"L rrffcjfijiJ JBIa. 11 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: paUy, one year, post-vaid, in advance. . . Sixmonihs ffiTtemoniM...- One month:.'. - WEEKLY EDITION: Weekly (fa tht eowUy), is adxxmc: out the county, Pott&aid ..' month Liberal Redaction Jbr Ohrtt. ... saoo .... 4.00 ... 2.00 ... 75 .12.00 ... 2.10 .... 1.05 nMryyhoronthlK sTOUeq.wakjmry needed want, and wstttaelatsst styles t Type,' and every irisnneror'Joo-PrlnBnt can now be done with neatness, sWsisiW eheapness. We can fur- sdt la seel rloai. oJaT etnoll ndT tILo3 BTSidw IUU Boiaaiciiao J hiir; I .oiodiaY Ml) Intern .aoiUiooeaA noii .ul' ...nm. rrtffi.u.irt-.M.H limns. vol. xxvn. CHAR ; TA8R,RarT&PflBTl8a; FROGRAJQCXaHAirBBILLR. id lo 190 mi; a i-vi;- ill I lit h PAMrmffT3,'CTRCtjiB3,' Cj&feCXS, Ac t.t i t I aii tuil nsdHrSib d?.l!mn f NT NJT 3T NT ; ifcj-il:, da- , : . ' 'a.!; z. j-i ...w ir s F . T r-ritfiffnL irrrri Pegrara 0 DEALERS IN- Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEG RAM & CO., nave the Best Stock of dents' Hanit-Scwftl Shoes 1$ THB STATE. Pi: GRAM & CO., Can supply you with the BFST BBAEDS and LATEST STYLE 3 -OF Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes. PEG-RAM & CO., HAVE A PRBTTT LINK OF GENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. PEGKAM & CO., hays all kinds of Ihilfas' Shoes acd Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., KKHP-A WILL SELECTED STOCK OF Trucks and Valices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST KECPIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the I.a'.est t tyles. Of ibe Latest Stjles. PEGRAM &: CO., CAN SLIT THEiR Farmer Friends With any k'nds BC0T3 and SHOIS THEY WISH. P EG RAM & CO., KEEP AL . KINDj OF Shoe Dressing, French Blacking AND - Lyons' Heel Stiffeners. CO o IT ft 0 ft a GO H CD 5 38 CSfljatSJXiJtMttfl, Sac; Bother Arijwpjl i OF- NEW GOODS, LACE FICHUS, LACE COLLARS and POLKA DOT LINEN COLLARS, at 10c. All combined -MAKING- The Handsomest and Cheapest Lot OF - N E CKWEAR, Ever seen la Charlotte. All novelties constantly added to our stock as rapidly as they come out A lot of beautiful SEERSUCKERS Just in, very stylish and desirable. An exceptionally good trade has forced our buyer to seek the NORTHERN BIARKETS a second time this season to replenish our greatly broken stock, and we assure the trade that nothing new or desirable will be omitted In our second purchase. T. I,. SE1GJLE & CO. apr30 BXcdtcal. A Never-Failing Cure fbr Burns, Scalds, Braises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial. Perry Davis Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safb I It acts immediately t It never fails t Editor of the St. John fN. B.) Ne-ws, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc, it la the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of K lor a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : W6-have4e its magie effects, ana i10 It to be ft good article. 5 From 1. 8. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After Ion? years of use, I am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It is a panacea for all Drulaes and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, He.