..sain ,r.i:-.y.m . 'fMmi u t : si :rv , a a a ttuua:., y iac . If. - t..' y . .... . s i ti?)b:. ,":i:oi. .a .w,ln 1 1 HI It vol. xxvjiu CHARLOTTE, N. C,,. TUESDAY MAY 23, 1882 ' a . .a luui ir n.Tl A t kaTiT -ifj, GTW --'- ; v ' '.ar.'T;- . ' 7 ' . 1 7., . V'., , KXn,Hpw 'J i-S' sic- i ... ., u ........ - 'I -! .; ill; 7;, J) lijosar; ! . ":' r 1 ! : . : : - -- 1 : VISITORS' ii tm jettv- 1 TTl 1 " . . : 1 ...... .. - - . . . . ate orOltfirlrtvtte If!) u k f ! I' I CALL AND THR HAND80MCST Retail Dry ollKfstaVlisliffiflf1 In the 8tate of North Carolina. ALEXANDER.- & ,BHS. PEG RAM & CO., HiVB A PRBT1 Y LINK . K " GENTS', and LADIES SUPPERS? PEG 11 AM & CO., Hi V Hava tba Best 8toc of Gents' Uand-SeWed Shoes k IN THE bTA.T& i WILL dlspUx during the 20ib of May Celebra tion the most elegant stock of KA.NCY Dtilf GOODS la the titai. Onil and sefl thea. fnvtffj ? f j AIyX . NDEH A HAhRia . YKQR A M & C Children JSboes,and Slippers.. , -WE: ALLspecUl attention iour stock -.of NKCiL.i yj we let. Tlx: lAcetJooara. "ichaXBiDroider ed CoHars. And evety V;irteti ( Luea and Percale n roiKs uoi; tatai ije8, j j ny are euttiui. Call and M ttWm.1 ALKXANDSKA HARRIS. pegram&j:, 1 KIIF A WILL SELECTED STOCK OK Trunks andValiees OF tLl PR1CE5JWD aZESr Alexander & Harris HAVEamagiJs oiv?HlT odQB Tlz: Linen Lawus. India Lnwns. Masallas, Nainsooks, India Mulls, itoft finished Jaootcts. Polka Dot Swim, Mucins U Waiw and cru e( f ects, with Lace and Xmbroldery to trim. PEGRAMri& CO., HAYK f&BT 6ipciTElA N STOCK O? Silkelt and Straw Hats Of the LateafltBesT """"'of the Latest 8tj li7 -WE- TT ATI i tremtndots rttfc XI and Cbltdren' Botlery, lehf we wish t re- duoe. Special pricjM wllMw made si tbeagoodB. PEGRAVI V CM CAN SUIT THEIR." f ? Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOTS and SHOTS THEY WISH. rpoxtSS elebfcUon wUne astonlsited whn they 1 hear our prices on Domestic Goods. We make a specialty of these eoods. ALEXANDER & HARRIS- o tkot AbIsI flrtilDsf jSnIds .Mne. iiurWlor with Mnrmfngr r match, wniW ioum in au grades ana price. PEGR4Vl,si.,Cp,u 'I (1 I 111 :inr P SMreiBJreDebrBlaekiBgj- Hie Only PlWf WII1?RE-VISITORS- maris 1 T . ) Ygm?iWrqr f-.p IHWBnCLLAS. frCrf lav. Our store will beelosed Satur.. t ; Mly 20lh, from 1 1 o'clock' m. unul 7; o -.q p.m BE8T BfftNlSmiATEST TO ,pMiJia;oHA asp i ml nmiiir ...in '.! miji V ii n m i" '"".tll etuffji! no ll t' 1 ' t;I 1 At AKt a itrtoH. Af ttr'irv ftnonfl. aV5(r'wlif " wiWH"1' play the handsomest stock ol. iifif,hl?e,W. Nun's Yelling, Tamtse Cloths. o"ouuiob, orocaaea mint, via., vw., m SEE j r;' t r ctnTTfriLifl n ff Jx w Pegraa nnvrrmis f 57 s. 1 1 ULI pjAVING Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able jtjfrow Hieaae all the NSW THING3 la thi way of Novelties of the season. We have replenished our BLACK gILK 8TOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades, Summer Silks and Foulards. Also a handiome stock Ql Sattwns lt-fcinc -ectlors. Nuns Veiling In all colors from 85c to $1 per yard. A new lot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of LAWNS To be round In the city. 2dull MiwUns In plnka, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulstes for I.a5- In Linen and Mohair. A new stoCk ol PARASOLS, The cheapest and. most handsome styles, "o r eLNeck Wear In new styles. A new lot of B iLgln all colors from 12c to SI per yard. Come and see and be convinced that we u . the goods and prices to suit yon. ' ' , " Yery Bespetcf ally, A N9er-FftiliHg Cur fcs-Burn , Scaldflr Bruises, Cats, Soresi etc. v After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe ! It acts immediately ! It never; fails I . ......... Editor of the St. Jofci (K. 5.) Nelrs, Bays : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc., it Is the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle, of, It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: . , We. have aetn its magic effects, and know It to be a' good article. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: .y r 4 After long yearS-of use, I am satisfied It lsoslflveljt effjelent as a healing-remedy for wounds, brrasesrand Bprams: " WW. Sharper, Vajdosta, Ga. , says : 'It Is a pahacea for all Drulses and bums. . gtrVeme immediate relief." "t . .. . j . JB" in iorcy years7 use it, never jias iaiifiOjafLi a W. W. Lnm. Nicholville. N. Y.. sava relime pain andeorenesa,and tieala wounds J.Detsays: 1 Vfc-;Ag? f" iroicalds and burns tthas no eqnaLf abevnnted fomvedy. i Ispr fody yis it has been in constant use ; and those who have used it the longest ore its best friends. Its success is entirely because of its merit. Sinbe Pain GiHeiywaa firiijtft-oduced, fonbpdT jiexf medfcicn l&ve come and gone, while to-day tliis medicine is more extensively used and more highly valued than ever beffre, Every family should have ahottle recerivffff'uk. Much pain and heavy doctors biUs may often be saved by prompt BDDllcation of the Pain Killer. I'nlike tr.orl I -l mefycttieXlt Impqrfecfy tpje e ten in the hands wiM frove Its valdb. Y)ar dr4ga$st has it at 85c, 50o, and Sl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept ('tw sept Sc oct. Hot liESSIMk TO WOMANlftNl. A te- r A (ami Believe all diseases of women pecn- Tr. ..Jl1ftr U) the appearance and cessation -j 4 ot uie menses, uveriue uisuiruiiuces hnmMlt. of fnrmnnna. with lniiiYir- Clarke's rncea, dismenorrnsea, ana nystena, also in melaDCbolia ans other, men tal' rfeAngemefet "'Afrbwffcf rfmCt relief .to those KllstwslnB bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price 34)er box. Sent free by Sail on receipt of price, lm Clarke Medlcloe Company, JfewjfQrk,.glty.J, teal I TOK Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. llrJITl ertJaeT ;sSg, wbether primary, rci. senddrywirtfccT. are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. SypnIIIUcn Price $2 SDpta toxZFlse-bxes $10. mm m laentpy man,- prepaia, jm reaeipi ui prtce. .; Aaeress vt uarKe maaicine Companyewi York Clty. qiy ALtIA B IjE . BJEitl i C ,? -For weakness or me juaneys ana - -n 4-to- r -days-f -eH-4ary affec- - tlon5,-BmaTtlnK, frequent or tnmcu a . . urination, mucuus dlscharees and M?f. , sediments lnhe urtnafrom whaU I 1 9n ;iifx. Threef boxes for tS5. Li. , A j Mallldftee on reeelBt of prlcajAd-J -nfrrBRS ur. uiitrae mi Kew York aty. Aiiw ifr (Ulead. For all cases of Snermatorrhcea' and impotency, as the result of self- abuse In youth, st-xual excesses in maturer- years, or uiuec causes, mm nroduclna some of the following effects: Nervousness, 3fMm SVr Ions OnjlDu; emisaonfT pyiejtnw, Dlmhess or algntT TJefr-cnve mem ory, Phlslcal decy. Pimples on Face, Aversion toaoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Los ofSexuU Power, s, renaenng marriage un propett)! -unkappf-, Are nposttfT6; lAtnrfiM nrAeka. ' One to klx boxes asualiy shfncientr,rl(!e5l 50 per box. jrour ooxes an. oem oy tnalL prepaid, on receipt of price. Address ffiAClarki Medicine Com- v PHI. anyyl Nev roric vatyv feblfldAw 13w .. A -A. V 8 ns wiT.fftt npHiia'U Y.T Yi 3 OTTa 1)JVriorId.XryJK DBwn,yv,ff,zrZ"-ii EA , t . a AGENTS "WAtlTEn. " W'grin fof TerWanS Frtto Ilsfc iCS Wheeler & CTiln Ulannfactnr'g C. nX ' isn't Vkiiler arae'i Antl- " ' ' ' yi D " ft IUSW JUkr . . t IB . J 3 Biff f i 1- V . j ) - RICHMOND, YA. mayll Why the Jews are so Slowly Converted '-to Christianity. To the Editor of the Observer. I think one great reason why the J6ws, as a nation, have never embraced Christians themselYfs,.iave never been true to the teachings' of their divine Redeemed 'Tile Jew-is a5 close observer Tiismehtal calibre1 is strpng.and when ;hVj&eiara. the wisestjliws of hls JVIosaip toreed denounced by . Christians as "use-Ttess,"-'baTt)arous''--,'abrogated"; he loses hi'S jesjct f or ttiemv The practi cal experience -of centuries of obedi ence1 to these laws proves to .him, be yond all question,' that they are of di vine origin. . I do not think anyone wbo thinks calmly and intelligently on "the subject, will deny that the average Jew is. a .more highly , civilized man than the average Christian. He is more intolligcnfr4re ia-better dressed, he lives with more comfort, elegance and refine menthe claims to be more moral. While admitting these facts (all but the last), I claim that the 'best; class of Christians are far superior to the best class of Jews. When I use the term Christian, I mean, in this case, the" citizens of a Christian country, and to give an idea f the condition of an'"average Chris ian, I will point to the citizens of Scot ind, one of -the most -highly christian zed countries! in the world. I quote rom one of Dr. Arthur Mitchell's able ctures, "Taking Scotland as a whole, .uch more that two-thirds (viz. 09 54 er cent ) live in houses of one or two oms, while 82.11 per cent, live in uses of three rooms and under. If e pick out thiejpopulation of Lanark ire the 9 or 10 per cent, who live in uses of more; than three rooms, we ill leave in the county little' short of j -0,000 people. The density of the pop I kttiort indeed,' would scarcely be af- I cted? . .. .,. , ., Just thirilc of' 'this, statement for a ment. Remove every civilized man t of the population "of the county of. anarkshire, Scotland, and the density theipopulattoa would scarcaly be at cted by it! Civilization requires that .human, habitation , should consist of tore than one or two rooms. Do we ever find a Jewish family of en the poorest- clsss1. 'Irf the United irtefeGUvftfefirl "a house "dT but one or : vo-rooms? - They are not in the habit j cooking in their, bed rooms, or sleep- ig in their sitting rooms. The supe rior intelligence of the average Jew is ianother admitted' fact.' Even: the low jest Jew of the lowest class! can read4 write and "cypher."- Governor Vance, an his" lecture oil the Scattered Natiob J fweira amusingly n inerr aoiniy in me yphering line. This state .of intelli- ence and civilization has Reen mam- ained under difficulties whfch would, in all probability have annihilatecf any other people. What tlieuJs the secret )f thj.s evident superiority, to the ave rage of all other existing peoples V , Jt sttiinply and solely the result of their obedience to the laws of the divinely nspired Moses. "Their obedience is very defective, it : s true, yet, even such as it is, it gives hem great temporal advantages over brother races. To explain the subject fully and give these advantages, in de tail, wonld require volumes. ; I think many students of the Bible are beginning to recognize their mis take in supposing that the Mirsaic code was abrogated by the introduction of Christianity. I quotelhe following re marksfrom a high authority.- "Neither Christ nor' the - Apostles1 ever distin guish between; the moral, the ceremo-hwl-Jiof the civil law. when they speak; tf" Its establishment, or its abolition. They een- clearly lpdtcate thatithe moral law is by no means excepted when they speak of the abolition of the law in general. Thus, for instance, St. fJaul, after having stated that the law s. not incumbent upon the righteous, i uHiils us against misunderstanding Mm, as if this referred to the ceremo i il law alone. -The transgressors, he paentions. are not t hose of the ceremo .va but of the rnnrat inw ; 'the law Is l;.t made for a.j-igh'eous. tuan. but for e lawless Hii'i clo'bedi for the and proiane, for th - 'Girders of nthers an nrjilraejeH" of ..roil. era, for iaan-slaj eis. for