DAILY CHARLOTTE. OBSERVER; FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1882. gtyt (tyorlottt (S)b0erptr, CIIA3. n. JONES, Editor and PropHor. ntaniBo at m Tv&tOiticu at Oubloitb, N. Om AS 8M0n-GLAl ATTBB.1 ' IfaffiiA. MAY 12, 1882. NO REVISION- OF THE TARIFF. i of a tariff tehliHMilrfaccuD EOS the nreaent session, is settled so far as this Congress is concerned, by the pas sage of the rnion 111 wjhicls te gone through both houses, after ah ex haustive debate, and now goes to the President for his .signature. He will signli The Democrats in both Houses with a few exceptions opposed the proposed Co 3 mission, while the Republicans, with a few exceptions supported it The Democrats favored a. revision of the tariff, and a remodeling of the system by reducing when the present tariff was heavier than it ought to be, and repealing such duties as were f ounk to be unnecessary to meet the require ments of the government Their ob ject was to revise the whole minus sys tem which was framed upon a war basis and adopt one suited to the times, and the present demands of the gov ernment For years there have been collected millions in excess of the heeds of the government to meet all its re quirements. The amount now reach ing something like $150,000,000 annual ly, which enormous sum of money is withdrawn from circulation and re mains locked jap; in the vaults 1 of j the Treasury Department. : f j ( i There is no reason why stfch vast' sums should be' amiually colleoted and locked up as a surplus, and the people burdened with enormous and unneces sary burdens. The Democrats took this view of it, and in the interest of the people demanded a reduction, and struggled hard to effect it, but the Re publican, in the interest "of monopo lies, and those whose wish it is to re tain the present systembecauset puts money in their purses while it takes it out of the pockets of those upon whom tribute is levied. The commission bill is nothing more nor less than a scheme to indefinitely postpone, and practically defeat any re duction of tax and revision of tariff whatever, although demanded and ex pected by the people, and for that the - Republican majority in Congress is re sponsible, which true to its instinet, as it always has been, was deaf to the voice of the people. TAKING WATER. Dr. Mott is not having the game all his own way by any means. There is an element in the Republican party which has all along opposed his sad dling that party with the anti-prohibition issue, and they do not propose to sit quietly and let him wake that issue and make it a part of the Republican coalition platform, as he has been in triguing to do in the coming campaign. The Asheville citizen gives an account of a meeting of prominent Republicans which was held in Asheville last Thurs day night, from which we clip the fol lowing: A caucus of the elements was called to meet in Asheville Thursday night A number were present from Greens boro to Cherokee. Dr. Mott was there, he was. The ruling in and ruling out programme was cussed and discussed, Dro and con. n n and down And art far oa Mott and his wing are concerned it was more "up" than "down," more "con" than "pro." It was evident before the speak ing ceased that the doctor's corset, usually well-laced, was loosening. It was necessary. Ball and those "few" prohibitionists for whom he spoke laid the law down to the great go-lier of the revenue rinir ' and Rrmr.hinr had fA S've way or bust The corset gave way. ott followed. Ball and the prohibs are the bosses of the Republican camp. Exeunt Mott - None so poor now as to do him reverence. Lignum vitae, plu ribus unum, Col. Johnathan Fagg, Er vin go bragfa I What a fall, my coun trymen 1 What an aspect! Ball the Bantam, slews the Dunghill, and steps forth the cock of the walk., Had Ball been as powerful with the voters as he has proven himself over;Mott and his minions that pestiferous" measure so called prohibition would have been the law of the land to-day. . But Mott is walloped on his own ground. He has surrendered to the enemy he despises most Ball, Douglas, Keogh, and others. He has pledged himself and friends to heave the prohibition issue to the doors as it were to fight over, and not to drag It around as a skeleton to disturb the already unhappy Republican fami- thUS DAlnir HMTm) n l on ohnn v, 1 - - --o-. 