V- - DAILY CHMLOTTE OMER: ? -W.EbfiES.D-A Y -MAY 17, 1882 I 838 Broadway. N. Y. EVERY ONE ,T", Parkers6 W " Best Ileal u4 Streafftb Restorer 3 ? i f j AJJi. .rJ rBEADFIELD'S FEU ALE " REGULATOR t-WMiVAnMn una anann ui uin ..',5,"",r.T3tiliMi1. and Tr: t mmr tntoxlcaies, nnj Ag-eata Wanted for SullI run 1 R EL All 0 OF TO-DAY. (Inttodnctlon By Thoa, Power O'Connor, M. P. Centuries of English oppression set forth, ttj ae SKuelattfTralii and the people's desperar fSr, it Vhows how the land was confiscated and hlndudSLed BPW Vaine. the Land Act and the Coercion Bill. cSSns 82 engravings and map In colore. Price w wr ww. Bates Immense. Send fifty cttofunomTaca begin work at once. For full particulars, addrew c McCUBDY&co . Chicago, 111. GEORGE PACE & CO. MnuifMlIRrl Of EiIGlIlto SAwnnisy XUSB STEAM 6H.8CHSOEDH. ST., WOMAN'S BEST PBIBm B B fell tooraJrnys1elAns and Alasjtoo well ImowUolsslurlnt; wekmselfeahat they an subject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sesusodSM sorjofwsstoa of the Menses, painful and scanty KenstraaOotv Congestion DteeratMp and Vsiilnc of Use Womb, attended with an end less tralnof sympathetic and eorisUtuttonal disor ders, which emhlUeis the whole life, and which bare long been considered as almost Incurahle. Bat at last the lemedtbas been found m DB. J. BBADFIELD'3 FIMALB BEGTJI.S.TOK. It Is not a "eare-an" bat a remedy tor one class of diseases, all of which pertain to the WOSJt Any sufferer from the diseases ntloned can take Oils remedy, and thus relieve herself revealing her condition to any one, Md wUhout smtoeUng her womanly modesty to the shock of an examination by a physician. nt To bring healih and happiness 10 the homes of i: , i. . niKinn before which roial efaction can compare with one which protects from 'That dire d'eease whose rutMesspower Withers beauty's uanslent flower?" which gives jjjl0!- SPSS. Tor tears, uie ruse ui uca"u - casTtSllght, elastic step tor dragwearines- restlessness, boumling vigor tor shmgduU- newt tne sweet lines in iuu - aered form of emada a long msmra Tnr x. irw dou who b. --- - ZTT. ir. 9n A9ri- nave? Such is the mission. sucn are tuo iwuuo . . win hk;iti.atoh. which is hence truly and anoroDriately styled "Woman's Best Friend. w r;. 7; ' i 1 ,o iTHHm!9ritiw of the womb so destmctlTe to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic before a slnele bottle of this wonderful compound. All who suffer from any of these diseases are most earnestly inwlted to give this great ramedy a trial. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Don't fall to try It. Frice -small size, 75 cents. Large Me- SI-50-Manufactured by J BBlwmD Yor sale Ercrrwhere. apr27 nwn iugir mii ha tnariM In anT locality Bomrtenttrely i oew tor agentSL $5 out- mayio-a4Bww1 S30 fit free. Disease is an effect, not a eause. Its origin Is. within; its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the clcs must be removed, and la no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NEB'S Si!,fllHreT and LIT EH CTSTIls es tablishedon lost this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and llyer, and tt strikes at once at the root of the dlfO- euitr. The elements or which u is conrposed act itinnnn'tluuA mat dreans. both as a FOOD and bmtobto, and, by placing them in a healthy eondlUon,4riTe disease and pain from the sys tem. ..-J-.tJ -? V or 4ha. Innumeiable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and, for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of Imposters , imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WABNKB'S 8AFB DIA BETES CUBE. For sale by all dealers. I, H. WABNEB & CO., Kocheatei-a N. Y. aprlB tJflSliTTBe WW CEUBRATH) SENSE AND A rmv Vknva a rftvnlntr anrl hnrxtfl 1 00 cartridges , without hurting a serenad- S 1 A. M.X a. 1 n . n Ulg , DUtUlO IJUULUCUb UC IIUUSUIS mn77.lA tntrarrL hift mnthfir or little sis ter some one dies and it isn't the boy, - i a i ai n o O . enaer. . y ny laiu mas r ajracusw duii day Times. Whatever you have to do, do it with your might. Many a lawyer has made his fortune bv simply working with a Will. Miss C. L. Wolf, of New York, whose fortune is estimated at many millions of