SoiTli:attd Soil g?l?ai!l rat bBaxarra jfoa oirjdicaaat a- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: naav, one year, potivaid. w advance $& 00 SM III m. Ill - . ?f ll H I iav -iii ol I ;-tw im WS,- , . H I 4,I v-til - -': n'.s ill r mm m 1 1 u gjpej i; jriiciitTiui mcir - ri yLi h ., s-immn, 75 .f3.O0 .;.id ... 1.05 a BK Invited to call MONDAY, MAY 8th, 1882, lor tbe purpose of Inspecting oar 8SCQNP 8TOtK of SPBIWQ and STJMMEBOOODS. Those whtf bare seen our stock ot Lypp3' KIP WK4B, pronounce tt beautiful. In It will be found SPAN ISH LACE. PERSIAN LAWN, 8WI3S POLKA DOT TISS, FICHUS, HANDKERCHIEFS and LICK COLLABS In all shapes and qualities. LINKN and FERCALK COLLABS Id striped, Fo'ka Dot aod Embroidered. Your special attention Is cal ed to our DBES3 GOODS DEPARTMENT. In It will be found all tbe latest novelties, SILK GBENADINES, BRO CADED SILK-j, fcILK and WOOL bUlTINGS. NUNS VEILING, C YBER CLOTHS and FANCY GOODS ol all binds, with SATIN, ST1K. MOIRE, eta. etc to trim. We claim that no socb stock EMBROID ERIES and LACK TRIMMINGS can be found In Charlotte as we are now offering. A tremendous stock of POLKA DOT Wlsb and PKBUNXAWNS la Ecru and White, with Em broideries to trim. We ere offering a large stock of LINEN LAWNS, FRENCH LAWNS, UNION LAWNS. PERCALES, CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, eta., etc., at prices as ow as can be found anywhere. : We are still reducing our larte stock of HOS IERY at low prices. SPECIAL . ATTENTION Is called to our , ";-v DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT, The Only Place in the Ciiy Where Yon Can get a pair of iha FOSTER KIDS VAI? xo TCSX 13TH, 187C) ALEXANDER & HARRIS, maj7 Pegraii. & o., -D2ALEHS IN Boots, Shoes, Hals, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEi.RAM & CO., Ha?e the Best toci of Cents' HaM-Srwd- lioes I THK ;-tate. P E GRAM CO., Can supply you with the BEST BRABDS and LATEST STYLES -OF- UES.YvsS M Children's Shoes. PEG-RAM & CO., HaVE a pbktt y line of GENTii1 and LADIES' SLIPPERS. ' - - - I'"-' P EG RAM is CO., nY ALL KINDS OY t'liiiilreDS Shots and Slippers. PEGHAM & CO., KEEP JL WM.L 88tCTXD SlOCK OF Trunks and Yafa OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HIVE JUST B EDITED AFIN3I STOCK OF Silk.Mtaastraw Hats Of the Latest fctyle. OftaetatertStjles. One month WKXKLY KBIT ION: jfgejdy (in the county) fenefvate. . i . Out the county, EUdrpaid . .... xmonlht liberal Reduction Jbr Otulx. P E GR A M & C O. , .. ; . '.' i. ; - CAN SOTT THEIR. ' , ' 1 ". ' - ' ' '" ' . i ) ) wuh mi kiod wditirY wisfc P E G R ArrW&HCO., Sloe DfiBt -teBMefeiilg Lyons'' QmI gd(Mm 1 ji.i. .. I ,' 1 ; ) ) ' 'V I ; . . .: . - - i -. - VOL. XXVII. , . , , . ;,-gAtffigg, ; iJ.' NO. 4,091. JJ AVINQ Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In the way ot Novelties of the season. We have replemlshed our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades, Summer 81iks and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Satteens In fancy colors. Nuns Telling in all colors from 35c to SI per yard. A new lot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of , LAWNS To be found Id the city Mull Muslins In pinks. blue and cream A new lot of Ulsters for Ladies In Linen and Mohair. A new stoek of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear in new styles. A new lot of Bunt tag in all colors from I2ftc to 81 per yard. . Come and see and be convinced that we hare the goods and prices to salt you Very Bespetcfally, T. I.. SEIGIiE A CO. may7 iUcdtcal. A Kiefer-Failing Cure fbr Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc After forty years of trial. Perry DaTis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It Is safe t It acts immediately ! It never fails t Editor of the St. John QT. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc, It is the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have teen its magle effects, and know it to be a good article. From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, - Rhenish Prussia: Alter long years of use, I am Batlsfled It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, braises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Oa., says : It is a panacea for all Drulses and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, He.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis Bays: In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. W. Lam, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Paiu Killer frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and heal wounds like magic Tor scalds" and burns It has no equal. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been In constant nse; and those who have used it the longest are iit best friend. Its success i entirely becanseof its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundred of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Mnch pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be laved by prompt application of the Fain Killer. Unlike most medicine, it imperfectly tafe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c, SOc. and 81.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept e4 lew sept & oct BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, ut-rine disturbances mrpidity of functions, . with leucor rhoea. dUmenorrria, and bfsterla. Dr. Clarke's ali in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Aff'trd prompt relief to those distressing bearing down p 1I118 so peculiar to women. Price 553 per box, Sent free by-nail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicioe Com puny, New Torkrity. Periodical Pills. OR Scrofula or any Blood Dlnordcr. Dr. Clarke' Pill. """" -i"--:'M econaary or ternary, are an invaiu- j able remedy. They never ran to cur when directions are followed. Price 82 50per box. Flveb xes$10 Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. N INVALUABLE BEOTED1T. Tor weakness of tbe Kidneys and bladder. quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments In the urine, from what ever cause Induced, whether of re rnt or lonsr standinff. : One to three Br. Clarke's Gonnorrhea boxes usually sofficTeiiL j pgetr&LJ pec dox. loqpo! poxeq Mailed ree ore receipt ot price. A6 Pllla. (dree Dr. Clarke Mdfclae Company! New iotk cny. 1 - 'HEKE IS A BALJfl Iff OIIBAD For all cases of SiwrmatorrbaBa' and lmpotency, as the result of seilr ahnsfl in vonth. sexual excesses m Dr. maturer years, or other causesand l. nmducirut some of tbe f effects: Nervousness, seminal ions fnierht emissions DJ cueaos Clarke's Dimness of Sight, Defective. item ory, fhisicai aecay, nropjea op trace. Aversion to Society of Femi UN, Hnnfiialnn nf Tdeas. LOS9 :of SHXnilrTi WVWAHU.W . ' t . . 1 Power, &c, renaering marrage mv - nroneror unhappy. Are a poslflTe. Invlgcrat'ag cure in two to 8 weeks. One far fir, hnTAa iifniallr sufficient Price S per box. J our Doxes tsen oj Pills. pany, New York City. . .... lobil413w mm. i m 1IJ1L1L1 U. UU. U jij Hic!;Q!P6i!& "i Tliee-Ien-1: pat -fiisaenej at thav ypERny X PAIM " X killer point, trill not corrode or rutrt, and win no icmoa Vi ictt0iirteirtylesaCrhekdplBi8v j'LtrJalbyansikoaesett25caata'T t f ' - Solo Atemtm,-1"'- ' ; vdn? Blakiferrian; Taylor & Co NEW YOBK. 11 " 1 1 " 11: vii' -' , ... .I.