! s. PAIL Y CHARL O TTE OBSERVER: FRID AY, MAY 12, 1882. YwmtnVCD ROOT BKKB. 250. MHnM mnJcM 5 gallons of a ae-i wholesome, pukllng temperance bevenm. Ilk TOUT aruggiswor eu uji mall for 25a - ji v niBiru 43 H. Dels. Aye.. PhUaielphla, siooo rak bxmxdt faiijtc REWARD! for any case off Blind Bleeding, wcning. Ulcerated, or protruding PILES that TUBING'S ! BXMXDT fall? to ear Prepared br J. P. . M. II . Mlft Ami BllWk. jTUiiauoiuum, ira. r. J. BY BCJHIlfCK, of Philadelphia, baa last; published book OH fSUIiSKS OF TXK LONGS AX BOW IBIT ClI BE CUBED," which Is offer- ered free, postpaid, to all'applicanta. It contains ralo&ble Information for all who suppose them-, elres afflicted with, or liable to. any diseases of. me tnaDfl&aT iaMress DB,jrHJCHXNCKi haw, Win Arab itreet,gFhlladeJpila. Pa.. P. 0.1 bT3 -wlthotfr Hr t"snatoni.f Sender rues. Box 2838. PARD C 'Arm A I Send Sn. U.IO 1 for Tea New nmnmnm. brlsrht. attractive. WMUMB 'incoTP.OJBoxo.Britlinore; GEORGE PAGE & CO. UutnlkMstarera ox txaitmt Portable Cirtrahtx Griat tod hVxa WJSm, WmterWheeta, WoM Working and Barrel 1 rhuddm TfaiAtA .wi mTW ' m ntt nn bA made In any locality. Something entirely new for agents. $5 out- Q. w. muttAn AM C WJ., Boston, Minna. aprl8-4w4w Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the oausi must be removed, and In no other way can a core ever be effected. WAB NEB'8 SAFX KIDNKT and LIYKB CUBX is es tablished on Just this principle. It realizes that 93 FEB GENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it Is composed act cHreeUy upon these great organs, both as a food and bxstobxb, and, by placing them In a healthy condltton, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. Wot the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of impostors, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as godd. For Diabetes, ask for WABNKB'S SAFJE DIA BETES CUBK. For sale by all dealers. a, II. WABNE B & CO. , Rochester, If. Y. aprl5 JUST RECEIVED- , AT THB VARIETY STORE -A LOT 01- HAMBURQ EDGING at from 2c to 25c a yard VbrT CHBAP; LAWNS at 61c; BLEACHED BHIB.TING at 7Mc, 8c and 10c; LINEN TOWELS from $1.20 to SS.75 per dozen. GOOD BARGAINS. 4 HOSIKKI,a08B 8UPP0BTKB3, GLOVES, CO SETS, CBOCKXBT, TIN - W ABE, GLASS WARE LAMPS, PICTUBX THAMES, and many other things at comparatively low prtcea. i, XV CALL and SEX -Q Respectfully, C. H. ETHEREDGE, Under Traders' National Bank. mar26 laving Removed TO- Corner College and We Streets, OU W. FERDUT3 OLD STAND,) n Adding- tm mnr already imrge Stock CORN, FLOUR, HAT- . liRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEIED. 2,000 pounds Fine onntey lams. ; ; Amt LISX Ol1 .. t ItEOKERS PERFECT BAKING POWDERS 1 ' " "L TOTitiBLle. T AM prepared to PROVE that I have discovered A the vegetable antidote tor SCKOFULA that myremedy wax iipil the disease from the sys tem, was rendering- it the beet blood purifier Innsiai fts fUla,peedynd permanent.f As Send lot etienlar containing testtmonlals of mlrac- uiwua sum. mxj lemmonuus come, not irom the Terrttortejj of tr far WmL bat from weU known V. I ; ttlzeit t I " Ptt I aCtt-'r r.TI "tvI twthA Ama. lutt 'elrt . t"wte rmrallv. I Swld. fall 'HMm t m hlA f Bterneea for personal nlUMUty. -Rt. 6ev. ' hps. -Insonr; Drrot N. O-t bmr. ii j. nrhann. D. D., 1 etersborg. Ta.!Geo. Ju Foote, M. D . War ten connty; Hon. J. J. DavU and Hon. CM. Cooke. TraBkUn ooantr. N. C. s - . 4 .Bevwdy.aawese ,. Maa. jOEPisaN, , . f Y "T -V' . .ood'rut t t f I " 're al lmnrudenoa emtu. hmrta trUd In vain every known remedy, bMl !, innnvnllarars. addnsa J, U. UUivIJS niiecT Saxnl 1 BLTrMQBX MP. Wk u m SORE Si PnW 41 AJuukasn U K If I " , PAYOR'S OINTMENT IS A SPXEDT CUBE FOB Blind or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoids, Sores, Ul- cers, Tumors, ltcnmg or tne fans, jristuias ? and all Kindred Diseases; Also ot Bums, , Corns, Felons, Fever Bores, 8cald liffSliaOT0 ; fiiteialifexerllnc4 oIteit-fi!s; yea iseli- ig mis oimmeu, huh jiutjuk wiai,, bhjv iwmg osebf watched ltB 'effector and 'having thelestl- mony of my friends and neighbors to confirm my confidence In Its merits. I beeame fully satisfied of Its value, and I have bought the exclusive right to make and sell it, and offer it to you as the best, remedy in the world, especially tor all forms of BEAD THE TEsTl 33 UJN 1 ALiS : This Is to certify that I have tried Pryor's Pile Ointment in a case of piles, and state that it gave more relief than anything I have ever tried. I fur -ther state that as a remedy for burns it Is unpar alleled. I also used it for