DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER; SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1882: Srje Charlotte bscrott. Index to New Advertisements. TBoy Davidson-Jast Received. 1 , , B. H. Jordan & Co -Fresh Goods. BUSINESS NOTICES. WOMAN. HUB HEALTH AND LIFB Depend more on the regularity of her menstrual functions than on any or all causes combined. An actual or a "living dath" is the Inevitable result of derangement of a function which makes woman what she Is in every respect, and especially In her mental and bodily constitution. Hence. Imme diate relief from soch derangements Is the only safeguard against wreck and ruin. In all cases of stoppage, delay, or other Irregularity of the "courses. Dr. J. Bradfield Female Begulotor Is the only sure remedy. It acts by givrog tone to the nervous centres. Improving the blood, and de termining directly to the organs of menstruation. It Is a scientific prescription, and the mmt Intelli gent physicians use it. Prepared by J. Bradfield, Atlanta. Ga. Price: Trial size, 75c; large size, S 1 fig For sale by all druggkts. i,zm &taertisemetxts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More econo mica than the ordinary hinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a um or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., o28 New York. LKROY DAVIDSON, Sole Ajtnl, Charlotte, IV. C. Bnst Received -AT A NICE LOf CANVAS3ED Sugar Cured Hams Kery one Warranted. Aliio a lot or NEW BiOOM3, warranted "to sweep clean." WOULD DO WELL TO TRY OQtt- TO TRY 0U3- DRY HOP YEAST IP THE? WANT GOOD BREAD. CALL and GET A SAMPLE; NO CHARGE. majl3 to o w , 2 'I. a V 2 as 09 ft 0 n a a u '4 x 0 xn o W 8; fa a 9 5? m an ft w a w to o P I (X s 0 0 TJ3 1 H at it w a e W 5 so -a i S S3 1 a 03 o .:ft MH .5 Bj ? Kg ,5 to o 8 u F ,1 ;T- i FOR RENT. NICK-Amr rooni :Crittagtv conveniently 7& , arranged. Apply) 'I 'itl Ay Davidson's. I Hit IRS mai2u HOME CHIPLETS. JtCapt. John Wadaworth yesterday evening bought twenty-three new bug gies, all for, the 20th celebration. ttThe Rev. J. B. Cheshire, pastor of the Episcopal church in this place, has been making a visit to his old home in Tarboro. W According to the laws of North Carolina, chapter 294, section l.the 20th May, Mecklenburg Independence day, is a public holiday and is so declared. CSTThe Central LTotel will make a pretty picture on the 20th, with flags floating from every window. The ne cessary bunting for this has already been secured. tWThe Literary and Debating Club will go a little out of the usual order of things and get up something new. At their meeting next Thursday night, the fun will be a spelling bee. CHere is a chance for some of the country boys to make a five-dollar gold piece: Captain E. F. Young, of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen, will pay $5 for the largest hornets' nest that can be found. E3F"The chain brigade, consisting of Mayor DnWolf e, Col. Johnston and the lawyers, were at it again yesterday. That ground seems to be about as hard to measure as are David Davis' feet for a pair of shoes. CAn enterj ri i-:pr speculator from an adjoining count was going about the city yesterday ti j ing to buy up all the back lots for the next week. He had an idea there was "millions in it," but by the time he had been shot out of a few store doors he changed his mind and gave up the brilliant project. tgTiiE Observer has received a handsome card of invitation to the commencement at Graham Normal College, on the 26th., at which Gov. Jarvis is to deliver the address. This thing of delivering commencement orations seems to be about the busiest occupation of the Governor just now. ISFThose of our people who love to study things above us, can take an or dinary opera glass this evening and look to where the moon sets, and they will see the new comet. With a piece of smoked glass the spots on the sun. which are large and numerous now, can be seen. SgThe children of the Second Pres byterian church Sunday school, were given a delightful excursion to the country yesterday. A train on the Car olina Central carried them about fiye miles down the road in the morning and returned with them a little before sundown. There was quite a crowd and their enjoyment was unbounded. USTAU the ladies of the city and especially the young ladies are urgent ly requested to meet the Monumental Association at the armory of the Hor nets' Nest Riflemen, over Perry's, en trance through the store, at 9 o'clock this (Saturday)morning, to