Stye dtyartoitc Wotr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OaOv, " Vw. post-void, in advance. . . gix monies ptree morUTa. One month WKSKLT EDITION: Weekly (in the county), in advance Out qf the county, Post-paid xmonths fgf- Liberal Reduction Jbr Clubs. .. $8.00 ... 4.00 ... 2.00 ... 75 ...$2.00 .. 2.10 ... 1.06 Pegram & Co., DEALERS IN - Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEGRAM & CO., Have the Best Stock of Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THE STATE. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply jou with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF- Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE A PRETTY LINE OF CENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE ALL KINDS OF Childrens' Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., KRKP A WfcLL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Valices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FIXE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of tUe Latest t tyles. Of i he Latest Stjles PEGRAM m CO., CAN SUIT THE R Farmer Friends Willi any k:nds B'OTS and SHOTS THEY WISH. PEGRAM & CO., t K HEP AL KIXDJ OF Shoe Dressing, French Biackina: AND - Lyons' tfeel Stiffeners. u m ex a 3 o S c NJI ro W Q. GO s co a 00 co m h w F 2.S a? so O 5 5 g 5 m . - C C . H O co O a CO s s N ft Ed sd H ch 3 I" B CD C a - llaii VOL. XXVII. OF NEW GOODS, LACE FICHUS, LACE COLLARS and POLKA DOT LINEN COLLARS, at 0c. All combined MAKING The Handsomest and Cheapest Lot OF IM E CKWEAR, Ever seen In Charlotte. All novelties constantly added to oar stock as rapidly as they come out A lot of beautiful SEEBSUCKEBS Just in, Tery stylish and desirable. An exceptionally good trade has forced our buyer to seek the NORTHERN MARKETS a second time this season to replenish our greatly broken stock, and we assure the trade that nothing new or desirable will be omitted In our second purchase. r. i.. MEinLS & co. aprSO ilccUcal. PERHY uAVItl PAIM mw KILLER A Neter-Failing Cure for Burm, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial. Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe t It acts immediately ! It never fails I Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., It Is the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It ior a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have teen Its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, TJ. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: Alter long yeara of use, I am satisfied it Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It Is a panacea for all bruises and burns. From B. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relief. B. Lewis says : In forty years' use It never has failed me. W. "W. Lum, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic. J.W.Dee says: For scalds and bums it has no equaL PERRY DAVIS PAIN KIIXER is not a new untried remedy. l"or forty years i thas been in constant use ; and those who have used it the longest are its beet friends. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while, to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medicines, it laperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it Lwill prove Its value. Your druggist has it at ssc, ouc. ana si.uu per Dome. PERRY DAVIS St SON, Proprietors, Provlderw, R. I. sept ( Vw sept A oct. A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women peen Dr. Uar to tbe appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor CIarke'8 rbeea, dlsmenorrhsea, and hysteria, also m melancholia and other men T, - .- , tal derangements. Afford prompt rrenoaicai relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Pills. Price $3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. ?OR Screvf rIa or any Blood Disorder. Xr. Clarke's Anti- FJn either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Syphilitic Price S2 doner box. Five boxes sio. Pills. Sent by mall, prepal, on receipt of price. Aderess Djt Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. A N INVALUABLE REMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and Dr. Clarke Qonnorrhea Pills. bladder, a quics ana complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary afleo- tlnna amortlnir frannont. nw difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price 82 per box. Three boxes for $5. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Costpany, KI VA1. S.. new xur&iiiy. piIERE IS A BALM IN O I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lm potency, as the result of self abuse in youth, sexual exeesses m maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following Dr. effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem Clarke's ory, Phlslcal decay, jnmpies on Face. Aversion tobocietj oi jremaies. Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexual Power, &o, rendering ssarriage 1m DroDeror unhappy. Are a positive Invigorating cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient Price 81.50 per box. Four boxes $5. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Pills. febl9 d&w lHw PERRY & G0.'S These Fens axe BpecUDr hsMened' at that point, wlU not corrode or rest, and will Toe t quaes; most serviceable and durable, Sample eard, mitit ten different styles of xiic)relplrU8d ttI tdibynittooroeiirtofowt. J' ft 6oleAennr Ivison. Blakeman-Tavlor & Cft! ' r SM.yL Aitk Arrival 19 "Tke Monologue erf Deati.' BXB1CAH C. XUrfAUt, III TBI "SP'ICTAIOB.' (These nns spoken by Oie Bplrlt of Death la tbe guise of A "whUe pilgrim," are altered ,f rota a tragedy called -'rThe White fugrtm,w and piliM for the time In their present form.) Miscall me notl Hen have miscalled me mucht v Hare given harsh names and harsher though ta to Bevued and evilly treated me, Bunt me strange temples as ah ttnknowB god; Then called ma Wol, devil. ouc!an thlng And to rud4 Insult bowed nnrcd-hesd down. HlscaU me net! for men have marred rat form. And, in the earta-rom gKmsness of their thought. Have coldly modeled me of rtMrh" own clay. . Thenlear to look orrthat themselves have made. Miscall me notl ye know not what! am, But ye shall see menace to face; and know. I take all sorrows from the sorrowful, And teach the Joyful what Bis to Joy; I gather in my land-locked harbor's clasp Tbe shattered vessels of a vexed world; And even the tiniest ripple upon Life Is, to my sublime enlm, as tropic storm. When other leeeberatt falls the breaking brain, I only own the anodyue to sou . . , Its eddies into vislonless repose; ' The face, distorted with Life's latest pang, I smooth, in passing,, with an angel wing; And from beneath the aui4 ejetids steal The hidden glory of the re,Uiv a new and nobler beauty to the rest. Belle me notl the plagues that walk the Earth. The wasting pain, the sudden agony. Famine, and War. the PestUeoee, and all The terrors that have darkened round my name These are the plagues of A.if or they ace not mine; Yex while I tarry, vanish when 1 come, Instantly melting Into perfect peace. As at His word whose Master Spirit I am, The troubled waters slept on G&Ullee. When I withdraw the veil which hides my face, So melt I, with a look, the Iron bonds Of the soul's Jailer, hard Mortality. . Gently so gently like a tired child. Will I enfold thee; but thou canst not look Upon my face, and stay. In the busy haunts Of human life In the temple and the street, And when the blood runs fullest in the veins Unseen, undreamed of, I am often by, Divided from the giant in his strength But by the thickness of this misty veil. Tender I am not cruel when I take The shape most hard to human eyes, and pluck The little baby-blossom yet unblown. Tis but to graft It on a kindlier stem. And leaping o'er the perilous years of growth. Unwept of sorrow and unscathed of wrong, Clothe it at once with rich maturity. 'Tis I that give a soul to Memory; For round the follies of the bad I throw Tbe mantle of a kind f orgetf ulness, While, canonized in dear Love's calendar, I sanctify the good forevennore. Miscall me notl my generous fullness lends Home to the homeless, to the friendless friends, To the starved babe the mother's tender breast; Wealth to the poor, and to the restless Best. The Silk Indnstxy. Congressional Committee Report. The silk industry is assuming large proportions in this country. In the course of the discussion that has been going on in Congress facts of great in terest have been brought oat. There were $85,000,000 worth of silks sold in this country the past year, nearly one half of which were manufactured by the silk industries in the United States, who are producing a fine quality, of goods, and the demand for the American-finished goods is constantly increas ing. In the course of the debate on Saturday Mr. Hill, of New Jersey, dur ing his remarks, produced some sam ples of silk handkerchiefs manufactur ed at Paterson, N. J. Tbey were of fine finish and beautiful designs. Among other things he showed a quality of handkerchiefs that has been placed upon the market by the Bilk manufac turers