Previous Celebratiops. The Cflebration in 1825. ttr:v oh recurring vear the Vf IVU XJ," CP V j people of Mecklenburg have cele brated the 20th of May, and the following is an account of the cere monies which took place in Char lotte in the year 1825 : Charlotte, Tuesday, Maj- 31, 1825. MECKLENBURG INDEPENDENCE. The celebration which took place in this town on the 20th inst., was equal to, if it did not surpass any thing of the kind ever before wit nessed here. The day was fine and n0t uncomfortably warm, and at an early hour a large concourse of peo ple, strangers and citizens, had as- .nmhled to do honor to the da v. A t eleven o'clock A. M., a procession gave it. Such a reflection was well calculated to moderate the feelings, to induces sobernes of mirth, and to impart an interest to the scene at once peculiar and impressive. About tour o'clock. P. II., a large number sat down to a dinner pre pared by Dr. Henderson, in the beautiful grove on the college green. General George Graham officiated as President, and Mr. Isaac Alexan der as Vice-President. After the cloth was removed, the following toast were drank, interspersed wth patriotic songs and accompanied with discharges of cannon : TOASTS. 1. '"The day we celebrate 'On that day the republican banners were unfurled in Charlotte, inde pendence declare 1 by the patriotic citizens of MccU '. tibiae? themselves rVoir .' viMl Britaai. . a postponement necessary,, we shall defer a particular account, of the proceedings until-oiir next; .barely mentioning, at' this, time, that the celebration throughout was worthy the occasion and honorable to the public spirit arid patriotism of Mecklenburg. ' The "toasts" indicate the pres ence in this semi-Centennial cele bration ot men of both parties, who, however much they differed O'i other matters, seem to have here met on common ground. Of the partici pants in, these memorial ceremonies, a large number appear to have been old soldiers of the Revolution. Ait that date, as I ascertain by a para graph in the Journal of May 10, 1825, the, only survivors of those who issued the memorable resolves of May 20, was David Reese, then living in Cabarrus. It is also evi- nllving - - j L CCbU was formed, under the direction of oe engraven on the hearts ot all Colonel Thomas G. Polk, on the present, and the gilded pages of his- gtreet South of the Court House tory transmit it to posterity. dent that the 20th of May had been of distinction commemorated in a similar manner other States in previous years. It was indeed a thrilling .occasion, and shouts of enthusiasm, induced by the inspiration of the scene, rent the air." --I- . i ,, . Col. Wra. Johnston; as Mayor of the cityy announced 'the opening of the ceremonies of the Centennial occasion, and he was followed by a speech from Gov. Curtis 1 H; Brog den, who was then Governor of the State. At the conclusion of the speeches, the Newbrne band play ed the "Mecklenburg Polka," and a salute of thirty eight guns, repre senting the thirty eight States of the Union, were fired l?y the Ral eigh -Light Artillery. The morning of the 20th proper dawned and witnessed the grandest and most brilliant event of its kind ever seen in the Old North State. The city was well nigh filled with visitors, many of them gentlemen The '"cufciiaii! MeWoc. All other celebrations of the 20th of May dwarf into insignificance from our own and The streets were fill ed with firemen and military, dress ed in their attractive uniforms, flairs were floating everywhere, and an air of festivity could be felt on ev ery hand. Charlotte opened wide her arms to her visitors and greeted all who came to help her celebrate this great event in her history in Hill fffl DIIIIJBli PffliI "'''V' :'0'F:SIJitMER SliKSk THAT WI wi L OL-vK OUT AT COST. DON'T FaIL TO SSB THEM. A large stock of Fancy Dr s Gaols at Tt-ry low prices We hive everything in tb Dress Trimming ;ln. eniDiaclng Silk, - -.tins, Surah-, Mo-rws -nd Broca. e .