1 v t 11 2 i IT t s- '1 s - I A K JLi O TT IS OBSERVER: , TrUMDAY, MAY 2 3, 1 8 82 .. l A li.Y: ClLi 'I Stent THI BOOK FOBYTHE TIME3! that Ma. "fBtfWOMINIOF MOK Theuory rneuoir Aexini BIV6S kOJ.PHABD.1 1 1 EVE STUDYING win Mt ior eucuuww f BUBS JL.1 beverage. Ask nipsnvin ROOT BEER, 25c. oi a ne-: fade BhnlMnnM. a Dark line temperance beverage. Ask tout antra, or Mm oy nail for 26c. Best HeaUim al Strwnarta "Will J Women aaddlseasea-of itoa 8ti)ma 3h. BoweMt 1,1 re r ana juaneys, lsimrkWdSJereili! Bitter. lngnyEM andc-hei Toole, i it : riOTtiftJfitoxlttttea, enuanorsTsiz 6- - i 3 Agent Wsualod tor ulllmn'ii IRELAND OF TOW. (Introduction rQDnnor, M. P.) Centuriasia oppressi Usee mi .ritMrJlAtnrfant and the teot)ie"! it it hna thA lund ni connscaiea aau the Industries destroyed, It explains i he Land League, the Land Act and the Coercion -Bias-Contains 82 engravings and map In colors. Price only S2 per. copy, bales Immense Bend nUy cfnj tor full ontmjmobegjwork at once. For furtK WcCTjBiY . Chicago, 111. T PACE & CO. ltasranMBtaurei jor Patent Portable Cirouluz. SAWinus. T AIM K5TST-4 -uu I cu. 0 W.fCHSQZDZ5ST If OA nCB WKEX can be made In any locality. J0 U BonetblnK entirely new for agents $5 out nTfne. Q. W; inOftAHAM CClBoston, Mass. marlA-dftw4 A frpOD TEAM -OF- AND ONE TW6-H0RSE IWE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Stylf3S Including all the latest novelties In the MILLINERY LINK. HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLUMES, In an the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and analitles of LACES. embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery 1 u lores, rarasois, ac. m i.ikhuh v fl and M08t 1 -. COMFLITB STOCK IN THE CITY WILL OPEN Oor Palrnlai Bonnets' When we win be pleased to show the Ladles the QBADMTi-DIflPLA OS aTLKK MILUNXRY they have enunui nvxhli ctty BospeetfaUir, Mrs. 4. -Qaety. mar23 5ITT0 5T(r-TUl I )( WITH PATTER MB , a ! f ! 1H Vit :- r.f I - Jr'.,." ti-i Vi JUST IBEC11YSD. Ij-nbttohn mt7l2 SparklingCdth7fii it infl i. jmtsI tf?V and 1 rpexttoulartaddreta -:-.'-;'i:- -: ftaill tt Proprietor. -aw urn un mem a - i W iVH. ML BY ONE vlualarlUfOIJSBWI B3JUeU. btThos. f tr-r 1 i Grist and Floor HIUs, Water Wheels, Wood Working MA&anref ;4obiiieryf SMnale Mfllaj Clrcnlar Bawa, IUIjES f f j . , OF- romior'jM Torfurthc DE. J.JBEADPIBLD'S , , r , It la well known to physicians, and alas! too well known SjhSBflering woment themselves that theyi an ubieetioumerous diseases peculiar to their sex, such as suppression ot the Menses, painful and scanty Menstruation, Congestion, Ulceration ml Iftmlltnir nfttiA WamharaitnndMtrntttrmn end- whST 4ttrsltS&wholB aife,7and which toaaetajJwalQffled,iialmQ incurable. aflast the remedy has been found In DR. J. BBADFIELD'3 FEMALE REGULATOR. Kwdbnr 'cure-all" but a remedy for one class 01 diseases, au or wmcn peruuu to me wujuj. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can f -Jta thlMarntidr ajidahua-relleve-heraelf without refeal lngper condltioti id Any oae, arid without suTectlDg her womanly nodesty to thr shock of fmexaqUoatlmby ft physician. ? u to bit hsaltji anaj happiness U the homes of sifnering women Is a mission before which royal favor sink into Inslgninaance. What earthly ben efaction Can compare with one which ptotects from "That dire d'sease whose ruthless power Withers beauty's ti anslent flower?" which gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow, .smiles .ffttears,meseot ?aith.fopaUool dls- JjHBtehtejtWoseiJPI hemh9Brf tossing I restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dull ness, the sweet lines ot iuu grown Deamy ior ine sharp and withered form of emaciation, a long lire or meoiai, pnysicai, social aua uuuiesuucujuj ments for a "few sad days" of pain and gloom. endta in an earty-gravd? Such- Is the-Brlsslon,,, s noil are tne res una or jjr. i. nAUJ!iiiUo r n MAUL KKGULA1 ORi which. Ja hence truly and appropriately styled " Roman's Best Friend." "Whites" and all those Irregularities of the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic before a single bottle or tnis wonaenui compouna. All who suffer from any Of these diseases are most earnestly Inwited to give this great remedy a trial. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Don't fall to try It Prieesmail elzj, 75 eents.r Large- size, $t'i60. Mannfactuwdby i . J ?BBADFIELD,? Auania. ttfi- For sale Everywhere. apr27 Amone the medicinal means of arresting disease, TlnatAtrr'a ftt nmii.h Rif.mrs stands nre-emlnent. Itchck8heiorther.progreas or u msoraera or the stotnacrn liver and bowels, revives the vital stamina, prevents and remedies chills and fev.er, Increase the activity of the kidneys, counteracts a tendency to 'Theumatism, and Is a genuine stay And solace toaged, infirm and nervous persons. 90S. SALE BT ALL DBUGGI3TS AND DEALERS GKNEBALL. may2 Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the cause must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NEB'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURB Is es tabllshedon lust this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver. Ana It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty, the elements of which it a com posed c cureftiy upon inese great organs, xenq as a food sAdgBBTOBSB. and by tolacUtf tbintin ft health conjldon, drife disease ni paid from- the sys tem. For the Innumerable troubles caused by nn healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of lm posters imitations and concoctions said to be Just gooo J 'oi.iaoeies, aior wAKBLHttaAi! via bkjxjjvhk. irortftieDyaiv apr!5 -TO Corner College and Trade Streets . .v (L. W. PZRDffB'B OLD 8TANB0 1 ) io i. V. nd adding- to our already- largre stock i -OF. nvnvr FILOUR, MEAL, t$MQ'CK ,iE(E!E.m A FULL LINE OF 1IE EjfKfm JPERFEC'I A KING POWDERS YORK KiyER LINE, PASSENGER ROUTE. TO BALTIMORE and ALL POINTS NORTH I I I, iOali4xeebSunday. Note the reduced first-class rates to . .- --u. SBSfTf Mil m 8 70 reehaboro. 5n"R m m 7.'90 11.8O J4 li . IUUCIKU, 8.66 nm .1..,". ..fWotl l ittn listen 1. 1 1 .... Ai I fllrrivt tore, n.80 a? milmn(4if , , n.80 a? 11a m j&kX t aim i for LiUalelnhla and ior, la WW a- . r t ' - w wvAviH a7 r jror xanhAt ihiaihh. ... . .. .. . above named ColntiT-"1- ap? m9 vuviv Gen'l Past. Agent. TOJIACH TT I T 1 UinjlMTW If A Tii ATT A fl MV11W UClllUYCll fare $ fare fare "fare f Ifare I I STt)e Charlotte bierotr. DEMocRArcdteeizi.tioif; Flan of Organization of the Oemocratic Partfkorth' Carolina. Eooms Dem, CenI Ex. Com., Raleigh, May 20, 1882. This oommittee Hereby pab4idh the plan of organization of th Democratic party compiled Crom .the rules and amendments heretofore adopted by the State Democratic executive committee : TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. t 1. The unit of county organization shall -be the township. In each town ship there shall be an executive com mittee to consist of five active Demo crats, who shall be elected by the Dem ocratic voters of the several townships 'in meetings called by the county execu tive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all said committee meetings. , 2. The several township executive committees shall convene at the meet ings of the several county conventions, or at any time and place that a majori ty of them may eleet, and shall elect a county executive committee, to consist of not less than five members, one of whom shall be designated as chairman. woo shall preside at all ot said commit tee meetings. 3. In case there shall be a taiiure on the part of aoy township to elect its executive committee tor the period ot thirty days, the county executive com mittee shall appoint said committee from the Democratic voters of said township. - 4 The members of the township committees shall elect to any vacancy occurring in said committees. 5. The county executive committee shall call all necessary county conven tions by giving at least ten days notice by public advertisement in three public places in each townsnip, at tn3 court house door, and in any Democratic newspaper that may be published in said county requesting all Democrats or the couuty to meet in convention in their respective townships, on a com mon day therein stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before the meeting of the county convention, for the purpose of electiug their dele gates to the couuty conventions. That thereupon the conventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent the townships in the county conventions from the voters ot the respective town ships, which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall vote tne iuu Dem ocratic strength of their respective townships on all questions that may come before the said county conven tions. That in case no convention shall be held in any township in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the township executive committee shall appoint such delegates. 6. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention ODe vote for every twenty-five Democratic votes, and ono vote for' fractions of fifteen Democratic votes cast- by that" town ship at the last preceding gubernatorial election: Provided, That every town ship shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many delegates as it may see fit. 7. That in cases where townships consist or more tnan one ward or pre cinct, each of said wards shall be enti tied to send delegates to county conven tions, and shall cast its proportionate part.of its township's vote, based upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township. 8. That for the purpose of fully inau gurating this system, the present county executive committees snail continue in office until their successors are elected under this system, and shall exercise all the functions pertaining to said office under this system of organization. 9. The chairman of township com mittees shall preside at all township conventions; in their absence any other member of said committees may pre side. 10. In cases where all the township executive committees are required to meet for the purpose of electing county executive committeep, said meetings shall be deemed to have a quorum when a majority of such townships shall be represented in said meeting. county; and DISTRICT conventions 1. The several county conventions shall be entitled to elect to their Sena torial, Judicial and Congressional con ventions one delegate and one alter nate for every fifty Democratic votes. and one delegate tor tractions over twenty-five Democratic votes cast at the last gubernatorial election in their respective counties, and none but dele gates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said conventions provided, that every county shall have at least one vote in each of said con ventions, 2. The chairman, or in his absence, any member ot the county Senatorial, Judicial and Congressional committee shall call to order their respective con ventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chairman. 3. The executive committees of the Senatorial, Congressional and Judicial districts, respectively shall at the call of their respective chairmen, meet at some time and plate in their respective districts, designated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holding conventions in their respective districts; and the chairmen of said, respective commit tees shall immediately notify the chair men of the different county executive committees of said .appointment, and the said county executive committees stTall forthwith ...call conventions of their respective counties in conformi ty to said notice to send delegates to said respective district conventions. STATE CONVENTIONS. 1. The State convention shall be com posedof delegates appointed by te several county convefitious. Eacli county shall be entitled to eject one delegate and one alternate for everv one hundred and fifty 'Deoercftie votes, ano one delegate lor tractions over a r i-n. . iaeveuLy-nve ijemocratnri 'votesj sast therein at the last precectine2ierria cicuuu ; auu iioub out ueiegates joralternateajip elected shall be entitled Lo-eaistparu convention, provided thai every ftounty shall have at least one vote in said convention. geSeb-al rules.V ' 1. Such delegates (tfr iaiterfiatesJ ot. absent delegates) as may be present at any Democratic convention shall h allowed to cast the whole vote to which men wnuauip ui county may do enti tled. 2. In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote 'is cast, theJe shall be no change in such vote until the final result of the ballot shall be an nouncedlay the chairman of said con- commit- pdwer to fill anv va-" cancy occurring in their respective bo dies. - r ' 4. That the chairman of the different eoiraty-GOftveatioas shall -certify,, tha