i - n i a - w 3iyB-'?'r,i r r kit m w m. m mr-m w - i - . .. ... ..1:1:1'-.. .. . . t 1 . . . .a . ; -i r . SUBSCRIPTION BATES: paOy, om year, postpaid, in advance. . -. Six me 1 Tteee months. fin A county), in advance 5a 00 . 4.00 . 2.00 75 .92.00 Outqfthecountv, Postpaid 2.10 x month ri'AL' 1,08 jy- jjraZ Reduction for OJubs. Pegrafli DSALKHS in- TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEGRAM & CO., E.ive the Best Stock of tents' Hanil-Sewed Shoes IN THS STATE. PEGH-AM & CO., Can supply jou with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF- Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE A PRET1 Y LINE OF CENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS, PEGRAM & CO., HAVE ALL KINDS OF Childrens' Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., KERP A Wf LL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Vales OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt and Straw Hats Of the Latest fctyles. Of tte Latest Styles. P E GR A M. ' CO., CAN" SUIT THE R Farmer Friends Willi any k nds BOOTs and SHOFS TI1EY WISH. P E CRA M & CO., KtEP ALu KINDS OF Shoe Dressing, French Blacking t AND - Lyons' Heel Stiffeiiers. m a o o o o c w o 7 o k 3 0 ft GO 00 r" r O a? r- o m 00 m 3 a o a o W r I GO bd B a-- o a. o B O O O Boots Shoes Hats Trunks GO s a arrni . il - lTr III 4iMzlaoV)avi&niAirtl .r: a YZrfj HTjUUmtT IvxaxiilnQ.-i&aoxa x'SKUnto Cn i. ' ! -Mil jl -i lUu'dion .JXM Jgia 8i1I 5rll vij l vJu -.-? ;--,; . .? oh -ar !' 7:yi ! . . VOL. XXm, ,. --;.JJiWBKB ",7m ,;.rt.;m;iii 1 ii ii ! i'ii-jm i-jiTtinrjiiftsi jsii'Uiiua anils, j iiith; n i Biuiitvnrji;.niriiU(sj ri 11111,111 ll Hill I I I I rWM1 IAXJ. jyil 1IJL1MII V JtJ.WV JK W v tt4WUt !w Afe?'1 UVWr H(iriMM OF IMEW GOODS, LACE FICHUS, LACK COLLARS and POLKA DOT LINEN COLLARS, at 10c. All combined MAKLNG- Be Handsomest and Cheapest Lot -OF- NECKWEAR, Ever seen la Charlotte. All novelties constantly added to oar stock as rapidly as they come oat A lot of beautiful SEERSUCKERS ost In, rery stylish and desirable. An exceptionally good trade has forced oar bayer to seek the NORTHERN MARKETS a second time this season to replenish oar greatly broken stock, and we assure the trade that notlikig new or desirable will be omitted In oar second. purchase. T. I,. SEIG&C & CO. apr30 A NeWW-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cats, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe ! It acts immediately I It never fails t Editor of the St. John (N. S.) News, says : in nesn wounas, acnes, pains, sores, eic., It la the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It Tor a stncrie nour. From thaCuiclnn&ti TMsnaich: we nave seen its magic enects, ana enow 11 to De a pooa arucie. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied it is positively emcient as a neaung remeay tor wounas, Drtuses, ana Bprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta. Ga. , says : It Is a panacea for all Drulses and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relief. R. Lewis sava : In forty years' use It never has failed me, W. W. Lum. Nlcholvllle. N. Y.. savs : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieves pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic, J. W. Dee says : For scalds and bums it has no equaL PERRY DAVIS' PATX KULEB is net a new untried remedy. For forty J ear it has been in constant dm ; and those wh have used it the longest are 11 test friends. Itftsnccessis enUrclu because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more nighly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' hills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlilcmott medicines, it Imperfectly soft even In the hands of a child. Ti-v it once thorouehlT. and ft will prove Its value. Tour druggist has it at 25c, 50c. and Stl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON. Proprietors. Providence, R. I. sept diw sept ft oct. BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu Dr. liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor- Clarke's rhoea. dlsmenorrbaea, and bysteria. also la melancholia ana otner men tal derangements. Afford prom pi Periodical relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Pills. Medicine Company, New York City. ?