TT She "Cljarlottt bsmjer, SUBSOBIPTlOir RATE8: lmonWs r.i.. ' . v: . ..... fhmtrxnu?- SJ WO"iA' ' ' WUUO.T SD1TIOT:) 7 ) (t the county). tot fldVa $2.00 Outtfthe court, Ity bm peeanoroaguy wir M wlUlt4,JT1pTrr,T ""IMF U0 T Mttitesardttfirairi srr.ivra i.ttt xrTyf ' LirTiBmirA rivtwar TAGS, IttWfeTSy,', - - PBoaAjDaRajOBiLiA; i "FAM PITLTTS nTTTT .l mm, a.. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., THURSDAY MAY 11, 1882. NO. 4,096. ! Ml f 1 1 ill 11' I? J I III VIII llll. W ill llllfl III H II IIMII1lllimi,:!ll VJ r 7f lrFirTLTnur ll M'll'Hir , III pwmjnomngiiiy mppiwM WttP irfftfT MarfcrT ... hi-. ... -..i,. ii t, i i i i . - j - I , ! v.. s eW; .sh, . ' " : : ...... ' I - i ""VQL.-XXVn. & ir -mm W JE.. a b toflted taidhftty'PAY. HAY 8tl, 1882, A i I'M' i i for the purpoiie a lnsperflnf aurBICOND 6TOCK of SPBINO fd BvitmK OpD3. TK8f who Have 9 n our stock t L WEB NECK VEAR,' yronounce It beautiful. In It will be found SPAN ISH LACE. PERSIAN LAWN, SWISS POLK, por TIES. FICHU3, HANDKERCHIRFS and. LiCK COLLAR in all idiapes and. qualities. LINKS and PERCALE COLLARS 1ft striped, po ka Dot and Embroidered. Your special attention Is called to HRE83 GOODS DEPARTMENT. In It wQk be found all the latest novelties, . SICK 0Rl)lAtNIS, BBO CADED SILJC3, BILK and ASCOOL fclHTINGS. NUN3 VEILING, C .YBEB CLfcVEUSand FANpYsQOpDS.,... 0t all binds, with SATIN, SILK. MOI&E. ,, etc, to trim Wea)iQrtliattionicb8toek'XXBftOII- IRIK3 nd'LACKrfTrMMTN?S' cart be fonnd in Charlotte as we are now offering! ' k trtmejiduus stOlvo;PpLKADOT jjWISS and pxaI AN;L,WJai in. Ecru and White,. wltlfc Kra- We are offering a large stock of LINEN LAWNS, rilENCB 'ilWSr DION.X AWKS. PEBQALES, CAMBRICS. GINGHAMS, etc, etc., at prices as ow as car b found anywhere e are still reducing our IERY at Uw Priofj. .. lsr.e sock ol H03- .'ATTENTION Is ealh-d to our DOMESTIC -UEPAlTJtSBT. He Only Pte into City Whjrc Yen Cnn get a p tlr of th FOSTER KIDS ss juh i:;th, 1876.) ALEXANDER I HARMS. ma 7 Pegraai & Co., -DEALERS IN - Boots, Shoes, Hate, Tracks, TRAVELING BIGS, UMBRELLAS &c. PE(1RA.I.;&-C0., Have tne Best ctocl cf Gents' HaiWcwed Shoes IS THE BTATR. PEGRAM. & CO. Can mpply jou wlft tbe ... BE&T BEABDS and LATEST STYLES Ladies'lliinJ CliilJrkvs Shoes. P EGRiAM & CO., HaVB A PBET1T LINE OF GEKTyiruK. suppers; P E G ft' A M'r'&; C O., ; H' Ytt ALL KINDS OF . ( hildrtTis" Skovs- and ...SlipptR. PEGRAM & CO., ' kkkp a wijlu.. .Selected stocx of 'Fniiiks and Valiccs OF JLL PWKSfiAHD SIZES. PEORAM & CO;, OF Of the Latest Myles. - Of the Latest Ury Irs. P E. G R A';M; ,:iT C O., l1l"4 7 til ' CAN OOrr THC4t " ' KtSP"Att'NB3t)F' I - Dressnii Second, Stock. (JJA.TIN8 Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In the waj of Novelties of the season. We have replemlshed our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades, Summer Silks and Foulards. Also a hands6me stock of Satteens in fancy colors. Nuns Telling In all colors trom 35c to SI per yard. A new lot of Laces m au the nevi designs. . one of tbe cheapest and handsomest lots of -LAWNS- To be found la the city. Mull Muslins in pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some 9 t new Neck Wear la new styles. A new lot of Bunt tug tat all colors from 12ftc to SI per yard. - . i i Come and see and be convinced that we have tbe goods and prices to suit you. Very Bespetcf ally, i X. L,. SEIOLC & CO. .ma7 Medical. A Never Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial. Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe ! It acts immediately t It never fails t Editor of the St. John fN. B.) New, eays : In flesh woarids, aches, pains, sores, etc., : It Is the mott e ffectual remedy we know of. s No family should t without a bottle of It lor a single hoar. Prom the CinMn-nntt 1M snatch We have teen its magus e fleets, and know it to do a good article. From LB. Potter, TJ. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied it is positively emcienx as a neaung reiueay ior wounds, Druises, ana spruuis. W. Vf. Sharper, Valdosta, Oa., say : It Is a panacea for aJl Druises and bums. From R. w. Adams, Baco, Be.: It gave me Immediate rellet B-LavLb aava: In forty years' use It never has failed roe. W. W I.tittl Nlcholvllle. N. T. . savs : I use your Pain Killkb frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and tieaU wounds nice magic. J.W. Dee says: t For scalds and burns it has no equal PERRY AVIS PAIN KTT.T.FR Is not a new untried remedy. For forty years It has been in constant use ; and those who nave used it tne longest are tu oeajnenat. Its success is entirely because of its merit. SInca tha Pain Killer was first Introduced, hundreds of new medicine have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used and more hlsrhly valued than ever before. Everv famllv should have a bottle ready for use. Much jiain and heavy mnii often, be saved bv urompt avnlieation of the Pain Killer. Unlike most nsdirihe. it is Dtrfeciiu tale even in the hands of a child. Trv it once thorouxhlv, and It will prove its value. Tour druggist has it afc.X&o.,Ocand Sl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietors Provldenoe, R. I. sept dVw sept Jfc oct. BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu Dr. liar to the aDDearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances tornldltv of functions, with iencor- Clarke's Periodical .-Pills. rhoea. dlsTnenorrhaea. and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing downDalns so Decullar to women. Price 33 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City, F OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Pill. In either staee. whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedv. They never iaii io cur when directions are followed. Prtr-ft of Kftrwr hoi. Five b -xes $ 1 0. Serit hy malL'prepald. on recel pt of Drlce. Aderess ur uiarKe meuiuiuo company, New York City. A INVALUABLK BEJJEDV. For weakness of the Kidneys ana bladder. A quick and complete cure Dr. in 4 to 8 days ol all urinary anec U ns, smarting, frequent or difficult ib-i nation, mucuus discharges and Clark"' .li-ril in iS.a JirlnA from what ever d iuse Induced, whether of re- GonnofflK eerr or tprig buiiiuihk. . mr w uu? ' . . . AttAk - B.I.IA Wl rirr . box. Three boxes fof S5 MrtUed free on reelDf Of price. Ad dress Dr. rjarke Medicine Company, PHI. New York Cl'y. T HEIIK l AI-N 11V Wll.KAD. For sll c-isest of Spermatorrhoea' and Impotent'?, as the result of self dbuse In youth. sxual excesses In in ititrer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following fleets: Nervousness, seminal emis Dr. sions (night emissions by dreams), Clarke's Dimness or .-signi. ierecuve mem ory, rasicai aecy. nmpwn va race. Aversio'1 xo-ociriy oi r ewues, Confuslo of Ideas Los-i ofgexuu Powr. A', retictermg marnage lin orooer or unhHppy. Are a positive Invlg rating cure in two to 8 weeks, one to fix boxes usuntiysumcieni' rnceji.ou per box. Four boxes 85 Sent by mall, prepaid, on receiptor price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Cora- Pill. pnr New York City. , ; . febldk JHw iiiu Lhisjitii Jit .' .ti nro specially hardened at the antWlll hcorrb& cifc,ierwfflbsfmnd DAVISN PAIN K!LLER ttiiTylceAbleshatoWe(.-8iWle tem-afrieroflt Btytes of tflctoftpfefod1 pshft-eontfor tidal t)fiiail on receipt cf 25 cents." ' SSttJiieht. -ill 3 "( S l.hM- Blakeminr Taylor &1 COl lfEW YOB1T. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Repprtegjpi ; the Observer by Walton M. Busbee, 1 State, vs. Purify--CraYen. The f OeffeBdant' was charged ini the indictment for obstructing "a certain public hiehway. whereas the proof was that he had obstructed "a certain private cartway" leading from the dwelling house, &c, to the public road. The tjourt s&y&i A vublic hianvxiv 13 one established by public authority and kept in order by the public, under the direction of the public, or else it is one used generally by the public for twenty years, and over which tha public au thorities have exerted5 control and for the reparation of which ttiey are re spopsfble. ; ' A. cartway is a way established by law for a person who has not the bene fit of a public highway, and for that reason aloue. On account ot the variance between the allegation and the proof, the de fendant was entitled to an acquittal. JN 0 error. Affirmed. Campbell vs. Brown & Brown Bun combe. Rtjffin, J.: Thi3 action, begun in December, 1876, was brought to recover the balance due on a bona given by the defendants in April, 1852, payable nine months after date, at Pittsburg, Pa. Payment, pre sumed under the statute, from the lapse of time since the datebf the last payment, was what the defense relied on. Letters from each defendant were introduced, in which there were ex press acknowledgements of the debt as still subsisting and promises to pay it. The last letter of defendant W. J. Brown was dated September 