gao& and go grittting. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: trgVl cm, vtar. yostyaiA, i advance $8.00 gmaUht TkmmaU. 2.00 nm mcni? WMMKLX EDITION: WeeUv ( MMnt)' o"" $2.00 OutAo emmtv, mHnd , 2.10 ggttMtAf 1.06 THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has beenTthoroughly supplied vita every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type and every manner of Job Prmttaf can now be done with neatness, dispatch, and caaapnesa. We can for niah at short notice, BLANK3, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CABOT; TABS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PBOoaAiotra, handbills, ;PAMPHLET8. CIRCULARS; CHECKS, 4c VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MAY 10, 1882. NO. 4,095. C I JUL "... . iwJ .;' BM lain to call MONDAY, MAY 8th, 1882, for the purpose of Inspecting our 8XCOND STOCK of SPBINO and SUMMER GOO Da. Those who bare seen out stock Of LADIES' KECK WEAR, pronounce tt beautiful. In It will be found SPAN ISH LACK, PERSIAN LAWN. SWISS POLKA POT TIES, FICHUS, HAN DKLBC HI KFS and LACS COLLARS in all shapes and qualities. LINEN and PERCALE COLLARS in striped. Polka Dot and Embroidered. Tour special attention Is cal'ed to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In tt will be found all the latest novelties, SILK GRENADINES, BRO CADED 8ILX3. BILK and WOOL SUITING 3 NUN8 VEILING, Cl.YBER CLOTHS and FANCY GOODS of all binds, with SATIN, 8ILK. MOIRE, etc., etc, to trim. We claim that no such stock EMBROID ERIES and LACE TRIMMINGS can be found In Charlotte as we an now offering. A tremendous stock of POLKA DOT SWISS and PERSIAN LAWNS In Zero and White, with Em broideries to trim. we are offering a law stock of LtNEN lawns, rHESCH LAWNS, UNION LAWNS. PERCALES, CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, etc., etc., at prices as ow as can be foond anywhere. We are stin reducing our lare stock of HOS IERY at low prices. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our DOUESTIC DEPARTMENT, The Oaly Place io the City Where You Can get a pair of the FOSTER KIDS. A5 VtD JVXX 1MH, 1876. J ALE2AOTEE I HARRIS, ma 7 Pegram & Co., DKALEHS in - Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEGRAM & CO., Have the Best Stock of Gents' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THE STATE. PEGRAM & CO., Can supply you with the BE8T BfiAHDS and LATEST STYLES -or- Ladies' Hisses and Children's Shoes. PEGRAM & CO., hats a pretty line of GENTS' and LAW SLIPPERS. PEGRAM & CO., Hi YE ALL KINDS 07 ildrens Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., EE1P A WELL SELECTED STOCK 01 Trunks and Vices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Felt Straw Hits Of the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. PEGRAM a CO., CAN BCTT THEiB ..., j it Shoe DresaDffriiBIafikiiif Second Stock. JJAVING ast returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS i,i the waj of Novelties of the season. We have replenished our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, SUns and Surahs In all shades, Summer Suns and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Satteens In fancy colors. Nans Veiling In all colors from 35c tq$l per yard. A new lot of Laces In all thr, new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of LAWNS To be found In the city. Mull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladies In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear In new styles. A new lot of Bnnt iLg In all colors from 12c to SI per yard. Come and see and be convinced that we have the goods and prices to suit you. YefTRespetcfully, T. I.. SEiGLE &. CO. may7 A NMTG1 -Failing Care for Burns, Soalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe I It acts immediately I It never fails ! Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, Bays : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc., It Is the most effectual remedy wo know of. No family should be without a bottle ol It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have seen Its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From L S. Potter, TJ. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It Is a panacea tor all onuses and burns. From E.W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has failed me, W. W. Lum, Nicholville, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic. J.W. Dee says: For Bcalds and burns It has no equal. PERRY DAYIS'lPAIX KILLER Is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been in constant use ; and those who have useil It the longest are its best friends. Its success inentircly because of its merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced , hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Lid ike most medicines, it Imperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 25c., Oc and Sl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept A oct. A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Rellere all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dismenorrhsea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price $3 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Dr. Clarke's Periodical PUls. jpOB Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Antl- Syphilitlc Pills. In either stage, whether primary, necondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Priflfl S!2 Kfroer box. Five boxes 810. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess ur uiarse jneaicine company, Mew York City. N INVALUABLE BEfflEDY. Tor weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure Dr. Clarke'e Oonnorrhea Pill. In 4 to 8 days ol all unnary anec- imartfnff frpmlPTit nr dlfflcult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in me urine rrom wnat ever cause induced, whether of re cent or loog standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price 82 per box. Three boxes for $5. Millsil frM nil rsnilnt nf nrliw. Ari- Idress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, iiew xont ciij. P11ERE IS A BALM IN O I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea and lmpotency, as the result of self abuse In youth, sexual excesses In maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effort a NAivAiimtfaa aomlnill Amla- Dr. slons (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem ory, Phisical deciy, Pimples on Pa. Aversion toSoclety of Females. Clarke' Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Sexuil Power, so, renaenng marriage im nrniwr nr nnhariDT. Are a positive In ylgr rating onrA in two to ft weeks. One to fix boxes usually sufficient- Price 81. 50 per dox. D our noxes oeui vy mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Pill. fob 1 9 d&w lSw PEBHY & C0.'S fJieliel Pens, Z-Jil4A5J CP 1 DAVIS'S X killer . These Pea are Bpecufiy hardened at the point, win not corrode r rust, and wttl be found most serviceable and durable Sample card, with , in different atylee of nlokel plaUd pena. cent far Mai by mail on receipt of 23 centa. ' Solo AffentSf Ivison. Blakeman, Taylor & Co., IfEW.TOBa?. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. POLITICS IN THE OLD NORTH STATE. Colonel William Johnston as a Hide andSeek Player--A "Penny-a-Lin- er's" View of the Sitnation--Sur mises as to What May or May Not HappenMr. Dowd on the Bank Question Mail Contracts Postal Points and Personal Paragraphs. Washington, May 8. North Caro lina circles here are taking much inter est in the recent turn politics have as sumed in the old North State. The papers containing the proceedings of the anti-prohibition committee meeting in llalelgh have been eagerly sought, and the report and editorial re marks anent its proceedings have formed the theme of much talk, cease less gossip and wild speculation. That Cooper should have resigned the chair manship of the committee, and that Colonel William Johnston should have been elected his successor, is no sur prise to those here acquainted with his visit last winter and the objects that he then sought to accomplish. Defeated for the moment by his scheme being published in this correspondence, he resorted to equivocation, where he dared not deny, and, in a card published in the press of the State, sought to palliate what he could not refute. For the nonce he accomplished his purpose, and hardly a day passed but what papers reached this office in which such en dearing epithets as "penny-a-liner." "scribbler" and what-not were applied to the writer of this correspondence. Having received my information of the Johnston-Price interview with the President in such a way as to divulge names would have been to have vio lated a confidence sacredly imposed, no course was open but to remain quiet and allow the spleen of ignorant but over-confiding editors to spend its force. But now the truth of that celebrated interview, in which Colonel Johnston sought to sell what little influences he possessed for a "pound of flesh," is no longer the subject of doubt. His course in accepting the chairmanship of the anti-prohibition committee, which adopted a platform renouncing all former party allegiance, is conclusive of his position. A man with the most towering ambition and selfish motives, with principles as pliable as the aspen twig, he was a rank monopolist when his railroad interests demanded it, a howling anti-monopolist now, that he seeks the support of the people. Defeat ed for every oflice in the gift of the peo ple, from Governor down to Mayor, he now derides and contemns the princi ples or those whose sullrage he has so often sought, and identities himself witli a party whose deeds still smell as rank in the nostrils of honest men as the put rid cai cass in the field. Without sense of shame for brazen effrontery knows no shame he disregauls stric ture, is callous to criticism, and, though beautifully dresspd down by the State press last winter for his double dealing and hypocrisy, he does not wince, re garding such writings as encomiums to his peculiar virtues. Caught in his dou ble dealings, his sense of honor was not such that he refrained from prevarica tion to cover uo his tracks, and his sense of gratitude, it will be discovered. is no less. Uut, alter all, it is regarded here as of little consequence whether Colonel William Johnston, the would- be Mahono of North Carolina, chimes in with the Republican or not. His influ ence is spent, his race is run, and chari ty, extending her veil, may cover up the weakness of his dotage with its broad folds. And yet there are Repub licans who think that Grandmothei