DAILY CHAgUj-rxE O B SER V?E,R WE D N E S fw At A; V. 24, 1,882. p. r ... grt)t dt)arlotU (BbBttvtt. CIIA8. R. JONES, Editor and Proptor. ilmnD at nn FOBT-Omoa At Quaum, . c ai BmoaayCuM mma.) Gout and ne uraljrja-are no respecters of persdxia, Tnef haVe Prince Bis marck on the ragged edge, now. wssmgymfmfc as 1170 whonxthelastportjsAys President A. IL Stephens was "unanimously' endorsed by nine independents for gov ernor of Georgia. iy yr, y Gov. Haygood isldj Ws proclama tion last Tuesday convening the Legis lature, of South Carolina in extra ses sion on the 27th of June. The wholesale clothing business is so dull in St Louis that several of the largest houses are . closing up and mo v ing to other citle. -y -j Mr. J. C llemphin.'iCorrespondent of the Chaesixmlirewsand Courier, whd was here on the 20th, gives a glowing account of the celebration. The B. W. Grand LWge VO, 'QiVt assembled in Charleston, S. (X, Tues day, and were tendered a public recep tion by the city authorities. Ten dollars and costs was the price fixed by a JfewiXorkt police court orf a lawyer's nose which had been bitten off in a fight by another lawyer. John Kelly baf been lecturing in New 1 York for the benefit of a cnantaDie in stitution. This is better than running a side show for the benefit of the BeF publican party. W f '3 Boston is not proud of the fact that 85 per cent of the commitments to the house ofJTrrUoytfta past year were for drunkenness, 'and one-fourth of these were women. Some of the so-called independent organs are taking exception to the re mark that this is "a white man's gov ernment" If it ain't a white , man's. government whose government is itJ-r Gen. Abe Buford, the Kentucky turfc man who has joined the ! church ancT quit racing, is now lecturing to improve the morals of the race track ao thaT christians may participate inthe at tractions without losing their religion. The Sergeant-at-Arms is about the busiest officer of the House of Repre sentatives the past few days, his main business being to hunt up and take in dodging Democratic members. They ain't doing much legislating but are having lots of fun. The Supreme Court of Missouri don't believe in oleomargarine, and has just rendered an opinion that its sale may be prohibited, because whether it be a raud or not the public can be Imjiosed upon by it The grass country people, wi 11 wager on that Supreme Court - The French government has offered a bounty of seven and a half per cent to every Frenchman who will own a ship, whether it is built in France or a foreign country, j The government found, after several years' experience, that to prohibit a Frenchman from buy ing a ship built abroad killed the French merchant marine. Durham celebrated the Mecklenburg Declaration In fine style last Saturday. There was a procession composed of Knights Templar, Military and citizens in large numbersrafter which there was a competitive drill for a prize medal, which was followed by an address from Mr. Robert C Strudwick, which was effectively delivered. At tie conclu sion of the address refreshments were served, and everybody had a good time. 1; , i ' The river and harbor bill this year appropriates $17,342,000 for river and harbor improvement This is the lar gest appropriation for such purposes on record, exceeding the last appropriation by over $7,000,000. Of the amount ap propiiated, the Mississippi river gets $5,400,000, which is not a cent too much for such a mighty -highway. That money, judiciously expended, will work wonders for the channel. THE CONTEST BEGUN. The contest over the disputed seats in Congress began Saturday; the Demo crats having resolved, as a last resort,to filibuster to defeat the programme of the Republicans in forcing the contest ed election cases upon the House; Sat urday when the roll of States was called it was found there was not a quorum present, and the J5ergeant-at-Arms was ordered by the Speaker to proceed and arrest and bring before the House such of the absent Members as he could find. He succeeded in finding five who pre sented their reasons for absence and were excused, Mr, Calkins, Republican, of Indlano seems