1 vw w x, 0 WW V O OUK gested, nothing is left him but to topple' over upon the "liberal" platform just flung upon an astonished world by Tom Copper and O'Hara the darkey, over Col. Johnston's -shoulders, when the doctor's roar was heard not long since we thought him the Lion of the Repub lican forest; lut when' Ball and the boys got after him the other night in dead earnest, he proved to be a regular Jackass rabbit, forVifittin away. By bye, doc!,' v. , Sf Should the Republicans who are op posed to Mott's new movement stand firm, the coalition cannot be effected, and then what a lonely time Col. John ston with his handful of so-called lib erals will have. Thus far the only aid and comfort they have received has been from Dr. Mott, andjf he should flash In the pan what would become of them and their nice little plans. It seems that Mr. Geo. Scoville, Gui teau brother-in-law, and counsel in his trial, is getting into trouble with his wife. ItBeenis'sWls'iiow in Boston, where she has been taken under the protection of hep t brpther, John W Guiteau, under thW impression ihat Scoville intends to haye her placed in f ,wwoe asymrn' to insane. ScovUle i-'-j I " i TT rTT ; w,w has - sued out a writ of habeas corpus, but the, lady is secreted and cannot be found. It is said tfcaT3mfc wni intitnfA faroceedinirs forfliv He has had rough road to travel since that fatalVis'flred,' and heow w o ' a vuie. nnos nimseir, alter m ibis unrequited devetion to the miserable assassin, es tranged from his "wifei whose mind Itohaje-bepro flattererbyj the ordeallhrobgh wMch sheliaa i passed." James Emery, "toe 4.' 4a 1 abou it 100 years old ... i f umiss ana mnmeren an ni fvi ; , , sioyr tnax jen. Gordonrof Georgia; to a sirrvrr". -rk'".vr -muugmuB i ;r,Thishtbe rsuiasabtoiturttaidthft v . ni iwn iiiil vnA Orlll in mil I . . Jierer damn his seat amin-yui liVt:.1 labilities reported at OUR NATIONAL lOIONSl WINDING UP THE APPELLATE COURT BILL IN THE SENATE. Popular Education in the House A Bill Recommended Appropriating $50,000,000, $10,000,000 a Year for Five Years The Geneva Award ! Bill Retained.' ; '.is' The chair'Submated 'aresoluuonct the bar association of New York in 'favor of the pending bill for intermediate appellate courts. Bill X or the payment to L. Madison Day of ;tbe amount paid for property Surchased in New Orleans at sale un er order of Judge Durell's court, but to which the government failed to,give clear title, was passed 27 to 22. : The chair announced his signature to the tariff commission. The bill for the intermediate appel late courts was further discussed, George resuming and concluding his criticisms upon the measure. Jones, of Florida, offered an amend ment affecting appeals from district to circuit courts, but this and several amendments offered by George and Morgan were lost by nearly the same vote, the Democrats voting aye, and the Republicans, with Davis of Illinois, in the negative. An amendment was adopted on mo tion Of Davis, of Illinois, providing more explicitly that the jurisdiction of the circuit court shall be neither en larged nor abridged by the bill. After an ineffectual effort to dispose of the bill unanimous consent was se cured for a final vote upon it to-fior-row. The conference report on the Indian appropriation bill was submitted by Dawes, who said the total had been re duced by conference $455,200. Concur red in and the bill passed. Adjourned, i ''House. Sherwin, of Illinois, from : the committee on education and labor, reported a bill to aid in the support of common schools. Printed and re-committed. It provides that for the next five years there shall be annually ap propriated the sum of ten million dol lars to aid in the support of free com mon schools, which amount shall be known as the common school fund, and which shall be apportioned to the sev eral states and territories, according to the number of their illiterate popula tion, over ten years of age. An amount not exceeding five per cent of the sum apportioned, may be used for the edu cation of teachers in the public schools. - The House