-"Un.s in nil color-, la Black Drwss Goods ww have a lrgestok of iks, -lins, MerV' llleux, Kha lanes, iSroeade da tits. Nuns Velltgs. Cash meres, Gros I) Z Hilars. Henriettas, &c Some new an i hands ne patterns In Beaded Frlng-ts. L-c-8, and Paasamentii-s a larve stock of Lc-;s of everr dessrlo'Iori Just recelvd the handsomest line of Parasols, Ladles' Neck Wear and Fans evrnown in ihU tin Ket. a large stock of Dress Glagaams at 121&& hash BibDons a lc :ori. Ladles' Uisteri. Crwnnes a d Frl-g-s Our stock of Wh't Moods ls large and cheap. A line of (Tents' Nobby i-traw Hats a:ii low Quartered Shoes. A large s'.oe . of READY-MADE CLOTHING- At Greatly reduced prices. Pearl 8h ns, R?ltt-.' Shoes, Tr ink . V -.lis- )3. Hilt '., C i,s, R wis, Sh e , 4 Examine our siock and we will oonvi ico you that we keep :verythl .t,TQ cxi it prlcas toiultta times. Smith B iildlng. Tru y. Hare:raves& Vv elm. may 19 . . m . . I L ., J :iL i U flA, I retain Kennedy's company of cav- "Ine patriots who signed the wueu cumpuieu wim iu vmeimi- the most cordial manner, , T f. u -A:n Mpr.HPTiKnro- Tor.ior0;nn TrioJ al Celebration which took place in an3 ilIlu LUC -MJUiny cue arnuoiy, i fc cnu Vi iuuv,- nnrlfir the command of CaDtain penuence, tne zvth 01 JMay, H id. ..w rrKmns I Polk in front citizens We tonor them for their firmness, och in the history of the State, and and strangers next, and lastly, a 1(ve them for their virtues, and ven- the people of North Carolina gath wl of Eevolutionarv veterans. CIUto tuem 1U1 ineir patriotism. tv or seventy in number wear- " "he memory of those heroes broad domain to do honor to the the whole city was one living, mov . u.j itk ot ijexington, Mass., who first seal- occasion. The crowd was estima- ing mass 01 people, ihe opening 1T1 nr, thpm Thn Srnnn ed the broken covenant with their ted to be at least forty thousand, exercises of the day were begun at stamped on them. The procession ..:... ... v.. ' daylight by the ringing of the Uv. -o..vw a.x gumw .iuCu eaumawu tu uc church and city bells, and the firing nuu muiiici uuiaui. U1LTU as S1XIV inOUSanU. Oncaiira nf o oo ntonf o hunHroH rmtis By 9 o clock an immense multi- Every train that reached the city was crowded with pushing, jostling humanity, everybody in the best 01 humor, and thousands arrived in wnrrons. bncories. cnrrin.crpa find rm ered in Charlotte from all over her horseback, and by 7 o'clock, a m., then moved to the Presbyterian church, which, though spucions, was crowded to overflowing, and numbers found it impossible to pro cure seats. The exercises at the church com menced with a prayer, replete with genuine piety and ardent patriot ism, by the venerable Dr. Hunter ; ..THE-- --THE- 66 J W MI IB S" wp JU9 4. '-Our Country and our Govern- were made during the occasion by i m mi . , men.. ne genius ot Columbus, Hon. John Kerr, of K C, Hon. i the patriotism ot Washington, the u . , , t m n mU Lijii, i -.t. ii- ., .' John Bright, of Tenn, Gov. lhos. 1 1 I I I I I iX Mill V' f 1 I V II I. I 1 II T II a TTT 1 CI I m I " ' ot J etterson and compatriots, have erected a fabric that will last till time shall be no more. 5. "The heroes of the Eevolu- tion" "While we hold in sacred re- A Hendricks, of Indiana, Gov. Broaden, of N. C, Senator Yance, tude thronged the streets, and be gan the forming of the procession under the immediate charge of Genl. V . K Cox, our member of Congress for the 4th Congressional District. this was succeeded by appropriate membrance those that are gathered of N. C, Gov. D. H. Chamberlain, The procession then moved in the rfR r T.M-.axr a-nahcrr, nf "NT n direction of the Fair Grounds, and Hon. Gilbert C. Walker, then Gov upon arrival at the stand erected I for the speakers. Gov. Graham, the cherish in our heart's core, the scat tered remnants that yet survive. 6. "The President of the United btates. An able statesman mav I his administration prove that the confidence of Congress was not mis placed. Johnson, of Maryland, Col. Jno. H. Wheeler, historian, and many oth ers whom we do not now recall. On the morning of the 22nd of anodnced that the programme would be carried out;. This consist ed of a prayer by Eev. Dr. ' A. "W. Miller, the reading of the Declara tion by Mai. Gales, of Raleigh, an oration by Hon. John Kerr, Hon. ....... - o"" " I -tr: tt t .ii m i ' ' music from the band after which l ineir lathers, let us not fail top""1"1 -imm, u. au - presiding officer, took the chair and the Declaration of Independence by the citizens of Mecklenburg, was ' read by the same reverend gentle man. An oration was then pro nounced by Mr. Morrison, which riveted the attention of the audi mrA onrl ram sari tears to trickle uui; uicmuciB ux luo i.u.euKit;ii uurg and are now reDublished as gucsiB, uiaiinuiBuou gcuuciiicn down the furrowed cheeks of num- delegation who declared independ- .; .. . . 