DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVES: SATURDAY, MAY 27 1882 CHAS. R. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. IKhtxbxo at thx Pobt-ottiot At Chabwwtb. . 0., am Smoom-CiUM mmm.1 SATURDAY, MAY 27. 1882. LUTHERANS IN COUNCIL THIRTEEimil SYNOD f'OF; THE LUTHERAN CHURCH SOUTH The Convention Called to Order in St. Mark's Church, CharlotteSummary of First Day's Proceedings. Pursuant to announcement the 13th Synod of the Luthetan Church Sotith was called to order yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, in St Mark's church.Char lotte, by the president, Rev. J. Hawkins, and the following named delegates were enrolled as members of the Synod: SOUTH CAROLINA SYNOD. Clerical Delegates Rev J Hawkins, president of the Synod, Rev J P Smelt zer, Rev H S Wingard. Lay Delegates Captain G S Hacker, D B Wheeler and W P Housael. VIRGINIA SYNOD. Clerical Rev D W Gilbert, D D, Rev T Dosh, D D, Rev James Willis, Rev W CSchaeffer. Lay W E Craig, Esq, S S Smeltzer. SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SYNOD. Clerical Rev S A Repass, D D, ReY J J Sherer, Rev L 6M Miller. Lay Henry B 'Groseclose, Joseph L Groseclose, Colonel Josiah Brown. GEORGIA SYNOD. Clerical Rev W A Tigner, Rev Jacob Austin. NORTn CAROLINA SYNOD. j Clerical Rev G D Bernheim, D;D, Rev L A Blkle, D D, Rev W J Smith, Rev S T Hollman, Rev V R Stickley. Lay Capt JA Fisher, Col P K flei lig, Mr D R Hoover, Captain W A Bar rier, Mr Jacob Duls. The Synod was declared tp be organ ized and the outgoing president Rev. J. Hawkins, submitted the following : PRESIDENT'S REPORT, ' Dear Brethren in the Lord t Grace, mercy and peace be upon you, in the name or the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost Amen. j- By the mercy of our covenant-keeping God we are permitted to meet again in Sy nodical convention, and it becomes us with grateful hearts to acknowledge the goodness of God, and in the strength which his grace supplies to enter heart ily and joyfully upon the duties now before us. The two years that have intervened since last we met have been signalized, both in Church and State, by the most stirring events; all of which, in their issues, have wonderfully illustrated the providence of God, -and laid his chil dren under profound and lasting obli gations to Him. . The world has rapidly advanced in the arts and sciences, and in all those things which indicate a higher civiliza tion. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in all her branches, has been struggling after a greater degree of purity in doc trine and life, and striving for a more perfect consciousness of the divinity of her calling, and the full realization of that missionary spirit which enables her to comprehend the import of the Savior's declaration: "The field is the world." Never before, perhaps, in any biennial period of her history has she exhibited so much activity, nor exerted so powerful an influence upon the world than she has during the last two years. At these things we rejoice and from them we take courage. The Evangelical Lutheran church in these United States has shared largely in this general prosperity. Her membership has very greatly in creased, her Christian liberality steadi ly developed, her institutions of learn ing prospered, while there has been a gradual but sublime rising to a more just appreciation of her patrimonial in heritance in the rich treasury ot doc trine and churchly usages which have come down to us from the great Re formation. Our church to-day is as actively and as wisely engaged in spreading abroad the saving doctrines of grace as any of the denominations around us. And for this we are thankful. Our own General Synod South has not been idle. Our pastors have been active and faithful in preaching the Word in its purity and administering the sacraments; and our people have grown in numbers and in grace. The borders of our Zion have been enlarged and our stakes have been strengthened. Advance is stamped upon all our en terprises, and fair success has attended all our efforts to advance the kingdom of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ' j.