24, 1870 ; that of the other defendant 19th of Sep tember, 185G. It was shown that he had left the State in the year 1852, before the maturity of the bond, and had not resided here since that date. The court ! instructed the jury that the unqualified admissions of the note sued on, and a promise to pay it by one defendant, made within ten years pre ceding the bringing of the action and before the bar of the statute was com plete, counting out the time between May 20, 1861, and January 1, 1870, would rebut the presumption of bayment as to both and entitle plaintiff to recover against both ; that if defendant J. E. begged indulgence, then the time of such indulgence given would not be counted as to him; that if defendant John E. left the State before the bond matured, and had not since returned, the statute would not run nor the pre sumption arise as to him. Judgment tor piainun; aeienaant appealed. The court savs : That the proviso con tained in Rev. Code, ch. 65, sec. 10, has no application to the case of a presumed payment arising from the lapse of time under the act ot 1826. it is trie duty or a debtor, notwithstanding his place of residence, to seek his creditor for the purpose of making payment, and there will be a presumption or his having done so in every instance after the lapse of the time which the statute re quires. The rule wnicn anowstne obligations of one co-defendant to be affected by a payment made by another has been directly applied in McKeethan vs. At kinson, 1 Jones, 421; vvnrong vs. tjnne, Id- 501 ; Lowe vs. Sowell, 3 Jones, 67. In Buie vs. Buie, 2 Ired., 87, there was evidence to repel the presumption as to one defendant, and the court held that if the presumption was not repelled also in regard to the other defendant, the jury should have found the issue on plea of payment in iavor or Dotn ; ror if the presumption held as to one, pay ment by him discharged the debt. The distinction was taken between matter which extinguished the debt, and that which only was a bar to the remedy. Error. Venire de novo. Meneely & Co. vs. Craven Randolph. Ruffin J. - Action begun in a justice's court in which the plaintiff seeks to recover $150.62 balance due on the purchase of a bell. Defendant insisted that there was a srecial warranty on the part of the plaintiff as to the tone and metal of the hell, that the same failed to come up to the warranty, in fact was so faulty that he was forced to sell it and buy a new one. and the amount due him as such breach of warranty as a counter claim to plaintiff's demand, then he nut in a claim in his own favor for &179.36 thus making the counter-claim amount to S329.98. The iurv after setting off plaintiff's demand allowed the defendant $179 36 as balance. due for breach of warranty. On motioathe judge set aside the ver diet anddefendant appealed. Held : That a counter-claim, the amount of which exceeds the jurisdic tion of a i ustice's court, can not be en tertained in a court of that character ; also, no amendment can be permitted in' the Superior Court, after appeal, whir.h serves to enlarge the sum de manded beyond the jurisdiction of the original court; Uovett va.Taughn, 85 N. C, 363. Me r.lpnahan vs.- Cotton. 83 N. C. 332. Derr vs. Stubs ib. 539 cited. No error. Affirmed. PAfartsfn Guano Co. vs. Magee et als Northampton. Ruffin J. la September 1S78 Magee- as consta ble levied upon the entire cotton crop of one Jordan, by virtue of certain jus tii'a pxecution. amounting in the ag crrpcr:ip to S15S3.08 in favor of other tlefe.ndiints. Later in the same month the plaintiff commenced this action of Hxim and delivery for eleven hundred und twentv five pounds of said cotton ttstimated to be worth S112 00 churning to have special property in thesame for trnano furnished said Jordan in 1878 to enable him to make a crop, as set forth in Hip, following instrument "!rar. of North Carolina, county of No. 202. On or before the .1st day of November 1878, 1 promise to pay tn th Pataosco Guano Company the sum of eleven hundred and twenty-five pounds or gooa iini. coLioii, mi icuui, ers furnished for the year 1878. Thereby constitute this obligation i lien on my crops of all kinds for the vear 1878 and bitid myself, my heirs and-asaigua for the faithful payment of the same, waiving cmims anu exemp tions allowed bv law. Witness my hand and set1, June G'.h, 1678.1 . , ..! r'tfV. .