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has failed ma W. W. Lnm, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Kiixkb frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and heal wounds like magic. ' For scalds' and burns It has no equal. PERRY DAYIS' PAIN KILLER is not a new untried remedy. I"or forty years it lias been in constant use ; and those wlio have used it the longest art tit best friend. Its success is entirely becauseof iti Merit, Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines liaTe come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever beore. Every family should nave a bottle rearly for use. Mack piln and heavy doctors bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medicines, it iaperfecUy safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its valne. Your drujrgist has it at 25c, COc and 8U.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldenos), R. I. sept dkw sept A oct. BLESSING TO WOMANKIITD. Believe all diseases ef women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances corpiditr of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmeaorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pnlns so peculiar to women. Price 53 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City., Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. T?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. A Dr. Clarke's Pill. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price S2 50i)er box. Five boxes SID- Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt Of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, Mew York City. A N INVALUABLE HEittEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult'' urination, mucuus discharges and" sediments in the urine from- what-' Dr. Clarke's lever cause induced, whether; of Qonnorrhea cent or long standlnAV one to boxes usual KufltelerdL . !P?li per box.' Three leoxejlfef Mailed free oa reeelnt f.ofiew Pills. nreBS UK i;mrKe Mieuicxna uum New York City. : i UERE IS A BALIS IN O I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrb and impotency, as the result df sell abuse in youth, sexual excesses 1 Dr. maturer years, or other causes, anf producing some of the followlni effects: Nervousness, seminal emli olons (night emissions rut ntaamsl Dimness of "Sight Defective Mem Clarke's ory, Phlslcal decay, Pimples oa Face, Aversion toSociety of Female Confusion of Ideas, Loss, of Sexui Power, sc. rendenng marnajre lm Invigorating nroneror unhaDDr. Are a nosltlvt cure In two to 8 weeks, une to six boxes usually sumcient' race ner box. Four boxes sn. seni mall, nrenald. on receipt of pric Pills. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Con pany, New York City. febl9 d&w 18w & co:s Thorn JensJtt0 ReiUy feiMw9H npini, will not otaredd or rust, and will be found Sole AgenU, DAVISJ PAIH UAI0 Xkiller re- m panit ten dWWWBr Blstedjflll.lWwfBgn OUR WASHINGTON LETTER.'; Xookxas; AflMX tkeo i adiesklyi on( iM siew rSiswd-Prwawt iKotes : !' Other IfpWoiynPsJL ... . ' 1 " siuner of Aurnculture. Ltfo.iurgii ta makelightof biaottbysrhioki jvas tUthht riwirftlftiwiwwiitJi rthAw. -lagt" for the xperttBtots Rich lie in. augurated in the South, in the ctlltare. of tea, have, in some decree at least! proved a success. Information receive! sere from the experimental farm near; Georgetown, & O; snows that-tfce e periments there have been emirieritiy; successful and that the pcsiiWy pf tno successxni growing ana teotmp; qr tea id the south seed scarcely eriosger Considered an experimen,t;( itTtiie te crop on this farm has recena been. gathered and "cured" after thei'apprdv'M ed Chinese and Japanese iasmv ahA me result is a tea in every