a case of tetter in my feet of twenty years' standing, and say that it Is the first thing that I have ever-tried that gave me more than momentary relief. I consider now that 1 am entirely relieved from that distressing dis ease. JOHN D. NEWSON. Troup county, ua. Having been afflicted for ten years, at intervals. with that distressing malady, the piles, and arterj many ineffectual trials of the remedies In common use, 1 Guiniueiiveu Biiur. ume ogu vu mm jvua. Pile Ointment I experienced Immediate relief.: From the relief experienced in my case, as well as from the reputation so rapidly acquired by your Ointment in this vicinity, I have no hesitancy In expressing the opinion that it is the most efficient r J .1 a aa n .nil. remedy for mes ever invented. This is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment to a case of severe burn, and that in a very few days, It was entirely relieved of all inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the first application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever.; It. .1. llUUUAfl. LaGrange, Ga. Bv the advice of Mr. Winn. I ued ieur Pile Ointment on a servant girl who had been suffering for eight years with a most aggravated case oi puea. one improvea irom mo very umi uy um of your Ointment, and before using the boxshq was entirely recovered. Q. w. fostkb, This is to certify thatI hare tasea Pryor's Pile Ointment, and say that it is, in my opinion, the best remedy for nlles ever nresented to the public I say this from a positive application ot the remer Troup county, Ga. For sate by all dealers in medicine. Pries 60 cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt of price. DB. J. BBADFIElD, Atlanta, a. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. O. ; may 11 i Among the medicinal means of arresting disease, Hostetter's Stomach Bitiers stands pre-eminent It checks the further progress of all disorders ot the stomach, liver and bowels, revives the vital stamina, prevents and remedies chills and fever, increases the activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheumatism, and is a genuine stay and solace to aged, lnflrm and nervous persons. FOB SAL'S BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENE SALLY. may2 S u. i WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW and Summer Styles -OF MILLINERY, 4 " Including all the latest novelties .'J in the MILLINERY LINE. BATS, , BONNETS, FLOWERS, FLUMES, 4 RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, dec, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. ' Also, all the new styles and qnalltles of LACES, Embracing White Goods. Neck WearHo-lery Gloves, Parasols, 4c. the LAKGP.ST and MOST COUPLETS STOCK IN THE CITY. ? WILL OPEN dor Pattern Hats and Bonnets it- Oa MeadafrHarch 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DI8PLAY OF VINE MILLINERY they have ever seen in this city. Respectfully, . P. Query. mar22 CELERINA IODIA, JROMIDIA, fresh arrival, at WILSON & BTJRlWELL'S Drug Store. SCOTCH WOOD J3UFF BOXES, at WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drag Store. HALL'S MAGIC I -....i. '..., L. ' . niiioun at suuwjijjjLi's jurug store. Turkish T) ATH TOWELS of all kinds and prices justre- j- eetved,by WILSON & BUR WELL, Druggists. FINE LOT OF HAIR BRUSHES, Whisk Broome and English Tooth Brushes, arrived to-day. WILSON ft BOB WELL, Druggists. mayo Native Mineral Water ROCKBRIDGE (VAO WATB CURES 0 0 LIJ STOMACH lTTErts Sprii lAJi Spring Dyspepsia, Indigestien, Torpid Iii4i&i! ' V ' t 0 ' i F 'Zr ;mtHafiSlsa?cfmet" oeaceablei citl- Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery,. Skin Diseases, ' Scrofula. Chronic Pneumonia, etc. . is a powerful Aiterattre Tome and is i MALARIAL in its eflecte. Read certificates sates tamL 'rrTJ'Z": ...it.J.-,: Forty JeW Experience ofNMUi-HUM. fZLZr.t - v . "f? rZrfS uwtuu iu u natural state, direct irom tne Springs, which are beautifully located in Rrwk Driage county, va.. and are open for the reception ot vi"Uors irora June 1st to October IsLfeach pc-'v, !,r ii hi is. I. .6 ( atrn. tv rr. Ji W. ISA- A i 4 A '.GOOD Team of Hales, and'one ltwo-tooxse J.' Wbkoq and Harness. . , ' maylO . SPRINGS BUBWSLU STATE MEWflU i i 1 Greensboro Buele: J. G.'