to be running the contestedeases, stating that if a si milar occurrence took place he would insist upon-thi' enforcement of the rules. Monday, upon the opening of the House a roll call showlefL no quorum again, and the SergeanWatfArmswas ordered to go in quest of, th absentees. He succeeded in finaingirae, Mr. Van Vorhis, of New York.ijfho gave his reason for absence and was excused. Continued roll calls showed no quorum thoughttore were presenVin the House 223 members,! " Yesterday th roll call showeduo quorum, thiTdoors were closed and the SergeanttefeAxms instructed to go out in' search of missing (members.:' He succeeded inflnding Mr. Tucker, of Vir ginia, wftoTwaa brought in, made an ex planatlon and was excused. The Dem ocrats sat around, playing mum, until the Reirnesntr were compelled to ad journ. Thus' Mr. Calkins game was blocked for the third day. Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania, is man aging the game of blockcfpr the Demo crats, and seems to be doing it pretty effectually. If sixty Democrats hold out they can clog proceedings till the Republicans get tired andgive up the contest, and they have resojyed to doit. The prolamine of the Republicans is to forcjs these contested casesf$nd give thaiefttiJo Ithe Repblican:pn testantsVheretbere Is a shadow ofex cuse forjo and the Democrats knowrejtlltChijre resolved on the jast rmrtrt nminflMtv to defeat It bv nil- - .: !Wg.a,auQrum. 41 they hold oufcfcwUeayahey, MSIMb EepubUcahs wUITt toropsiieUtoiAajhfpvwf storm occurrea iouowea py cbio till the wethe warm. till The senate vets 'langied a. President Pro Tern. Bewildered The Block in the House Continues. Washington, May 23. Senate. Pugh moved to reconsider the final vote on the passage of the 5 -per cent, land bill and as the measure had been sent to the House he coupled with the motion a request for the return of the bill to the Senate, r? " T t if t. ITia motion prevailed yeaa foi nays j Cpon motion to J-econstderthisfvote; me senate uecame oaaiy rangiea among points of order. A question was asked of the president pro tern., Davis, in reply to which he began "the court would say-T Wng, apprised of his error by a hearty burst of laughter, the chair answered the query; ' Finally the motion to reconsider was voted down. The Senate bill referring to the Court of Claims the claim of the Stated National J5ank of Louisiana for cotton taken by the United States after the close of the war, was passed. At two o'clock the Senate proceeded with the unfinished business, the House bill for the distribution of the Geneva award, and Call addressed the Senate. - 'The discussion "was continued' by Bayard, Jonesc? Florida, Hale, Frye and Hoar. The pending amendment providing for, claims of insurance, companies was ejected yeas -6 j nays 4a . j Garland moved as an amendment the bill reported by the majority of the Senate committee recognizing the claims of the sufferers by exculpated cruisers. Rejected. The Bill then passed. The following rts the vote in detail: - ' r r -rmcT- E t a i - i a alt :. "! T" - x eas bianco, Vinson, oiair, crown, Call, Cameron, of Pennsylvania, Came ron, of Wisconsin,--Chilcottr Cockerell, Conger, Dawes, Farley, Frye, George, Gorman, Grover, Hale, Hawley,- Hoar, Jonas, Jones, of Florida, Jones, of Ne vada, Lapham, McDill, McMillan, Mc Pherson:Milterrof Calif oraia Miller, of New gTork, MorrilViPlat'Kollins, Saunders, Sawyer, Seweil, "Sherman, Slater, Vest afiu'Windom 38. Nays Beck, Camden, Coke, Davis, of Illinois, Dayis, of We8t Virginia, Garland, Gfome, Harris, Jackson, Max ey, Morganand Williams 12. ' v ul Bayard, Hansom, Vance and Hamp-ton,werje.palre4-with.Plumb, Logan, Kellogg and Fair, The bill passed as it came from the House, without alter- aUon.riiV! r Adjourn; ;?The Speakerilaid before the varioujrexecutive communica- i? alread y published, which were appropriately referredH The struggle-over the ; contested elec--tiojaseiMckeyf lrs Dibble was; then proceeded withv! i i RandaHi of Pennsylvania, raising the quesuoa- Oi.. cpnsiaerauon m antagon ism to the effort) made by Calkins, of.1 IndtamtrtqcalLuplhatjqase .pr discus- sion ann action i . The toteTfesulted, yead 1294.hays 1 Phelps, of Connecticut; 17 less than a, quorumrand a call of the House was ordered. ' Murch, of Maine, Grecnbacker, asked for indefinite leave of absence on ac- count-of sickness.