V -XT Ttm6t Minister and elegates T,ntheranTnod. WE INyajAXTENTibN ON 1 i )( f I f , INST noon tne mp"! w OUUVUD,u UcHugan d at ,0 J(51FConS5? D D. iladelphia, if' T upnaaaBDuthwest- Virginia .Boner.ladelpCol 1 KeTjO Butler) D, WHingten, D r ni'B Barring Bev A PhillippU Southwest Virginia j S Mo-igfc Virgil William vSauley, Southwest Virginia, J W moflsworth. . , a Be? A J ox, uaptJ -a- jum, rafoima. Capt J F Johnston. CaptBHToltSBouth Carolina,, Cen tral floteL W . ;T rcrL A Bickle, Nprth Carolina; H B Jseclose, Sourest Virginia, Mrs BeTv RStickyand lady, North Car 0ina,Metropoliti4otel. rv E T HorneSputh Carolina ; Proj H j Wolf, D Dettyabifrg, Pa; St Hallman, D B Hooyer, North Carolina; iTLSeifjle. , j John C Utz, Virginia ; Colonel Josiah Brown, Southwest Virginia, Jno Vogel. Capt J D Groover, Georgia; Dr J L Shuler, South Carolina, Mr Roark. T r irn00f.inafl. Southwest Virginia; Eev J A Snyder, Virginia, Mrs Mary Snyder. , Rev J L Buck, Joru SDRev W A Lutz, North Carolina; Wm p Houseal, South Carolina, Mr F If i hrAnfl. Rev Samuel Rothrock, Bev B S wr t Brown, North Carolina, it u. rruwu. Rev J F Campbell, W Jii uraig, Vir ginia, J C Burroughs. Dr T W Dosh, Virginia; Rev W A Tigner, Georgia, D. W Oates. Rev G BGreiner, Southwest Virginia, J E Oates. Rev J C Repass, V irgmi, urn a a Nlsbefc. Rev J Hawkins, Rev J A Sligh, South Carolina, A B Springs. Rev W C Schaeffer, Virginia; Robert G Chisholm, South Carolina, Captain DeWolfe. Col P N Heilig.Rev W J Smith, North Carolina, S E Linton. TT S Baker. Virginia; Rev W S Bow man, D D.Georgia, Col Wm Johnston. Hon G M Beltzhoover, Virginia, Cen tral Hotel. Rev J B Davis, D D, North Carolina; Coffman, Virginia, Mr J H Van Ness. Rev J P SdleltZeri t D, South Caro lina. Hon. Harvey Wilson. Col J Shimpock, North Carolina, W A "Rarrifir. Eev F W E Peschau, North Carolina, Rev T II Strohecker. Hon G LeaDhart, South Carolina, Rev D M Gilbert, D D, Virginia, Dr. J H Rev J Austin, Geo N' Nichols, Geor gia. C Hilker. Rev. A. R. Rude, D. D., South Caro lina, with Col. H. C. J ones. Rev. Prof. j. S. joiner, North Caro lina. Charlotte Hotel. On arrival at lepot, we expect members of Synod to proceed at once to homes assigned them, as in structed in cards sent. Delegates will be expected .to arrive on day trains from North and bonin. W. A. Barrier, Secretary of Council T. H. Strohecker, . Pastor loci. DON'T niB IN THE BOVSE. Doto Plain-J Mlt. THt.it. TTllRA. TOaCfl es. bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chlpmunKS, ophers. 16c. . Keepa the Gam He&ltby i II your want a sweet mouth and breath. If the gums become spocgr they lose their power to hold ' IGCLll' -1. UN VI . w . -- because It removes the tartar which separates the i xeein ana gums. Horaeford'a Acid Phaupbatea -In seasickness Is of atreat value. Its action on the nerves of the disturbed stomach is soothing and enective. Absolutely Pure. .1. . AlnMimAnaaa - Itlnmk anntin TTllPJl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a urn or phosphatepowders. sold oniy in eons. OOl&b HAliiur rvn vjna w.f ov28 New xora. JL,J A AfA Y XlUVli. - Sole Agent. Charlotte, IV. C. b,MayjCjE;lebon.''I, tra f .. ... . -- - . roruus occasion we un largely moreased oar Stock, ana it contains everything desirable a lady can demand to complete her toilet. i Wiffitowsfcy -GREAT- I -' ! V-l WILL BE ONI realtttracfions of'the GDay. A VISIT TO IT GREAT PLEASURE TO YOU AS WILL WE INVITE 'SENT - ' r Combine "Pleasure with Profit. Whilst in the cl y for Pleasure we propose CLOTH m MMWM ALUWQOL SUITS,. SSSSa, $ 7.50, ALL WOOL SUITS, ALL WOOL SUITS, ALL WOOL SUITS, ALL WOOL SUITS. THE FINEST SUITS, The EM MIIRT That has ever bfn your fortune to secure. finish attf leatctttes. TER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.H. OARATOGA V ICHT, From Saratoga Springs.