dollars, is said to be the wealthiest unmarried lady in tne united orates, and the picture gallery in her New York house is said to far exceed Van- derbilt's in value. She inherited her fortune from her father. Recent statistics show that in Great Britain 378,151 persons live in the bowels a J Jt or tnei earm engaged in unuerKiouuu work, in galeries extending 744 miles. Manv thousands of these seldom see light of day outside of the mines. The Lord provides for his own, but Pete Barum is strongly of the opinion that it is expected that they will scratch around a little and neip ma&e a crop. An eminent scientist says that when a lariv r.annot sit down without her Tinea hpnmincr rpri it shows there is im perfect circulation of the blood caused fvtr HcrVifc-iaf ini?'. Same with eentlemen. A red nose is a sure sign oi ujjumcoo somewhere. The deepest coat miri e shaft in Eng- iTii ia th Asshtnn colliprv. near Man chester, which has pierced the earth to tne depm oi ,oau ieeu iue iaicsi an current is at the Bradford colliery, near Manchester, wnien extends over eigut miles. Mr Jnhn Wanamaker and two or three other prominent business men of Philadelphia, have, it ts said, offered to lease tne gas worKS oi mat city ior twenty years, on a rental of five per cent, on a valuation of 12,000.000, charging consumers only 1 bo a tnou sand feet for gass. They offer, too, to buy the works, on the expiration of the lease, for 12,000.000, and to make an annual deposit of $200,000 as security. WOOING IN A CEMETERY. A Mother, In Public Ledger. As the school year is drawing , to a close, - and commencement . day ap proaches, a few words as to the dresses to De worn Dy tne graduates will oe in season. Of late years much attention has been given to this subject, and this many persons think inconsistent with the design of the institution, as the ma jority of the graduates -expect to take positions at very moaenue . s&iaries to support themselves and, in some cases, aid widowed mothers, or fathers in fall ing neait, to support and educate youn ger sisters and brothers. In the writer's opinion, a young lady's graduating dress, tnougn the material may oe as handsome as her taste and circumstan ces will permit, should be so simple in style that it might be worn in the school-room without looking conspicu ous. The dry .goods stores display an immense " vanetV of materials that make -tip' with pretty effect, where col ors are preferred ; but a simple white dress with a handsome sash and a few natinral flnnrors ia alarava tilQTpflll anrl becoming, and has the advantage of be- inrr rosIv Tnr fruinant naa in t Via fnt.nre. - . o T.i t. wmcn cannot oe saia oi many eiauuraw dresses prepared for these.occasiona. A few timely suggestions from the Board of location might meet the approba tion of many. Keepa the Gninc BesUtfay If your want a sweet mouth and breath. If the gums become sporgy they lose their power to hold their teeth. The use of SOZ0DONT Is imaluaDie because It remotes the tartar which separates the teeth and gums. tV fm7 iv - HI llll 1 1 CURES AND mm Tke ffoltowlasr SeB.4wlei am cr. recti Br tne RsvtlrMl OfriclaUe. mm isy e Kelled mm Correct : North Carolina Railroad. 00BDE5SED S0HEDTJLES. TBjLTSB GOIKS XAST. Date. April 30th, 1882. Ko 61 No. 53 I Daily. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4uuatn 44up oi " Salisbury, 5.68 am ft 24 p m " High Point, 7.20 am 7.86 pm Arrive Greensboro. 8-itOam 8.05 pm Leave reensboro, a30 am Arrive Httlsboro 1 1 .47 a m Arrive Durham i2 2 a m Arrive Raleigh, 1.40 pm Leave Halelgh 4.05 p m Arrive Goldsboro', 0 30pm ...... No. 17 Dally except Saturdiy, Leave Greensboro.. .5 00 p m Arrive at ftaleliih, 1 .61 am Arrive at Gold s,boro,.. 