then resumed the consid eration of the Geneva Award bill! Af ter a long debate the previous question was ordered on the bill, but without further action the matter went over. The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the Secretary of War, in lesponse to the Honse resolu tion, calling for information as to the expenditures of the signal service. Re ferred. The expenditures are as fol lows: 1875, $455,286; 1876, $440,678; 1877, $424,702; 1878, $495,640; 1879, $504,492; 1880, $539,131; 1881, $593,844. The expenditures previously reported by the Secretary of State appear to have been erroneous. Tilman, of South Carolina, introduc ed a bill providing for a coaling dock and naval store house at Fort Royal S. C. Referred. Adjourned. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Sunday-School WorkThe Book Con cernConservatism of the Committees Discussing the Number of Bishops. NAsnviLLE, May 11. In the Metho dist conference yesterday the Sunday- School committor's rennrt was nrsftnr. ed. It makes a very favorable showing xne committee on itinerancy recom mend non-concurrence in the memoria from the Kentucky conference asking tne appointment or evangelists. Trio r.asft nf li. w w hitman, amor n the South Carolina conference, deposed from the ministry on the ground of immorality, was remanded for a new trial, because of the inconsistency in thft decision in riflnnsinrr him from tho ministry and yet retaining him in the The committee on revivals recom mend non-concurrence in the petition to strike from the church rolls those who habitually neglect public worship. mu i . . j iuc) louuuiiucuu iiuix-concurrence nun piunjsibiuii iu legalise tut) up pointment of women as Sunday-Schoo! superintendents. The committee on fraternal corres pondence report that they had replied to the letter of the Sabbath committee of the Southern Presbyterian Church, promising to co-operate in the effort to protect, by proper legal measures, the sanctity of the Christian Sabbath and will join in an earnest appeal to Con gress to discontinue and prohibit the transportation of mail matter on Sun day. After some discussion the letter was laid on the table for the present Dr. J. B. McFerrin, book agent, and T tTTt i . 1 Mm a . . o as. nitwortn, oi tne dook committee, replied to the complaint of Dr. Bedford that injustice had been done him by me. dook committee s report and insist ing that the facts and records justified their report To-day in the case of Samuel Cupples, h iay ueieera irom ?sc unm ivmfor. ence, charged with violation of rules in x. ....... . - ... . - -xwxxx buaii but law airamsD aanmno nan huen fully., vindicated by his pastor and vnurcn. Dr. ShiDDfrom the cnmmitfe nn fro. ternal relations submitted the folio w- lnir wmcn was annnti nnammnno n- Resolved, That this General Confer ence has heard with ereat satisfaction Christian salutation of the Methodist cnurcn JNortn, tnrough their fraternal measencrer "Rev. TTnwarrl Si-t-q and of the Methodist Episcopal Church iuvui(u jaenry jadscom .ttlageway, U. ' J ,b wf wsvfc7 VUCU OA- pressions of love to the Methodist Epis- V f I -1 t m -mr. . . F cupai unurcn, aoutn. .Fraying that the Divine spirit may render effective their joint labors with ours in spread- idr scriptural nouness tnrougnout the earth. The report of the cnmmit.teo copacy recommeningthe election of six bishops produced some discussion on a motion to limit the number to 3. Pend ing discussion the conference adjourn- mm i I I i mMm THE PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY, Changes Its Place of Meeting from At lanta to Columbas, Georgia. Columbus, Ga, May lO.A dispatch has been received from Rev. R. P. Fer- nsn, ujj, moderator of the general assembly of the PreRhvteri an nhnr.h in the United States, which states that on account of the small-pox being preva- iwi iu Abiauut ,mo session to convene on May is, 1882, will be held in Colum- bu$ This change will be announc- ta tpe city papers here,and a welcome aea to me aeiegates. i A w Bftmfoifc A Writ ol Error Granted. VaL Hftr ll r!Mf .Tna. rv aite mis morning granted a writ of error from the Supreme Court of the United States to the Court of Appeals of Virginia in the case of