-...,,, ., THE ASSASSIN'S KNIFE RET Alt Y CUT DOWN. f Great Iadignatioa of All Classes: in En gland, and & Reward of $5,0(0.0 ferediy Boston Irisamea for tie Ap prehension of the Assassins. LoNDbN, May 8.The Times isay $ it is now thouRrrtr- that- Ijofd Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Barke 1 were; tbth deliberately selected for assassination during the-recession in Dublin on Sat1 urday. A man enquired three tinw whether Liord Frederick Cavendi8h was in the procession. The cbieise retarv at last read his name.1 ; The man' replied, Thank you,? that wiU idOLw I Three men on ' horseback 4 wawhed' the procession in a snsptciOTis manner. There were eight gapirig wounds in the body of Lord Frederick Cavendish and eleven in that of Under Secretary Burke. A special messenger left London for Dublin hastily this morning. BOSTON IRISHMEN OFFER A ' REWARD. Boston, Mass, May 8. The follow ing was this uibrnrngeafeled to Harnell : "A reward of $5,0j0 one thbuM&d pounds is hereby offered by Irishmen of Boston for the apprehension !dr! 'He murderers, or any of them.lof Xord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Brkeon Saturday Majtj6th, on behalf of Irish men of Boston. Signed John Boyle O'iieifiy, Patrfck A. Collins." DENOTJNCING THE ASSASSINS OF LORD CAVESTOISH AJND KtS; SECRETARY. 1 . . . London, May ,V-A; meeting of con servatives was held in London Sunday afternoon. Sir Stafford Korthcote, Mar quis of Salisbury, and all prominent members of the last conservative cabk net were present. The meeting lasted an hoar. Resolutions . were passed ex- Eressing horror at the; assassination of .ord Cavendish and Secretary Burke, sympathy with the government and tbe willingness of the i opposition to support the government with their whole strength in coping with the mur derers in Ireland. Sir Stafford Northcote said he doubt ed whether the government would pro claim martial law, but that if they did they might reckon on the rapport of the conservativesT i , - ADJOURNING THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. London, May 8. The" Cabinet de cided to adjourn the House, of Com mons to-day, after allusions to the mur der of Lord Cavendish and Secretary Burke had been made by the leaders of both sides. THE SOUTHERN METHODISTS. Some Interesting Facts and Figures. We gather the following interesting statistics from the address of the bish ops at the Genera Conference in ses sion at Nashville last week : The force of itinerant ministers un der appointment to active labor in our thirty-nine Annual Conferences and our mission fields is 3,704, being an in crease in the last quadrennium of 247. Our itinerant system is exceedingly ef fective. The membership has increased from 798,862 to 860,687. Thirteen thousand of these were added to the communion of the Church last year. The amount of church property and accommodation for congregations has increased in proportion. Houses of worship have been built or renovated on a better style of arhttecture, and there has been, in a marked degree, a general clearing out of old debts. The condition of our mission work, at home and abroad, may be outlined in the following statements: The amount raised for foreign mis sions, from May, 1874, to June, 1878, was 8242,933.98; from June. 1878, to April, 1882,8354,371.09 an increase in the last four years of 8111,438.01. In the same years were contributed to domestic missions within the bounds of the Annual Conferences tbe sums respectfully of 8216,916.67 and 8229.850, the amount iu tbe last quadrennium being in excels of the former by 89,934. 