i I 1 ".1 hi ;i I i VOL. XXVH. CHi-RLOltrfii; N csunday may 14, 1882 "' 4W WTiU "W ! 11 Run; i EDITORIAL SHORT-STOPS. NEWS NOTES. i4i: Ml ... i .'.j -J" 1 .Tserf Inspeeitng our Btitib&tl 6 of 8PBWO "ft oi yens' II IMlttlmll SB It will 1 DOT TI18. lCH? f Mf t irv C0LLAB8 In all shapes and qualll J t LINKN and PSRCALK COLLARS la striped, poika Dot and Embroidered; ' 11 Your special attention Is called to our DRESS GOODS DlPABJrikrtn' 3i It fwfilbe found an the latest novelties. SILK GBENADINES, BRO CADED 8ILK3, 8ILK and WOOL bUlTISGS. MJN3 VEILING. CI.YBER CLOTHS and FANCY GOODS of all binds, with BAT IS. SIlK, MOIBK,tf,. eta, to trim. We claim that no such stock XMBROID IBISS and LACB TRIMMINGS can be found In Charlotte as we are bow ottering. "T A tremendous stock of POLKA DOT SWISS and PKRPUN LAWNS la Xeru and White, with Em broideries t trial. I ; r f, i i we are offering alsfge stock of. LINXN LAWNS, yKKlSCH'LAwVs;U?fJplJ LAWUS. IERC ALE9, CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, eta. etc, at prices as ow as can be found anywhere. We are still reducing our large stock of HOS IKBY at tow prices. s fc0 JO.: or SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our DOMESTIC DEPABTMEHt The OdIy Pkcl toll fitjtWhijre You ' ' .. 2 iH : Can get a pair of the FOSTER KIDS is rem 13th, 1870.) ALEXAHIES &'BABEIS, may 7 Pegram & Co., -DEALERS IN- Boots, Shoes, Hate, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEG RAM & CO., Have the Best Stock of GentsMIand-Sewed Shoes PEG RAM .--& CO., Caa supply ioo.wfth the BE8T BBAHTJff tad LATEST STYLE3 Ladies' Misses and Childrens Shoes. pe&rAsm: & oo., havb a mm UNX OF ' GENTS' md LADIES' SUPPM PEGRAI & CO., kayjk axjv.kinds pr Childens, Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM$30., KXIP A WILL SXLXCTZI) STOCK OF traoliiifW of m Wi Mm PEGRAM & CO., tWicittilFIIlPs IUYK OF Of the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. Fe!gramh& CO., CAN 8UIT TSiH Farmef 'friends .4 With any kinds BOOTS tod 8H0IS THIT W ISH. ohs1 Deel StiCeners. KICK WIAB. ties." TV uBSS - .33-- J econd Stock. f Uil . MM ' pjAVING Jnst returned from the Eaterti Mar kets the second time fhls season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In the way of Novelties of the season. We have replenished our BLACK SILK'STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades, Summer Silks and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Patteens la fancy colors. Nans Veiling in all colors from B5 to $1 &er yard. A new lot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomeat lets of LAWNS To b found in the city. MuU Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladls in Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear la new styles. A new lot of Bunt lLg In all colors from 12Vio to SI per yard. Come and se and be- convinced that we have the goods and prices to suit you. Very Bespetcfuliy, T. Ei. MSIGLE &, CO. may7- A Never-Failing Cure for Burnsj Scalds, grilses, Cuts, Sores, etc. Alter forty years of trial, Perry Davis Plain Killerstands unrivaled. It is safe t It acta immediately ! It never fails! Editor of the St. John OT. B.) News, eays-: In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., it la the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We havsen Its magic effects, and know it to bo a pood artlcla , -From I. B.Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Bhenlsh Prussia: Alter long yars of use, I am satisfied It , Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. 8harper, Valdosta, Ga., Bays : . Itl8apajmceaforaliDrulsesaiidburna. PromR.W. Adams, gaco, Me,! It gave me Immediate relief. K. Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. "W. Lum, Nicholvllle, N. Y., says : I use your Fain Killer frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and heals wounds like magic. J.W.Dee sayB: For scalds and burns It has no equal. PERRY DAVIS' FAIN KILLER is not a new untried remedy. I'or forty years it hasbeen in constant use ; and those tr ho have used it the longest are it best friends. ItMuccessiscnftrdy becauseof iti merit. Since the Pain Killer was firstintroduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-tlay this medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have a bottle ready ftrue. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most application or the JL'aln KUier medicines, it Isperfcctty safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your drupgis has it at 23c, 50c and Sl.OO par bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietors. j Providence, R. I ept w sept & oct. A BLESSDKG TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women pecu Dr. liar to the appearance ana cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances Clarke's Periodical torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhaea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down palDS so peculiar to women. Pills. race iSo per dox. aeni rree Dy man on receipt oi price. Dr. uiarne Medicine Company, New York city. F OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Anti- In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Prtaa S3 nOoer box. Five boxes SI 0. flypnilUle Ptlla. . JSeiit bymalL prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Lr uiaree jaeaicme Company, New York City. INVALUABLE BEMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure In 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments In the urine from what ever eause Induced, whether of re Clarke'H Gonnorrhea cent or long standing, une w inree boxes usually sufficient. Price 82 per box. Three boxes for 355. Mailed free on receipt tl price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. 'HEBE IS A BALtM IN QlLEArit For all cases of 8nermatorrhoea' and lmpotency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse la youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and producln some or tne iouowmg effects: Nervousness, seminal emis Clarke'a sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of aight. Detective Mem ory, rnisicai aecy, jrinpies on Kace. Aversion toyocieiy oi emaie1', Confusion of Ideas. Losh of Sexuil Invigorating Power,1 Ac., rendering marriage im nrooer or unhanny. Are a positive cure in two to 8 weeks. One to fir boxes usually sumcienr trice t tu per box Four boxes $5 Pent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. - : Pille febl9dAw l8w WHEEIER& WILSON'S m NEW- NO. 8. LfLuLtWiiuaJitf Bed Sewlig Mwttnein the world. Try iioeiore Buying m uuu. "AGE UTS wAnT U. 5 wS'fSr! Bead toi Terms land Price "List RICHMOND, TA. . i may 11 The PhUadelphia : Record says Itbe high prices of beef, pork and muttqa' in that city has reduced the consump tlon 20 per cent. I ' (Treenvfile plne la hot the lot of any.eomraanitiy. Just as Sumter cotrnty recovered froin the pleas of guilty in the election: trials and rose to point with pride to a per fectly empty jail, the cut worm ap peared in the cotton. 'Iwas ever thiis, Atlanta Tost-Appeal: It appears that three-fourths of the $10,000,000 ap propriated for educational purposes by Gongress will come South.; The Secre tary of the Interior will disburse'the fund to the States, where the proper of flcers will distribute it among the com mon schools, white and colored receiv i&g equal shares. Louisville Courier-Journal : The Su treme Lodge Knights of honor, an or gfinfeation which originated in this city few years go, convened in ninth' an nual session in Baltimore Tuesday, Judge Hoke; of Louisville, Supreme Dictator, presiding. The reports show that the society now has 130,000 mem bers, and paid out in death benefits dur ing the past year $2,300,000. There are 20,000 Jews in Chicago, and the Inter-Ocean says of them: "They are seldom seen about the saloons of an evening, nor do they figure conspicu ously in the police courts." The Amer ican Jews have many good qualities that a multitude of Christians could well afford to study and emulate. Among these virtues are temperance, patience, peace and the love of home. Berlin is to have an elevated street railroad operated by electricity, which has the remarkable feature of stopping the trains instantly at street crossings, and lowering them to the pavements for the accommodation of the passen gers. In France there is a railway in operation on which the cars are pro pelled by electrical force, and lighted by the same agency.' Laying aside the question of practicability, which has been conclusively demonstrated, it is claimed that it is cheaper and safer than the steam system. The Cincinnati Enquirer says that during the last thirty years the United States government has g"iven away to railroad corporations not less than 191, 653,401 acres of public land, 21,554,201 acres than more comprise' the State of Texas. And yet there is scarcely a case on record where a railroad has fulfilled its part of the contract made with the government when the land grant was made. Hopes are still entertained by some indigent roads of wresting a few million more acres from, the govern ment; but the time has come to cry a halt in this reckless squander of the public domain. It is currently reported that Judge Settle of this State, who now holds the position of United States district Judge for Florida, is a candidate for the va cant judgeship of the court of claims. While we have nothing in common with Judge Settle politically, we