7.20 a m NEVER FAILS. ail II 1 KB aaavaa.maisaw-MB-B Among the medicinal means of arresting disease, nKa ctimah nit,Ar KtArulR nriemlnent. it rhrttn the further nroeress of all disorders 01 t h ntnmafh. liver and bowels, revives the vital .t,nfno ,,rpnti iivi nmp!dles chill arid fever irma4 trt activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to rheuraatiira, and Is a genuine stay and solace to aged, mariaf and nervous persons. FOB SALE BY ALL DHUGGI9TS AXD DZALXHS G8NEBALLY. may2 For Sale, A GOOD TEAM Spring Styles WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles -OF- MULES AND A Widow Says "Yes" Over the lrave Of Her Late Husband. Courier Journal. In the dingy confiues of a magis trate's office scenes of interest are sometimes witnessed, and one of them occurred some time ago in 'bquire Stevens Court. The sceue was a mar riage, and the ceremony itself was not the intresting part of the affair, but the circumstances which led to it. The bride, who was a widow, had buried her husband some time previously in Cave Hill Cemetery, and as is usually the case, was in the habit of visiting his grave. She made frequent excur sions to the cemetery, and often was accompanied by some friends. Onft daw several months after her husband's death, she went to the cem etery in company with a lady friend, and near the gate, just inside the cem etery, met a man who was acquainted with the ladv accompanyign her, and the couple were there introduced. The man did not seem to have anything particular to do just then and accom ied the widow and her friend to the grave of the deceased husband, and after remaining some time returned home with them. The widow seemed to have impressed him. more than ordinarily, and some time after he met her again and escorted her home. After this he became a visitor at her home, and paid her considerable atten tion. This was durinz the past Sum mer, and on Sunday he invited her to visit the cemetery and her husband's grave with him. The invitation was accepted, and the pair accordingly pro ceeded to the cemetery, and there, beside the grave, the momentous question was asked, and he offered to fill the dead man's place not in the grave, but with her. The offer was accepted. A short time since the j Squire was called upon and made the rnnnl man anrl wif. It RCftmS that v.v, .fv.w there is no accounting for some persons tastes, as it would have been the last place on earth an ordinary man would have chosen to ask so srious a question. HOW TO TELL GENUINE SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR, Ott MEDICINE. Look for clean neat WHITK WRAPPER with the red" symbolic letter stamped upon it In the form of a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade. Spatula. Mortar and wraduate wi h the words A Q fciM-MONS- LIVER REGULATOR or MEDICIMS there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZKIL1N a; CO., in red ink on the bide. TARE 0 OTHER. Beware of those who know nothing of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being analyzed prove ;orthle?8 and only made . mjwwu. fha r.tih ii- ani ti. ntratA on the well earn- ed reputation of Zeilin A Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a tew penneys every way Uiey can. See tVbo Kn4onei the Genuine Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Rt. Rev. Jno. W. Beckwlth. Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, TJ. S. benator,. Rt Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Bhoiter, J. Kdgar Thompson, Hon. B. H. Hill. Bon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Wilils, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis W under. Assistant P. M. Phlla., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let tors of commendation and recommendation. It is eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready for Immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, M ANUF ACTTJHKD OHTY BT J. U. ZKII'SN fc Cf.. PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all.Bespectable Druggists. feb24 The only known Specific Remedy for EpCeptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cores KDlleotlc Fits. Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance. Vertigo. Histories, Insanity, Apoplexy, DamImis niinariom Kpitralirift. and all Nerv- X CMOIJOIO, musuusu.uu, - r J . maoixa Thlo IntQtllhlA HKIlT Will nrtltlV ly eradicate every species of Nervoua ierange- ment. and drive them away nom wnence uiey came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Lea corrfaoea or Whites. Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there Is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be wl'hout It It quiets the Nervous system and fclves rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN SERVICE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. Ihe drunkard drinks liquor not because he imes 11, dui ior uie yir&oure vi unit ing and treating his tiitnds, little thinking that he Is on his road to inln. Like the Opium Kater. he first uses the drug in small quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence of the drug ,n niri nmn ita victim, leadtn? him on to bis own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to allmentlveness, as over eating first In flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. 80 every drink of liquor or dose of opium. Instead of satisfying, only aods to Its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then Itself- Like the glu tonous tape-worm. It cries "Give, give, giver but never enough until its own rapacity devours itself. Damanian nerv me gives uisuuii. ibki m such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous sstem. and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. Va Kf fit, 1 11 mtn a. HmmotiAMf k. 1 II 1, U. Vi o Ulixiisuuiu Willi a OL U. R. B. for all points North. East .nd West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. A W R. R. for Wil mington. no. 3 connects at sanstTury with w. n. c R. Ti for all notnts in Western North fburillna- tlnllv at Greensboro wh B. A D. R R. for ail points North, East and West. trains eonre wicst. mtscclXancous, Seasonab e Gils In great varttty. Jast recervea st the CH I N A ST ORE -or- J. BrookfieW k Co Date, April 30th, 1882. Leave Goldsboro,. . . Arrive Raleigh, ieave naieigh, Arrive Durham. Arrive Hilisboro,... Arrive Greensboro,. ieave ureensooro,. Arrive High PoimV Arrive Salisbury . Arrive Charlotte,... No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. 10.00 a m 12.20 pm 3 no pm 5 Orj pm 5 46 pm K.OS d m . 1 S n m ! tt 41 a m 9.60 pm! 10-10 am 1 1.12 p mi 11 21 am 1 lOamt l.OOp m No. 18 Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro... 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7. 10 p m ieave naieign. ouuam Arrive Greensboro, 3.15 p m No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C Air Line for all points in the South and Hnithwest and with C, C. A A. R. R. for all poibU touth and Southeast. No. 62 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C Air Line for all pofts South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C A A. R. R. for all points Hooth and Southeast. Lot of elegant B&BY CSRRIIGES, REFR1GERT0BS and ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TR tFS. ICE CREAK FREEZKRS, bet ntade, AIRTIUHT FRUIT JAR,, WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding Cages Baby Swings, etc., etc. , Aful1 Ilreof Chfna. Crockery. Glasswan. Lamps. Fancy Goods and Silver plated Ware ai ways on hand, who esale and retail at reasonabl prices. PU-ase give us a cau. Re?pect fully. J. BROOEF1ELD A CO. N. W. N. C. HAII KO IB. frOlUG WK8T While other Baking Powders are largely adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugs, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or- kl.nmu TkoKllIt-. pailDHi VlT thR indlSCTe- KtUiB. I'CH WW v' ' . ' ' , .j ... n riAmiBiiAni f mrfti h the use ot UWB VI JUUUli iiviuiuuviiH . . , rhi invninahie remedf. To you. young, middle mnA ii man hn nm rovt-rlne Tour suffer Vlu uivui " .-.w u i, . na oa mwith n mnntln bv Rllnnne. look ud. you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments . .nl laaala In tha CTOWTl ftt VOUT Maker. I if you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until ln dtaia inH dMitmii) both bodv and soul it you are mus auiraw. wo MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINK It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature deUy and impart tone ana euergj w ure nuuio NO. 50 Da'y Leave Greensboro Arrive Kernersville Arrive Salem NO. 52 Dally, ex ..." TAtm nraenshom Arrive Kernersville Arrive saiem. -. H.25 p m 10 41 pm 11.25 pm 9 5i a m 1 1 01 a m 1135 am eorse ea.t NO. 51 Daily, exoeyt oimaay. Arrive Kernersvi le 5.60 am Arnve ureensooro i.uuam NO. 53-Dally. T am-m. Onlarn A ChTl 1 m kMaktVAAA- - ' '.JJ J au Arrive Kemersville ri.40 p m aunve ureeiiauuru o iai y m STATE UNIVERSITY R4IUROAD. GOING NORTH. o 1, Dally ex Sunday. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m GOING SOUTH. No. 2, Dai y lex. Sunday. Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m ONE TWO-HORSE Wagon Harness. OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the uiLLLNJUti lano. BATS, BONNETS FLOWERS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS LACED, &C, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Holery Gloves, Parasols, Ac. the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. SPRINGS &BURWELL. may 12 WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets When we wfll be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE MILLINERY they have ever seen in this city. SeepectfuHy, , . , Mrs. P. Query. mv22 Metropolitan Siee Green's Victims Going for the Banks. Nev York, May 1C It is stated that Bliss, Fabyan & Co., dry goods mer chants at No. 117 Duane street, have been victimized to the extent of $30, 337 by the alleged cotton frauds of Green & Co., of Columbus, Miss. The firm have brought suit in the Supreme . a. 1 "t 1 1 . c- ; uourt again3L uie x eopiB a savings Bank of Mobile, Ala, for the recovery of the above-named amount, and upon their application Judge Donohue has granted an attachment against the bank as it was claimed that the bank had funds in this city. The firm have demanded payment of the bank of $30,337, and offered to re turn to them drafts, bills of exchange. nnH invnifps nn which thp. mnnov xuaa paid, but the bank refused to pay back the money. Deputy Sheriff Aarons has served an attachment on the Mechanics' National Bank, which is the New York correspondent of the People's Savings Bank of Mobile, and supposed to have some of its funds on deposit. The Me chanics bank yesterday obtained a stay of proceedings in the matter of attachment. Pullman Sleeuim Cars WiMt GhansB On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. -Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest West, North and East. F t,r Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as. Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE. AanAral PaAmrpr A pent. may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSEKQEB DEPABTMEHT. cvrin anrl attar Anrll 3ftt,h. 1 8R. the nassen- ger train service on the Atlanta A Charlotte Air- Une Division or mis roaa wm do as iwwws; -boston-METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical ChemNts COI.DandsiLVEIl HEFINEKs, Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY OK EH THE TEO. Surveys, Mine Examinations. Report?, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions ot works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Worts GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES STIEETED ON REH'RJiS or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. T OMAS BENNS Metallurgist. A. H. KIDNEY, Mintkg Ekginekb. JOHN HOLLIDAY Pbok. Chshist mar8 tf Mew fl nrniture TO Corner CSolleg iand Trade Streets, (L. W. PERDUE'S OLD STAND,) id adding- to our already larire Slock FOR JUNE, A BROAD FIELD. Koifork Landmark. The New York Herald h as the,f ol lo w- Thfl Ameriean TemneraTicR Asancia tion, being in searcli of new worlds to begin to conqaer.have determined upon poing to work among the Southern blacks this year. The courage evinced by this determinatioa 13 simply enor mous, but the promise of , the proposed WITH P A T T F R H S We do not know what the "promise" 11 1 1 " " y ' of success is, but we shall welcome any organized effort to improve the morals of this part of our population r and we believe the better class among the Ne groes will be' glad to co-operate in the attempt- "Certainly the-white people of the South will bid the movement God speed, and rejoice at its success. Lease of a Kentncky Railroad. LoukvillX: May 16. The lease of the Richmond 'branch by the Louisville and Nashville to theKentucky Central uaa ueen-cpmpteteaaji anjannuax rental 0rl rn k 1 LI fit. il JUST RECEIVED. has been kept unchanged in all its original purity and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its ha ving received the highest testimoni als from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. No other powders show so good results by the true test the TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS a PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POWER -MADE BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, HI., and St. Louis, Mo.