listrf delegates and alternates to-the different district , and State "eon von. tions. And a.certifiecTJJst of said dele-, gates and alternates to the State con ventions snail be sent to the secretary Of thfl StatA ftftnt.ra! Anmmitfaa t For the committee, ; J : UCT. UOKE, till I j. J. LiTCHTQRD, jSecretsry. Oct. Coke, Chairman. The BatoAloardf fira'ntidprWrtf,. ers held thieir annual meetinKe Fofk: this week. iPhe1 araouHt-'Of fire Bsk Within f.rtl.C rlinf.TV1flfrHn 1rt mma vuOTt-wnuiH8 ,1DC1 ln 1881 lt4trAreTOlHion fdttiat after iTuly ttbe -uaxlmucir W commi3loi to agents shall not t ceed l&.Derineiii!i:tt!r I Bxdfobd ALci'Ain) iBOlf Bpbihss Watkb ahd Aisa.T-iine rea itonie anaAKerattve eonUOaa twice as much iron and Sf ty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the ''spring weakness" now so &ti on'e Sf?1 T an,8t&allnK may 11 tf niiima i.ri UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LonMajia State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 yean by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a eapital of l, 000.00O-4O which reserve fund of Sft60,000 has tinee been added. , , By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1870. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawing wlU take place monthly. It never scales or postpone. Look at the follow ing distribution: GRAND PBOHE9IADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 145 U GRAND BONTBLT and the Extraordinary Semi-Annud Drawing At New Orleans, TUESDAY, JUNE 13 lb, 18&2, Under the personal supervision and management ot GKN. G. T. BEAURKUA-BO. of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $160,000. 5 NOTICE Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize of $100,000 $100,000 1 Grand Prize of RO.OOO 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000 2 Large Prizes of J 0,000 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 6.000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000 20,000 50 Prizes of 500 25,000 100 Prizes of 300 80,000 200 Prizes of 20O 40,000 600 Prizes of 100 60.000 10,000 Prizes of 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of 8200--.- 820,000 10.000 7,500 $522,500 100 Approximation Frizes oi too 100 Approximation Prizes of 75.... 11,279 Pi Ues, amount ogto Gen. . T. Beaureeard, of La. 1 ,. Gen. Jubal A. Early, ot Va. f n. Application for rates to clubs should onlv be maae to the office of the company In New Orleans, For information apply to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La bnlle Street, Chicago . Els.. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. - Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention nf the Public Is called to the iact that the entire number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all tbe prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn anu paia. may7 In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court 00 March 81 , rendered the followlna decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserv fund. Read the list of prizes for the MAY DRAWING. 1 Prtue $80,000 1 Prize 10.000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes. $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes. 500 each, 10.000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, $800 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.800 9 Prizes, 100 ' " " " 900 1.960 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, oU; 56 Tickets, 8100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICB ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, ean be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. apr80 Xiscjellaueons. I E E O1 WING to recent advances on ICE by ers North and the high prices of fuel are compelled to advance the prices of ICS this season dating from and after May 1st, following will be the rates delivered from wagon to consumers In any part of the city: 2Vfe pounds Dally Delivery 85c per week 6 " " " t$uc 8 " " " 90c 10 " " " $1.10 15 " " " ... . 