-Anthony who lives nine miles south of town. had a dog stung- to death by bees on Friday last. . Dr. J. xl. iiaiL.sr ana wile, returnea from TexsTuesday. They are in good health, but not sufficiently impressed with the ".Lone Star" to desire to live there. I ' .Greensboro celebrated Memorial Day in a becoming manner. ;f . Oxford. Torchlitrhtr iVe learn that Col, W. L. Laylor lost thirty-two lambs this season from too much dog. W..T. Blackwell offered Col. Bingham after the fire as much land in Durham as he needed, and a cash donation of $5,000, if he would move his school to Durham. Liberal and business-like indeCd.v i i : Winston Sentinel: Mumps are pre vailing to some extent in portions of Davie county. , A policeman tackled Mat Ruby, a nymph du pave, at Belo's pond on last. Monday and got a trashing. w. jrW learn rthat another shooting af-; irajt occurred in tne norcnern parioi Stokes county on last Monday in which; one man was shot through the neck. Winston now has the best water works in the State, and has just re ceived a new steam fire engine, and the next thing now in order will be gas to lightourjatreets. - j y 4 Alam ance Gleaner : O n last Tuesday evening, Awhile some of the fenights .were nractfeing for the touraament. Ernest Holt, son of Jas. HI Halt, iaged about eight years, was run over and re ceived a very painful and serious in jury. The horse struck the left leg just above the ankle, tearing the muscle and skin and breaking both Dories, forming a compound fracture. Raleigh News and Observer: .The work of laying brick in the walls of the penitentiary buildings began yesterday, and will now be continued without in termission. Alarge supply of excel lent brick- is oir hand, and the worjsjis to be'done expeditiously. ' : , 1 At gives us! particular Pleasure! to state that General M. P. Taylor, who recently resigned tne position ot Unga dier General of the Second .Brigade North Carolina State Guard, has been again appointed to the position. Hon. Orlando Hubbs, chairman, gives notice that a meeting of the Republican executive" cOmmlttfee of 4this (second) fjudiciat district will-be held at Weldon on the "20th dav"bf May, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of fixing the time and place for nolding a judicial conven tion to nominate candidates for judge and solicitor. Wilmington Star: One of the unfoi" tunate men of De Long's party was Dr James M. Ambler, a first cousin of Rev, T.. M. Ambler, .rector of St. Paul's church, in this city. Henry 'Clay Hewlett,-who was killed by an accident on the Florida Central Railroad on Thursday night last, was a brother of Messrs. W. S., - A. T. and Louis-Mv Hewlett-of this city, and for merly xesided "Djere, naving been born and raised lnthiL vicinity.., - T , . . r TltE DUBLIN ASSASSINATIONS. Tracking theMatderers--Yariras Ar restsAppointment of a Successor to Lord Frederick Cavcndfsh Looking for the Assassins. London, May 9. It is stated that the police are hopeful of capturing the murderers of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burke. They have received evidence which will enable them to identify them. It is also said that the car in which they escaped has been traced to Leixlip, ten miles northwest of Dublin, where the men alighted to procure li quor. The man Charles Moore, who was arrested at Maynooth last evening oivsuspicion of being one of the assas sins, was brought to Dublin.- The evi dence against him being exceedingly weak he was discharged. An important arrest has just been made at Tuam of a man who is believed to be the carman who drove the assas sins. He cannot account for himself. He gives his name as Cloonan. The man closely resembles the description circulated by the police. Orders have been issued to arrest all strangers and tramps who are unable to account for their movements during the last three days. A man has been arrested at Limerick on -suspicion of being one of tbe assas sins. He went into a clothier's and bought a suit of clothes. While remov ing the old ones blood stains were ob served on his shirt and trousers. Two men, named Bailey and Arman, were arrested in Dublin while loitering in Phoenix Park. The former had a dagger sheath in his possession. There being no evidence against them they were discharged, as was also the Lime rick prisoner. The car by which the murderers fled has been traced from Chapel Izod back toward Dublin to Inchicore, and thence towards Naas. It is supposed that the assassins took the train at Celbridge, getting back to Dublin at 10 o'clock. The officers of the guardship are drag ging the Liffey for the weapons used by the assassins. Cloonan, who is sup posed to be the carman who drove the assassins, has been remanded for a fur ther inquiry. An Irishman from America was ar rested at Castle Bellingham and sent to Dublin.