( Imhdann Laplla TeM Gnu, Br. Trtf 'm B-itltl rimrUf (xtraets, m4 Dr. Prlca Cala fTtmrnm Telephones ! Telephones! TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Compaiiy, Is the SOLE LICENSEE -of the American BeU Telephone Company Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Florida and Alabama, PRIVATE LINES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented BT" Eor parienlars address IT,T SOUTHERN BKl-L TELKPBONE arid TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 1 feblleod8m 1 05 Broadway, New York. FEOXIE COEN. HAY, BRANCH i -if , ' irV-i.",:. aft ""-l ;' 'ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ' 1 A.l &T.Q 0K , fe:b:d." 33 2,000 poopds Fine labs. .MOT ' . A TOLL UNI 0? f t e POUDEBtil' J apr80 A. J. iakin;i 1 1 mm I ihi-tt --f riTii n irarr nr. nn htxtiiiui rmniMi i TTTTOV & TVROTTIT?! of $24,000, to' make connection with the HARRIS REMEDY COii MiSuikt 1lUn.X & &LKJ Ln&Li Louisville nd Nashville's Knoxville kl SSt2 "7 J branches. The Kentucky Central have I mw " ?? y Tlld from Winchester to Rich- I l,M Native Mineral WatefllA. , rti F. C. MUNZLER Th Brandy U rat op in box.. Ho. 1 UuiD( s month), ma vDoaf a w eneci a cure, uw- r , ' (UitlD( tnxeo months), 7. Sent by null in plain wrip pet. Diretlont(or l.tnf r p y B. Pamphlet dojeri Ung tbii rtlitin ukd mods of our Mot Kueo on application. AIJEIMT TOR . i-CURES Dyspejdj, hiigestien,tToiilLlTj3r, Chronic Dln-oei and Dysentery. Skin Diseases. Bcroxa, Chronic Pneumonia, etc. L'.B is a roe- 1 Alterative Totrle .and; Is ANTI ilALALIiL la I s effects. Read certificates from eminent i ' UO ATI f-Botr i vSprlnr 3, v brld?9 co lot viillc: er; c? "marl j cums m our pampn ets. :njblALGAJSE OR 8AjLpT8. , i lt3) natural state 4llrect' from the i Are beautifully located In Rock ' Va., and are open for the reception :3 June 1st to .October 1st, each f. 1.000 jraests.7? , . . ... : v : plesale and retalu bjppt si Ke f ilrT.C. SMITH, Charlotte, N.CT Lai Af y J JWXX Kcurt3irv -iotA-rei of i ia eur'-" BcalldCci. v;itsal , ; ... 1 nn. bijVt m. or .tirnmr mmmtm - r i r eur'-CdiMMMOf tht iil, flfla wii m, raUitia ud MmmrUd a MiMtlAft nrlnciDla. udiei. .. CtvH m writ for LtM oC Qo- Rtpir ikMl4 mA ttntr miivm, L m im.U aJiaaitaaTa 11 m aaA a ! n M . ' -U -a M.Wf a mm 9Wt Mm Ajaveua, wm Bersuer & Ennel Brewery Companys (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) (ol brat od Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEER A SPKCIALTY. WHave Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FRED C. MUNZLER, Lock Box 255. Charlotte, N. C. mbr28 .. . ..... ; ... $ - DENtf ALcNOfIGE. y. ---- - 0 ..... t '.)( t IHK riAtt nnnnni mMtlnv of th Ststtm Tlno.nl nf X Dental Examiners will be held In Salem, Uk, uti tu oin nay ul wuub. . All persous.com Baenelng the practice of Dentistry without axflploras tenst go before this 4oard far exaxnlnatlonvOr afEer : the penalties ot the law which went Into effect March 1879. ' i v .JTVUht;- Winston Bentlnei and Raleigh New, and Ob server eopr one month Jaod send bill toW. Hoffmann, Charlotte. - - METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! Mori Sxeltlng Boox Issue! eOOpages. 150 lUusteaUMil Revealing miseries of high nd low Wein America Krestemu; fashion's foUies nd frivolitlMi behbidtbs Sne? trick, of pretty d"? If&LSSSSl lascivious corruption at Washington; rata oT tenoeent KlrUt old aoary-headed sinners bygalightjitehlng bens A victims; Voudou and Mprmonliorrors ; Btart ltogBevilaUonat Price 12.50. 1'lnst'd cironter. free. OuffltT TOoTAdd. ANCHOR PUBLISH CO. BX. UOTJia, Mo. CHICAGO, IlL ATINTA, Ga. mVW AT I SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and . . . w Dk. Man na. t 1 B" H fl OumD. DUI IV CUreu uor. ouo T- hear as well as any oody. j1,"!. Springwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NEHVINfE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. 