complete ar rangements for the entertainment. t. SSST'Capt. F. A. McNinch, proprietor of the Charlotte hotel, i3 nesrotiatine for some large improvements on the hotel property. The house i3 to be raised and turned into a three-storv building, while fifty rooms will be ad ded to the building on the east side. Can't get away with the Captain, no, sir! CSSpring has never been known to come without bringing along a lot of baggage, among it a big piece marked base ball." And a3 spring has come, so has base ball. The second frame of he series between the cadets and the Berry Hill nine, will be played on the Institute grounds this evening. Game commences at 3 p. m. Installation of Officers. A very pleasant time wa3 enjoyed ast night by the members of Charlotte Chapter No. 39 Royal Arch Mason?, who assembled in Masonic Temple for the purpose of installing the officers of the Chapter for the ensuing Masonic year, accompanied as it was by an ele gant supper. The following are. the officers who were installed : H. P. J. II. McAden. K. H. G. Spring3. S. Chas. R. Jones. C. H. L. Berwanger. P. S. E. II. White. R. A. C S. Landecker. G. M. 3rd Veil. A. SchifL Treasurer. J. Roessler. Secretary. F. H. Glover. G. C. C. Smith. Neighborhood Notes. The members of Ebenezer church Union county, held a meeting some time since, and appointed a committee to wait on Ccl.Boblngersoll and request that he come down to Union and divide time with brother W. C. Boyle, in a dis cussion on Christianity. M. A. Walters and A. L. Barnes were appointed as the committee to wait upon the unbeliev ing Colonel. The result of their trip will be anxiously looked for. The commencement of the North Carolina College at Mt. Pleasant, will come off on the 24th. Mr. H. S. Pur year, of Concord, will deliver the ad dress before the literary society. Monroe will celebrate the Fourth of July by a big shooting tournament with rifles, shot-gun3 and pistols, which will be open to all the counties around A rifle, shot-gun, pistol and a gold medal are to be the prizes. Presbytery's Third Day at Pmeville. At the afternoon session of the Meck lenburg Presbytery, atPineville, yester day, the Rev. Mr. Woods gave in his ac ceptance of the call to the Second Pres byterian church in this city and the day for his installation was set for the 28th of this month. The Rev. Mr. Leiper signified his acceptance of a call to be. come pastor of Hopewell church. In stallation services to be Saturday pre ceding the second Sunday in June. Bevs. Latimer, Parks and Miller, were appointed a commission to attend to this service. Rev. Mr. Corbett was re leased from his charge and dismissed to Harmony Presbytery, South Carolina. Dr. Parks was made chairman of a com mission to organize a church between Sncar creek and Sharon charges. Mr- Buckner, candidate 'for licensure, was examined on theology, church history, church, government and sacraments, and sustained; himself "creditably, and orivAA nrornis&of great usefulness. He will Dreacfe bia trial sermon op Satur day at 11 o'clock. The business of the Presbytery moves slowly. L , Interesting speeches were madd by Dr.ParkSi.RBvs McHwaine, Leiper and Woods on the great work of sustenta tlon. -v " More anon from a bird of passage. WHAT THE 20TH IS TO BE. A Kaleidoscopic View of the , Three Celebration Days in Charlotte Bay ard and His Escort Attractions of the Event An official notification has been re ceived by the committee of arrange ments from Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, the orator for the 20th of May celebra tion, that he will leave Washington city about midnight on the 18th instant, and arrive in this city about noon of the 19th. The reception committee, of which Mr. R. Y. McAden is chairman, will meet Senator Bayard at Greens boro. Senator Bayard's escort from Washington city will be composed of the following delegation: Wade Hamp ton, of South Carolina ; Z. B. Vance, of North Carolina; M. W. Ransom, of North Carolina; M.C. Butler, of South Carolina; R. M. Armfield, A. M. Scales, W. R. Cox, Louis C. Latham, C. Dowd, of North Carolina; J. II. Evans, of South Carolina; W. H. Forney, of Ala bama, and others, whose names have not yet been learned. Senator Bayard and his delegation will be most hand somely entertained during their stay in the city. A grand banquet is being ar ranged in honor of the Senator, and it is to be the most magnificent dinner ever given in Charlotte. There is now but little left to' do, everything is in readiness for the