jrMgLTT , : " " ' ClfARLOTTE, N. C., .TUESDAY; MAY, 16, 1882 , - . ... ; , . , ;, ; , f j TmtmMT r -2 ! tor the purpose of Inspecting out SECOND BTOCX have seen our, stoCX ot LADIES' NECK WJIA, pronounce It laufaL' jw Jt wJU be foin SPiN- IBH L1CI. BUN l. SWIse OUti DOT TPS. fichus, i)KEBCEara and LACK COLLABS In all shapes and qualities. LINKN aDdPKBCAXV COLLARS In striped, po.ka Dot and ImbrOldered. Tour special attention la called to our DRE83 GOODS DXFABTMKNT. n Kwlll jbe lound to tbe latest noveltlea, SILK GBENADINES, BHO CADBD 8ILK9, SlLKj and WOOL. jPULTINGS, NDN3 VEILING, CI TBEB CLOTHS and FANCY GOODS of all binds, ttltb SATJQT, JfOIBJ etau etc., to trim. We claim that no such stock KMBBOID 1BIES mi LACK TBIMMING8 can be found In Charlotte as we. are now offering.,. A tremendous stock of POLKA DOT SWISS and PERSIAN LAWNS In Ecru and White, with Em broideries to trim.; We are offerlog a larKetoek of LAWNS, FRENCH lilfenOkfi8,iROAUS8, CAMBBJCS, QINGBAIISei ejte., at prices as ow as can be found anywhere. We are still reducing our large stock of HOS IERY at low pilots, v V SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our BOMESTIC,;;.IJEPABTHEHT, The Only Piacerih thi tiyiwfi Ycm 'f i Can get a pair of the FOSTER KIDS asS kdjum13th; 1876.1 ? 81 AtSSAKDEE & HASEIS, may7 i 9' Pegram -DEALERS IN- Boots, Shoes, Hats, lmk UMBRELLAS7&c. PEGitAM &; c,6;, . . Have the ,feestStoc of y " (icn llaudeuedJShocs PEG R-ArMr-&-CK) i Camupplf yoawlth.lte y jt.r.- BEST BpAHSglrST STYtES Lai ies'j HSesJXhiMren s Shoes." t r-r r 4 GENTS' and UD1ES',SUPFRS. PEG RAM &,0p'.; iliililrtns' Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM &xGO.S ! EOP A WILL 8ELECTED TOCKOF n ann mm a fit U h Vi tn t a fi h of all .masmV: sizes Of the Latest Styles. AT T01 the Latest Styles. CAN SUIT TBIIB ;lf 7W if it Vlthanyhlndt BOOTS andBHOIS THEY WISH. n. lyirf 'AM. MVJiiH ar'J-lTl...!filtM Mcas' Qecl StiffenerS."" PEGRAM &,C( HfrW5 Atwv RAVING Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In the-4 way of Novelties of the season. ' , Wenhave replemlshed our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs in all shades, Summer Silks and Foulard?. Also a handsome stock of Satteens In fancy colors. Nuns Veiling In all colors from 35c to 81 per yard. A new lot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of v -LAWNS- To be found In the city. Mull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulstere for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome- styles. . Some new Neck Wear in new styles, f A new lot of Bunt ag In all colors from 12V&C to $1 per yard. Come and see and be convinced that we have tbe goods and prices to suit you. f, 'V--, f ' , i. Very Bespetcfully, T. I,. SEIOIiC & CO. , ,may7 -' : . - medical. - A Newer -Pail ing Curo for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cats, Sores, etc. After, forty years of trial Perry DaTis Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Itisaafe! tit acts immediately 1 It never falls I Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, acnes, painssores, etc., it is the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of it ? for a slnglertioun ? ts From the CtndlinaU IMspatcn : i h Jl Wehavewewita mae effect and tnw &. ILto be argaoctartlcle. i&A '. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of ose, ram satisfied it wla positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : r ?Itte apanaqea Jor.all b mists and burns. FromR. W.Adams, Saco, Me.: " " 1 Itgave me imntedlate relief. ' ' B; Lewis says: - In forty years' use It never has failed me. W. W. Lum. Nicholville. N. Y. . savs : i tise yer-Pad Ki-fritiefitly. -It relieves pain and soreness, and heaU wound3 , .