C-T I WLIir. KLIIULIUI1L viiinn ur 1. I holwem iriH, body and a, gunshot .wotfna. in his leg. j When 'heard ttiVfiThevFthat I MPBOVKD BOOT B1EER, 25c backage makes 5 all?ni f ae- -FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1882. "lit J1! I: Tonneletnad tafcen' mns- te keeptliM- MOTll secxec iUJLhetPrinfie'a deauiuaiminscrr 4 51194 wJd Ave., Philadelphia. iii 43 . JUCia, JBfnw (he i seieu , separation at, tne ... pbilks ,pt ine $1000 P1LK BBMKDY falls tc irrr -r an W T Of K Al BE WARD! for any case ol Ityotoye1Biira',lEiiiTli ertreteeasucka Blind Bleeding, ncnituc. land An Asrent or the deaire'4aitfi'thrf '.waJidecl Kaffir Ulceratad. or protrudl PILKa that OeBlNG'6 One of the greatest comfort to those expecting to be confined Is a remedy upon which implicit confidence can be placed one that will produce a safe and quick de,lvejyont hat will control pain mane ltte tin Deaihbed i fPith iK - i saw Tonneldi-raariT pit it HKMKDY fails to cure. Prepared or J. f. SlLD,OI6Aicb street, Philadelphia, Pa. . nieTa:5on 'Assassinated- ly -Freuch- ! HIRES Metropolitan JiJliK - fcaitfor: f shorten the duration of. moor, each is) "TB.JE IMH&JSefc whal ' , Worth Sending For. Dr. J. H. 8CHENCK, of Philadelphia, has Just published a book on "DISE18E3 OP THE LUNGS AND HOW THEI CAN BE tllBKU," which Is offer ered Free, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains MiHliU. InfMmiHin frrp all mliA jttnitfntoA selves afflicted with, or liable to, any tilwaseron the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, 600 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., P. O. Box 2833. CARD COLLECTORS ! fSVeS W Cfarwa C'aJrds. HumorouB, bright, attractive. Diamond Shibt Factobi.P.O.Box SB, Baltimore GEORGE PAGE & CO. In nmfccturcrm ox Patent Portable Circular SAW HILLS AUOSttUJ STEAM 51 HnnrUfi8.e1 Send for Catalogue. $30 lit free, PEB WEEK can be made in any locality. Something entirely new for agents $5 out G. W. INGBAHAM 4 CO.TBoston, Mass. aprl8 d&w4w Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the causk must be removed, acd in no other way cm a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CUBS is es tablished on just this principle. It reaiizesthat 95 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and REsrroRKR, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malala, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of imposters, imitations and concoctions said to be ust as good. For Diabetes, asfc for WARN KB' S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer. If. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. V. apr!5 hum TO- Comer College and Trade Streets, (L. W. PERDUE'S OLD STAND,) nd adding to onr already large Stock or CORN, HAY, FLOUR, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK fe;ed. 2.000 pounds Fine Conntry lams. A FULL LINE OF HACKERS' PERFECT BIKING POWDER?. A. J. Deal I & Co. apr30 JUST RECEIVED VARIETY STORE -a lot or- ' " , h ,i" . 5iIB?.RG EDGING at from 2c to 2Bca yard' VfiBY. Cheap; LAWNS at 6l4c; BLEACHED SHIRTING at Vgc. 8cand 10c; LINEN TOWELS from $1,20 to 3.T6Vper dOKn, i ' J 1 ,1' .! , J . 'it GOOD BRRGMIIS. HOSIERY HOSE 8UPPORTERS, GLOVES, COR SETS, CBOCKEBY, TIN WARE, GLASSWARE Li am ira, i'lUTVRS JfRAMES, and many other things at comparatively low prices. : PT" CALL and SIX. Bespectfullyr . . C. M. ETHEBEDGE, Under Traders' National Bank. mar28 TO THE-PUBLIC. f I AM prepared to PROVE that I have discovered the vegetaUevantldeta or SCROFULA that my remedy will sxfxl the disease from the sys tem, thus rendering Uihe best-blood purifier known. , jCure certain, speedy and permanent. 