think lie is entitled to the consideration of his party for which he has labored hard nd made as many sacrifices as anyone within its ranks in the South. While battling hard, and hitting hard blows in advocacy of the principles which he hid espoused, he managed to keep him self out of the mire and command the respect of those whom he fought against. If he were rewarded accord ing to tne services ue nas rendered his jarty, which is the standard of appoint ment these days, he would be occupy ing a position in the cabinet, instead of being an applicant for the judgeship in the court of claims. The Pennsylvania Republican Ticket. By concessions to the "Independents" the "stalwarts," who constituted the majority in the Republican convention at Harrisburg, yesterday succeeded in nominating a ticket which will proba bly be supported by the entire party. Gen. James A. Beaver, the candidate for Governor, was defeated for the United States Senate a year ago because he was presented by the Cameron fac tion. He is a comparatively young man, and has never" held any political office. He was born in Perry county, Pa., in 1837; graduated at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa , in 185G; stu died law at Bellefonte, and was ' admit ted to t he bar in 1859. At the outbreak ing of the civil war he went in'to the three months' service as a second-lieutenant, and at the end of his term assist ed in raising -the 46th Pennsylvania regiment, of which he was made lieutenant-colonel. He was subsequently made colonel of the 148th Pennsylvania Regiment. He participated in .nearly all the great battles fought by the Array of the Potomac, was severely wounded three times, and finally lost his right leg in the engagement at Ream's Sta tion while in command of a brigade. Since the war he has devoted himself to the practice of his profession. He is an able lawyer, a fluent speaker, and his personal character is beyond re proach. The nomination of Wm Henry Rawle, of Philadelphia, for judge of the Su preme court, was a concession to the "reform" element of the party. The best known man on the ticket is the Hon Thomas M Marshall, of Pittsburg, who was nominated for congressman at large. Mr Marshall is one of the most distinguished lawyers in Western Pennsylvania, and is besides a famous stump-speaker. He supported Mr. Greeley for President in 1872. A Stabbing Affair at Wilson's Mills. BalelghNes and Observer.1 - ; ' 1 ' We learn of a desperate affair at this place a few days ago, wherein two white men were injured. A man named Tu tor, while somewhat under the influence of liquor,, was told to leave the store of Mr. Uzzle, by MrA. T. Uzzlei who is well-known here In Raleigh.' The latter endeavored to get Tutor to go home, when suddenly the latter drew a knife and cat at nim. Some papers and a pocket-book in Uzzle's coat saved him.: Uzzle then cut Tutor as he was about to renew the assault.' Tutor was stabbed in five placesthe wounds being serious but not dangerous, and he isjnow im- commer to be at the occur- rence. sanded Cotton. ' New York; May t2 J-The, 1 Herald lays? ."The Cotton Eichangejiasire eived a letter, from f)ldharn England, Intimating that"tn ' explanation Uiat anna round jn r American . cotton was Lawn if there bv ,wind. .is, not satisfao "Us;!-.' ji aj.n j rot- rt-. f v-.-rtM I ' ; Illness p Archbishop Prche. h.-u i ' New. Orleans; HaylflpeOiai tof the .Times saysr Tne venerable Arch bishop Perche is dangerously ill and it is not believed he can live many days." proving ,Mr. Uzzle is now. a cialf traveler, but ! happened Wilson's Mills at the time of The jBituation in Egypt is critical, but theKiediVe itnf 'Retains his place. Aretorn .basJieen issued showing that 462 agrarian outrages were com muted in Ireland daring the month of -April. .; . v' t:i .The New York-Grain and Produce Exchange has decided that trading in contracts lor future delivery in grain between members ' of the Exchange must ce ase after 4 p. m. The Boston and Albany Railroad mil discharge next week one fourth of the employees in the Springfield. Boston , and- Albany shops, on account of the dullness in freight business. Jacksonpprt, Ark., on the White riv er, is--ffboded, -: an' heavy 'rains have caused a wash-out on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad at Muddy creek, 75 miles east of em phis, the track be ing under water for three miles. The convention- ef the Pennsylvania Constitutional Amendment Associa tion adopted the formula of a proposed amendment to the State constitution prohibiting ' the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medi cinal, mechanical and scientific pur poses. The next meeting