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder, Dr. Clarke's Pills. In either stage, whether primary. secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price 9,2 50ier box. Five boxes 810. Sentbytnall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess vt marite jueaicme Company, New York City. INVALUABLE BEJHED1T. For weakness of the Kidneys, and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine' fromt what ever cause induced, whether ot re cent or long standi ag. One to three boxes usually sufQQieatJ Price $2 Dr. Clarke's Gonnorrhea per box. Three Obexes ior so Mailed free on receiDf of Drlce. Ad Pills. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, flew 1 one uiTy. 'HERE IS A BALM IN OILEAD, For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' Dr. and lmpotency, as the result of self abuse in youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other eanses, and nroduchiK some of the following effects?-Nervousness, seminal emis Clarke's sions fnleht emissions by dreams). Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem ory. Phlslcal decay. Pirn plea oa Face. Aversion toSoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss ofSexuu Power, &c rendering marriage Im proper or unhappy. Are a positive cure In two to 8 weeks. Onets tlx hoxes usually sufficient' Price 8150 InvlgoratlDg per box. Four boxes SR. Sehtlif Pills. mall. Dreoald. on receipt 01 price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Cora- pany, New York City. : feM9d&w 18w paim y KILLEB PERRY &Jfl:S Metal oni . . . , ..Jl UJi These Perns are specially hardened at thft point, 111 tMt oecrode 6e rust; Iwl'wlS teftKrad i BOBtservkblsBaBrhte,1 Bampleeirtt,"irh' ten differeat Styles of nickel pfetod pensitftr trial by mid! on receipt of Scents. ' fj Ivlson. Blakematt, Taylor A CCk,r NEW YORK. 0 BUTTON W illtR XIDS, t.86 I Complete assor.ment of all stylrj amj ( utilities. 1 We riaWv ; fafgst6ck'bf;alth' ttsbeW itJB6e- St,2&-per)yard. A laK stock ctiuahs.8atlis. olllaivuteaxa U ,i75c fo S3.W per ja0. Ppn'Tferget joy 1 CowCt, -AalcsUrieef Ladlca! h'ockwear. Out Dreaa 1 Hoods Demrtmenf h eomDhrtel cmd we hre offering sum very, decided bargains. We' have lost received some new designs In Xs . . . ; -. (!:.,'. - ;i J j Plain and Figaed Bantings in We bare a large stock of Ladies' Newport ties !and stock ot uehto LOW QUABTBaXD 8H0XS, NOBBY STRAW, STIFlELT; HATS; i, . i ,r ,,i . , ., . t i -.kit fHifniinoo I t;; MlcfiiU'je I EARL SHIRTS, EVITTS SHOES, UtllVERSAL PATTERRS Come and see oar stock and, argraves aprSO 'i.m FOR SrMM WEIGHT 1500?8li 1 tJ ir77 v: ' . .... , McSMlTH WILL; DOUBLE; HISSOCK, ,a! I. LOOK OUT FOR SQ Let Music Increase! Organs within Reach of Everyb MASON & HAMLIN, SH0MGKK HRLLI niME. PXLODBXT A CO. and STIRLING. Bra Before Such Low Prices! te'feiw . (and ' ?.oi Tjioft mrstoek is now compete, ' JL' AN OUBUWN HOUHM. "VI 1 A 1 A, i. I Ji-i .31 i r frcu 0 . .: i- ! . ... . !; i j-;)'.'; .-.i.:ji: - . .. . , T i t rtegee ana stAnmngpr feat os, is a Ton snaxanfee tbat ,XTJEt IS TllH MOST HKhflBfW : UliU"OWlS JUTKeC Iftnfly tte demands of onrprtroBft Jdsnrtf Utetri iota woMerwimrw toWleftrfj ' firtueh el eeieetlBc oor stock bj tmr ock or always. The . - ,- -.,1 -a i"- ' i b-iuiasi li i - hi.i-i.'s iJw i lit vuoijya eriJ esw ,nsbioL .' .i j JIT J:--t L. t ?ililit-l TJ iv. it.c: Siilvi'i 0 Oil! io! J-1 esta 9gaJ tm Oritf ms lii.J g so Siat are real pretty. .