31. The Indian mission has steadily grown. We have now in that Confer ence over 5,000 members CherQkees, Ohoctaws, Chicasaws, Creeks and Semi noles. besides several hundred white people and negroes, who: have obtained citizenship or right of residence among the natives. The- gospel and the ordi nances of tbe qtiurch are -.dispensed tb them by more ' than thirty' ttaveling preachers most of thefn ,In4fans-r-and -one hundred and twenty,. local preach ers. .'Eb.e Mexican Border Mission, on our liofifhftPn f frSrTtier.'has extefided its ter-ritorialjfimite2-The number of ' mem berisd8el)00i nativ?pfeachers 17; cnuTcnes Bav-x)eenLaujit ana more are an i Droiecteil.LI Ini thft Central Mexican tVi : 5 Ai ;w - Daisainiit! Mttw-upycr-' wcuiucia, 3f najijiraciFeaaneKaiia 33 aay scnoois,' besides Sunday schools. h Thyrrjychool department has rrdereti&ring the past fourj vears.Tincraedn the number or ,.B6Wolnd of pupils 71,- I t.Tberearefionr, 'T31(? schools, 6244a tearfi6rsi4eiltiiupls; increase last. jeat 21.7JW; 1 TheiSuriday school litera- ttreliasfWetQnyVid in quality.v re duced in rlcendincreased in circula tion. - "" h'1 -y' s' In aggregate., circulation imsWm&JWS&m isiiuMt ;is now r6veit4miOTfcBSwJbook and iatechi3mBfMveH)ee1rTished. ad- --Tfte tulCron" of- trar pubrMhTfi ir5usei'Jn4 deib-.toriany changec Aaifor tJia.better, JMcathe General iCdntetetice last hatf' Its0 under4 quate to the emergency has ainsjihAibliAhSu iMWtaai - . i A. . IU.UUU. UTUWUIk mta - fKA - Lviv. -.V-V' r5G0a dar, and tMlial ceeded " the asssots WMinore Thejn ow aooye T1 ftnili f.jfo,P7r mb 1 ,i tit, T f Liiageable sapaangv innrTPZcentB bohdifcoibiaog tinje. Also, ihat,ihe maaafmrfainag.. fftrihties of rirftAsi m fmtlnr. cased and its 3 Priso- xisuacv t tj - - , , : Brookha eonntT-iail troyed by weburried.W; flrftoxigv MtbtkA In .wll i Veseoati B'ioa ferftto-tha hope ot msrinn ingir escape. tion of Earl Speacer Demed. :Ii6Hi)0t'Mi,K'Mtoouiiced Nfflaii unnAav that there was not the slightestloundation for the report 6t me imp8xfanig rtauuaMuu man. How Poker as a Iaekloesvtoi Wetter. Frankfort Letter in LoulsrfUe CotrfterooTaai. ' ' Last Tuesday, night at 7:30 o'clocB; five gehtiemen, three of whom were legislaterssat'down to the time-honored round-table and began topOiy. "Tfme flew by so rapidWi?iCiabpk tney all agreed they, had bter ,; play a little longer. It was a big gameS caUl and table, takes. . Aces were worttilOO and two : Dalra. antthmac . ander . &50tf. '.' Hour, after-hour passed, and the colli. Anil; aayiifiiUi Degan f peep, in at them through, the' closedi shouera. and still Hhey played. One--lriener was 82,800 Silb'clrxkandtmother 1.500 hmd-i Brejakfastiwaa ordered. They. ped itdown,.adVgain; withi pale. arq iac wv rac aooui tn uiDie. weive o'clock. .. hurb,. n,Qon..t,and thev were, sun at it. wu air 11 the room was stifling, tttt thsftA&$i!XSl f or thaL' It was a beautiful day withopj, the air balmy, and warm, but the f rightful fas cination of tAe garnekept thfefn there irk tne close room nn4w ithe:poJ3oiious gas jets, necessarya becuseii.the-.iviBdw8 must be kept ch,iiitth -cards an4ietg tAeyIpSi J bix. o dock came, ana dne oTthc party 4- was gone, utterlyrospowrbT-!He left 81,000 in taiehaTirlsrr,;ftiMPbiUs. utterly 'sfcrokeh 4ot HeTl)PQ WitfAe The Gfgat kinCjiresj tiues and staggered off ite bed. At 8, uciuci were : ww8uomj"iHtHOi uie, party left, with white iasashps. and nerves all shattered, bv drink 'aft d the awful excitement of the tame.', Just at 2 o'clock !Thuratiay fliteM n'thp&J three men separated, .afteri: thirty -six. hours of incessant play and 83,4QQ ,tad been won and-, lost, One of tpe rrieri was sick for two days : another has not recovered yet, It was a terriblf expe rieafce for all bfthem. i A Bishop on fie Southern Outlook. Bishop Qaiotard.' of Tennessee, at tended the Alabama Episcopal Con ven- tion at Montgomery last week and de livered an address, in which he took occasion to make some very encourag ing references to the Southern (States. Taking Tennessee and. indicating her possibilities, he showed that , the popu lation had increased in . ten years 283,- 874. That he production of cotton dUting the sime period increased from f 81842 bale&l W $9,623; .sorn .from 41, 53,034 bilaliek to - 02,74,429 bushels; iron from-29,00f) -to 