way meeting the requirements of public taste ana. 1 L!t J i 111. Jki habits, and in appearance, quality arid; flavor, ranking higher than the average tea imported into this country from China, Japan and India. From a gentleman who. visited Georgetown to witness and assist in the harvesting and caring of the tea crop at the Forster farm near that place,! gath er the following details of that interest ing event: Of the many persons in tbe South, to whom tbe tea plants bad been distributed by Commissioner LeDuc, none had cared for them motB' intelli gently than Mrs. Fonter,;ith& owner of the farm in question. She bad iad the young plants carefully andihtelUian ly cultivated and cared-fo M the time for gathering found them -ia ex cellent condition, except tlJatj the; nxy nsually cool weather had cald iavie of the lower leaves of the plantai to be come too tough. On the day fltecf for the harvesting and curing ol. jU ex perimental crop the weather was bad for outdoor curing as had beerj intend: ed, and the result was. Uiat it,. pecarda necessary to "cure the after it had been gathered, by artificial treatrpent instead of the rays of tbe sun, yet even this did not prevent a most gratifying success. The work was performed un der the direction of a gentleman from Baltimore who has taken much inter est in tea culture, and has given much time and attention to the methods; of cultivating and curing tea in the coaij-i tries where it is grown. The tea after; being gathered was "wilted" in an oven, and then placed on a pine table and rolled with the hand into rollsn similar to those seen in '"Young Hyson'' am: "Gunpowder" and the plainer but more wholesome "Uacolored Japan." The' process of rolling was found to be re- ' marKauiy easy auu one wuicu.coum readily be performed by machinery. Then a part of the tea 'thus prepared was made up. into large loaves and left . to ."swat" according to the system by which .the "English Breakfast" tea is prepared.4 The re mainder was then put through the "fir ing process, tbe most delicate and diffi cult part of the work of curing after the tea is grown. ; This process, which is similar in-1 manner ane in effect to the ; roasting of coffee, was successfully -accomplished, and the result was a fine 'crisp, ' fresh, finely ilavored . tea. better qualhy than the average tea imported into this country. : After theioaves or balb,of,tf a;wiiich had been set aside to sweat in -order to make 'English Breakfast'' of it bad ar rived at the proper itage" they 1 wei e. broken open and the tea in them; which had attained a very satisfactory color and condition, was alsofired" witjh re markable success and the. tea pronounce ed equal to the other, varieties, made tbe experiment a wonderful success. Whether the growing of tea in this country will, under the very low prices whicb coropetitiou In Japan, India and i'hins'have produced, "become at presh ent a profitable industry, is as yet dim cult to say. The possibility of its being successfully and easily produced and cured, is however demonstrated. It is even shown that the process is. so si to-1 pie that every family in the South pos sessed of a small plot of ground eligibly situated, may grow its own tea, and it is not improbable that, with a moderate) protection, such as is afforded most of . the industries of the country, the cub;' ture of tea at the South may become an important and successful work. . The season has arrived