-' . jThis was opposed by the Republicans and: the motion F was' lost yeas 105, naysvia"';-: - Murch was then' excused for a day. Rice, of , Massachusetts; .Mason, of New York, and (Smith, of New York, Republicans, were also excused for a day on the same grounds. - a .The doors were then closed, and the BergeanUttrmswasdirected to bring In absentees. . - Tucker, of Virginia, was -the only, member brought , in under duress and he was " excused ppon giving satisfac tory explanations. The members sat around in groups, chatting of reading the papers, paUent- After another call ox the House the " r. - 7. ja ' r session for this evening was dispensed with, and the House, at 45 p. m. ad' journed. . StSk. - -'.I 1 'i '! v m mm i r SWINDLING TiwcfTTTf a vrp nnMit - An Investigation and &ome Crooked- Albany, May 23. The? Assembly special committee, appointed to exam ine certain life insurance receiverships made its report to-day. -it is very lengthy and condemns the management of several of the companies Ifrsevere terms It says of the universal North America and companies associated with the latter: "It may be said that swin dler succeeded swindler, company swin dled company until the last one, empty and denuded of all available assets, fell into the receiver's haDds." The Globe had been a factor in a grand real estate speculation. Through out the insurance department seems to have been powerless and indifferent in asserting its authority or protecting policy holders. i The report says of receiverships: Not one of them was so managed as to re store the company to a solvent state, nor does any such policy appear to have been attempted. The report says that among jt-he scores and hundredslof orders of (xurt made in various legal proceedings connected with the administration of these trusts avast majority were signed by one Judge. Extraordinary blanks were pre pared by counsel for the receiver. One bore the name of this Judge printed in anticipation of future needs. Espe cially was it true that orders directing money to be paid were signed by him to almost the entire exclusion of bis as sociates. This fact, in and of itself, would reflect favorably upon his Industry and upon his willingness to assume responsibility, and would war rant no discrediting imputation, but the very expense and delay which are more questionable incidents of receiv erships are inseperably connected with these orders. Many of the individual faymertts seemed wasteful and reek ess, ifone of them could ever have been made and no doubtful line of policy on the part of any receiver could have possessed any efficiency except for this judicial sanction. The report after f urthervco somen ts on, the course of Judge Westbrook adds that such an of ficial in such circumstances was not justified in repeatedly signing orders that will not stand the test of close in spection, although they were consented to by these among whom the money was divided. JTo say that such' consent re lieves the Judge from responsible and attentive action is to assert an unwor thy and-in tolerable conception of the nature of the judicial functions. Demof rail ConrressmenGivc tke Rea l.mt n Why. 7-1 Washington, May 28. The reasons of the Democrats for declining to dis cuss in the House the Mackey-O'Coiy nor election contest are-siated to-night by leading members of the party among kudu, LxjLureBenuiuves nana an ana Car lisle in the following words: -There are two questions lnToiveu: First The for; ttery of testimonv. Ser.nnd-sr xne ngnt to the seat. rne rifrnt tevtha sRat. iTrxinrt.ho mia. of the House, if the Democrats consent to the consideration of tht.case the Re publicans will seat Mackey by a party vote without investigating the forgery. Democrats are ready to consider appro- Eriation hiQs and other public business, ut wiU'not consent to try this contest until a full, investigation of the forgery is had." Old Jack Frost on his