o p p t j) j y - r y; T - Ri TUESDAY, MAY 16, IB 8. 4- f HI BOOK FOB TELE TrME3!-ne tnat sell! I Mrmc wamrw m UORHONI8M." Tbestbi I the victims UicmselTeai lnuBinuwu " WAirrap. giSrA Win get valuable information FREEto sending to circulate fflgg5k' IDFC IMPROVED ROOT BXSR, 25C. K to package make5 gallons of a do- line ParkefsW BmI Health and Strength Reetorer Used. Cons eomplalrrfs of Woven andlseasea of the Stomach, owelai Lungs. Ltrer and KWtaeys, and la enUdfitoWBhtXBom JBltteia, ttlnger Essence and other Tonics, as It new Intoxicates, fifty entaandflalzes. SoSSSSVJS'' Agent Wanted for Sullivan' I R ELjyiD -0 (kD-DAYi (Introduction by Thos. Power O Connor, M. P.) Centuries of English oppression set forth. It de scribes Ireland's ruin and the people's despera tion. It shows how the land was confiscated and the industries destroyed It explains the Land League, the Land Act and the Coercion Bill. Contains 82 engravings and map In colors. Price Ann haIm immense. Send ntty VUiJ WO jm w v J ' nt fnv fnii outfit and beam work at once. Jfor full particulars, address m . J. C McCUBDY 4 CO.. Chicago, 111- GEORGE PAGE & CO. ttAttxA Portable Cireula v SAW aim stationary and ForUbl STEAM ENGINES 5 5. 8CHE0EDER ST., .BALTIMORE, MIX Grist and Floor ilMaol Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working pcuiarpaw WILREL Send for Catalogue mm vntmc can be made In any locality. JWJII Something entirely new for agents. $5 out lit bee. Q. Wt INGRAH AM 4 CO. , Boston, Mass. mayl6-dAw4w CURE Disease is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within; its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the cadsb must be removed, ard in no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NXR'S SAFE KIDNEY and LITER CURE is es tarnished, on, Just thl principle. ,J1 .realizes that 93 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. , Te (omenta of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a odD andBJBTOB-artoj jnlalng them ln a healthy condition, drive disease- and pain from the sys tem. H:T' ?f--.' J; For the innumerable trooMw iused by un healthy FJdneysilJver .and Dtmarj) Organs; for thodJatresslng Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of impostors, imitations and concoctions said to be lust as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. II. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, Pf. 1 aprl5 i "WFAREHOWDPEHIHirDTJOEff- t; 9 7 is OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties In the MILLINERY LINE. BATS, BONNETS, 7-1XOWERS, ' '' .v;PitjMEsi- RIBBON, LACED, &c, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery GloyeSjParasols, &c. the LARGEST and MOST roMPEETBraTOCK "IN THE CITY."" ' WILL OPEN 0ir Pattern ; Hats : ,an4 Bonnets Oa Monday, HarVa 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladies the tJRANE8T- W8LA-FIN8 -MILLINERY they have ever seen in this city. . ! Respectfully, msjr22 TO ftrf.' ' (L. W.FERDUE'S OXB flTANfJ) J -nd adding1 1 enr already laraye Stoc! or -HORN Mm i r ' J ban wawsd isst.-ihi van w i MEAL, STOCK P e;e D. A yULX I4X OF TJ IT l lklra;lestvirimgjtPnipenBw R raw OS Havmg tiBiiiovea xtrflfck WUV1 mm wfe .-V" ' PRYOR'S .9 MAt .,,T.t.-. ti li fcj S fierti Blind, or Bleeding Pflesv Hemorrhoids, Sorest Xjy 1 cew, Fomers, itctung oz tne rarts, jnstnias ' lLUiureu umases; aiso or tmma, isV iFelonM Feverorea j Scaia .TetteVBOroNlbrtettete. . Ainsarv waicnea us euecis. auu iisviuk u wu- Imnfly pt my friends and neighbors to confirm my confideiuuui merits, i Decamp mixj sausnea oi Its valp4"aqlhave bought Ihi exclusive right to mafeeandTell IV and offer He r yon as the" best remedy In the world, especially lor all forms of Piles.. r . - , ' BKAD THIS XSlliHUJMULua: iWit?ertlfy that I have tried Pryor's Pile Ointment In a case of piles, and state that It gave more relief thaneajtaing i naveever om- fur ther state ihfli a-remedy for bums It Is unpar alleled. iBlsouBeaitjor-a eaeoi;ieer in my feet of twenty years' standing, and say that it Is the first thing that I have ever tried that gave me mote than momentary relief. I consider now that I am entirely rellenom fltat dlstresslnK d s- , Ga. Having been afflicted lor ten leap, t Intervals, with taafflshBSslng majadr, theJillaS, and after many meueciuiu