I VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MAY 28, 1882. NO. 4,111. - VISITORS 20th of May (Jelckitip are cordM If Invite CALL AND SEE THK HANDSOMEST Retail Dry-Good Estabfeiment - -. 1 V Vr I . ,jf lii the State of Nuth Carolina. ALEXANDER & HABRIS, pTgrxi m cp.; HVK A PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' and L4D1ES' SLIPPERS.' A. PEC j RAM & CO., Have lb .Best B ook of ' Gents' Hani-Sewed Shoes i ILL display during the 20 rvof May Celebra tion tbejwiLteiiarittocKor ianui uhx U00D3 In me btve. Cnil and se them. ?ALXtNDK 4 HARRIS. P E GrltoVM &- C O., nvx Atf.ittNts of WE- ALL si Ul MUt nilon to c ur stock of NECK j WK UK. rttr. -race Owllitr ed Collars, hiki ev ry vhmhj i-r inen and rercale n Polka Kt t niv-trlps-ffc are them.' i--: i- i . ALEX i DKH &,Hj bewuttiuL- Call and ste i HARRIS. PEGU AM & CO., KKKP A WrLL Sl-LKCTED STOCK OF- Trunks and Vices OF ALL PRICE'S A: b SIZES Alexander & Harris TTAVK a mngiilfic. lit stock f WHITK i'KD8 1 1 viz: Linen I awns Iinil i L wui Masallas, Nainsooks. India Mulls, mttl flubDeti Jacoiats. Poikh Dot Swiss M ll 'in In win utni Keroer ffccU, with Lace and Kuibml :er to trim. PEGRaM CO., HAVE JUST REGMVED A FINE STOCK OF Silk, Feffal SlfawTlats Of the Latest StyU-s. Of i he Latest Styles. TT AYfftf ararnendous ftock of Lades'. Misses XX and Cht dienaaoriery, wblcti wewishto.re- duce. opeciai iniues ' w 491.117 iu tunc kwu t ALfAAtltKK ,HAHKU.t -i Ml ! ' M a P E Gj Farmer IJrirds With any kinds BOT.-- and SHOESTHHY WISH. visitoi- i i ! rpo the celebraUoD-wlll be astonished when they X hear our Prices on Qonsesae uoods. We make a specialty1 o tfceae eoods. . alextandea HARRIS. -OUR- CTOCKof DRBSS'flOODS. viz Sub's ,VellU J O in ail colors. with trimmfcoga o f ouna In aftfldeg and prices. i PEGRAM:J&r XtlP ALL KINDS OF I Tie! "V" P yp.j-'Vi fur' i WHERE - VISITORS- A ai tt Wif lra, J87i) 1 tnad u Pegram & 1 Ski": Hals TRAVELING GAGS, Our store will be closed Saturday, May 20th, from 11 o'clock a. m. unul 7 ycioen p. m. KORAlf x CO. PE(TR ti "-"Oau wuplj US!Sflssig!ifJlt7.jeifllS(ieA ft 'fJm gls Cashmeres. Nun's. Yelling, .TamlsCloths. J 8U Grenadines, Brocaded Silks, et&, etci'lfl the"! a;x -posi avehj li mil Dressing King aa nil i 7. ! Boots 1 1 1 1 it ti In 4. A-3XA WVW4jMSsV,' Second Stock, -jAVING Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the seoond time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In the ajt ajoveltles of tbe season. . We have replenished oar BLACK SILK STOCK" with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades1, 8ummer Silks and Foulard?. Also a handsome stock of Batteens In fancy colors. Nuns Veiling In all colors from 85clo $1 per yard.' , f s i A new tot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of - LAWNS-- . i To be found In the city. Mull Muslins in pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear In new styles. A new lot of Bunt li.g In all colors from 12fcc to f 1 per jard. Come and tee and be convinced 'that we nave the goods and prices to salt yor. TeryBespetcfuliy, T. I SEIOJLC & CO. may7 . . A NM Paillng Cnre for Burns), Scalds, Bruises, Cms, Sores, etc. After -forty yeaxa-of trial. Perry Davis Pain Killer stands unrivaled It is safe ! It acts immediately I It never fails I, Editor of the St. John OT. B.) New, says : In flesh wounds, aches. Dalns. sores, etc.. , It ttbo nuut efeettuU remedy we know of. Ko family should be 'without a bottle of It lor a single hour. From the l the Cincinnati Disna atch: We have e its iuaide eUects, and krum ft to be a trood article. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, RhenlBh. Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy ior wounas, Druises, ana sprains. - v W T ITTl 11 1 11 1 ValilAof . m ''flaws. S Hi IVifNWilW, ,IUUVBMUfcMBi 7 - Jt Is S panacea for all cruises aad burns. iTom &. w. Aaams, saco, me.: t l&gave merlmmediate relief. R. Lewis says : In forty years' use It never has failed me. wTw. Ltun. mcholvllle. K.T.". eays I use your Pain Killer freouently. It relieves pain and soreness, and ieaii wounds J. W.J)e says :4 - j i or acalds and bams It has no equal PERttY TjAytS' PAIN KltXER Is not a new nntHeil remedy, i" or forty years it nag been ta constant use ; ana tnosewno hav&uied it the labeest oreilaMeaL fnend. Its ftaocfess cnbHLv lcanae OS its merit. Since tbe run Kiuer was nrst lntroaucea, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is, more extensively usext and) more nralyrvalued tkameverSefore. Ever familv should have a bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bills may often be gaved by prompt irpUeatkm of the Pain Killer. Unlike most medictnesAt is tierfedlv safe even in the hands of a child. Trv it once thoroughly, and it I will nroye its value. Your druggist has it lia35A.Mi.aiiuTl.W per bottle, t PEARY DAVIS 4WSON,,Froprltc. MP dtw sept 4 ocL t'utive mineral: Vt'itterl! BOlllBiiilium, &"ij'ii- WAT 3K R. CUKES ,ysj)ejDsfajn, .Torpid liver, "Ctoonle wkrrboes and Dysentery,' Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Chronic Pneumonia, etc. Is a powerful AlteraUv Tome and U ANTI V1T.4VTAT. in tii fffnrK. Read eertlflcates from eminent physicians In oijr pampniets. ' N6 ARTIFIVIALGASES OB SALTS. Botfled In Its satorffl"? state,! direct from the Springs, which are beautifully. located in Rock tntdgs county, Ya., and atetyen-lor the reception oCi visitors from Jane -1st to Oetober 1st, each For sale, wholesale and retattVTsr Dr X H. Mo ABE1 and Dr. T. C. 8M1TH, Charlotte, N. a mar 12 ly WHITE GLOVKS, LlNXN HANDKEBCHI1F8 at 10c. B03IKRY FBOM Be up, FANS FROM 2Jfec up. &C. &C, AC. ho a tTNDER TRADERS NAT. BANK. jnayiw I 1 JS1 DAVIS'N nkiller 7HEELER & WILSON'S tins slBlffbPJ v si r i ' P n Hiahtast Rnnnlnrand Best8eln Machine to the RICHMOND, YA. mi may 11 , ECHOES FROM THE 20th. The Press Brings in the Returns What the Editors have to say of oar Late Celebration. That our late celebration was a grand event in the history of Charlotte and of the State, is a belief shared in 'nbTonly by our own people, but by the people and press of the entire country. The papers that have reached this office since the 20th, are teeming with flatter ing and the most cordial reports of the occasion: This is how some of them sing the praises of the event . we cele brated, and the way in which we did it: Wilmington . StaV : The people of Charlotte are to be congratulated upon the, fine success that attended their ef-' forts to celebrate in a becoming, and impressive way the great event in North Carolina history. It was a very com plete affair according to. the accounts that have gone forth. Not only did the people of Mecklenburg county engage in celebrating, but the people of all that section of the State joined in the celebration of the forever memorable day." Not only did North Carolinians from the mountain country and from tbe counties that make the Southern boundary-unite in the interesting cere monies, but men from other States were there to help celebrate one of the. most conspicuous and most glorious events in American history. Lexington Dispatch: Charlotte made a grand effort to do honor to the twen tieth. Great preparations were made for the occasion. L Business was almost supended.for a - week, while the whole? city put on holiday attire and gave it self over to a proper observance of the immortal Mecklenburg . Declaration. A multitude, estimated at fully twenty thousand, went from the adjoining counties, while many gathered from all quarters of the State, from every State in the South, and a number of North ern States. The whole celebration was in keeping with the importance of the event commemorated. The Observer capped the climax by coming out the next morning in tbe largest sheet ever printed in the State, containing the whole proceedings, with a-4ot of historical matter bearing on U.e event, besides its usual rtading matter. -Charlotte may well be proud 1 pJL the twentieth of May, 1882. ..Lancaster (3. C.) Ledger: It was our privilege to attend the 107th anniversa ry of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. It was carried