11 K D Ut'li 4 B.O-Diie iiuc-K riiuis ul gi. n M Bleler-Ije Crenm. Sprint Hure)l -For due Attention. H. I. it. Attention, Kl emen. HUSINESS NOTICES. Depend Mote H tM regiarHfM AVvjAeW.roal fmiTtlons than on any or all causes combined. Ail laJZ Arn- living dHiuh" Is the Inevitable resulfi ,ti derangement of a function which makes woman Ih tt she Is In every respect, and especially In he "I1-11 J l III. ...I.DlillllU.. I , niflltHl ana UOUIIJ eimiiuini. nculM, lUllUBn diate rrllef from such derdiigements Is the oni " imiiird against wreck and ruin. In all cases o tnnwiee, delay, or other Irregularity of the o irses," Or. J. Bradfleld's Female heguhttor H the only sure iteujed UW y,fcvlng tone 1 i lie nurvous centres, fmprw1glb blood, and d terralnltig directly to the oigans of menstruation, i, I a ieritlflc inscription, and the niofl lntelil rfltit physicians use It. fiepared by J. BradfleldJ 6" J:., il.. PrifO- Trial 7Ki- Immta AiJ f 1 fiO. For sale by all dnignkts. flew IVftfstnipnta j' Will'' Absolutely Pure. , This nowder never varies. A marvel of nurttv gtreiigth.a nri . mhMleagmeuw&a-, oreQpnonilea? tharifhrdlnaTffnds.'arrtr atfrtbf "be Sold lnj competition with the multitude of low text, short w itlit. a urn or phosphate powders fold only in can.v , HlVAL BAKINU PJWIiiH.G ov2'J New iurK. i LKROY DAVIDSON,! i Ae nt, Charlotte, TV. C. L DAVIDSON. i ' ' i STAPLE 1 FANCY GROCERIES J' HOMECHaTLETS. cotton merchant jf tb. ' city, Ifeft last iri3Lng f 01 ? b,usmess North. "t" Witfr the lawyers f all tone to Clea-ftlahd court andt doctors to the convention in ponced, .tbecity is pret ty well deserted in professional oircles elThe. monthly drawing of the Lour rtsiana State Lottery took place vester- X.ok at your ticket and see what jroiaKy got. ' ' . ; , ECoV; Jno, L. Morenead, bf this city, is ill Raleigh, attending the jaeetr .ing of theagkholders of the Atlantic oad, which is being held in that city to-day. , V : ESA postal card received yesterday from the party that left Sunday for the Sin4s;;s&ys that they arrived there all "Well afid-f oand the weather clear and .delightful,. A; very thoughtful post- CttpjL! was added which said' briefly : "All sober." : . j w. , ggThe Western Union telegraph ofr See in this, city has just received anew thirty-wire switch board, which the manager is busy putting in place. A countryman who stepped in last night asked thenight man" if it wasn't one of McSmith's double breasted organs? ;'; ;ffivrhe different fire companies of ;tkp city are npw taking nightly prac ti:e with theirTfetls in the -effort to get themselves well limbered up for the contest OfltJuatn. j The company that beats the5 arlotte boys will have to see that ifci eela arpclearof tar. CS"OM man Jordan, s the piscatorial Nihilist of the Bichmond & Danville .RAitfbafli'ptill jerking out the gar fish from the water around Newport. The cold snap caugbt him, but ,he, just or dered a supply bf blankets from home and is continuing his operations, laugh ing the icy elements to scorn. ; CiTThe Hornet fire company were out wittheir engine r yesterday 'even ing,,to show the people what it-could dd when put at something like its best. ine engine was stationed at the cistern m front of Mendel's cigar store, and (w;th 60 lbs. of steam and a fifty foot sation of hose, throw a stream 125 feet ILSQuite a crowd of Charlotte snorts ielt 'for Augusta yesterday to attend the cocking main between Georgia and North Carolina. It is to be a three days figftOehnW 'ttiis morning. 'The fighting takes place at Hamburg, just this side of Augusta. Sid Holt passed j tbrongh here with his chickens about ;i week ago. CfThe Hornets' Nest Eilleuen r; quest that the lady friends -f the company will meet at their armory to morrow at 11 o'clock, a. m., to assist in decorating the hall. The Hornets want the appearance of their hall to be some thing extra and they rely in a great measure upon the assistauce of their fair friends. EirThat portion of Trade street be tween College street and the railroad track, which has been graded and worked vipon the past few weeks in preparation for macadamizing, received ftt9 