0. JTLETCUKK, J!Orv wuiua, w. SAMARITAN NERVINE m j . n.,a rt a iJaaA nf flt.9 tcT TT1T SOn. H b. Ralls, Hattsvllie, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me ot vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. SAMARITAN NERVINE nr.. Ka mains it mirlnt? mv iblfA of flDA&HlS. Rsv. J. A. Kdix, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spendlrjg over $3,000 witn otner aocvors. " New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE vihinti Mir.il mA nf ttnPJimS- Miaa jTiinrnE WARRRN. 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, DJ. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family pnyMcian. it naving over 1 w m Hanbt Knkk, Vervilla, Warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albkbt eimnjun, iwno, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured ray son of fits, after spending 82,400 with otner doctors. J. munaiun vuuw. SAWAIIITAIV NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic His of a stub bomcharacter. Rsv. WM. Mabtib, jnecniinic9iuwu, mu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 in eighteen monins. m v V SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many years auraiioii. iiawu od aav, u. vo,, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. ULTVBB miKaa uuuwu, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me ot asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jkwkll, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well forover four years. Chablxs E. Cubtis, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael O'Connxk, Bldgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cored rae of epileptic fits. David Trembly, Des Moines, Iowa SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing Hxkbt Clark, Fairfield, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the bead E. Graham, North Hope, Pa. WESTWARD. Mail and Kx press. No. 50. Mail. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive fipanauburg. K Arrive Greenville, fl Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa, K Arrive Rabun Gap J unction, Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainesville. Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 a m 2.02 a m 4.31 a m 5.59 a m 7.4H a m 9.18 am lO (Hi a m 10.37 a m 1 l.OH a m 1.80 pro 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 ppn 5.29 p m 7.03 P m 8.30 p m y.io p m 9.4rt pm 10.15 pm 12.40 a m EASTWARD. Mail and Kx press. No. 51. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta Arrive Gainesvil e, Arrive Lula, K Arrive Uabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, K Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 pm 451 p m 5 22 p m 5.69 p ni 6.40 p m 8.06 p m 10 06 pm 11.40 p m 2.06 a m 3 15am 4.00 a m 6.19am 6.50 am 7.41 am 8.17 am 9 26 a m 11.03 pm 12.24 p m 2 50 pm 4.00 pm CONNECTIONS, with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. . . . . B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, a. x W. P. and W. A A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Kail roaa R with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. with Eibenon Air-Line 10 ana rrom juuenuu, Georgia. , ft ith Colnmbla and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C . H with coiumma ana ureenvuie w uu uvm Columbia ana Charleston, a. o. V X CAonKnMr anf a ahavlllA ftTUl HnAlTAn- IX T1 llll oMU UHl , " 1 . " " . burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevtue, ana Alston ana toiuuiuia. L with Chester and Lenoir w arrow uauge to auu from Dallas ana Chester. . M with C, a A A., a C, R D. and A.. T. A 0. for all points West. North and Kast Pullman sieeping-car serviiw uu uaiua and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. , .A- r". G neral passenger ana j.ics.ei ipjui. T. M. B. Talcott, Gene-al Manager. I. T. SAGE, Superintendent may2 CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CAH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. 1 1 ink AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 A favorite sreseriptlon f one of the retired) for thecwreof J most noted and successful specialists In the U.S. (now retired) for the career Jfef-Msre Mfb Miomt JTciwJbstsMl, TrTeaicMra and Jteeay KerMsre Mobility, Mil AmuMMi rremmsn hi jmniiri oeut In plain sealed en velopeyree. DrngglsUcanftll lu Addrew PH.