1 military, fire and musical organiza hrof the war-worn and hoarv- ence." maiter oi mstonc tacts : tion9 adjourned to Floral Hall, at hpndpd vpterins The orator did Let no mean hope your souls enslave At noon, on the 20th day of May, the Fair Grounds, and partook of a UVMrv. ,wVV. - I I ill in it'll! ih.UI.- J'H i lr 1 1 1 1 IM raVH I : A I a- 1 rrrrc ,J I l I a. ti 1 A. l amnle iustice to his subiect He taBueles-- '" f T ',a 1 sumptuous oanqueu oeverai mou ample justice to nis sunject. -tie And such revere. of delegates met in the old court Uand persons were fed. and a num depicted in animated colors, the un- 8. -'Popular Elections." Their house, at what was a short time be- ber of patriotic toasts were an daunted patriotism of our fore- purity and frequency are the best fore, the village of "Charlotte nounced and responded to, the fathers whom no difficulties could security for the safety of our repub- I own, to confer together concern-1 whole dismissed by a speech dishearten, no terrors dismay, no J ml May, loo, this newspaper contain ed the following introduction to the John Bright and others 7. "The descendants of the patri- nroceedinp-s which took ulnrp, at the After the speaking the invited otic members of the Mecklenburg L.- j i . . j guests, distinguished gentlemen, strongest ing the relations which then whole dismissed by a speech frpm exist- Gov. Brogden, while three rousing for .North Caro given lican institutions and the barrier norainst the encrnachmpnt.s ed between the nrovince and the I cheers were privations subdue ; who, looking on- of tyranny. King, so weighty were the matters lina ly to the justice of their cause, and 9. "Internal Improvements." under consideration, and so impor- Just after dark, a stand having the wrongs they had received, in- The road to national and individual tant was the step which was about been erected on Independence dignantly renounced their allefi- independence ; may constitutional to De taisen, that oarKness ieii De- square, the uentenniai proceedings 6 x , to scruples yield to the national wel- fore the deliberations were conclu- were concluded there, and speeches .v, c 6 , . . fare. ded ; night even spent itselt, and it were delivered by J udge JJavidson tection was felt only in the injuries jq. "Andrew Jackson" He has was not until morning came that of Tennessee, Gov. Chamberlain o which it inflicted, and whose pater- filled the measure of his country's the resolutions, declaring them- South Carolina, Gov. Hendricks, o nal regard was evinced only in sys- glory ; he is the friend of the peo- selves absolved from all allegiance Indiana, Gov. Vance, of this city tematic attempts to wrest from pi-ine peopie are nis menas. 10 me xnu8u uwn , ere nuany ana otate, wv. vv mer oi v irgmw, ., , , . , 11. "Bolivar and the independent adopted these resolutions which Col. Thomas Polk, of Tennessee. them an that they neid vaiuaDie as provinces of South America" Mav have shed a halo of imperishable and Generals Cox and Clingman o men who claimed ireedom as a nolit.ical and relio-inns lihertv be the frlorv unon the memories of the this State birthright, and to reduce them to a basis of their constitution. signei-s, and have made for Meek- All in all the Centennial Celebra state of bondage worse than death. 12. Washington and Lafa3'ette. lenburg and JNorth uarolma a name tion was one ot which every citizen His address to the natrictic band 15- ine Iair sex beauty and more eiiuunng man granite, auu oi xonn arumia euuiu ue uy I KAATTT T r TTT O T mTT "T O I f TT A-T-- rKA I T 1 i- W 11 W' 11 1V1 M Vd U Ml r ! SI I I1H I Mpnllll - p, I AUW I y j lUJ tA 1 Vi J Ul OIU V L J ' 1 VIVAi iiiu 1 ill li v wo ivii JA V VA. VA uc w tection to beauty, the watch word immortal principles ot liberty them- him, and whose snowy locks and 0f freemen. selves, and "until time shall grow bended frames, formed such a stri- vnT.TTMTT-.TSRs. old." Vi-nrr ntroct iv,a ninrn iaA x t t r x rr Wednesday was the Centennial sketched of their youthful strength nessee and vio-or. was neenliarlv annronri-1 and Dr a a first bosoms that ever glowed ate ann