when Con areas' Is likely to be seen at its worsCf Having . log-rpiiea. puis r tnroagn, Met committees, members; are now at .tcdtlt log-rolling . them through trie no Bv loz-roUiiur- is r jaeaat na banding eether of menfbers to push bills throu the House4 und6 sbsuapansionjoc rules and thereby cutting ofljexjen debate. . ajaeiezisxaxicwtnatisgenerai-r ly rMxttbroiiglilathiSJmanner is bilUJ- foe the-erection ox ipnblietuydiag Br class. BothcTasj nn fuomplishfheit Ibassage eq impiis tionabieo it watmos 6 6rU) etustrieo9 to nasssttC&biUs.wUbxrota overand.veintOi theiixeastfnrisi'ub; the lawr.WWMMSSpW iwliftviaa fiaved ,to, the goveraaaenl larsiwhehashaiMi ;wwiy and-aimpst afirainst ancbz was woflt; bnt without avail, thectf iformed and the bills - rushed throng Amonsr the bills was one for Jtha ere tion of a public building at Greensboro, N. C, which has been published in a previous letter. Tf Rlf tlie bills passed were as ; deserving I,toeV objectionable mafiher of tbeif ase'uld i!mitf- outfit tflnfrtld: T-TTTT. - PERSONAL NOTES. Thnmajf J'iKiiflinv. Rockv n hoa htktns flrrantoI i. tMtAtrti. mechanism for saw rami ifoarfpJi TA WUliamson,Kalelgb, uT a patent for stencU-plater' ': 1 - j Judge Thomas Settle, now pf Florida, but formerly a Kepublican leader in North Carolina t6itictrtn1Mlcity an applicant fot the vacancy bn the court of claims; HA is strtrti tfly b&ck try Soutb.- ccmttiaalwtfwadlie win wave for home this week, - , ..: -? -s T. d, CoL Keogh who hat been here for.thf PW WTOKna8TBpnTnea,ppme. xopji staunch KeTWftM.Br.iflPQPW with tnji?&P Kenneth.:yho5blIfr:!fer treasury, wjio , -tore 300 :7 vau 3 wwui Congress from North Carolina, is quit the river and haiboi apyruuilaUou bin.1 7ZVZ Knth niAiuiAS Am pnnallv I ers Of Silks. iiimBi ubis iaanydpJ tors InadiLaXiffifA'WaMiWtftnSfrii? ' TtTTTl 1U1 hUU. bilo W 1LIIIIX7M.W JJ1KIT Blinil I 1 nM.ujuiuiMl&MttJLti LOtiib I Lj i fSJSi Ash teUKt'f PWieti - l tvt M a, T rr -ttxt r. . rrrr rinr TVi.novf.mAnf J3JJU3 ,T litfiftttheireBre urixjrtb aiS)lIrii . . T . 1 ! resioeiu. tsnrteriaj -ATAnisassidBntr rgi.lTZt?ieiltinlndian, anfl r -.i4Jiri. 4ical hMfatt:thepDetar ment. anrrefltvjft no f to 'LA-iiri ! Ho )WS' isAnortasadilieJlarfsii sifssUiWinir ustomofl5ees fcciheaathjoictilf tuoauestoa. Af eiiorcai''AiK2.i A census bulletin jnst jissded snoV tfee. gross number of farms. In the c6un-' try,,;(It;is a Boticeabht faottbatthe int "'States!" ?880: . J ml ""35. 30j898- Connecticut DakoU - -Illinois - -Indiana - - 22,445 9S,S9Sj 185551 138,661 16B5i 48.292 64,806 Kentucky LouilaBa Maine r . I 13,422 jjii 96 mm 68.38? 32,181 241,058 ,458 -.2S.9051 SeWMetico New York - - 170,621 liaso? North Carolina' GldO';'".-. PerSsylvIin1 i' Bhede Island - Utah. - - - .. VJrmorit - - - Washinfttn - -West.Vfrgiaia -Wisconsin - - 157.609 24T.189 1 . ift Aits r , Ag,u i 213,543 6.2W 85.&2S 62,674 134,322 '72u, POSTAL NOTES. -;i Reports from , 25, prlhcipaV cities fh thd conntrv which ' collect t ner rnfL -jUte' .'