1 Ai a Tonic and: Alterative It Is highly recommended, Send for circular containing testimonials of mirac ulous cures. My testimonials come, not from the Territories of the far Wl tart from well known citizens of f.oriJC?"Olina: Indors ?d by the drug gists of the Statel'irdr salelby dragglstt generally. Over 8,000 bottles sold, all report favorable. Beferencevr ewomal'ttlUbillty, Bt. Bet. Thos. Atkinson, D. D., of N. C; Rev. C. J. Gibson, LV lMBBter4.rt.Ta.httdtll. KodbfUL SftUWan ten county ; HonTJ. J. Davis and Bon. C. M. Cook, j&a i fnttharx- ml arauitlon .itas&fl wMers -for Sag RAflRAdv. iiMrAM , IiTrm 3CiH PRRSOM. ' Ir26 1: cv: f Franklin, N. a I i 1 4 Ait quit uia roruuv X 1 1 i ENGINES SCHE0EDZB ST., JKLUl SMletaTJITEarMlY WHEELS v. S CURlTS Having rlidl A isieftMnr it i m snuering t tmawfc i This Liniment when used two or three wett before confinement, produces a wonderfuljeffeflfe.' causing a very easy and quick laoor, witn com paratively little pain, and leaves the mom condition to recover ijiuckij or m wiuer najre & gooa gtntuig ut . .Vuw p June, abtrfhe stiffeffng bedlmrnished bdfond expi The condition for which this remedy Is is of such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those interested in its use are re spectfully referred to the hundreds who have used I must earnestly entreat every female ezi to be confined to use "THE MOTHER'S BJtJ Coupled with this entreaty, I will add that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four years. X I nave never known it tosfa&toproduce a safe ana MI& delivery. K, HOLMES, M. D, Y'T aT Atlanta, k - A lady from one of tfWuMes of Middle Geor gia, who has been aettng m midwife for many-, years, writes: "I havtH disposed of ail THE MOTHER'S KKLntFronient me, and I am DE LIGHTED WITH JTf J vyr instance where Hi hai been usedjts eCe . ieen all that I could ask. I consider it.a gseci j, ' -ssic" A gentlemjln 'w' r Sv "rosed your Moth er's Relief vL hertfiiln &uuuUement, and her tes timony 1h tbt8he passed through It with one half of the suffartug or either ..otvhs, former confine ments, aLdrecovered froni it ii uWi less time, the also recommend 1 ffrto a ; land who was about to be conanp ' " " .!eAand sb says: "I HAVE . .gjPNK PASS THROUGH THIS . G t ' tn.WtTH 80 MUCH EASE ANpSOL; , . lfflFFERING.' " The names of fcU these; nml-fiiny others, can be had bv calling at mv-oiiimr--: 1 i Having had the foregoing remedy THOROUGH LY tested in Auants. na 'Tteiniiy, l now oner It totny patrons at poasc r? Buperior merits. j 1 anvperminea aiso 0 r -t-so tae iuuomuj well-known dUzehs 4 AUc- iL 8. Newton, Wm. M. Crumley, Jr V. JAA and D. Bain: all of whom are ready to testify to- the merits of the preparation. Price, -59 per fcottle. Prepared by 1 vs j J. HRADjFIBfclKisole lrop'r, i I Atlanta, Georgia. For sale. by Dr. TV G Smith Charlotte, N. C. may4 s ,r.':--f U-t-t.-.V-ir-iiv'? s Among the medicinal means of arresting disease, Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters stands nre-eminent. It checks the further progress of all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, revives the vital stamina, prevents and remedies chills and fever, increases the activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheumatism, and is a genuine stay and solace to aged, infirm and nervous persons. FOB SALE BY ALL DBUGGI3TS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. , may2 . THE "O L D O A K E N BUCKE x COMPLIMENTS 01 Springs & Burwel -DEALER 3 IN- Tobaceo, Heavy I Fancy Groceries, CHARLOTTE, N. C. We congratulate the trade upon the settlement of the tobacco tax question and now solicit roar orders in our line, and when von order don't for get to try THU "OLD 0AKSN BUCKET" TOBACCO. This Tobacco is indeed an "exquisite pleasure The purest and sweetest that nature can yield," Art aiding these qualities has made it a treasure. Esteemed alike by Congressman and plowman in me uem. apr29 . HOW TO TELL 'si QENUINRSipiiaONS LIVER IiA.TOB, OR RUBDICIICE Look for clean neat WHITB WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon It in the form of a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z i embracing the emblems of our trade .flpatula, Mortar and Graduate wi h the words-AfQ. SIM MONS' LIVKB BKQULA.TOR or MBWCINK there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., in red ink on the side. y TAKE "SO OTHER. i I . jt. . Beware of those who lmow nothing of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being analvsed prove vorthlecs and only made to fleece the public, and U pirate on the weft earn ed reputation oj SeUIn A Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation, to sustain ;and , wUl cheat you for a few penneys every way they caa - See Who Enlonee the Genalne Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, i ? Bt Bey. Jno. W. Beckwith. Bishop of Ga., genjJno. B. Gordon, U. 8. fcenator, , Bt Bv. Bishop Pierce, s i Hon; Jno.GUl Shorte,; u.,il nfUl Hon. 5. H. Hill, Hon. J. C. JBreckinrldge, . Prot-rMvldWulls,'D.aAfrM fd- Chief Justice Hiram Warner. tfG&. Lewis Wander, Assistant P. M. PMla., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let 01 Jnnendattou and recommendation. It is eminently a Ramjly Medecine; and by be ing kept read for Immediate resort win sate many an hour ot sufferinc and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills , ' Br.&IoiBijYer Regnlar,' - PHILADELPHIA. 4 8old by all.Respectable Druggists. T x -H f :--fob24 ..y.-J'd f. tnferuis It nwrwm usual time. fission; AffeHUi HP I l on lOl f STOMACH T O B CCO. dying -io, San rrancisp6'TW- erxtfyv9ting 'rencittiS"in0rriDer UngseaBfesBion to tiieiplmtieianii)i-ia& ine eiiecG . uiaft i ye aWWW rwaa not slain jythZulQf in Allrt bit murdered l?y 2etlt: Cofflffltmft Mho c(jommea AtahC4' vitiMAWX! - - t 3the? Zululandlor-hal; ill 1 ffelatives eaia- J J?rincBhe axa tr Amed vteitted-' the Pa- faroriary crDbiaint and dfea; trdjiri hem- njFTbageof ltelttngs . In'feiff. last mc- mentM ne wtifeaafed thfeiAtfrtfer of ! Eu-, gemieCs son to nis'nhvaici L'iSr VrM? I eiaeo GhrOni- I repeated it to-a-saa raneiaefl RlrivnTfir. i The name ot the seli-coutessea mur Setet was Phillippe Berre, and he hi been won over to Communism duri the terriDie days or n m.Ktm , V Lmsertal Dilating T.ne aeata ot tna The story, as narrated by the .doctprffBifc th athonnt of rnne rtiri fri k2 in his patient's language, after describe ing how thin utely the niovements of 11 ' T 4 J t Jft-4.' me irraoe jLUipturiai weio uoieu uy iiio Comnrunists, is as follows : ' ' i VY nen we wno naa oiea tar x raof, saw the spirit of this Imperial youtU and the designs of our enemies the fut ure was clearly outlined. We knew that there was but one alternative. We foresaw the ruin of our country that would follow the return of this fcetted youth from Zululand. 4 Jb ranee naa sunerea enougn at ine hands of a dynasty founded by a Corsi can without a drop of French. Wood iu hiayeins. The Republic must live or the Prince must die. We decided that the Republic must live. At a meeting of the Commun ists which rendered the verdict there j- were representatiyes from the four great cities of France andjiwo Russian" lovers of liberty, who like ourselves, were exiled in England. When lots were drawn, to decide on whom should fall titie dutv of saving the Republic I was chosen f orthe post of honor, aa it wal called, and next day I started for Port Natal, in Africa, with three tried asso ciates. At Natal I fell sick of malaria fever, and while thus prostrated had the mor tification of knowing that the Prince had arrived and pressed on toDurban to join Lord Chelmsford. Our plans had not been matured, but we had hoped Eeelnsthe cQuntry that some method p performing our 4uty would suggest H3PT ueiuitt xub x mice uiuiU Jjc piaucu, under the protection of the Command ef-ia-Chief. i These calculations were disaranged ; but it o happened that the Prince him- sp.ir tuioK iever. a wo or mv comDani ions, who went by the name of Jean Tonnelet and Nicholas Vasonsky, had followed up the Prince to Durban; They came back and reported that hfif was dying, but the news soon after came that be had gone to the front and was rapidly recovering. When this ia. telligence arrived 1 was convalescent;! and was resolved to go to Utrecht at once. Tonnelet and Valousky went up with the commissary department. My