- N. Y JL pew water re sembling me Imported Tlehy. Becommended as an antacid; cures dyspepata, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also,- Halhorn Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALao. g CASES CONGBK93 WATER, -j Q CASES BOCK BBIDGE ALUM, Q CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED AP0LLINARIS AHD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BIST NATURAL APIBISNT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dobx.a wine glass full before breakfast. Alio 17W ' JauUBUi JIUIUB. OtUVU ox ft im a t.rin.t. Ita riphnAaa in anetriont. calta iirnn.Mftafl t.Viat nf nil nthnv trnnvn voutAim V ThA mnflt Rsreeable. safast. and most Affipcious rTOjm v ire now t xwnin. "lnranaDiy gooa ana nwtmrktnimwBB ntnat. VAlnfthlA " iw. tscamonu warszDurg.--i prescziDe owe but tnis." iYo. Lander Brunton, Jtf. D.f . fi. fi Lonaon. "More pleasant than Ita rival, and surpasses Prof. AJce, ikT. D., F. R. 8., Boyal MUltary Hob- piuu, neuey. irroierrou w ruiuu uuu riou ncnBuau." JOHN H. McADEN, ImDortlns and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St.. CHABLOTTK. N. C FRESHllERALWi Store us .1,1' .. . . . - - & Baf uch's OF THE WILL BE OF AS TO OTJRSELVXS. , EVERYBODY. d saaaAxuAi ILiUlliv 11 LI J. ! IPiil : LEMEN that you should Profit by a Visit to our Mf nnninrrvfUATm WORTH dfe1) AA WOHTH pli.UU 8.50, 15.00 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 18.00, 66 16.50 6b 18.00 66 66 20.00 FOR 66 25.0W Extraordinary Inducements in our comp'ete line of for $11 II 4 BAR AT WILDER'S You win find a choice and complete stockwf PURE 1 FRESH fcRUGS, Colden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract OF- BEEF and TONIC llVVlOOHifOK. TBY IT. CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, TTTH FINEST IBBlisCTION In the CITY, ncludlng the famous LA PABKPA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Met ArMts, M AoflAvfmAnf artH avpnrthlncr fffiTlftTftllV k6Dt lQ a first class Drug Store. Special attention given to Physicians rrescnpuoiis uoy iuu uibu I action guaranieeo. GIVE MB A CALL. Corner Trade and College Street' apr BROWN'S ESSENCE TAMAICA Ginger, Brocendla. Iodla and War- tf ner's Bale vwi ana ji.iuuc uib. jubuicwii ed by B. H. JOBDAN A CO.. may 13 "'"tB""- A FRESH STOCK OOLONG, Ba Jan, Young uyson, imperial auu He No Teas, for sale by mayl8 Tryon street. ENGLISH TOOTH AND Hair Brcshes, Dr. Scott's Electric Flesh and'Halr Brushes, JigtrwrtwA & CQ may 13 A COMPLETE STOCK of Colgates, Lnbln's and Plesse and Lubln's Handkerchief racts. & may!3 NewDrugS ore (iito'n.vfft ,' FOE THE .1 -i ll'ano:eomrJeueteetttilie' Whtnh im niw au nu auuinsn iuu um n owt wi autnimi v 'T'TT 'rTrTrp Tltm We Invite all to rive us a call and satisfy themsorves q! Ums truth of our asaejnons. - Our tock Embraces IF YOU WANT GIVE US A CALL ! 5Q Bunches AsplnwaU B3irjaaB, 20 BXeS Imperlal 0ranses Boxes Fine Messina Lemons, 2Q Vi barrels Pickles, JQ Buckets Best Beflned Lard. jpiNX lot Canvassed 8moked Tongues, EW lot Canvassed Hams. JpBESH lot Breakfast Strips, and many other fresh Goods. CALL AND SKS US, WE WTLtTOU GOOD. t- On consignment, tafe sold immediately? 25 BOXES SUMMER CHEESE,- a 3 4 TBADE AND COLLEGE STBJEET3. may 19 , . . . 'i ipiscellauetros. DE. J. BEADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. WOMAN'S HfEST FBIJEND. if 4. auii bnnsn tn nhTKlp.la.na. and ftlfU! tOO Well known to suaerlpg nomeh themseres that they are sublectt numerous diseases peculiar to their V k. tA a Uantfoa. nalnfiil and scanty Menstruation; Congestion. Ulceration i tha WnmK ntiiHiuiful with an end- less train of sympathetic and constitutional dteor- ders. wnicn enwtuera iio wnum mo m.wi have long Oeeil couBiuereu as aiiuust luiuiouiB But at last the remedy has been found In DB. J. BBAMlELD'o FEMALE KBGtlLATOB. Tf to nt a "onra.nll hllf 3 TPTTlpflT for 006 ClaSS of diseases, all of which pertain to the Womb. take tills remedy, and thus-iflleveierscrf without revealing hen ctinditlon to any e, and jhout subjecting herwomnl. iiodestji,t "e shock ol an examinauou uj a ijujfoitiau. ,m0 suffering women Is a mission before which royal favor sinks Into Insignificance. What earthly ben efaction can compare with one which piotects from "That dire d'iftase whosemthless power Withers beauty" s tx anslent flower ?" which gives ease for pain, Joy for siotow, smiles for tears, the rose of health for the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging weariness nlghWof soft repose for heavy hours of tossing restlessness, douuuiuk vi lae, ness, the sweet lines of full grown beauty for the sharp and withered form of emaciation, a long life of mental, physical, jjodal; adonf sttcenjoy- ments ior a -rew au uaja Vi TTLT-.J:r endine In an early grave ? Such Is the mission. SUCH HXt3 LUvJ 1 coiailo vi. : , MALE BEGULATOB. which is hence tru y and appropriately siyiea -womau a oob i" Whites" and all those irregularities of the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic befQre a single bottle of this wonderful compound. All wno suner irom blj ui wno uioov most eamesUy lnwlted to give this great remedy a trial. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Don't fail to try It. , Price-small size, 75 cents. Large size. $1.50. Manufactured by J B or sale Everywhere.. apr27 Sparkling CatawbaSprings CATAWB l COUNTY, TV; C. rpHE best Medicinal Mineral waters ana musi extensively fitted up place in the State, near Hickory and "Western North Carolina Bailroad.ls open for select guests. For further particulars address Dr. E. O. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. may 17 tf t nntr nnm FRESH GOODS t n rk vi MfllHtS, .T0pCH8t iT.Tf VtB1 i ! ( 1 ! -.-.i ; i! i ! J? 8f RING AND SUMMER vllrtfttrieto aWfiieloestjossIbie mVILSON Wholesale & Retail DRUGGISTS, Trade ----- - Street, Offer a Large Stock of All Goods in thetr line at Lowest Market thaylfl WU HAYS STOPPED SILLING AT COST, BUT OFFIB GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Tfcet the Public caDnot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of , - i- SPRING GOODS, f JUST RECEIVED. 1 EZO53Ev ' apr2 3D f NEAR ' MORGr ANTONi ' ' 4 ' : . . 5 THIS attractive snmmer resort wiii be bpened fWr the reception of visitors on the 1st day of June The beauty of the scenery and the curative proRertles of the water are well known. Coaches mee X The beauty of toe scenery ana we cumnve pro Heroes oi iuo imwc are won muwu. wocu J"D. trains on the Western North Carolina iiailroad at Morganton. Dally mall and express. Board per month ortirwi.R iaatm JOHN H.PKABSOW, Proprietor, maylU eoa im WHEELER & WILSONS NEW NO. 8. Lightest Bunnlng and Best Sewing Machine In the World. Try It before buying any otner. AGENTS WANTEO. pg- send for Terms and Price List Wheeler & WilNOn Itlannfaciur' C. RICHMOND VA. may 11 5.000 BEST 5 CENT TftiRSfor the Retail Trade Just received. R B JORDAN 4 CO. may!3 prtcefW uarantM satUtacUon to aU purchasers. .. , "BiUEWBLL, Prices. 01 TTO! fade Ofdaf ) FURNITURE, BEDDlNGr, &C. 4 nu LCEI - j Cheap Dedsterds. akv Locvata, Parlor & Chamber Cults. ,M.C lAUSON, Proprietor, Glenn Alpine Springs THE KING'S MOUNTAIN AIL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. Will open for the season of 1882, on the 1 5th day of May. They have enlarged their hotels to ac commodate 200 guests, and have added every amusement calculated to promote health and com fort. These wonderful waters cure Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation and all Derange ments of the Digestive Organs. All 8n Diseases, and Ulcers of every kino. Scrofula, Catarrh and 'all Kidney Affections yield to their healing virtues. Syphilitic patients who had visited Hot Springs of Arkansas without relief, found It here last season. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on Female Complaints, and many distressing cases were cured last season. The owners Intend to make this the most complete Health Resort in the United States. Besides a Table d'hote they will open s Restaurant, and visitors nay suit their tastes and their purses. Excursion tickets will be Issued from ail points to King's Mountain, the de pot for thee Springs. For further information, address DB. F. M. GABRETT, Manager, King's Mountain, N. C. apr27 8m TOD cm mi WHITE GLOVES, LINEN COLLABS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 10c. HOSIEBT FBOM 5c up, FANS FBOM 2V& up. &C AC, AC. AT THE VARIETY STOP, UNDER TRADERS' NAT. BAKKv 0. M. ETHEREDGE. may 19 a ,x-x-.;.n - BtTR&ESS . I

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