-.jyce magic " Pot scalds and burns it has no equal PEBBT DAVIS I'AIX KHXER is not a tow untried remedy. For forty -years It has been in constant use ; antlthose who have -used.it the longest are its best friends. Itg success is entirely because of itsttierit. Since the Pain Ivlller was first introduced , hundredg ef new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this" medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever before. Every family should have AlHtttle ready foriise. Mttcb. pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be saved Toy prompt application or the rua liiller. uruuee most medicines, it is verfectlv safe even in the hand s of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it jwtll prove its vajue. Tour druggist has it at 25c-, 50e and SlJOO per Dottle. . PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I sept d tw sept & oct. 2 J3LESSLNG TO WOMANKIND, j i Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearancftand cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances Dr. -"s)torpWrtrv'of function's;1' with leucor Clarke's rhoea, dlsmenorrhsea, and hysteria. also in melancholia and otner men tal derangements. . Afford prompt relief to those distressing, bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Pricai&i petiKjx Sent free by mall on' receipt of -price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. 1i8rlbdical cPiIls... Tpjt. pcrorula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. jCiarJke Snl- In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy- They-never-fari to' Jtypboitfc .(cure wben-dbeetiOBS are followed. Pries S2 JiObet box.- Jfive Doxes siu. Kent by mattr prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess tr uiarae meuicme (jompany, new lorayiij. INVAIiVABIiX: BfHEDt. For weakness of the" Kidneys and bladder, A Quick and complete cure in -4 to- ft dua of all urinary affec- Dr. w Jtlons, smarting, frequent or difficult Clarke' urination, mucuus aiscn&rges uu sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced,: whether of re cent or long standing. One to three' boxes usually sufficient Price $2 Gonnorrhea per box. ..Three boxes ior so. Mailed free on receiot of price. :Ad- JPUls. IdreBS Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, t i New zone uy. i f !tIl?H-Ejl9 iA"JMt IlaAB,U For all cases oi Bpermatorrnoea' Dr. and lmpotency, as pie result of self abuse in Nyoutn,vsexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem ory, Phisical decay, Pimples on Face, Aversion toSocIety of ITenwles. Confusion of Ideal. Loss Ot Sfxu tl Clarke Invigorating Power,-4 Ac, renderirjif mariisge im nniDeror unhaDOT. Are aoositlve cure In two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient- Price SI 50 per box. Jrour Doxes ;srt weni ny mall, prepaidV on receipt of price. Addtess-DttjCIarke Mexilftine Com pany; New York City. w - ' Pill. feb!9 diw I8w 'o . L " .llJB LIm4i BlauUfaiest SIngmTOenlie ! ' V r AGENTS .WANTED, . ; WHEELER &V7ILS0N SB Z I mayll OUR JUHINGrTON 5 JETJER THE MECKLENBURG DECLARA TION IN WASHINGTON. Many Would Like to Come if, they Conld Mr Bayar4's .EseortHimteB Rowan, nelper T working uprlu8fMs Railroad Schem'eA Kentucky;' Con-, gressman Explains the Whisker Riag; fMare's Nesf'-PersotfjU Yaeairapasl and Postal Points.' 1 Washington, D. C, May 12, 1882. Much intereat is felt her ia . the cele bration of the ia7th anniversary tif the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, to be held at Charlotte next Sat urday, and were it not for the fact that Uongress is drawing to a close: and matters of importance likely to come up every day, a large number of Con gressmen and officials would attend on ttie occasion. As it is, a party will leave here on Thursday, May 18, at 7:15 p. m., in a special car over the Midland road for Charlotte. The party will in clude Senator Bayard, of Delaware, the orator of the occasion. Senators Ran som and Vance, of your State, Senators Hampton and Butler, of South Carolina, Congressmen Armfield, Do wd Scales and Oox-, of the State delegation in the House; Congressmen Evins, of South Carolina, and Forney of Alabama, the latter a native of- the Old North State, who never loses an opportunity to pay homage to the land ot.his nativity. The train carrying this distinguished party will arrive in. Charlotte about 12 m. on Friday, and will doubtless be received With the honors due to their eminence as public officials. As now arranged most of the party expect' to return on i lie train Sunday night, in order to be here in attendance upou Congress Mon day morning. Mr. Hinton Rowan Helper, author of "The Impending Crisis," the work which, written just before the war urg ing the abolition of slavery, attracted much attention, especially as the work of a Southern man, is here now with a very important measure in hand, which if successful promises to be of vast im portance to this country and to all of America. Mr. Helper, , who when he wrote "The Impending Crisis," was a South Carolinian, has been for some years a resident of St Louis. A few years since he was heard from again in an article in the newspaper press, in which he suggested the 'necessity for a great railway line, running from Hud son Bay, in the British Possessions, through Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America and.the. vari ous Republics of the .