si - - trv mav tan Tme TrintS! One that sell. I Mwin or lt1)iUlUilIsi.V The story f tbi tbe wim: SrJl Ml asMlllustrai . w; .cnuns STUDYING win mat mlnaNa InTnnnaHOn J - - J i -m 1 m EVERY ONE I nvmaHnn 3TRKB PI SOT for circular to 11! H mall for 25a Am w.fMt.lm. FhUadelpcm. r A.'i tfni j 1-J Beat Health and Streagtli VnO. Cures complaints of ornra and dlse ofthe Btomacm Bowel lungs, U "HfiHHS kind linlTli(i (Vu4 mz9l IRELAND OF TO-DAfc IntHwInHlnn bT TbOfl. POWer O'&mnOr Ji. P) DE. J. BBADFIELD'S . W ' A I iJEMALEr BEGIMTOIM jj)kMiu. mi- m WOIUN'S j at: iu.J jf nii mii known to nhTsiclans. and alas! too well known to suffering women themselves, that they are subject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sex. suen as -suppression ol tbe Menses, painful and scanty Menstruation, Congestion, Ulceration ha Wnmh ittmulMl with All Alln- Mill! llflUf U1H1D VUIVI wwvaaAww i .. I inaa train of avmD&thetlc and constitutional duofF fm. hKAmhiuM'trffi-whdlk life.)4end,'wniab HAAnoii9ldarad :slnwaf incurable. ut at Lit remedy a8ea found-uv DB. J. BBlBFIKLD'd FEMALE RBGULATOB. Beatrert iihdt h "eta!!" but a remedy for one class -of diseases, an oi wmcn peruuu w mo " u. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can tfra thi wiMtdf. and thus relieve herself without kkHiifi afflitntMik tnTmiVna. and WKhOUt kubjectlng bet womanly toodesfy $o tbohpcfco an examlo&tloA by a physician, j, r r f riA MMhttMih m ihnnnkiMH ta the homes of falertorwomen,l8 ft lilselan iMere which roya t nr aink fnu ludflnHcsMi. tWnat earthly ben IMacaon tit BiPr'i T 1 yy WW" vusw hui That dire d'sease wbose ruthless power . i SO SWbjaaabys transient flower?" Centuries of Bnf?sSTs8d ff BcnDes lreumrsrwiit mmm'iw iw Trr. u.hAMhdt tbe land was coo L"lSd AeTand treto rr. a mvMiinM and man in colors. Fnee ci a vy B - ZIrAw,oA Oat ?dl J&catedand the Lana only S2 per copy, bales immense mthr.S outfit aad bcvla werk once. r. full parttc-am. fJULg&uM Chicago, hi, vur?vq CEORCE PAGEo W, Patent Portal SAW ahloh HvAa AARA for naln. 107 fOT SOrTOW, SmllCS "-' . "V W." - ii j I ir . " "m-nrrii : u i mm r lAjqard rbm 90I. Joiii Aroan, yKHiNaTOKD. 0,, May 22d, 1882. t js toy rurposd(",pQ)Wiftnd l)ilt 1 4 wotk to fee ntlUlNrth Card Una in the War between the Slates c Much that ia valiTabtejlW)tr the sub ject has already teared tathe news- papers ami magazines. - irfms-mareer alontras cIlecterl in a volume, even rwithotrt aiiy natty of narratlTe It would mate an interesting book, and one that should be in the hauds of ev eryone who is proud of his native State ; but something more than, .this will be attempted in the present work, The effort will be made to give in a connected form all the events pertain ing to the history of the war so far as they relate, to North Carolina ; this will include the views . aad actions of her leading statesmen ; the behavior of her qtymmandiDg officers, and of the many reio?ets they led into the field; t&e aictiops in which they were engaged, thd as possible a list of her killed and woanded. -Wsbington is probably the best place to undertake such a Wbrk, on ac count of the easy aeeeas tO)8iginal ma terial here on file. -The writer has al ready collected much valuable infocma- - - , V ntjTfr'noserfof twy hoii-rol tpHfip ar.nrifla whiftS "Morth Timlin .reuiirR Iesees.saiaiawgoiii-- will ut,nrtUtft u Ha AftrrtmitTv rrmtJi and lrge alf wftbe' anythirig of lnteresttoisay, to M'rote-1 Mrri ;eapecial- iv hops' nH iimi iiiwmi -! uuioria oiiu tfifen to.'f Ornish lists of our killed and oiindedV heri'-aB4 where, and if possiDie copies 01 tneir musierrous. Such a work will be an arduous nn dertaking, andT win require tfme. With Datiehce and industry, together with the ad of frfendsof which he has been assuEed-rhebelieves something may be accomplished to show what great "Sacrifices North Carolina made; the ! r V " 1 1 j J B . rt3 ivk... tret and gallantry 01 her troops, ana tne devotion of her people. Npr will it be out of nlace to: refer briefly to the ness, tbe sweet lines ot full grown beauty fur tbe .h.rn mnA withered form of emaciation, a long 1M0 or memav pnyBiwu, bocieu emu inimrauiiwijuj ments f or a "f ew sad days" of pain and gloom, ending In an early grave? Sucb Is the mission. sucrtarernaTTesuiw wi vr j. wuuiuuu' MACS RKrULATOB. Vhlcbla hentauruEhnid arrroprtatefy-styled "Wemarfs Besrnd 'ahitM and all those lrreeularltles of tbe k HootwuiMva tn thA hAalth. hnnniness and M of women?