of this country for $5 per dozen, or forty-two cents each, winch in quali ty and design are very good, bringing the cost of silk handkerchiefs almost within the cost of linen pocket hand kerchiefs. They are now manufactur ing superior qualities of ribbons of the plain and satin finish, and are also manufacturing largely and very suc cessfully beautiful broad silks. One of the factories at Paterson, N. J, has just finished a most beautiful pattern of broad black silk with raised figures, the back-ground being satin ; the silk is the usual width of dress silks, exceed ingly heavy. This silk was manufac tured expressly for Mrs. Garfield, and is undoubtedly the finest production of the Paterson looms. It is said no im ported silks can equal it in quality. The success of this special piece of work is very gratifying, because the silk is of American culture, and is cal culated to stimulate the growing of silk in this country. Mr. Hill's speech was thoroughly practical, and was listened to with more than ordinary interest and attention. The laborers as well as thesilk and iron manufacturers of this country are very fortunate in having such ah able defender of the tariff in Congress at this time. Col. Cole Resigns. New York, May 2. The morning papers state that Col. E. W. Cole has resigned his position as president of East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Kail road Company. The directors have elected Gen. Sam uel Thomas as bis successor, and Major Henry Fink as vice-president. Col. Cole continues to be director of the company. His resignation is said to be due to ill-health. Weldon Elects a Mixed Ticket. Petersburg, Ya May 2,-j-The mu nicipal election.hald in Weldon, N. C, yesterday, resulted in the "election of T. L. Emory, mayoi, atid tfee following board of town commissioners: ' Walter Daniel, W. H. Ghappell and Wesley Harris Davis. The two last named are negroes. The election was quiet. NO disturbance occurred. Franklin's Paners; The original papers and manuscripts of Benjamin Franklin ar offered the United States for 7.000. It may be ad ded that the matter is now in the hands of the Congressional library commit tees, who are being urged to take ac tion in regard to it. These papers were found over an old tailor's shop, in London, in 1840, and have a rather curious history, it is said. Correct on Principal. Turlington Hawkeye. "God writes asses against the who voted for the Chinese bill, DMA says Mr. Beecher is undoubtedly correct, on principle, but at the same wa think; if God writes "ass" against the name of a Congressman every time the hon orable member does and says a foolish thing, the, Celestial Congressional re cord will be mistaken by visitors; for a live stock journal j P, A.Fight with .the Indians. San Fbancisco, May 2. A Loxda burg's dispajtgb say? dispatches received reporta-engagement on the 28th ult, between Gapfe-Tppper's- command and tbe Indians,: miletf uth; of Clover-dale,- OTfl.Indtete reported V - r.rV .L'll.l. I lH' - ' " "- VrttfrtT if mi ir.ya Tfc Ptnkham. No. 288 Westr ulaieBrpeTgesi Jrwv jcgcmuw vuw L bo amyenmUie errors and h L.C;WwWuMkt naa. eiirlv dacsv ow i great remeoy rinJoutb America, to the Bit , wew xor uiy. . . r . ; r t s p . . i u . . a i. ..... .. i ii p i iili , IJUHBIUWIH fwnd wai Mii-oaavrm butt tzzjz.7mn sir wrisr ttoimrr n I lfcM3lLlUHUfcS:i:ll It . ITAK. T El ITT O wjuinsiuueu rNSV " ' J wile sit .aoa 1 csorftrrnoffiB NEWS NOTES. iiilC A plot Woir W ttH erralinUtMoa cpwarMt the ?oont4oft (Of jtfie sCzar, ai,biQitered:,f j.(.rn i: AbotitlOQ ftnjmigrants arrived in Baltir4oreurMa,firom Bremen,: iand were sent West by raU; 'plt'A I Princess Marie, wife of Prince "Vil liam, of Wurtemberg, and sister of the Duchess of. Albany, is dead. : ; i Gen. Ignatief f says that the anti-Jewi ish demonstrations throughout. Russia have beeiinssed except at Balta. . 