 not excepted. How roans soever you mar be, With falling teeth, you're grim and old; And losing your mouth's purity, Tour features seem both dull and cold. Then man or maid, warned of your fate, Seek 80Z0D0NT. e'er It's too late. m FLIES AND BUGS. Files, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph er chipmunks, cleared out by -Bough on Bats." 15& Bxdvobd iun in too bfbihqs Watm ahd -- " - atut tttandlH contains lwiee a machlron and fifty percent. moreahun toom than any "alum and Iron mass" known, jtbethtaglortha -spring weakness" now so general. Sola by ail druggists of any standing. Rloes raaueea one wu. mayll-tf A TRIPLE EXECUTION. THREE INCENDIARIES FAY THE LIFE PENALTY AT ClfiEEN VILLE. The? Protest their Innocence to the Last and Die Game. Special to The Observer. Greenville, S. C April zs.'-Bates, durton and Adams, three of the five ne groes who robbed and fired the Opera House btrilding here on the 7th of De cember, l87fy were banged here to-day. Of the other two one,FletcberMaddox, was pardoned to constitute him a com petent witness against the others, and the other, Bill Dodsou, had his sentence commuted. The prisoners have had two trials, both resulting in conviction. Their ease has been to the Supreme Court twice, and death sentence passed on them three times. The execution was private, only about sixty or seventy persons witnessing It, the streets being kept clear by a strong guard of State volunteers. The prisoners died game, and protested their innocence to the last, each making a brief speech from the gallows platfoim. Colored minis ters prayed and sang hymns, in which the condemned joined. They expressed confidence in going straight to heaven. The gallows worked well, and each of the three had his neck broken and struggled very little; but after death the faces of Bates and Adams were found to be much distorted. The gen eral feeling here was thatfof satisfac tion over the vindication of the law. after a long and obstinate fight of coun sel. Some colored people organized a movement to obtain a commutation of sentence, but failed. Rheumatic Discovery. Asherllle. N. C Aug. 23, 1881. H. H. Warner A Co : sirs -I take treat pleas ure in stating that I have been entirely cured ot rheumatl8mby the use of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. N. F. Ckkdestxb. THE "O L D OAKEN BUCKET" TOBACCO COMPLIMENTS 01 ings & Burwe DEALERS IN Tobacco, Heavy! Fancy Groceries, CHARLOTTE. N. C. We coDgr&ttfate the trade upon the settlement of the tobacco tax question and now solicit your orders In our line, and when you order don't for get to try THE "OLD OAKEN BUCKET" TOBACCO. This Tobacco is indeed an "exquisite pleasure The purest and sweetest that nature can yield," Art aiding these qualities has made It a treasure, Esteemed alike by Congressman and plowman in the field. apr29 60 DOZEN 60 AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY Wilson & Bra DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET. apr29 TjYTT'VrT -0n e street yesterday, a F U U IN U foldlnir Kev The owner can have it at THIS OFFICE. apr28 WANTED. A Good Cook at the St Charles Hotel, States vlUe, N.C. Address MBS. DR. BEEVES, apr27 tf statesvllle.N. C. adTaataneef tonf esperieaee in earlnf weak is if dally tret on cientiSo principle!, wlia Mil ul wn moMiM. vol or write m un 4u. tiofis to Im aamnd by Umm desiring treatment by mail. (rerMMeaMa freat Kaptare eaeaM eena their iMnH, and lanra niiUtaa te their aaTaalf. ItbaetatrBM. AaUraaa, DR. BUTTS, 1 M. 8th St St. Lank, Ka. UTABU8HED OVXB THIRTY TEAKS. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite DreseriDtlon of Am of the most notad and mccessful ipeciaJists In the TJ. S. (bow retired) for the care of JFervotf MmMUty, JE JfanJiie'aT , WetUrmemm and gtaay. Sent In plain sealed envalopeyWe. Druggists can fill It. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana. Mo. HUE! LIIiIE ! LILIE ! :: :o: H AVING now two more Kilns in addition to oar PERPETUAL kiln we are now prepared to FILL. ORDERS PROMPTLY, on snort notice, and at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee quality, and make nocnarge rnileu LJmti Droves satisfactory. We have an agency in Charlotte ot AC. Snm mervllle; who will receive orders for small lots at reduced prices. Reference as to quality of Lime given on appli cation. SIMON BROTHERS, Box No. 88, Gaftney City B. C mar7 8m Received this Day. .BEEN PEAS, Cabbage, Bin Hominy and Dried corn, at o. js. uuwjuiib. apr28 BED BUGS. n T' T DTOf AfTjtiMitov fl n tvlll Mil MJ, At IMIWAf V. MHtAaavwi f -Mf on the citizens generally for a few day with a 1 - AltAitm H. A aV. tn n .n H very ntuovs auu uway mwiiiiiro ivs ujo c""v (ion or itea nuga. Ar, apr28 It Spr Warners Safe Liver Kmey JS I O I s- mmi 'un"ixi;! im HH L- :W: &-:Bj g egg jj immm :w: & :b: o 1 ' eaJ 0 0 W H 50 o tr1 o m 75 M Ed O w o d H W O o O o to Ad Appreciative Commnnity fiaviog Sped their Approval of Our BIG DRIVES, WHO 1SE ARE- POSITIVELY WORTH FROM $10.00 to $18.00. kt These are FRESH GOODS, and SPECIAL IN SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, H03IEB1 , GLOTE3 and all other Gent furnishing Goods CALL AT ONCE, AS THESE apr22 pitsccllatieouB. Having Removec TO Corner College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PERDUE'S OLD STAND,) and adding to our already large Stock or CORN, FLOUR, HAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED. IA FULL LINE OF les AT BOTTOM PRICE3. We are ready and will be glad to serve our old friends and the public generally with Goods in our line as LOW as the LOWEST, and respect fully solicit a share of your patronage. A. J. Beall iVCo. P. a. We havfl 1.000 bushels White Com to sell ON TIME. Those in need will do well to call and see us. aprl4 Soriii! WE ARE1N0W OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the muijiiiJMJUtx l.ijmjs. DATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Aim. nil the new styles and dualities of LACES. embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery moves, f arasois, ac, uw laboibi' iuiu nuoi COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets tQa Hondas Harob. 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY Ot FINE MJLL INERT hooj tiaro vrvr ssoxx xu nub vtv - BetpectluIlyJ Mrs. P; ftnery. mai22 hoice Family brocer Styles! WEICOME to the FRONT AGAIN FOR THE BKNEBIT OF THOSB HAVE NOT YET PURCHASED. AND AGAIN PLACE ON OCR COUNTERS 200 Fresh SUITS at the following marvelous Low Prices: ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT SUITS, . ... ft 7.50 ALL-WOOL CASSIiTIERE MJ1TF, ... 8.50 All-Wool CASSIMERE&: CHEVIOT SUITS, 10.00 Worth Folly the Pricts Stated Above BARGAINS GOODS WILL SELL RAPIDLY. grogs atx4 HJUrttaues. FRESH MINERAL MR Both Foreign and Domestic) Just Received, at ABA TOGA -yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recdmmended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, (J CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, (jASSS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS iro Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Don: A wine glass foil before breakfast. The Iiomctt "Hunyadi Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British MecKcal Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Frof. Virehote, Berlin. '"Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." prof. Beantoni, Wurszbarg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton. M. D., f. & B., London. "More pleasant' than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Aiken,' M. D., F. S. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried richshalL" .-. JOHN H. McADEN, Importing ana Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DONt GO TO SABATOQA When you Can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water to large block tto reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. - H. moadjcn, ' Druggist and Chemist. PreserlptlorHi carefully prepared by experienced and oompetent druggists, day or night July28 F. C. MtJNZLER AciEirrroB lie Berpr SBusel Brewer? Coims (Of Philadelphia, Pa, ) Celebrated Lager Deer, In Kegs aisd Botae, BOTTLED BJEEft A ftECIALTY. fHavelustrecelvMannaniototBOTTTJro ALE and PORTER, which I oOer to the pubUe at a reasonable price. Add ress -FRED cl idmnxR. Look Box 266, Charlotte, H. a mc DrJIMcAden'sDm Store pi28 TRYOH STRUT.