cele bration, and we have only to wait for the day to come. Charlotte is dressed in holiday attire. Paint and whitewash have been lavishly applied on all sides, and no city can look brighter or fresher. Everything calculated to please and delight the critical eye of the hosts of strangers who will throng the city has been done, and we know that nothing but pleasant recollections of the city and the celebration will be carried back to their homes with them. The matter of accommodating all the crowd has given the committee some little concern, but there are three hotels in the city, and, as each of these refuse to engage their rooms, there need be but little fear that all who remain in the city over night will find a pillow for their heads. Charlotte ex pects 30,000 people, and has made ar rangements to accommodate that many. There will be so many things that will go to make up the celebration that a full enumeration would be difficult, but we will endeavor to give an out line of what's to be done. The most conspicuous feature of the celebration will be the display of mili tary and fire companies. Nearly the i whole of the State Guard will be on hand. The companies will begin to arrive on the 18th, and will go into en- ! campment. The firemen will also begin to arrive on that day, and will be taken in charge and cared for by the home firemen. There will be parades of both firemen and military on the 18th and 19th, with some speaking during the day and banquets each night. On cele bration day proper, the 20th, there will be a parade of the State Guard, drill contests and a grand review by the Governor and his staff. The climax of the celebration will be reached at noon in the reading of the Declaration of Independence and the oration of Sena tor Bayard. The firemen will furnish the exciting and interesting feature of the day, in the great reel contest, or firemen's tournament. A list of ten companies who have accepted the chal lenge of our firemen to test their fieet ness of foot was printed in The Ob server yesterday. Then there will be the bicycle race at the fair grounds, in which the Char lotte club hopes to be joined by several bicycle riders from abroad. This race will be a pretty sight and well worth seeing. This is but a brief description of the main show, as it were. The side-show and all of its attractions will have to be spoken of in some future issue. From the above our readers can gain only a vague idea of what the celebra tion is really to be, but it will serve the purpose for which we intended it to show the people that we are to have a great celebration, and one that will be worth a long journey to see. The people of all the adjoining coun ties are coming in regiments, but Char lotte will not only gladly welcome and royally entertain them, but, like Oliver Twist, cries for more and wants the whole State to move in. There is plenty of room and a big time in store for everybody. m - The Chicken Fights North Carolina Hacked Again. Yesterday, the second day of the cock-ing-main between Georgia and North Carolina, resulted in another defeat for our State. Out of the seven fights that were had, Georgia won four. The count now stands: Nine fights for Georgia and six for North Carolina. To-day end3;the main, when eight fights will take place, and unless Holt gets five of these, the Georgia chicken will be the cock of the walk and a lot of North Carolina greenbacks will go over to Georgia pockets. Hotel Arrivals. Central T T Egelberna, James B Campbell, A Kraup, Baltimore ; J F Brookfield.N C; A Talbott, R Thorn ton Richmond ; W M Brooker, Ridge Spring, S C: Thos Love, Gaston; Dr J R McCorkle, S W Stevenson, Moores- ville;W V Bristow, Clio, S C;JD Helms, Monroe ; F B Herbert Jno Dod son, High Point H C Dunlap,JW Oliver. T J Shivers. Atlanta: H B Adams, G G Griffith, Monroe ; A, F Na son, Hartford ; Maj J B Ferguson, J Benedict, J H Anderson, T C Faxton, New York ; D E Lyon, Thomasville ; H G Fitch, Philadelphia ; C B Robinson, WH Webster, Louisville; G E Schell man, Norfolk; GeoP Badger, Peters burg; L C DeSaussure, S C. Charlotte E Everett, Wilming ton : Mrs John Parks and 3 children, Statesville; WN Clyburn, Monroe; W J Gray, C,C & ARR; J W Shields, Clarksville ; A N Manning, C H James, New York; DM Librand, Rock Hill; M L Havener, Lincolnton ; E C Springs, Atlanta; AC Marshall, Macon; C N Warner, Charleston ; F B Herbert, High Point. m i There are fierce ; brain storms that shatter a man's organization, his nerves shriek for