- It is true that in some sections, and in some respects, there has been but little visible signs of advancement This was necessarily so because of the difficulties under which we have labor ed. But even in these sections, and in these particulars, the noble and self sacrificing devotion to our glorious cause and the stimulating hope that have characterized our brethren are worthy of commendation and augur final success. Some of these difficulties still exist: and to devise means for their removal is one of the objects of this convention. It gives us very great pleasure to an nounce the fact that THE NORTH CAROLINA SYNOD has wisely determined to take her place again in our General Synod. After standing alone long enough to calmly survey the field and act with wise dis cretion, she has decided that her highest interests and ours are one ; and she is here, in her representatives, to identify herself with us in all that we may con sider conducive to the best interest of our Southern church. We rejoice greatly at. this, because It will to a great extent enlarge our in fluence and increase our efficiency for good. But while this old and influential synod thus encourages us, the SYNOD OF MISSISSIPPI has, owing to some misunderstanding, grown restless and dissatisfied, and a feeling of alienation has arisen which has prompted the brethren of that synod to withdraw its connection with us. We have done all in our power to prevent so undesirable an event, and we herewith submit a correspondence from that synod for your earnest and Erompt consideration. We mny.it is oped, by proper attention to this mat ter, prevent a final separation, which we are satisfied must result in nothing but injury to both them and us. Matters of the very greatest moment to us in connection with our perfect The chairman of the central UegGettysbnrg, Pennsylvania; in committee on missions nas sent up uu i52. report wmcn win oe urougnt teiore you by the proper committee In con nection with his leport he Informs ns that the committee have been very much crippled in their efforts to accom- Slish something by the fact that the istrict synods employ all their own funds except the per capita assessments, and by some of our largest congrega tions failing to use the committee as a medium for disbursing their foreign missionary - collections. Ami he tgg-r gests the propriety U either I the em ployment of a foreign missionary Fof our own or the discontinuance of the central committee. Your attention is invited to a careful consideration of this very important matter. , - ... . , . And now, dear brethren, in return ing the high and responsible trust which your partiality two years ago entrust ed to my hands, let me say that I have watched the interests of our general synod with an anxious heart. How to cultivate our extensive field so as not to lose much of our material beyond all redemption is the great question that forces itself upon us. What plans to adopt, what measures to employ, and. how to strengthen our hands, arQ ques tions that are agitating our thinking men all over the church. Let us address , ourselves to these grave subjects with all the grace we can command, and in the fear of God let us work for his glory. After the delivery of the president's report the Synod proceeded to the elec tion of officers for the ensuing term, which resulted as follows: President Rev. J. J. Scherer, of Ma rion, Va. Secretary Rev. W. xG. Schaeffer, of Richmond, Va. Treasurer Capt W. A. Barrier of Charlotte, N". C. Service was then conducted by Revs. L. G. M. Miller, Dr. J. J. Scherer, W. C. Schaeffer, and J.