.pbA(al eveh4erahpw; that tbe1 eceu)ie zox . me craaxteD enaeaMarcn Of Uj iarg. for the ipfSmmk Jl BraiUBt year. ostKaslers commissions sent: .Tno. l?ihevinesV3Ti C: Pierce H. ra'mihb'Bd. chick Snrihcs. SL C. i. A1p- iKwuiineeit, ismiara, Juincoin co.; X Chas been changed to read "Kids- vme." , , There is , h pretty tight now in pro gress over the post mastership of the Salisbury office This ofiice belongs to the presidential class; and pays about 2.0tK)., pe .year. D. L. Bringle, the E resent . imcuinbent; having1 acquired j lonjcjaexTice a tasbe.fon working un dr. Ufleie iacatvisde8icous of continu ing in tbeepkacey while iMrJB. Ram- -dows randf 'handle the rsheckeis with equal rr not moregrace than Mr. Bnn ffle. He is wiUingjjit any rate to un dertake the job. The President has not yet decided which trf these patriots hei will hire to perform the work. . . . : . Pickup. NEWS NOTES. .Xhe bakers of Montreal have added tv- cent to the price of a' six-pound louf - of bread on account of the in (Cteasfediwagesiwhicta.they are obliged to payheir journeymen, - . . ; Five; suspects were' uncotrdiiionaily released f torn the-Naas jattDuesday. Col. Hakka Bov,t aiod-camp'to the SokaTpfrTurkey,'has started. for Xori-flo-rj 0 purcjiase Wrpedb boats. , The 1 anishfb 1 Alaska;: arrived at QtteenatO.wt .?TueBoy:jevening, bavingiaieconaplisbedlhe trip from New Yor4n days and'4l- '.tpixurtes, ythich is claimed to be the" "qiiicK est passage -gauntpu 1 iju3uuvrs .lace; viookidz ror in New York, were sued bV r Vaw VAb mftM an aI Ww the government three and a half years ago for customs-dues. They deposited 1 sw uuuutui-uuii'vujFS'ur ieruouii a 3extifiBd lel?3: SlffKSeSr ilbtf case :4 Wiflrtteeh,mrkoriil .cleit J lorned qver4o4hifinn;ye8terday $I4TL-' ziv. less cne amount or the corHrjTd- jfTifX5"WwlwlM ; f . 1 eels' fror. jean iouis. rotimahv Years a w . l.rftTWi it! - -..-ii. i. conspichOOs featiir Lneiastcal cif- cres orjuafleiphia,athe , pt a fortuhela-new, 4fe is raaidr:veating the bread of charity 1s tbe' -alnlBhousE 4f-thatdtyiUinfrtiinatoidor t s(t'iduckyinTestnientsi(f the bus: . 9uais oj ; nisine ! Claries fWaleritiwjBB4yjetuaRol ill! ifia hixosetl iixw txorr Montfar. b uig uibii niiuv iuuku w . ttt Til Mil Ml tor Henry Berrf. J ru Af; tlie"'Soc1etvr' f or naajrTan,arrje8cea:WWftiv3ftv ior iirivmz. a lama norae. wrip V- " " w ' T- T 10 I lanUesld"sercsrmsal 1 wZT TuJ3mu.n3ir- rested. BuistbatvbttiMlf orem , 'shot and ear (Jr eaves to drink with .hmv and liappeajredv t whemehotiitm n a -wora." Yrniung was arresieqisa,,,;,,, ague spa eUtts. SSMS i Missiitmsnsstsa aitttTetoi. ttrely banished by the use of rwa-MataWek itBrgatrsfiTO IbqP, IntearJl!erfcl!eT5lTt leasveueiiuniiiiiiiisssiiiiw bwisssmj waea s.Ilrafashfftre fon in'.tne into. Maryland - - . Mtehigaa;- flinnsqtft- - -MississAhl l- -xsussosrc - NilW Mr ;j . ssaos xw&eiuH e'WHiye lierc: mat Qilciifiiahisaave peen ealr HM3MQOTttin'.th:rWill.. tit .the 8idjBiaiaftt,dI tiid wiarand that the 1 rWU IMMMMn wAstllvlWi'lAftftTat)falfl An fcopg-.'.ri eiii 9mVtl vi''ti'-iyir'i'&''i4" 9Tfi-AVllsili'sslS mseryt j d biiiiri cWBksva mtsookrwiia 'AK t? warriOf ImfiosterHi niratesLst hay ohlarflble wiwu uvw auuumnniiiiisi sgsysi uey Jts.'gB I MMfttifcM&and toimwauma06bss hakbeenj 1 i.i.i . i, This curative needs no rjoaftfoasUtfitaermmraa heaslble tUiSDCQieek or litoaWfi lasSaln tt,-but, J -piBstfcipjeiiaigHsa ttame JapBeKbf'letl torthe, 1 ...... . . rt t ft T eomaohSDseof the'fieoWftJ iMMnle are algnany inahlfestrng theli' apVecWmel "firtsl BtiKVBklXQi fcrefefente- tonsil Wlrer 'nroJeased liteinefliM;r o 9 iJKasci f?ril hull v.'alv irii i lWCP Rehstttr has1 !lonar Ibien well faroWas1 U-asu4tesiful. ephysblah1 and tofrdiisWf study ttUn -t(h$QmmmTt 'JBd'of tb-Bni' sfceW tie4 Lhas:itieeTiJ rrsuadedte- V ma mrw nenreuy buit x avome rrescnpiioa aa. gklBVCffem fhe'inisriet VarJouVthliiiia have fine sieepy state1 tn-which they wete hefdre, and tktot olaimita be'the-'bftat 8' ' 1 ": ! ' ."lBe,ware bf mittatldns, 6r the tatlbus articles which1 have been adVertl.A for vokm nr sfriw HMdnjt. havKg no real hold or merit on the public, the now endeavor to keep head aBovd Water by' adtertlsini themseiyfes asi"The1 tireat SktnXJure," 'None la keiiuine and retiable'; excebt Dr. C. w. 