Wanks. Chicago, May 23. Heavy frosts SaW urdaytjight did immense damage t&M fruits ana young corn. The frost pr6J Ifi P",on. or.. W itajte.tmiirre2uiariv. some iocsiuiph aimost wholly : escapfne. Ac Marshajl6f rfi Wwa 'rV rrqwj variocs pc in t ,the lUsSO' TO8y Kzzzzz, Minnesota anaWiscoaiB iVba' TXi teemed so odd wheh thdahnounce- ent was first made of the praetiabili- ty of packing electricity in the storage batteries that for awhile the idea serv ed only as a basis for jokes. But the occasional accounts which have come from over the water of, marked success in thismethod of using the electric fluid have turned joke into serious reality and theory into real, work.- The best proof that the storage plan is a service able one is given by the batteries just arrived on the steamer Labrador from Havre. These batteries were charged in Paris, ten days before the steamer sailed. Some of them were used on the voyage and fumiseed to the lamps a clear and steady current of electricity, yielding a more satisfactory light than that which comes directly from dyna mo. If the practicability of this system is permanently proved, it is a great step: toward the general and economical introduction of electric light. The bat teries can be deposited in an out-of-the-way corner in any house or factory, and , refilled at slight expense when empty. The thought of sending elec tricity around in wagons and delivering it at people's houses like milk or groceries does seem a curious novelty. Yet it is not more really queer to us than would have been the idea of fric tion matches to our forefathers a cen tury, ago. That would have required fully as much credulity as we are called on to exercise in regard to the perfect working of the storage and delivery system for. electricity. The first com mercial success of this plan will be for dwellings and other places of moderate size, where only few lights are wanted and where it will not pay to keep an engine going for the purpose. Then let the gas men look well to their me tres and see how low per thousand thej can make out their bills. Appointments, Ac. Washington, May 24. The Presi dent to-day nominated as collectors of customs: Francis E. Whitsell, district of Stl Augustine, Fla., and John M. Tarble, disttict of X'ensacola, Fla. StilwellH-ltusselt ex-United States marshal for the western district of Tex aSjwho was arrested on a, charge of misappropriation of government funds was arraigned in the Criminal Court to-day;, and placed under $40,000 bond to appear . before the United States cir cuit court at San Antonio,Texas, at the June-term. . Weather. Washington, May 23. Middle At lantic States fair weather, northerly winds, stationary or lower tempera ture, higher pressure. -South Atlantic fair weather, winds Tihostly" northeasterly, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure. East Gulf fair, weather, winds most lv nnrtiiAAAtprlv "Rtfliinnarv or higher temperature and pressure. West Gulf fair weather, winds mostly southeasterly, stationary or Tower pressure. Late mail advices received by Sena tor Brown, of Georgia, in regard to the health of his colleague. Senator Hill, re port him still confined to his room at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and most of the time to his bed. There appears to be no improvement in his precarious condition heretofore described, and his friends in this city seem to have but little hope of his recovery. .' Mr. Jacob R. SMpherd has decided not to appear before the House com mittee on foreign affairs again. On Saturday he fired off a scurrilous screed at the committee and Mr. Blaine, which he had some difficulty in getting pub lished. He advertises a voluminous statement of his side of the Chilian Peruvian business. worn am. 4 HXB HXALTH AND LIFK pend more on the regalarltyof her menstrual functions man on any or all causes combined. An actual or a "lirlnK death" is the Inevitable result it derangement or a function which makes woman what she It to every respect, and especially In her mental and oodlly constitution. Hence, Imme diate relief from such derangements U the only i safeguard against wreck and ruin. In all cases of stoppage, aeiay. or otner ureguiaruy or the "courses," Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Begolator Is the only sure remedy. It acts by string tone to the nervous centres, Improving the blood, and de termining directly to the otgans of menstruation. It is a scientific prescription, and the mot Intelli gent physicians use It Prepared by J. Bradfleld, Atlanta am. Price: Trial size, 76c; large size, SL50. Yor sale by all druggkU. BKCUKK OF MAN. -Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia, Impotence. Sexual Debility, cored by Well's Health Uenewer." SI. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlolte, N. C. Htnf o4'm Acid Pnotpliaie in Nrvens Debility. Dr. Edwfn P. Vose, Portland, Me . says: "I have prescribed It for many of the various forms of nervous debility, and Unas never failed to do good." Daa't Forg-et It! That the 44th Grand Drawlng-of the Common wealth Distribution company comes on May 8Ut Whole Ucktto.$2: Halves SI. Kemlt by mall or express to B M. Boardman, Courier-Journal Build ing, Loulavlile, Kj. sukwer ikis. Can you find a case of Brlanf -Disease of the Kidneys. Diabetes fTrlnary or JLlver Complaints that U curable, that Hop -Bitters lias not or cannot cure ? Ask your neighbors If they can. Ju.ffblnlftUt $-30 000 for 82 $ 1 5,000 for SI ; besides a num ber of other large prizes awaiting distribution In monthly drawing May 81st. Send to your orders at once to BM Boardman, Louisville, Ky. 112,4e? Given AOTar tvery month (l,960prizes and why not you one of the lucky holders of a ticket ft is easily done by remitting 82 to B M Boardman, Louisville, Ky, Mtf 28.1882 ad'Dtjci, Wninw-rfpire Tuf pttotlo fl' m. at 44c. Rosin firm. Si oo tor strained; Si.7o for good strained, Tas ntni? at SI. ft.V mom -unciianijed : prime white 9(1: mixed 9a. . B altt iroKK noon Flour qutet and unchanged; Howard street and Western super S 2oftS4 50: extra S4.7oaso.7B: family S ri0eS7.25; Cltr vv uttu uuu uiii ttvmciuuuu ana nwcrT Southern red Sl.8ftQiSl.43 amber A4Q$1.4,&; No. t MarylandSr.45r No 2 Western win tor mi spot. S1.41jUir, CDrn-Jouthenj firm Western dull ana. easy; o jufhern white 89$U0; Southern yel- low 87. Baltikosx night Oats, steady and quiet; Southern HJOffU8r Wvstern white mixed 60artl;, Pennsylvania 60368. Provisions nrm and higher; mess pork, old $2000; new $21 00. Hulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides; packed P$fe 1 2 - Bacon -shoulders 10; dear rib sides 18; hams J5a f6. Lard-reflned 12. Coffee steady and-quiet; ftlfr eargo-t.Mlnary to falr8ffll(Ai Suirar- firm: 4 soft 10. - whisker dull and Irregular, a 8t 20aS1.21. Freights dull and easy. ... N w Yobk Southern flour, active and steady; common to fair extra 5.ti6QS5. 75. - good to eholos extra $8.8offi$812i. Wheat-opened Viftlse higher snd strong, nut afterwards lost the advance and declined iQ 1 14c, and closing dull and weak, at a trlflt above the lowest points: un graded red SI 20QS1.48; No. 2 red. May $1 484- SI -48V. Corn opened e better, but arter wards lost the advance and declined li, and closing dull at the Inside rates; ungraded 78 84; No 2, May 84a85V4; Juns W OaU lower; Ne. -8. 59. Hops quiet and held very strong; Yearlings 16a24. Coffee -nrm and quiet: Bio cargoes 8i4Q10Vi; Job lots 8J4utfc eugar - QU et, steady and unchanged; fair to good refln lngflnoted t 7lfe87li; Refined: steady; Standard A wUGltMte. Molasses-steady and quiet. Rice steady aad "demand fair: Carolina aDd Louisiana 58;rfcanoonJv45 dptypatO. Hoaln-un-changed, at $2 80. TurpentlDe-HSteAdy, et 47 - ! wooitrm and. quiets .Domestic fleece 82 ic; iczas iwav- ora sUghtlr in buTers' iavor land trade moderate, at 819 2581987l ror 0Mun.5fT82fl,3I14 lornaw Mlddlea qalet and very (tronff: lone clear 11 s t lower less and active and elostng somewhst stronz er. at l 1.72ft i Choice 311.80. TreUthts to Liver- COTTON. - GuKrroJlTTWealq middling llfcc; low mld ga jlls ood ordinary lie; net receipts 689; Srossfi8tf; sales 676; stock : 10,841; ex- wwise ; w ureal Bntain ; to 1 wuwuou w fiance 1 to cnannel .rmss 141 ;.stock 14.490; exports eoaat oay- saias ? exports o .Great ; Britain 10 