other associate, who is yet alive, joined a company of -horse, and I . personated' an ' artist in seaxch of the unique and sensational. It was resolved that, if possible, we should act in concert, but that each -should watch a opportunity to fulfill the mission for which I .was responsibly We bad to wait for some weeks, f Tbe Prince made one recon noisance, sfnd cstma back' so fatigued that the "Commander-inchief ' ordered him to be keptinaide the lines in future. The poor youth, fretted greatly at the restriction. They assigned him to a table to prepare maps, and, as this was not the career of glory he had pictured? to himself, he pined and grew despond ent. At last the eventful day arrived. Lieutenant Carey made a reoennoisance with the Prince Imperial a little dis tance from the camp. It was merely a pleasure trip. In the meantime we had enlisted a Kaffir camp-follower, who had been punished by Carey, and under pretext that we desired to kill the Lieu tenant he joined us, and we went into ambush at a spot near where the royal party of six would halt for dinner. They arrived in due season and off-saddled near a few ruined huts. We ad vanced with great caution until within thirty yards of the unsuspecting party. The Prince was lying on his side in an exposed position, and any of ns could have shot him then. Valousky whis pered to me to fire, but I thought it bet ter to wait until the party, had mounted, and then lire simultaneously at the Prince. The Kaffir, who was entirely ignorant of the real motive of irrxr expe dition, had only eyes for Carey. At last the moment for action came. Carey caught the horse in the, meche grass and mounted, and the troopers .stood ready for the order to mount. A moment more and tbey would hare been in the saddle, when tha Kaffir, seeing Carey turn his horse s head toward the ravine beyond the kraal, rose in the brass; with a savage exclamation ' of haired, and leveled his rifle. The noise attracted the party's attention,' and, turning around, they saw the black face of the scout. The crack of the Kaffir's Martini-Henry rifle followed the unexpect-, ed apparition, and thoroughly demorT alized the party. Thinking that. thev had f allen into a strong Zuluanipuslf every man .consiaerea. oniy nis.Qwn, safety, Carey clappejl qfyxr to hia horse ana aasnea into tne ravine, iouowea oy another bullet from the Kaffir's rifle. Several of the troopers, who had ot only one foot in the stirrup, clung to the pommels of their saddles. One of the troopers .failed to catch his horse, and the Prinee, 'iaf ex- hanging-for: a fewTno ments to the Mster of bis saddle, fell baek exhausted, and was trampled by his-horse.'''" .. vrniw furs a fAstbeifiir bounded iMlh'Biih ing the dismounted trooper fired at him apd shot itirit through tha lee.:; Inself t)rotecti6riVv?e were compelled to "shoot the trooper, who died like a brave man. with his back to the wall of one of the nuts. The Prince, meantime, had strug gle to his feet, but a blow from the dSutt otTonnelet's pistol felled the pbpr la4oi the: : earth, and we. cUsTOtched himwith pne of the Kaffir's tog$fa. Tonnelet was for scarring: the - eorpie after the manner of the titusIXtitjl forbade Buch a proceeding and flWely stripped the body. . Then, closing the unhappy, ooy s eyes ana erossing rus tered his ciotnes ana weanons mrouen the crrass, . On;xeachlng atyoyeMiML Riyer the Kaffir, loseiy irerm pis fhof !toA 'h!l thatflte hastv dona olSeJef TOpaxatAiTnneletand.yalpsky start ed for Gen; wpoo7s'.camp,a:jtriue;iand m AA M. . UAU i. HUM 'W half awav. ffid'tikriheKflfftwitto them. ;Myassociata antL- myself; :werit N"ortrr tnward hRgdnnarteis. and reach-. ed that place at nightfall to find the en- narisfid bv the return of the Prince's eS-i cort with-the news tb&AWx scoufehad beere fiirmdnritbin? a? mite df Gen. Wort-B rrarrmj atia It1 waa th0t?2ht Imperial escorf,had?ganeloser to camp isr .am- iivia ,.o jsj jmamaa i Bth tei ne aeattirpr tmwymM her? J aMnB9iUSlTK (Cult 9Ui irlBOW 'iU farmers and laDorereof uranrilware watchirisFwith. tnwdeerfeliitferal trte kn-hadti6 wheat I lham aaxr it- lalnAlrinn nrall 4bem say looking ,too. , wejL. Scotland Neck is hapny,) 'and. gleeful over the last spike in her railroad. ;TM with a peoDle noted for their culture.' re finement and hdsDitalitv. 