mats or un renwieiriiraiiuu use, I commenced a short time ago to use your Pile Ointment. I experienced immediate relief. From the relief experienced In myase, as well as from the reputation w rapidly acquired by your Ointment in this vicinity, i nave no neii"cj m expressing the opinion that it Is the most emcieu remedy for Piles ever Invented. , k v -r LaQrange, Ga.' This is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment in a case of severe burn, and that in a very few days it was entirely relieved of all Inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the first application oi me Ointment, tne panem sunerea uu ' 1 - . . ' LaGrangeTua. T)r thA aifirreg nf Mr. Wran. I used Tour Pile Ointment on a servant girl Who had been suffering for eight yeara with a most aggravated ease of piles. She improved from the very first days nse of your Ointment, and before using .the box she was entirely recovered. Q. W. FOSTER, - Cusseta Ala. , r . rhlslstocsrafy that I have used Pryor's flit Ointment,' and say that It la. in my opinion, ine hAHt rnmAdv for nlles ever presented to the puoiic I say this from a positive application of the retner ay on my own person inu-i.jj. m. jxivzaii . Troup county, Ga. For sale bv all dealers In medicine. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt of price. DR. J. BBADFIELD. I " "' - Atlanta, a. For saill Dr. T. C. Smith CnarlpttoN. C. may 11 li a W CEliBRAtEIy 'S. STOMACH Among the medicinal means of arresting disease, Hoetetter'9Stimach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It checks the further progress of all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, revives the vital stamina, prevents and remedies chilli and fever. Increases the activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheumatism, and is a genuine star and solace to aged, inflrai and nervous persons. ' VOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. may2 ior Sale. Hi i 1 ti.. 3 A GOOD OF- AND i ONE TWO-HORSE' rift rj i -v : . J S5 I SPRINGS &BURWELL mayl2 'FOR JUNE, Wit h m m IT RECEIVED. mm i TIDDY- f. A If tn i iter I ! V E (VA.) . I - .-Dysp;; ! Chronic 1 i ysentery. Skin .Diseases. It Is a pt Malarial eminent pn; , F" a vn 1 atlve Tonic and la ANTI-jts.- Bead certificates from ll'ftetin fcxrferotirenty-Sveea eel Lhta-oiatHenC aim dutuiK tnarnme navuie fain amess 1 Wi 1 c I ourpamph:eta.: .msilhJ1' 'f w" il LOASESOB 8ALM. iO. li TV, T O ' ADH aud , t -. 5t J ttiata aid orkn hA 1 kjOctober 1st. each rieveral committees, Isee STht (ttharlotte bserca. A PORTRAIT. . .;1 BT ORION. ""-21ftfmu gtttxJ perdiditopta. u . .zi ; 3j.i;o r , -,t - rla the bright and jnmny mom of life, . w Athwart my mosings oft would glide, AjorSf beaniT, love and graie, - , fne-tmage of my spirit bride. - ' S ifXrjckwhen theniotiy heights of fame , tiroKo nret in spienaor on my view, . , ' Again that peerless beauty came OI fond affection, chaste and true. And now, as then, my heart bounds high, 5 But not with dream of one unreal, For now I see in a new form ' My long cherished hearts' ideal. , Yes, more by far in her I see Than the lithe frame and pretty face, I worshiped in the spiriCform, My. youthful fancies loved to trace. In her I see the same sweet charms That once threw over me 'such spell. When fancy in wild ecstacy. Lured with my spirit bride to dwell r---Bat, lot'AMs one, is flesh and blood, r .,- -jm And sweeter than arose In May The beat and-prettiest now on earth, tllei growing lovelier every day. A pertect Venus In her form. Moulded In faultless symmetry, Within whjph dwells a noble heart That e'er o'erflows with charity; A shining model for her sex. Who by her spotless parity, . Arrays herself la shining grace, That glows with ardent piety. . . : -' Her life's the soul of poetry, j . And every act of It is love That speaks directly to the heart, As would an angel from above; While from her nimble fingers Bows, Music like falling showers of rain . Upon a lake subaued and sweet - As echoes from aeolian strain. 1 - J-j. -- J. The prototype of all tbaVs6od. And oiiaartM ewis lwily arts, ' BnUBBXnHnt ta rough every day, . Jtesrllfe and light to earth Imparts Tausre'er-dtepensrug totmd-her Joy- Atsin to tAaCSifibl tI9-t)test,' As if, Inde4d8he caaoto earth To give the weary heartsd rest. But who can tell her priceless orth, i: tiEjeesleBMeauty, whopar&ay? 