I t If wi 1 I 3aEiigi VOL. XXVII. tw CMtOTI?i ;K G., FRIDAY MAY 26, 1882. NO, 4,109. lJ . HIItIII II J I JI1J II PI II m v i s i ism in lhi ii irii rrt iv u xi. VISITORS TO THE - are cortlbUr Invite? !. f if CAM- AND- SEE THK HANDSOMKSr Retail Dry Gowk ,Eslsjiifnt . ' 1 'A' w ...i ? In the State of Noitb Carolina. ALEXANDER V HARRIS, PKG It A'M f& ;0., HVKA pretty LINK OF CENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS. PEGRA! 9 Have the Bestijtock of Cents' Uanil-Smed Shoes . m rut t-t. PATE. :1 J WILL display during the JO:h.of May Celebra tion -the most ifgant stock o( kncy dry GOODS In the state. 01! a tod sw them. AM sNtMr'yfc HARRIS. PEG 11 AM &CO., HAVi iXt KINDS OK Anitas' MfoPSnndHppers ALL special ultt-n loi. to cur stdck of NBCK W K i K. vii : i.MM folium richii., mur Jider- ed Collars, and ev ry vaneiy t.f L ien and Percale n Polka Dot and stilpw . lie are beutlfuL r.iii o..,i .a tiuin . . si P t jALEXiNtKn 4 : HARKI3. PEGRA.Yt S CV, KKKP A WILL SKLECTED rOCgOF '- Truuks and Valices OF ALL PRICES A D "ZES Alexanders Harris TTAVB a mngnltiot-nl suck i f WHITK i'ODS viz: Linen 1 hwcis Indict L iwiis. Manilas, Nainsooks. India ami. . "Vf tlHUtied Ja;i wts. Pom Dot Swls. Mu IUh Irt'Wtu urnl rwuet ftcts, with Lace and Kinb i.li:er to (rim. PEGRAM CC)., HAVE JUST BKCEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, TcIPand Straw Hats Of the Latest Styles. Of be Lntet Styles. WE HAVR a trenaendous stock of Ladle' , Mls-tes and Chi dren's tio: iery, which we wish to re duce. Special pi tees wilt bo mnde In these goods. ALKXaJDt&!t ft HABBia. peg 11 am w :c o:, v- ,J5 '' ' CAN SOIT THK B . Farmer Friends ; With any kinds BOOT3 andfeHOFSTHBt WI3H. VISITORS TO the celebration will be astonished wh n they hear our inlces on Domestic Goods. We make a specialty of these oods. - ALEXANDER & HABBIS. -OUR- STOCK of DRE8S GOODS, tJ?: Nun's Veiling In all colors with trhnmUig8; toniiatch,;wUl be found la all grades and prk. rW? 3 b i ALJ XANOEft 4 IS, d P E G R . AM, ca GO, KEEP ALL KINDS OF m M i .i'jf i ft nrt Mr Shoe Dfessipg, ' FrM(i"Eiaf3ting, He Onipims-: -W HERE YISIXaRS- can get a pair or the S 1 0 VJflS a I yDWllSxflXllWMv A ( A3ft n LriTTTfl .aoiihoqxS. iiqlj(i0 TB&iRllilSi mar 18 DEALERS IN- Slioes.Hak Trafe . W bnmu 9nf nc TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELfLrV,oEc illli Our store will be'clos Saturday. Hay 2fflh,fr 1 1 1 1 1 1 o ciock a m until 7 o'clock p. m. JU. PEGBAM ft 1'EGRAaP & CO , ... , , UrnHi 1 11 f- . . ' - Can mppHx joa ylthp BEST BRABDa Bilk 6l're n's Veiling, Tamiae oua Urenadlaes, Brocaded BUkXwtatttU irtne CJosing Oil 1 n h a III I III & r r,i r f 1 Second Stocli. 1 y jAVINQ nst returned from the Eastern Mar Aets the second time ibis season, we are now able to show the Trade all tbe NEW THINGS in the Iwaj at NevelUee eLihe season.,. , with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Sarahs in all shades, Summer, 8Uka and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Satteens in fancy colors. Nuns yelling 19 all -colors from 800 to SI per yard. Anewiotof Laces In all the new designs. One of tbe cheapest and handsomest lots of : ? - 1 j r s To be found in the elty. Mull Muslins in pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS? j- 1 -..) . ' 1 - - ' V; '. The cheapest and most handsome styles. 8om 1 :.. ' .1 . - i new Neck Wear la new styles. A. new lot of Bunt- uigln all colors from 120 to 81 per jard. f , Come add see and be convinced ihat we haye the goods and prices to suit you. Very Bespetcf ally, - X. I.. 8EIL,E 6c. CO. may7 ' iftledtcal. A Ktr-Palling Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial. Perry Davia'Pain. Killer stands unrivaled . It Is safe I It acta immediately 1 It never falls! Editor of the St. John (K. B.) News, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc. , It la the most effectual remedy we know of. No family ahoufd, be -without a bottle of it ' 'tera single hour. 1 . . From the Crnclnnatl Dispatch : We have seen its magic effects, and know It to be a good article. , From L 8. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Khenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied it Is positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Qa. , says 1 ' It Is a panacea for all Drulses and burns, From It. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: It gave me immediate relleL K. Lewis says: ' In forty years' use it never has failed me. W. W. Lum, Nicholvtlle, N. Y., says : I use your Pain Killer frequently. It relieve pain and soreness, and Mai wounds like magic J. W. Dee says: For scalds and burns it has no equal. - MERRY DAVIS" PAIN KTT.T.KB is not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has been In constant use ; and those who have wd it the longest are it best friend. It ueeeas is entirely because of iti merit. Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, hundred of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this .medicine is more extensively used and more highly valned than ever before. - Every family should have a bottle ready forme. Mhch pain and heavy doctors' biUs may often be taved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most meaidnea, it imperfectly safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Your druggist has it at 2&c50c. and 8UOO per bottle. j PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, ? ? ; PYOTidertca, R. I. sept Atw sept A ocL Native fliincral Water !J 9 3 . ft I ! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) CUBES -i ' 1 pa; mKuTorpiQ LiTeiv Dtanhdand yesj, cKin inseasesaj Scrofula, Chronic umonia, etc. It la a powerfot-AlteratlTe Tonle and Is A NTH MALOtULmltSEffecla.zSiatl rroni eminent physicians in our pamph eti. ! 1 NO ART"FICIAIi3ASES OR SALTS, j BoKleaVinltBtnralsta from th Bprlnga. which are beautifully located in Bockj bridge county, Va, and are rpen-for the reception of vlsltorsj lions June IsTtcr October, 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guestsAj 3 j J - For sale, wholesale and retafl. by Di J. H. Md ADEIf and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, M. C mar!2 ly - - ' f -WHITK GL6VES,' I 1 Tvrirw vT T ATa v LINEN HANDX EBCHIBFS at 10c. I 4 ' fibSISBV FROM 5c up, FANS FBOM 2C u. AC.. AC, AC. UNDER TltADEllS' NAT. BANK. may 19 V7HEELER&V1L SON'S MA I AATi t anft Jnd nIt Sewtog Machine iri r G I I lwofrauTryDeioxiwu,"1' lot Mi -rr 9Mmr.t-ii tl 8Ht BJF t Lip gm 4sgeS1 153 1 LL-BSm I I . ..... f -M u IS war!1! ! I 1 mayll RIVERS JLND HARBORS. H.EPORTS ON - NORTH' RIVERS. CAROLINA They Do Not Favor Appropriations for Improvements at Pre8ent--The Busi ness Done by Some of'theEastern fBiver Towns Appropriations lor vNorth and - South Carolina Postal .Points and Changes-Pertonal Para- graphs Patents Granted. f ' Washington, May 24, 1882. The river and harbor bill , that passed the, last Congress contained a section re-' quiring examinations and surveys of thei Meherrin, White Oak and New Rivers, in North Carolina, and also of tbe water connection between the Wac Ncamaw and Cape Fear rivers, with the view of ascertaining if a continuous water connection could not be estab lished. The duty of making this exam ination" afiid survey was intrusted to Capt. James Mercer, of the corps of en gineers, and he in a report.to the Secre tary of War, which haabeen transmit ted to Congress, giyes the result of his work.' ' ' i"N J Speaking of the Meherrin river, he says that tbe examation was made un der directions from this offlee during the months of November and Decem ber, 1881, by Mr. Charles M. Yeates, as sistant engineer. The Meherrin river rises fri 'Lunen burg county Virginia, flows between Lunenburg and Mecklenburg through Bruns wick and between Greenville and Southampton counties, Virginia. Pass ing into North Carolina, it runs through Northampton 1 and , Hertford t counties, -and empties into the Chowan about 4 miles above Winton. Skinner's bridge, the' upper limit of the examination; is a closed bridge. From thence to Princeton Landing, 4 miles, the river is only used for lumber, and is so blocked by booms that any attempted improvement would inter-;, fere with this business, or else be very temporary in its effects. From Prince ton LandiDg to Murfreesborough. 