- Two other prisoners are un der remand at Monagnan. A man was arrested at Milford Haven whose ap pearance corresponds to the description of one of the murderers. It is surmised that he crossed over by a steam macke rel boat. He refused to give an account of himself. A man has been arrested at Tipperary who first gave his name as Harris and subsequently as Pierce. He declared himself a native of London, aud afterward refused to give any other information. He was remanded for further examination. The government will offer a reward of $10,000 for information given within three months which will lead to the conviction of the murderers, and a re ward of 1,000 for private information. The government will also grant a free pardon and extend the special protec tionof the crown in any part of the Queen's dominions to anyipersons other than the principals in the crime who may give the information required. A Venerable Soldier. Asheville Citizen. Mr. George Gehacran informs there is living in Laurel, Madison county, a Mr. Solomon Staunton, who cast his first vote for President of the United States before the war of 1812, and was a sol dier in that war, and now draws a pen sion for that service. - At the last election he was hauled to the voting precinct, and when asked now ne aesired to vote, said : "L want to vote for the man who got mo a pension , ina so a vote went in for Bob vance. 'Mr. Staunton must be over 7 100 years Chloroformed and Robbed. KnfteldBentlneL, Vt . ' . : Welearnlorriaffentiernartliviriff at Dawsons X Roads, that Mr. T. K. Har- sr4Ait "A.wiau yiavv, vvrta umoroiormeu vy I ...a n4 .h.f Ml.AA m.a. 21:1 A J 1 zfinaBavemooa' man. en-and evprV.trfvSri '."man .-:frrift and ' oloredwill na&hal bast endeavors to k fi.UiM tiuli ; ' ; V- I iZtmiBmmgemi iprescnp-- j non oi one oi tne nest j-emaie rnyBiraano; ouu f Nurses In the United State. -and has been ued T for -Tortr years with never-faning' safety and sue- oegs,4)y mnilons Of mothers and children fjtom the - leehie lniant ot one woen'oia-wr-wiwimauis. i 'corrects'' acidity-:tjf .the' stomach, ellvea swlnd 01lc, tBgi;ltes the bowels, and i Riyastj health Bud pnmi .rt to mother -and -chUd. W behev It t..cL..r onrf cinrout. iremixlT 111 thai WOrH, In 6U wtewtii"' m m t 'l. ' t t rva if Other cause, I uU. ciireouons lor un! accompany Men Dcnue. none EeauuiB uuina io uw-buuuo of Curtis A Perkins, Is on the outside wrapper. snid hT nil medicine dealers. - 25 cto a bottle. PRESS OPINIONS. What the Papers Think of the Coalition; i. s:. Movement. ".' We have heretofore published soma; opinions on the' Mott-Johnston combi nation, and here add some' 'others, two of the papers quoted from being, vigo- rous opponents of prohibition when that question was on issue: NO GALVANIZING DEAD CARCASSES. Winston Sentinel: We publish in this issue the proceedings of the liquor dealers' convention, held at Raleigh last week. Col. T. Cooper, the chair man, resigned, and Col. Wm."Ii. John ston, of Charlotte, the Moses, under the false issue of "Liberalism," who is-to lead the Republican party to victoy this fall by inaugurating a third party, with tne nope or drawing on enougn Demo crats to its support to elect the Republi can ticket, was elected in his stead. The hands of Dr. Mott and Tom Cooper are perceptible in the whole proceeding, and, while it is a piece of sharp prac tice on their part to aid their party, it shows' very, conclusively, that they are obliged to make an Independent can vass pn. square issues with the Demo crats of 2tforth Carolina, and that their only hopTS 6f success is the forlorn one of galvanizing the dead carcass of pro hibition into a semblance ot Hie, and rallying around its corpse enough Democrats to give them success.. The Sentinel was the hrst paper in the State to come out against the pro hibition' .bill, and it f ought it jrersist ently until the election, and it . can say that it takes no scck now in tnis taai cal move to keep alive an issue that was killed a year ago, and buried under a popular majority of, 110,000; vptes, and will not be revived again for fifty years to come, unless it is done by the Re publican party. No one but Republi cans want. to see it brought to life again, and no one but Republicans will attempt it The people of the State are willing to see it lie where they have placed it, and Dr. Mott will find that his attempt to lead his party to success on the back of a dead carcass, instead of grappling in a statesmanlike manner with the living issues of the day which concern the well-being and prosperity of the people and the