'Her jiQitQsineed no art nor skill -TohgttUify; whether grave or gay, 6het.aaakas all fear and love her too, hen they behold her love-lit eyes That draw all to her, as the sun . Lifts up earth's vapors ta the skies Jtor has there ever on this globe, Once throbbed a nobler heart than Mrtfl. Qt rjrtosi an. full of generous worth, Or moved so quick by gilef or tears; Ever devoted, kind and tender, Stainless and free from every guile, Giving aid where aid is needed, B'n to the vicious and the vile. Her voice is music's soft refrain, And more melodious than the nine, So none can turn from her away -An incarnation so tubllme Men in their hearts do yearn for her And from, the best among the fair. Torn swift away with gallant haste, - Her friendship and her love to share. lor her sweet smiles give zest to life And rainbow hues to every scene. Crowding each moment with such bliss, Life glides away as a sweet dream. Oh, were this earth but peopled o'er With just such beings as Evelyn, Then pain and sorrow would be no more And heaven on earth would soon be seen. M. E. CONFERENCE. An Able Representative Body-Dis-tingnished Lay DelegatesDebates Pointed, Sensible, Sharp, Witty, bnt All in Good Taste Fraternal Re gards From Other Churches Snnday School Work The Election of Bish ops the Absorbing Topic. Nashville, Tm, May 12. The conference is a large body, somewhat unwieldy when it is wished to hurry through lousiness rapidly, but generally good-uatured and conservative. Some debates have been pointed, all sensible, and others sharp and witty. The points of any question under discussion have been generally denned clearly and for cibly ; and, as a general thing; the prop er course has been pursued. The personal appearance of the body is hne. n is seiaom mat so many hand some men come together in one body. Ana men mey are an aDove me aver age size. The laity, though not push ing themselves lorward, are a power ful coservative element. Some of them are prominent lawyers and judges. Some of the very besc and most convin cing speeches have been made by5 lay men; and it has proved the wisdom of :the introduction of the lay element into the councils of the charch. ' Srftce my last, committees have re ported on all the important questions before the boay. The committee on Episcopacy recom mended the election of six new bishops 1 -V A. A. 1 1 1 . wnicn gave rise to an exienaea aeoate participated in by Drs. Andrews and Black, of Alabama, Drs. Hiater and Potter, of Georgia; Rev. P... Peterson. yfr Virginia Dr. McFarrin ofaKash- . w vy u a- - uioviUl1i31U11 vw ax i lirobabjyiitipa jthrougaj to-morrow ana ine oisnops oe eiectea next week. The reception of the fraternal dele gate from the Methodist Church of Canada, and from the Methodist Epis copal tjnurcn, on weanesaay mgnt in theudience room of the splendid, new McKendree church was one of the most enjoyable occasions of this General Conference. Canada Meth odism was represented by Rets How ard Sprague, A. M. Mr. S. is tall, angular and rather ungainly in appearance, but self-possessed, fluent, and the master of most excellent English. His address was about a half hour's leneth. pleas ant in its-terms, kind and feordial in its expressions, and tiearty in Ms communi cation of fraternal salutations to this body. He left a kindly sentiment in the hearts of all that hard for the Method- The M. E. Church, ITortti, was ably represented in a f powerful address of one and a half hours; by Rev. Henry iascom itiaaway, or Cincinnati. Dr. K. is small of stature, slender in form, deli cate of f eature,t bits fineaction, not a very strongroicebut rather jsweet and melodious , His characterization of the relatioiwof ,the,twd reat "ilethodisms of this toncUy. and of ;to World at large, Was rfe.ei.yPl.withgreatrabplause. rHelbu't'-uop-yaU.tho'ations giro wing ut of a. ccaitnon Jbrigi.' com mon interestajn tjie early hi8tor f the church, and claimed, -jfor all acl imon heritage in the greatmove and Jneas- ures or ine pasy iir .n aaYOcajQd, in clear and forcible lan2uaze.-orfranic union between the Northern and South- em uuurcu, uecierea inacineiraternai brotherly relations of the; tw4 bodies would inevitafcly lead to suchilesirable result. - He aidAthelimAiriaiiot be propitious nosv for such confine Ration, but it must cpmasOae day. ..