-J. Butler, Mr. Butler delivering an introductory sermon, after which communion was administered. The Synod then adjourned. After graduation he; removed to Co-r Iumbusicity, Texas was the means of having Colorado College located there and put into successful operation, and was for 10 or 12 years president of it Thence he removed to his present place of labor, Marion, Va., where he is presi dent of Marion Female College, estab lished and maintained by the S. W. iVirginia Synod. Under his superin tendence the institution has been brought up to a most encouraging con dition, enjoys a good. name, is , blessed with a fine patronage, and has a bright future before it The General Synod has in him a good president. The addresses on missions will be de livered Saturday evening at 8 o'clock p m by J G Botler, D D, Rev F W E Pes chau, Rev W C Schaeffer. SUNDAY APPOINTMENTS. Lutheran church morninsr, S A Re pass, D.XJ. Evening Installation W F Con rad, D D, Rev F W E Peschau, S A Re pass, D D, L A Bikle, D D. First Presbyterian morning, W F Conrad, D D. Methodist morning, J P Smeltzer, DD. Methodist evening, D M Gilbert, DD. Associate Presbyterian Reformed Church morning, Rev W C Schaeffer! Baptist morning, T W Dosh, D D. Baptist evening, J G Butler, D D. Calvary Mission morning, Rev H S Wingard. Calvary Mission evening, Rev W A Tigner. The reconsideration by Mr. A. H. Ste phens of his resolution to retire from public life, reminds us that statesmen do but seldom retire. mo. 69. THK CLIMAX MI' K and BUTTER STORE WILL OPKN to-day at 2 o'clock p. m Tbe very txBt Milk and Butter kept in a magniflsent Refrig erator and sent by an active porter to any part of .the city with expedition; time enough for your smokrns Back wheat cakes, splendid snow white rolls or hot corn bread. Milk sold by theglas with rolls and batter te any who may be hungry and thirsty. Call and see how complete we have It arranged, hext door to Rankin's shoe stora and two doors from Query's. ." JNO V iUTT. Agent. ma271t . Trade street -THE- Char lotte Steam Laandpy STARTS MONDAY 29TH. I WILL begin operations' at . the New Steam laundry, formerly managed by flaymann ft Co, on the 29th lost The patronage of the public la earnestly solicited. Prices will be made satisfactory. 8pecla rates for families, hotels, Ac . " r further Information on Lautrdry work, Ac., address B. N. SMITH, nny27 It Charlotte, N. C. Report of the Condition - OF THX. . . . Merchants and Fanners' National Eaok, at Charlotte, In. the State of North' Carolina, at . the close of business, May 19. 1882. BESOTJBCXS: , Loans and discounts..... $ 347,101 3 Overdrafts.;.. 2,113 28 U. & bonds to secure circulation. . 230,000 00 Due from approved reserve agts, H.550 85 Sue from other national banks. . . 4,6X8 7 9 Due from state banks A bankers, 2,060 88 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 19,200 00 Current expenses and taxes paid, 4,633 02 Premiums paid r.. 8,000 00 Checks and other cash Items, .... 1 ,694 73 Bills of other banks 6,834 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and pennies - . 52 63 Specie 11,600 00 Legal tender notes 6,000 00 Redemption fund with treasurer oi U. B. ( per ct or circulation) 9,000 00 Total............. 8625,319 LIABILITIES r 21 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, will be brought before you through the board of directors; and we trust that the wisdom of this body will devise liberal things for this institution, born of the necessities of nrar Southern Church, and sustained by the means and prayers of our devoted people. 