continent. , ;- js , ' .. . BlMTKOmi-QiUet:' middl'-g 121A1 low mid. ollngll 1; goou orainary.iuqdo: net- voeetpts : ieositwlss sales awtJtooA 23.182: 1 exporu ; spinners j sxporu to Great 1 wiwntmentrTttfTfffT "PW - imti eaUMUna lVkt tern mlddllnc aiiiio.auLmr 9O.ru0 sxwa 9Q UUtPS .BU; K10 brands $725987,87; Potapsco family Stf. Wheat nrkiirfianm firm on1 nniar UAaAvM n ah 12; s inary lllfec; nt 'receipt, 221;: g28: aal : ock ft.095:. exports 10 ureal Britain 104; .to rranee - . .... s Jrifm'-IgSli "MWUni lle5 low mid Ung 11 5 16c; good ordinary 10716c: receipts ! JEP" ; sales ; stock 2,245; exports coastwise 665: to Great Britain ; to continent .' ' PHTT.ATTET.raTA Dull; middling 120. low middling 12c: ood ordinary lie: net rweelpts 454- S??48(i ! suk 17,059; ex ports Gree Britain to eontinent : . SAVirarAH-Steadj; middling lle; low mid dling 1114c; good ordinary lOtte; net receipts .142; gross 142; . .sales 50 .j stock. 9382; exports eoejtwlsa 820; to Great Britalri ; to Jrenoe ; to continent .-! Niw OBUuag-Qulet: middling I2e$ low aid-. dLng 11e; good ordinary 1140; net receipts 813; greet 1,921; sales tOO; stoc 9714 exports to Great Britain to France 1 coastwise, , ; ) ; to continent j . to ebaa- ',. . .. ' MoBUJi-Quiet; mlddllBg llac; low mlddllna lfei good ordinary 10c,- net-reeeipU 60; gross 60; sales 24; stock 9,898: exports eoatr)0 France ; to Great Britain ; to continent w Mxxpees -Quiet; middling lMfce; low mld dllng my;; eood ordinary 100. net reonipta 128; gross 458; shipments 810: sales 850: stook 80.699. t AUQB8TA Dull; middling .1 1; low mid dling lllc; good ordinary 10ko; woetpu65; hlpmenu ; sales 718. CHAHLKrroH-Qalet; middling 12; low mid dling llc; vood ordinary ilH4c; net receipts 69; gross 69 - sales - ; stock 8,898; eiDoru eoaatwue 790. to Great Britain -1 ; to continent to France ; to chan nel . Nxw Tons-Quiet; sales 1610; middling up lands 12ie; middling Orleans 12V4C; consolidated netreeelpts 2,522; exports to Great Britain 1,008; toFranse ; to continent . ; to channel ' 1 LrvmtpooL Noon Good demand freely met at previous prices; middling uplands 6 9-1 6d; mid dling Orleans 6fed; sales 12,000; speculation and exports 2,000; receipts 23300; American 10,500. Uplands low mtddllng clause; May delivery ft 84-64d; May and June 6 84-64d; June' and July 6 85-64d&6 3Q-f4d&t 85-644; July and August 6 89-64dS6 40-64d8 39-64d; August and Sep tember 6 424d6 43-64d; September and Oeto-ber688-64det'687 64d; October and November 6 86-6 td; November and December 6 24-64d. Futures dull and steady. FDrUBXSL Nrw York Net mcelpts 48: gross 2.845. siuores ctosea steaay; sues 186.000 bales. May...... 1 1.960.98 June... ll.99ai.0O July. 12.099.10 August 12.1ea.00 September.. 11.909.00 October.-. 11 459.46 November 11.80ft 81 December. UJtia.32 January U.44S).46 February Marsh April.. FINANCIAL. Nw York. axebange, Governments unebadged New 6's; Four and a half per eenta, Four per eenta, Money,. State bonds Inactive ub-treasur8y balancesGold,. , " Currency. 4.86SA 1.01 i.imS 120 24 S89.422.009 4161,249 Stocks Dull and lowe r : Alanama-Class A, 2 to 5 HOIM Alal tama Class A, small 82 Alaitama Class B, 5's... 102 Alabama Class C, 4'a . 85AI Chicago and Northwestern 1.29 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1 48 Krle 854 Bast Tennessee 10 Georgia... 1.65 Illinois Central. .3514 Lake Shore 1.02B Louisville and Nashville 74ij Memphis and Charleston 50 NashUle and Chattanooga 60 New York Central. 1.27 Pittsburg. i.86Vi Richmond snd Allegheny lftVfc Richmond and Danville 1.07 Bock Island 1.28$ South Carolina Brown Consols, 1.01 Wabash, St. Louis A Paelnc 29S Wabash. St Louis & Pacific preferr'd 52 Western Union. 88 CITY COTTON MABXKT. Omci or Tin Obskrvkr, I Charlottk, May 24, 1882. 