- dfea&pe&r Uke magic before a single bottle or this wonaenui compouuu. , jul who suffer .torn. any,. of these diseases are osbaamesui inwnea 10 mve Musatretu ramcuj n trial. lt has cure thousands' and will Tlnn't fall to trv 1L Pf4n-amiill alrft 7K eents. Lai V. gTnWwhArft . . core J'ou. iUUawW1 V I .mall oIt 7R iwnta TjirvA size. Sl.RO. I 2r x .rr trwrmmmx rt - uv UAH ptt'VKyj'Utirzi 0n Pl WMX can be made many locallr. 4 f, Wlm mayld-MfcW4W . : mmmmf ' ': V 1 Mil Lb v iJ A GOOD TEMl)fS Ml S1 grounds Upo; which tb people of our State alpng WijLl her Southern Bisters justified their action to the end,; that: their; sons may knoW why their fathers fogugbt and feu, and thn. discoyer that. Ktnngiory -01 uiets unsuccessful vaiur qderi vesadditionallustre from the justice or ine cause wmcn, tney sjruggieu in vain to mainUin. John A. Sloan. Wilmingtoil Starr Gren feorn ha made its appearance in markefc ? A little dauehteriof nantain-W laUcwayof Wilmington, was severely 1 burned last Friday eveninir. She Waa l Maying near m the1 yard floor wnjen ner uress caucm. ; Anei dwoovered it find extinguished th flames bvrollina the ehilaln the sane hutnot untir serious if not fatal in ju- ne were inmctea. J, H. Alford, ef Pender county, earns to Wilmington in the early part of Majch and has not since been seen. Greensboro Bpgle: Major Beed, 00k ored.'living four miles frxn Greensboro was arrested Monday on a charge of killing his wif e.a He ha beaten her and a post mortem examination showed A ruptured artery near tbe heart and oruises on the heart which, caused death. ' Heceipts of internal revenue for the week ending Saturday last were $17,-216.5Q. Some -new and valaable deposits ef iron nave Deen recently discovered in Stokes (squnty. l Xadie Who Wear Wigs. Cincinnati Qazette. fThe number of ladles who wear wigs, covering MtneK tho- whole ofart of the he&d is appalling, even youngjj la. dies tfesoiting tb " this expedient. Fhe reason giren'iS that it Saves1 the batu ml hair 4k long coarse of injurious cnmpicgana.turJine. Wigs and front nieces are eo-cleverly made to imitate natural hair hafj de tection isiaext to impossible, and it is the beisg found ut, and n'ot the fraud itself that; weighs on . the conscience. Jfnzzes ana waved bangs form the front, ahd soft puffs and curls or jrrencn twist tbe back, and these are varied or replaced by many different arrangements that would deceive the very elect and beguile all the society men, except perhaps those who are on confidential terms with their sisters. vuvtXtzi 's laSt. I Tflkti follwlar 8chIwleti BXiscellatuecmfl. PPWi-kw Hailed mm mm Cma iT. v -....i... Rorih Carolinrilaiiroaia OOgDEirSED SCHEDULES. jCwr i mmm "Date, Ar80tVf882. UtTSr MtS Daily.,, Daily. F?2S22i 4 00am 440 pm .,.H" gjggPgmtf-'-. 7.20 am 7.Spm Arrive Greensboro. atO - ao mi neboro,. aSO am JT 'HiHsboro, 11.47am .T.Z:. ArrlTe Durham,. 1 2 2 4 m . . . iffrlwdfialeigb,......., 1.40pm Leave lialelglu. 405om ' Arrive oidsboro' 6 80pm . .7.'. ". "' In great variety, justeiveiuie C H I m A'CST p It E V NEVER FAILS. STTor IfU - ' - t Theonly known Specific Remedy forBpl'epUc Fits. 1 "if- Leave Greensboro. . & 00 p m Arrive at HalHKtu. ... 1.61 m Arrive at Goldsboro,..7.20 a m J; Wfif I'o. ! . ' " Iofalegan.J4 Ko. tl-Cenneeta at Greensboro' with BAR B. Be for art points North, East and West, via Dan U1 WwW th W. A W. & ft. for wu- MMy, ftS-CooBeeto ataaasotiry wltk w. B. tor ! all points in Western North Carolina; dally at GfeeMWwo wa a, ft; for l points Worth, Kast and West. BABY CIRRIaGES; TBAina eonre wist. Datev AprU 80tn, 1882. SAMARITAN NERVINE -fete: No. 60 Dally. No. 52 Dally. IO. FLTKAa N frXsUBB. h( PTEWS NOTEST " ' r i i . he wheat crop in Kansas AND ONE TWO-HOKSE IF 1 mitni thA niAdielnal means of arresting dlae Hostetter's Stomach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It ccfe8 the further prop-ess of aU disorders of the stomach, llveC and JSewels,; revtyes tbval stamina. prevenU and remedies chills and fever. Increases tbe activity of the