-ll- "l i ' r - y Blaek aid Colors, at l?c, 15c ' and 25c Sandato. We have Just opened up a handsome In hand-sewed. We have a large stock of '.U h 1 ill we will mike it to your Interest ' '.1. Udfl ' ,1 r'.''lt 'i " '1U rMAkM il a 1 aaiuJynH .Jo',11' on loLni! li:ov tl-jna ClElinilol fe'QUAM GMMt). :i j? Oil il lo :'.lP.')tni ! U ALLS 1' BAWLS. Crime will Decrease PIANOS Tlin Rekcb of EranlioiT, CHICKBBING & SON, KRANICH k BACH, MATHUSHEK, -ORION ,-- SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM. Or LOOK HOW THI OLD HAlH&eWNI scia,tis)ies tkJwhQe readuu MS adj. him read, let hlm-ewn. Write to me and I wjn sebd fani ptiot (ribtef mself) butef my Pianos jaaipr ee mefer4tew or Mote, sodh s prieoe, terras, &c .4.: : ' '!: : v : : .. : " Address, or eall on , i ' ia v3ia biita edl ni -soibias'x ,-3: Wfe m&t ' Up JOt assInuj BOVTOX .rubioT, .7 .ri bh--B d) i tiwiJ 1 & i-j vat rx r-2 - 1 BBBBSSl : .-jao-xiiiidXuMi baiiiaifri Jiljis 1 1 i "" " J" 8 1 ol It);illi; ins?, udi 3nli BBrartger; a ffro akjMrt IfMloa. 'i H ;! I nr? ' r lue prwi j the VfolIowiDg' Is1; ari'' autbJentica opy : of th recent mortgage, f r.tb Mfflland Korth . CaroUna BaHwaj to the America! Loan aad Trust ConP mdfini!are.' made tiiis-BSt'av of Sepfember.ia tb year of puDXorti.ooa by virtue of ;tlie laws' b . trie Staite pf Nprth Qaxonfa party r-of the firtipart, and, tfte ; Aiaeflcan Ioan and Trust Qompanyt.of;i ta city j of; Boston; also a bodyjCQEaiauly.orgaed ahtLex- ( isjing undes wilS virtue of. Usy laws of the iiomaion'weaith of Massacliusetts'. ofthe.rst part .as durfonstitlilt6 a pooy poniq ror toe purpose, amopg other things, of constructingaii min cuiOUlH a rauw ay, wii, uue ,,of-; mgyre tracks And, hns, frotrLsorae Joint at or near the harbor of , Beauf ort, in the State of, North , CarofiaJ,to the xenrJesaee. line or ;to. some , antexiiiedxate- poot where satisfactorv thrbucii cdnneotions oaa be made with the existing proposed liuea, ao as to insure iui uuinierrupvea through connection from Memphis, in, the atate of Tennessee, to Beaufort har bor, fpresa; t poin't or pbinta, ' by auebf , line or .lines, as a majority, of the.diriBetors may determine :; H i - s 6t , incorporation that . Bui fBx&MTt- or , (eoptFaiffeora. i t jar.fpDaid , company are empowered m jjkurcnage; or aqqjiire 4 ior. . or; ; on , pen?UL 'saiampanv pr; tor its ultimate beaefiW to be incluaed as a 5wb ( of, , its 1 1 me or systeip,4r t6 b. in corporated wiui it as a orancp, aB.jtne case may be, any previously, .existing railroads, either at legal, sale, bt auc tion or otherwise, or upon such terms as. any poard of directors or a majority of; stockholders may agree: ' - i i Also, that the said company ahiall further; authorized to eharter,! bijCf), navigate, build, use, purchase, sell, con vey or otherwise acquire, dispose jof pt einpioy. steamships,, vessels and! such other .craft; ag may be. deemed necessary or expedient in,, the, prosecution it iu business, and ehaU likewise liave power to lease,, hire use, j.up maoage, iur cbase, contract with, r in any aha ev ery wyr employ ny jother rauroadj and. generally to do. and .perform any and eyeryjujtjQr aing, requisite or neces sary ift the premises; '. , And whereas, tx and ia J,he purphase, construction, equipment and opetating its enures Jineijof- railway, and any branches. and extensions which i it -has, or shaHf be .author iEd to construct or.operHte,4,he sid The iiidlapd sorth Carolina jEtail way Company, the; party of the first part, by its' board of direct ors, has duly and legally resolved to issue its ten thousand bonds of one thousand dollars each (being of the ag gregate amount of ten millions of dol lars $10,000,000), each bearing date of the