State, will cause the thinking members of his party to regard either him or nis party as a failure. The Democrats will not suffer their wings to be burned by flying into this light, so enticingly held out for them, and Colonel Johnston will get his fingers burned without being able to scratch any chestnuts out of the fire, and Will only have Dr. Mott to thank for the pain, as well as the humiliation of being made a Radical cat'spaw in his old age. The Democrats are not tbe fools the chairman of the Republican State executive committee would like to believe them ; and if there were any respectable number of them who wish ed to embark in a new party movement, they would beg to be excused from taking as their leader a man selected by the Republican party, especially when that man is an old broken-down political hackj who had outlived his use fulness and popularity, and was willing to embark on any craft that held out to his senile ambition any possible hope or promise of carrying him into some office. TIIE ANTI PROIIIBITION SCARE-CROW. Milton Chronicle: Is there anything more ridiculous and absurd than the combination of old broken down politi cal rips like Kurnel Johnston, Dr. Mott, "Tommy the Cooper," and others to get up a Liberal party by riding the ghost or scare-crow of prohibition? These fellows know that anti-prohibition settled prohibition forever and a day after, by a majority of 116,000 votes, but they want to revive the matter and ride into office on the anti-prohibition hobby, it being arpcmular horse. Such tricksters and sneaksl should be pelted with rotten eggs. We opposed prohibi- tionand we mean to oppose political tricksters, who are half dead to sneak into offices and places that spurn them. SCHEMES HATCHED OUT OF FERTILE BRAINS: Alamance Gleaner: We have heard and read no little recently about the "liberal movement, out confess our blindness in not being able to see any of it, if anything of the kind exists. It is said that Col. Johnston and Charles Price are leaders in this new political scheme. Such being the case it would not be amiss to inquire into their mo tives. Both are disgruntled politicians, and sore-headed, and their aim is not so much to reform the old parties as it is to get good easy places for them selves. They and their coadjutors are not friendly to Democratic success, but are in fellowship with the Republican party whrch it is their aim to use for their self-promotion. They think there are enougn disaflectea Democrats in the State to give the Republicans a vic tory this fall, bnouid their plans meet with success, Charlea Price being nomi nated for Congressman at Large, would be elected, and the Republicans and Liberals having a good majority in the Legislature, Col. Johnston would be elected to the United states Senate. Such are the visionary schemes hatched out of the fertile brains of these would- be occupants of exalted positions. KILLED THE "PUBLICAN PARTY." Raleigh News and Observer: The old song used to run "Col. Johnston killed Tecumseh." Next fall we will hear that "Col. Johnston killed the 'publican party." He is a gentleman of such weight and immense proportions that when he once gets iairly astraddle of Dr. Mott and company, they will be "lost to sight though not to mem'ry dear." PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICANS. Harrisbtjrg, Penn., May 10. The Republican convention met to day and carried out the programme an nounced tor them in nominating a State ticket except as to Congressman at large. General Beaver was nominated for governor, Senator Davis for lieuten ant governor, Judge Rawle, of Philadel phia, for Supreme Court judge, Charles M Green for secretary of internal af fairs and Thomas M Marshall, of Alleghany county, for Congressman at large. Marshall was not on the slate as made up and his nomination was carried in a burst of enthusiasm similar to that which attended Gar field's nomination A 110 Year Old Gander. Franklin (Q a.) News. Mr. James S. Ray. of this county, near Owensby ville, is the owner of a gander wnicn ne says was 60 years old when Dr. W. H. W atkins was born. "We do not. know the doctor's age, but suppose it to be about 50, which would make the bird 1 10 years old. Ch arley F urlo w has seen his gandership, and says that his wings drag the ground. How much oi tne ground tney drag ne does not state, but says the gander, walks half a mnetiown to .Brushy creeK - every day to get; water. FNmUnrn T,nu off TttLir May e entirely prevented by the use of BTJR- NBTrs COCOAINK. No other compound pos sesses the Tjectlllar nmnarHoB mhlMi ui evaVnw UuteeTOitou conditions of tbnnumanhalr It richest lustre. It I a. . .r UV. UU .UU , uair irom falling oft It promotes it greasy nor dandruff. It kiiia v,Q. ore juiuwu m wib WUUM Sfiul ""sease, uiaDetes ana uvor """.r-" Kltlapa kfiii .....i- . ,..ini mint. Cae ex- actlv UkfV nn bA been cured, to yon r own home of whatHop 3uter Hm'M""' tr.'