'Bensonlr.Skln' CuJe. Each package ahaft bottle hears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In One package. Price $1-00. get at your arugglsts. ' Relief for all Overworked Brains. CAtJSi AJTD CUBS. : Pr. w. -Bensdn's Celery and Chamomile Plus vakiablfi ioi school children' who suffer from) fifirroua oeadaches eansed oyan overworked brain la their studies, and for all classes- of hard bratn- wwkers whtosei evertaaked' nervous centers peed repair and sedation.' Nervous ! tremor; ' weakness, and paralysis are belrie daily cured by these iljlc,; They correct eosttveness, but are. 'not pnrgatl.re. Price, 50 cents or six boxes for $2 50, postage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot. BaltlmorerMd., where the Doctor eahbe addressed.' j Letters ot Inquiry freely answered. .'i Letters or 1 tteaton, New li: M. un tteaton. Hew xerK. n fork. Is wholesale agent for Dr. o, W. Benson's remedies. mays CBS. LM L P1KK8&M, OF LYNN, LYDIA E. PINKHAmr8 VEaETAELB: COMPOUND. ; ,,.-.?.,, Is a Positive' Cnra,',... for all tkass Patufr Complaints sad WeaimssMS so esBMon toarlest female fropalsUo". , . It will ooW itetkiy!J iront form ot FlsmrfTe Qofa jflUn$B,aHoTiriati irotaVMt, I&OacmiaUoa ssitllcers tln, Islllnr snl .Dlsplacomttits, and the ccmssqaept Spinal WealcBees, and ia partlcsilarly adapted to the Change ot life, , - - , . It irill dissolve and expel tumors. from .the utenwln an early stage of development. The tendency to can oerona humors there la checked veryBpeedfly by lte uae. It removes faintnesa, flatulency, dettrayaaU orarlna f or stlnuuAnts, and relieves iraakneas "of the etomach. It ourea Bloat in sr, dead aches, Kerrona prostration. Qenersl. Debility,. .Sleeplessness, Depzeastoa sad Iatt. geatioB.'V. , . ' . thit tsettijg of besrinK down, csnihic' pahi, weig-t"' and bsckacW.-ta aiw&ya peTmaoently cured by its na.! It wfllatalltflDOsaad uadef svTI ctrCTmatanbeeect fa harmony with the laws that goteathe f emalesyatem. VotlM cure of. Kidney Cempiaiats otsitfasr sex this ; Composndia snsurpaased, ITDIA K. PtStUASrS VECTA?LE COM POCITDia prepared at 233 and 235 'Wsatern Avenue, ' fiynn,Vata. Price $L Six bottleafor f6. Sent by mall in Uie fcrm 6f pins, : also la the f6nh of losengeBV oh : ' receipt of pries, $1 per box fop either. Hra.IHnkhani freely anawera all letters of inquiry. Send foe pamph let. Addreas as above. Ventlm this Paper. Ko family, ahosld be without LTDIA K. P1KKHA3TS livER PILLa. jThey cure ooaatlpatloa, billousnsat sad torpfdJty' of IheliTer. 25 cents per box. - 49 SeTd hy Q.I1 Druggists, "f 1 L' r lit r, ... ,. j ' -m tn ESTEY, -EOSEDALE, ORGANS. J X V - ' v j 1 . i j HAINE3 and GATS CITY 1 I AN OS. ''""V is ;50iieeded, 'ieau4 ill-WrWihil'.am agent'ifOE: fljj U6 xlebrated Sew ifflrk.itoafces arid SILL p( pTiba, by flashy . : adTeetlsenents, but -give me a T on tore you buy and 1 w 11 show you that I can. i(. distance all competl- ' . . fort, hdth in price and' '. : ;- ' ' 1 ' e terms,' Alt I iask is 'al ank ibla ,fjjfa tag' you nothing, while it of' laviagyou a great ideal' llllltr, ;-' I f i . - ; .1 tsr Organs always Is -sioolc iflM'rTelor NtjeahoB 6rjstdreesiio;ii.')ilaar edl nerrw41 nruttrratMuUsttyj ion wi;DoaraJr exa as SruieTiaw -wbich t aiaatS t&sljnao nPisst Board liilstOStlMl)al(hlKeJBlM MASS., ; i-.il a 'i.Liv.i:. .st - :-v ,-' oj 8 SadJlS 1 - ..Mil Walk"' r "'":' 1 1 II kIl.wo:oB wJttent-ajdMoma BehtzaJEts: m r, : 1 1 1 s . - . , .. .i .tt: 11 m ii ( u m m-1 r - -m -m sTsfsie m l'lv'sa VVA tAX JL V-JA UXAIA4 U. V JLl.lUrJt KJ l!Lf J I 6 BUTTON WHITE KIDS, $1,00. 