1 The market yesterday closed dull at the fo' 1 owing quotations: Good Middling. Ills Strictly middling, 11 Middling. iifc Strict low middling. llv Low middling. n Tinges. lOrllOVi Storm cotton 79Vi Sales yesterday 24 bales. IJliscjellaucotts. THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ALL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. Will open for the season of 1882. on the 1 5th day of May. They have enlarged their hotels to ac commodate 200 guests, and have added every amusement calculated to promote health and com fort These wonderful Waters cure Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation and all Derange ments of tin Digestive Organs All Skin Diseases, and Ulcers of every kind, ecrofula. Catarrh and all Kidney Affections yield to their beating vlitues. 8ypbllltic patients who had visited Hot Springs of Arkansas without relief, found It here last season. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on Female Com plaints, and many distressing cases were cured last season. The owners Intend to make this the most complete Health Besort In the United States. Besides a Table d'hote they will open a Bestaurant, and visitors may suit their tastes and their purses. JCxcurtkra tickets will he Issued from all points to King's Mountain, the de pot for the e Springs. For further information, address DR. F. M. 6ABBJCTT, Manager. King's Mountain, N. C apr27 8m -JUST RECEIVED AT THK - VARIETY STORE -A lot or- HAMBUBG EDGING at from 2c to 25c a yard Vxry Chkap; LAWNS at 6Uc: BLIACHKD 8HIBTING a TOrs. 8c and 10c; UNXN T0WIL3 from 11.20 to 98775 per dozen, GOOD BARGAINS. HOS1IRY, HOOT BUPPOBTXBS, GLOYKS, COR SETS. CBOCXXBY, TIN WARS, GLASS WARS LAMPS. PICTURX FBAMIS, and many other things at comparatively low prices. sarr CALL and BFX Jm Raspectfully, a M XTHXBXDGX, Under Traders' National Bank. ' mar2Q While other Baking Powders are large adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugt. has been kept unchanged in all H original puritf and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its having received the highest testimoni from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, front its introduction to the present time. No ' other powders show so good results b tho true testthe TEST OF TUE OVEIL IT IS I PURE FRUJT ACID fiJUUHGf (TOEER I STEEEE & PRICE; Chicago, HL. and St.. Louis, JIo., . ; Wwrimc KW, mmi r. PrUmH VmUjit Tmtmm, t nave Nxwa mlt&hUt fit pubuahers ol eountnnewspapeia. Address . L THJK OBSXHYJSB, MB28 -!: Tr.GBtllqttS, '4 ,0 r- p. iV LOST f AKHOODi RESTORED. jltmoj ox rowtnrat xmprooencs causmg toxe Decavw Xaevooa Itehititri Lfwlllaahac Juvtng trM to vsia every known vemady, bas dls ffrrti nmpis scucura. vmcs narwiu vena rant nrn nfvcdadcd nrri . I KeMived a large lot of FrsWIass M. UN JL. Dot MD In VR Tfi tMknimiL TEHNVITE; ATTENTION FOR THE Which is now fall and complete. iKir etoca &moraces a : We Invite all to give us ) : FRESH MLNERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at i SARATOGA yi CHY, From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended -as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids dfges- wuu, us a puwemu tome ana strong uxurcua. Morn Natural Mineral Water, Recoreroertded very highly aa a eathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CA8XS C0NGRJ3S WATXR, I Q CASKS ROCK BRIDGX ALUM, CASKS BUFFALO LITHLi. And a fall supply of IMPORTED APOLLIflARIS Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREiT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JTUNYADI JANOS. THX BIST NATURAL APXRIINT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosx-A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Hunybdl Janos. Baron Llebig af flrms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Pro. YvvAois, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable.'' . rvf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success. " Prof. Seanami, Wurszburg. I prescribe none bat this." Prof. Lander Bruttton, AC D., jr. R. B., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Aiken, M. D., F. R. 8., Boyal Military Hos pital, Netiey. "Preferred to Pulina and Frled AehahalLn JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St., - - CHARLOTTK, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. MoADXN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. Jnly2S --AT-- WILDER'S You will find a choice and complete stock of PURE ! FRESH DRUGS, Coldes's, Leibig's Liquid Extract -or BEEF Stud TONIC IN VIGOR ATOR, TRY IT. CIGARS I TOBACCO, THX FINEST