kidneys, counteracts-a tendency to jhenmatismi and Is a genuine stay and solace to aged, inarm and nervous persons. itj&iALjtii am j&Buaeisis and niiLKRS GENERALLY. may2 most JlfiirjrjW5Ule.ath fromStokes county... Mr. his tittlo son-aladof mayl2 'i -! rr yfv 1? . i If" WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles or MILLMMiY Including all tbe latest novelties in the MILLIN&BY LINK HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS PLUMES, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, aU the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods. Neck Wear, Ho-lery Gloves, Parasols, Ac. the LAKGXST and MOST COMPLITS STOCK IN XHETTTt: j V Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the causi must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAB NIB'S SAFX KIDNEY and LIVES CUBE Is es tablished bh Just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and If strikes at once at tbe root of the diffi culty, The' elements of which It Is coni posed at directly upon these great organs, Joth as a Mop and ihaTOKXK. and. bt placing them hva heakly concTMri drive dlaeaie-'and palajbom theiys temj (11 " . - f? -: : For the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Llvei and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has n equaL Beware of lm posters, imitations and concoctions said to be lust as rood. WAHnKn B SAAB "I-, 1 WILL OPEN Our PaUern Bats 'and Bonnets Wben we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY. OJ TINE MILL1NXHY they have ever seenin thl city. : v, j 1 Respectfully, TJTTTfareifis2K lor wakbkkb oaks "ifT&m aprl5 ifeinr Removed TO Cwnef dilPege'arldTraile Streets, (Lv W. PKftDtJrS OLD STAHD.) mar22 Mrs. P. Query. nd adding to out aire ad jr larpre Stock 17 I ' ? is said to promise exceptionally well. I I i Jlrs. Rachel M. Tompkins, a sister of I I axPresident Grant's father, died last " "f- w , L lm. 1- u i T7-.. wees ab uwr reaiueuuo iu jvauawaua county, W. Va. There has- been a great fire in the Jewish qnarters of Kovno, Russia. I iJh report that crape had been put on the, door of Archbishop McCabe's rebidewce in Dublin as a menace is authoratively denied. i ,amual'May & Co of Boston dealers' in, metals and heavy Hardware, nave 'made an assignment; liabilities are several thousand dollars l The ship Western Belle, from Green ock for Quebec, struck an iceberg May Strand sunk. Her captain and 12 of lie'r crew were lost by the swamping of a boat. Extencive bush fires are raging along I the line of the Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa Railway. There is great alarm emong the farmers in the vicinity of Hull, Que., whose buildings are imme diately threatened. "Profl Brook of Philadelphia, states that he saw Well's comet with the na ked eye Friday night. It was just iDie. The comet is in tne consiena- a a. ? 1 i av. : n Cassiopeia, ana ac .mianigns js ut midway from the horizon to Pol- IT DernDararR urium. Paris Wasp. -?Aiama. where ia ma fader?" Ii l.ara dropped her chisel in amaze 1 1 tnent. The impudence of her daughter VLwas new and astounding. I f tMind your own buisiness" she said ngrtly. "How do you suppose i now?" The child began to blubber. "I want a fader ; gimme a fader." -Keep, your mou3 snut. tite, peie, snapped her mamma, jii is in Dusiness Parre, and gone to ixew 1 ork ana meK- kin trip to Algejrie. How you supyose lean tell?" The child began to roar. She wanted a father to play with. All the other ittle eirl3 had fathers, and she was go ing to have one if it took every lung in her body. Sara called the nurse Nanette tzave her some bon-bons : but bon-bons were a drug in the youthf uf market. She was dissolving in tears ana roarine like a tov pirate. JSauette said "won uieu, maaaine. a can dQjipssJing wfoherr jshe will have a fader or she will die. Sara knit her brow thoughtfully Lerame see," she faidxUa many days ce I am nofnf ze papers. Ze bem- rhage bizness is played out. Besides, is a cony of Clara Morns, wmcn is uuworzy of my geenius. ury oop, petite-" she said affectionately, to the child. "I get you a fader." Ouich one'r"lqueriedNanettel won deringly. "Damaia. He is lireeis. MeK more talk. GoteU'im." . ... Damala came. He waved his hand with Grecian grace. '-Whattol" he