-Thelapple was not nowi1pj, and Jcouidjxof' easily be plucked, and was:; allttje sour, but time, and kindly, asspcialions would ripen and mellowi trw fuit, and it wnld druDfritsfeTSWcji air Wimt a slight shakjes- f J 'OcW- The address was y. eH received, dliv- erea. as rwyas.inucrrciasiriitflietorif J ' v. ci...,:.. rrrZZ-. ttuu. buuu uiirHauLi ;iraw-inerd.wera rxfw r. T ... U4 1!". 1 only a f ew,th,at .trjrgTrrtfie time even near ml nana wnen sucn suDiect woirld have the consideration of the church South, r iW'M McTvei presided in his usu- -aijaifpjnea mjnaeri and attenti ftino Jtpfieties pCslich occasions. He assureoreacn delegate t)f our fraternal regards, ind. said fraternal delegates . yvjumu ue seim to nie;r oouies,, . . : ' commiUee on, cnusch extension have? reported and the conference will afldpfii plati to -raise'frrrids to assist weak societies in building chfjtches; and in providing for building such churchei k94Di8sitatioM.fhi8iscQBsered vii oi t ireTxi os 1 1 ui portantr m easnpef xo be considered at the conference, and will enable the. church to extpnri its (jmaexatnB along jtne ?bgrder, Jard in the w esjern 'otaies ana' xerritories, ana to prepare me way ior mission work: on the Mexican border and on the Pacifid rfioast; 'ni'Vll -WiVtA tj:5 I t oiicnt; cnaneea are macre Tn snma parts of the discipline, but rather to Derfect its Dro visions than.tii mftVt-nxi ;F3Z'" w.uu iroUi worldly amusements. present aevai ral members of the conference not del&l gateo. u.DiQm i tneri ones -pievtoufciy fc m . . . . f noiea, rtev ' a. vjunninggim, or - uar npjA t" w Tbe Trt.hacrliQ& dal(TtW oi.a tr4 aft svii Raleigh ham,-Be?'X.X-ELeifcV0fL the ! Mrs Dr N H D- Wilson, of Greens boro; Mrs E J Lilley, :(f Fatetteville, and Mrs J A Cunninggim of Durham, are iu.tha city, and frequently in the conference room. ;The Messrs Webb, of the celebrated. GnUeoka sehool, natives of Orange county, N"C hare called upon and paid their, respects to the North Carolina delegation. They have one of the best fthd most-thorougniy practical ana ac curate Schools in the South. . They have done an excellent- work, and have an overflowing-schjool, as many pupils as they can accommodate, .to, .... ..; The absorbing question yet is who shall be the bishops. It is impossible to say who will be the men. Scarce any one can give a reliable conjecture even. They will probably be elected to-morrow or Monday. The conference will probably hold over the coming week and adjourn the week after.' D. Senator JadkiDh' Extra Appropriation State Senator J. B Judklns spent one dollar and drew five thousand dollars In the April Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Jn answer to a Ques tion Senator Jddklns said : I have received every cent of theimoney less the commission of the bank, whieh would of course have been taken from any sum consequent upon commercial trans action. Q You are convinced, then, that the Louisiana State Lottery Is conducted upon princi ples of fairness? A Yes, sir. So far as I know the business Is perfectly square. I have more than doubled the amount I have Invested In the next drawing." This takes place June 13th, -when Gen'is G. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, and JUbal A. Sarly, of Virginia will solely superintend the distribution of one-half million of dollars, the particulars of which can be had from M. A. Dau phin, New Orleans. La,, and wh ch may prove a princely boon to the reader. Little Bock (Ark ) Gazette, April 25th. Keeps the Gnms Healthy If your want a sweet mouth and breath. If the gams become sporgf they lose their power to hold their teeth. The use of SOZDONT is invaluable because it removes the tartar which separates the teeth and gums. potteries. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpone. Look at the follow ing distribution: ORlD PRO.T1ENAOE CONCERT, during which will take place the I45tl RAND MONTHLY and the Extraordinary Semi-Annuil Drawing At New Orleans, TUESDAY, JUNE 13th, Under the personal supervision and management of GEN. G. T. BEaUREUARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL, PRIZE, 100,O0O. NOTICE Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, S5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize of 8100,000 8100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50.000 50,000 1 Grand HTlze of 20,000 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000 20,000 60 Prizes of 500 25.00C 1 00 Prizes of 800 30.000 2lK) Prizes of 20O 40,000 BOO Prizes of 100 60.000 10,000 Prizes of 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of 8200 I oO Approximation Prizes of 10O. . . . 1O0 Approximation Prizes of 75 820,000 10.000 7,500 1 1,279 Piliea, amounting to. ..... 8522,500 Gen. Gen. . T. Beaureeard, of La. t rvioi Jubal A. Early, of Va. Commissioners. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to 'he office or the company la New Orleans, For Information apply to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. orM. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle 8treet Chicago. Els., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 807 Seventh street Washington; D. a The New York office is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attenuon. The particular attention of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number ot the Tickets ior eacn Mommy Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and orawn ana paid. may 7 POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, 1882. These drawlnira occur monthly (Sundays excent- ed) under- provisions of an Act of the General As sembly or Kentucky. The United States Circuit Conn on March 81. rendered the rouowing decisions: 1st That the commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are rair. Trie' Company has now on hand a large reserv fond. Read the list of prizes for the MAY DRAWING. 1 Prize 880,000 1 Prize, 10,000 . I Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10.000 800 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, 8300 each. Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " " 900 1,980 Prizes 8112,400 Whole Tickets. 82 ; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, t $5U; 6b Tickets, 31 00- Remit Monev or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express, DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward,, by Express, can be sent at our ex. pense. Address all orders to " ' : R; H BOARDMANs Courier-Journal Build . . Louisville, JCy- or- 809 Broadway New York. DISORDERED LIVER IS THE) DANE pi the.DrogePt generation. , It la for the vrore OI cms aiseasp ana wh mwuumiw, BtCE.HADACILB. LLLlUUS?rs3, DYS- EPSlA, COKSTIPATIOIT. PILES, to-that TTJTTS PILLS nave gainea woTia-wiaB repntaaon. no Atemeay naa ever wbu discovered 'thai acta ao gently on the digestive organg giving them Tlgor to a aimilate food. - Aa a natural result, too Uervona System ia Braced, the Mnscles are Developed, and the Body Bobnat r-tB. RIVAL, aFlaoUr aBayoa SawaLjawaaye t Hy piutavttoa im m m laaiarifti wmt yturm leotild not anake baJf a crop on to count of bill ana dlaeMes and ohlna. Z wm naarlT diaooarawed whan X beff&n the nm ot n? laborara boob baeama Beany moa rei and Iftave bad no further trouble. be Elaadfram ptaoaooe knaamratMi mom the boweia tm ea naxarauixi waav mi wmcd no oai mm ieea weu 1 : ' . o'n ..'iyii ly faAriy. ana yotwui van Ion.VlrorooaAr,VDre at acwiaTwifnuoB, w . rrayaaiArsi T)fM HllTli ZZA 1 til i-imUI r r . IJ M 1 II tl. fc ' Ilk A l M U I LAC oy ""tn a Baton, r r.Sa9jimiSJS of?i. stavw- " . w J w v. m, a wrA i- f)'vmmmmJiVjua u-rmaiinra'ti ; I m ZZZflrl J2!iJvmr Aeoapfe 7 www KnpnnHtraij MiilliUHIilillft) NEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Remedy for Epileptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hist erics, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary tamr or poison in Oae system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrhoea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uierus, Internal Beat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nlgbt, there is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be wit hout it It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it. but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that he Is on his road to mln. Like the Opium Kater. he first uses the arug4n small auanutles as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes stroDg bold upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The bablts of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentlveneas, as over eating first In flames the stomach, wnicn reaouoies its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite So every drink oi liquor or dose oi opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then Itself. Like the elu tonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, giveP' but never enougn until its own rapacity devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in such cases, it produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous sjstem, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma. Bronchitis, bcrotuia. sapniiis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covering your suffer- ir gs as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely effoits, and make ornaments to society, and lewels in the crown of your Maker, if you wilL Do not keep this a secret longer, until it sans vour vitals, and destroys Dotn oooy ano soul. If you are Uius afrllcted.lake DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature delay and Impart tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured mv little elrl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Pbtkb Boss, Sprlngwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tlsm. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Joi. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E B. Ralls, Hattsville, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mks. Wh. Benson, Aurora, I1L SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rev. J. a. Edie, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over 83,000 with other doctors. 8. B. Hobson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jennie Warkkn, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, UL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it having over 100 In 24 hours Hxnbt Knee, Vervilla, Warren county, Term. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albsbt Btjcpson, Peoria, LU. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending 82,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobston clalborn. Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently born character. of epileptic fllsofastub Bev. Wh. Maktin, Mechanlcstown, Md. 8AMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 in Mbs. E. Fobks, West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NEB VINE Cored me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MTSH oblkna Mabsball, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob Stjtsb, St Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliveb Mtebs. ixonton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits, years. Have been well for over four Cbabias E. Cubtis, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. : SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend oTaflae who had dyspepsia very badly. Mjcbaxl O'Conkxb, Ridgway. Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanenfry cured me of epflepfJc fits. David Tbkxblx, Des Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE ... Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 yeara standing HkNBY Clabk, Fairfield, Mich. Samaritan nervine Cored my wife of a nervous disease of the bead - S. Gbasah, North Hope, Pa. ' J ' SAMARITAN NERVINE -' Cored my son of ftts.J He has not had a fit for Johm Davis. anons xooryeaa. . Woodbnrn. Macoupin county, UL SaTjARITaITJIERVIHE .' or may be had direct front uKnfTtutm ,whq-wis to obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan Nerylpe rfi please enclose ajBenttoetage stamp ffora eotry of our-iQustratedJ JTmutial nf JTAaiih. pgtrlng Inmoredaef tEstlirionlals of euro from'per. L .am ahA hlM nouf tlu. maiHirin. r .1.. v.nf- I, pictarea photographed: .after therr.Testoration ' to pDerfeethealUuAddiea-''': viii. : vps $ :j " - wobldb inxjonsa ingntuTji i j prKUkwlf 8'.JosephUo vll3 Tne fallowing ticnednlea are Cor rected by tne Ratlroad Officials, and maybe Belled n aa correct ; North Carolina Railroad. 00BDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOIN8 KA3T. Date, April 30th, 1882. No 51 DaUy. No. 53 Dally. Leave Charlotte, .... " Salisbury M High Point,... Arrive Greensboro, . . . Leave ttreensboro,... Arrive Hillsboro,. Arrive Durham,. Arrive Raleigh, . . Leave Raleigh. Arrive Goldsboro', . . . 