Johnston will be nominated by the Re publican convention lor congressman at large. This idea is put forth by those who say that Grandmother Johnston has money, has time, and, from his ac quaintance with defeat, and manner of bearing up under u, would stanti the brunt of the light better perhaps than any man this hybrid party could name. It is further asserted that Mr. Charles Price will give aid and comfort to Grandmother Johnston in his-her Con gressional aspirations, but this latter assertion, while claimed by Republicans to be true, is not considered certain by Democrats, who regard Mr. Price as a man of too much sense to throw away his future upon such fallacious hopes as political preferment at the hands of a party which when it has offices to fill, fills them with tried Republicans, and not converts, where fealty is not already vested. The programme that will now be carried out, as given out here in Republican circles,will be the disban donmentof the Republican party and the coalition of all elements opposed to the Democracy. It is asserted that the influence . of the President will be actively exerted in its behalf. Dr. Mott and Mr. Cooper, in an interview three weeks ago, received assurances of support at the hands of the administra tion, and, armed with these promises, hope to gain recruits by parading them before the people of the State, which they will proceed to do at once. A gen eral onslaught on the postoffices and departments in this city in the interest of this movement is likely to take place. The summer campaign in North Caro lina will be, therefore, if the adminis tration is really earnest in its profes sions, both interesting and exciting. Major Dowd is preparing a speech on the bank question, and running in on him the other evening at his hotel I plied him with a few questions on that subject. He had views and in answer to the question about taking stamps off bank checks said "he was in favor of the repeal of the law imposing this, tax. It is a burden on the depositor, not on the bank. The individual puts his money in the bank for safety and convenience; he gets nothing for it and yet cannot withdraw it without paying a tax to the government." "How about the tax on deposits ?" "While the individual is taxed as above for takiDg his money out of the bank the latter is taxed heavily (one-, half of one per cent.) for having it. It is difficult to see upon what principle the government tax either, and I shall vote for the abolition of tax on depos its, also." "What do you think about the tax on. circulation?" . . "When government bonds bore six. per cent, interest and could be bought at par and the government issued 90 per cent, to the banks, they could verys well afford to pay the tax of one per? cent on circulation, but now that the? bonds bear but from 3 to 4 per cent, and; command a high premium the circula tion allowed is practically 5 per cent" less than formerly, and the profits very, small. But as I am ot- opinion thata there is some advantage to the banks It shall vote to reduce, but not to abolish? ftnt.irftlv this tax." In regard to re-chartering the banksj Maior Dowd said that as a failure to dos so would in. effect retire $70,000,000 cur4 rnncv and therefore emoarrass ina trade and - commerce of the country j contract values, and increase the scar-f city of money, he would vote to recnar ter the banks. , Under advertisement of March 1st Second Assistant Postmaster-General Elmer has awarded contracts for car rying the mail from July-ist, J882, to June 30, 1884, on the below-mentioned i outes, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA. From Columbia to Gum Neck, three times a week, to B. T. Carpenter, Wash ington, D. C, at $460. From Yadkinville to Rush, three times a week, to John G. Burrus, Rock ford, N. C. at 8193. From Stony Creek to Ashland, once a week, to John H. Simpson, Ashland, N. C, at $65. From Taylorsville to Bock Cut, once a week, to Alston Yeatajpr Taylorsville, N. C, at $99. From Farmer's to Lick tJreek, once a week, to Robert F. Steed, Farmer's N. C, at $4S. From Wilkes' Store to War Woman, once a week, to Wm. J. Owen, Wilkes' Store, N. C, at $104. From Louisburg to Ransom's Bridge, three times a week, not considered nec essary. From Godwin's to Kyle's Landing, twice a week, to II. A. Hodges, God win's, N. C, at $198. From Mouth of Buffalo to Weasel, twice a week, to Allen Miller, Weasel, N. C, at $64. From Wilkesboro to Kapp's Mills, once a week, to W. H. Wolfe, Kapp's Mills, N. C, at $250. SOUTH CAROLINA. From Union to Pinckney, three times a week, to J. H. Davis, Whelder Court House, Ky., at $318. From Bennettsyille to Laurinburg, N. C, once a week, to J. H. Davis, at $241. POSTAL NOTES. Postmasters' commissions sent: Cato Robinson, Graham's Turnout, S. C; J. McC. Buie, Daw, N. C; Jas. M. Whit ington, East Bend, N. C; Joseph C. Welch, Sparta, N. C. A new oflice has been established at Semay, Wake county, N. C, and Willis Turner appointed postmaster. Changes in star schedules in North Carolina: Murphy to Morganton. Leave Murphy Mondays and Fridays at l p. m. Arrive at Morganton by 7 p. m. Leave Morganton Mondays and Fri days at G a. m. Arrive at Murphy by 12 m. ri:nsoNAL notes. Congressman Vance has introduced a bill into the House to