icfentealcr;, for liars lor perjured persons, and ;r there any other thing that is contrary to nind doctrine.' If it had been the in tention ofithe ApY$tJe to incdlitethat he (JUristtan oeieYers; were exempt fiom;thft d'servifi(iojo th ceremonial law, 1 the i exarruues 7 taken from' to transgressors of the moral law would pot,have illustrated, but have obscured jthe' Siibject;' 4 Whoevef mentions' mdr tierers. men-stealers, liars and perjurers, undou-btedlyi refers, to ftii moral ratliep it is absura to implore a man wnose heart is filled with benevolence to all men not I'd 'com!hiita tnurder. Or)to beg a in Ah wrwys honest in every fibre pf his moral nature not to commit a theft. Therefore fhe'moral law is abro gated as far as good men are concerned,, The'law is 'written in neir rrearts so Strongly that they need no written law or their guidance. As regards the civil law, the same 'w$tei Remarks: "It fs evident that the Mosaical legislation, S A! A 1 1 A ,-v i tA 4- n IT TFIllV I) ISKl VKM. W lUUlC ll LI f.UL,LA pj4nkoje JuniveTSal' happiness a.rrd)iaj liouai prosperity iun rviiji uiuci uuuon- tutionu.eithe.r ancient or moaern. No mote disastrous evircan threaten a ji ation, . than that of the union of bhurch and State, with the civil, judi- bial and picjiticalfla'wsi of. the, Bible left put.,; But! rife greater blessihg cohld.be seeured to any nation than a union of frfcNirch and State with these same laws left' iiLi -Trial by jury and local and haticmal'self JgoYerti merit art Jhe f oun- pation stones or jewisn junspruuence and noimcai .ireeaom; "ine"cammon lawsof Eneland. . which has never beeiv written, and which is the bulwarkof her civil salvation, is simply jury-made law. In .tbeearly TiTstory y of.Eogland evavthinsrsvrfisAaged fry rifrfesjilt wascanied. according, to LordBacpp, itOto the Mosaic' system., TheirconEtsl. f 'titbingsv hundreds- and thousands ?ert similar to the Hebrew courts of tihlng8whundr,eds and thousands In ?he coortiv Hi thel feouimaniwfcalth of Israel ten rpleifs, of ten and two rulers Of fifty rriade'a permanent local jury of twelve men, presided over by the ruler of hundreds. The next highest court was composed of tten rulers of- hundred presided over by the ruler of thousand. These courts were subordinate one to another; so that from the decision of the tithing there lay an appeal to that nf the hundred, and from that of the Sundredto that! of tho'thousandyand so n up. " t " " , " ' y - 'In Engiana tne qourc pr-nunuretf was held, ouce atrjabnth (they called it h. gemote), and an extra meeting was Held Jwiqe A yeaccalled haUsgemote, or court buro4)The ahtte-gemot6.(feoaiE-ty jqoiut) met twicer a yer(t Ihe.burg geraate met'three itimes a year. The rioldpftman or earl) decided onlylwltti trrtrassOTtrfTttarr the kih was depeTident upon tnais ot tftwitanagepf r .flMHUwi monwealtb. ) h Thft liehrew .BanatorY ;laWa'are iter f ecti. o-iearrun treF):moaern.ire8' hasraade.thesfigbtest'iW tlierffZFbr th! i si rblB teasorilhaLkhafc is alieadysiperfecticanBorfiirnprove Ohiy frr one tnl.rfelatrtW Thelx .prof essLenalftlassesi were heieli- avs wtf JawexpQusej. 713 , niB"reaca' ma j MnaTMWJrw wWWafl for Jitrnself; rhetfefcerhe travels, instead of having the privilege of using the king's high' wav. The Jews are a well educated race biislnesa uiirhey .were aid jouiofhe f 'L1COO U A TJ VAP UUI iiMiw"giwM . probably none living are equal ta the an, .ortan "average. In order to make them! -Christiana, we must meet them half aytrring back the abrogated Mosaic, laws, in order thatiJieir prejudices mayj be'removed. , Whefi the - Hebrew statej and Christian Churj.tejcsome united universal prosperity and happiness may oeexpecieo - n. m. l. 