Antoni vs. Greenhow, city treasurer of Richmond, a test case recently decided by the Vir- "V.w,iv -ppeais m wnicn dv an wuy 'aiTWetl' court- the new act m MBL'trJl -coupon . jLmer No. r was maiiii Md K wMfWwuwni restraining Kl'ateif bonds fof i&T?S?Sk00Blt-tIRlted in a certifi cate to the Supreme Court that the m- Mest and welfare of thepeoplebf Vir- Huoreoi a newurl ean Cotton Briverr BmiiMnn. BAPTIST CONVENTION. SPREADING THE GOSPEL AT HOME AND ABROAD. A New Translation oi the Bible Edu cating the Freedmea to Work in the Vineyard. (iRETTOVTT.T.p:. S. r. . Mav 11. The sen. cond day's proceedings of the Southern Baptist Convention were opened' at 9 o'clock this morning with prayer by jev. jul. jj. d. otratton, of Georgia. The President announced the com mittees. A. D. Cohen, of North Carolina, in troduced a resolution looking: to mis- Hinnanr nnernfinna amnnor the .To too in this and other countries and the appoint ment oi proper men ior me prosecution of this special work. The resolution was referred in a one. cial committee of five of the committee on me extension or roreign missionary wnrlr. A resolution by Joshua Levening, of maryiana, was adopted providing tor a AAmmUl-AA Pma.'w. AAA1. Ct.4. J. (uuiiuiibco iiuui eauu otate xepruseuieu in the convention to consider the pres ent condition of the board of home missions and to recommend snh meas- ures as may be deemed necessary for uie enlargement oi worx. Kev li A IMomflllv af llanrtrni in. troduced a resolution providing for the appointment oi a committee to conter with other Baptists with the sole pur pose of combining and co-operating for the production of a new translation of the Bible and giving to the nations of the earth in their respective languages the pure word of God. The resolution declares that this action is not intended to interfere with nor to commit this body m its sympathy or support to mis sionary or publication work of any other Baptist organization now in exis- M. C. Yates, missionary of the Southern "DnK4.;. v. v. n 4. 1 I : L. ; . . tainins the words "Psalm fortv-six." The Psalm was read by Mr. Tupper, Secretary of the board of foreign mis mions, and the President answered by teiegrapnmg tne words "jsaim one hundred and three." Rev. J. M. Greg ory, D. D., of Illinois, agent of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, who ha3 been traveling in the South for some weeks inspecting the conditions 01 scnoois ror tne ireeomen, under tne auspices or tne society, made an address, giving an encouraging ac count or nis orservations, and reremng at lengtn and witn eloquence, to tne struggle through which Christianity is men established by the American Bap tist Society, are all prospering, and many young colored men are being trained tor tne active duties or the ministry. The afternoon session was consumed in hearing the reports of the vice-Pres idents of the board on home and for eicn missions. The reports show in creasing interest in the missionary op- erations in nearly an tne southern States!. To-night there will be a mass meeting in the interest of foreign missions. Rev. Dr. Norton, of Kentucky, treas urer of the convention, and Auditor ijong, aiso or JventucKy, were re-elect ed. mmm 1 mt i 1 mm The Supreme Court of Lousiana Sits Down on Judge Munroe and Sustains the Freedom of the Press. New Orleans. Mav llth. The Su preme Court nullified the order of dis trict Judge Munroe committing to prison for ten dava the Dublishers of the "Mascotte." The Supreme Court noios incarceration to De in violation or the bill of rights in the State constitu tion. Seven days of the sentence had already been served. A suit for false imprisonment is threatened. Weather. Washington. Mav llth. South At lantic States, partly cloudy weather, witu rain, soucnwesteriy wmas, oecom ing variable, stationary or lower tem- x j . 1 1 : r n i 1 , pmaiuru, litiiiug, luiiuwBU uy rising oa- Middlfl Atlantic Shatpn. rlmidv wAath. er with light rain, northeasterly winds, 1 I X. AI J.AA.- uacKingio non.nwest,siauoary or nign- kl itiiiiprakure aim pressure. Reporting in Favor of Lowe. Washington, May ll. The House committee on elections to-day agreed by a vote of 9 against 2 to report to the House in favor of seating William M. Lowe, contestant in the case of Lowe vs. Wheeler from the 8th congressional JJA-.