160,000 tons, j an4 in many other industries in even greater proportion. As a matter of encourage ment for the people of ! Alabama, he showed that her population increased in ten years from 996,922 to 4,262,594, j The production of cotton increased from 429,482 bales to 699,654; corn from 15, 977,948 bushols to 25,451,278 bushels; iron from comparatively nothing to fully ltoDOO&ons last year, and indica tions pointing .200,000 this tear; coal from oahRtoat feasti i,500,000 tons. He? said toat there are fifty-eight oil mills in the South. Of iron Bishop Quintard contended that the Alabama iron region has probably the best dis posed materials for the conversion of ore in the world, combining the three requisites iron ore, coal and limestone of the best quality lying parallel for fifty miles or more. Coal so abundant as to be put on the cars at $1 per ton, and the whole in unlimited quantities one mine putting forth 1,500 tons per day. 80 that where in England a miner goes 1,200 feet in depth for it, in Ala bam a these deposits can be had with almost horizontal shafts into the hills. Think what all this means, said Bishop Quintard, when tbe surface of all civil ized countries is fairly gridironed with' iron roads. Of phosphates, a third mar vel in possession, the Bishop said the harbors of South Carolina and Georgia have beds of this material two or three feet in thickness, laying as coal does elsewhere. There it is with yery limi ted arrangements as yet, supplied in such quantities by dredgiDg machines that for three months together 100 cars per day are run to the upper country to renovate the worttout soil. Large quan tities besides go abroad, bringing a re turn of capital, Bishop Quintard said it is impossible to estimate the value of this product to the' South, the only de posit of this kind, he believed, in the world. This is but one more of the ad vantages in the hands of the Southern people. Cotton itself we all know the value of as the, great staple. Increase in manufactures, oil mills and other matters or general importance were briefly and graphically referred to. How the Chinese Go. Napa (Cal.) KeponeT. ... elated Martinez. April 29tb, of the fol lowing purport: "Sfgiis have4 been ap parent nere for some days mat vigorous measures would be taken bv our citi zens to rid the town of the Mongolians located, in. our midst, and tni$ teeiiug has been intesified by the recent em ployment of Chinese in the local can neries to' the exclusion of white labor. Thedimax was reached this evening, wherr; as if by a Common understand- ing.andUwith one mind, the citizens turned out en masse, and assembling in tbe vicinity of the house occupied try the hinese, demanded, that they should vacate thei nrtrAises. i The Chinamen were slow-to obey these orders! when a general oQglaughfr-yae made, and, -Uija hniidihff' WasmbletiilV s demolished. theTfclestfatelleeWm ditecUOns.(; xne nraeBo wasn-anwsea were tusy vis ited ancU the. Mongolians compened to. decamp". ( Jteststance Mas Offered: in iminV-cerbyfheChlrlaVBn ahdue report of urearms.was frequent ; AJ l tnis nour ociock p. m.ib,isxo- Mrted thatrthreerbave .been killed and,; seyenu. woHnaeo. iom voice at larfciuez is that the "Chinese must go," andMJie ; W m m. mr A . . " most effectual means have Jaeeti adopt ed to enforce the unanimous jreriict. ftskint tea Corafield. v Info4orario4rten-aere field whien line eepLT Qa ttie BoUis.CPitivated a cermluisrii produces thirls jwracre. ir anyotte waitaae a todi a hole to tlie depth' of AiTtVLa'":L:'"-Yi iliVikWt ignir UHY u "iSBSSaaeitn'lItt scales trm1? shape.' wail la umiuc, iiia ty.was at One, time water, on which ac- 9 epen-i iatanrefetatie matter, wmen nas beeildTicreaseoTiTomumeto nme, traui ana ncu tu. pruuuuo uue win, w,uwu ft; JiaaTQi CurnVBt br trand.'aa it Is H9t twgjewugb. to bear- the, weight of a horse. While narves ting the hands atch'great istzingarfaluby a hole liu-oueivtneearxn. a person rising on gea tlwgiowtng com Mtmm caif aronna him A n votia haviiwanfrleismcsuamrtn pear altogc ier. 1 Western ArejiaftXiria,lUs- .for. aames. have bsen'iestond to perfect healUi 1 jvtMMlEXAm OosBaoratft. It ba posttrfBcare tne most stabborn casei ol female weakness. . f From (he pprns JournaL , ' A KsssarkaHS HbusOvmrf.