said, "For instans," and Sara laughed mer ily. "Alia rights, my angela; I go fix And tne marriage bells cnimeu mer- ily, and all the, world said "Bernhardt again," and the Bern Hard t child was happy. A Terrible Death. Winston Leader. The details pfla. come to us Wm. Slate and 10 or 12 years of age were engaged "at h ia mill in sawing lumber last vneek. From some cause tbe lad fell upon the saW, while it was in motion, his fore- Ljxfiad was the' first part of his body to come in contact with the whirling saw, and in almost less time than ft takes to tell it, his body was ripped in two, his heart falling out and fluttering at his father's feet. The contortions Of the body brought the arms in the course of the saw wnichwere cut off, as were also both legs. We are unable to. set the full particulars of this sad and heart-rending accident, but give such information as we gather from hearsay. ' W. I. U' I F- A Savage Woman Kills Her Step Daughter and is Detected While Try ing to Barn the Body. New York, May 24. A Sun special from Rappahannock. Va., narrates murder committed by Mrs. Maria Bruce, the victim being her step-daugh ter, aged 10 years. She had conceived a hatred for the girl because of the latter's disapproval of her father s second mar riage. Entering the house in a bad humor she seized a poker and beat the girl's head to a jelly. She then carried the body to a cabin in a held and pour ing kerosene over the clothing endeav ored to burn it. Some neighbors has tened to the scene and arrested the woman. Cures EDUentle Fits. Bnasms. Convulsions. St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Blsterics, insanity, Apoplexy. jraraiys., itaeumausm, neuralgia, ana an nerv ous Diseases." "This inlalllble remedy will poslUve 47 Eradicate every species ol Mervous, DfTauga ment, and drive them away from -whence they eame, never to return 'again. It utterly destroys tbe germs or auease ojf neutralizing tne nereaiiarj taint er poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys th cause., SA51AKITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, -General Debility. Leu corrboea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uterus, Internal Beat, ti ravel. Inflam mation 01-the piadaer, lrntapnuy or tne tsiaaaer. For Wakefulness at night; there to no-better remedy 'During the change or hie no jremaie, should be without It It quiets the Nervous system and sires rest, comion, ana natures sweet sieep. sAsiAuiTAN mmm Aires Aleaaonsm, Drunkenness and: ttie habit of Onlum Katlnst. These deeradinz nabits are Dy tar the worst evils that have ver befallen suffering humanity. Thousands cue annually irom inese. noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not hAranftA likes it. but lor the- nleasure of drink ing and treating his friends, lttUe thinking that he is on nia'roau 10 rum. un ute vthiuh uwr. ua Brstisea the drug in small quanOUes as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence of the drug takes Strong hold upon lta victim, leading him on to his own destruction. . The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eatmg is to alimenUveneM, as over eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both tbe stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, Instead of satisfying, only adds TO Its fierce firesrontU it consumes the vital force and then Itself, likeibe glu tonous tape-worm, It cried "tifve, give, giver but never enough unttl its own rapacity devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief In such cases. It produces sleep, quiets tbe nerves, builds up tbe nonrous sjstem. and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. ieare Kaielgh, Arrive Durham. arrive ; HUlsboeoj. ... A Arrive! Greensboro,. . Leave .Greensboro,. . . . Arrive High Point,.... Arrive Salisbury.. . .. A WlUa nia1.Ha ' VUfUlVUO,. 10.00 a m 12.20 p m f 6S pm On pm 6 46 pm 8.05 pm "15 nm 9.50 p mi 11.12 pm LfOaml ' 4fam iaiO a m 1121 am 1.00 pm No. 1 8-Dalry except endar. Leave Goldsboro,. 60 p m Arrive atBalelgh... 7.10 pm Leave Baletgh. ...... 