'r - ;ttTh4m ,.riant;!jThe craded. School question waS cairjieala Wed&eaday fey a Tocror 304 ror to tor against it." ju. u. Lackney was elected mayor by majar r.e learn from Mr. James. Jik,! tWe NMferifiTerint.v mfW.f.nr thi? iaT the tuTham ) manufacturers i f or i the montb of AV :aggten&te4x$$7,700.8a. There has. been, a very .perceptible in crease in the sales the past week "or ,uWrimingioirtar: Tbi 'receipis of cotton at thistJort during the- month of April footed up 2,374 bales, -as i against 1,076 bale,s ,,4urlng vtjto-cerifesponding mppth last year, showing" an increase bf 1,295 bales id; favor of 1892; ' 1 The leading grocerymeU 'of the teitv commenced yesterday af tern odrf closing The dry goods men will probably follow suit at an early day, - f :a m& - m - .t RalelgbJNeWSEha'Observer: There iasome rust in the ' wheat hereabouts. We hear of its appeararicet ' several farms. : ; Green oafla-naYftmade thier apDear- aace in quantities. They sell at 40 cents per peck. They come from "gardens in fcdW JJbla city. ' , .ls . mSoS'W x esteraay twenty convicts were sent road from-the-Denitentiarv. RevlvalsTriavel)een in progress this season, or are now in progess at follow ing white churches in this cityj'Ffrst Baptist, Second .Baptist, First Presbyte rian, Person Street Methodist; also at the following colored churches : TTirst Baptist, Methodist and? Hayes. We regret to learn of the serious,8ick neas ofMr. Samuel H. Young, tme of the oldjfeitizensv of Kaleigh. He has pneumonia. He was for years in busi- n ess here, bufeor sometime has lived at his farm, northwestbof the city. Sunday morning twenty-eight con verts of the First Baptist church, col ored, were baptized in Taylor's pond, by Revs. W A Green and:A. W. Shields Next Saaday:i22, it is said, willl&bap tized. , Ih allther e have been ofe il50 cohverjlions at the revival in itis.fiftn5 week. Raleigh News and ObserveraTGfo"V1.! Holden's improvement is markediJIt is expected that he will be able to make his appearance on the streets in a couple of weeks. -r Mr. H. Ydung, so well-known and! so mucn,; esteemed oy the people' of Raleigh, of which be4 was f$r long years a resident.and wjbose serious illnfsa was reported in yesterday's paper, diftdlf ter noon yesterday, at his home rleaS the city. Mr. Young was "04 years wage and was a member ,df the Me"ttediat church.; ' j Greensboro Bugle : Gas is bein put in the court house to-day. Judge Sbenck.is in, the cityrand will fnbVe Ills ! family here Jin? aboutwo Where shall we build the U. S. Court House Is the absorbing question before Greensboro. -. f Asheville Citizerii" .flon. W. L. Saun ders, Secretary of State, ia at the Warm Springs. w. Wm. Nance, of Knoxvflle,Tenn.,who killed his infant some weeks ago, has been captured in Madison county. We regret to hear ot the serious ill ness of Judge Henry, with Bright's dis ease pf the kidneys. :.- .. . Our friend George W. Hayes, of Cher okee, is in Asheville. He says .work is being pushed vigorously on the Atlanta and Murphy railroad. . . The trains of the East Tennessee road came over into North Carolina at Paint Rock last last Friday, Hurrah for our side I Arrangements for through travel and freights will be completed this week, passengers changing cars at Warm Springs. - The Press ,Con,TehU6ri sbofted . Its Usual good judgment inu selecting the beautiful town of Waynesville as the place ef meeting for "hextf year.1 ' Major Stringfield, of the White Sulphur Springs sent a special invitation that the 'association should meet at the above place, and accept the hospitali-. ies or, me aoove popular resort. 