first packing of stone yesterday. A Jargf frbe 'of hands are at work and nowthat.they are fairly started it will be no great while until the macadam work is finished. CHARLOTTE'S STRIDES ALL FRESH GOODS, AND - fe So I'llj EVE i 1NV1TK0 TO CALL AND SEE A $40,000 Building for liiddle Insti tute. The present building known as Bid die Institue is to be removed and in its place a brick structure costing $40,000 according to the architect's plans, is to be erected. The contract has already beerjt given out for the work. In the future the building now used as the in stitute will be used as a lodging halL Within a few weeks the work on the new building will begin. ,WIio&ciakJardions 503 i (Si tXl Ai mm r ! If III - " H 1 rrH. CJ -SJBt In j ' Charlotte Hotel Arrivals. S J Lowe, Lowesville ; W E Cunning ham, Pineville ; GL Riddle, Bethel, 3 G:4E Everett, Wilmington: S M Wil kinson, wife and child, Denver, Lin coln county.-N C; AC Burgess, Greens- Tobrt) : Tf B Maxwellf Laurel Hill ; Jno Parks; Statesville; R N Pennington, W H Pennington, Washington ; ALC Humphries', Wilmington ; B II Casey, fiiftham county, NC; R C J ohn, Lan caeter:; A R Mansitt, Seneca City; EN Gainsay. New York; A L Campbell, S C; Air dark, It N Charles, Atlanta; IT P Weanon C61umbia. i t i m Fine Products of a harden. . Yesterday evening a paper bag waii placed .on our table and on opening it we found it to be filled with, four new Irilj potatoes. . They were sent to the proprietor of The Observer, by Mrs. P. p. Duffy, who has the honor of being ahead of all the other gardeners in this f vicinity In theruuttrrrrf-ntisimT-pota- toesj Each oflthefovr wee,exra large. There -are plenty pf ew pota toes around, about the size of matbjfs, but nothinff to compare in size with these has been seen this year. Some Style' Corning. Within a few months Charlotte will have hotels to compare with anything North of us. "Mr. Eccles,of the 'Central, hais given out the contract for the placing of a steam elevator in the Cen tral and will also establish a steam laundry on the notel premises. When the "Metropolitan is finished, Col. John ston will-have the electric light in use throughout the building and this will be the first, introduction of the light in $his city. It will not be long now until we can brag bf the crack hotels ?of the South. y - ; Trouble With the Coal Burner Ended. . Some time ago there was great com pnajn$',fais;ed bput. 'th& . .excruciating reair made by ihoal burning engines qa the Riphmon Danville road. The fllikAtto 'tiio. railroad men .and to the citizens i ,Withltf; tho,' pa3t: week th& tfoubie ws ;dtscqvered- and Remedied. Holes were drilled through the furnace 16ofsV'ati'd!oafni; then the5 noise' has ceased. The engines -istill keep up a racket wtth their whistles at night, how ever, and until this is ..stopped .also, t hw rtin be no ueaco in the failroad disMct'bf the cityt ' . Ai'fl l ohoAW ft "ft: inrtiftr'lh.' Iftfil. 11 rfV Womnr A Ca. 6lMe-A member of my family was tan ot aecmpllcaUon .of female dls- ea8 By your eaie Autsy iuju uivcr vuib.:i W M, a GBAT, On the ,ilighway of Tmprovement A Glance at tke New Part of the City. Once in a while we strike up with a man who has become possessed with 4&aidea that Charlotte is losing her en terprise and is entering upon a retro grade movements, and one or two pa pers of the State have also moulded their thunder to that effect in neat packages and sent it abroad in the land. Both the papers and the 'men referred to are so few that we would not men tion them, but we have to ring in some thing as a starter f or this article. k There are many citizens bf Charlotte who to-day have not the slightest idea of the growth and progress the city has made since January last. From Independence Square.evidences of pros perity may be seen as far as the eye can Jeachdowh each of the streets from the. sfjuare, but to get any idea of the real improvements that have been made in the city this year, one must take a drive around the streets. 