- M : A REAL SKIN OipRE, ' ' .TBXBM OJHXrHB :r - Dewaryof-mpoafrB. rtratea.-or anr okl articles Nalc now suddenry !lalm te be beet Tihex' haye mm. Uei Bjrtbantt wannftJwbiieihls has been rproreclaiemarkable this curaiire heeds no patapoai 'or l&ootnpie hensrbie title or.Greek oj atjn, 'to lUBtaln if, .but its simple; Xnglisa' nane .'appeals' dlrecey trj the eomif9n4en8e of the' people.' And peobltfar signally manlTeskng their appreciating of ttna frankness by selectine and uslne Dr. Benson's SKIN CURE in preference to all otker professed remedies. " C. W. Benson has long been vreQ known as a successful, pbjalcian and surgeon and his life studi iu& been the diseases of the nerrons sjsten put nis w aemeuy ana jrawnte .rrescripuon as s ''Skin Cure" on the market, ysjlousthinlBs'feasfi sprung np Into existence, or have woke ;ua ftpqn L thealfifiai J-We.iPwbjchJihey. were bafore, and I CBBaware lrnltaUons, or. the yario artieea wuicu nave Deen aaverasea ior years aicm.i having no real hold or merit an or trugpled that how endeavor to keep head a! ft'dVerttefng themselves as '-Tbe Grat8l None 18 genuine and reliable, except' Er iC. . W. Benson's Skin One. Eaeh package apd bottle bears his likenes?.- IntenaKand external remeay, twobotaesra one package. Price S 1.00. get at your druggists.' S . ' Relief fir ail Overworked Biun, CAUSE AND CUKE. - II.. Dr. 0. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who sqffejs from. nerrous headacnes caused by ah overworked brain in ineu siuuies, anu ior ail classes oi nara Drain- workers whose overtasked nervous centers.. need. repair and sedation. -Nervous tremov weakness, and paralysis are being dally cured y these puis. They correct costlveness. but are- not-iurgatiye,. Price, 50 cents or six boxes- for $2 50) oostage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor, oan be addressed. Letters of inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton. New York, is wholesale azent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 HRS. LYDIIL PIMMM 5F lMt KASS., LYDIA E. PI NIC HAM 8 VEGETABLE jCdltPODKlX ; Is a Posttlve CAre far Bll tkaaa rafaTst Coplalnta taA WaakaaSSSS It wiB cope tntiiely the wont form of Female Com plaints, sfl ofrttn tronbies, InltsnrnaWop and TTlcera tion, Tallin mmt. DbjdaeemeBta, and the consequent flpbtal Weakness, and la parUcnlarijr adapted to the Change of Life. It win 'dbiolve and expel turn on from the nteroi In en early rtage ot development. The tendency to can oerom humor, there U checked very epeedily by its nee. It remorea f aintnesa, flatulency, destroys ail eraTlnc for rtlnn1"', and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating-, -Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debflity, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl g-estlon. That feeling- of bearing down, causing pain, weight aad backache, is always permanently cored by Its see. It will at all times and under all cireumstancee act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Tor tha core ot Kidney Oempatintt of either aazthls Oomponnd Is unsurpassed. iTDIA . rlXKIIAU'S TECETABLK COM". FOOD 1 prepared at 233 and t35 Western Avenue, Iynn,Hass. P-rlceft Blxbottlesfor . Sefxtbymail In the form of pills, also in the form of losenges, on receipt of price, $1 per bos for either. Mrs, Pinkham freely answers all tetters of inmiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above., Mention thi Paper, So family ehonld be without LTDIA K. PDvKHAU'S LTVER FTLLS. They cure constipation, bllloi and torpidity of the liver. 