5 miles, the removal of logs and fallen trees and -clearing banks would cost about $4,000, and would give a channel of 8 feet at low water. There is at present very little navigation over this part of the river, and no prospect of an immediate increase if the improvement la! made.1 ... Murfreesborough, distant from the howan 11 miles, a town of 650 in "isbitants, ship3 annually 6.000 bales cotton, 5,500,006 feet sawed lumber, 300,000 log8,and 3.000 long piles, and re solves 1,000 tons of fertilizers and gene va meichandise to the value of $225, 000. Vessels drawing 7 feet now reach Murfreesborough with difficulty at low water, and the navigation is endanger ed by sunken logs. The removal of :ht-se obstructions would cost about cb.000, and the di edging necessary to s;ure a 9 foot channel, 80 feet wide. bout S4.500; giving the total cost for an improvement below Murfreesboro similar to that in the Black water and Nottoway, of $12,500, or for ihe whole river, of $ 16,500. This improvement would allow the line of steamer now running between Murfreesborough and theSaaboard and Koanoke Railroad at Franklin, on the Blackwater, to navigate the Meherrin drawing as much water as they now do on the Blackwater, and would allow vessels to load to as great a depth at Murfreesborough as can be carried to sea through the inlets. RECAPITULATION. Cost of improvement above Murfrees borough $4,000 Cost of improvement below Miu ?f reesborough ;..,.... 1 2,500 Cost of improvement, total. . 16,500 The White Oak River fares no better in the shape of a favorable report than did the Meherrin River. Of this Capt. Mercer says that its extreme length is probably between 30 and 4i miles, en lers the Atlantic at Bogue Inlet, the ouihwesteru end of Bogue Sound, about 35 miles west of Cape Lookout, and aboutniS miles from Fort Macon, Beaufort, N. C. One of the proposed routes of inland water communication crosses the river diagonally riear! Swansborough, on a line giving nearly tne required ueptn or 9 feet at low water, for a distance 01 about two miles. Should this line be adopted, the necessary improvement of this part of the riYer would be included in the general work of opening the route. The navigation' of the river is now -only suitable for open sail, boats draw ing not more tnan 3 reet or water, wnicn find tbeir way to ft market for the coun try7 produce at Beaufort and Morehead City, through Bogue Sound, which only admits of a draught of water of about two feet,1 These boata which are in general owned by1 the partteswhose produce they carry, afford transpofta-; tion at-icheaD rates to ; all the merchan dise carried up and down the river.? , , Any increase in depth in tne river would Jdo ot no benefit to themLowing to the shoal water wluch. with. depth of aboW I2 MeadijUirongh a dis tance , !Ot 3 iJ&oilgSj $n Sound ; I have, therefore, hot considered it neces? sary to snbmit any project for the imf pfoverhent of the riVer. V'.'T ' T ! New river also domes ?n for a large slice of cold shoulder, the report saying it is naviRaBljpefoY Jressela (drawing not more ttih&fMi fifeet of water from its mouth at .New River Inlet where itn terthe Atlantic to'S miles above Jack sonville Oaslow, the county seat of Onslow County, and also a short dis tance up the northeast and southwest branchesxif the riyer. ,Tfie bar t New River Inlet Jbarely admits Vessels -drawing five feet, and as it is composed of shifting sand, the channel is affected by storms both in depth and position. . Any works for the improvement of the bar to be ' effective would be very