'JTesterday evening a reporter, by some unaccountable good luck, found himself in one of these bald-headed L carriages beside Mr. Eccles, of the Cen tral, and with his note book took down the improvements on the fly. The first new building passed was the new1 Carolina Central Railroad de pot,1, which is now rising above the ruins of the old depot, which was destroyed Dyttire . several montns ago. xne new depot is of brick and its dimensions are spacious. ,.r It will be completed within two months. While it is being finished the Carolina Central is arranging to build another track alongside of the present one, to extend as far up the road s Eighth street. 6a the" opposite side of the street from the new depot a wonderful change is to be made. Major A. B. Springs, who owns tlie property, is to tear away all of the wooden houses that now stand there, and erect a large brick building in their stead. The brick for this house is to be procured partly from the old Rock Island woolen mills, which is to have its two top stories pulled down. The old mills will be turned into a two story warehouse, with one or more storerooms on the first floor. Passing on through Trade, The Ob server and his companion turned into Ninth street, where a perfect jam of new houses, all built this year, met his view. On Ninth, between Myers and College streets, there are ten new houses, some small, none large, and all andsome. On east College street the most marked improvements are the new resi dences of Capt. James F. Johnston, and the renovated house of M. C. Mayer, while the new houses of Messrs. Bur well, Kyles and Phifer, are each hand- i m . X- some ana auracuve. j.urmiig imu east Tryon, the new houses of S. S. Pe gram, Harrison Watts, and Mrs. M. C. Tate, meet our view. Leaving Tryon and turning down Tenth, the new and pretty residence of Piatt Walker comes in view, while directly opposite is the new parsonage of the Second Presby terian church. Getting on Church street the new houses come too numer ous to mention. Grouping them to gether we find the number to be twen ty-six. From Church street can be seen tne recently nnisnea jio.'Jio auu Hospital building, one of the institu tions of which Charlotte is justly proud of. Perhaps the most beautiful residence in Charlotte is the new house of Mr. W. C. Morgan, on west Tryon street In the immediate neighborhood of this are several other new residences, in cluding those of James M. Oates, John E. Oates and W. W. Ward. This gives only an impartial review of the many improvements completed throughout the city since January and will serve to show how Charlotte is building up. We have said nothing of the im provements being made on the Metro politan Hotel, or of the three new storerooms being built opposite. On these improvements alone $30,000 will be expended. Counting in the water works, the progress and improvement of Charlotte thenast six months mav be counted at f 00,000, and if this is not somethiiig to take pride in, then we give it up. President A. C. Haskell, Of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augus ta Railroad, was with the syndicate men who were ditched on the Western North Carolina road last Monday, and the accident somewhat interfered with his plans, causing more delay than he was prepared for. The pay train of the Western road was sent up to bring him back, as his business would not permit him to loiter longer with the party. The Lucky Numbers. In the monthly drawing of the Lou isiana State Lottery, at New Orleans yesterday, the following were the num bers that made the ten strikes: No. 19,102 got the capital prize of $30,000. No. 94,638 takes in $10,000, the second prize. The third prize of $5,000 was drawn by No. 47,969. The fourth prize of $2,500 was drawn by No. 10,822, and the fifth prize of the same amount was drawn by 84,726. Each of the follow ing numbers drew $1,000 : 21,267 ; 22, 605 ; 52048 ; 59,300 and 92,874. There were about 800 tickets held in Charlotte and it may be imagined that the above will be interesting reading to a goodly portion of the people about here. Reform in County Government. To the Edl.orof theObs r.er. The Yankees have a proverb, "that a penny saved is a-penny made," and I believe that there is mfe money made by saving