-Western portion of South America to the Southern bor der of the Argentine Confederation, uniting the various countries of the Western Hemisphere, and making the interchange of Itheir commodities rapid and easy. The next that was heard of him was an offer of $5,000 for the best five essays on the subject of the "Three Americas Railway," as he had named the proposed enterprise. j Forthese .he paid "out of his own private fortune, and to this five thousand dollars he added ten thousand more, which he ex pended in traveling in person over the thousands of miles of country south of the United States, to which his proposi tion referred, and in printing the result of his studies and expenditures in the form of a book entitled "The Three A mericas Rail w ay ." : Some time since Judge Belford, of Colorado, introduced in the House a resolution looking to-the publication of I a large edition of Mr. Helper's work on mis suDjecc, out it nas not yet Deen acted upon. . Recently a resolution was Offered m the Senate and House author izingihft resident to appoint a com mission to visit Central -America, Co-1 lumbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and the Argentine Confederation, and consult with the officials and prominent citi zens and ascertain their feelings and views regarding a close railway connec tion with this country, and whether they would probably encourage a rail way such as indicated above. The re sults of this investigation are to be re ported to the State Department for the benefit of all those who desire to avail themselves, of the information. This movement is the first public btep in the tremendous . enterprise which Mr. Helper has been quietly studying and developing in theory for ver fifteen years. He says frankly that he has said little about nis enter prise in the past, for he did not care to be called a lunatic, but now he sees that the country is beginning to be ready for it and he feels that he may talk about it. The fact that one-third of the proposed line, from Hudson.Bay to the City of Mexico, is now either built 'or under contract, and that railroad en terprises are pushing forward south-of the City of Mexico and in South Amef ija as well, is an evidence tat the time lis at hand for ant enterprise of this soft. What he now wants, is that this initial step ef the appointment of a eomraisi sioner to examine into the subject be taken by the .present Congress. The line of road remaining yet to be built would be about 4,000 miles and would cost about ,$200,000,000; but in the opin ion of Mr. Helper wouid oe tne Desc paying railroad property in the world. : Coming,frpm the canitol yesterday 1 sat ip a car beside a- prominent Ken tucky COngresstna'n who is thoroughly .conversant with the whiskey in bond and the vexed question growing out of the.bill for. the extension of the bond;-, ed period. So 1 asked 7iim what he could tell about the prospect of the bill jand the supposed, gigantic ring that Senator Windom had 'unearthed. "That rine won't amount to much," :he laughed, "it's tb Jbiggest mare's nest 'that has Deen aiacoverea in wasuiDg- ton lately, and you know such discove ries are not inf requent here." - , . "What is it?" I asked. ; "Wi.y,! ywv 'My he replied, ,1'it all (grew out of a misunderstanding on 'Senator ,Wmdom's '3arfr -Of A: ,?.ey ! pi e. 'affair, t very; easily I-explained but quite suspicious in its nature if not ex plained or underatood.'' Wrmt;i!itr' . 