' V J G .I II A i Sfttto lit tile - . . t .. s. ilri7iaV --' , . ... -i .- .), ,, y VOL. XXVII. V TSITORS 20th Iffl i are eonflallyanvte CALL AND THK HANDSOMEST Retail Dry In the 8tate of North Carolina. 1 ' ' PEG RAM & CO., . HVE A PRETTY LINK OF GENTS' and LADIKHUPfERSJ PEURAAt & CO. iaAvi. V aWW A ' Havth.Be.sttofcoL WILL display diirInnAbSwiUb t May Celebra tion the most elegant htock 0T FANCY DUY 0OOD3 in the Sta. tt aaid m them. PEG R A M'&t5 0.v rALL speclU HtKni V y W K k K. v 1 t-ace i art rn.lar. and eVrrf n Polka lfcrt.naitaiK,sJ then are peaottfut Call an.t seVtrVm AJl .xj. AI.KX 1 1K' t HA.BHI3. PEGRAM & mU . KKHP A WILL SKLKCTED STOCK OF Truoks and Vaikrs s OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. Alexander & Harris TTAVK a magnlQo nt stPcK WHIT ROODS IX viz: Linen Lawns limla L wus Masai las. Nalnsouks, India Muili, noft tliilshed Jaconets, Polxa Dot Swiss, Mu II 'i lit Wui.a una .Kcruel lects, with Lace and Kiiibn lJery to trim. PEGRAM & CH)., HAVfi JUST BftCKIVRD A KINK I STOCK OF Silk, Felt aud Straw Hats Of the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. TT AVR a tremendous stoek f f L ' AVR a treroendou stoek iftf JLifl4'.f Misaef XI and Cbl d'en s tio- iwi, whloli we wish to e duce. Special p lce Will r ne In lhe.- gooda CAN SUITsTHKt R y" Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOTS and 8HOES THOT wisSD VISITOliS! TO the celebration wtU-be astonlshwl whtn they hear our prices on Domestic Goods. We make a specialty of these roods. ALEXANDER A HARRIS. -OUR- fe ? a C TOClLof JAE83; OCOD3,' lz rNuiA FeUlriK KJ la ; i aif colors with trtinmfngr to mateh.-lli-te 1 found in all erodes and Drlcee. I ALEX AffPgll jp ARRI4 PEG RAM & CO,, He Only rdflW W WHEB TORS! mar 18 ii Iglttlll DKALXB3 tl- Boots, aoeWW UIVIBELLAS, &a out siore win be elosed Batardsy 1 1 o'clock a? m. untU 7 r elosed BatardsyayOth, avjunn. worn Kb. m. tvRiM CO. t -" ... P E4$mr&T)4)4 BEST if SEE Cents' IMMealSnoes f jU4 II ft 1 J :EWISI VAaf VlD UN 13TH, 187C1 f, . ii i o n riosi MM Oft&UJIB QHA flM Ladies9 MMTMtSuMlff Shoes.! '' ' i 'ill wA vi iu4 ifa li tr t' ti . i ... -. i 'AX'AKB 4 RjecUltv AiPT.irr onrtnfL anX siJrS,lTely toplv the handsomest stock of Black C hmnwi ilnni. r. , ir.ma r'Wha BUk Qrenaaines, Brocaded en!, etc, eKx, la the i - :!! !.! ') i.W L 8tg wtw&s, -wgtfctug, c 'in JAVINQ Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time this season, we are now able tl hoWerfadea jtj HEW ?HI$0S 10 the way of Novelties of the season. We have replenished oar BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs in all shades. 8ummer Silks and Foulards. Also a ;atteens lnv,ftatcy Nuns Yelling In all colors from 85c to SI per yard. ijejvot ot Laces In all the new designs, of the cheapest and handsomest lots of "LAWNS " One To be found In the city ,; Mall Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A lie w lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohafc; A new-stock of . -t' The cheapest and nfost ihandsome styles.. Borne new Neck-Wear la new stylB? A new lot of Bunt lug iralt colors Irom.120 to II perard: 4. -1 Come and see and be convinced that w have the goods and prices to suit' you. ' ; '.v , .I.-. c-. . -- S t Very Reepetcfully, rr-- ' : my7 A NOMl -Failing Cure for learns, Scalds, ISgnlaeSy Cuts, Sores, etc! After forty years of trial. Perry Davis' r!a in Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe I It acts immediately ! It never l"aljs 1 Editor ff the it. John ($rt.)'ti&ws, lays : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, Bores, etc., It la the most effectual remedy we know of. . No family should be without a bottle of It for a angle hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : , We have teen lt3 magic effects, and know it to be a good article. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, After long years of use; I am satisfied it i Is positively efficient as a healing remedy ior wounas, Druises, ana sprains. W. V. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga., says : It is a panacea for aU nrulses and burns. From B. W. Adams, Saco, Me.: - " it gavememmelfcteTteL""" R.Lewis says: In forty years' use it never has f afteamei W. W. Lam. Nicholvllle. N. Y.. Bays : I usayouc PAUi Kiuj:r Irequently. o It relieve paU ahd aor esess, and iteaU woond3 mce magic- q s g s J. W. Dee' says ft e tl For ficalda And burns it has no equal PERiar l Avia bat kiLtjer is not new i4(tr'ed. Yemedy. . For forty yean it nas Deen in consiaiii use ; ana mose no have nsed it the longest are Us bestfriends. 2tsiice88 is entirely because of fre merit. Since the Pain Killer was firsUnferdaueed, hundred of ewnedieines have fome and gone, Willie to-uay uiis meuivmc m mure extensively used and more highly valued than ever before.' verv familv should have a bafefle ready for itsei stti&h. pain and heavy- doctors' bills may often be tared by prompt application of the I'ain Killer. Unlike most rsA'4-n6 'I fll tH)rfrhi mnrmvwtn In ftnn hWl1 of l chl4. Try it nee thoroughly, and it wii pAvfe Msialiie.Yowrdrucgistfcai it at 25c, oOc. ana Sl.OO per Dotue. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, rrr - ProvMenoe, R. I. septw sept 4 oct. T T-T T ft i art i'm i in t . 13 i i m :ii iji ChronlcIHarThoe and Dysentery, Bkln Diseases, fit Is f poweWdi AlferatiwiTofelcn( 6lNTI MlLiKlAL tn fts rffectKRead-eerMfieates from lemment physlclailq oframph ,fjsii HOOIpa in IIS "TJHlurai tw, unwt nviu hid 8prings.-whlch -are beautttail located to Bock bridge county. Va-tand are r-penfoitlie-waiption t-lUor trooa June 1st to OadbaOSCZfeach year; capacity, 1 ,000 guest. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. EL Mc- ADE am rpr. TVCl SMITH, Charlotte, a i id riri n L S I I ii f ?! 1 WHtT ULOTKS, V. ! LINEN COLLARS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 10c. f ! ' ' HOSIERY KROM 5c up, " ' ' FAN3 FROM 2Vic up. AT THE VARIETY STORE, may!9 Wdria."Trr-tt Wrote bcyinzaiiJ'ouier. .-. .ill liillUR f j oexia jot; xexsu A8UCMVM9 leelev 4e Wtlaen Ml RICHMOND, VA M DAYISK- 3 tfpciy TiSiAi? Liver, F I I 7 1 r ilrl ' .' S m 1 1 teWnfbl m-m a . - 1 marll . State Normal School. v . The' next session of the State Normal School to be held at Wilson, N C, will .open in the Graded School Buildings, 13th June and close 13tb July, 1882. 4W3BiiU)oardofcmanager8 JiaSeKJbeuiwWTiew f opportunities and ad- wrtunate in securing tne services or sAveral distinguished instructors" from. 5b6thhN6Tth and South some of nation al refutation. ' ; : j ... j : - ' , pFFICElis AND IKSTBTCT5DKS.! ' Fr6f Uulius LTomlirisdn,' principal of the Wilson . Graded School, has been elected supetiiitendentv and will bring to the Work a successful experience of several years' instruction' and superin tendence in normal schools. ; f , Pofi Esmond V PeGrafl 8uperintea- deixJy 6t) public .instruction; PaterBon, jTew Jersey, has accepted the position of principal. Prof DeGraff is -author of several most excellent and popular works j on the theory ; and practice of teachiig. BChool management, etc. and has a! natioal reuuttonrju normal saiool i work, having been eagaged in Lguch work for the past twe! ve years in Nhw Krurland' New York. yenflsylvar: uia. New Jersey and -else where. . No American has devoted more attention to