9TJSINABY"9PERATIOS.: As the Richmond mission will be ful ly reported at tbe proper time, it is nec essaryTnowrsimply to recognize it as still wortbx of the fostering care of the ynod, . - -r- ' The large measure of success that hi attended the labors of our zealous and efficient mwion interest in the al aid rendered fflnlav are aotireea of cT&tiflcatton tn all of us. and call forth our thanksgivings. it u a souree ox regret, mat. our pians Evening Session Synod was called to order by the new president, Dr. Scherer, at 3 :40 p. m., and the secretary proceeded to call the roll of delegates. A. quorum was found to be present and the president announced that the Synod, was jeady for business. Over the chancel, in the morning were the w6r6TThef;IiOra is risen indeed," but during the interval this sentence had been removed and the following substituted in its place: "Our cares our , joyBouraims are one," which to an ouisiuer appear eu w ue irrruii sym' pathy with the spirit of the Synod. W. E. Craig, treasurer of the Rich mond mission, read his report, which was referred to a. select auditing com mittee. The report was for the term of the past two years, and showed that the collections for that period had been $4,458,97; disbursements for the same period $4,448.65. "The indebtedness of the mission yet remaining unpaid is $9,143.05, the provision for the payment of which has been assumed by the synods composing this General Synod South. The mission was originated in 1875 with only 7 members and now numbers 122. The following standing committtees were appointed for the session : On the president's report Rev. L. A. Bikle.D D, Rev L G M Miller, J L Grose close, Esq. On minutes of last, Synod Rev W A Tigner, Rev James Willis. Capt J A Fisher. On District Synods Rev J P Smelt zer, D D, Rev S T Hallman, Col. Josiah Brown. . On State of the church Rev S A Re pass, D D, Rev G D Bernheim, LV D, Rev J Hawkins, D D, W E Craig, W P Housael. 1 -r-? On devotional exercises Officers of Synod and pastor loci. On theological seminaries Rev J Hawkins, D D, Rev W J Smith, B Groseclose, Esq. On literary institutions Rev T W Dosh, D D, Rev L A Bikle D D, Col. P N Heilig, Col. Josiah Brown On missions Rev LGM Miller, Rev V R Stickley, Col. P N Heilig, D B Wheeler, W E Craig. On treasurer's report Rev J Austin, S S Smeltzer, D R Hoover Esq. - On mileage Capt. G S Hacker, Jo seph Groseclose, Jacob Duls. On letters and petitions Rev D M Gilbert, D D, Rev S A Repass, D D, Rev V R Stickley, Rev J Austin. On church literature Rev D M Gil bert, DD, Rev G D Bernheim, D D, Rev S A Repass, D D, Capt. W A Bar rier. The committee on the education of the freedmen made a report on that subject through Rev LGM Miller, act ing chairman, which produced consid erable discussion participated in by Rev Dr Dosh, Dr Bernheim, Dr F W Conrad, Rev J J Butter, Rev F W Pis chau, Rev. LGM Miller. The report was recommitted to a committee of live of which Mr Miller was made chair man, and the committee was instruct ed to report during the present session of Synod. The election of directors of the Theo logical Seminary, at Salem, Va., result ed as follows: Virginia Synod. Rev W C Schaeffer, Rev Jas Willis, Rev D M Gilbert. W E Craig, Esq, S S Smeltzer. Esq. North Carolina Synod Rev W J Smith, Rev; G D Bernheim, Rev V R Stickley, Col P N Heilig, Capt W A Barrier. Southwest Virginia Synod. Rev L G Miller, Rev J J Scherer, Col J Brown, J L Groseclose. South "Carolina Synod. Rev J D Smeltzer, Rev J Hawkins, Rev H S Wingard, Capt J S Hacker and D B Wheeler. Georgia Synod Rev J Austin, Rev Geo W Nichols. The Synod then adjourned to meet thimorning at 9 o'clock PERSONAL. Rev J J Scherer, A M, the present president of the General Synod, is a na tive of Wythe county, Virginia. His father, ltev Jacob Scherer, was one of the most favorably known ministers of the Lutheran church in the United States during the pasi;50 years. He was what might be termed a missiona ry pastor, organized a numDer oi con gregations in different States, took part lfT organizing te-General Synod North in 1820, was instrumental in ef fecting the organization of the Synod Of Scrath-We8t v irginia and in short, wa$ a man alive to all the interests of the cfcurSh In his day. youngest of were Luth- whom are peaa nut he He pursued his