1.60 20 2.10 To Restaurants, Ice Cream Dealers, Soda Foun tains, Ac liAc per pound. Special contracts lor large quantities. We are now manufacturing a superior quality of Ice from distilled water taken from bprlngs there by rendering this ICE the most oesirab e for domestic use. Customers who do not desire regu lar quan u lies aauy can procure ot tne driver or at the ertice cash ticket All persons are reanestc d to report any Irregularities In the reeepdon of their supply. We also have a large stock select Laths. Lum ber, Shingles, Ac, and Coal for lamliy, foundry and smith s use. Thankful for a very generous support in the past we solicit a continuance of the same in the rutore, promising our best efforts to please alL very respectiuiiy, ANTHONY & BRYCE, mayS lm P. 0. Box 153, Charlotte, N. C. Native Mineral Water!! UOCKBBljlOE (V) ALXJM WATBtt j . . ' . !-CUBiCS-- L speia, Iniigestien, Torpid Liver, Chronic DtarriHB and Dysentery, ekin Diseases, Scrofula. Chronic Pneumonia, etc It is a Dowerful Alterative Tonic and Is ANTI MALARIAL in its effects. Read certificates front eminent physicians In our pampb ets. NO tRTlFII!IAI.f3A!tm OR SALTS. BottlM in Its natutek state, jairect from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Rock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception or visitors from June 1st to uctoper 1st eacn yesfrf capacity, 1,000 gtlesU. 1 L For Bale, wholesale ami retail, by Dr J. H. Kc adjsn and Dr. T. c. smith, Charlotte, N. c , maraa ly CM (filBf : VTHIJE GLOVE3: 1 'T TWM mtT'lDo v 1 1,. mmut wtaA LINEN HANDKKRCHIKFS atlOc. ' HOSIERY FROM 60 up, FANS FROM 2C up. AC., AC, AC. - AT THE VARIETY STORE, UNDER T&ADEBS' BANK. I 'C M. ETHEREDGE. pwyfB ,1 x- -X T.lETuiCiiTAii Life unveiledi COSpijei. . 150 Cltutritloul UKht;WwitohlB sirwg A victim; Vou 100 and Lm-mnii honors ; Btart- ( alJuia AKir ? l-c ISH'O CO. DABTID -AttittltNlD COFFEE " mayu . - -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE SW1 miwib Buwnn 01 wan maa kw nie la MMrtea'a reaStO ' aaTMBretttieB:tohioa'foUie nod irivolltleai twklad tha r 4-r n !. ce'! ; ric" ' Pretty dmsrvera; ottr rtoh aad poor i ' 1 uHoraomoomiraon an vv p-tratrrmu rata MlnnnranT NEVER FAILS. mm1 The only known 8peclflc Remedy for Epileptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hlsterics, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive tbem away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys tbe germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison In the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys tbe cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrbosa or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uierus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there Is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be without it It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evus mat nave ever Derauen sunenng humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes It, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that he is on his road to luln. Like tbe Opium Eater, he first uses the drug in small auxntlties as a harmless antidote. Tbe soothing influence or tne a rug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading mm on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eatinz and Llauor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to allmentiveness, as over eating first in flames the stomacn, wmcn reaouDies us cravings until it paralyzes both tbe stomach and appetite. So everr drink of llauor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to Its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then itself. Like tbe Kluitonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" dui never enougn unui us own rapacity aevours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets tne nerves. builds up tbe nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma. Bronchitis, ucroruia, bypnnis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the Indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by tbe use of tbls invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covrring your sunr- li es as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to soctetv. and lewels In the crown of your Maker, if you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until It sans your vitals, and destroys notn noay ana soul. If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature delay, and Impart tone and energy to tne wnoie system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits, dumb, but It cured her. hear as well as anybody. She was also deaf and She can now talk and Pstkb Ross. Springwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NEB VINE Has been tbe means of curing my wife of rheuma tlsm. J. B. jtletcheb, Jfort uonins, coi. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. S. B. Ralls, Hattsviue, &an. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me ot vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. MBS. wx. usnsom, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Kiev. j. a. joint, tieaver, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. a. u. hobsom, New Albany, tna. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. M1BS JKNBLB WAKIUUI, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, JUL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our fnmilv nhvxldan. It having ever 100 m 24 hours jumbx JuntK, vexvuia, warren county, ado. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albbut Simpson, feona, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. i. w. thobbton cuuoom. mas. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic filsofastub- born cnaracter. Bxv. Wm. Maktin, Mechanics town, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, After having had 2,500 to eighteen months. ubs. jb. moss&. west rorisuoni, a. x. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured roe of epilepsy of ntne years' standing. MISS UKUKA mKWflAl.lH Gtanby, Newton county, Mb. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently eared me ot epilepsy of many years' duration. Jacob stjtbb, at. Joseph, mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. OLXTBB MTKBS, tTOntOn, UIUO. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many years' btanding. Isaac jbwkul, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE X Cored me of fita. Have been well for over four vears. CEABLXS E CdbtOL Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored a Men -of mine who baA dyspepsia rery badly. michasl irtONNXB, uidgwaj, n. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has oermanentlr cured me of enlleDtlc fits. David Tbbxblt, Des Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 Tears standing xibnbx class, jratrneia, nien. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head A. BKtSISi flWU xiwpv, rtk. SAIrlARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He haa.qot bad fit for atKUt four years ' oErDiTjB, ff 1 ; porjorn, jucouptn oounty. la. iimm Is ft sale by drpfglsts everywhere, or may be bad direct from us. Those who wish to Obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan' Nervine will please enclose a 8 cent postage stamp for a copy of our illuatrateo Journal of Health, gtrinc hundreds of testimonials- oi cure from per sons who have used the medicine, and also thett pictures photographed after their restoration to ! 1 1. 8. A. M0H101!1J 400H? Wobxd's Efujotio twfiiTiri'A,- - aprldAwiy St Joseph Ho xnmlUtf& (Sulfa, tm. rillair trcketfnlea Cer recited hy tne Railroad. Officials, and may be Helted on a Correct I Noith Carolina Railroad. OOHDEHBED SCHEDULES. nam earae xasx. Date. April 80th, 1882 No 61 Dally. No. 63 Daily. Leave Charlotte, ... Salisbury. ... High Point,.. Arrive Greensboro,0. . Leave Hreensboro... Arrive Hills bora,. . . Arrive Durham,. Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh,- ... Arrive Qoldsboro',.. 4O0am 5.58 am 7.20 am 8K)am 9.80 am 11.47 am 1226 am 1.40 pm 4.05 pm 6 80 pm 44UPU 6.24 p m 7.86 pm 8.05 p m No. 17-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . .5 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. . ..1.61 a m Arrive at Gold8boro...7.20 a m No. 81-Connects at Greensboro' with RAD. B. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan vllle. At Goldsboro with W. A W. R. R. for Wil mington. Ho. S3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina; dally at Greensboro with R. A D. R R. for ail points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WBST. Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 50 Dally. No. 62 Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. . Arrive Raleigh,.... Leave Raleigh Arrive Durham Arrive Hlilsboro, . . . Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro,. Arrive High Point,. Arrive Salisbury,. Arrive Charlotte,... 10.00 am 12.20 p m 8 55 pm 5 On pm 5 46 p m 8.05 pm .15pm 0.60 p m 11. 12pm 1.10 am 0 40am 10 10 am 1 1 2 1 H in 1.00pm No. 18-Daily except SundnT, Leave Goldsboro. . 2 50 pm Arrive at Ralefe h. 7.10pm Leave Raleigh 6 00 a m Arrive ureensboio. 8.15 p m No. F.O Connects at Churl. iMb with a r. kir. Line for aU points in the -onth and t-nuthamar and with C, C. ft A. R. R. for aU points t-outh and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Ciwiotte with a r. Atr. Line for all points South arid SonthwAaT; at r.har lotte with CL, C. ft A R. R. tor all points South and Southeast. N. W. N. C. B4ILROAD. 601KG WKST. NO. 50 -Dally. Leave Greensboro. 0,25 p m Arrive Kernersville. . . 10 41 pm Arrive Salem 1 1.2s n m NO. 62 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro ,.. 0 60 am Arrive Kernersville 1 i'oi a m Arrive Salem. 11. 5 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.15 am Arrive Kernersvi le 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am NO. 58 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 n m Arrive Kernersville . 8.40 p m arrive umeuauuru . g mj p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD, No 1, Daily GOING NORTH. ex Sunday, Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University... 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Daly GOING SOUTH. ex. Sunday. Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m PflMan MM Cars Without Owe On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52. Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. OT Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro1 .Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and au principal point soutn, boutnwest. west, North and .Bast, v it emigrant nates to .Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. maj2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. "On and after April 30th. 1882. the Dassen ger train service on the Atlanta A Charlotte Alr- XAne division 01 tnis road will be as follows: Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No. 52. Leave Charlotte. M. 1.00am 2.02 a m 4.81 am 5.59 a m 7.48 a m 9.18 am 10.0" am 10.37 a m 1 1.06 am 1.80 pm 12.50 D m Arrive Gafetonla, L Arrive Spartsnburg. K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F 1.47 p m 4 06 Pim .5.29 pm 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 pm 9.46 p m 10.15pm 12.40 am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula,E Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, Mall and Express. No. 61. EASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta 2.15 pm 4 51 pm 6.22 pm 5.69 p m 6.40 pm 8.06 pm 10.06 p m 4.00 am 6.19 am 6.50 a m 7.41 a m 8.17 am Arrive Gainesville Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. 9 26 a m l 1.03 pm Arrive Spartanburg, K. 11.40 pm 12.24 pm Arrive uastonia, jj . Arrive Chariotte, M ..... . 2.UB a m 8.Sam 2 50 pm - CONNECTIONS. A with arrlvtrrg trains of Georgia Central and A w. tr itairraao&; B with arriving trains of Georgia Central. A. A w. r. and w. 4 A. KaHroads. 1 - C with arrlvlnir trains of Georela RallmuA E with Northeastern Railroad of Geonrla to and from Athens, Go. ' . F with Elberton Alr-Llne to and from Elberton, Geonrla. G with Colnmbra' and Greenville to , and from Columbia ana Charleston, S. cT , H with Columbia and' Greeimlle to- ad from K with SDartanburs and Ashevtfiel and SDartin- borg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson ana Asneyiiie.ana A.istoranceiambUb - L wtth Chestat apd-Lejaolr Narrow Gagetoahd from Dal las, ana Chester. : . -' . t - M wttu G p. A A., C. C., B. at D. and a!, T. AO. for ail points West. North and task - iTiumaa sieeprng-ear ervwe on trams Nos. 50 and 51 dally, without change between AUanta and New York. A. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Aget.t T. M. R. Taloott, Qnei&l Managerj L Y. aAQE; Superintendent. C., C. & A. R. R, CO. UONDENSED SOHEDULES, In Effect 8nnday, April 30th, 1882. Train . , No62f4 Passeng'r. Paaseng'r. Leave Charlotte 1.35 p m 2.88 pm 4.85 pm 6.00 pm 6.07 pm 50P nm buck Arrive Cheste itffT.'.... osbore,.. . Arrive Wionsfc Arrive CcJunibJai... ril.. tif ave juoiumotsv Arrive Lexington,. ...... ,6.15am '7i)5am r8.Su a m 9.40 a m Arrive utage spring) Arrive Granltevllle, . . . . . 