of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, recently in session at St. Louis, Mo., will be at Clevelend, Ohio, October 3 and 4, 1883. Bishop Samuel Fallon, of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Chicago, was elected orator for the next occasion. Gen. W. T. Sherman was elected president of the society. A Cairo dispatch reports that the re lations, bet ween the Egyptian ministry and the English and French comptrollers-general have been ruptured. Wm. Boden's saloon at Ocean, Indi ana, was wrecked with dynamite Thurs day night. The dynamite was thrown down the chimney. The Vienna New Free Press says there are 7,000 Jewish refugees in Brody. About 200 arrive there every day, while only 500 leave weekly. Their misery is indescribable. On the 6th instant, in New York, Charles Hoffman, messenger of the Mechanics' National Bank, was robbed of checks, coupons, &c, amounting to over $48,000. Wednesday one of the coupons was presented by John Bowen. He was arrested, together with Arthur Young and Alexander Donelson. Mr. Franklin Miller, a venerable citi zen ot Rappahannock county, Va., was killed on Tuesday last while sitting on his horse superintending the felling of timber, a tree which bad lodged falling upon him. His horse was also killed. Mr. John Miller, his brother, one of the wealthiest farmers in the county, died a few days before, aged 81. A dispatch from Cairo says the rela tions between the Khedive and minis try have been suspended. The latter repudiate the Khedive's authority. The Khedive has received a dispatch from the Sultan prahsiug his conduct, and de claring that no apprehension need be felt, as the Porte will Immediately act in concert with the powers. It is be lieved that the impeachment of the Khedive will be proposed in the Cham ber of Notables on the ground of his taking the instructions of the Porte on internal autonomy. State University Railroad. Raleigh News and Observer. The ceremonies of driving the last spike passed off at Chapel Hill with great eclat on the 9th. Miss Julia J Spencer, daughter of Mrs G P Spencer, by special request drove one spike most gracefully, and Mr J G Cooley, the rail road agent at Chapel Hill, the other. A large crowd from Chapel Hill and the surrounding country was in attend ance, and much enthusiasm was mani fested. The exercises were opened with an introductory address by Rev Dr Mangum, after which Rev Dr Jeffries, of the Baptist church offered a prayer. Speeches were made by President Bat tle, Hon John Manning, Jones Watson, Esq, James M Mason, Esq, and Prof Geo T Winston, and were warmly ap plauded. The locomotive was gaily dressed with flowers. The University Glee Club sang two excellent and stir ring odes composed for the occasion. The spikes and hammers were gilded and at the close Capt Cooley presented his hammer to Miss Spencer as a me mento of the occasion. Rev Mr Currie pronounced the benediction. Mr Watson stated in his address that he heard Dr Caldwell, President of the University, deliver the first railroad speech ever made in Orange county, and at the close a citizen pronounced him crazy. That citizen is still living and sees the locomotive run by his door many times a day. President Battle was warm in his praises of Gov Jarvis for his able aid towards securing funds and labor for this road, and to various others who had been active promoters of the enter prise, including Col Buford and Col An drews, of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, to which company the State University Railroad is leased. The road is now in good order, and connects regularly with the eastern and western bound trains of the North Carolina Railroad, giving two trains a day. The Grand Encampment Officers. Election of Wilmington Star, 11th. At tne regular meeting of the R. W. Grand Encampment of North Caro lina, held yesterday afternoon, the fol lowing grand officers were elected and installed into their respective offices : Right Worthy Grand Patriarch W. P. Wooten, of Wilson. R. W. Grand High Priest J. H. Mas ten, of Winston. R. W. Grand Senior Warden Frank Powell, of Tarboro. R. W. Grand Junior Warden G. M. Altaffer.of Wilmington. R. W. Grand Scribe and Treasurer Ed. Zoeller, of Tarboro. R. W. Grand Marshal L. T. Love, of Raleigh.' R. W. Grand Sentinel J. H. Thore, of Charlotte. This branch of the order is reported as being in a healthy condition, with fine prospects of increase of member ship. Disagreement Between the Boards of Health at New Orleans. New Y ork, May 13.7-A Times New Orleans special states that the board of health last night by a unanimous vote refused to receive any communications from the nationaljboard of health ex cept such as came from the president thereof. In