studies flrst'at Roanoke I College;! indf Subset Congress Yesterday. The proceedings in the Senate were unimportant. Mr. Bayard offeied a sub stitute to the bonded spirits bill, which was ordered to-be printed, and he gave notice that he would call it up early next week. A bill was passed to re move obstructions from navigable streams of the United States, after which the consideration of the Japanese indemnity run a Din, to which several amendments were offered, but not acted upon. At 4 :40 the Senate adjourned till Monday. The dead-lock continued in the House which, for the greater portion of the day was a perfect pandemonium, the cross-fire originating from a parliamen tary question, by Moore of Tennessee. who was tackled by iiandall, who was followed by Marsh of Illinois, and he by others until a number of members were mixed up in the wordy wrangle. The speaker's gavel was used vigorous ly, but to little purpose, so little that he had to threaten ijeirord, of Colorado. with the attention of the sergeant-at- arms. Mr. Jilackburn, of Kentucky, tried to throw oil upon the troubled waters and find a way out of the diffi culty by offering to compromise, which provided for tbe appointment of a com mittee to investigate the question of fraud, tampering with the evidence, &c., in the case of Mackey vs. O'Conner. which compromise the Republicans de clined to accept. The block continued until 4 15 p. m.. when after a confused dsscussion on the proposed compromise it adjourned, the Republicans going into caucus. The whole day was spent in wrangling, in which much Dartisan feelinc was shown, especially by the Republicans, who are in no good humor at being checkmated in their game as they have been. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding. Dividends unpaid , . Individual deposits Bubjeet to check... . Demand certificates of deposit... Time certificates of deposit Cashier's checks outstanding Due to other nai tonal banks,. . . . Due to State banks and bankers. Notes and bills re-dlscounted, 200,000 00 4f.00OO0 19,745 28 180.000 00 840 00 108,466 92 10,407 03 17.630 62 104 48 2,t98 43 1.167 14 49,459 31 Total, $625.819 21 State of North Carolina, Count? of Mecklenburg, as: I, J. R. Holland, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of mr knowledge and belief. i. U Hollaxd, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, the 26th day of May, 188 J. C. N. G. Butt, Notary Public "Correct AUest: J. H. McAdin. J.H.Wilson. V Directors H. 6. SPRINGS may 27 SCARR'S iRTJIT Preservative, one 25c packpge will pre' X' sen e 20 pounds or rruit. irorsaieDy may26 R. H. JORDAN ft CO., Tryon street. WHITE'S rpnoTHSOAP. Jewsbety and Brown's Oriental X Tooth Paste and SozodorJt; fr-r sale by msy'28 H. JORDAN A CO.. Druggists. WE INVITE ATTENTION WE INVITE ATTENTION -TO OUR STOCK OP- wnicn is now run and comp Our rtock Km braces a full 11 We Invite all to give us a call m FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, A, 3. mJSLESOES IRQ SrugB and ptcflictoes. FRESB NERALWA TER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden sDrag Store gARATOGA -yiCHT. jrrom Saratoga Bprings, . T. A new water re-! BemDimg ine imported viohy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong aiurenc Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia a Lao. CASKS CONGRESS WATSR, 1 0 CASKS BOCK BREDGI ALUM, 1 A CASI3 BUFFALO LITHIA. AVf And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -iSD- WW D is Ml i; ill V. WE HAVS STOPPED SELLING AT COST. BUT OFFER GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Tha the Pub'lc cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, JU1T RECEIVED. apr2 lEGYEB, 5?Eacto Gtreet, fkoyaili Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY I JTWIADI JAN08. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS 1 CATHARTIC: Doe: A win idaaa full before breakfast. The Laneet "Hunyodl Janos. Baron Lleblc af firms that its richnesa in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The Brtttoh Medical Journal "Hunyadl Jano. The most agreeable, safest, and moat effloadoua aperient water." Prof, rtrehon, Benin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have preeerfbed these writers with remarkable success." Prqf. Scaneord, Wurszburg. I prescribe none Put this." Prof. Lmdsr BrunXom, M. ZX, F. B B., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. AtJcen, M. D.. F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Neuey. "rreierred to ruuna and rued-nchshalL" K 1 ( FURNITURE, BURGESS NICHOLS, BEDDING, &C. A RU LOB Cheap Bedsteads, Aire Lomraaa, Parlor & Chamber Suite. RECEIVED TO-DAY. We have ad led to cur sto:k a full line of We have added to our stock a full line of JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon 8t, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When yon can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it sows from the spring at Saratoga. we receive wis water in targe diock an reservoii Cents' Cassimere Suits, WimiTIE "VESTS jlSTT) DUSTERS. ALSO A LARGE LINE OF The Readjnsters Carry Petersburg. Petersburg, Virginia. May 26 The full returns of the municipal election here yesterday were not re ceived until four o'clock this morning. J. J. Jarratt, lteadjuster, was elected over F. H. Archer, Democrat majori ty, 1,059. The entire Read juster ticket for city officers was elected as follows: Geo. S. Bevard, commonwealth attor ney ; J. A. Johnston, city sergeant, Jno. C. Armistead, clerk of the court ; E. W. Couch, city treasurer ; F. H. Bond, col lector of city taxes ; W. D. Minetree, high constable; W. W. Evans, colored, city guager. Democratic council men were elected in three wards. The tirst and sixth wards elected colored justices of the peace and two colored councilman. VIOLA COLOGNE is the best; for sale only by R. H. JORDAN & CO. may'ift A FRESH SUPPLY OF Mlssissquol, Imported Ylchey, A poll In arts, Hathorn and Congress Water, Jost received by R. H. JORDAN & CO., may26 Druggl ts WHEELER'S TX)NIC Elixir. Iron Bitten. Hod Bitters. Hostet- A. ter's Bitters, Fellow's Compound tyrup of tbe uypophospbltts, Horsiord's Acid Phosphate, a full supply at K. H. JoRDAN & CO.. ma?26 DruggUts. which we return as soon again every week. Preaertpdona carefully emptied to be refilled J. fcL MO A DEN, Druggist and Chemist. 1 prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. uly28 AT WILDER'S GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Soch as Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves and Silk Handkerchiefs. Ladles' Dre Goods and Parasols W CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. ELIA8& COHEN, may 17 MASONIC TEffiPLC htjildino. WE KEEP 0 ON8TANTLY on band the finest Green and Black Teas for the retail trade. R. H. JORD1N & CO. may20 Tryon sreek FLESH BRUSHES AND Bath Towels, for sale by R. EL JORDAN & CO.. may20 Druggist?. it n cu lou will find a choice and complete stock of PURE I FRESH MUGS, Men's, Leibig's Liquid Extract LLACE BROTHER Sta,tesville, N. C, - OF BEEF and TONIC INVIGORATOR. 'OFFER THH-n WE KEEP THK Best 5c and 10c CI X R. may26 TRY IT. y -LARGEST STOCK-: TS. . JORDAN 4 CO.. Druggists, Tryon afreet. If the mother la feeble it Is Impossible that he children should be strong. Lpdia X Plnkham's Vegetable compound Is a perfect specific In all chronic diseases ot the sexual system of women. oeaa to Mrs. Lydia K rinkham, 223 western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., tor pamphlets. aTTtnere,anatheabidirff i -.5' H"L. rai88ion ana the matAn. i inree Droiners. ail or wnom DV tbe SVnod i Of Vir- I nrin tnt.tatAiV WdrU ki I M u .... . . A. The beauties of the face of women are often Ob-' soured by tormenOnrhunfors, easily got rd of Jy using Dr C W Benson's Sklg Core,, Jtt heals" erup tions of the skin or scalp and. renders.: the cuticle smooth and lair. An excellent toilet dressing. BKDFOKD AUTM AJOFIBOH &FRIS8B WiTXH AHB Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains iwlce as much iron and Cfty per oant. more alum tnum than any "alsm .and iron mass", known. Just the tblBg-f or the ''sprmg weakaesa' now so feneral. Sold by all druggists of -.any standing. 