'i Charlotte, May 22,-1882." IjETTER from a south LINIAN. CARO- Mecklenburg's Glorious . Centennial' Rev. Dr. Miller's Brilliant Sermon on the Jews. To the Editor of The Observer, ; Ohaklotte, May 22, 1882. Having, business in your city, I timed my visit; so as to be present at the great and pa triotic outpouring of the spirit of our fathers on the 20th inst. Never, since i the good Old days when we, in South Carolina, used to celebrate the glorious 4th of July,- have my feelings as a' citi zen and a native of this grand Republic, ! been so aeeply moved as tney were on , Mecklenburg day. But on Sunday another clas3 of emo- i tions were brought into action, when I ! listened for several hours, in the morn- j ing and evening services at the First j Presbyterian church, to the splendid sermon of its gifted pastor. The spirit of Isiah, of Jeremiah, and'of the great est moral teacher of all times, Jesus of Nazareth, pervaded the sublime preach ing of that born evangelist, the Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller. Would to. God that he could travel over this widja and sadly irreligious land, and convertlts inhabi tants to veal Christianity. The fruits of his grat learning and manifestly honest zeal, might, in such a field, be worthy ol his noble labors. . But the effort to convert my people, the descendants of Moses and David, Joseph and Ezra, the inheritors of the Abrahamic covenant; the 1 historic guardians of the oracles of jod; the j only living testimonies to the truth of ine revelation on mount binai, is a hopeless task. ' ; Were there, in this rapidlygrowing community,, a Jewish synagogue (us there ought to be) and a Jewish preach er, to carry out the command given by God to Aaron to instruct the people of , Israel, and-i to make known the sacred requirements of the lawwe would have !a suitable"1 rostrum, wierefrom good and sufficiqn, reasons could be given to sustain my position. : In the absence of such a pulpit and of : such a man, the humble Israelite iWho writes these lines; a mere lay- maa; a tyro in Jewish theology; would be pleased to offer his feeble pen and voice-to set forth the faith which is in him. He would undertake to demon stratethe impossibility" of success," In" any and every attempt to make' sfricere Christians out or intelligent and honest Jews. He would endeavor to establish the complete and perfect sufficiency of jthe Jewish dispensation for all the high andftofyparposesot religion. He would show that the "la -y is a lamp," morebrjlliant tliaji the sun-like electric beacon light, to guide the sons of Jacob, through all thefr earthly pil grimages, to that heavenly Canaan pre pared ; by our merciful and loving Father in Heavenl( not for Jews only, but in the langunge of our wise men, "for the good of all nations." . Let Dr. Miller select the time and place, and the undersigned will meet !him, in fraternal Jove. Dr. Millershall have' Uife ofceninerbf the ?ase. ancfahfe Jreply-of the Israelite Shall close the idiscussion. The learned and worthy Christian would be a Goliah in intel lectual strength; and the unknown Jew would approach the contest like tire lad David. But feeling that God and truth are on his side, be would meet the giant without apprehension. .. l-- ' 1 Ben Abraham - NEWS NOTS. The repression bill was discussed yes terday in the British House of Com mons. The "pinkeye" has been very destruc tive in Canada to foals this spring. On the Islands of Montreal alone over 500 young colts and fillies have died.. : President Arthur has been sued at Akron," Ohio, as one of the defendants in the suit of J. W. Lush & Co. agaiust the Siemens;Anderson steel company, of Pittsburg, Pa. The bill to create a railroad commis' sion failed to receive a constitutional. majority in the New York Senate last uignt. A resolution was adopted that there shall be no. adjournment, of. -the Legislature until a railroad commission . bill is passed. ' There is some curiosity expressed arto-the causes ofrtng-treiay bythe Sen ate special committee to. investigate the whisky ring in proceeding to work.