relief, and neuralgia banishes rest. At such a time, u the miserable sufferer would use Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, - he would , find perfect re lief. ,,,',-' " ' Liver.' Kldner and Brlffht' Disease. Brlght's Disease, Dial etes, Kldner and Liver Com plaints, ana nas power w rout mvm uu ui uw j r tern, IS awJVc au price, oucn a meuiumo im tHtfiM nn1 luiaIMM nWlnf nf thla MT1 hA f Aflnd hV one trial, or by asking your, neighbor, who have oeea curoa vj u. The Bicycle Aiders. The bicycle club invites all bicyclists throughout the States to come to ti e 20th celebration and join in the riding, which is to be an important feature of the occasion. Capt, Shillaber, the pres ident of the Massachusetts club of Bos ton, is expected. He . is, not a profes sional rider, but is an important man in bicycle circles. Investigating the Case. The coroner yesterday started down the Air Line track to look for the body of the negro who was reported to have been killed last Tuesday. He had not come back to the city up to a late hour last evening, and nothing has been heard as to the result of the search. The officials here think that the negro was not killed in this county, or they would have been informed of the kill ing sooner. About the Doetors. The physicians of this city and coun ty who have been attending the con vention in Concord, refcugad home Thursday night and yesGeVday. They speak in the most pleaiajit terms of Concord and her people fewl say that they have never been better entertain ed anywhere. Before adjourning the of ficers for the next year were elected as follows : Dr. J. K. Hall, 6t GSSejisboro, president; Dr. S. J. Picott, secretary, and Dr. A. G. Carr, treasurer. The next annual convention will be held in Tarboro. The Genuine Rebel. On Thursday of next week, at the opera house, the Rev. Dr. Jones will deliver his lecture on the "Boys in Gray," and it is for the purpose of keep ing this lecture well in the minds of the people that we revert to it to-day. The lecture has gained for Dr. Jones a widespread reputation and has already made his name one of much promi nence in the Southern States. It is worth hearing it is too good to miss, and all who wish an evening of thor ough entertainment should make up their minds to go. Tickets will be on sale, at McSmith's music house and at Tiddy's book store. Buried Under a Slide. Mr. A. Shorter Caldwell has been dig ging a very deep ditch along the road on his farm, near town and the rain of Thursday caused it to cave in. He hired a colored man to throw out the dirt and clear up the ditch and the reader can imagine the balance. While the darkey was shoveling out the dirt, whistling a happy tune and getting up a good appe- ite for a frugal meal of corn bread and bacon, a cart load of heavy red clay came tumbling down and smashed him out. He was rescued after as little de- ay as possible, when it was found that he was badly, though not fatally hurt. Decorating and Improving. The armory of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen and the halls of the Pioneer, Independent and Hornet fire compa nies, would not be recognized to-day as the armory and halls of a week ago. In the former the fair hands of the adies have wrought a magical change .hrough the aid of evergreens, wreaths and flowers, while the carpenters and painters have worked wonders in the appearance of the halls. The guests of the military and firemen will be enter tained in the prettiest armory and the handsomest halls, we are sure, that they have ever struck up with in the South. Fun for the Firemen, Our fire boys, seeing from the num ber of acceptances to their challenge for the 20th May tournament that they are going to have hard work to knock the middle man out of the ring, are preparing for the contest and every day from 4 o'clock in the afternoon to a late hour at night, the clatter of the speed ing reels wakes the echoes along Tryon street. The race is to be run on the 20th, from the Metropolitan Hotel to the cistern at Druker's corner, distance 250 yards and an elegant track will be made for the occasion. The fire com pany that shows the cleanest heels in this race takes Lattas $150 silver trumpet. Trouble About the City License Tax. There are a number of business firn s in the city who have not yet complied with the requirements of the law in re gard to paying a city license tax. Sev eral warrants have been issued for the arrest of certain delinquent dealers, and yesterday morning the head of one