00 a m, Arrive ureensboro, a. 15 pm No. RO Connects at CharlnttA with a r. 11. une ror an points in the 9oath and Southwest, and with C, C. 4A.B.B. for all point fcouth and fflfulli 1111 ! ' ' No. 62 Conneot si Charlotte with A. A C Ab tans ior au points Boutn ana eouuiwest; at Char lptte wftb C, C. & A. B B. f or all points South and Southeast N. W. If. C RAILROAD. feomo WK8T. Na BODaliy. Leave Greensboro. t.25 p hv ju-nve &.ernersvjue.... iu.41 pm amve baiem. 11.25 p m Na 62 DaQy, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 0 J0 a m AJfilve Kememvlue .11.01 am Antra Salem... ....iLjaSam eonfo 1LABT. Na si Dally, except Sunday. Leave Baleaw Moara Arrive Kemersvl le. 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro IjOQ am Na 68 Daily. Leave .Salem 6.00. pm ArrttdXemersvliIe 6.40 p m ArriveGreenaboroi.. 8.00pm TV RAILROAD. v w t mad. WATEB OOOLSBS, POBCSLAIK LlNXD? Mocking Blrdacnkry Ofedlna Cages Baby Swings, eta, W - -rj f!fl"iSf Glassware. Lamps. Fancy Good Tiiid Stiver jflatea ware al ways on hano?.'wno:esale and retail at reasonable .prices Please give us a calL tfuH. - i V 3. finookTftLU'arco. maj9' -BOSTON- METALLU, 3 HAWKINS Snf JWA88, Metallurgists, Assaww-.-and-AeAlytaeai. Chemists GOLD and SILVER BEFINEKn, Practical Mill-Bans of Ores LOO lbs. and upwards. BKFBsCTOKV QUEf CREATED. Surveya, Mine Examinations. Beports, Sketches and Maps mad torntJanstrka andMplIeJunTaeVlH OF CORN, 1 f ME FL0UR, A I BHA ALr 1: . i. S 4 t : i 1 8.WrP0fndi yine , ' 1 ' I ' J S X,. J A 5. .J A M A FULL LINX OF WITH PATTER H 8, iixcKEri?VERiEcf Baking A.J.Beall&Co. iUST (BXCXIVAD. PASSENGKB BOUTK.' " TO BALT1M0BB and ALL POINTS NOBTH. Note tbe reduced first-class rates to TIDD Y & BROTHER, I g;B & L T mria 3 ij4' , mm rjOTber xtenslvy 1 HWuwylMJ TMfirLef BalelKb. " Charlotte, m. - m m l 7 m . I Leave Burkesviiie, 4 22 Sparkling CatljaSptog$it 51MQ,ITO OATAff OA covmrwt, w, c. Dm ipiar 20.mJL 8.55 p m 4.40 b m 12.'Jfm m - An Irreverent Parrot. Chicago Correspondence Courier-Journal Hirers Rising in the Southwest. New Orleans, Mav 23. Specials re port a rise of two inches on the rail road between Delhi and Monroe caus ed by flood waters coming from the Ar kansas. There is a heavy rise in Red river and several plantations are submerged. Tne rising waters in Ked Chute swamp delays tbe work of construction on the "Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacif ic railway. Moses Taylor Dead. New York, May 23. Moses Taylor died this morning. mmy mm Oa Wedoet4ay, My 31st. the 44th Drawing will occur. Quietly and regularly every month this company distri butes its prizes. Now is the time to Invest for tbe 44th Drawing. Tickets only 32, and may draw a Brize ranging from $30,000 down to tea dollars amounting to SI 12,400; remitto BM Board man, courier-Journal Building, Louisville, &y. Can't ell Diabetes. Brutht's Disease. Kidney, rrtnarr or Liver Complaints cannot be contracted by you or your family if Hop Bitten are usedand it you al ready have any ot diseases Hop Bitters At tbe only medicine that win positively cure you. Don t forget this, and don t get some purred up stuff that will only harm you. lltscellaiLCDtia. i I C E ers North and tbe bkrh d rices of fuel are compelled to advance the prices of ICS this season dating tram and after May 1st. following wilt be the rates delivered fr-m wagon to oonsuraen is any -pan oi ine cicy : & vt pounaa iany invery.. .... boc per week 5 ( M ' " ' 60q " 8 , " ' " ..... 90c io i " .....Jl.ib 15 . ' - ..... 1.60; - 20 ". " " 2.10 . M To Restaurants. Ice Cream Dealers. Soda Foun tains, Ac., lVic per pound. Special contracts for large quantities. We are now manutaexunng a superior quality of Ice from distilled water taken from Springs there- toy rendering this IOX the most oeslrable for Jdomesuo use Customers who da natrdastre, regu the ottice cash ticket AH- persona are reortested to report any Irregularities In the recaption of th' U? tupl-ly. ' , weaiBO-naveaiargesiocK sewee iatns. Lum ber, Shingles, &a, and Coal toy farnliy. fonndry and smith's use. Thankful for a very generous suDDort to tbe past we solicit a continuance of the same in the future, nromislns our best fmns to nleaae ah. Very respectfully, , , AHTHOKT BBTCs, mayR lm T.O. Box 153; Charlotte, N. C. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, bypnllis, diseases ot the Kidneys and aU diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the Indiscre tions oi youin, permanently cureu ujr wo uso this Invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are eovnng youi suuer 1 -gi as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of your Maker, If you wUL Do not keep this a secret longer, unttl It saps your vitals, and destroys both body and souL If you are thus afflicted, take DR. BICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NBBVINB. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature delay and Impart tone and energy to the whole eystem. No 1, GOING NOBTH. Daily ex Sunday Leave Chapel H1U, .VlO.40 a to Arrive University, 1 1 .40 a m ' No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Dal y ex. Sonrtay. Arrive University 12.10 p m Arrive Chapel Hill 100 p m MANAGBBS OF Tke New England Smelting Works tiOLp, SILVB'6,' COPPEHSjTnw am. PaltoaH Sleeping Cars Without Change On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, ana between Greeiisboro and Charleston. On Train Na 52, hlchmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. , fca Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Balalgh, Goldsboro", Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest, West, North and Kast. fir Bmlgrantftates to lxmlstana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, . A. PuFK, General Passenger Agent may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSOGEB DEPBTMEjirr. BTOaanl after April 30th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Alr Llne Llvlslon of this road will be as follows: SAMARITAN NERVING Cured my Utile girl of fits, dumb, but It cured ber. bear as well as anybody. She was also deaf and She can now talk and Pxtkb Boss, Springwater, Wis. f WING to recent advances on ICE 8A9IASITAN NERVINE Has been tbe means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. B. Flstchxb, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure care of a case of fits for my son. X. B. Balls, HattsvUle, Kan. 8 A9IAR IT AN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mbs. Wx. Hbisom, Aurora, HI. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the Beans ot curing my wife of spasms. Bit. J. A. Kdix, Beaver, Pa. A1WARITAW NERVINE Cured mt of asthma, after spending over 33,000 with other doctors. , 8. B. Hobsxw, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Hffectually cured me of spasms. m au. Mail and WESTWARD. Kxpress. Mall. No. 60. No. 62. Leave Charlotte, M. . 1.00 a m 12.50 p m Arrive Gattonia, L 2 02 a m 1.47 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K 4.31 am 406 phn Arrive Greenville, H 5.59 am 5.20 pm Arrive Seneca, G 7.43 a m 7.03 p m Arrive Toccoa. F 9.18 am 8.80 pm Amve Rabun Gap Junction,. lO.OOam 9. 10pm Arrive Lula, B. . . 10.37 a m 9.46 p m Arrive Gainesville 11.06am 10. 15pm Arrive Atlanta, 1 .80 p m 12.40: ni Mall and EASTWARD. Express. Mall. o. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta. 2. 16pm 4.00 a m Arrive Gainesville, 4 51 p m K.19 a m Arrive Lula, B 6.22 p m 6.50 a m Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 6.69 pa 7.41am Arrive Toccoa, K 6.40 pm 8.17 am Arrive Seneca, G 8.06 pm 9 26am Arrive Greenville. H. 10.06 p m 1 1.03 p m Arrive Spartanburg, K. 11.40 p m 12.24 pm Arrive Gaatonra, L . 2.06 am 2 50 pm Arrive Charlotte. M 815am 4.00 pm 740 West VanBusaai SAiriARlTAIC NERVINE to dlebyotfir family phy-lclaa. It having over 100 m 24 hours HaHBT jlkxsK, vervuia, wmrawuuvi Cured oar eMld of fits after given up to LEAD OR Ew snil.TED o It El URN K or PUHbH AFI '1 -A COPPER MATTE AHafe rBlfltlON Treated on ReasonaSle Tetnts. OMAS BINNS,... A It KIDNEY,. .r.3. . .". .HffTALLDBGIST. ..MlNIHO EB91XKKK. JOHN HOLLIDA Y ....... ...iPbo. Cbkmist mar8 tf Mew IFoFoitare CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICI MASIARITAN NERVINE Cured yean. ma of acrofola after ALBXBT 8TJCFSON, SA1TAARITAN NERVINE for eight. Wlten thelJev. George Mllrwas pal- IVotiWa tti UAnt Wotab t t tor of Unity he took a fancy to purchase M-iwwv anuwai 1 1 aici . . BOCKBrieiBCB (VA.) ' A U M-W AT B'R CUBES a pirrot. AfterirchSsifi mW bird and placing i)tf,MBtudv f wnity churcbhe was horrified to discover that upon the entrance jiof eyery, caller tbe the titcV would shriek; Dam the book agent! Damsthe book