nar.hetic and fivcitcn cmn- . c . Ephraim Brevard"-The of tb?fe Sreat and distinguished THAT CCSBAND OF MINE, Is three times the man he was before he began using ' Wells' Health Kenewer." si. ifruggisis Depot j. a. MCAaen, unarioae, 0. u From the Home Journal. A. Remarkable Discovery. . . ,. to r. patriotic disciples of Craighead, thfi lfivnns nnt.ic.matinn nf Am fin can . i . & . ' tions in every bosom, which mav t,i those men whose minds were thor- " ' I AlJUVIJVliUVliVVt ltI'l J i 1 " X be .iy , imagined, but not de- Dr. Eanvsey was formerly a eit i- 1 us 1? A REAL SKIN CURE. Bvx4OT. xu, 0uuiro0) JU .uu.u, v.r 6 v t7, r.. who had determined to strike the well conceived and happily execu Pted in our Revolutionary -struggle, Mow which afterwards 8hattered .j , M1 , auu was present iu v;nariuiLe, at me .,. ted, and we regret that it will not tw.i,w; ' u the fetters of the oppressor. , . I AvvlwiaUvU Ul AI1UUUCUUC1IVO L-AAV I fXl ,A . 1 l , . j. j. hfl in nnr nnwor tn at if hfifnrfl nnr vi nna i mu lhecityot Charlotte, the btate . " j ... toast was forwarded to the tee from Tennessee. By William Davidson, Esq. : readers, as the author has declined the request of the committee to fur nish a copy for publication. The exercises at the church were daugh- rf N nrth C! ami inn. nrl Vi op uer auu bislui olulbs were not un mindful of these facts. Not only A "I Allf i TTT - l-TTT rlrtiT -tit V-v K I I r-rTTT I miT ' ' t r n rvrn,n - - -ro t at at w-r r' u, I? j V1 stands upon the threshold of that t, riK vv tin l. an anie MLa,LHiuaii a 1 in- . . . . i cIorpH wit miiQin nrl ri;arv,T.o-oa nf j a v one which we ceieDrate, by the dec uupeuueiit x u man emeiueu uy i t-U;,. o A. n:, , he is impregna- i . . :?i anu Birecta viiu cannon, and the Revolutionary vet- virtuous patriotism erana returned in m-ncc.ssinn cscnrt- bio to the shafts of malice ed by the military. JSo one present at this celebra A? 1 .i xion could nave Deen entirely un moved by the recollections and as sociations connected with it. The occasion was peculiarly calculated to produce an intensity of feeling, and to elicit reflections at once pleasurable and profitable. It was the fiftieth anniversary of an event of which the citizens of Mecklen burg, without the imputation of vanity, might justly be proud ; it was a fit occasion of joy and grati tude, rejoicing and praise ; but at the same time the reflection could not but arise in many a bosom, that but few, very few, of the number then assembled to commemorate it, would live to witness its return. Fifty years hence, and of the multi tude then present, the greater part will be reposing beneath the clod of the valley ; dust will have returned to dust, and the spirit of Him who Polk : "The evergreens T 1 m n Bll. . urri, ""oliJ . 7iUUC1 Ttt T crowd had gathered here from dif pohtical prospect of Henry Clay - ferent in m gta and from South Carolina, 'lennessee and Vir- Like the dew on the mountain, Like the loam on the river, Like the bubble on the fountain, They are gone and forever. cinm tn nmt.c. m thfi nnemntr fiyfir. cises of this grand C1JJN TJUJN JN 1A JL Hy the Hon. H. W. Connor: ''General William Davidson," who fell at Cowan's Ford, bravely fight THESE IS OKLT OKK AND THAT WITH SIM CLE NAME. Beware of imposters, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best They have been tried and found wanting, whi:e this has been proved a remarkable success. NO POMPOUS NAME This curative needs no pompous or incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but Us simple English name appeals directly to the Mimmnn-sensB of the DeoDle. And the people are if1!!' tl o rr a Trith I . .... tv.M. (inTMwMutlnEr nT I hid a erreat frankness by selecting and using nr. censon J I - . .. . . . e SKIN CUKJ in preierence to an ouier yiuxcoocu remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon ana his me study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin, since he has been persuaded to put his New Hemedy and Favorite Prescription as a "bkin Cure" on the market, vartom things have sprung up Into existence, or have woke up irom the sleepy state in which they were before, and Blake. Esq: "Henry gathered at Independence square to witness the hoisting ot the stars and bars to the summit of the pole that had been made to receive it As