-i.JJ 11 Postmasters Nominated. "VVAsrrTKfiTOv. Mav 11th Th ProaJ- dent to-day nominated for postmaster, xnos. 0. .aKe, .tnens, Ala., jonn Man ix, jn ew Derne, JN . C. Death of a Prominent Citizen in Florida Jacksonville. Mav 11. Hon. Luth er McConihe, one of the leading and most honored citizens, died yesterday aiter a snort, uiness. Women Should not Suffer. Charleston, 8. C, February 10, 1881. H. H. Warner Co.: Sirs A member of my lamu; was curea 01 a complication 01 female dis eases y your gale Sidney and Liver Cure. Wk. H. Gbat. No matter what the mouth's disease- How foul the breath or teeth's decay With SOZODONT on all we seize, And swiftly sweeps it far away. Leaving the gums pure, firm and bright, And the dull teeth. as ivory white. Health, hope and haDDlness are reatorAd hv h use of Lydla K. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound. 11 is a posiuve cure for all those diseases from which women suffer so much. Bend to Mrs. Lydla B. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., 1V1 AKUUVU-CLOi ft 1 1 WfTRTk A T TT-C ivn Foaw Qnn - ITT AAsa. The great tenlo and alterative contains mv- UtUfl OrniHtfB V AI AH AfllJ inivo u muca iron ana mif per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Imn mun" tnnom Jugt the thllle for the "SDrln- WMtcnnoa" now an general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. x xxvoa xvxuwu Vlio marl 1 tf MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MAT 11, 1882. PRODUCE. Kosln Quiet, 81.70 for strained: 81.76 for itood . uiuaw -uiyvuuuo etcauji ah uu. Buourau. iivr siaay, ai jfi.wu. uom unchanged: xuiw um a 1 m iuubu vo Howard street and Western super 88 50ffi84.75: oxuo 90.wvv90.wi jamuy so.xSoa)4.25: city MllxS,8uper88.6O084.75; extra 85.0087.80: Bio and steady Western lrreenlar and hiirhnr. nni vtuDiuK easier , ooumern rea i.Htrl.a8: am- x1m1m-u.h. n xi A - r. . , Western, winter red spot, 81.4081.41; May 81.4H4? asked;Jane 81.41 81. 41 lh: July wwua urn. jora souuiern steady and Sn"w " uigner ana auu; southern white OOUiOV, OUUU1CIU JOUVW O i, t.,M?I'xr9hi8her; Southern 1111 lit i.i . nmiiMrii wiiii 1 nvrrHui MrAy 111 isnn. P0ricr8l8.75a$19-75. A Bulk meatflghoulderfl vT" 1 i V., Di,UCB pacaea vxxuw. Bacon oiear np siaes zw, hams 16 lElM. Lard mflnnrl 19K, . rvav,r.,.. d.... goesrainary w fair 80914. 8oirnr-aulet: A ' - wxxw UUXV3II. U1V I3&X- " n uwey Bteaay, at jfi.zis. freights - j -rr vxx uvui, txuuuauEeu una ue- NtVVffl)T flnnftun. Hah. x -uu msui; ouuixuou w iwr extra S5.75&86.90; Won o vTn . ""'"""npoo". wneai casn - ""-x ix vxwoxlxg xlllxl lib tUO DeSl i00,w. BPnpg ungraded red 81 .26 ll.OU no. 'A Ml. MM l xxKl jIRUi A ri ci.0 ?! J 2? at highest points;? un Sed 8185; No, 2, May 88385. Oats-opened lWw higher and strong; No. 8. 61lfe: do douiati; Bio cargoes 810; Job lota 811U. uuio. BU3aayana uncnaDgtd; lair to good IT 8. ueu at -4waw, Kenned steady and oderate inquiry; -Standard A QQfli. Molas- TITVphBTItTXwl unit lull i xI-I vT-Vj x.T .Tri xT . xuhtt uriu liriu ana iwSr zTAai JTrfST"?" Pa pnseniea, ana cios- Trf, 1 ' - tr. U?CUD. oouia; xezas 140529. 7ie.8.&l" and priMs -mljnK terr steoSi?: 1 .oU nd wholly nominal; Ion ew; r ii- fr""7"ear ana openlOK very stead ant IT? bSiam !Swi,r "H- i 10: V4.1.DM;. MgT elnalmr if en an . mZ.iv.x-x COTTON. UALTJEMUM Steady: mM1!rne lorn mfiu anng llVsc: good ordinary llUte: net recelots mm i?fM! mm mil dmk ltviru at. DOrtB aoaatwlM tn Armt RrKKln tn continent 1,499; to France : to channel NORFOLK Stendv: tnldtfltnv 19n; nt rMMlnta 815; groH 815; stock 8,881; exports eoaat wim 1,592; sales S4r exports to ereat Britain i),uo; to cononeni T(lT'PTWA1rin1f m1ffM lOli. tna m I. rtllno' 1 like.: (rood oidlnarr 1 O&Iia: nnt Kwtntn - ..lu . - Of. rtPA . coastwise ; spinners 225; exports to Great Kiiam J..J.U1. w coiiunem BOSTOH Qnlet: middling 121faa: low mtddllns lac; irooa orainarj nic; net receipts 4K9; to us 04; saies : stocx 8,tnu; exporu to treat uniain 760; to France WTT.irTNRTON RtPA1 v : tnlddllnff 1 9.n: In mM Ung ll 9-lrjc; good ordinary 10 11 16c; receipts 77: ktoss : sales : stock 3.319: exDorts coastwise : to Great Britain : to continent PHTr.ATVKT.PTTTA Firm: mlddllns 1 9Voc. Inn middling 12c: rood ordinary 11c: net reeelDt 462: ffross fiH2: galea : stock 1R.101: ex. ports Great Britain ; to continent 2,500 SATAiwAir Steady: middling llSfce: low mid dling 1114c; good ordinary lOVfco; net receipts SHO: sross : sales 1.180: stock 1H.047: exports coastwise 520: to Great Britain to France ; to continent . NKW ORT.HAWS-Flrnrv? mlddllntr 9.e-. low mid dl'.nff Wfka: rood ordlimrr 1114c: net rennlnta ZHl; gross 931; sales 2.000; stock 115,772 exports to Great Britain : to France coastwise 2,636; to continent ; to chan nel . Mortt.H Staadv mldiTllnflr 1 1 Hon- roo mlririllno lll&c: good ordinary lie: net recerots i7: gross 18: sales 150; stock 11,441: exports coast 'n'Z: irmnnn tn (4rAt Hriraln to continent MKKPTm fltAOdT! mMdTlnir 19r Inn mid. dling llc; good ordinary 11c: net reoeiota 208: rmna 8 90.8- ihlnmanti O0i- anion 99R- AUGUSTA O11I nt: mlddllnir 11U- Inn mid dUng llie; good ordinary 10l&c; receipt 87; uinmenn ; sales bio CHA TU.Vfrrmn RfAnrfv mlHna 19. Ina m(H. aungiio; rood ordinary lH4c; net receipts 25: 8TOSS 25: sales ftOO: atnnlr 1 1 exports coastwise ; to Great Britain : to continent 734; to France ; to chan nel . .xu., JH VD x.Vt7, iliblUUiU 1 tLl't I export; middling uplands 12c; middling Orleans IA Imaf 0tfl Cm OO A . A n " - ji dal miuiii n . r ill rt ru iiph i a-yn rn onn txucui i, i vi ; j cnannei LrVXBPOOI. Noon-Flrmflr: mlddllnir nnlanda nana: miaann? oneans k ih-ihti- um iriiiwi- speculation and exports 3,000; receipts 6,900; AmArlram A QAO rTnlan1a inn mlHjIHna nionu,. May delivery 6 40-64d; May and June 6 40-64d; puuo tuiu diujr o 4 o-iu; juiy ana August ; AncnHt and Hnntamlwr A K9 (KAA Sunfamh.. October 6 44-64d; October and November oou-ow. f utures quiet ana steady FUrUBES. NSW rnm -Net ranofnta R1- nma ai sutures cioseaeasy; saies 54.UUU bales. " -' .wv. W., KIVi U I . May MDinoo . ..... x IX. oi InnA to ia ii X I UJ.ttZ 12.55a.56 SeDtemher io onn o i 2r-- 11.69. 70 November 11.K0 52 uecemoei. 11.51 53 January 11.6465 rcuiucirr 11.7001.70 siarja April FINiNJLAL. Nxw Yohk. Kxchange Sovem ments weak New 5's, Four and a half per cents, Four per cents Money RtAtft hnnria Inartluo 4.87 1.01 MM 1 20 84 $89,221 3,977 Sub-treasury balances-Gold.". '."..". currency.... 8T0CKS Dull and UllAner fiftr.t hihprthan yesterday: Alabama Class A,2to5 811 Alaltama Class A, small 82 Ataliama Class R. K' 1 rwii, Alabama Class C, 4's. 85U umcago ana Northwestern 1.29lfe Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.40IA Krle 3K7h Kast Tennessee liu, Georgia 1.B5 Illinois Central. 1.361A Lake Shore . 1 fx-nt. Louisville and Nashville ........ '." '75 Memphis and Charleston 51 Nashville and Chattanooga u New York Central 1 tia Pittsburg. 1.37 Bicnmond and Allegheny 18 Richmond and Danville 99 Roc If Talanil 1 onii. South Carolina Brown Consols, 103 Wabash, St. Louts Pacific. 8 iSh Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific preferr'd 53S(k wwwru uuiou. - 4 CITY COTTON MARKET. Officii of Tits Observer. 1 Charlotte, May 11. 1882. t The market vnstnrrtaT rlnand dull at tha fal lowing quotations: So rwl Middling nn StrlcUy middling ".'.'".'.'.''.'.WW. lS ouaaiing. 1 1 1A 8triet low middling. 1114 T,n mldrlllna 11 Tinges ....... .'.".V.'."".'.".'..'.".'.'.'..".'.'. 1 Offil 0 awiiucuuvu iatVva Sales yesterday 1 06 bales. liNEKAL WAT Both Foreign and Domestic. Just Received, at Dr. J.H.McAden's Drog Store s ARATOGA V ICHT, From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re- semDung me importea vicny. Recommended as hji Hiiutciu; cures aysppsia, aias oiges- uoii, ia a puwenui ionic ana strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative, and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATIR, Q CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, J Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNZADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: DOS; A wine -lass full before breakfaiit. firms tnat ltM rlnnnAaa In anarlant aaa inu.Gn. that of all other known waters." rne jsruui Medical Journal' Hnnyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. virchou, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." these