primary education, and 4n hi great specialty of teaching teachers how to teach, has perhaps ho equaljin the Uni ted States. Misa Margaret K Smith; of Atlanta, Ga, from the New York. Normal and Trainihg School at Oswego, will have charge of the Model Primary School in whichjthe normal students will have opportunity of observing, the most ap proved methods of, primary instruction. ,She wjillalso ,gyejij special .coprse of lectures or illustrative ' lessons in Ele- "mentafy Science, specially' adapted to primafy and intermediate scbools. Miss Smith icomes With1 the highest! secorfli mehdaitions fro fed Prof Sheldon) snipef in ten dent of the normaLschool at Os wego, &pd froru JDr Mayp, of r3stron, who sajs fjlierp, khofiof hpteacher "of tny Jarpe acquaihtahce better fitted for? just such work-"y.i t , t Prof Alexander Phillips, (University Graduate) of, the Clinton. High School, has been engaged as Instructor in Geo graphy. Prof PhillipsH lias xaade the Study of this abect and the methods ol p resell tin g it .to classes ' a specialty and wffr'tlurin'g the sessiptif gtye iUas-j irsitive lessons iaa both prjrftod rVd yanced -yor-k,"in eluding map-drawingi -Prof ,Jno F Bruton, of the ..Wilautt -Gfifled'SehooT,54 vvlll be iiistjuctor Ih . ciatherQatica in which department he s'ii -distineuished "' himself as one of -Bingham's best." Recitations and methods iq written arithmetic, oral .lrithmetie, elass drills,- rapid--calcula- tftm, etc, will be,giyen. Prof llobt Houston, the distinguished Elocutionist of New York city, has been ehgaged ,to take charge of the classes in Elocution and Reading, in which daily instruction. practical drills aiid various elocutionary exercises, will h given. Occasional evening readings witlTConstitute an entertaining feature of this department Prof 'Houston is pronodneed "the most successful reader on the American Dlalform." and is jftqually.lat horde in the dramatic, pa thetic jahd humorous. He C0thPs.,;with the hifrlwst testimonials from Rev Dr Hall ot-New York, Hev Dr Macintosh of Philadelphia, Prof G Macloskie, L L D, of Princeton College, and others The New York Tribune says: "The readings of Prof Houston have met with erreat favor in England and Ire land as well asju America. Ik is par- l . - i i i - ' i . o n .ucniariy potent, wuu ; peuuiiiui anow, and has drawn tears -from thousands by his affecting enunciation of that bal lad Prof Chas L Wilson will hate jpharge or the department oft :Y&4 lusic. Prof Wilspji is a speciilist and as a wqrmal instructor lias gaiped a reputa tion in his special work surpassed by none irr the State. Other instructors will be announced in due time. w "LECTUKKRS. ', Among the tiistingtnshed -Educators who will be present during the session, as special lecturers, may be mentioned the following: ' j - -." . Rev Dr J L M Cnrry, Agent Peabody Education Fund, Richmond, Va, Hop Jno C Scarborough, Superinten dent Public '-Instractionj North Caro-, lina. i Dr Eugene Grisspm, Superintendent Institution for Insane, North Carolina. Maj Robt Bingham, Superintendent KinottafrrtfKAfwW S t t 7' ' i Jprof Chas WUabneyjr, Ph D ulate Cheniist, Director Agricultural Experi i Statfori :- Kev Dr AiD Mayo, of; Boston, the distitiguished New England Educator aDd Editor pfiThe National Journal of Education, jils ;expetwi to revisit this fetate in June, in which case he will deliver several lectures on. the subjects of Education Practical School Work, etc. i - '' i-i- - : ! u iii - f-; ,. -Trbf Esmond V DeGraff, of New rsfcy, will diiyer.ihi8; popular ieeture lementftot j isucces V-pronouaced an eloquent, instructive and entertain ing lecture. Prjof Wm B Phillips, Ph Estate Ex, periinent Stabrj, will give- several Jec turefe of spep4 pitjjfesi ;;j M; ' . 