firm was arraigned before the mayor to be brought to account for disregarding the law. After investigating the case, the mayor fined the firm $50, but suspended judgment on payment of the costs of the trial and by the irm taking out a license. This is a matter that will interest some of the business men of the city who have, either through thoughtless ness or indifference, allowed their li cense to go unpaid. The fine for a fail ure to take out this license is $50, and the license is a good deal cheaper than this. Several warrants have been serv ed the in city, and there will be other cases of the same kind before the mayor during the next few days. Clumsy Attempt at Swindling. One of the latest swindles of sharp ers who have their headquarters in New York city, was tried on one of our citizens yesterday. In this citizen's mail was an important looking envel ope, and on breaking the seal a printed sheet was found which informed the aforesaid citizen that he was due the firm whose name headed the sheet the sum of fifteen cents, and if he would remit it immediately he would oblige them and probably save trouble. The sheet was headed "Office of the North American Attorneys and Tradesmen's Protective Union, 206 Broadway." Such a heavy array of title as all this would easily frighten a weak-minded person into sending the amount called for at once, without stopping to think whether or not he owed the firm a cent, but only aiming to avoid "the trouble." Tf person who received this notification of alleged indebtedness is one of the first citizens of the place and does not owe a cent at home nor anywhere else. No doubt hundreds of people in the South have been puzzled at receiving a simi lar notice. It is merely an awkward attempt to fleece the unsuspecting, the amount being put so low as 15 cents 'purposely, as they could not hope to re ceive many responses should they, call for a dollar, or something like that The best plan to treat them is to follow the example of the citizen who sent .them their claim in old Confederate postage stamps. X The Awful Compositor. There are not many newspapers in the country that do not once In a white get worsted by the compositor, and the Greenville News, of Thursday, came out as a living witness to the truth of this remark. In its issue of the next day, the following appeared as its lead ing editorial : "A casual remark in this column yesterday regarding the struggle of this newspaper under the simultane ous presence of measles and the Baptist convention, must serve as an apology to Mr. Eaton for having his name render ed "Eason" in the report of his sermon at the Baptist church on Wednesday. The sermon was fine enough to deserve a better fate from the intelligent compositor." "Certainty of Relief. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 4, 1881. H H. Warner & Co. : sirs I know from per sonal experience that jour Safe Kldxey and Liver Cure is a great medicine, and I believe all who aw afflicted can take It with a certainty of relief and cure H. HARM AN. Health, hope and happiness are restored by the use of Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It Is a positive cure for all those diseases from which women suffer so much. Send to Mrs. Lydla E.Pmkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. - BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA Ginger. Brocendla. Iodia and War ner's Snfe Liver and KJdney Cure, lust receiv ed, by a. a JOBDAN A CO., mfcylS Druggists. A FRESH STOGK OOLONG, Ba Jan, Young Hyson, Imperial and He No Teas, for sale by B. H. JOBDiN & CO., raayl3 Tryon street. ENGLISH TOOT1T AND Hair Brushes, Dr. Scott's Electric Flesb and Hair Brushes just received. tt. H. JOBDAN & CO. may 13 A COMPLETE STOCK of Colgates, Lubin's and Please and Lubln'i HbBdlterc'.iiet Extracts K. EL JOBDAN & CO. may 13 5,000 BEST 5 CENT CIGABS for the Retail Trade. Jnst received. B. H. JOBDAN & CO. may 13 WE HAVE IN STOCK THE Purest Brandies and Wines for medicinal use. B. H. JOBDAN 4 CO., mayl3 Druggists. ROYAL BAKING T30WDEB3 and Flavoring Extracts a fresh sup JL ply. K. H. JOHUAN Si CO., may 13 Tryon street buggies i Carriages AT -AUCTION.