1 ' ' " Why; imply this ;: that the distillers,' association has a pool Dy wtncnitex rYfii ta th Riimlus sDirits r Out of the (country 1 to prevent overstocking the imarket, and pays the losses to memoers when there are any. One day one mem- !btr whose spirits ihad been shipped iabroa was paid $8,000 for the losses isustained by him on ;the shipment and isale of his goods, and the Senator hear- !infr nf a nart of the transaction the Ipaymenf of the money as part of.' ai uooiiuna. .cauciuueu ;,Miih j mcjo,: wa jsomething queer aoout it, mat in iact the moneywas to; Re usea -43 it corrup- "But it wasnt' eh V"' "Oh. nO.Vindeed. You see the. distil- ers have 16 , keep n running at their, - . a . ,r 11 regular capacity, ior it tuey uou t tuey. are. notable. to feed their stock cattle tstftrt oeriiirf,ha f atteninff of whicb.'with !th rain after the. whiskey Is madei S& jau impctantj-featttre, of the. Jbuslnessj Tne resttlp is"! tnac wnenaaney-BijiKe more Bpirits.thatfhe'qorintry consumes tJaeyi'mstit,h'ersloiej4ft isurplus or sndit.out of the country; -for if it is thrnwn on. the market in creater auan' Ititik than"n the , demand; ifa wjU disari- Iransre prices and render the business iuaaj'ttlpfettti' Earope;(rand sol Ustia lOQ prou& uu luisxuy ira Man j hntnsffbfc'titIr1ts- in . England are verylow-friMce,t as '.'there is a taree. crop fpolatoef arid beets from whiejt they ffiakewhfskey there and thd rL salt is that tbere.wps ajops m exporta tion if WeftMmtM (man whose alcohol is shipped ut orjDecoBntrv a. loss, and so there it fund raised to fjari the Josses to1 these parties, it was, a pay ment tif!Mot)0'Oti:aios3 of thiskmd of which Senator Windom heard, and not ;pricea ,his:Awaf 'understatidinjlrit thought he' bad struck a big thing in the way of a corruption IfuBdAB; . .h; j "An so there was nothing in the Sen atort large whiskey rine T "Not ; thing. That; is the true his-. jtory-ef the whole affair,, and itwill so be shown when the facts come to the surface, if they do come." "And so there will be no large devel opments.'' "No." "And will the bill pass the Senate as sent from the House V" "That is impossible jet to predict, twt it? prospects are certainly better than they were a week ago." PERSONAL PAKAGKAPSS. "Congressmen Hubbs and B: B. Vance have paired and gone home. Mr. Vance expects to return early next week; Congressman Shackelford will make a short trip to New York latter part of iiGxfc week A. J- Ruffin, A. A. Perry, N. B. Phil lips and J. W. Thone from North Caro lih were in the city this week. : Patents have been granted as fol lows: ' Robert M. Adam, Charleston,. S. C, attachment for dredging pumps; Neil MqDuffie, Keniyre, C, stalk-breaker; Lewis B. White and L. Henderson, Middleburg, N. C, car-heating and ven tilating apparatus. ; "A census publication places the total "value of Virginia lisheries for the year J880 at $3,424,444. POSTAL POINTS. Postm asters com missions Bent : Frank P. White, Shallotte, N. C; Dora Clark, Airlie, N. C. ; W. : CEoster, Rich Hill, C. A new office has been established at Pugh's, Franklin county, N. C, and Jo siah B. Powell appointed postmaster. The postoffices at Glencoe, Buncombe county, N. C, and at Gowdeysville, Un ion county, S. C, have been discontin ued; mail respectively to Asheville, N. C, and to Skull Shoals, S. C. -Thenameof the" postofflce at War-' rensville, Sampson county, N. C, has been changed to read "Boykins." Superintendent Thompson has issued the following order:- - Owing to frequent complaints receiv ed try the department Of the mts-send-ing and loss of registered matter by forwarding on night trains, it is order ed that hereafter noxegistered mails be . dispatched from- way postoffices on railroad lines where therb is local ser vice performed by day-light, except at points where the proper exchange of receipts can be made, as called for in section 831, Postal laws and Regula tions, edition of 1879. Division superintendents will see that the above order is carried into effect. The fight over toe Newborn postoffiee has resulted in a defeat of the colored element of the negro-loving and equali ty party. It is what was expected by those who watch the course Of politics. The district In which Newbern is sitn ated is largely composed of negroes, who by their votes sent Mr. Hubbs to Congress. His brother held the posi tion of postmaster, but he was afraid, in the face of a determined opposition, to espouse his cause. Several of the sable brethren then stepped forward anxious to adorn tbe place, and claim ing it by rightof being In a majority; but now the position is given to Mr. j. S. Mannix, who is a