-For a week past pointed statements have daily appeared alleging the existence of a gigantic lobby to force through the whiskey extension bill, and names and amounts paid have 'been freely men tioned. Why Senator Windom does not call Ms coruraictee together and begin the investigation no on .jbut him self know. -While' services were 'being;held at:the-l cnurcn or tne annunciation itb ixbw York yesterday a youug man entered the vestibule, drew a pistol and shot and killed himself. He was Adri en Charles Renaudin, a native of France, .and. had been in th; French navalfcervioe.tfrom whichewas dis charged. i In Philadelphia yesterday Mrs. Mary Mullen attempted to light a fire with coal oiL. - She and.her infant, were fatal ly and her mother badly burned. t The State oMcera 6f7tae Ancient Or der of Hibernians met in Richmond, Ya, and adonted,resolutions condemn ing the asassinatiopjof Lord Cavendish and Undersecretary Burke, and also condemning t,ne.urmsn consul at inu-: adelphia for his. alleged publicly ex pressed opinion j attributing the vile deed id members of the"- otder. ' c 1 A DISDRUblfbUVAai cf thrVresent generation.'. It la for th Cora of t I 1 II m f this disease and its attendants. utr.Tf.HAiJACHE. BIXI0TJSIIES8, DYS PEPSIA. COHS'mATlUy.TTXES, etothat lnrTT'8 IpTLLg nayp eUned world-wide reputation, .no-itemody baa ever been disoovered that acta so gentiy on.tne d uMviiflrMBi. civinsf them vieor to Tnilftte;fooL-As natural resnlt, the Kervous System u Braced. tho Musolei are developed, and th Body Bobusl B. BTTAlh a rtaater atnayou bots, ia., aaye t v. DlestMoii la tn a maiansA aimvno. ror evartU years I eonld not make half acrop on naari dlncotrrs-ed rba I be ran the urn of TUTJ'8 ' PHJjBTt Tft 'rwalt mm nMu-rwlcmji : mT laborer aooa became hearty androfioat aad I have bado rorttiei waaie Try this Miae y (alHyudyMj f;ata a healthy ie- vioavijawaos Rhwyl. atranar kervea. ai a Uonmd Uyer. frteea5Cea4A.c3aatAlurfafc a. 1 Gbat Hatb or WmrBTEa ma Gk8T Black by a single appuc&uwa ,i-ux. Unpsrts nsttiral color'and acts lnsUntaneonsly, Bold by Drpggiata, or seat oy express en Offioe. 85 Murray Street, New Vorfc ruAmiifas Md t7aeu( JBsee4ato .f(M NUe4 fia 91 QVpliCttt (v 1 DUG Sew atyjertistmetxtfl. r if rom the Home Journal. A Remarkable DUcovery. A KEAL SKIN CURE. THKBS 13 ONLY OHK AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAKR. Beware of Impostors, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. HO FOKPOUS NAME. This curative needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain It, bat Its simple English name appeals directly to toe common-sense of the people. And the people- are ; signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKtN CUKE In preference to all other professed remedies. Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin, since he has been persuaded to put his New Hemedy and Favorite Prescription as a 'Skin Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin eures. fa?Beware of imitations, or the various articles which have been advertised for years or t-truggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep bead above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None Is genuloe and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In one package. Price $L00. get at your arugglsta. Relief for all Overworked Brains. r . CAUSE AND CDBX. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nerous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose -overtasked nervous cente s need repair and sedation. Nervous . tremor, weaknesM, and paralysis are being daly cured by these pills rney correct costlveness. but are not purgative. f nee. 50 cents or six boxes for S2 50. nostaee free, to any address For sale by all drugidsts. uepot. uaramore, ma , wnere me uoctor can De addressed. - Letters of Inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton. ew York.- is wholesale aeent ior ut u. w. .Benson's remeaies. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM, OF LYNH, MASS., a (0 (9 c (8 E O S . . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUITD. Is a Positive Core for all thoie Painful Complaint mad WealnieaMS 0 eoaunon to our ke.t reaMla aopalatlea. It -will core entirely the -wont form of Female Com plaints, all orarlan tronblea, Inflammation and Uleera tlon, FalUngr and Diiplaceinentrf, andthe conseqnent SmarweaknesB, and w particularly adapted to tne Change of Life. It will dlssorre and expel tumors from the utenu Id an early stage of development. The tendency to oan- cerons humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes f alntness, flatulency, destroys all craring' for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous .Prostration General ueumij, cieepieesnesu, mpnwn uu iwp gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under aU circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Can plaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. L.YPIA K. I'fXKUAX'S VEGETABLE COM FOUND is prepared at 233 and t3S Western Avenue, Lynn,Uaas. Price Si. Six bottles or $5- Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of loseagea, on receipt of prion, 81 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pampa. let. Address as above. Mtntion (Ms Ptipsr. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAlTS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness. and torpidity of the liver. 88 cents per box. Sold by all, Druggists. "5 HOW TO TELL GEXUIJlE SmiTIOTYS LIVER HI-.U- L4 IOK, OK MEDICINK. Xook for clfcan neat WHTli WKAPPSB wlih the red symbolic letter stamped upon It hi the fotm of a ribbon gracefully curved lnio the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade. Spatula. ijnortar and Graduate wi h the words A u. fem OMONS" L1VEB BKGOEATOB or MKDICINK there ;on, also observe the s.lgnature.of ,J, H. ZKILIN & aj., m ieu iuk un ine blue. TARE .NO OTHER. Beware of those who know nothlns of Medical compounds who put out nostrums knpwa to sour, andjbelng analyzed prove 7ortmefaaftd('nlymade to fleece the public and-to pirate on the well earn ed reputation of ZelUn S Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a few penneys every way they can. See Who Endorses tne Genuine. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Rt. Bev. Jno. W. Beckwlth, Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, U. S. fcenator.l Bt Bev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shoiter, J. Edgar Thompson. Hon. B. H. Hill, Hon. J. C Breckinridge, . Pret David Willis. D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wonder. Assistant P. M. Phlla.. Pa.. and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of eommendatton and recommendation It is eminently a Family Medeclne: and by be ing kept ready for Immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. - k Simmons' Liver Regulator, MAN Of ACfTKKD ONLY BY J . it. EI1,1N A TO, N PHILADELPHIA Sold by aU Bespatable Druggists. feb24 F. C. MUNZLEB At, I1NT FOR . tOf PhlladelDbia, Pa . iiltbralM lger Brer, to , , In Kegs and Bottles. ROTTT.EJI BEER PEIJIALTY. car-Have 1nst received aimafllot of BOTTLED '- tlr ALE and PuKTB-.which Loffer to the public at mor3a ; ... .I'fPu.i thus - - 1 - F U'.;t f ?fTit' iitib-sti ff-'wr i as tit TvvrrfEii'v:?.' witiM -'jfl-i fti i b:ihf!P?4 l&aated 100 yards from Fort, Hraroe' Open ail theyearf HMuaL.WjATiy.netal4r.theU.8. Bvrtt yoHsdioga ansorpassei-appointinents- tahie-SJW; iervice uDexceJiad. HBaUUBg.boatfBg. fishing tadj iort lorSooihern iwpr.