'rfAAa mifvttuf Arui half mayl I tf. ' ". , , LUNDB1RG3 Superior Handkerchief Extracts, Marechal Mel Rose and Xdenla. Also, Rhenish Cologne in 25c and 60c bottles. We have a full supply of these superior g kxIs now In Stock. W1LSOM A BUHWKLL, may26 Druggists. tiNDINK BAY RDM, Bath Sponses. Florida Water, at 1 U7 1 X orYI . nirn V. I .1 it Maun a aua n mti n, may26 Drug Store. piNBST QksXH and BLACK TE A, Cocoa, at He-no Tea. Chocolat WI may23 9 e. IL40N A BUQ WILL'S, frug Store. JJ ALL'S MAGIC HAIR DYE, Nervous Weakness. : DisDeoria Imrjotence. 8 jxual Debility, cured by "Welt's Health Renewer." 5 1 . Depot i, a. Me Aden, Charlotte, N. C maj26 25c per box, t Drugstore. YORK RIVER LINE, LL KINDS OF Patent Medicines can be had st wholesnle and retail, at WILSON k BDSWKLL'S may26 DrogSUr. TO PAS iFNGER ROU rK. " BALTIMORE and"4LL POINTS NORTH, Dally except SuDday. Note tbe reduced tlrst-class rates to B a IT I H O R E Leave BarkesvCfce, " juanvuiOr-. : Greensboro, . Raleigh, ft Charlotte, . ! 1 Spartanburg;- - Greenville,, f 10.14TDm 4.40 p m .rare :l 1.40 am : fare 3 870 Tare 8.70 11.80 11.95 jyjBRCHANTd . Will consult their Interest by examlog our stock ttuu prices oetore purcnamnir. WIL-JON A BUR WELL. . may26 Druggists. Sparkling CatawbaSprings CATAWB a COUNTY, N. C. rr,tlK best Medicinal Mineral Waters and A. euoDsiveiy nicea up place in the State, near Hickory and Western North Carolina Railroad, Is pen for select guests. For r ui ther particulars address CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THX FINEST SELECTION in the CITY, n eluding the famous L A PARK PA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Articles, an assortment, and everything generally kept in a nrst class Drug store, special attention given to Physicians rresenpuons day and night, bans- faction guaranteed. GIVE ME A CALL. -43 Comer Trade and ..College Street apr ESTEY, ROSE DALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINES and GATE CITY PIANOS OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE onr the inosx favorable terius and in coin petition with any JOBBERS IN THE COUNTRY. THE V WILL, BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. ly mar: 18 PELOUBET AMERICA STILL FURTHER AHEAD I nnnmnrroifn 'THE BEST THREAD for SEWING MACHINES, i inn can n 1 1 n n i..n n n o- DQQD most fa:e 18.00 Arrlvlngat Baltlmwe. 780 .a. ra.; connecting with the morning trains lor Philadelphia and New York. Br this line the opportunity Is elven of srjendlmr a few hoars pleasantly In- Biohmond before de parture of trains for West Point For further lovo-matton apply to- agents at the aoove namea pouis. j -j - a, rurjs. mayiv - en'i fass. Agent. may 17 tf Dr. X. O. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Not Ice to Contractors fcj missionary work are by i no means l'qtly graduated twm 'PenMyitanii THE Board of County Commissioners of Marl boro county, 8. C. are now ready to receive bids for building a new court house In Bennetts ville, B. C, as authorized br Act of General As sembly. Plans and specifications furnished on appMeatlon. Also plans and specifications solicit ed, correspondence irom persons desiring the contract solicited. Address ALEX. McE iE, Chairman B. C C , Bennettsvllle, S. C. may24 lm THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ULL-HEAUNG SPRINGS CO. Will open for the season of 1882, on the 15th day of May. -Ther have enlarged their hotels to ac commodate . 