extended ami costly, and manifestly not justified at this time. The depth of water in the river is therefore sufficient, .and the improve ment of the river, if any is undertaken, should consist in widening andstraigh ening the channel. The only part of tb.e river where this' widening and straightening is needed is hat indicated on the tracings sent here with. Mr. "Darling has estimated that to secure channel 150 feet wide and 5 feet deep through, the 7,000 feet where tbe Improvementis needed will require the removal otabout, 80,000 cubic y ards of sand and oyster shells, which at 25 cents per cubic yard and 15- per cent, contingencies amounts to $23,000. , . " Owing to tbe total absence of facili ties forodredging at thfs point the diffi culty of obtaining fuel and,waterf and the great risk attendant upon taking dredges, scrovrs, ancltogs ' through the inlet, it is possi be t that ;, the price of dredging would be much higher than this estimate, pobable costing from 40 centstQ 50, cents per yarn. uir mwcoo ing pTfceiQf Ihejwork 50 8f The approximate annual shipments from tbis river are 'Naval st6re,r'2())flOOJ barrels, cotton, 1,500 bales together with peanuts, oys-tei-s afid'asb;jnp estimate of tbe qoanti tVof wrriThcldrjebBtainiBd. .9 -NTanr Tjivor is in the collection district f-of BeauferVN-Jeatllgbt-iiouse, Cape uWSdifriYttBaTest tort, rort Ytt jiiiiiiMn'MafMi the, t)weert tbe iMaccainawj-nd, CapflFear Uttiiiftna0' bbcltides4 smfteri an UienglneersuUiafc iiei,c6ipf nak fnii: watei, :oTinet4ori between j the virtually proniDiuve ; luw..tw that, would have to be charged upon the route. , These impfotements which it was hoped would . be Undertaken are therefore virtually killed by. Capt, Mer cers reporp, as te is rare, mat uongress makes appropriations; for river or har bor improvement in the face of adverse reports, especially in the south. - . The River and Harbor bill renorted "to the House appropriates tbe following sums m jxoriuanu oouiu varonna: Improving Cape Fear Blyer from the ocean to Wilmington, North Carolina: Continuing improvements jjfae hundred and forty thousand dollars-. Improving Contentnea Creek. North Carolina : Continuing: improvement, five thousand dollars. ' Improving Currituck Sound and North Riyer Bar, North Carolina; Continuing improvement, including ,Ooanjok Bay, ;twjenty thousand dollars. , Improving French Broad River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. Improving Lillington .River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, thtee thousand dollars. Improving Neuse Rivel, Nortb Caro lina: Continuing improvement, five thousand, dollars,, t ! Improving Pamplico and Tar Rivers, North Carolina: Continuing improve ment, five thousand dollars. ' Improving Trent River, North Caro lina: . Continuing improvement,' five thbosa.nd-dollars.: Irnnxojdng .Waccamaw iver, North Carolina and South Carolina: Continu ing improvement, four thousand four hundred dollars. Improving Great Pedee River, South Carolina: Continuing improvemenUsix thousand dollars, improving Wappoo Cut, Soutb Caro lina: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Charleston (in cluding Sullivan's Island,) South Caro lina: Continuing improvement, three hundred thousand dollars. Improving Wateree River, South Ca rdlina: Continuing- improvement, fif teen thousand dollars. IThe Secretary of War is also author ized to cause a survey and examination of the sound between Beaufort and New River, and White Oak River to Smith's Mills, North Carolina. POSTAL POINTS. Postmasters commissions sent: Wal ter P Williamson, Tarborough, N C; Jesse Pipkin, Falling Creek, N C; Cor nelius A Tuck, Blue Wing, N C; Rich'd H Wray, Reidsville, N C. New Offices: Woodstock, Randolph county, N C, AtlasG Phillips, postmast er; Otto, Lexington county, S C, WE Cran ford, postmaster ; Meander, Trum bull county, S C, Grace Ramsey, post- j master. Postoffice at Kirk's Mills, Stanly county, N