96 cents-per bei S3- Sold by all lrrafcstjrts. '1 PELOUBET fe CO., ESTEY, ROSEDAIE, Steiaway, Webber, Decker Bro's. Q A3 NES and. GATS CITY ' PI ANOiS. ewtpekipj;ano3. It Is conoeded, lead tne .WoricU.I,ar4 agent for ;all tne celelirated New York makes land 5ELL THEM AT rACTOBT PBICES. PL Do not be fooled by Jtasny adTertUements, but te fii a trial be fore jroo-buf aad I will sbow you that I can distance alt oompett-i tors, both in price and i terras. An I ask Is a trial and this Wn rtnthinr. while ico ay be the'mesiM ' fe saitog yoris grjeatjS Ivt anlevvTirriMrt. 01 vm- Oreans always in stock 4ltber to sell , or rent. CaU on or address ' Lock Box 274. CnarlMtetlMV' 78 rrHTneTtiirnriifl State Board ef X Dei tal Examiners will lrstd la Salem, dm rhkr,Rfiis.T-. arBBSsyMatn'iersons ar.wiraMnadl''pefsons com-. Me BOfbSt tne penaiaeset-t 'iiwcwi eaeet fieirtiset amJ iaV Ob- -fseieiwpy momtr-ansV HOtTJMDO, vnSflOwet 1.1 3 3 .J 1A vJ ( I 3 " 5 tr. At Id. i I f X 1 piiiuisu in, 11 sssnr mtrk TT bb saWwrSfc eJ "Wi Jksar A wm luUkJ DaKLMBntai 1 1 ijitij i ,1 sshiipmw liny" seshw-WU r.l H ' We Received Per A Large Slock of LACES in New Effects, ALSO SOME NEW STYLES KOOPSKIRTS. WE XfiK OFFEBTNG BABGHN3 IN SIVHtaL LINX3 OP GOODS, AND Parties Will Find it to Heir Interest to Examine Our Stock. iL We bare a!se Just LAWNS, , And are constanffj addlna to our stock everything new that comes out. ' jail and see us. Prompt attention giren to orders. Truly, JHuWIlIl -THE J TJ WEIGHT 1500 B ill SQUABE GRAND. McSMITH WILL DOUBLE HIS STOCK. LOOK OUT FQR SQUALLS 1 BAWLS. i Let Music Increase! Organs within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SMOSWGER BELL CHIME, PKLOUBET&CO. and STEItUN'tf. ' ": c:" a a o r p g o jgjf Ncier leteM low- Prices! Easy Terms H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. PRE W-.88 Ti 11 11 111 NEW mm NEW STYLES! LATEST COTS ! COME ! T7OB oar stock is now complete. We call especial 1: IN OUBOWN BQD8X. wo are jUstineu in rlence and standing of out House, Is full guarantee 18 THS MDoT HKLIABLJS tHJhV in M9S sUTKet. study the demands of our patrons, and Insure-them lots m oroer ter to Introduce l-ow Priced. Goods, Iftut made up In suck a style as Is worn In fashionable aWwrttn otrr stock br eoirie early lrtrbe Market of Our stock of Boar and Cli 1Jrl y en.yi Olotli Ing Is as fine as Jways. The latest styles in HATS, ALL COLORS. ' r:' " " TOE.rhEST IKTHE (3IT3T. TH E YOR KTOWN SCARF, The JMcMPlit, ,1A tte Ttfilf , . : : . . , ,dl tAaLtaMOM-k. W hb to MAKES, Tnrift- , . . lk I'l'EjHLK-aertaip" TAOS, BXCfPt-pOCTSSS, IPAKPHLXTa. CBCUIyAE, CgEfTa, Express Received some New L AWNS, MBO" Cia.Rostisija.s. Crime will Decrease PIANOS WitWfl Reacb of Eyeryloily. CHICK KBING r SOV, KRANICH k BACH, MATEU8HEK. -A R I O N SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM. LOOK HOW THX OLD MAN FROWNS . And scratches Ms bead while reading Mc's adv. Make "him read, let him frown. Write to me addl will send jou a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or gsns. Make your selection, then go for oho and write to me for a few mors doU, suoa as pricey terms, 4c. Address, or call on SPRIG ! a 8888 22s3 attention 1e tbe SABM 1RTB MAKTJT ACT U ItKD asseruBg, and not xap?rae. tbst the lone eir that W6 up arst-elasi earments, and always absolute TTOM PRICKS. We do not bnr lob rnrarlabty offer the rjobilesuehIiOTHiQ and circles in Korthem cities, -we baT tbe eboiee of which nrlvlleee the Late Purchaser la debarred opeucei. -

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