the flag ascended higher and higher, and while the "hundreds of lesser flags on the buildings nearby fluttered and danced in the pleasant breeze, the Citizens Band, of JNew berne, struck up our State air, "The Old North State. Ihe opening words of this grand old poem, the production of our illustrious Gaston, rminr l.r.vfi sn o-rrestcd themselves tO every North" Carolinian present find rn:inv a one ioincd in the words of the song : "Carolina, Carolina, Heaven's b' attend Vi or Whiie we llveve will cherish, protect and do f end her. iou artic es- which have been advertised for yars or triiggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, tt at now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great ckia Cme." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Shin Cure. Each package and bottle beaw his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles in one package. Price SI -CO. get at your aruggi-ts. DAY The day could hardly have been more auspicious. A gentle breeze ing for the rights and liberties of tempered the heat of the sun, and now claim to be The Great skin cures, liis poimtrv. by noon a numerous throng had -Beware of imitations, or the van ByJ. H Clay," the undaunted champion of universal liberty. By Captain Thomas 1. Tolk "The next President of the United States" Mav he be the choice the people and not of Congress. By L. H. Alexander, Esq. : "An drew Jackson and .William II. Crawford" Fair, play is bonny play. From the same journal of May 24, 1825 : The fiftieth anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde pendence was celebrated in this place on the 20th inst. Not being able to procure a copy of the toasts in season for this week's paper, and ! other causes intervening to render MOS ill REACH EVERYBODY KRANICH & BACH, 1VT ATWTTHF.K'. hw ARION, SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM Organs within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SH0MMER BELL CHIME, PELOUBET & CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such Low Prices l Easy Terms LOOK BOW TEE OLD MjN FBOWN8 . and scratches bis bead while reading Mc's adv. Make him read let him frown. Write to me and I will send you a ph -to (not ot myself) but of my Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection, then go for him and write to me for a few more dot, such as prices, terms, &c Address, or call on H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. lit li.iff f-r Jill Oviirwoilii d IIritiii, CAUSE AND CCRK. rr c. w. Benson's eler. and Chamomiie Pill- am Vitiuabie lor school cniidrea who suffer irom ner ons h-a(iachs &tuseJ Dy an overworsea Dr m in their studif s and for alt classes of bid br-in- woiktrs whose overtuskta nervous cente s n--ea rerifir and seiatlcn. Nervous tremor, weaknesy, ' . . . . J .... I W . ..;)! an'l paralysis are otiug y cuicu ij lui-sc puis They correct out ie not purgative. -rice. 5U cents or tix rtoxs for $2 SO, postage free, to ny add'ess For sale D? nil drugnl-ts. Ijfpot Baltimore. . wnere me uocior chu ue dd; e-'sed l.fitcr.- of itmuiry freely wuswered '. N? ('rittenton. Yoik. Is wholesale egent fcr'tir C. vv'. Biiison's remedies. maj2 VISITORS AND CITIZENS. Before the Celebration is over, be sure to leave your ad-dress and 82.50 at this office, or at either of the Book-stores, and secure a tear's subscription to that Popular and Interesting Monthly Magazine, AT HOME AND ABROAD, Published at CHARLOTTE, N. C. Commence with the April num ber, and you will get an EHGB.A VING of the EDITORS. Native fflifieral Water !f KOrKRttlDGE (VA.) A -Li XJ m WATER CURES Dyspepsia, Indigestian, Torpid Liver, Chronic Dlarrboe t and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, Scrofula Chionie Pneumonia, etc. I: is c powerful Alterati?e Tonic and Is ANTI MLrthlAL in its efiects. Read certificates from eminent physicians in our pamph ets. NO Altril-ICIAL GASES OR SALTS. BottJf d i-i its natural state, direct from the SP'l-'gs. which are beautifully located In BocK bridge county. Va.. and are rpen for the reeepiion ol visitors irom June 1st to October 1st, each jer: capacit-., 1 ,0(0 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. 35cr ADEN end Er. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. marl2 ly SPRIGS CHICKENS ROA3TEP S3 C.SVN' D COFFEE S. Y ELL'S. ma 14