C, changed to Palmersville, one mile south of the present site. Postoffice at Mill way, Abbeville coun ty, S C, removed with retention of the name one and one half miles northwest present site. Postoffice at Colly, Martin county, N C, has been discontinued ; mail to Wa dena. Postoffice at Timothy, Pitt county, N C, has been discontinued; mail to John son's mill?. RAILKOAD SERVICE CHANGES. South Carolina Alston to Hender sonville. Change and extend the runs of route agents to begin at Henderson ville, N C, and end at Columbia, S C, in crease distance 25 miles. Greenville to Columbia. Change and extend the runs of route agents to be gin at Columbia, and end at Walhalla, 6 C, omitting that portion of the pres ent run between Belton and Greenville, S C, making the whole run 161 miles. North Carolina Asheville to Pigeon river. From May 22, 1882, service by Asheville, by Homing Creek to Pigeon river, 20 50 miles and back, 6 times a week, or as much of tener as trains may run. Western North Carolina Rail road STAR SERVICE CHANGES. South Carolina Hampton C. H. to Grahamville. From June 1, 18S2, change service and embrace and end at Ridge land, omitting Grahamville. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ex-Congressman Steele, who repre sented the Charlotte district in the 45th and 46th Congresses is here on a visit to friends and has been most cordially re ceived by those who knew him when he was in Congress. Col. J. L. Morehead, of Charlotte, and Mr. Julius A. Gray, of Greensboro, were here last week. Dr. J. G. Butler, of the Memorial Lutheran church, formerly chaplain of the House of Representatives, who made himself popular by his short pray ers, will attend the Synod of his church at Charlotte this week. He is an effec tive speaker and clever gentleman. Brown and Bros, of Winstpn, have been granted a trade mark for their plug chewing tobacco. Patents have been granted as fol lows: . Valentine Stirewalt, Davidson Col-; lege, N C, churn ; Addison F. Puref oy. Wake Forrest, N C, gate and also for a plow; David B. Hazeltoir, Charleston, S C, clearing attachment to cotton pick ers; Geo. W. Whitson, Asheville, N Cf self-loading excavating cart. Pickup. ; Why Chalmers Lost His Seat. Hon. J. R. Chalmers, of Mississippi, whose seat in the House has been awarded to Mr. Lynch, addressed a let ter to the editor of the Memphis Appeal in which he quotes Representative Hewitt as having said in tbe Democrat ic caucus that in a contest between a white man and a colored man the North ern Democrats could not afford to fili buster. Mr. Hewitt's attention having been called to this publication, he has addressed a letter to Representative Manning, of Mississippi, in which he says that he was not present at the Democratic caucus to which Gen. Chal mers refers, and could not have used the language attributed to him. Judge. House, of Tennessee, said that he could not advise the party to resert to filibus tering in order to keep Gen. Chalmers in his seat, and this was also the judg ment of Messrs. Tucker, Carlisle and Hammond, all Southern Democrats, whom Geni Chalmers bad selected to present and manage his case. Mr. Hew itt says that there is not the slightest justification for the assertion that the Loss of Chalmers' seat is to be charged to Northern Democrats. It was rather due to the fact that those who knew Gen. Chalmers best and the merits of his casewere not willing; to advise ex treme measures iff order to defeat the will of the Republican majority. vfoitian.