1 la this connection, Ifmay oe stated that the Wilson Graded School will con tinue tblbeiiri operation during therst three' br four days' of thenorrnal ses 8ior4 and that a great part of this time willl be given toarf jtnspeeliofiQUhis school which, TuhHhShDiiiriiMe in the National Journal of Education, Dr MajoV jwnio visited the dohoftl iri the .winter'ptfonounced. to be unsurpassed n its various workings, for the length j6f time in operation by any, school ?Noith orSouth I Thia nfan(?tJ!nnaa ' tfl modes of in-' BtrilCLlun nu uuteiiinc,Kii3 num. aiiu general school management, will be supplemented daily by lectures and dis cussions, in which will be explained the -principles whose practical workings may have been observed in the school rooms, : r. ir-nr . . ;-( TIIE SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION. Ij A Dreliminary inspection of the Wi son "Graded School, supplemented by lectures and discussions explicative of the principles of instruction and management whose practical workings iiaay have been observed. 2; Daily iecitatietrs, lectures.i illustra tive lessons and practical drills in read ing1, phohics, orthography, arithmetic (oril and? written,KEnglish grammar, geogra'phy; history, elementary science, objects lessons, drawing; penmanship, rapid Calculation, teu ' ! ! f 3i Dkilf Jecttires on .school organiza tion, school d3ciDline. managemeht of oTassei, managetnent of pupils, methods or instruction nvthe various branches, graded Schdolsrganizati6ri and grad ing) of country schools, relation of teacher, child and .parent, relation of thej leather to his profession . and his dully to himself.! . i , , :. j 4i Daily" instruction ana practical drills in elocution and reading, a Daily instruction and drill in car Iist5henic8. . ... Tw Observatidmrin the 1 moderpriniary j JL. AuU A A VAX . Free TuiticrnrA wIH be no ch e whatovfprtMftQ 11U lllOJ MD uau. UI jAMt VM ' in tft nrv lubciw nr i i - rij arg I ULr 1 UUi usual ,eau apply in gj to-j the auperlatenKi -iuh . i m awn .' im .-. ro:eni ItaWKiaTOefl 'lares ,wmx AcrranfAd oveR ,mnski,roaisi r buVab.5btafneaoereach road- i . ta Htfroaaana jNorin uarounaroaa, Dyuwp nfactar'r c. r of Qoidaboro, mu8t change cars at that ruuu aim xtuiui varuiiua iuou, uvu vtuua point for Wilson. Text Books. Though most of the ne- CHARLOTTE, N. SATURDAY MAY 27, 1882. cessary books can be had at the school free of charge for use, it is suggested that students bring with them some good arithmetic, grammar and geo- grapny, vantages herein set forth it is fully hoped mat teacners ana students woq avail themselves thereof will enjoy profitable and pleasant session. There is thorough awakening in the educa tiqnal! work in our Southland, and teachers skilled in approved methods are coming rapidly into demand. Let teachers make themselves ready and the want be'met. Dr. R. W. King, Chairman Board of Managers. : . ' J.C.Scarborough, ' j State Supt, Pub. Instruction. Prof. J. L. TomlxnsxSn, i SuperintendeBt, iA Do-Nothing Congress., too .correspondence Danville Register. . ii hington. Mav 24. The business of CorJgress, sd fatf AS any cpmpletion' oi legislation at una session is concern fed;' has been narrowed ta'Very small dimensions. It is not expectedcrthat anythiirg of Importance can now be done beyond the passage of the bill to reduce -internal revenue taxation, the. pa8sagefpr tne usual appropriation whs,1 and the settlement 0 orj or twj)xohr tested; election cases. This is not a very, handsptne showing for a Congress that is now in the