the dollar than 1 litre is in speculation. Whaiistiue of individ uals, must be true of counties, for they are only collections of individuals. We have two officeholders in Mecklenburg county, well paid, to do the work of one. One man would do the work of both for the pay that one receives. I refer to the Sheriff and County Treasurer. I maintain that while we have a county treasurer he should collect the taxes and should not be allowed anything for disbursements. The amount 2 per Rflnt. now allowed the sheriff, would be an ample salary. In fact, the salary! would be greater than that received oy our Superior court judges. Had this plan been in force Mecklenburg county would have saved over ten thousand dollars. Is it not worth looking into t Without the collection of taxes, the sheriffs office will have more applicants than can be accommodated, and by making the county treasurer prepare the tax list and do several other little things that he ought to do, Mecklenburg county will save a good thousand a year. A. N. R. -AS A-r mmm m u m IN HEMORIAM. Memorial Day. To-day is memorial day and it is to be celebrated in Charlotte with all the display that has heretofore characteriz ed its observance in this city. The programme for the exercises appears in another place in this morning's paper. The procession is to form in the First Prpshvterian church vard. and have that point at 6 o'clock p. m on the ma Jch to the cemetery. The ladies and others who are in terested in the observance of Memorial day, ask us to make the suggestion to the merchants of the city that tl ley close their stores and that busin ess be entirely suspended after thi ree o'clock in the afternoon. This is atir ae ly request and considering the nature of the occasion which calls for it, it is one which they should willingly .ac cede to. Let the stores be closed. It is also suggested that all nowe rs shall be reserved this one day and a.p propriated to the soldiers' graves. The Hornets' JSest unemen ai-e called to meet at their armory this evening, at half-past four o'clock, in full uniform, double belts, etc. The following persons have been i selected to serve as assistant marshals- I Gen. R. D. Johnson, W. W. Fleming,, j and Harrison Watts. Carrying Young Fish on an Express j Car. The express train from the Northr which parsed, here Monday night, was a-. sort of a 'fish car, there being confined. in' cans of water in the car, one hun dred and'sixty thousand young shad. They were sent out by tbe?fish commis -sionet at Washington ; city and were bound for the headwaters of the Mus covia river, In Georgia. Along the trip, the water had to be changed every two ' hours and only spring water could be used. At Con cord the train stopped long enough U let all. the hands run around and hunit up a spring ff6m " which endiigh water was carried to last; f or the, next seventy miles. Nine Miles in Eight Minutes. FredKrogg was the engineer who pulled the Clyde syndicate's special car from Atlanta to this city last Sunday evening, and when he struck the piece of fine track between Whitaker's and King's Mountain, he concluded to show the travelers what he could do. He was pulling two coaches and it was an up grade, but he made the fireman pile in the wood and then he pulled open the valve, and the way he skimmed along with the syndicate was a wonder. At the end of the nine miles time was called and it was shown that the run had been made in exactly eight minutes. Palace Car Party Ditched. "The rich men on the rail," will n ot get to Charlotte to-day as was anticipa ted, on account of a little accident on their train last Monday, which dumped them into the ditch. They were near ing Asheville and had reached a point about nine miles from that town, when their car left the track and shook them up. Alter seeing mat none or ine pariy were hurt and fixing them up as com fortably as possible, Maj. Wilson and one or two others, set out on foot to "carry the news" to Asheville. The major tramped into the town and sent assistance to the scene of the accident and soon had the party safely landed in Asheville. A Large Convention. The