carpet-bagger. Such is ever the fate of the colored voter. Pickup. A Breeze in the Senate. Cor. Bait Sun, 11th. The quiet manner in which the pro ceedings of the Senate has been con ducted during the present session of Congress has broken to-day. The Court of Appeals bill, which has occupied the attention or tne benate-for tne past two weeks, was under consideration. Dur ing the remarks of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, ou-the subject ol opposition to the bill, he said that it had been hinted on the flddr of the Senate that the President had given his assurance that if the bill passed a fair number of the judges to be appointed would be Democrats. Mr. Dawes sprang to his feet and declared that it was due to the Senators who were called upon to vote on this bill . that the meaning of the Senator's (Mr. Morgan's) languagejre- necting- on the Executive should be thoroughly understood, it what tne Senator from Alabama affirmed was true those who had been organs of any such negotiations or those who had been parties to it should oe impeacnea, and if the Senator had any reliable in formation on the subject he was bound to maiceit puDiic. . Mr. lugatis said such reference to the President was. unprecedented and be neath the dignity ot theiSenate. 5 - Mr.Morean replied j that rlie would standby the statement he; had made, atrd he was tuny competent to aeter mine how far the dignity of the Senate extended. Then in a sarcastic tone he added : : As the Senator from Kansas is so dignified, so honorable, so perfect in every particular I accept the repri mand without a murmur." He then proceeded to explain what he had said, but Mr; Dawes questioned him so close ly thatrie:1h-came excited and declined to be" further- interrupted. He. then werifcn to s.V-that he did riot propose to be driven into a corner i this busi ness amj -'cross-questioned as though he were. on the witness stand. His re marks were on record, and there they should remain unaltered. While this dialogue was going on considerable ex citement prevailed on the floors and in the galleries. Senators gathered around the speakers, and the newspaper cor respondents and spectators leaned over the gallery to catch every word that was uttered' Finally: Senator Morgan subsided arid the Senate proceeded to consider the several amendments to the oill.; Freaks of an Insane Lady. New YoK,-iMay 15, A Louisville, Ky. special saysi1 On Sunday after--noon Mrss "Virginia CV; Penny; an au liioressi called at ' the office of. Col. T. W. Bullett, la prominent attorney, and attempted ' to1 shott 'pm., He jeseaped and she vVislteit the office, Of . Chas.)W,.' ; Widmah, where she? found MrAbner J. srMth.'partBer wuok Buintt,',wnen she presented the pistol at his head but it was quickly wrenched from her hand. She was arrested and an exami nation proved that she was violently insane, fihe has a brother, H. C. Penny, in an infltane 'asylum;3 in whose behalf CoL RaUUt and; ; Mr. ; Smith had been acting. ;...- - " -n ';-.: Beating About in a Fog. ' Morfiiixf $ia.f li. The steamship Lake Huron Teports havingpokentthe; steamshrp' Peruvian at 6 a. mi on the 13th inst., 14, miles .north . by east from Cape Northj with loss 6f her propeller anddTifting'SOutheB,. beset irrafog. The steamship Newfoundland has been ordered1toprbiberomSjydnjBy totow the Peruvian into port " i t yfyfal 41 a Tf kish asfortl London. May , ,15-At dispatch from ' Constantinople reports that . the .Turkl ish transport ashore in Bosphorous and; ; flfty, gdJdie,onbp,ard drowned; tDeath, of Hon. Wasnbnrne. iife writ nt'iVt- J.ff - '."lOfitttiM' t S; flEratEKAinSPBiNiGS, Arkw Mar 16.-? HotJ.Oi O. Washfeurntfied aresso1 yes terdayAfternoqn,i TAi'.hZI u: 4'o .V'iH 3H ,l"lJ'l'M'Mi: i"l '1""WU .WMili A U . vCatt' Ce4 ICi .-- -IhW- fl .i "Ki:4 -lii M Liver Complain is cannot te :sontreeied oyyooei your family Hop Bitters are oted, ana If you al ready have anr ot tiete diseases Hop. Bitters tt the only faedioine that will positively eure-rtu. Don't forget this, and don't get some puffed up tuff that will only harm jou. From the Home Journal " A Bemarkabie DiacoTery , : ,, A REAiL BKK CTIRE. TESBl B OBLI OHl ' ' AND THAT WITH SIMPLE KAMX.