sixth month of its exis tence.! . Very little legislation has been accomplished, although a great deal has been begun. The practical work of the session when it shall have ended, will be found to comprehend very few mea sures of importance exclusive of mak ing those needful appropriations for the niainteuanceof the Government. There! is before-the House a bill to sim plify the duties of Congress and to send to an eistipg and compete'nt tribunal thtftejeatious questions which now oc cupy a large; proportion of the energies of Congressmen. But' 3ehat6rs;and Representatives are reluctahti to part with airy partA)f their functions. Con gress tihpes to frittef' .ttjrtota ime in the consideration of 'etty' private claims and: in trading and scheming anion r its members to re-elect them set.vt s wntie puDuo nusiness or great, importance is neglected. !"The! Senateearlvia) ilie present ses- ,'sion, was guilty of Llte very foolish and -ridiculous performance 01 ordering the appointment of a committee on the woman suffrage question, and that committee has now paid the Senate back in its oWn coin by reporting a constitutional amendment prohibiting lii the'United States, orj in ; any State or Territory thereof, the limitation of suf- irage on account of sex, When the measure 'is passed by a two- proposed third si mf ajority 4b eachi House, and is ratified bv the Legislatures of three fourths of all the States, this country will witness the fxaniformatiotr of all its wqmen into "eitizenesses," and the last feather will be. added to the back of the camel on which all our Republican institutions are piled. The poor beast issadly overladen already, and has been ever since negro suffrage was packed in among his other heavy burdens. It would be impossible for him even to stagger along for any length of time if he were forced to carry this new mon strosity. Silk Culture in Wilmington. Wilmington Keilew. A new enterprise new for this local ity has been -started here by two of out lady residents," one residing on Third street and . the other on Front street. These ladies sent off North this spring and bought 10,000 silkworm eggs. They have had two rooms in the upper story in each house fitted up for the purpose and have gone regularly into the business of raising silkworms. These worms require ' the entire time and attention of one man. He goes out each day and gathers two bushels of mulberry leaves which the worms con sume, they being fed every twq,Jioors. When the eggs arrived" here the weath er was quite warm and they were put on ice to prevent them hatching too soon. The worms are all out now, and some of them are so. far advanced that it is expected they .will beginpiining this week. The Ladies' 'Industrial So ciety of New York will buy all of the cocoons these ladies' can offer for sale. A third lady, also a resident of Wil mington, proposes to go even more ex tensively into the business, and with this object in view has had planted a large number of mulberry trees at her summer residence at the Sound. These young trees are thriving and promise well. ' 1 Washington Dots. Bandbll in Augusta Chronicle. Senator Edmunds.: is absent. He is endeavoring to find a a scientific person who can cure, his dauchter. Some time ago the young lady turned her head to one side and has never be'.u able to get it back to a normal position. : Surgeons here and in England have exhausted their skill in vain attempts to remedy this, distortion.; The grief of the Sena tor, In consequence of this calamity, is inexpressibly great. Descending, the steps of the Capitol, some days since, Senator BUtler was ac costed by a newsboy