agent I On this reenrrin several times in one day, to his great mcuwcaUon and chagrin, he je-l-,n-n.' I.J! i m 'i .. tiirnedthariottotii-tore,:Qn ClrkS--aiUi;UMa, lUUltfeSUBJI, lUTDItl LdVer. fcfrAl. hVWirl rtnrAhaad Ml. Inri A. er I I 0 '4 -j - r i - - - i . expostulated with the proprieter for nronic tnarrnoj and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, ouruiuus, moronic meumoma, etc .4 tt B to ft powerful Alterative Tenia and la ANTI MALARIAL In Its effects. Bead certificates from eminent pnysicians jn our pamph ets. Bottled m m Katnral utata . Ami fwftir Cha Springs, hlch Are beautifully located In Bock Dnage county, va., and arexnen for ihe reception of vteltors . from June 1st fb October 1st, each year; capacity, 1 ,000 guests For sale, wholesale and retail,, by Dy X B. Ma- awjiw ana lit. x. .u. bmlTJa, Charlotte, N- C, worn if the nroorieter for putting so profane a bird upon him imagine his surprise and dismay on then being informed that the parrot had? fbfimerly been the property of Rev. Dr.iKitteridge, jpastoi the Third Pres byterian church here. Mr. Miln does not explain that meditation upon this discovery, brought on his attack of ag nosticism which severed his relations with UnityfTbot: : whenever rambling about Chicago bird-stores, as he has. a VoK4f nf Anirrr.n hnnnm!nr. (r.t.fM in any Particular bird be never fails ef I inquiring whether it was formerly own e oy an qnnoaox clergyman. t , , 4 "" mm m ii i Good. Morning. :cront forget tcisay "good mdfninff." j jsay it ito-your parents, bNunrs and sistersvour eroool'ffiates. your teach- ia say it cneermuy, and with a , It will do;you good, and do your $ fod, Therel kind asperation -in Artikgal Qaitl iole, fi mayl7 tf with the t mjrnlnf fare 8 8 70 fare 6.70 fare 7.90 fare 11.80 fare 11. AK arei 14. If 1 i. m.; scot nectmg PhUa'il44a an5- "iruk fan ew Tork. J A ii ii Mtew-oojs-ieiiotir-hrRichmohdnbefoM d- Pfnore of trains for West Point or iurther lnfot matton. apply to agents at the 'I' A. PORK. Agent rnmmtm ar ers-t-an smile. friehd in every "goodmorning" heartily 8 Ken; tnarnetps to make none ire i. and work lighter. It seems reallv tnake the mornin sr iotfbd and : to be brbphecyof acooddav toxome after i Ajna u wis ae true of the "good mora ingi it is also true of kind, heartsompr fiTeetinn: they cheer tbe discenraeed. resti tiiAtireaonel BnTT'Sdrlelmw, maka TL-r 5S n Jneei or ine rnn more smootniy. 8tlIlBjBberal with them then, and let no ing:p8hneVerdark Aad felootnVS C - . i . ... . . . 1 ay ue, mai yon ao not neip ac least ightenfbyjygur jmuesT,aAijebet ords. - sas ki " ii it v a. f WHITE GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS, , t LINEN HANDKEBCHIEFS at 10c HOSIERY nFB0M 6c,up BPIUP. An'enricher af tha hlnnd and Ttarifier of thn nr. tern reures lassitude and lack ot energy? aoch It Brown's Iron Bitters. 1 I BOA 7, wmsm tt x.. may 14 Cored my bod of fits, after spending S2, with other doctors. J. W. Thobbtoh XJlalborn, Miss. 8AUARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently ot epfleptto fllsot a stub born character. Fi Mechanlostown, Mi cured my eighteen i . SAMARITAN NERVINE J f sou ot fits, after having had z,buy m months. MBS.B.FOBM. west, iAjrtsaam. r. . CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trams ot Georgia Central and A W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A & W. P. and w. or A Kallroads. P. with iLnHvlna tratna nf (iemrmtm. Pallrrutyl B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia M and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, GeorKia. ' - 6 with Columbia and Greenville to and. irom Columbia and Charleston, a C. ' J ' H wtta Columbia and ereeavfila t and iron Counii na aao Cuarieaton. a. u - , - K with SDartanbure and ashevfTle. airf ft)artah- .burg.JUJBlon and Columbia toan4 from jsendeyso buu auiBTius, win ajbuhi ouu wiuuiwa 1 .1,1, n.HA. tewl I .nl. Um ri m-WUmM WkJt from Dallas an J Oiastet r, t, , - ,A M with C,CA A.. Crift, B. tt IT and L. if. AO. foraJ points West. North and Bast v -j ' Pullman aleapuisear service on, trams Nps. f0 and 61 u.withouthange between Auaam and New York. w , ; APuPE,, it nerat Kassenger ana xietei Agent T. M. B. Talcott. Beneial Manager. , . , . ' . i'lV 8AQj, Supermtendent C, C. & A. K. (JO. OoirDeysED S0H1TDULES. 