- : Beware of imposters, pirates, or any old articles j which now suddenly claim to be best , They hare ; been tried end found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. H0 POMPOUS HAHX. This curaUre needs no pompous or incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but its simple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. And the jpeople are signally manifesting their appreciating of, this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CUBE in preference to ali other professed remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of tbe skin; since he has been persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state,ln which they were before, and now claim- to be The Great Skin Cures. iar Beware of imitations, or the. various articles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Core." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness Internal and external remedy,' two bottles in one package. Price $1.00. get at yonr druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains. CAUSE AND CUBS. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous centers need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being daliy cured by these pills . They correct cosilveness. but are not purgative. Price, 60 cents or six boxes for 82 50, postage free, to any addss For sale by all druggists. Depot. Baltimore, Md., where the Doctor eanbe addressed." Letters of Inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton, New York, is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 MRS. LYDIA L P1NKHAM, OF LYNN, HASS., c (S o LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUITD. Is a Positive Cnre rr all tkM ralnful OomnlaUt ui WmI esmiaoM to vurbest female pmUttlaa. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all orarlan troubles, Inflammation and TJlcera Won, Falling: and Displacements, and the consequent . Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. - It will dlssolre and expel tnmors from the uterus la an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to can eerons humors there is checked Tery speedily by its use. It remoTes faintness, flatulency, destroys all cra-rlng for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. . For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex thi Compound Is unsurpassed. 1CTMA K. PXirKHAS'S "VEGETABLE OOM POXTKDid prepared at 233 and S35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Has. PricetL Six bottles for tS. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, 91 per box for either. Mrs. Pinxham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. Wo family should be wltiont LYDIA B. PUIKiLUFS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. 2S cents per box. tST Sold by all Druggists. e $80 Sprs GrM'Piai) for iy $245. PllN0hSTYLE;3i gantly flniahedVS strings, ?is Uaenlncent Rose wood case, ele- Octaves, full Datent cantante aaraOi out new patent overstrung scale, beautuui carved ess and Jyre heavy sernentme and large fancy moulding, full Iron frame. French Grand AcUon. Grand Hammers, in fact every im provement which can In any way tend to the per fection oi the instrument, nas peen added. erOUB PSICK UST SOB THIS INSTBUarEHT, BOX KD AHD DKLJVKBKD CN BOABD CABS ATa... Nstw York, with fins Piano Ootkriko, KjlLh Stool ahd book, onlr - -r Reduced from our late wholesale factory price, $295. for slxtr dars onlr. to have this beautiful Piano introduced. This is now. b far. the great est bargain ever offered the musical public. Un precedented success! Tremendous demand for this style! order at onee. -is , This Piano will he sent on 15 days test trial. Please s md reference If you do not send money with order. Cash sent with Order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both way If Piano, is not Just as represented. Several, other special Bargains: Piano. 