enable the Eastern band of North Carolina Chero kee Indians to litigate their land-titles in the courts of the United States. Congressman Shackelford has intro duced a bill asking for six thousand dollars to survey the lands between Morehead Crty and New River, north east branch Cape Fear river. Wacca- maw, Sumter and Coharie rivers, xsorth Carolina. North Carolina cast seven solid votes in the House of Representatives against the tariff commission bill and one in favor of it, that of Hubbs; the Repub lican mt mber from the State. Pickup. Punched and Mutilated Coins. Asheville Citizen. House of Ri-:piesentatives.U.S. ) Washington, April 27, 1SS2. ) Editors Cliizon: bins I have a bill (II. It. No. 1,201) to i uuish arid to prevent the mutil.Uing and punching of the coins of the Unit ed btates. 1 lie bill also provides tor the redemption of such coins at the treasury and sub-treasuries of the U. 5. 1 he object ion urged against the re deeming section by Col. Snowdon, su perintendent of the mint, was that if 'h money was redeemed at par it would not cure the evil, but men would pu ,ch the coins for gains. The bill without the section alluded to, will be agreed to. I see no remedy it present to prevent loss to our people who already h.)ld mutilated coin. I sent the amount of S4S.Su in silver coins to the mint for our countyman, Mr. John Thrash, and they sent me back S387S, charging Mr. Thrash for the stamp on the draft. This, with about SI. 50 express charges, made a loss to Mr. Thrash of about $11.52. My suggestion now is that punched coins be taken by the people at a dis count of 25 per cent., which is near what it will cost to send it to the mint. Thus a dollar of the punched coin would be worth 75 cents. I regard it as not very creditable to our government that it issues $1 in sub sidiary silver coin and if it happens to be punched to suspend around a child's neck it refuses to take it even for post age stamps, except as above. Yours truly, R. B. Vance. A Gun for a Wife, Asheville Citizen. If there is anything a Tennessean loves, it is a gun. If there is anything he loves better, it is our North Caro lina girls, and it is the only thing he would give his gun for. One of them came over to Madison lately to get a wife from among the lasses of that golden leaf county, and was disgusted when he found the clever register of the county would not consent to their becoming one for less than two dollars in currency or its equivalent. He had not the currency, so he handed over his trusty rifle the companion of his youth to gain a companion for his old age, it is to be hoped. May they take a steady aim together adown life's vista, and may no stray shots occur to vex or dis turb. Arthur's Manager. Gath Interview. "Are you sure the President has made Don Cameron his political adviser V" Yes, perfectly sure. Arthur has the itch to be re-eiectea, ana, peine Due a small politician in large things, he looked around among the dmerent bosses to find one who would use his patronage for renomination with abil ity. John Logan has lost his health and is off at the Hot Springs. There is no political manager in New York equal to Cornell, who is not Arthur's friend ; ana mere seems norjoay leit out Don Cameron. So Arthur has given him full control of his patronage, and he is appointing postmasters to-day in Kentucky, and fixing up the State for Arthur next time." If it Is a headache of any kind that troubles 70a, you need never have another attack. Send 82.50 to Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore, lid., and he will send 70a by return mall 6 toxes of his Celery and Chamomile pills and they will perm anectly cure you. Cf druggists, 50 cents a box. Liver, Kidney find Bright' Disease. A medicine that destroys the germ or cause of Bright' Disease, Dial eteB, Kidney and Liver Com plaints, and has power to root them out of the sys tem, Is above all price. Such a medicine is Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this can be foond by oae trial, er by asking your neighbors, who have bsen cored by it. Write to Mrs. Lydla X. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladles that have been restored to perfect health by the use of her Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for the most stubborn cases ot female weakness. I'rom the Home Journal A Remarkable DUoorery A REAL SKIN CUREi THXBB 13 ONLY OHX AND THAT WITH SIMPLS NAMX. Beware of Impostors, pirates, or. any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best. They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable soaoees. HO POMPOUS HAKE. This curaUve needs no pompons or incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, hut its simple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CURE in preference to all other professed remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin, since he has been persuaded to! put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Ekln Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke np from the sleepy state in which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. t3TBeware of Imitations, or the various articles which have-been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None Is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles in one package. Price $1.00. get at your druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains, CAUSE AND CURK. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile PQls are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous centers need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being daily cured by these pills. They correct costiveness, but are not purgative. Price, 50 cents or six boxes for $2 50, postage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor can be addressed. Letters of inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton, New York, is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 MRS. LYDI& E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PlNKHANrS VEflETABLS COMPOUND. Is ft Positive Core for all thote Painful Complaint and WeaknaiMS to common to our best female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all OTarlan troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Bplnal 'SVeaknesa, and Is particularly adapted to the Chango of Life. It will dlssolTe and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked Tery speedily by Its use. It removes f aint ness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous rVoetratlon, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXElf AM'g TEG ET ABLE COM POUND is prepared at 23S and X35 Vfestern Avenue, Lynn, Haas. Price $1. Six bottles for $4. Bent by mall in the form of pills, also In the form of locengea, on receipt of price, SI per box for either. Mrs. Pins-ham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA R PINK HAITI LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bUiouxnen and torpidity of the liver. IS cents per box. if Sold by all Druggists. ' PELOUBET A CO, ESTEY, KOSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINE3 and GATE CITY PIANOS. NEW YORK PIANOS, it is conceded, lead the world. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SILL THEM AT FACTOBY PBICEa Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I ask is a trial and this em cost you nothing, while tt may be the means of saving you a great deal in an Instrument y Organs always in stock either to sell or rent. Call on or address JNO. H. EDDIN9, Lock Box 274, Charlotte, N. C. apr30 DENTAL NOTICE, THE next annual meeting of the State Board of Dental Examiners will be held In Salem, N. rf"l ftA aOf-K . v TrtvnA All lUkMAnl MHILs KJi VLX 1 11" VUI VOJ VA WULra fvawub - menclng the practice of Dentistry without a diploma most go before this board for examination, or softer the penalties of the law which went into effect juarcn itnw. v. aumuuh ma8 tU16Jnn Prest Board Dental Xx'rs. Whutrni Oanrlnal taui AalAloii Tfawa and Ob server copy one month and send bill (0 W. H. UODJUBIIB, vnariuue. J we Rece ivei Per A Large Stock of LACES in New Effects, ALSO SOME NEW STYLES HOOPSKIRTS. WE ArlE OFFERING BARGAINS" IN SEVERAL LINI3 OF GCOLS, AND Parties Will Find it to Their Interest to. Examine Our Stock. We have a!so Just Received some New LAWNS, And are constantly adding to oar stock everything new that comes out. Call and see us. Prompt attention given to Orders. Truly, Hargr a ves &z "Willielm . MCSMITH BilSIC THE 6 J TT M B O" WEIGHT 1500 JS 115 SQUARE GRAND. McSMITH WILL DOUBLE HIS STOCK. LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS 1 BAWLS. Let Music Increase I Crime will Decrease : Orgaos within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SI'OMM.KK BELL HUM. PXLOUBBT 4 CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such Low Pries 1 Easy Terms Address, or call on H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. SPRING l 888889 U TS 111 8S)t NEW STOCK!! NEW STYLES ! LATEST COTS ! COME ! TJYiR our stock is now complete. We call especial attention to the GARMENTS MANUFACTURED X; IN OUK OWN HOD8JS. We are Justified in asserting, and not exaggerate, that the long expe rience and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that OUR. OIiOTSISTO' 13 THE MOST RELIABLE SOLD In this Market. We make np first-class Garment, and always study the demands of our patrons, and insure them absolute BOTTOM PRICES. We do not buy Job lota in order to introduce Low Priced Goods, but invariably offer the public such CLOTHING and made up in such a style as is worn in fashionable circles in Northern cities. We bad the choice of selecting OUT stocg py going eajiy in me ginrnei. 01 Our stock of 0"V always. The latest styles in HATS, ALL COLORS. mm wmimMiM&&ms, THE FINEST IN THE CITY. THE YORKTOWN SCARF, The Latest Out, in the Very Latest Bhadei to 8HkS mr CLtklilj .A. 23" ID SEE US. VwrRfWetftuV, L. Berwanger SBro if. B. Garments Hafte t Order on Express r.i L A.WNS, PIANOS Within Reach of EferyM?. CBICKKBING & SON, KRANICH k BACH, MAT IIUSHEK, -A R I O N ,- SIMPSON & CO., OUTHERN GEM. LOOK HOW THE OLD MAN FBOWK8 . 1 BUIE, and scratches his head while reading Mc's adv. Make him read, let him frown. Write to me and I will send you a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection, then go for him and write to me for a few more dots, snCi as prices, terms, ftc. PR I 888888 rfS 88 22 888888 222222 3 wnicn privilege me-Xiou rurvuaavr i ueunrrcu. ctxxcl. Cliilcireii's Olotlxixis 18 as fine as Short ftcticc apr?

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