-,., . . r.5 -i Witness. W. P. Vick. Upon plaintiff's making the proper affidavit and gfvlng;t he required bond 1,125 pounds of cotton was delivered and retained by him. Vtf$ IsJuesfeubtaitted the i nty sf und thfe WdeWll23 Jcu ndVtaKerbV the plainUffitabe$9435raJxd,Jthat defend ants stistatned by reason ia plaintiff's action, no other damage.. Judgment was given irr favor of defendants for said sum. withinterest from 30th Sep tember 1878'irom which both .parties The plaintiff "assigns as error: ; 1. The refusal of the court to admit the instrument in evidence either- as an agricultural lien, or1 as a mortgage. 2. The exclusion of the testimony of the agent Vick as to the agreement of parties. a. That no interest ahnnlrl h allnwprl the defendants on the damages assessed by the jury, out interest was given from the date of the seizure by the sheriff. Held. The case of Glark vs. Farrer. 64 N. C, 686, is directly in point. An agri cultural lien can only be acquired by virtue of the statute and a strict com pliance .with its requirements. The agreement must be reduced to writing and executed'by the parties before the advancements are made or the supplies furnished. An instrument which is intended bv the parties to operate as an agricultural lien and which purports to be one, must take effect as sue ft, or not at all; and will not be permitted to avail as a mort gage. The decision is upon the ground that the creditors and subsequent pur chasers mtve a right to icbow truly what incumbrances are uBoa-xne property. their exact nature and extent and this information they are entitled to have ex viceribus, the deed itself.1 The in strument above set forth does not con vey, or purport to convey the title of the property, which was the subject of agreement, to the plaintiff; but only provides that the debt should constitute a lien thereon. A decisive test of a legal mortgage of personal property is the use of words which make the in strument one of sale, conveying the title to the creditor conditionally, so that, by the non-performance of the condition, the title will be transferred to the creditor, or he shall be clothed with power to sell. It was proper to reject the testimony offered, as to the custom of the plaintiff to deliver goods to customers before taking liens from them. The rule in this State is that interest. as interest, is allowed only when ex pressly given by statute, or by the spe cial agreement between the parties. The only statute upon the subject is Rev. Code, ch. 31, sec. 9. There is no rule which gives it as a matter of law and right and it was error in his Honor to have thus added to the damages as assessed by the jury. J udgment reversed and defendants will have judgment in this court for $91.35, with interest from the first day of the term of the court at which the judgment appealed from was rendered. Costs of this court divided between the parties. Maddrey vs. Long, et als. Northamp ton. Ashe, J. : This was an action to recover land, tried before Graves, Judge, at special term, 1882. On the trial, tbe plaintiff introduced the record of a judgment in favor of himself against defendant Long. Exe cution issued in June, 1878; the sheriff sold the land and executed a deed to plaintiff. The defendants urocker and Stephen son ottered to .show that in uctober, 1869, W. H. Hughs, as executor of W. M. Crocker, recovered three judgments against defendant Long; that they were regularly docketed ; execution is sued and they became purchasers at the sale and received a deed irom the sheriff for the same. That Long has contin ued to live on said land, but there has been no agreement between him and said C. and S., touching his continuing in possession of the land. The court being of opinion that C. and S. could not avail themselves of any defense which was not open to their co-defendant Long, ruled out the evidence. Judgment for plaintiff; defendant appealed. Mela. Where a defendant is let in to defend such an action by consent, he is not restricted to the defense of the party in possession upon whom the pro cess was served originally, but any de fense he can make is open to him. Under sections 61-65 C. C, P., a land lord let in to defend in an action for the recovery of land is not restricted to the defenses to which the tenant is confined, nor is the principle varied by the circumstance that the plaintiff is the purchaser at execution sale against such tenant and that the latter was in possession at date of sale and of the commencement of the