014 turfmen say ihe quality of horse flesh entered -for the Lexington (Ky.) race8,wb;icri began on Tuesdayis finer than has been seen for years. At Springfield, Mass., Sat,urd4y, Tur pi n Jencks, 78 years of age, was- con-; victed of manslaughter for the killing of John Otis, and sentenced to six years in the State prison. The coroner's jury in the recent lynching case at Minneapolis,, Minn., found t5t McManns came to his death by strangulation by means unknown to tbe fury.' Mma Spear, his little 'victim, is improving. r 5 1 , At Lehighton, Pa., two brothers named Stocker, were poisoned ' by eat ing wild parsnips.. One of tbe Bennett boys died in great agony, and the other is not expected to recover. Sir Wm. Harcourt, home secretary ,an nounces that Dr. Lamson before his ex ecution confessed his guilt to the chap lain, and acknowledge tbe justice of his sentence'. : i During April 4219 new oil wells, with a production of9 fii$ barrels, were com pleted in the Pennsylvania oil region. On the last day of April there W0re 452 rigs building and 408 wells drilling: Mr. Edwin BooULJtookieave of the New York public Saturday night, in Booth's Theatre, acting -Richard in. There was a great multitude in attend ance, and there was much enthusiasm. He sails lor Europe in a lew weeks to fill a long list of engagements. Five hundred White Mountain Apa ches are reported to have broken out from the San Carlos reservation in Ari zona, and to be heading for the Gila, river. Several additional murders are Teported, "and the Indians are running off stock and burning ranches. A committee of the New Tork "Gar field Club" has gone to Washington car rying a petition for the pardon of Sergt. Mason, which is said to be a mile long, and to contain nearly.175,000 names. It will not be presented to President Ar thur until the Supreme- Court of the United States has passed upon the case. In New York Sunday Superintend ent Walling had 800 policemen on hand early to prevent the socialistic organ izations parading from the German As sembly Rooms to Williamsburg ferry to celebrate the laying of the1 corner-stone of Forebel's monument at Williams burg. The organisations finally gave up the design. " A prize fight took place Saturday morning near Frankt'ord,- in the out skirts 6t Philadelphia, between Theo philus Anderson,cokred and.John Green of the same race. In the twenty-second rouud Anderson knocked his opponent out of time and was declared the win ner. Tbe battle lasted one hour and a half. . Watering Horses. Farmer's Magazine. Itia a matter of surprise that there is so much ignorance evinced, by drivers, on the regard to watering their horses.-; For fear of injury, mile, after mile is frequently gone over without permitting thp poor, " over-heated anr mal to taste a drop of water. This is ex ceedingly cruel, for horses require water as much as do men, and should have it every five or six miles, if the w cither is warm.. If the horse is very nvich over-heated, just before coming it fi watering place, say a quarter of a a lie or so before "slow up" to a walk, and when you get where you can give the horse water, he will have become cooled off considerably : then, too, he should have his muulh sponged out.and about a half bucketful of water. Noth ing refreshes a tired, jaded horse so much as a drink of water, and if he has it at regular intervals, he will keep up for a long distance. He can do much. better, for a whole day and over a long journey, without food than without water. If this item of watering was more carefully attended to,we would hear of fewer cases of horses; ("being overcome by the heat during the, warm Summer months. Thesa good apd hu mane rules are just as applicable ;the plough horse or theteatn borse and should be carefully observed. ;. ' A Bis Land. Claim. A case is now DehaincT before the commissioner of the land office at Wash ington which involves tho title i to. 180r 000 acres of land in- Harden bounty, Ohio. . The propertyls claiefled hv eer tain nersons residin? in Vireinial whose title is founded ; ; upon a . granp -made , when the land m; (dispute-,- wasjparc or the old "old Yirginia military dblrict;!', There are, iaboitl;S00 farms' ion; the tractr-most of which are held , only un der entries. ; A bilLhas been, introduced in Congress to confirm thetitle! to tbe: occupants who' bve been iA ftOsssipri 21 years. ' i. An Abandoned Bark Picked; typ. K AMSTEBbAM, May 2. The,bak Brili liant from Savannah, for Bremen. ;haa been picked up abandoned nd towed j Into'YimiDdon. She sustained ! extetm sive damages. . ; '' i 1 ' i , -, V II Any person whose blood; and liver is good coxrid dltlon Is all right evehtarThe- mMst of ep;idemfc8. This can Wtiotlced W tn? nfeof every orje. DLaJl jsritfisav of re. storing and MUBtalTyns,ttthaahvja iha "boay tlrerrrworlld'be tewer atwtort bflldriuEb less sorrow. The one thing needful anaVths ve fe eoinmended above au others, is foiidlla SifirrxlonA iirerr RegiuAtor, prepaid .1y .'J L ZeBia M Cod liteatnnonlals are: counter by ' jthe; thousands 1 and Its merits are undopbted.