200 guests, and haver added every amusement calculated to promote health and com fort -These wonderful-Waters euro-Dyspepsia, Sick . Headache, .Constipation- and. all JSeranee-. men of the Digestive Organs.! AUSklnDisenSes, andUioers of every MndTrScrotuls, Catanhand' all Kidney Affections yield to their healing vlrtnes. Bypnumc patients who had visited Hot Springs of jnuTisog wituuuii iuei, iouna u nere tasi season. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on! Female Complaints, and aay distressing cases were cured last season. The owners Intend to make this the moot eom piste Health Besortln the United States. . Besides a Table d'hote thev will open a Restaurant, and visitors may suit their" i utsies ana ueir purses, szcuniion nctets will be lssued from all points to King's Mountain, the de- poi ior tne3a springs. ror iuruier imormation; address DR. T. H. OAK&KTT. ManftfAP. Yinsa PanI B. BarriDger, M. D., PHYSICIAN ano SURGEON runic? over K. H. Jordan Co'a Dnu atom Office hours Sum 12 a, m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. may!8 d3t wit METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! Ifott Sidtine Book Itsned. COOpaget. 150 IllnitraUoul Beveallna miaeria of hlg-h mad low life in America's araat oities if ashion'a foUfee And f rivolltiea ; behind tha bcbbbb ; mcu oi preny aeceivera; city's tic H and poors NSW YOBK PIANOS, it Is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and 8KLL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can & J3 distance all competi- 3 tors, both in price and I terms. All I ask Is a f 1 trial and this c in cost you nothing, while It may be the oievi saving you a great deal In an instrument. Awarded all the Honors at the ATL A.3STT A. International Cotton Exposition, 1881, 4 to-, v FOB "THE BEST THREAD for I MACHINE and HAND SEWING? rent. On Cat gans always in stock either to sell or 11 Gold Hetfals and the Grand Prize. For Sale .to. thr Trade by J. Roessler & Co., Charlotte, N. C. mayl8 on or address Lock Box 274, lingBeveUUonst Price 12.60. Illnst'd cironlars free. Outfits 7S& Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH') CO. ST. XiOuIS, Mo. CHICAGO, El. ATXlAWT A, Ga. OLD PINT COMFORT, may23 JNO. R. KDD1N8, Charlotte. N. C xofzB&iotml. SWEET POTATOES, OAT UXaL, 0RANQX3 by the box, at VIRGINIA. r S. M. may25 HOWELL'S. HYGEIA HOTEL lltoated 100 yards from Fott Monroe' Open alt Hie year, aqaat lo any botet hr the O. e. - Sur roundings unsurpassed.. Bathing, boating, Oshing and driving specially attractive. Pre-eminent! t a resort for tioutbera peoptev Terms less for equal KnwnmoaaBoas wan any resort in tbe country. Climate free from Malaria; and for Insomnia truly wonderful In ita nomrin uiui n .-.7- Too '""" ovauiagesk eie. ... "Wio oui,.:. ttAttiUaVJS i'UUKBUSC PTOP'r. NOTICE! city taxes roa TUB yea issa. A f persons residing to the elty- ot Charlotte XX llaO'e to a Poll Tax. and -11 y.Xt politic and oomporate, who own or have control of taxabla property to the' elty on the first of June. iniuius unwi uouiMNi w return to me, at my offloe in said elty, on or before the last day of Jon 1882, a list Ot their taxable property andpolls. juuarioea., aaopcea star lottu Ib&L m Ddraaanaa Oi section u of threlty charter. - - - . -. . - .IKIIININH P1M ! maylStf HUGH W. HARRIS, ATTOENEY AT LAV, Offlee on Trade street, nearly opposite Conrt House, CHARLOTTE, N. C. maya dwtf 5 f ronueriTot Charlotte, R. ai ATTOEITET & OOTTUSELLOB at LAW, "S-.mm IT ffsMun Strc, :ifW: XtMk- AiieoTrespondenoe will receive prompt attention "flrtKsaonal Bank Charlotte, N. a Balelgh National Bank, BigbTN. C, Hon. W. P. Broom, ex Jodge Supreme vourt Korttt fjTmr TBE MOST ELEGANT BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM Has just been opened next door below tbe Central Hotel Build ng. on Tryon street; where the purest WLNX3 and LIQUORS can always be found. KENDRICKj &EIXBY s' 1 prl8 fto . 4. '.t If' mayl9 tf.'.-! 3 ' . .. " . , Kilt lit .7 T 'H 1 .51? ,

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