and importuned 10 take a paper. "I don't know bow to read,"8aid the Senator waggishly. "You don't, eh V" responded the boy. "Then I'd Hke to know what you are doing in the , Senate V Gen Butler laughed heartily and went on to dinner. " i - . WilUamDatMsou haaieeugaihericg a vast amount of curious information. He Will go home ehOck fall Of 'facts, if not fancies. He tells me that an exam ination of the original Declaration of Independence reveals the singular fact that the Georgia signature's to that doc ument are the only ones now' perfectly distinct in a group. Death of Col. W. II. Tucker. Raleigh, Ht. C, May 26. Col. W. II. Tueker,of the firm of. W. II. &R.S. Tu0ker, dry t goods 3 4neVef ants afllaH eigh.' died suddenly 'of apoplexy last nlgpt, aged about 80 years. He was one of (he wealthiest i arid most prominent merchants of the State. Led Amray. Fern and Ina, Nassau co., Fla. March 29, 1880, ! have used Dr Simmons Liver Regulator and always found It to do what Is claimed for it. The last bottle and two packages did me no good and were worse titan BOthlnc. I see it is not DUt-us by- J H ZeiMrj k Co, and sot genuine, end a waste tf. money to buy it. i wouiarje giaa to get tne pure hnd' genuine. Send me some from horn st haws -(with red Z and Zeliln CVs signature off Wrap perl The fictitious stuff sold wilt injure some one badly: Your ob't serv't, BEN J T RICH." WOTIAIf. ' ' o.-,H3raBALTHAHD UTK Desent) more oh the regularity of her menstrual functions" than eaiVer arrcames" eombIned7 An actual ttfal'lMng deatlrl is the inevitable result f deraigeiaetit 01 aJunttloa wMch maktes woman whatshe irurevery respect, and especially 1n her mental and bodily constitution. Hence, lmme jflate relief from such derangements is the only -safeguard against wreck and nil a. In all eases of stoppage, delay, or icttiwri irregularity of the ' "courses." Dr. J. Bradnefd s Temaie Regulator is rtha only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centcB8,4mptovlng the blood, and de- L SWS SSSStS5SL t ZStifiSSZZ mILk yjr&Xmi, HAuauio, us. rnce: iruu aw, tan; uugs uux, W f n. mm .1. 1 - Ja ...... r Cnn voii nnda-icsse at Brtabt'g dteasa of the TidnMaiiDinhAte&i Ifrinarr, mt Liver Comrilaiots !lhatiaurableAhatHap Blttera has net of eannofe '- Stinging Irritation, Inflammation, all Kidney and urinary complaints, curea Dy "BucnupaiDa." 91 Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. Nt Pa ttlal, But Complete. Alexandria, Va.. Aug ist 4, 1881. H H Warner 4 Co: Slrs-Your Sxfe Kidney and Liver Core has effected ah entire cure in my case. I suffered every form of kidney difficulty. atTcrttgcmctitg fFrom the Home Journal. A Benaaurlceible Dibcovery. A REAL SKIN CURE, j THKSK 13 ONLY OKI AND THAT WITH 8IMPLE NAME. Beware of lm posters, pirates, or any old articles Which how suddenly claim to be best ThAv hum been tiled and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. HO POMPOUS- NAXB i Taos curative needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but Its simple English- name appeals directly to the eommon-sense of the people. And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SKIN CpRE In preference to all other professed remedies. , Sr. 