- JU5T RECEIVED on consignment, from the well known Globe Carriage Works, one car load of fine BUG GIES & CABBI AGES, which will be sold at Auction for cash, In front of the court house. SATUBDAY, May 13, at 11 o'clock a. m. All those in need of Bueeies and Carriages will do well to attend. c. Jf. iiabbibojn, Auctioneer. may 12 HOW TO TELL GENUINE SIMMONS LITER REGU LATOR, OR MEDICINE. Look for clean neat WHIT 3 WRAPPER with the ref symbolic letter stamped upon it in the form of a ribbon eracefuily curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula, Mortar and Graduate wi n the woras a aiaa MONS' LIVEB BKGDLATOB or MEDICINE there on, also observe the signature of J. B. Z EI LIN & CO., in red ink on the side. TAKE NO OTHER. Beware of those who know nothing of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being analyzed prove vorthles and only made to fleece the public, and to pirate on the well earn ed reputation of Zellin & Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to susnaln and will cheat you for a few penneys every way they can. See Who Endorses the Genuine. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, BL Bev. Jno. W. Beckwith, Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno. B. Gordon, U. S. fcenacor.i Bt. Bev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shorter, J. Edgar Thompson, Hon. B. H. Hill, Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prot David Willis, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Phlla., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. It Is eminently a Family Medecine; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will save many an bour of suffering and many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, MANUFACTURED ON1T BT J. 11. ZE1L.1N 6c CO.. PHILADELPHIA. 8oId by all Respectable Druggists. feb24 GE CREAM ! ICE CREAM TOD A. Y AND FOR THE SEASON. tW CALL AND GET COOL. fltl D. M. R I G L E R. maylO lw TO CONTRACTORS IN STONE AND BRICK. SSALXD bids solicited for furnishing the City of Charlotte, delivered at the depot here, ready for Uvinir. about 20.000 sauare feet of eood hard granite for paving sidewalks, la blocks not less than 8 feet long, 12 Inches wide and 5 Inches thiAlr. whnl la known M DOintBd flflsxlnA Also. for 6,000 lines! feet of good hard granite tor cur Ding siaewaLKS, to db not less uud o ieet wor, 5 Inches thick and 14 Inches wide, executed with f Air minted dress on ton. and down 4 Inches on inside and T Inches on outside, made so the Joints mill fit Alnaelr. . . The stone paving Is to be laid Is the centre of the sidewalks tor the wMtnoi three reel ana me Mitira width of the sidewalks In front of doors. Bids will also be received tor laying the same la 1 inches of sand. Atoo for furnishing brick and sand and laying about 6,000 square yards of brick pavement, with good hard burnt brisk, by the square yard. - . - Bids will be received for the work and material above described until the 20th instant, when the Street Committee will open the same and award contracts as they deem best for the city. By order ot tire Board of Aldermen, . mays 2w T. S. DeWOLU, Mayor. r-AS A-r WE HIVE PLACID UPON OUR COUNTERS A LARGE LOT OF a 0 0 c 0 SPECIAL- INDUCEMENTS WILL BB OFFERED HDAY FOB THIS GBXAT CXLXBRillOM. 3 EilifiB H IUji r Ci r. -a.-" V ' - -B3 -V ZE3 tttt j Yj -. ' v. -- ; -AI.D SOW- "4 S-L. ONE OF '(itfRPIRM HAS JUST BITOBNID WITH A VVE offer two Special Qualities of Black Silk at $1.85 and $1.75, which are exceedingly handsome and of the best makes and are ful ly, worth 25 per cent more. Now is your timfe to make up a hand some Black Silk Dress. THE JLargest Line of Fassi mentbies and Fringes eyer of fered in thi3 market have just been opened, which in design and cneapness excel! every previous effort on our part. A THE Latest Novelties in Neck Wear have Deen added to our Stock, and we offer every article in that Department at astonish- ENGLY LOW .TRICES. WITH a view of closing our Dress Goods out completely we have marked them down far be low their actual value, and we have some inducements to offer you in that line. WT& havn ft ft a tut a t n P,ottntkr for Hosiery, where we offer a lot of single, pairs of the ends boxes at greatly reduced prices WE are receiving goods daily in our Millinery Department and we can please1 the most fas tidious taste in a Hat or Bonnet. in this Department we give finer ?oods for less money than any other house in the United States. OT.OVT58. Black and Tan Col ored, 8 Button Monsquetalre Stjede Km Gloves at 61.50 per pair. Five hundred Ladies' Linen and Morhair Dusters and Ul- 8ters very cheap; v. k Af One hundred handsome Ladies' Traveling Trunks, at specially low prices.- r t t ' 1 im m i. ii.i t U i i f ' A . - mm FreslM. M "SiieiaaOiMMi Offered." At PoatoHife. 5

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