1 S?irS!Wf hsve's large stock of Sasii' Blbbons at BOfl fl f 2?- A largesJoekAof Jrirahkaatlns, Jttolrea, Marvilleux and J&hodames, all colors. j-yed some pe designs in ii wo nave a rarcestocK or Laiies' Newport Tlea uvw srvunitUlIUli in IjUmilirLn. IUIII WB Hnr-ISIHFinB''Bllia WDFW flaSlAOfl MkMlMd. . -Hi, Sadk& ! !ii!NW-LOWWABTiSB!) SHOW, lnhWa sewed, WelhvVh la t(& of PflE SHIRTS, EVITTS' SHOES, UNIVERSAL PATTERNS t- C jme and see our stock and we will make It to your interest sf aT-raves&Willielm . aprSO FIITB -THE- J UMBO" 35"OR TBE CAROZaIffja.S. WEIGHT 1500 B IIS SQUARE GRAND. McSMlTH WiLL DOUBLE HIS STOCK. ; LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS I BAWLS. Let Music Increase! Crime will Decrease Organs wWhin Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, shoMgerbell chime, ; PELOUBET&CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such lew Prices Easy Terms i. i! li'-.MOU H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. si i: 1 88 8 111 ffl 9i i ' uj iiiioH fui; n; j;l-il; ,'i'i'jY 3 .Oil! 7. our stock ia now eom&letfl We call especial ! OUR OWN HOCSK. We are Justified Id 1 VMneeraa aaaamg 01 ear tiease, is-a mi i guaraniee rkwfn nivtmFA ti :ri m 1 .Siiii i3tl ioi jid (mill 1 " '' ' ' If SlCI! NEW STYLES! COME Id THE MOST KELiiBLKiBUttii Bvnii.Maraiet( We makre u stct-olass uarments; ana always studijUiLd.emaDdajPf omjatrnns, and Insure there absolute BOTTOM PRICES. jWej-do Jot boy Job Ota 4a order to introduce Ae rrrieea uooas, our fnadeuo m such a style as'latirorh lhtashlODable jeseleetfns oar stock by celsg eay In tbe Market, of wu aioot- or iioys'tazid CUUCU'eiiTs Olotixing w as nne as ;;lUATS, all colors. .Jo 4 ,i i ahO yU'lS CSii -!. -J '4" i u .TT71aTriLiStB'riNEST 1 U'ni The Latest Out, m the tijufi 1 LflB .ul 5.KI 'im 1VA n.T ' t't Sl!i!d8s,lj ..' . -7:1.-1 - I t T 'T- V vv 'MW - SPMISI TVUIIQIUDU LHU K nl I IV . WH IlnVH 1 1 IN L 3 thatare( real pietty. tJ .,. ..' 0 . I ... : x." ' inASanrfoia xeam k Ij. 1SIC HOUSE PIANOS WilMn Read of ETeryMT. Cni:KKBINQ A iON, KRANICH & BACH. MATHUSHEK, "ORION EIMP30N A CO.. msm SOUTHERN GEM. iJ&- LOOK HOW THE OLD MAK FROWNS . and scratches his head while reading lie's adv. Make him read let him frown. Write to me and I will send you a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection,, then eo for him and write to me for a tew more dots, such as prices, terms, 4c Address, or call on 88 lis2. 8B 88&88 ww . . i . attention- to tbe WABMtNTS MAKUFACTUBED assertinr. and Ttot fixaneraie srahat the long ei tnai ou A.QJXiOVUXjNvir invariably orrertne pudiic sucn uwiuino ana cireks in Northern cities. ; We. bad the faoieeof which privilege tbe Late Purchaser Is debarred. I'.'.:' J , fc(, J' ,.. IN THE CITY iwi Ver Latest Shades la SOki: 'feryfiespectfuUr, ;;iQ3 Jo UIJ.J... '- --- - ;1C3 JO ill! LATEST COTS 1 -in; riiiiVBii ij - h.n kmw , . i-, : cine. autuutn: . wxsxtu t.itnu-iK kii i.w.n 7ftaUrla;iohDtyrilt" apr7 NVSi