explanation of this resolu tion which is aimed especially against the resident member, Dr. S. M. Bemis, Hon. Isaac N Marks, the acting presi dent, said he was of the firm belief that the Do am. wouia do trouoiea no more with communications from the em ployees of the national board in this city, whose only objects appeared to be to create trouble and discord between the Louisiana State and the national boards, and who areas ready to-day as heretofore to" declar'ftice ferjer o be vfillaw fever in order to keeD UD aeita- Vtion. whereby they might be continued a ' ,on ; Wgh salaries ras employees or, the national Karqg mm, ;riS-i;, , i, ;;i..im ilo ani,u.i'n .': . , I All kidney sad urinary eomplimtsv' especially tTMlfhrs Disease, IHabetes and hret troubles. Hop f Bitten will surety" and testtngly , eureJ Cases x- act ? lute your own nave been rurea in. your own neighborhood, and you can find reliable proof at nonwrawQMo tsuiersiiasanacauao. .-' Qaioi, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Blad der and TJurinary Diseases. SI. Druggists. De pot, J. H. UcAden, Charlotte, a. C From the Home Journal A RenartaMe Discovery. A REAL SKIN CURE. TMJtms is ohlt on . AND THAT WITH SDCPLX KAUX Beware of Impostors, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly elatm to be best They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable sueeess. HO POMPOUS SAMS. This curative needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain ft, but its simple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CURE In preference to all other professed remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been wefl known as a successful physician and surgeon and his Bfe study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin; since he has been persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up Into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. Beware of Imitations, or the various articles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to. keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None Is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In one package. Price 31.00. get at your druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains. CAUSE AND CUBX. Dr. C W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous centers need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being daily cured by these pills. They correct cosilveness, but are not purgative. Price, 50 cents or six boxes for $2 50, postage free, to any address. For sale by all druggists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor can be addressed. Letters of Inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crlttenton, New York, Is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 MRS. LYDIA E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., c (8 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnre for all thoae Talnrul Complaints nad WettalllN o common to our bt female population. It will cure entirely the wont form of Female Com plaints, airxwarian troubles, Inflammation and Uloerm tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dlssolre and expel tumors from the uterus la an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very speedily by Its use. It remores falntness, flatulency, destroys ail era Ting" for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating, Headaches, Nerrons Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling' of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and tinder all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. riNKnAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 23S and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form of 1 oranges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnrham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thit Paper. Wo family should be without LYDIA S. PBTCBAltfi UVUiK PTXX& They cure constipation, bUiousnesst and torpidity of the liver. So cents per box. 43- Said by all Druggists. & PELOUBET (S CO., ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINES and GATI CITY PIANOS. NEW YORK PIANOS. It Is conceded, lead the world. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SILL THIM AT FACTORY PBICXS. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I ean distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I ask Is a trial and this con cost you nothing, while it may be the means of saving you a great deal In an Instrument tW Organs always In stock either to sell or rent. Call on or address Lock Box 274, JNO. R. EDDIN8, Charlotte, N. C. aprSO F. C. MTJNZLER AGENT FOR & (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) Celebrated Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottlea. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. n iar"Have just received a matt lot of BDTTL1D ALE and POKTKB, which I offer to the pubUe at a reasonable price. Address FBJED C MUNZLKB, Lock Box 255, Charlotte, N. C. mbr28 . - ' :" .rr,;! . j ; DENTAL NOTICE. rpHl next annual meeting of the State1 Board of Dental gjutruluers will be held in Salem, It- d oa th 6th aar- ef Junev All ' Mrsons meotingthe practice of DenttotrywiUsontaotploma I must go before this board for STamtwattog.gr suffer tae penarues ox tne law wucn wenvmtonxeei March 1879. - V. B. TCEMX8, i t may8 tuiejun Pres't Board Dental tx'rs. - Winston Sentinel and Balelgh RewaJand Ob server copy one month .and send Mil to W, Hoffmann, Charlotte. I sals' WIliIrAJA, S OL8 eabraetng m ths lstnerertteA 'Aa.no ??D?IA,K.ATHHD'AS' m Sue and' rose. We have just opened op a large stock ofGiNGHAMa in pretty dress styles, at laujc All colors In MULL at 50epr yardr F ItrUAXD ATOLLS at 40c per yard. All colors In SPANISH LACB DBJBSS GOOD& ND vilLlNQa. SILKS, SATINS, MOIRES in? ,n ,8asn R,bbon? at 40c to S1.2B. Just received some Swiss Ancl Hambrjrtf tdfllnra, srKl i THi&D and large stock of Laces or all descripttons. We have also seven hundred pattemi in roaanant of Laces, 2 to 8 yards, your choice at ten cents. Call early and get a chanee at out NN N NN N N NN N NN EKH B KB B XXB WWW WW w w WW WW ww ww w w For they are stylish and at prices that are bound to sell them. Oar stock Is too large to sitemitt td enumerate, but a glance will convince you that we are net behind In styles and t CANNOT BE BEAT IN PRICES. argraves may 14 KITH IDSIC THE " J UMBO" FOR THE CAROILjITHIIS, WEIGHT 1500 to ?ii McSMITH WILL DOUBLE HIS STQCK. LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS 1 B ALS, Let Music Increase Crime will Decrease w Organs within Reach of Everybod MASON & HAMLIN, BELL HUM, PiLOUBET A CO. and STKBLINfl. Never Before Such Low Prices ! Easy Terms and htm you . a a s" Q a u a 1 H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N, C SPRIG u 11 Ul B8J88 88 88 88eg88 NEW STOCKI! NEW STYLES! UTEMTS! COME ! WVB ntt atnnk- la nAar MtmnlAtA. Weali especial r iNonROWNHODSX We are lusUOed In Hanna mil taniHnff at nnr Hdliae. Is a lull Gmarantee m tttr vfrisT TiKT Tiwr.X sold in thli Market. study the demands ef our patrons, and lasore them absolute BOTTOM PBiCML iWoido pot boy Job lots in order to Introduce Low Priced Goods, but Invariably effet tte. NbUosueb CLOTHDiG and made up in such a style as is worn in fashionable circles In Northern does. We had the eboice of selecting our stock by going early in the Market, of which privilege the Lsis Purchaser Is debarred. Our stock of 3F3ovh' axxcI. GLULjcGXx7m Olotlxlxxff to as fine as always. The latest styles in HATS ALL COLORS. : I 1 1 -v -. i , , .-l . . i.( . .. THE FIKEST THE YORKT OWN 8 CAR F, The Latest Out, In the Very Latest Shades m Sflks. CLXiXt Al TTT? rTTT" jra YeryEespeetrally, bt 'f. L. ants IXsUto tav 6 .Hi h a iV .MiiUii"TT?7T!Trt1 3ott loli HAYCfGriowtsvOtMmUlnstaaddmo FiUlTOAL Uii we art war reared to if ' ttotv Ws guarantsa qrgnity, aart hiixb at easga 1W4sJfa! I tftenmei wlio wul teart ordari lor sinallieuat A - .,1 jriutUv mil i'.i.A i iv StSeKDM u to qtum. MJSt1 eaoon. aisivui dUAiuno. Boat Ho. 88. Qaffney Cttf B. 0. marl Bg 1U ' --e- m eOODSi NUMSWLINGS, GOG OO G GOO G O O G GG O O GOG OO ODD "SS., OO DDD "se8 fe Wilhelm 'I I'H'I SQUARE GRAND. 1 PIANOS Witliii Reach of EreryMV. CHICK BBINQ A SON, KRANICB & BACH, MATHU8HEK. -A R I O N SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM. anno LOOK HOW THS OLD MAN FBOWNS . scratches his head whue reading Ma's adv.' Make read, let him frown, ; Write to meand I will send a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or- O gins. Make your selection, men go lor mm ana write to me for a few more dots, sneh as prices, terms, As. Addrsss, er call on trrnr 8888 a988 jjSB SSgg88 vrrm 3 attention to the OABMXNTS MANtJFACTTJBKD asserting, and not exarwrate. that- the Um sioogexpe and always IA8X CSTXEli fJAjfJ We make ut Arst-class Garments. 1 fa IN THE CITY. Berwahger & Bro ; I ',:. "' '"(- ! Fm JAUL srrytwofif, three inreProof Safes. All of them the beesef atakesi) Onajsaaatti one medium and one larza Ap-1 Ely to pr aauress1 aa 17nii r:CHAfiLH,fp3 totftfr. . 44 STOLEN-EESTifllD. -rrt P1I ! V XfSSStmf wa, at frpn r"t!vpn the -eta. J U, apalrollU brale aW'V'ot a tocU uroao: wiur suiai jami ana am. -ju-p uuwu $ideki The twet it believed tote la Charlotte, ana a reward of $10 win paid loRhe- weoverjof the bracelets. B. Bi EO8TB0BO, . - nmyll tf Bowaa M&ls; N. 0, I 0 .11 I 5 1 i. 4 ' 4 Ml I f: ''I ft 1, 5 M K f. T m 'if 3j I I i ..Mil