first day of September, onelhdusand eight hundred and eighty-one, and ma turing the first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from and after the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, payable semi-annually, on the first days of March and September in each, year, upon the presentation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached to said bonds, as they severally, become due, at tbe office of said American Loan, and Trust Company, in the city of Boston, or at the office or agency of the said Midland North Carolina Bailway Com pany, at the option of the holder, which said bonds should be secured by a mort gage substantially in the form of these presents, to be made to bear even date w ith the said bonds, and made to said American Loan and Trust Company, of the city oi .Boston, as trustees upon me entire railway, nronerty and franchises of the said company, and which said bonds are to be in form following ; that is to say : Number,1 United States of America, .. ; ' State oe North Carolina. The MidlandrNtirth Carolina Railway Company First Mortgage Gold Bond. $1,000. - - . S1.000. Know Ati'Mtii Bt these presents! That, for valite rprftivfid; thft- 'Midland N pith' CaroHna Railway Cbrh$any aV the.ctratioB known sis the Americanf LrOan and, ITUSt company: Dearerin the irrrnf 'one thbusaad dollars, and ptomiseB to ttayfhe1 sme to the bearer hereof Jh gnld'cottrof :the United states, of 1 .theTyreseut Itaartr' weittht, and finene'ss; Wh'flrst daofSepUmtoer. Dn;mneteen, huar waiaieyjri. k '.Krt.a.W Uotrohliik' ir-TrVr ifdrot odtn; at the ta.te pf : stcenttrnr g6Yerfi.merit.tax, -oi March and: SeDtei hi thereto rffSl of this bond' shall be- oetweeri tae Miaiaua ,iN ortn , uaoolina Eailway Company, a boJy cprpbrale, duly organized and existing uhaer aha r:trre;:,Trgray-m: beTineamqeretT .UAAUWA1MS OklHSM yWM-Wy I . . . r - .7-: iTTTfT i .trnTTja a nM r a rvnaraA TiwTnn nnmu ni nr nam iv HMiu mi rwxu n mi i xii v. wikii . u n tm lull I I'J I I iTA case tits sxd&;rttay cdmpany shall' rxau-ior a penoa ox six ciemqar mo&tns eorpay any coupon Hereto attached when ttte Sama becomes due, and such default Ahall not have been waived br fajojv looaie rjayable' forthwith nDCJtxstomand. jjfaty in amowrt of tha holders at all said provuiedinsaidrnortaXftr : , yJNu the eacourament and protec tion of.'fioreijnr capitahsta; all bond or debemtnire hnidera shah, ba -entitled to an i i equal har in the manatrement of aid eompanywith the istiocki Or: shares holders i whenever anyr default may occur in the payment of the interest or fprincipat of tha same,;and shali have cme vote for rery dme irandred dollars bt aid : bonds i ox1 debentures held by eacnTespectrvery and may vote in per son or by proxy whenever any such de fault may occur. ; Thy bond shall not become A valid obligation until the certificate endorsed hereon- shall have been duly signed by the authorized officers of the said trus tee, or by its successor or successors in the trust. This"- bond may be registered in ac cordance with the provisions endorsed heseon. Irr witness whereof, the said i The Midland North Carolina Railway Com pany has caused its corporate seal 'to be . nereto affixed and these ipres l,s; ent8to besigne4 byttsPresi rj ' dentJi.aarl.i6ecretaTT. -tin -this first day of SepteDober, A; D., eighteen ; nunared antteigncy-jBe. t'Keccetary. i President. FORM F OOTJPON. No-; '; '' V ' $30.00. The Midlsod North Carolina Railway Company wUl cay to the bearer, at its office ;ojt agency, in the city of New York or the i.ty o Boston, at the op tion of the) holder, thirty: dollars in United 6tate9oid coin, or its i equiva lent in sterling money, on the first day of ' ' ' :i, is , Deing six montns inter est, due that day, on its first mortgage bond, Nq..rrr, for $1,000. Treasurer. , f$$jpj$jA !W irf ENDORSED The American Loan; and Trust, Gom- dsbv. trustee, hereby certines thatthis 3B one of a series of bonds meaUeaed or described in ax mortgage or . deed ; ox trust made by the Midland North! Caror itna RaiLway .Company,, of even date with the saidv toondVi . which mortgage bas been recorded, ;and ithat the total amount of sajd!tr9ods issued does not exceed the rate of 815,000 for each mile of railroad completed: and ready for eperation, as certified in writing by the executive committee of ; the board of directors of' said raiiway- company, in accordance with; the ter,ms of said mortgage. ....Trustee. . Now,, therefore, this indenture ,wit- ' That th'e :said The Midland' North Carolina Rattrbad Comiranv. in cousid- '6rati6tilot the premises, and oi "'timsum or one uoiiar xo it in nana paia uy me party '.'rif the second part, the receipt whereof is heieby acknowlfdged, for the purpose afpresaid, and in order to secure nthe'' punctual payment of the principal ana interest of the said bonds, to be issued as aforesaid, has grahted, bargained, sold, assigned, set over, aliened, enfeoffed, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, set over, alien, enfeoff, release,' convey and confirm unto the American Loan and Trust Company, party of the second part, and its successor or successors in the trust herein and hereby created and declared, all and singular the property, real, personal and mixed, of the party of the first part heretofore acquired or owned by it, wheresoever situate and of whatsoever kind and description, in cluding all thecright, title and interest which the said corporation now has, or may. at any time hereafter acquire in or to ail' apd singular the lines of railtoad acquired and to be hereafter acquired and constructed by the party of the first part, and also all branches and branch railroads, of the said party of the first part, and all and singular the telegraph and telephone lines of the said corpora tion constructed or to be constructed upon or Over any or all of the lines of railroad acquired or to be acquired or constructed by the ' party of the first part, and also all the lands, tracks, lines of railroad, rails, bridges, culverts, via ducts, ways, fights of way, depots, sta-ton-trQuses, coal-houses, shops, build jftgs. piers, wharves, structures, ereo lons; trestles, fences, walls, fixtures, easements, irancmsea, privileges ana thrhts. acquired or to be acquired by E the" party of the first part, and also all ioepmowVBs, water tanss. turn-iaoies, eaj:Uf;jei artiages, tools, macaw ery, manmajvarea- or Tin man u factraredy" mitetlalsk: coal, wood, and uipmpnt&a all tnemetrts.belong- rag V)X: apwriairnng' to xne saia lines oi railroad r also all the tolls, incomes, is- sues and profits, 1 arising or to -arise out nr tha eairl nrnnarw nr anv rTT Tnpm. 'pt'atid: allTights to receive and recover the smev.alsoL all the estate, xighttiUe aYrf iriterflBt ifr and to anv and all real amtrjadnaj- etate ponging to or py py vne ' pany or xqenrsc air leasehold lands, yrm A lilrt (ri IrrerTfTi' erected r also ail MPi?itmlkhfef ana ail oiner water PTiviieKesana prop , fertV, 6f etery sort and desriptioh.fiow' hAlrt nnrrifid it? to beJtefltiired bv-the paitf of Ihe firsf DaTJteihtehae. Mebviwnvytq terAWarJwW w maiXWK ;tmpany, pany:or w. ,od:purider;and..hy, T(TrMn fleienmion sua OExars in- totmftrf 1; and every right. Jitle" ftnd fflSffivt the.i?arty, Ofe first trart. in ana to ; ie . prpperry ana,, premises above inenttonednd described; 5ethi et as lessee or as holder of the stock or bondsof any other corporation, associa rion Ar Organization", or however BUCh interest of the said party of the first part rhay be Tegajrded in law; of In equi ty as-', .subsisting : or in; hearing in the afoWiA