802 pm w.iir pm 10.15P m Arrive Augjsta, 102 Train . Wo. 18 Train Fa. 20. Freight, Freight Leave Charlotte 6.00 ami 6.05 p m Arrive Rock Hill 111 pm onapm 11. 15pm 2 18ftm Arrive Chester 10.12 am Arrive Wlnnsboro, Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington 12.55 pm 480 pm Arrive Ridge spring.. . Arrive Granltevllle,. . . Arrive Augusta Train No. 52, Daily- Connects at Columbia with the 8.0 R-R.-for Chareston, and with the C A G. R. R. fbr Alston, Newberry. Abbeville, Ac. At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R lor Macon,' Savannah and Florida points. Hit 40 IMII.- Crnnuih f 1 nflmota mrirh the Georgia R. R. and Central Georg R.R,fqr M"Con. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20. local, tri-v.ebkfy, Hon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, dally, at ft 85 p. m. Freight daily exwpfc Sunday, at R42 a. m. and 4 46 p. m , j ATLANTIC, TENNES8XE A OHIO D IY IRION- Tram Na 68. Daily, Leave Charlotte. Arrive at StatesvWe, .'.'fopm Train No. 52. Dally, Leave StatesvWe 7 55 m Arrive at Charlotte .... .... ...10.00 am , Tickets sold to all points South, Southeast and Fouthwest, and baggage checked fchnrngh No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPS, T. M. R. Tat oott. Gen'l Passenger Agent t enl Manager ..a.. . , , , Columbia, & April 30th, iHs' ' " ! ' ' ' ' say2 . , . . -it. - DENTAL NOTICE. . . THE neetennnal meeting of the State Board of Dental Ixaminerrwni Wlreidrn sm, N. C,on the 6th day 6 June AU persoas i eotn tnenolBg the pnetiee of Dentistry without 41pkMna must go before this board for examlnatlon.or suffer the penalties of the law Which- went Into effect March 1879 vyv-: 1 rltyY 3t- TtJER , mayStUieina i,,re,tBiMKdDeutal Ej('rs. I Winston Sentinel and Raleigh News and Ob server copy one month and send Mil to W. Hoffmann, Charlotte JUtscjeHaueoita. e Goods In (teat variety, Just recerveent the CHINA STORK OF- J. Lot of elegant BABY C4RRIAGlSr REFRIGERATORS and ICE Mm 4 K. FLYTANS AND FLY TR VPS. ICE CREAM FREtZEHN, bet made. AIK.TK1HTFKVIT JAR. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding rw. Baby Swings, etc., etc. A full line of China, fnvtm m Lamps, FsneyCoffid- and Silver piatec 1 Ware S' WHys on hand, who esale ana retail at reHsonbi prices. Please give us a call. uuuoie Respectfully, J. RK,OOKFLD & CO. may9 ... .1- , -v - , metallurgical;: V1' 33 HAVVKINS ST.BOdNrMASS. i 4 Metallurgists, Assayers and Attalytloal Chemists GOLD and SILVER REFINER. ; t " ' A V Practical MlliRuns of Ores lWlBsaaAipwards. RKFHAlTOBYi)Klt TREATED, 8urveys, Mine Exunidaftoni Reports, Sketches and Maps made! Obstructions of works and Supplier FumtBted. ,t;,!ABAGERSf4 The iew Eogland Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and -LEAD 0R m rn RMEI.TJSR '- , . ONVETUKNK t111" am-:o COPPER ATO AND BASE -BULLION Treated on "Reasonable Teims. T OM AS BINNS .Metallurgist. A. H. KIDNEY Mmiue Ehgqtekb. JOHN HOLLIDAY,. .v.jPBOF. Cekmist mar8 tf CON S T A N T LY ' COMING IN; WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CAfH, m BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. WHITE FRONT. feb21 SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH. KCZSMA, OLD SORES, PIM; PLES. BOILS ANY SKIN DISEASE CURES WHEN ALL OTHER,, REMEDIES, FAIL!!! 4 If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CURE YOU. or charge nothing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy ot the little boo it "Message to the Umbrthhate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as tp our I10M SEWARD will be oakl to any ebemlf I ho will &adB aiiaiysla of ItK) tattles of 8. . ne particle oi mercury, loaioe or rotawium, v any Mineral substance. . feWlFT SPEt lFIc CO. Props . AUanta, 6a (PIK BOTTIB.) PtIm of Bmifll ' yy. Large rlae, 1.78 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGHST8. decSl mm m u Yiaflnct Steel M xUrlaad 1 forreg: , pohdenee and oonanercuu m -" Bb0Ad. I TfTxT Metal Sample Box.ecmtatolnfften! eotatylo. of pons, for esntB. dJT claMUtiaiicr and deslen Jn fancy goods. 'Ivisbn, Blakeman, Taylor & Co, NEW YORK, - " - . . vrmr u tali i en. j AT X z r: !yv- : 1 P ta JL:

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