-lTermstte3S lor Maal accommooanons man any reson in uie country. Climate free from Malaria: and tor Insomnia truly wonderful In Its soporific effect, tend fox circular uescriDing nygiemo Havauuiges. eiu. mayI8&m HANSOM PHOEBUS, PrOTT, 1 H.MI FEW DEIffi PB i , THAT WK WILL CL03X OUT AT COST, . " i ' ;Ai! shid wvivA :; A. large stock of Fancy Dress Goods, at very low prices. We have everything In the Dress Trimming line, embiaciDg Silk, Satins, Surah, Moires and Brocade Satins in all colors, in Black Dress GoOUs we have a lnrg' stosfc of-bilks. Katins, Mervellleux, , Rhadanes, Brocade Beirmr Nuns Vei lrgs. Cash meres, Gros D Z xllars, HeurUtttas, Ac Some new and handsome patterns in Beaded .Fringes. LWs, and Passamontrles. a large stock of Laces of every description. Jost recetred the handsomest fide of Parasols, Ladles' Neck Wear and Fans ever shown in this market. A large stock; of Dress ilnghAmi at 1 2tc sash Bfbbons a'l colors. Ladles' Ulsters, Cretonnes and Fringes. ' Our stock of White Goods is large and cheap. A line of Gents' Nobby btraw Hats and low quartered Shoes. ' A large stock of READY-MADE At Greatly reduced prices. Pearl ShlrtB, Kvitts' Shoes, Trunks, Vallsoa, Hat Caas, Boots Shoe, fti Examine our stock and we will convince you that we keep everything stylish bw at- prices na sulttb . times. Smith Building. Tru'y, M . mt r-s ifi may9 -THE- FOR1 TBL35S - CO. il' feyfflK I'll j F LyM i h Tix'i kkh n 3TJ ' jj- ' 11 v;-;,,j i.,- rat,:- U -)t .ui '.': -i tr, m.ic; Ql; H'lM-tiERHSiS & m KRANICH & i ! MAT ARION, SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN CrEM OrgaDS within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SHOMNGER BELL CHIME, PEL0UBET & CO. and STEELING. Never Before Such Low Prices i Easy Terms fSi. x''ZpL n4 . . Bui to H. McSIVII N 0 CO ! ill -liiitl l 'Jut CD. 5,..:- ...... , f one medium and one lares. Ad 1 ' 1 1 nlv to or address - " Z CHai B. a0NS3, IWl OUSTUU anrl8t - i - - - 'X -i- r "ssr-i-i.. .ski"?'' i.'sj,if "V. .' tf?V wHBWIBawsBBps i '22'.': sCoi I ri : k ?-:! .. i.'l ; a g p . o . 2Zj; 1 s - - ! si u i- :. . 3 - S m S PO 1 : 53 n-:(jQi-iW ; Ivirire 1 oof afet, ft'.l it t a ina oesi 01 maaes. uus buuui., IT i Jo vtt 'ulV jiio-w ('i mtis l-SK : .1 1, x Oil -M.'lM I'li l J.UM CLOTHING ' it-! : ;ti- jii ;n i - a - "T"5rrn."iu . ii tiXUI ii Hi., Jta--.. ' -rrf lJfio- tKbiot) tmfil. I 1 ' .f :iu i til .j.i ,ujt sii it u 1 li Ifjc- H USHEK, t3? LOOS HOW THtfoLVj4afVBMvfii'iij i - .-... '. . .. i , scratches his bead while reading' Mrs Mr. Kake TKtui iej,,uin irown, flP-Y y TiuiIXJe I ' Is., Make yoar soiecan;ihen go frtiyitAOdrlta: , rhe for few more' dots, sootf sj pnaetytaftttfi ! i Address, oncair on' i: - ,!i.nJxdeI iil ai la h.'i 'lb ljihrtrl Ann . ii i H, Charlotte) sN. 10 10 TJlOl )l il- bflfi , an 'YL :f!il; 1 ! w nil ItiVsAtt'i'i afjji.O'f-J u..: 11 raj-.a Qui .Ml rr..nj,.iiA .V tHj:r niuui m jti;. LP -if.oVa rii li if" it ).'. I ill I htR'ii J-xfc juQifeife iyhf J ft: . tmita-'tawntx-'i't .: . 1O1 AiiJ Ail A :jit ; ,v .':-rTt-io1 1 i1 HV fsuj'ji' 8ftfi;i.'ir.tif. 1.1 n --Qlyili. fii Kimib ol ale! 1.1: fi; ai eiiGb3i;1i.v 'iUO031; ireKil fbfm ulisO eAlttfl tsid 1,-. .: i.agiaafufOBtut IF aTTT . ... i. 1 r-, i.1 tij ui l i;:: 'U-;i 1 .pmrKMXMI v. i't i 't r '-niA 1 . 1 J " rr ml n ' . L 7- lb VM itir .Eg u ry i I lorsons Ind'. 1 1 j L. V. I erdae eU vieae cl I VAN LAKEKGTaII. B3d 8Ct"al: majll y:3 sua tea. , Trustee. ,ans1tT! H ! : liih' nt in :-'! y- mi. 1 1 :j a. i. .j-.iifilo'J l-'fu; .ih miiJ mil in 1 1 iTjJjjssawJsi 53 .'. fvy. .yftriss) and.n si . ifnj It ;;-fl vsaa'i Mss4 - Tl 4ja.i( avwm.,.syjsiii,i 1 Vf it if i- I. i ml It Si! 4K 1 9-t m l MM ir I 1 I ..L I I): ir li F II! 1".; .-'. .