'A splendid time is ahead foE.tto associa- t0O: "J ' 1 i "f& ' ' i -Of i V. S. Lusk was elected: finaybr of Asheville last Monday v . I J?ilmingtoh Star: i Te toward Re lief Fire Engine Company . Ifci i will take, a4 f trib 4 to: Chatlesthri kavtk fim a !T Winston SenttnelTS:Winjtoniairy town5ocalted;uttheiSB is not a plafce5 the drink.; a nia:,vi i-4v 9&I r.l f.'ttu I .. .Pvxu&tteMtiW 'April thei:e; wrftir nwaaea ireient cars received -and within the-jaarraly T t TiTTI 'lI i 11 1 i kin county, while adjusting oupipe infa neiehborinir diatillerv to whir.h hn1. iJKhM;fbhe i davihd Week, was bit. te athft eirrMTjsaH make of thetfper species,l!fj vlffects of which he suffered severe jRgin. r j - texhXcf3nam m!?(nSnfrrlnadenwI Anson countvion the,8th-of Jnnfir ? ; ' -. 9nJy toree of . the liauor. saloohi in xnis town -naw bee elfcfeed in consul quence efVtherefeeQWeathe question of proMMtloWlasl LMandav. Thn H.' eachor.1rinfir Roubles l nevefnave anotber amdt. nSend S i vu uw may wui iwrmujyji cure 'I ' jiwsjwf M M SM II titm ISfcel ul IWi mtmWTJl SaSlaA Jltterfir.nndj tve Tirfiof Bf this tad be found W.I e mm KOltU i l manhood, oT i i send recipe nat win I piw.70A BKK rtCHAi T2.f 1 jobsph TlNiAlitaaoaDi ftetrVtti ,t qow jiAim it iyMrtsUedatAjandiaiaifl i J it i t r" fm tv i j. i n. oi Vlf; Thebttlr koO'n Specific Remedy for Epi eptl? Fits. MERVINE insure a ii.Qj h ;n ., VfCuaDanCe. VertiETfli. H1trlft. Tris'anltv AnnnloVv PaBaljsa,RrieumatIsnii Neuralgia, iSnd ail Nejrv- nil. iiiuuian. nia inTa I, i a Amnw Ak.v iv eradicate every species of --Nervous lmrnne. xaeru, ana rivo- ineaj waj trom vberiQe i tney came, pev,er 10 return again, it utterly destroys the gevms4diseas6 by neutralizing the hereditary taint .or, poison In ,the system, and; ihoropghfy eradicates the disease, and utterly dpstmvi rh mwbSl tll n-.ii: .i... NERVINE "Cures' J'emkfe1 Weakness, ' bkrie'Detility, Leu- cwraeea ur wnmes, iiramruijaemaxuanon, ulcera tion ol tbe tHerns,, Internal Heat, wravel, Inflam mation W the Bladder, Srlrability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nlgtit, ihere is no better remedy . Durinte the change of. life no Femala ebould bevtvUhout iti It quiets the Nervous system and gives, rest, comfort ang naturs's syeet sleep. A 71 Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far tne worst eyns that nave ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that he ls on hlsjoad to mln. Like the Opium Eater, be first uses the drug in smAll quantities as a harmless antidote. ,Xhe soothing influence of. tne drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on to bis own destruction. r Tine habits of Opium Satins and Liauor .Drtnklnc are nmrlRelv what. eating telo allmentlvenees, as over eating first ln- names tne storaacn, wmon redoubles its cravings until It paralyzes- both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of llqwr or dose of opium, instead of satisfying,. only adds to lis fierce tires, until it consumes he vite.1 force andthen itself. Like be glu torrous-tape worm, it sries "Uive, give, give!" but never enough until its own' rapacity devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, JPalpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidney a and aU diseases of the Urinary Or gans. ' Nervous Debility, caused by the Indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and' old men, who lire covering your suffer ings as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be Bayed by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and jewels in the crown of your Maker, If jou will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until It Saps your' vitals, and destroys both body and soul. It you am thus afflicted, take DB. RICH MOND'S SAMABIT AN N EEVINE. It wi 11 restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature delay and lmpait tone and energy to the whole .-y stern. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little gfrl of fits. She was also deaf tnd dumb, but it cured her. She can. now talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter Boss, ' r- . Springwater, Wis. SAMABITAKCtEUVlKE Has been the rneahs of curing my wife of rheuma Item. , . , JEi B. FtETCHts; Fort Collins, Col. SAITXARITAN NERVINE Made' a sure wire of a case of fits for my son. - K. B. BaUA, aaftaville, Kan. SArfARlTAW NERVINE Cured me ot vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mbs. Wm. BHMSON, Aurora, III. SAitlAIt 1TAIV NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Esv. J. A. Edik, Beaver, Pa. SA7IARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over SOOO with other doctors. S. B. Hobson, New Albany, Ind. SAnABITAN NERVINE Kflectually cured me of spasms. . Miss Jbnnik Warrkn, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, I1L SA3LARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it having overJOO In 24 hours HsifEr Xkke, Vervllla,5 Warren county, Tenn. SAIT1ARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albkbt Sempson, Peoria, IlL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W, Thobmton, Clalborn, Miss. j . jv. , SAJTIARITAN., .NERVINE . Cured me pennanently of. epileptie fllS ot a stub born character. . Bxv. Wil Maktin, ; ... . . ; ... Mechanlcstown, Md. 'f SAiuTARkTAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after .having had &500 In eighteen months. Mks. K. Foots. r:.: . : . 4; i West Portsdam. NY. ' :f SAMARITAN NERVINE I Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. jmoo ii.ia jm . w 1 . . .... ., t ranb3, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN tVERVINE Has permanently cured me of pUpsy of rhany years' duration. . Jacob SCTKR. at. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE " Cured me of b rone nlttsStfim a, and general de bility. . ? j ipu&BB MyB3v Irontoni Ohio. ;s aiaAWARJT4iI5ERVIN.E f Ha9 jured me of asthma t afeo scrotalft of many year' standing, isaag jsweia, uoyuagron, i!C SAItJARrAif)IEFliJE:...v Cnted me of fits. Have been well for' over four- ' ' .' CHARLKS E. COBtB, Osakis, Douglas county, Minn. 9V SAMARITAN ,NEltyiN2 Cuveia friend SI mlneowBrh haff'dssDeDila Very i. , if li-JWa. TM petfiiafiiiStTy iftume - - Wired fcy wlfotp8erjsf ;Sf?relri srftridlng i! fl ir SAJTIARITAWitEM VINIJ i -- :, t Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the Head E. Saham, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NfijlVkE1 , F0awf'r''5ia3 for 1 about four fav.: rf L"tni n:fJpw Dvsa.- , wooaoum, locoupui county. UL i . . w a it; it mif m s t fromns; xnosej wuo wisn to otstaiirjiatha ervine- .wsoe ,,ntortaohed-altet nhaid ethruiirtirr; fmma Wail has Hava Z17 ft f wr 1 0 0 W H 02 H vo fa .o. 0 XM2 am . o SHEETS FOR MAY, WITH PATTER x Just Received, at Tiddy & Brier's. aprl8 boston- METALLORGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists iOLD and SILVER REFIMEUS, Piacllcal Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and ii-.wmjs, RI'.FRACTOKY OIE? l ltGV I I I). Surveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketche.v and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED ON JlETt;it.s or PUKCil Asr.il COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Te ms. T OMAS BINN3 METALixnGisr. A. H. KIDNEY Mining Enginkkh. JOHN HOLLIDAY Puof. Chkmist mar8 tf Mew Furniture jafemn i SI. CONbTA N T L Y COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 a FASHION E, 1. Andrews, Cures taigas syphilis qf in any stage. Tr-yr CATAKHH. ' J'h I ECZEMA, OLD JLmM 80BKS.PI 2LW PLES, BOILS ff . ' SKIN DIS AS . lplIS . w pa o n r o w o CURES WHEN Al QTHEji REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see us, and we will' CUES I0D. or charge nothing II I Write lor particulars, and a copy of the little booK "Message to th Unfortunate Suffering.'' Aak any prominent Druggist aa to pur Standing. ES"S1OO0 RKWARI) will hA nM tn n nhomlst who wluvfjM on analysis of 100 bottles of S. 8. s. , r . SiWIJfTjgPJCCIFia CO.. Props, s s 5 Atlanta, Gft. - - (Risenu.) 1 Price of Small Size, , $1.00 Large Elze... . . 1.76 doisi 'B0LI B3r; ALL DBDGGI3TS-