. itr, ,ii fJ"":i-8Vn0ytnBHdney, Uutck. complete DrnegUu. T ad def and Uurlnar, -C,5e. W. C. - . , f pot, XX. ncauou, - A - ' s-1- t's- . dim., J i l i.' w fffiia the errors and in- ' . .... - mrm urn i. . . mam a ..i . dloretlon of yoiith, neryon" d m redpthnt i illannaMil hT a m Bend a self-eddrf an NEVER FAILS. Theonly known Specific Remedy for Epileptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERYINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance. Vertigo, Histerics, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This lntalllble remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly, eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys me cause. SAMARITAN NERVING Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu-, corrhoea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, O ravel. Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nlgbt, there is no better remedy. During the change of life no Female should be without It It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to iuin. Like the Opium Kater, he first uses the drug In small quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence ot the drug takes strong hold upon Its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to alimentlveneos, as over eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to Its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then Itself. Like the glu.tonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, scroruia. bypnins, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this Invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle Reed, and old men. who are covering your suner- ir gs as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can De saved Dy timeiy enoris, ana mane ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of your Maker, it you will. Do not keep this a secret linger, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature delny and Impart tone and energy to tne wnoie hystem. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little gbl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter boss. apnngwater, wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. , SAMARITAN NERVINE Mado a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. S. B. Ralls, HattsviLe, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mrs. yvm. hknson, Aurora, iu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. hey. J. A. kdis, Beaver, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. S. B. Hobson, New Albany, ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. MISS JENNIE WAKKKH, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, IU. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our chHd of fits after elven un to die bv our family DbvMcian. it having over 100 In 24 hours uinbt ilnke, vervuia, warren county, xenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albe&t Simpson, Peoria, ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured ray son of fits, after spending 82,400 with other doctors. J. w. thobhton. uaiDorn, juiss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured ma permanently of epileptic filsofastub- born character. BKV. WM. MARTIN, Mechanicstown, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 In MRS. K. JTOBS3, West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MISS UKLJtNA jmKHilAlA., Granby, Newton county. Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epUepsy of many JACOB otjtxb, UL Joseph, aio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de- DUlty. OLIVER MYERS, uonton, umo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, &y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four years. Chablks K. Ccbtcs, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael O'Comhib, Bldgway, pa, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. liAvm xbimbli, oerjuoines, lowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing uxnby cxabk, jrauneia, aucu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease , of the head js. ukahax, Nona Hope, Pa. viurea m? son oi ncs. no nan aoi nni o . it. f woodhurn, Aiaconpin couv; "7 nnty.iu. SAMARITAN NERVIMP Tidonoe of the euraUvo propertle. fQ urther Nervine Mil please enclose 3 oent.eaaa1tan for a cony o nx IHutratej Joum??81 stamn ,1v1d hundreds oftestUnonlale1 Be1ami sons who hare osed the mSS1 2" froSSl pietee pbotosraphed - arte t T. ' " ft?f perfect bealth. Adoress MtOM.t?n e.'3 WX dw ir visa The following Schedules rected by the RaUroad Officials, may- be Relied on mm Correct : North Carolina Railroad. OOUDEHSED SCHEDULES. -TRAINS GOING XAST. Date, April 80th, 1882. No 51 Daily. No. 53 . Dally. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury, " High Point,.... Arrive Greensboro, Leave Ureensboro, Arrive HUlsboro Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh,.. Arrive Goldsboro' 4 OO am 5.53 am 7.20 a m 8.00 a m 9.30 a m 11.47 am 12 28 am 1.40 pm 4.05 pm 6.80 pm 440 p m 6.24 p m 7.85 pm 8.05 p m No. 17-Daily except Saturday, V Leave Greensboro. . . .5. 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. . ..1.51 a m - Arrive at Goldsboro, ..7.20 a m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. lor Wil mington. No. 53-Connects at Salisbury with W.N. C.R. TL for all points in Western North Carolina; dally at Greensboro with R. 4 D. R R. for all points North, East and West. ; TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro Anive Raleigh Leave Raleigh Arrive Durham Arrive HUlsboro,... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,. Arrive High Point,.. Arrive Salisbury,. .. Arrive Charlotte,.... 1 0.00 a m 12.20 pm a 55 pm 5-Otf pm 5 46 pm 8.06 pm (M5 Dm 9 40 am 9.50 p mJ 10.10 am 1121am 11.12pm 1.10am 1.00 pm No. 18 Dally except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro, . .2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7. 10 p m Leave Raleigh 6. 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 pen NO. RO Connects at Charlotte with A fi. Air- Line for all points- in the South and Southwest, and with C.,C. 4A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C Air Line for all potota South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C., C ft A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast N. W. I. C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro. e.25 p m Arrive Kernersville 1041 pm Arrive Salem , 11.25 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersville 11.01am Arrive Salem. 11.85 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem , 5 15 a m Arrive Kemersvl le 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem fi.00 p m Arrive Kernersville 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No 1, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University,. 1 0.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Dai y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Arrive University.. Arrive Chapel Hill, 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pallman Sleeping Cars Witiiont Change On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, ahd between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52. Richmond and Charlot e and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. BThrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleigh. Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East. Ji r Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. rUfK, General Passenger Agent maj2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSEffGEB DEPAETMENT. n and after April 39th. 1882. the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air- Line Division 01 tnis road win ne as follows: Mail and Express. No. B0. WESTWARD. Mail. No. 62. Leave Charlotte, M. 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4.81 am 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9. 18 am i O 0' ) a m 10.37 am 1 l.Orj a id 1.80 pni 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 pm 5.29 p m 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 pm 9.4 pm 10.15 pm 12.40 a m Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. . , Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Lula, is Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta Mall and Kxpress. No. 51. EASTWARD. Mall. Mo. 53. 