SXLXCTION In the CITY, ncludlng t&e famous LA PARIPA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Articles, an assortment, and everything generally kept in a first class Drug Store. Special attention given to Physicians' Prescriptions day and night. Satis faction guaranteed. tW- GT7M MX A CALL. -MA i Corner Trade... and..... ....College Streef spr BJtOWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA Ginger. Brocendla. lodla and War ner's Bufe Liter and Kidney Cure. Just receiv ed, by R. H. JORDAN CO.. may! 3 Druggists. A FEESH STOCK OOLONG, Ra Jan, Young Hyson, Imperial and He No Teas, for sale by R. a JORDAN 4 00, may 18 Tryon street. ENGLISH TOOTH AND Hair Brushes, Dr. Scott's Electric Flesb and Hair Brushes, lust received. R. EL JORDAN & CO. maylS A COMPLETE OTOCK of Colgates, Lubln's and Plesse and O Lubin's Handkerchief Extracts. H. H. JORDAN 4 CO. may 13 5,000 BEST 5 CENT QIGARS for the may 13 Betall Trade. Just received. R. BL JORDAN St CO. WE HAVE IN STOCK TTHS Purest Brandies and Wines for medicinal X use. B. H. JORDAN CO., may 13 Drugghts. ROYAL BAKING POWDiBS and Flavoring Extracts a fresh, sup ply. . JB.fi. JORDAN ft CO may 13 Tryon street. Cleveland Mineral Springs, i j " OPINED MAY lStir, 1882. "nraKX Springs are two miles from Shelby. 64 ' JL-rmlles westof Charlotte, and, within 1 mile of . the Carolina Central Ran way mmiinv fmmK... i Jotte to1 Shelby. Hacks win be at ttie inriheH? Statioa on amvai'of every train. 1 ' . I : . ., - VT WV A TW WIT mr M a mm n- Ma ' Whtte and BedSulpaurand Chalibeale-water a iwwung Alley tn good order. A. good string wmm ecureiwr uie Beason juiverr accommoda Uons attached ttb hotel wum"wu . 'orianMrparucolars address ' ;-. m . i Proprietor. enrr &AXEM : rott Drum tcaie isio. RASJ' fUrS!!! 'r 'Ctoarlotto XV limb's to aPetl Tax, SAd an bersensw ttedles nd eomporate, who own or have control of J wooertv In the eltr on thn flnt nf inn. - Voe W said city, oa or before the last day of June 448S2aUstof their taxable rroperty and polls. r taxable property and A10ermen,M .ey amnonw oi an ordinance of the -Board oc IIkV tfithvl889.1n tmmaanos ex section so the ir charter.. iff-)-. km Trees. TV 1 rr -mm EJ.u.McA(lensjJrii Store lewDriS ore WE ' TO OUR STOCK OP SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, m 23; tt&SSTgim S BRO WTfflS (irRlTIil! W HAVK STOPPED SlLLINtt SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Thtt toe Pub ic cannot Perceive SPRING JFJwT RECEIVED. 5, WBWMBt apr2 IBTST RECEIVED TO-DAY. We have added to our stock a full line of Cents' Cassimere Suits, WHITE -VESTS DUSTERS. ALSO A LARGE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Scarfs, Ties. Suspenders, Gloves and Silk Handkerchiefs. Ladle' Drets Goods and Parasols BT- CLOSING OCT AT RXDUCE D PRICES. I A. Sfc 31ASONIC TEJIPLB BCILDINO. mayl7 Statesville, O., OFFER THB- -LARGEST STOCK- GENERAL MERCHANDISE on ram raorr fatpbabLE tebsis JOBBERS lit THB COTJNTBY .-. DOTE PRICES maris ir AMERICA STILL .rvnrinn (THE BESXTUREADkr m wm B Awarded all the UU U LDL-W UUlMj-JUVJ U li'Uty ; ATLANTA u ( International; (foition Exposition, 188 - yoR, "THE BEST THREAD fdr 4 MACHIJmmdJHANp SEWING." For Sale to the Trade by .IZ'ul 6H;!-,.! J.v Roessler & mayl8 HUGH W. HARRIS, ATTOfijrBT? AT LAW, i. Office on Trade streeVneaUr V 9 V CHABLOTTEt N. CU may) daw tt Richard r- .w of Charlotte, N.,d . i mfrAvnnr h OOUBSELLOB at AB comsponoe -r-" makttetwtu. MtJUUUm) um ii im- asrlO Cm INVITE ATTENTION 0 an boichiux sad eonntry trade AT COST, BUT OFFXR GOODS AT the Difference, a beautiful stock of GOODS ?i?oe Gtcott, BUHQESS NICHOLS, Fiirl'E, BEDDING, &C. , iimLinsf Ctesp Dcdsteds, AXB LOClTQXks Parlor & Ckaxabcr Cults. We have added to our stock a full line of COHE N, and in competition with athy iTIIEY WILI, BE GLAD TO TO THB: TRADE. FURTHER AHEAD! SEWING Ml mm mm m "11 i n 1 Sonors'flhtl J Hi!:'- 88i; - . C6.0gharjoff G. BAR JIP;B ldiU T !TOJSfMniiT IBSIPIEIESS. mS2Qnl mm I i THE MOST ffiGANT fH S 'i .-Si a r ij,.K, . Ifil ' f ft I turn 1 iai8a'j .carrot ,,t llll , j f"1 1 -M"je t .' t in .ho .sbA ! .v. .:i) - .

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