writers with remarkable success." PTOf. Bm.m3fm.i- WllN7hnra T rvman a but this." Pro. Ltwtfer Brunton, af. D., F. B. London. More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." ,FV,Aliken' M- Dv R- Boya1 Military Hos- rtchshalL" - - JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Disnenslns PharmaclaL North Tryon St, - CHABLOTTE. N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When yon can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive thin nmf ni In lt- i.l? h ". . , . ----- . w. .... fcvJ vunA bxxl Xx70x71TUlxO which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. H. MoADEN, Druggist and Chemist Preserlptlons carefully prepared by experienced and oompetent drncslsts. dav or nio-ht uly8 METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! lIortlioitliisBook'lOTol BOOpagM. 160 niutrttlesi! Revaaltn mlserle of hisrh and low Ufa In Amerloa'a sreat dtie fashion's foUiea and frivolities : behind the oene ; trioks of pretty deosivera; city"i rich and poori JlTioM oorrnption at Washington ; rain ofinnooent Jji!.'. Ul2?'4Bde 8inn byga-UKht ; bewitching lrenj victims) Vendov and Mormon horror ; Btart JinirBevelatlona! Prioe I2.G0. Illust'd oiroalariee. tfitaTOoMd., ANCHOR PUBLI8HQ OOl BT.IiOPI8.Mo. CSIOAX5tO,IU. ATl3SrT-TqtC r r it is iz I RELIABLE SELFrCURE vi 2Sr,t iion X one of tbe moatn f lnlai rrettred) for theenre of IKwiit MUitwY. FRESH 1 WE INVITE ATTENTION FOR THE Natoral Fruit Flavors. 1 -Saerr'i''ir EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities. Have gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MAxTUFACTUBED BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago. HI., and St. Louis, Mo., ftken of Lopalln Yeut 0m; Dr. Prim's Cre Baking Powder, aad Dr. PrlM Unique Perfumes. WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE COODS. e In great varh ty, just reeelvea at the CHINA STORE OF- J. Brookfleld & Co. Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, teRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TR VPS. ICE CKEAItl FREEZEKS, best made. AIR-TIGHT FRUIT JARS. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding Cages Baby Swings, etc, eta A full UnA nf Hhlna r.mtrarv niaamnA Lamps, Fancy Goods and Silver Dlatea Ware al ways on hand, wholesale and retail at reasonable y; ures. j-ieaae give us a can. Respectfully, J. BROOK FIELD A: CO. maj9 I C E E OWING to recent advances on ICE by the deal ers North and the high prices of fuel here we are compelled to advance the prices of ICE for this season dating from and after May 1st, the following will be the rates delivered from the wagon to consumers in any part of the city: 2V. pounds Daily Delivery 85c per week g " " " 60c 8 " " 90c JO " " " 81.10 16 ; 1.60 20 " " " 2.10 " To Restaurants, Ice Cream Dealers. Soda Foun tains, Ac., 114c per pound. Special contract lor large quantities. We are now TnannffnHno a nr-- nnoiif Af Ice from distilled water taken from Springs there by rendering this ICE the most desirable for uomesnc use. customers who do not desire regu lar quantities daily can procure of the driver or at the office cash ticket All persons are requested to report any Irregularities In the reception of their supply. We also have a large stock select Laths. Lum ber, Shingles, &c and Coal for lamlly, foundry and smith's use. Thankful for a very generous support in the past we solicit a continuance of the same In the future, promising our best efforts to please alL Very respectfully, ANTHONY & BRYCE, maySlm P. 0. Box 163, Charlotte, N. C. THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ALL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. Will open for the season of 1882, on the 15th day J xix w. xi cj iioyo euiargea weir noteis to ac commodate 200 guests, and have added every amusement calculated to promote health and cornier- These wonderful Waters cure DTsnansia. Bit Headache, Constipation and all Deranse- ""xiidOTUYo ureuiis. aii oKin Diseases, n vrYi?68 ?l e!,ery Wn5 scrofula, Catarrh and 5" d.n.ey AltecUons yield to their healina virtues. E?.!?? m SprlngB of ml. ? - icuoi, iuuna u nere last season. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on Female Complaints, and many distressing .S0.?0 last season. The wners tatend VhTTtr i:. mo51' complete Health Resort in tne United Rtntea. Ras1ixa .m. jv. j . wx.xx.vo u x aura u iiubo 1 1 1 h v J?ili!.p?nA?e.8taurant' and Isitors may suit their SfnS??,' purexesx Kursion tickets wlU be rxJ Sr. VT o iwiius rojunrs Mountain, the de pot for these 8prings. For farther mfnotinn fft8,D M-G-BRETT, Manager, King's , . apr am OLD MADE If WITH MAKES Looking Glasses DOBBINS' ELECTRIC . Scouring polish. Best In the World. ASK YOUR GROCER FOUJSAxLElBY J. 8, SPENCER & CO and FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, N, C Richard A. Springs, Formerly of Charlotte, N. C.1 ATTOEHUY & 00UNSELL0B at LAW, Ho, 17 Nauan Street, New York. All correspondence will receive pr mpt attention RDTOxOtCxef 1 st National Bank, Charlotte, N. C wueigx. n uuuimi saiiK, Kaieiga, n. u., tioa. w. Bjnum, ex-Judge Supreme court North CaroHna. aprio cm Seasonal r r HUGH W. HARRIS, ATTOBKEY AT LAW, Office on Trade street, nearly opposite Court House, CHABLOTTE, If. C, may3 dwU WE TO OUR STOCK OF- SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, il. E. MHTKIM cS IRQ . WE HAVE 8T0PPED SELLING SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES That the Pub'ic cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, Jt'ST HECEIVED.- apr2 Ai A if . x, 1 I E i Wallace brothers States ville, NT. C, OFFER THE- -LARGEST STOCK- GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1X3T TSE STATE, OX THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND IW COMPETITION WITH 11VV JOBBERS I1V THE COUNTRY. THE! WILL BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. SPRING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Before Making their Purchases. UANDSOiriE STOCK OF Mew arpet, Oil (Cloths logs. HOUSE FUBHISBING aOOCS A SPECULTT, He Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries io the City. ELIAS Ssr maris lm HHscellaneottxi. -AT- WILDER'S lou will find a choice and complete stock of PUBE 1 FRESH DRUGS, Colden's, Leibig's Uqaid Extract -OP BEEF and TONIC 1NVIGORATOR. 13?- TRY IT. c CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THE FINEST SELECTION in the CITY, ncludlng the famous LA PARSPA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Melts, an assortment, and everything generally kept In a first class Drug store. Special attention given to Physicians' Prescriptions dar and night Satis faction guaranteed. ty gits me a call. a Corner Trade ...and.... ......College Street; ore apr fT Office on Trade AtreetX-p - 1NJT? W PAT A rTT?C JJXUJBro't aolhlua store. -J-J-J 1J-VV rUlAlUJ-O, lr-Office hours from8a.m.to5p.xi,.ffl apr2 ' . BEETS, CHEESE and HE-NO TEA, FOR RENT AT' o -ar TT-.TirnT t 10 7 ATICX four 10001 .Cottage, convenlenUy S. M. HOWELL'S. . to a w. iddins, IS may7 "watfit; , - AI Pstofllce. INVITE A-TINTION AT COST, BUT 0FFIB GOODS AT BURGESS NICHOLS, KIHBfl FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A TVLL LIXX Cheap Bedsteads, 1KB LOUHGW, PotIav Xt rru.v J ooirnw or all Enrra mm ijr J . OIF" COHEN, tisctllnntons. Lupulln Yeast, Gem's. Royal Baking Powder, Pearl Sago and Flake Tapioca. R. H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGIST3. DRINK MISSISQTJOI WATER, the best water known for all aianer diseases, iror sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO. CARLSBADER Spudel Salts and Crab Orchard Salts. For sale br R.H. JORDAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. A NEW SUPPLY OF Kppa's Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate, elson'8 Gelatine and Flavoring Extracts, Just received br R. H. JORDAN & CO., TRxON STREET. GENUINE VICHY Water, In quart bottles, and all kinds of Mineral Waters, for sale by R. H. JORDAN & CO. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a full stock of Patent Medicines of all kinds. & H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. USE USE Viola Cologne, the best and cheapest In quarts, pints and half pints, for sale -only by ' ' - only by- R. H, JORDAN & CO. DK. A. W. ALxGCAHOTB. DB. C. L. ALIXANDKR 1 SURGEON DENTISTS, f OUABLOTTE, N. O. inixUlaaiadenvalopokHi.. I)iuggiaUca-lUlU. j

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