'C W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study his been the diseases of the nervous system and of (he skin, since he has been persuaded to pot Bis New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin, Cure" on the market, various things have sprang ap into existence, or have woke up from he sleeps' state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. : tST'Beware oj ImltationsToi1 the various article which baVeeeh-advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None It genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Behsflols Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bean fejs likeness. Internal and eternalreme'dy, two buttles in one package. Prloe $1.00. get at youi druggists. Relief for svll Overworked Brains ' ! , ,. CAUSE AND CURS. Pt.C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills ire Valuable lor school childi efi Who suffer from nervona headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies and for all classes of bud brtin workers whose overtasked nervous cente-t .need repair and sedation. Nf i vous tremor, weakness, and paralysis ate being dst.y cured by these pills. They correct eosilreiu-es. but Hie not purgative; -Price, 50 cents or six boxes for $2 50, poetge free, to any add' ess For sale by all drugnlsta. Dpot. Baltimore, Md , where the Doctor can be addressed, letters of inquiry freely answered. C. N. Crittenton, New Toik. U wholesale agent for Dr C W. Benson's remedies. raay2 MRS. LYD1A E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all these Painful OorupUlut mmi WmVmihi common toonr but female popalotlon. It will euro entirely the worst form of female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcere tlon, FalUng and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to Um Change of Life. It wfll dissolve and expel tnmors from the nterosln an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there to checked very speedily by its ase. It removes f alntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and reUeves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating, Headaches, Karroos Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion.' That feeling of bearlm? down, causing pain, walg-ht and. backache, is always permanently oared by Its aae. It will at all times and ander all circumrtaneas act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LTDIA E. PETKHAHTS VEGETABLE COM POUND ! prepared at 13S and t36 Western Avehn, Lynn, Mas. PrioeSl. Six bottles for $6. Bent by mall in the form of pills, also in the form of loxenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Urs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention tMt Paper. So family should be without LTDIA S. FlKKHAVf LTVXR PILLS. They euro constipation, billot and torpidity of the Uer. tt cents per box. : aa Sold by all Druggists. "SA A DISOPDEnED LIVER IS THE DANE of the present generation. It is for the Core of this disease and it's attendants, SICK-HEADACHE, BLTJOUgESS, DYS PEPSIA. COgSTIPATIO FLLE8, etc.Tthat TUTTB FTT TfB nave gained, world-wide reputation, mo yttemedy has ever teen discovered, that. Acta .so 'gently on the v digestive organe, giving them vigor to aa-J aim 11 te tood. A a nataral result ttw gerVoms Bystem id Braoed. the Maaoles are Developed, and the Body Robust. frvaf iisas and Ferer. B. RTVAJLv a Planter at Bayou Bars, La. , sya : II plastavtion la tn a malarial district. For aaVaral yean I could no ma Ire sMUfacrop on avceount of bllloua dlaeaaea and chills. I wm eirlv dlaooursffad whoa Z bogaa the m of Turpfs PILLB, The result w&a marveloua : my laborers -woo' Moams nsany auu rvuuot, .. I hvs had no farther troubls. . They rllv le easorced TAver, eleanso the Blood traam jtaonous hnmsnsuMl caaae the bwwels ta sse asrtaraUy, Klin, at which m aae eM Csel well. . , BlaaoL Paee.SJ3 TUTT'S HAIR DYE. at HAra crWmsajcM ctmngedteeotossw ' SiicK or a single application of this Dye. It i rnparta a natural color, and acta Instantaneously. Sfcld br Drnggjata, or sent by express oa reoeipt ofpne Dollar. . - Oiftae. 