- HEB HEALTH AND LIFE j Depend more on the regularity of ber menstrual functions than on any or aU causes combined. An actual Or a "living dath" Is the inevitable1 result ?f derangement of a function which makes woman ' what she Is In every respect, and especially In her mental and bodily constitution. Hence, imme diate relief from soch derangements is the only safeguard against wreck and ruin. In all eases of stoppage, delay, or other irregularity 'of jthe courses,'' DrJ. Bradfleld's Female Regulator is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tend to the nervous centres. Improving tbe blood, and de termining directly to the organs of menstruation; rt in aftiAntifla TiresGrlDtion. and the mot intelli- eent Dhrsicians ise ft. Prepared by J. BradfleKL) Atlanta. Ga. Pficet Trial bizo, 75c; large ilze, $1.50. Forsaleby aUdroggfets. . ' . . iH--i . - y "'j1 w wer j v ' Canyon And a case. nLBrUhi'a J&gaise of the ! Kidneys. Diabetes Urinary or -Liver Complaints that is curable! tost Hot Bitters has not orrcahaot 'cifref isk your neighbors If they can. , r.-r.OATAMHO-TMBllMEE, ' fctmelE e irritatton. Inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, curea oy -sucnupaiDa." 91, DepotJ,tLMcAaen, Charlotte, N.C. r-,o " . -An invaiaabla strensthenev for the nerves, mod- f ties, and uesUve organs, ptodudng strength and appeute, is Brown s iron nioers. v. . . . "The Beat In tne World." Asheville, N. C, August 8, 1881. H H. Warner A Co Sirs: I mnaMer mnr fla.fi Kidney and Liver Cure the best medicine in tne wona lor Kianey and liver diseases. Col. R. C O'BTBOH. Sexrj dtrertisemettts. TFrom the Home Journal. A Remarkable Discovery A REAL SKIN CURE. THKBX IS ONLY ONI AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME. Beware of imposters, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best They have been tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. HO POMPOUS HAMS. This curative needs no pompous or incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but its Bimple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CUBE In preference to all other professed remedies. Dr. C w. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin, since he has been persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from tne sleepy state In which thev were befom. ni now claim to be the Great kin Cures. ("Beware of Imitations, or the various article which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles la one package. Price $1.00. get at your druggists. Relief for all Overworked Brains CAUSE AND CUBS. Dr. C. W. Benson's celery and Chamomile Pilla are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and for all classes of hard brnln workers whose- overtasked nervous cente-s need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being dal.y cured by these pills. They correct costiveness. but nre not purgative. Price. 50 cents or six boxs for 82 50. Dostaee free, to any address For sale by all druggists. Dp pot. Baltimore, Md , where the Doctor can be addressed. Letters of inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton. New Y01 k. Is wholesale aeent for Dr C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 MRS. LYOIA E. PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COHTPOTCTP. Is a Positive Cure far all tkau Palatal Complaint aaa WmVuiim eouu t our best female papulatloa. It will care entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles. Inflammation and Ulcer tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It wlU dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. Tbe tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very speedily by its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all era Tina" for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, eanslng pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all olrcumstances act la harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sax this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXCIIAM'S VEGETABLE COM POTJ3TD Is prepared at X33 and z3S Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass. Price $L Six bottles for (S. Bent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of losenges, oa receipt of price, (1 per box for either. Hrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA E. PTNKHA1T1 LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bUlousness( and torpidity of theliver. ' 26 cents per box. S9- Sold bT all Sraasriata. ""S Natural Fruit Flavors. 