city was thronged yesterday with Baptist divines, who were on their way to Greenville, where the general con vention of the Southern States meets this morning. Among the number were Dr. Tupper, of Richmond, president of the foreign mission board for the South; Rev. C. T. Bailey, of the Kaleigh Biblical Recorder, and Rev. T. W. Ebel toft, of Fayetteville. Rev. O.F.Gregory, of the Baptist church of this place, ac companied the delegatesjon the l o'clock train yesterday. This convention, being for the Bap tist church of the entire Southern States, will bring an immense crowd to Greenville. The number of ministers alone who will attend is stated to be five hundred, while there vWill be a great number of lay delegates and visi tors. The convention win oe m session until some time next week. The Lecture Last Night. Rev. Dr. William Jones delivered his, lecture on "Lee, the Model Man," to a select and appreciative audience, at the; Carolina Military Institute, last night. Dr. Jones' delivery is characterized by great earnestness of manner and style well calculated to interest and hold the undivided attention of an audience, as was illustrated upon this oocaaion., Many new facts and incidents were brought up in regard to the subject of his lecture, and were presented in the most forcible and, frequently, startling manner. Only salient points were touched upon, but these generally told volumes in themselves. ne leuwuici x I was frequently and warmly applauded. II p j X tJAU xucauojf u8" " era another lecture in the Opera House on "The Confederate Soldier as I Knew Him," for the benefit of the Southern Historical Society and the Charlotte Home and Hospital. The subject and the reputation of the lecturer ought to fill the Opera House, and we hope to see that result. Mrs. Laura Means Shannon, obllt. April 29tn, 1882 A large circle of relatives and friends moorn the loss of this estimable lady. But the loss Is thelr's only; for gain, eternal gam, Is hef s. A brief bnt painful Ulness wa borne with Christian acquies cence In her Father's wllL A Saviour's presence was marked throughout, so, that though the inti mation was elven her. that she would not recover. she feared no evil, but was calm, peaceful and as sured, saying that, "she would soon be in heaven." It was a trial ot faith to leave an Infant ot days, a tender husband, a venerable mother, and loving sisters and brothers, but the trial was borne like a Christian; and cemmlttlng her loved ones to the keeping of a precious Saviour, she departed, to be with Christ, which is far better. A week later, tne mite one was Dome in iaa arms of the Gracious Shepherd to the fold above; and now mother and infant, washed in the same fountain, clothed in the same shining robe of Jesus' righteousness, are together worshipping at His feet, and together participating In the exul tant. Ateraal anthem of redeeming love. May the consolations 01 tne gospel ne aoonaani ly administered to the bleeding hearts, and may the new ties now formed between them and the throne, ever draw them upward to God Pastor. dtietrttscmeuts. WK HAVE PLACXD UPON OUR COUNTERS A LARGE LOT OF to o X ABX RECMVfNG -GOODS-: teTEBT ID .A. IT, AND NOW ONE OF OUH FIRM HAS JUST RETURNED WITH A Fresh Stack. Bargains are Offered THE Members of the Hornet Steam Fibs Com pant No 1, Independent Hook & Ladder Compavi ino. 1, and the Pioneer team Fdxe Company No. 2. are hereby notified to meet at their respective Balis this (Wednesday) afternoon at 5 o'clock, in full uniform, to participate In the Memorial exercises. By order C. F. HARBISON, Chief. B. F. HrNExcrjTT, Secretary, may 10 it ATTENTION H. N. R. YOU are hereby ordered to assemble at your Armory this evening at 4Vt o'clock. In full uniform with cross belts, to participate In the exercises of the day, Every member Is urgently requested to be on hand promptly. By order F. W. T. KCESTKR, O. 8. maylO o XVU VllLllli-iA I WE offer two Special Qualities 01 Black Silk at $1.35 and $1.75 which are exceedingly handsom and of the best makes and are ful ly worth 25 per cent more. Now is your time to make up a hand some Black Silk Dress. CALL