1 . tar Effect Sunday. April, B0tr,r 1882. .Ja WILL "BELI" CHEAP .FOB V . Hi Ioth Wholesale and rxtj ft . . i CASH Train No, 62. PasSenga Tftln Ho. 48. Passengr. SAIT1ARITAN NERVINE Cured me of enUenarot MI38 Granby, SajTIARITAN nervine Has permanently cured me ot epilepsy of many years' duration. ' JaccJB stjtkb, Bt Joseph, Mo. 8 Aid AR IT AN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliteb Mtxbs. Ironton, Omo. 8 ARIA R IT AN NERVINE Has cured me ot asthma; also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jawjax Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Have Leave Charlotte, Arrive BocJar Bill, Arrive Chester,'.:. Arrive Wlnnsboro,.. . . Arrive Columbia. ii,.'-r4 Leave Columbia. Arrive Lexington, arrive wage ppnng, Arrive GranltevUle,. Arrive Augusta, 1.85pm .88 am 3.80 P m -p4.3fTpTn ypm 07pm 6 60pm 8 02 P m 9.12pm iai5p m 6. Iff am 7.16 am 8.80 a m 9.40 am ia22 a m Leave Charlotte, Arrive Book Hlli,. ...... Arrive Chester. Arrive Wlnnsboro, Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington, Arrive Bldge Spring. Arrive GranltevUle,. . . . Arrive Augusta. Train No. 18, Freight Train No. 20, Freight. aonam K25a a 10.12 a ml 12.55pm 4.30 nm 6- 05 p m 7- 47 pin 8.12 nm 11.15pm 2 18ain Cured me ot fits, years. . -. been well for over four Chaslxs E. Ctjbtib. Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. jSAXEARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepdavBrj badly. Micbab, O'Cohkbb, Bldgway, Pa. SASIARITAN NER,VTNE Has permanently cared me of epHeptie fits Datta Teblt, Pes AUdnes, Iowa SAMABITAN NERVTNB AW, Mlf ASM- wuaaMW rm wiuuiwiu R. B, for Chi ar eatou. and with tne c. A Newberry. Abbeville, Ac. At B, B teMacea, Cured bu wife of erneDr of 35 Hxsbt CLABX.Fi stendlng SAIfUntTAN NERVINE Cured mrynfe of a nervous araase of the bead X. GBABAJi, North Hope, , n tnrTAN njepvine Cured rnV son oi tta;iMT'luti 'iMBaa i fit for bdouc rour years. ; - - josnroAvis, 'T.i 1 Wbagbrirm irrwaanpin ootmW; Ifl, ci rn hit in ricnthYt r rcJ - i is ic 1 Nervine WBlaaaBeaeloseaS ior a copy n, sour tuoMratea oumai. i for sale by drortameverrwher. or may be had direct from ut. T nose, who wish to obtain furthec vldenoe of the ouratlve7 properties-of - fcanariUtf taA 4f Health. giving hundreds of testimonials ot cure from per- aoos wno nave usea tne meauune, ana pictures photogiaphed -attat ibatr mataraUou to f i Woblp'j tnurno rjuniiui. aprl daw ly etJoseph Mo Train No 62 the a C. G. R. R. for Alsti Augusta with Central Georgia emanoi anH Viav41a iw1nta TralnNa 4STD&lly-Connects "if iegbsta wtk the Georgia B. R. and. Central eeorg BB. Jtor Ma con. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 0 leeal, -trVwoekbt, MOW aays, weonesoays ana anaaya. . . : . , , Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pa senger, dalryj at AS6 rx nw .FKigriuauyexceDi Hunaay, at a.42 a m. ana I'm p. m. I km, AT WHITE FRONT. ItPHILIS 79 O in,an, - CijTABBH. fi O H 5? ECZEMA, OLD 2 ...SpBES.PlM- 5-i S PLES. BOILS fil 8ein B.a 55 QURES WHEK ALL OTHER ! REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see us. and we will CURB YOU. iai or charge nothing! II for particulars, and a copy of the little book - f Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." liny ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE JtOHH) DIVISION. TrauiNo.68,l)ally, Leave Charlotte,..., ArrlVe at Statesvllle, Train Ko. 62, Dany 'lre 8tatasrllle.w. : Arrivet Charlotte,, .61 .1.1 )pm i ai 55 am oo a m h. No aalaJ Am. TV eaihtillfllDBBlL Soativrest fmdv.rjagageeekei tgtV . ) . eenl Managw , m ColumBla, a Aprtfotlw nun iexlnhuaiMi2S! fflW mV IWAWIW as thepenaMaesoi - fHia 1 87ft. .! .litff -ii. Hoamaan, Cbariou 4ae llGtofioartrJl in aaiem,H. oaa flom- ao-ruiomsr orsunar am enaos Ask gny prominent Druggist as to our Standing. atrfilOOO REWARD will be paid to any chemist who Will find on analysis of 100 bottles of 8. B. on rtarticle of Mercury. Iodide of Potassium, or I any Mineral Substance. - Atlanta, Ga. (FIB BOTTLB.) Price of Small Size, tJ OO ; Large, aize,..,,-. L76 deeBl SOLD BY ALL DBUG GISTS. uuikSteelM .liMatetoa of pans, for tea eaota. Bold br ah flat MaoaaMaad dates ia far gooda - NEW YORK, n;