8 EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids orartific- taJ. Essences. Aways uniform in strength. without arty adulterations or, impurities. Hare gained their reputation from their perfect, purity, superior strength and qual- rty. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MANUFACTURED BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, I1L, and St. Louis, Mo., akenof Lapalla Teut Oeau, Ih-. PrleVs Cream Baklas Pewder, aad Dr. Pries' Calqne Perfume. WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE GOODS F. C. MUNZLER AUE.VT FOR The Benier & Eniel Brewery Coiws (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) Cdibrated lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. ROTTT.O) HEER A SPECIALTY. 13?" Have Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address - TRITI fi 1fTTN7.f JCR. " mbr28 , LILIE! LILIE! LILE! :o: :o: H AVING now two more Kilns in addition to ear PERPKUAL kiln we are now prepared to .;, ' FILL. ORDERS lPHOBIirrriiY, ' on short notice, and at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee Quality, and make no charge unless Lime proves satisfactory. ; , - : We have an agency in Charlotte ot AG. 8um mervllle; who will receive orders for smalt lets at reduced prices. -..,., . - Reference as to Quality of Lime given on appll- eauon. - bisiuh Buuxniuu, Box No. 88, Gaftney City fl. C. , mar7 8m V OF siDiiiiBi sniLra I- THAT WE WILL CLOSE OUT ' AT h. , TSHcy Dr8S Gool9- a- wry low prlca. We have everything In the Dress Trimming IH! k.? . g ukw' ?ltl1ns. 8urahs, Moires and Brocade Satins in all colors. , In Black press Goods r-L1 ,8t?.ck of bUks, Hailns, Merveliieux, Bhadanes, Brocade. Sailns. Nuns Vellfgs. Cash d' !D Zodlars, Henriettas. Ac Some new and handsome patterns in -Beaded : Frtrgea. Lio s, Sraffa iilVf 1 8t0?L ot Lrc8S J f description. Just reoatvad. thaAandaomeat, line of .t ,?.' '' and Fans ever shown In this market. A large stock of Dress Ginghams atlUja sash Ribbons aU colors. Ladles' Ulsters, Cretonnes and Frtr-ges -"Out stock of White Goods 5 is large and cheap. A line of Gents' Nobby straw Hats and low quartered Shoes. A large stock ot READY-MADE CLOTHING- At Greatly reduced prices. Pearl Shirts, Evltts' Shoes. Trunfa, Valises, Hata1 Caps, Boots; Shoes, ota Exaralne oiir stock and we will convince you that we keep everything stynao. ond at prices to suit th times. Smith Building. Truiy, Hargravesfe WYinelm. mayl9 -THE- .-. PUB ;.n i mifffi " SM ATTTTTR FT F,K. ARION, SIMPSON & Organs within Reach of Everybody, MASON & HAMLIN, SHOiMMER BELL CHIME, PELOUBET A CO. and STERLING. Never Before Sach Low Prices 1 Easy Terms H . McSMITH , Charlotte, N. C a . JSj " - jj - b ! 'r P;;.:Tj..-. 5 b S "S 3 a i 3 I and Q s r or i I I ; - - iar g - CO'''' :;;:;;:vvf , : . THREE'S F)R SALXt any two of .toree Fire Proof Safes, all of them the best of makes. One small.. one medium and-one large Ap- 2s ply to or address piy to or aooress , u, , -ZX .Jo. 'miXXr 'H." nrj iiKif i i aaiii.aiT3iiJi f.U. . Y.ti;,;'! 8uaii;:u - COST. DON'T FAIL TO SIX THEM. i n: i -THE-- -ij tivMHjibai t: : :n .y -,-j (l -sj .; L' f ' :Gc i i awlK WM1 i - - ... ;7 KRANIGH & BACH, CO., SOUTHERN GEM tW LOOK HOW THE OLD MAN FROWNS . and scratches his head while reading Mc's adv. Make him read let him frown. Write to me and I wilt-send you a photo (not of myself) but of rny Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection, then go for hlinind write to me for a few more' dots! such : as prices.'terms, Ac. Address, or call on . , , creditors under -ffie' '"tfesl W b Jt "of JU w Perdue, mhOshalk sleelr -elalms ; with ihcniiflerslgnMwul receive a eivldend by Mllfne- f triv AfnnTaonda.JalaT7 22nd. 1882. liSn5rwTttaaaYAl tAmdmir i7 .:;irrau isnt I", i 3 1 i 1 ? x 1. 5 if i i ' r f i 1 I 11 i

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