4UUaio 5.58 a m 7.20 a m 8.00am 9.80 am 11.47 am I22rtam 1.40 pm 4 05 pm 6 30 pm 440 v m 0.24 pm 7.85 p m 8.05 pm No. 17 DaUy except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . .5 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. -1.51 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,. .7.S0 a m AO. oi connects at Greensboro' with R A d. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan vllle. At Goldsboro with W. & W. r. R. for Wil mington. o. 03-connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B, for all points in Western North Carolina: dallv at Greensboro wtmn R. & D. B R. for ail points norm, vast ana w est. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, April 30th, 1882. No. 50 Dally. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. . . Arrive Raleigh, lO.uOam 12.20 pm 3 65 pm 6 0dpm 5 48 pm 8.05 pm 9.15 pm 9.50 p m L,eave uaielgh Arrive Durham, Arrive Hillsboro.... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,. 9 40am Arrive High Point,. . Arrive Salisbury.. .. Arrive Charlotte,... 10. 10 am 1191am 1.00 pm 1112 pm IlOan No. 18-DaIly except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro. . .2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh rt 00 a m Arrive Greensboro 3. 15 p m No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points in the fcouth and frouthwest and with C, C.4A.B. R. for nil noluts Ponth and souineast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C Alr- Line ior ail points South and Southwest: at Char lotte with C, C. A. R. R. for all points South and Boutneasc N. TV. N. C. RAM.KOID. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro 9.25 p m Arrive Kernersville 1041 pm Arrive Salem 11.25 p m NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersville 1 1.01 a m Arrive Salem. 1 i.as a m GOING EAST! NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday, Leave Salem 5. 1 5 a m Arrive Kernersvl le 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 53-Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersville fi.40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8 00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY R1ILROAD, No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University,. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Daliy GOING SOUTH. ex. Sunday. Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m FoUm MM to Without (ttie On Train No. 50. New York and AUanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. B" Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East. or Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and tbe Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. 'On and after April 30th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & charlotte Alr Line Division of this road will be as follows: Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No 52. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive Greenville, fl Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainesville 1.00 am 2.02 a m 431 a ni 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10 O-i a m 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 406pim 5.29 pm 7.03 p m 8.80 p m H.iopm 10.87 am 9.46 p m 1 l .Ort a n 10.15pm Arrive Atlanta 1.80 pm 12.40 a m Mall and Express. No. 51. EASTWARD. Mail. No. 53. Leave Atlanta Arrive Gainesvil e Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. EL Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 pm 451 pm 5 22 p m 5.69 p m 6.40 p m 8.06 P m 10.06 pm 11.40pm 4.00 a m K.19am 6.50 a m 7.41 am 8.17 am 9 26am 11.08 pm 12.24 p m 2 50 pm 4.00 p m 2.06 a m 3 15 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains ot Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W. 4 A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville. and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. 4 A., C. C., R. 4 D. and A., T. 4 0. for all points West, North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, without change betwten Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE, Superintendent may2 C., C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. tST In Effect Sunday, April 30th, 1882. Train Train No. 62, No. 48, Pagseng'r: Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte , 1 ittfy y m Arrive Rock HU1, 2.88 p m Arrive Chester, 3.80 p m Arrive winnsboro 4.35 pm Arrive Columbia,.. 