propertf ot prethises, of any part thereof; it being the true intent ud meaning of these presents tnat tne aftvof the . first nart: shall and doth: ifrant ennvev and eet bverto the -said American; Loan and u.cmpanjv -nartv of ' the Second nart. alt manner of iles oif every xma anaaescrrn--hoWever derived. alT&nd all nran- ner of teal estate and Interest therein. wher;ev finch, real estate; may be sith: a au,Tnanner;oi etrsr,n lerty. hr i whatever nai the -same may be. at parxjr oxine nrst pan, or atme nereaTter dnrirrgtne. i yt xnTs trnsE. mav ne av rjhtfee v mv2ctlott;ofi evety A descrtptkm. InjblbdiDfir UQs re- le,bc)kimtscbalaiic vk efIMcrjrtl-id1aciiantSOT eieft-ltfii ttid'deslofi: all wpeffT ty, and all personal tights or interests ate. ana an an ,,,'4 tm&&typ$frji$ iLftinanttta now" bt om with dBmtkfc Md, AMDum. fa en to- urnsBatAi8.. : reoeitAitiito riANimriifl. vv.u aJUJUerfj ' In any franchises or.' pftqpartyjof any kind and description realpersenal or mixed, and wherever' theaarna may be situate, that may at anyitUaw after the date of this inden tur b4 aeqtiired by or fotfthe party of tbeti rat 'part all of which is hereby coves anted shall inure by -way of accretion to the. benefit and advantage of the said American Loan and Trust Company, party' bf the sec ond part, and by way of further and better security. To have and to hold all and singular the premises, rights, franchises, and property, real, personal and mixed, aforesaid, with the appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise apper taining unto the said American Loan and Trust Company, party of the sec ond part, its successor or successors, in the trust hereby created, and its or their assigns to its or their only use and be hoof and benefit forever; In trusts nevertheless, for the use, benefit and security, as hereinafter mentioned, of the several -persons and bodies corpo rate, their respective executors, admin istrators, successors and - assigns, who shall be or become the holders of the said ! ten thousand bonds,1 or any or either of them, without any preference, Eriority or distinction whatever, to any older or owner of any such bonds, but subject nevertheless to the right of the patty of the first part and its success ors and assigns to retain the free and ttncohtrollaole use, en joyment, posses sion and management of the aforesaid premises hereby- granted,' or intended to be, until the said party of the second part is authorized to enter ttpon or sell the same, as hereinafter set forth. And it is expressly covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto, the same party of the first part covenanting as well for itself as for its successors and assigns, and the said party of the second part covenanting as well ror its successor or successors n the trust; in manner following: First That the party of the first part and its successor or successors hereby covenants or agrees to pay or cause to be paid all taxes, charges, rates, levies end assessments imposed, asssessed or levied, wnicn may hereafter be imposed, assessed or levied upon the premises, f rarfchises and property hereby mort gaged conveyed and assigned, or in- tenaed so to be ; ana to Keep all its roaa and rolling -stock and 'Other property in good order1 and repair f and to recon struct, replace ana-' restore an such or so much atiuftuch parts thereof as may be Worn out, wrecked; destioyed or dis placed; and at its own proper cost, ex penses and charge to do or cause to be done all acts and things necessary and proper to be done and performed in or- aer to Keep vana ana intact tnis lien or incumbrance upon all and singular the aforesaid premises, property and franchises, hereby created or intended so to be. Second. That the party of the first nart and its successors hereby cove nants and