- i . The JoUowbg ti as sitraet from, a tetier wrtttep : tothe German BefpjmedMejsengeiv at Chambersv , Just open ' f,Tbri eTi: andMr. Wlnslow wni prove . the AnteHcari Floreace Nlghtlngata:of the nursery. ' Of this -we are so sure that we will teach our Susy-to-say, A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping: ber to survive and escape the griping, colicklDg and teething siege. Mrs, Wlna-i low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dyaenterrand diarrhoea, it softens the' gums, reduces Anamination, cures wind eolie, and carries tbe infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, everypart of it nothing less. We have pever seen Mrs. wlnslow know her only, through the prepa- I ration of ber,"8oothlng Syrup- for Children Teeth ing, it we. uau kue puwer sswwu niKe oer, as she is, a pnysicat saviour toxins nuant race. Bold by all druggists. . ao cents ajttottfei. : Small annoyances in life are vaniirpJhgi scientlflc discovery, in bis 8km timi r L W Benson, of Baltimore, Md., has created a jerfSpl; remedy for tetter, eruptions and scurf on i the or scalp, ztefy person using it win have; a eountenanbs." s TO ,11-J, iii.JOCCil Hi j'jlllU 1 : ''J ill , From the Home JoumaL A Bwiatkable Disooverr TKEKB 13 OHLT OKK ANp THAT WITH SlMPLS NAMBL . ' .i Beware pt mposters, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly qlalm to be best ; Tbey have been tried; and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. VO.FuirfOTJS BAKE. , This euiatlye needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain It, but Us simple English name appeals directly to -the common-sense' of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CURE in preference to all other 'professed temedles. ' ' . ! . Dr. C W. Benson has long been well known as :a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and ef the skin, since he has beeri- persuaded to put his New bemedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Sklti Cute" on the market, various things have sprung up Into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state in which- tbey Were before, and now claim to be The Great bkln Curesi i -1 ty Beware of imitations, or the various articles Which have been advertised for ars orj -truggled along, having no real hold or merit On the public, that new endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great 6km Cure." None Is- genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Eaeh package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In one package. Price 81.00. get at your druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains. CAUSE AND CUBS, Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who sailer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their stadles, and feir all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous centers need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being dally cured by these pills. They correct costlveness, hut are not purgative. Price, 60 cents or six boxes for $2 50; -postage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor can be addressed. Letters of Inquiry freely answered. C N. Crittenton, New York, is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 HIS. LTDIi L FINtHiM, OF LYIW, IUSS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUl; ' l8-a Poaitive dire .. . ftor all those Pqtnnil OqinylAtnts ntti Wea1tne.el ..ooaamon t wr best female population. ' ,ltirIHcure entirely the -irofst form of Female Com plaints, aH ovnrfan triWe, Tiiflanm.tton e4d TJlcera tlon, Falling and DIspluremonts, and the cqnseqtient Spinal TVeaknesa, and la iiartlcularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumora from the nternj In an early etage of ilevelopmeiit. The tendency to can. cerons humors there la checked Tery speedily ty lta nae. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys aH craving f or etlinulan ts, and relieves weakness of tbetomach. , It cures Bloating, Headaches, Ne irons Prostratlsn, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. ; ' ' That feeling of bearing down, causing paln,.irelght aadUiackache, Is alirays permanently cored by Its use. K will at all times and" under all cireimstanceaaot in katmony with the laws that rorern the female System. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either lex this Compound is unsurpassed. XTMA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUJTD la prepared at Z33 and 13S Western Avjanne, Lynn, Mass. . Price tU SUbottlesforfS. Sen by mall totneforni of pills, also !A the form of losng, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Urs.rinaiwni rreelysuwwersslUettersof inquiry. Send for pamph let, Address as above, Mention thi Paper. - Vo family should be without LYDIA K. PntEHAXTt , UXBR BWL&. They Cure' eonstipation, blilnnrnsasj mad torpidity of thellTsr. cents per box.) , , .' : 49 Seldlir all Drnssisfs. ' ' ESXEY, ROSE DALE, to ,r: Ji m!J no Ilii! Steiiway, Webtfer, Decker : Bro's, " HAINES and GATE CTtT PUN O S KEW YOBK PIANOS, . it is ' conceded, lead the world.. I am agent for V'kli the celebrated New PTork: analTAai fi1 -ttl.T. -THEM .i-T EACTOBT Aois fooled by hfe flashy e-iadFertlsements, fore jtotfuy arid t wld I'.can atstance all compeH-' Ian tiAth In t.a onn WWl ay uwM Asm yi V nui. terms.' AH I-ask ta 4 trial and this c tot you - nothing, while tt & maybe U)emas;of Saving you great deAP j-.;Ai:nJt Oi 1U Oil il"UOlfij:(!gn3Jrr0- . .MA.a P1 OrgansWHTS-lri-Wrtt'S- to sell or - swim -- .:! wmm wsb sua UHMi UD9 K J- t' jf v'.J-i ; apro Mmrnmi- n- ?t ;) Bithard A.' Springs, MJ1 cOrraspunaenoo wul aedrn' prmpteitenUon n BXFKBaaoail st Rational Bonk, Charlotte, K. a TftAMsrh-Nallnnal Bsalc KxlliHi. N fbaVani VI P. BylmniJiJoapran ixitsrt JiortkCamllju. J aorlfl flm f:nbiitb ! no -:.J 5 cl j 1 - I ft1 i 1- J t hs'l s r t NO. 4,089. 6 BUTTON WHITE KIDS, $1.00. ACompteteortment of all styles and Qualities. We have a large stock of Sash BIbbons at 60c ?& &l?i&: trZJl'01' Marvllleux and Bhodames, all colors. firirtS riS,ifr fZLJ??1 f0Jg8t oar Sl Corset- A nice line of Ladies' Neckweai? Our Dress -,r!.r partm2nLl3 coPlte, and we are offering some very decided bargains. We have lust received some new designs In Xj.X7"lr3 that are real pretty; JM Plain and Figured Buntings in We have a large stock of Ladles' Newt stock ol tJNTS' LOW QUABT NOBBY STRAW, STIFF I FELT HATS. PEARL SHIRTS, EVITTS' SHOES, UNIVERSAL PATTERNS 13"- Come and see our stock and we will make it to your Interest II argraves &: Willielrn apr80 MITH MUSIC H THE- "J TJ FOR THE WEIGHT 1500 3S ?H SQUARE GRAND, McSMITH WILL DOUBLE HIS STOCK. LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS I BAWLS. Let Music Increase Crime will Decrease a ftps, witbifl Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, S.P0MNGEB BELLCniMJ, PELODBET 4 CO. and 8TEBLIN3. Sever Before Such Low Prices 1 Easy Terms ' r.- -wo a OH D O jM ! '' '' I LIU JIi . . .. , H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ill ni 11 n. in 88 88 8B8a89 5iS' . ' I. MWMWmmil&BM. --issf - Ja- FOK our stock Is now complete. We pall especial attention- to dm OARMKNlit XAHEtFACTUBED IN OUB OWN HOUSE. , We are lustifled in, asserting, and not exaggerate, that the long expe Jlence and standing of our House, Is a full guarantee that otJR 01LiOrHIll IHMOSTELIABLKBOLI) to thU Market. We make-up tlrgtteM nBtntsTataaliys study the demands of our patrons, and insure them absolute BOTTOM PRICES. We do not buy lob XPSSW-0; 1rtJodu,ee ?eed: CoodS, hut Jvvarlably xrttrttevtmbue such CLOTHIKG and eup to, hch a style as is worn in fashionable circles in JiortEera altlea. ' We bad the choice of sefectttigjrrtocthy going early in tbeMwfcefc of wbieb 'privOege -the Late Pirrcbaser Is debarred. Xnir stock of-M-i.tvcray mm sv 4l-i j i t -a aiwaysi Tne laTtTtjiesTn .t HATS, - f i i Ail ,.1 , r-,.. T -i'l i ( THE FINEST JH E. , YO R KTOWN, ,9 CAR F, ;! ' -n.U f he Latest Ut, lathe TeryLateet aiaAwm BlTks. ' IT. ii ."'j C J! !. Tr"b'T7J - Sjolt aufl goft griuiitj g. XflX OBSXEYXB JOB DXPJ kaa tetoTttoiWlQV sBOTllej rW needed want, and with the latest stnes otTn. and every inaimar.arjo with neatnww, dispatch ejrt-chaapiirMKr We ean tor. nish at short Bottoai' A " ' . m.mra, WTTj.HTttiiH, UtTTtBrBIAIa,CAKD8, . T1QS, RSCHPTS, F0STZB3, PBX)fflU3arHAirDBtLLS, . PAMPHLXTa nBX3JLABa,CHXCKS, Black and Colors, at 12Wc; 16e and 25c rJiIIJM8and.a,s-J We ha?e l"8 opened up a handsome EKED SHOES, la hand-sewed. We have a large stock of PIANOS WitHifl Reacfi of ETerybody. CHICK EBINQ 4 3N, KRANICH & BACH, MATHUSBEK. -ORION ,-- SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM. LOOK HOW THE OLD MsN FB0WN6 UE1 and scratches his head while reading lie's adv. Make him read, let him frown. Write to me and I will send you a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection, then go for him and write to me for a few more dots, such as prices, terms, Ac Address, or call on sa NW STYLES! UTESTCUTS! -a-,. COLORS. . :l I " ' .1 ,'.)! 1 ' . IN THE CITY. s'wss.w - isisis''"' - aprS t H - f '! If il h w . ft . I 'l I H fit'

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