8 too trp. uver lft.uuu in use, and notonedls8aasfied Purchaser.' Jsandsomen- lustrated Catalogue, mailed free,glvmg the highest testimonials ever" awaraea any manuiaciuror, Kverv Piano fullr warranted 1 or rears." : SHEKT MUSIC V price. Catalogue Of 8,000 ciioka plecesent lor ac stamp. -: . JHENDELSSOHN PIAIfO CO., maylft weow ly Box 2058, . Y. r. F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR "Hi Tte Berper I Ir:OoHBaij i r.r - . - " - . v. - (d.PMladelphta, Pa), ; . : Celebrated Lager Bfer, UBqttlBs; ;8?I f CVHave Just received a small "lot of BtfTrijSI) ALX and POHTKR. which I offer lathe mbUdat a reasonable price.; Address tt r-n t . . '. FBSDCL KTJNZLSB.:n.,'t Lock Box 255. Charlotte, H. ftjt .PEiSTAji'Na'raeEi0 rrHif next' annual melna of ttie State Board X Dental BxarntaerawlUiheht In, Salem N O, on the 6th -day. of June.; All person eomvi menclng the practice of Denustry without axuplomaj most go before this board for examination,! suffer tbe penalties ot the;law Which- wentHnto effect mayB.tniejrH ffU BoaJ)e.ya'i ' Winston Benunel and Balelgh Saw and Ob server copy one month uk! send bill to W. Hoffmann, Charlotte. 3 lA10f3ps. W faraSaXXfctTL'' Iu- WiS, oe If 153 i - QBxminvrtil MULLS at 400 per yard. All eolore in SPANISa SILKS, SATINS, MOUSES. : : 4Sw.S,i?,Iai85?)I1??40cto8L25' Jnst reeerved some Swte;andtHam6totow,anda Tf rAl'1!?!8 of of aiJL descriptions. Wt have also seven hundred pattanuiuiieanuU of Laces, a to 8 yards, your choice at ten cents. Call early and get a chance at our NN N EKH WWW P N B W WW W N N N EE WW WW N N S WW WW N NN BKB W W For they are stylish and at prices that are bound to sell them. Our stock U too large to attempt to enumerate, but a glance will convince you that we are net behind in stylesand CANNOT BE BEAT IN PRICES. Hargraves feXilHm mayl4 THE- FOR T3BL355 WEIGHT 1500 ?8 ?S SOtrARE'AN, , ; McSMITH WILL DOU BLEU IS stbCK. : LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS 1 BAWLS. Let Music Increase I f .. It,.- Organs within Read of Everybody MASON & HAMLIN, SIIOMMBK BELL HIS1E, PKLOTJBET CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such Low Priceii ml erms iid ;n UiiKJ i'l'arid siJUnj ., j . ..Ad(uesaoreaUon . . ; ,. H. fyicSfrlll-H, Charlotte. M C. '1 S9B885 ii SS88 Ul 883388 COME! 170B our stoek is howeomrdete.. : We eail wee a J? IS OUR4i WN HOUSE. We are Justified lrr asBertlng. and not exapverate that the long expe rience and standing of our Hons, is a full guarantee that O XTILKD'JuarPSiX. XlSST G 1 made ud In such a style as is worn In fashionable selecting our stoelf by going early in the Market, ot always. The latest styles in . ; , , " :-ffl("r- ' ' ; '.--Ki'.ifi r;.l 1u .Ofdo-j -!U;;',.- HATALLCOLOB.:L U -- - . . i f- ,i, t t F 1 -i ' ... mm ,: . y'fB IN THE CITY. ' " ' T H E YQRKlTjO W N S G A R F, ,inne ummmmm till BivbmrtoiftQjoot ; wt a aAVTNtJ feow'twe more rias m wstsaba , PXRPrCUAL asui tr nowo prepare non. -Wepi8rameeqnaii7. &naL.e &ocaxI unless Lime pnrree sathfarAow. ... - - Wecliaaarsnar!ln.eii".rl?"-ct-A.A Sum menUle: who will receive ordert lor tm&U lets at eleeewto'il0anty of Ltae yrpnnerptt- eaugQ. v. eiaiun xwawjx na.n at Tne Latest uol tar C-AJTiIi JSfBTre. Very Respectfully. : auisuJaiii zh-A-jh.', 1 ill .11. ilM M .l.P." 1.1 I, lJj'Jt box no. wit uanney vU7 d. u nar7 to ana .rooo. we nave just opened up a large stock FJi0" ""yi " oe peryluTj MULL at 50e perys" f ItttSSB LAGS DRESS GOOD84 NUNS VEILINGS, GOO JOO " OO ' DDD :88S' Q O O OOOD D gT? O GO OOO JO.D D B i GOO OO OO DDD 8SSel VMI'T t' ). iii . ; ... -j.- H1 .1 :'ij(..-. GAMOXaXES&.S. it? 1-1 rv-..-'. Crime wHl Decrease an I) I, PIANOS -: lliii Read of ErarWf. CHICK K BIN G ft BON, - f If KANICH k BACH, liu. . : .. , - MATHUSHXK. lf.ll KA R ION . ' 6TMPS0N A CO., I ... r i : . . , SOUTHEMPEM. :x i .- ; ... umr LOOK HOw THX OLD MAN FBOWSS . scratches his head while reading lie's adv. Hake read, let him frown, r Write to me and I will send a photo (not of myselfTbutef my Pianos and Or- - ) .... MUSIC 101. uty Jit Jg ATM sfyji rsriJA 'ia ?:a-ii;;ily:: - '. ogins. Make y(rarelect0h,'tbeh go for hfdad write to me for a few more dots, such as prioas, terms, &e. r-t-. f- ' di in iia;ii:.o 89888 eMa i "V 488888 mt 3 ' ;n mid; 'lo :.: - -'... . . i ' ' '. ; n't 1.. -A- K - u. i .17. circles in Northern dues. We hsd. the choice of which privilege the late Purchaser 4s 'debarred.. very f mim nnaaea m tgixs, 0 ii iii Sfd ahem ffd shf.m I7i STOLENriiWAKD:' TpOMinseocirTlUiil:nis, n the 6th, JCa a pe'f etroi-i t-iets, t J rt . 1 1 cn ajow'pej'tti!9ye4tiMl4V r a reward ot ViAvSL'IrWf lltr it overyel the braceleti. " LwoSisOBO. -ntarll tt Bowu Mills, M. 0. ' JK, ITrtPrf eTM th I 1 the best of makes. ' One smail 1 tl on veduu aaA oaalsiaaui at ; J J'

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