-iryAiiu uu.y fcortsans, wp. " LOST1 M AWHOODc RESTbRELT. " ; Aricttm yottthfinl iraprndeiroe eauamg Prems- tatw Dfeeay, fervous Debuit Lost MsnhSod. so: flavin g trira m vun every mown rprscuj cw.ua' eavewd rim pie self enrft. "'hich he "B w nil FREB f!r.10W-?-vtHMPWfr 5viaCTWir Am liLitll-i". to lis 13 a "t SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my Bon of fits. He has not had a fit for about lour years. ilmx mavis. Woodburn, Macoupin county, IlL SAHRRITAII NERVINE T. mU il mIimIU. ii n ...ill ii all n. Ka hull IB IVI DOIQ IJ .UtUK&ipiia B TTJLJ T1 UCID, VI UM W UCV direct from us. Those who Ish to obtain further eviuence ot ineewaiive praperueB vl eamariuui Nervine will pleaae-enclose a 8 -cent postage stamp for a copy bf our Tllustratea Journal of Health, '..l.lw Vtrtnhibla .rifnuuil.ta .f aiM anm nAa-. lllim IHIIliaalV limmtMB VI HU. ..VU. son who nave used the medicine, ana also their pictures UBOtoKrapuea cuusr uicur rasionutuu ui MMfkHlIk ' ... as wobld's KFrutPTid ixsmvvK, 4 aprl dAw If - 6t Joseph Mo C, C. & A. R. K. CO. In Effrct Sunday, April 30th, 1882. Train No. 52. Passengr. Train No. 48, Passeng'r. I jvivH r.tiaj-lntte . Arrive Rock Hill, Arrive Chester, Arrive Winnsboro, Arrive uoiumDia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington, Arrive mage spring, Arrive Granltevllle Arrive Augusta, 1.85 P mi 2.38 p m 8.30 p m 4.35 p m 6.00 p m H.07 d m 650pm 8 02 p m 9.12 om I 0.15pm 6.15 a m 7.15am 8.30 a m 9.40 a m 10.22 a m Train No. 18, Freight. Train No. 20, Freight Cures SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH. ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES, BOILS. ANT SKIN DISEASE. 3 W w c c Leave Charlotte, Arrive Rock Hill Arrive unesier. An ive Winnsboro, . . . Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington,... Arrive wage spring Arrive Granltevllle,. Arrive Augusta. . 60(i a m 8.25 a m 10.12 am 12.65 p m 4,30 pm 6.05 p m 7.47 p m n m 11. 15pm 2 18 am CURES WHEN ALL OTHEB REMEDIES FAIL!!! If yon doubt, come to see us, and we wUl CUBE YOU. Train No, 52, Dally-Connects at Columbia with tti.u f! It R fur rhnroHtrin. and Willi the C u. R.R. for Alston. Newberry. Abbeville, Sec At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R f or Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Dally- Connects at Acgustawlth the Georgia R. R. and Central Georg R. B. for Mcon. Auania. Havannan ana ionu poium. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, tri-weefely, Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains from the South ai rive at Charlotte, pas senger, dally, at fi.85 p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 45 p. m. . ATLANTIC TENNESSEE ft OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 58. Dally, Leave Charlotte. 5 00 p m Arrive at Statesvllle, 7-05 p m Train No. 52. Dally, Leave Statesvllle 7 55 a m Arrive at Charlotte. 10.00 a m Tickets sold to all points South, Southeast and Southwest, and baggage checked through. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, T. M. B. Tai cott. Gen'l Passenger Agent, Gen'l Manager Colombia. 8. a, April 30th, 1882. maj2 or charge nothing!! I Wnte for partJcnlaw, and a copy of the little "Message to the UnfortunaieSufferii Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Sta"j erUOOO BE WARD will be paid to W who win nno on analysis m iuu ow Z" rucie oi aaercury, louiue ui neral substance. p,.-, a (PIB BOTTLK.) .( PHm nf Rmitll Rm - l.fl Large 6ize...... one pa any ill decSl SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PKKKHM Uiel Pe LXSadNS in this useful ait given privately or la class. Classes now In course of formajUon. -. : " privately, 85 Fees payable In'adrance. For furthw partlcn-j j lareapplrtov, s 1 951 mayu tf - At la Ofts el tbe Ooaerret I Theo Pena aw spooaDy hardeneJ j point, wiU not corrode or rust, and vrfll cei mort serviceable and durable. 8f lff ten different styles of aickel plated pens. 66111 trial by mail oanosiptof oenta. a . nn fa di-X'v .. j . . i Pa. Ivison. BlaKeman, layror v