88 Murray Street, New York. fitr. TWITS XA.3fVA.Xi FalMaeteX I WnfmitmmU9M Ml Umeful JBeeeeafe VWiu o matt nn mm appUoatiott.J' F. C. MTJNZLER AtiErfT FOR i tism & W Brewery Companys (Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) Cd'brated Lager Beer, - j In Kegs and Bottles. ltOTTLiED BEER A SPECIALTY. AlWtiave ywt rciiveda small totef BOTTLED KLB and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonaoie pneej Aoarese . UckBox255.Ciiario4o,N.a aiiT :h it: tT AvTUapw two more Kilns in gdamon to oar 1 PARPJt JUAt KILN we are.now ; piepared t :'J ! i-.i rsstTwo 'fIT .r-,,--:-i-v. i . vi .FILL. OBIIElMi PROJIIPT1.T. a: ! sfrirwtiaof-s Mbm! toat, aerj'ntipe ,Udri -We guarantee Quautandinajte. nnehun wi have an- agency In Charlotte or Al t Boin- l merrUlet who Mjl lecelr ftders, for small lot reaucea pnoes. v Reference as to quality of Lime gtven rm applt cation. SIMON BROTHERS, Box No. 88, Gaffney City B. C. mar7 8m 1 I 2. 1 yJc I V ' fj' UiH U jg 2I -VB I 33 jsranares SAiaacl Coat. ;;.'0;i -ml i.!;. 0IP SMMIBI 1ST THAT WI WILL CLOSX OUT AT nif f 1" i ?.cy,PM 6ooAa- ry low pries. We have everything ia the Dress Trimming . line, etabtaclng' 8Uk, SaUna, Surahs, Mplres jnd Brocage Satins in aU cplort In BlacTDreasOdl " "YiiiJT-'el?1Ik8'HUns' Mrv1'1,feyx. Baadanes,- BToc-idei SaLina, ons : Velgi: ' Tneres, broa IXaVwrJars, Henriettas. Ac Some new sad handsome patterns In Beaded Fringes, a ffits,nlrl. UiTftstocof Laces of every description. Just received the handsomest lln at fJlT' xdl284Si?sk We 8Jld Fh ever shown In this market, a large, stock of , Dress (Hngbama at lfw- fash Rlbtwns all oolors. Ladles' Ulsters, OretonneB and Frirges. Our stock Of Whltettoods' la largeiand cheap. A line of Gents' tfobby Btraw Hats andTow quartered 8hoeti TSu slorAof '". READY-MADE At Greatly reduced prices. Pearl Shirts, Kvitts' Shoe's. Trunks, Valises, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, At UeT. mUhBl(nng weTw1yoonvlnoe T0U that we keep, everything stjllsb and at prices to suit t 1 - " ' argraves maylft --THE-- 66oU HI MBIB,;D FOR TBtlE!1 . M AT .Ai '"UJjJ pus L 1 'i rt wffi Vc-f ) lt III . ' WeaiBav ARION, SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM Organs within Reach of Everybody. maim y - . MASON & HAML7lN,fr SU0l(ii:it BELL HUM, PBL0DBBT4 CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such Low Prices 1 Easy Terras and him you H. IVIcSiVIITH, Charlotte, Nf fe ga 3o jH ,, OCD l Si ft ',v W: ".Y:' ; : I 5. g- W . sue" - -s 1-1 ' -i ' - Lr3 I g i e h . CO. CO :tii!""Jli THREE SAFES. iia-n i.l fii!itrisf swrf fcHJisitsif iU'iid'b1 &ne n1 tn nv aridraaa CHAS. B. JONES, Prop'r Obssbvxb. aprl8 it TMft-Jr-t-lft .11 'Ofrvi WJm - ;u - tu COST. DON'T FAIL TO SSB'THXM.- CLOTHING fe Will-ielm --THE- WlWmBBSBt: :!T j . yuv., I li y.. I ,'1 ! . AA J . , CaRpZiS WM KRANICH & BACH, HUSHEK, " -tlK' V.'l - ..! : LOOK HOW TBI OLf AIAN FftOWfJB Jg) . scratches his head while reading Mc"s adf . ISfakfc' ' . ; Oil ' . .' . !)? 'It'' 'V-',' I read, let him fr wTii. Write to me and I will send - v.. - a photo (not of mvself) but of my Pianos gndt)r-;i' gans. jnaKByuui scaectton, uen go for nan ana wnte .. , to me for a tew more dots, such as prices, temis' Irb. " ' Address, or sail on - u , -; , .f i n ' . ' 1 ' 1- J 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i in ii ii t 13 rlLWileWITOiLrki 1 lu UTAOTprefeired taedltdrswidtei fhe-bnstOeed mti0j&1&&e!!wnf it tAy "office on Monday. nayjandf l8Sl.Ji indebted tor a VC Perdae .wlk ptease eaik settle immediately. . JOHN YAK LAKDLNUUaJt, majll wed sun sun Trustee, iif ,

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