4.00 a m H 19am 6.50 a m 7.41 am 8.17 am 9 26 a m 11.03 pm 12.24 pm 2 50pm 4.00 pm Leave Atlanta... J Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, Jt 2.15 pm 4 51 p m 6 22 p m 5.69 p m 6.40 pm 8.06 P m Arrive uaoun uap Junction, Arrive Toccoa. r - Arrive Seneca. G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K... 10,06 P m 11.40 pm Arrive trastonia, ii Arrive Charlotte, M 2.06 a m 3.15 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. if with Elberton Air-.Line to and from Elberton, Georgia; witn Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. u witn commoia and Greenville to and irom Columbia and Charleston. S. C. K with Spartanbursand Asheville. and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. Li with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C. & A.. C. C. B.4D. and A.. T. & O. for all points West, North and East. juiiman sieeping-car service on trains wos. 5u and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. i A. PuPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Taixjott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE, Superintendent may2 . 0., C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES In Effect Sunday, April 30th, 1882, Train No. 52, Passeng'r. Train No. 48. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte, Arrive Rock Hill,.... Arrive Chester Arrive Wlnnsboro... . Arrive Columbia,... . . Leave Columbia Arrive Lexington.. . . . 1.35 p m 2.88 p m 3.30 P m 4.85 P m 6.00 p m 6.07 p m 6 50 p m 8 02pm 9.12 pm 6.15 7.15am Arrive Ridge Spring,. 8.30 a 9.40 a 10.22 a Arrive uranitevuie... Arrive Augusta, 1 0.1 5p m Train No. 18, Freight. Train No. 20, Freight Leave Charlotte,. ... . Arrive Rock Hill Arrive Chester Arrive Wlnnsboro, . . . Arrive Columbia, . Leave Columbia, . Arrive Lexington,.. . -Arrive Ridge Spring,. Arrive Granite ville,. ; Arrive .Augusta.? 6.00 am 8.25 a m 1012am 12.55 p m 4.30 pm 6.05 p m 7.47 p m 9.12 pm 11.15pm 2.18 Train No. 52. Dally Connects at Columbia the 8. C. R. R. for Charleston, and with the Q. R. B. for Alston. Newberry. Abbeville, Ac Augusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48,Dally-Connects at Augusta with the Georgia R. B. and Central Georg B, B, for Marvin Atlanta. fla.TAnnn.rt and Florida DOlntS. ' TrainaNoa. 18 and 20. local, tri-weekly, Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. , Trains from, the south arrive at Charlotte, pas senrTdaUjVat IU p. m. Freight, , dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a m; and 4 45 p. m- ' ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 58, Daily, Leave Charlotte. . . . . AtrtveatStatesvUle, Train No. 53, Daily, I Leave Statesvlfle.. . . . Arrive at Charlptte... ..BOO'pm ..7.05 pm ,.755 am .10.00 am Tifkets sold to all points South,' Southeast and flontnwest and baggage checked through. No 1 allowed on loeal tldceta t-A. POPE, L B. TAtoorr, j Gea4 Passepger Agent A uen'manager1 Colnmbla, a a, April 80th,-l883. r;, knf txpwtaoo ia mint discus t Ut iilMfl, Sfcla U 1 WMkMHi Cmrrkan, lif lUMut ad Mwramrtml : SiW Mfeaad iimrViSwdiefc, CU or jrrtuj for Wl oTQaM- Man. w. k. .ummJ w Am. ilnaiHnr tri.tnnt br nuiL. . ; a.M lw-.mi.hi U IWrlllMlill .BKttnf i. mmi mmm, vat. Jft lTH, 1 a. 9 W. I Hi M. JfTABI.fBHFB OVU MUR TKAJU9. WLtstzlTnuzons. i rati S FOR MAY, WITH PATTERN, Just. Received, at iers. aprl8 -boston- METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemlits GOLD and SILVER REFINERS. Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. R1FRACTOIIV ORES TREATED. Surveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVEK, COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED ON RETURNS or PURCHASED CDPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treattd on Reasonable Te rns. T OMAS BINNS METALLURGIST. A. H. KIDNEY, Mining Enginkkb. JOHN HOLLIDAY Prof. Chemist mar8 tf Mew Furniture CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR .CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. E AT WHITE FRONT. feb2l am m m m am with C. A At CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REME DIES JF AIL 1 1 1 Ii yon doubt come to see us, and we will CUBE YOU; or charge nathlnglii t Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing; EBTllOOO BE WARD -will be paid to any cbemijj' who will find on analysis of 100 bottles of S. 8. one partiole of Mercury, Ioolde of Potassium.0' any Mineral substance. SWIFT 8PECIFIC CO.. Props . Atlanta, oa Cpxb somi) Price of Small 8ize,.,.... .... fl V Large Size,. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. KdeeSt IKf OawkUMl Pm of PR0F.HA8R18'PA8TIU REMtDI Ihu Mi nd ethm trk Mer tnm Jrraai Md rhjtioml Dhll itj. fn.mi h.itfa. mad UmIt mmny gkmr muwmmm. ijfktr mmd- radlemUy .and. . 1 OMtimt Bwath), a. I aw. liunhl. .Hat K M ropi) SHEET My 1 hi I Andrews, 1 1 .I o Cures -?aasB s g a SYPHILIS rjn I a ss many U W stage. Tyy ffl CATARRH, f J W X ECZEMA OLD -AJ C4 SORES.PI 3 C PLES, BOILS. ff k 1 K J M ANY kCl 5 d skin trSi 3 s r dis as, . psaa p g 11 1 i.i"