8.00 p m Leave Columbia.. 6.07 pm 6.15 am Arrive Lexington,. 6 50pm 7.15 am Arrive Ridge Spring, 8 02 pm 8. 80 a n Arrive Granitevilta, 9. 1 2 p m 9.40 a m Arrive Augusta, 10.15pm 1022 a m Train Train No. 18, No. 20, Freight Freight Leave Charlotte,.. 6 00 am 6.05pm Arrive Rock Hill 8.25 a n. 7.47 p m Arrive Chester. 1 0. 1 2 a m 9.12 pm Arrive Winnsboro 12.55 pm 11.15pm Arrive Columbia, 4.30 p m 2 18 a m Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington. Arrive Ridge Spring Arrive Granltevllle, Arrive Augusta., Train No. 527 Daily Connects at Columbia with the 8. C R. R, for Char eston, and with the C 4 G. R. R. for Alston, "Newberry . Abbeville, fta At Angusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48tally- Connects at Augusta wlih the Georgia R. K. and Central Gecrg R. R. for Mtcon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. ' Trains Nos. 1 gr and 20. loeaL-.tri-weekly, Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains from the south am re at Charlotte, pas senger, daity. at A 85 p. u.. Freight, dally except Sunday, at K.42 a m. and 4 45 p. m. ATLANTIC, TENNE&8IE 4 OHIO DIVISION. l.TrahaNa 68, Daily, t j j Jeave Charlotte . 5 00 p m rrlve at Statesvtlle, ...... 7 05 p m Train No. 62, Dally, 'i r h :,, ; . s Leave Statesvtlle..... ........755 a m Arrive at Charlotte., , ..10.00 a m Tickets sold to all points South; eootheast and Southwest, and bagrage 'Checked tthroorh. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, '- t. M a.-TAiOowp. ir Gen'i Passenger Agent. ,tien'l,Manger - Columbia, a C, April SOfhV 1882. ; fj ft. . - s . nf- ... . . -(.. -. . T E3SONB in this nseful ait given privately or hi ju. eiassv' Classes now i eaune ef tfarnMUoa TermE-jer clasaot eight ieasone, in class, ; S3 privately. rTea fvlA Hrnhraid Tai fnrtbitr ttia may9i u At tne una ot tne uoserver. 3HtsccllancaTis. Seasonable Gufe In great variety. Just received at the CHINA STORE OF J, Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TR1P& - ICE CREAM FREEZERS, best mad e. AIR-TIGHT FRUIT JARs. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding Cages Baby Swings, etc, etc t Vul1 ,,ne 01 Chton, Crockery. Glasswar Lamps, Fancy Goods and siivb-ioVJ T i,ar' ways on hand, wbo-eaato and ntf , 'D r uv uo ca iJrtiL Respectfully, J. BROOK FIELD & CO. maj9 -BOSTON-METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists GOLD and SILVER REFINERS, Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY OR EM TREATED. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions ot works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works QOIiO, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SJIEL.TED ON RETURNS or PTJRCHASF.n COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. T OMAS BINNS Metallubgist. A. H. KIDNEY Mining Enginktb. JOHN HOLLIDAY, Prof. Chemist mar8 tf Mew IFnrnitnre CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH ' I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 Cures ' SYPHILIS in any s t a e e CATARRH, t ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES, BOILS. ANY SKIN I S E CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL111 If you doubt, come to see us. and we will CURBYCU. or charge nothlngfll Write for particulars, and a copy of the little boot -a "Message 4o theCnfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Zlrigibt is jto our Standing. 3a$MK0 SEWARD .will be paid to any chemist Who will find on anaryslaof 100 bottles of N. S. H. one particle Of Mercury looide of Potassium, or any Mineial substanoa. bWlFT SPECIFIC CO. .-Props . 4 ' - - ' AUanta, Ga. fPXtt BDTTl E.) Price of Small 61ze,.r. ........... fl-00 Large tlze,..!,.. . .. 1.76 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T decSl J!i -mi Mid fm - " Tfaeae Pcaa are epacuJly hardened at tha paint, will noorroda or rust, aad will bo fooad .. xooet serviceable and dorabte. Sample card, with ten dlffeient atylea of mkteLpUta.1 na. ant tot trial by m3o iB fWwW '1 77 f 5 PI "

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