AND GiST COOL. M ICE CREAM Lj L TO-DAYy FOR THE SEASON. Pi u o THE Largest Line of Tassi m en tries and Fringes eyer of fered in this market have just been opened, which in design and cheapness excell every previous effort on our part. D. M.. maylO lw J GLP. THE Latest Novelties in Neck Wear have been added to our Stock, and we offer every article in that Department at Astonish ingly Low Prices. Bth Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at 5 HMtoDrfl Store WITH a view of closing our Dress Goods out completely we have marked them down far be low their actual value, and we have some inducements to offer you in that line. ' ABATOGA rICHT, vmm saratoza Springs. N. Y. A new water ie- sembl Ing the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tornc and strong diuretic. AIM, Eaten Natural Mnuml fata1, WE have a Bargain Counter for Hosiery, where we offer a lot of single pairs ot the ends boxes at greatly reduced prices PrsEranme for Memorial Day. The following has been adopted as the programme of- exercises for Memo rial Day, to-morrow, May 10th, by the Ladies' Memorial Association : The procession will form in the First Fresbyterian church yard, in the fol lowing order: Hand. Cadets Carolina Military Institute, The Military. Clergy. Choir and Reader. Memorial Association. Confederate Soldiers. -Procession of Girl3 Bearing Flowers. Hornet Fire Company. Independent Hook and Ladder Com pany. Pioneer Fire Company. Male Seheols. Female Schools. Independent Order of -Odd-Fellows. Masonic Lodges. . . Other Secret Societies wfaQfcfaose tojoia the procession. Citizens. The nrocession will start from the Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, r CASKS congress watkb, -SPECIAL- 10 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, l CASES BUFFALO LITHIA 10' And a full supply of IMPORTED &POLLINARIS WE are receiving goods daily in our Millinery Department and we can please the most fas tidious taste in a Hat or bonnet n this Department we give finer ?oods for les3 money than an other house in the United State,-. -AHD INDUCEMENTS chuw:h yard at a quarter before 6 o'clock and move up Trade street to tne puuuo an uare. thence down Tryon street to trtb, tjkence down 7th street to the Cenv etery gate; EXERCISES AT THE CEMETERY, Prayer. Music. Calling the Roll of Honor. Music. Benediction. Doxolosry. Theuxercises will then conclude 'Vv'ith the claving of "Pleyel's Hymn" by the band while the soldiers' graves are being decorated. fiHrjRTJPAIBA.M . QufccoU cure.allannoylngney.Blad- der ana vunnwy . aimhwco. i. pot, J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY 1 JJUHYADI JASOa THS BIST NATURAL APXRLXNT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosi: Awlne glass fuU before breakfast mhM Tj.Mt' 'Hnnva dl Janoa. Baron LleWg af- m. that its richness in aperient tarts farpaaMB that of all other known waters." The most agreeable, safest, and moat efficacious .T,ihl. vwl and trrm. rirenuw, """T c . 77 ' JrTXJf JXBIlwryni , iwli- ' these writers with remarkable ntaM Pro. Scamoai, Wurazburg. I prescribe none hut this." WILL BK OFFXBXD Gloves. Black and Tan Col ored. 8 Button monsquetairej Suede kid gloves ai si.ou pei pair. FOR SALE. a moo Team of Moles, and one two-horse Vira hnnrirad LADIES LlNEN and Morhair Dusters and Ul sters very cheap. Prof. Lander Srunton, K. r. M. h., wm "More pleasant than its and surpasses Boyal Military H Fauna and rrl Hoa- e4- rivals, them In efficacy." m Prqf. AtJcm, M. v., r. . o. pltal, Nettey. "Preferred to ncnsnaiL" JOHN H. MoADEN, Importing and WsrBsg-Pharmi aettt North Tryon 8t, - tWUUAnrs, b. DONT GO TO SARATOGA fw tmtt aa fresh and spark- Hi as'wfie& fromiP at Aaratogu vTmim thta water in lam block tin reaerveira n w jtwvtMw .a l FOB THIS a&XAT CZLXBBA1I0M. A ArtAhnnlrwl hflnflnTTie L ADIES Traveling Trunks at specially low prices. Wn receive which we return as soon again every wee emptied to be refilled J. n. JW-JJJUt, Drogglat and Chemist. Pretezipttoi earefaQj pveptnd by experienced and eempetent drags-Ma, day Of night. uly28 ElUITTAffl. flfcl maylO

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