agrees at any time or time? hereafter, and from time to time to ex ecute, acknowledge and deliver undei its corporate seal to the party of tht becond part and its successor or success rs, sucn other and turther assurances. deeds, mortgages, obligations, transfers, assignments, bills of sale, indentures and instruments in writing, and to do and perform all such further and other acts and things as shall or may bt proper and necessary, or as the counsel of the party of the second part, learneo in the law, shall deem necessary, prop er or expedient, for the better or more effectaally securing the paj ment of the said ten thousand bonds, and the interest due and to grow due thereon.andfor the carrying into effect the true intent, de sign, object and purpose of these pres ents, or making, preserving, continuing and keeping valid and effectual the lien and incumbrance created or intended to be created by the execution, delivery and recording of this indenture.upon all the property .real, personal ana mixed.ol every sort and description, including all railroads, equipments, franchises and effects, now owned, possessed and acquired, by the party of the first part. Third : That the party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees to well and truly pay the sum of money in the said ten thousand bonds, and each and all of them mentioned, together with the semi-annual interest due and to become due thereon, at the rate of six per centum per annum, at the times and m the manner and at the places specified therein: and farther, that in case any coupon or any installment of interest on said bonds shall not be paid on presentation as therein provided, and shall remain unpaid for ten calen dar months thereafter, and such de fault shall hot be waived in the man ner hereinafter specified, then the par ty of the first part covenants and agrees forthwith to pay on demand at the place and in the manner in said bond specified the principals of all such Donas. Fourth: That the -party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees to ap ply the net proceeds arising from the sale of the bonds secured by this in denture to the building, grading and trtherwise aiding in constructing the 4ine of the said railroad, as the same may nave oeeu ot may De surveyea, and laid out, and for the full and com- ana topping of the said railroad, and the1 purchasing and prcJuririg of locbmotiv.eughies, cars and other nrobef etruWrtrefita and roll ing sbck. and other ;propef and' suita ble appurtenances fottheaaid railroad, and w the erectioTi.bt depots, station hpuses ana sucn oiner mniaings as may he suitable and proper for the rittn? That tire parti tn tne nrst part hereby covenants and agrees, after said ponds shall have been duly executed by and in behalf of the party of the first part, to deposit the same with the party of the second part to be certified and issued from time to time, as the same mat be sold or otherwise disposed of; and the. said trustee is authorized to certify and issue any of the said bonds at any trmeon the request of the par ty of the first part, as evidenced by the written order of the board of directors 6f the party of the1 flrst part, or of a ma- jority pi tne saia comipiee, in wuicu the president or acting president of the party of the flfst part shall In all cases jom, utjchponids shall in no case b$ftined ahtf Issued to an amount exceeding the sum df fifteen thousand dollar for each and every mile of rail- road 'Which is.ffow, or may hereafter ea"OTtTTOireuAur operaiea oy ytrfrthe lirst part. , ana hereby ana set oyer, or in- mch.afrthe time r per completed eadrioropex rtartr bfheaecorM nart in writing tion, of the names and residences of the MATiT OI IUO rmrt.v nf "ris9r"ajffl5B's Booh Mitel tm rrflr r h rava of the said ' cornora