action. Error. Venire de novo. England et als. vs. Garner et als Moore. Smith C J.: The object of this action is to im peach and annul the several decrees of the court of equity for fraud ; to set aside the several conveyances under which the defendants claim to derive title; to compel the restoration of the lands with an account of the rents, profits and spoliation, and meanwhile for an injunction to prevent the com mission of further waste. As a defense a demurrer is interposed, for an alleged misjoinder of separate and distinct causes of action, as improperly associa ted under the code. The court says: The essential and primary relief sought is the setting aside the decrees, and this done, the other demands follow as a. matter of course. They do not themselves consti tute separate causes of action, capable of severance and being separately pros ecuted, but are inseparably connected with the first. There is no error in the court in over ruling the demurrer. Affirmed. Deloatch vs. Rogers Ni-r'.hamton. Smith, C. J. : This action is brought under section 300 O, C V., to recover possession of the office of register of deeds which the de fendant is alleged to have usurped and to hold, claiming a right thereto by vir tue of an election held on Tuesday nexl after the first Monday in November, 18S0. The findings of the jury under in structions from the judge were for the defendant. Relator appealed. From a review of the facts it will be noticed that if all the rejected ballots were restored and added to those re turned for the relator, the aggregate would be insufficient to remove the majority of 359 accorded in the returns to the defendant. The court says: It is a well settled rule in contested elections that the re salt will not be disturbed, nor one in office removed because of illegal votes received or Jegal votes refused, unless the number be such that the connection shows the contesting party entitled thereto. The Statute, Acts 1876-'77, ch. 275, sec. 20, enumerates three tickets which are not to be numbered and declared to be Void: tickets rolled up together, those with more names than theelector is entitled to vote fgriand pickets hav ing some xleyice.uponj them." Tickets of eitheAGiass irt'jiofcty inoperative as to the person thus improperly voted for; but as tr atVdthers for hom-the elector Inky ot6 '.the entife ' ballot is bonnt. Odr statute is not Intendednsd Much, in Rpr.nrn a secret ballot ao that it may not be known for whom the" elector has voted, as the enactments In, the Northwestern States, as it is to. pro tect tbe i elector from imposition and. fraud in the use of mere party design a tions and symbols, and to enable nini to vote understandingly and for per sons whom he may prefer. To permit the insertion of inadmissi ble names upon it, a ballot maybe as effectual in influencing the action of the elector as a prohibited device for the purpose of distinguishing it There is no error. Affirmed. f From the Home Journal A Remarkable Discovery A REAL SKIN CURE. THERE 3B ONLY OHS AND THAT WITH 81MFLK NAME. Beware of Imposters, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best. They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. HO POMPOUS HAMS. This curative needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but Its simple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CUBE in preference to all other professed remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin, since he has been persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "gkln Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. -Beware of imitations, or the various articles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no. real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. w. Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles in one package. Price 81.00. get at your druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains CATJSK AHD CUBS. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous centers need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being daily cured by these pills They correct costlveness, but are not purgative. Price, 50 cents or six boxes for 82 50, postage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor can be addiessed. Letters of Inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crlttenton, New York, is wholesale agent for Dr. . W. Benson's remedies. may 2 MRS. LYD1& E. PiNKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS.. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ia a Positive Cure " for all those Pftlnrul Complaint, and WmImMM onun to our beat female popalatlam. It will euro entirely the -worst form of Female Oonv plalnto, all ovarian trouble, Inflammation tad Ulcers tion, Tailing' and DliplacemenU, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to oaa oerous humors there Is checked very speedily by tts use. It removes f alntness, flatulency, destroys all eravlns; for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, eausmg pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by tts use. It will at all times and under all clroumstanoes act la harmony with the lawi that gorern the female system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. I,YIIA E. riN CHAM'S tecetabxvc cox POTJJfDis prepared at 133 and 2SS Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles f or St. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, oa receipt of price, $1 per box for either, Mrs. Plnkhaia freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pernph. let. Address as abore. Mention tkii Paper. No family should be without LYDIA B. PCTKHAMi LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bill' and torpidity of the liver. M cente per box. S3- Said by all Pros-gist. PELOUBET t CO, ESTEY, ROSE DALE, ORGANS. Sl iiiWav, Webb r, Decker Bro's VAlVKi and t AT.5 CI1Y PIANOS. NEW YoUK rtAX03. liCeded. It ad tbe mtlL I uui aiiit for Sit -'the c lebr ted New Vertc nmke ai.d SELL T KA TOKV t b JiJt-d b udvertUss&cnts but give me a tilal be fore jou buy and I w 11 show you that I e;m distance all competi tors, both iu price and Jt- terms. All I ask lj a trial and this c in cost you inning, lille lt's may fee tfie nutans of saving you H ili!f" -. y.:,. , iaaatnwrwraerriV; TE.sJM 1t Ii c 1 ft fr r " - ' DO !1 1 a n "BSC- V-': ar Organa always In stoclt, Itber. fo sell lent.' Call on or address ; " , . ' ; lv 4 ;.; 'LoeBoxa74. JNOV R. JEDDIN8V. CUartotte.N.t), - apr80 or m Received rcr Eipress. Mfli A Large Stock of LACES in New Effects, ALSO SOME NEW STYLES HOOjPSKIRTSi WE ARK OFFERING BARGAINS IN SEVERAL LINW CS GOODS, ANfl ; Parties Will Find it to Their We have a'so Just LAWNS, And are constantly adding to our stock everrthlng new thatedmes uLu' Call and see u. Prompt attention given to order, ; Truly, . ; i argraves may7 fSITi THE TJ WEIGHT 1500 ?3 III IVlcSIVllTH WILL DOUBLE HIS STOCK. LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS i BAWM. ..: - J. ...u Let Music Increase! a a g --on 4 s Organs within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SHOiMNGER BELL CBIM, PELOUBET 4 Oa and STERLING. Never More Such Low Prices i Easy Terms ''; on! ,'au;:.u:':;.:; . . iu:i : : . ' tn H, IVlcSrVllf H H 11 111 , Pill wwif! NKwrYife! imm COM K L? R nr sf-c 1 I , i.l In. rielu-f id .1 - I'm ' H k m-; tutf ii r' tots hi r 1 i no i-'nn t 'e cill t'KjiecI N lnl V i hrr u' iti, il In ii k f o rMj i a full biwr ii KKl-I'H K 'nl l ii. lid- -.ihiK ll n' ' ir" f. :1.: ll.M' It il h;' !! n ! lrhrt l.tfcl'rw IR'li f h l;.'l ' W III lii-M ill iii'K bj , "li K i!!. I' i ll, i;.r. UATS-Al tlDlJOGf r , , ' tii r Ktrr T H E. -V; &!. :K:.T iW'ii f'W.HiA'.'li'ti Li .1 3Ji -ihi an our-fc of 33r v"6 jfivi'irl ClxilcTi-'t- id' Cl'J hlaji. Tue iaie.-t Kl,-.- Iu ;: .,' ' men j Interest to Examine fori Received some Jtew ' i. t". : .1 i..i.. i 3VE B O '? SOUARE GRAND a Crime will Decrease PIANOS Within ReacH of MMt CBICKKRIXG ft SON, KRANICH & BACH, MATHU8HEK, ON CO., GEM. LOOK HOW TRB OLf MA FROWNS nd seratcbes bis bfta7fVhIIe"rtaViB5r1rrcs adv. Make aim read, let him frown, write to me aid Twill send you a pnoto (not of nuaelfj puf e? my. Punoa os andOr- gana. KaKe your aeiecrion, uien ko lor bun, arid rue ma for a tun nnm dots. idieb ita ttrarnMmd ,Va : -A E I J ' BIMP30N idfeis;Warl oh''- ' ' X'-'i a -i i. HtGayiCK 88t W ti. : 1 f. mn I rll' K ii ! d) a!jf iriiy, - lit:,-- h hn4 i'-i-' ' fc ii-, :. ; ii- ut ' t..;l;.M i Wii -iirTti' rt ' " H: , ri 1 i Ii; IVi-f )-lJ'l.'.-J..ll t Ifct- rlr; 1,1:1 Ii I ! -K I V : I , r ; i1 I. I- LCULiKS. ' . yj :.U J)ll b&Hlilil il3. '. 7 in rii! airi'Ij;') n&oiea'isxi!' - 0 - WrVrMf;' - - frf:4i. - Hitu. atlJ Aii 03 ) woa r BerxrVafl wmtik Bro; jvr.rt LIuoo asniTnKibal tut obi JsuTfV i; -iI basin ,!J . . r i . . Ljotis' Dffl Stiffened. appealed. . vitiated and must be rejected from the

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