out by the people of Charlotte with all the spirit and vim which characterize the ascendants of those glorious men of 1775. For many weeks the active work bad been going on of the preparation of the city for the gala season. The citizens of all classes and both sexes entered into the work with a zeal inch was sure to command success, sparing neither money, time nor labor, and the result was that Charlotte ex hibited the most elaborate and exten sive decorations ever seen there, and far excelling the display witnessed at tbe centennial 9even years ago. Wilmington Review: The celebra tion of the 20th at Charlotte, last Satur day, was the grandest affair known in tbe history of the city. The Observer, with much enterprise, published Sun day and eight page edition, giving a nill account of the day. Thecrowd in attendance is estimated ty the Observer at 20,000. ... Spartanburg (3. C.) Spartan: The cel ebration at Charlotte, the 20th instant, passed off to the satisfaction of the olost sanguine citizens of that thriving airy.f crowd was Darge4 tbe vfatb- r pleasant; the different , parades and processions were all that could be de- ired, the speech of Senator Bayard iood, the Senators from the two Caro .iuas and other distinguished men pres ent. Salem Press: The Charlotte Observer of Sunday appeared in an enlarged form of 8 pages, containing full partic ulars of the proceedings of the celebra tion of the Mecklenburg Centennial, which are very interesting and worthy of preservation. Anson Times: The, centennial cele- K ration at Charlotte last week was a rand affair. Grand in numbers, grand in numbers, grand in appointment ana grand as a success. There were 20.000 peope) present on Saturday, the big day, . Greensboro North State : The Char lotte Observer published a double jjheet ori Saturday last. It contained an extensive account of the proceedings of the celebration of the Mecklenburg declaration, ,of the day previous, and shows 'a! creditable jdiflplay of enter prise on the part of the proprietor of that paper. There was an extrard i narjr demand for the paper of that date. Spartanburg (S. C.) Herald: .The old North Stata f ullv sustained herself last -week.on the occasion of the 107th An niversary or tne MecKienDurg declara tion. The festivities lasted three days, and the crowd in attendance has been variously estimated at from ten to fif teen thousand, senator uayaras speech was the event of the occasion, and came fully up to all expectations. Ashe vllle Citizen: The 107th anni versary of the Mecklenburg Declara-V tion of Independence was celebrated in Charlotte on the-20th. apd it was the grandest day ever engaged, m that glo rious birthplace cf freedom. Over 20, 000 people were present, including many distinguished men from many States. Senator Matt Ransom read the Decla ration, acconnyanying it with a few Words of fervid eloquence which, awakened the patriotic pulses of the vast crowd from centre to circumfer ence. Salisbury Watchman : Charlotte has completed the 107 celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence. The people of Mecklenburg, and the citizens of Charlotte know just how to get up these celebrations and how to entertain their visitors. Louisville Courier-Journal : The peo ple of Mecklenburg county, North Car olina, celebrated, on Saturday, the 107th anniversary of the declaration of inde pendence made in that locality. Senator Bayard delivering the oration. This was the earliest protest made agamet that ill-tempered and tyrannical old gentleman, Mr. Guelpb, who refused to sign a; charter for a college which the Legislature had granted the people of tbe colonyr-The v Mecklenburgers de riarpd iheeountv. absolved from Alle giance to the King of England and pro? -ceeded u organize military uouipauier, whiett Inuna, worK enougn aiter a yeaT- Or tWO. : , ... i'. .:; , . HighPoint Pioneer: The celebration, of the 20th, at Charlotte, last Saturday, was the grandest affair ever known in the history of the city. ; ,.f ; Chester (S.C.) Bulletin: Charlotte's celeorauoB pi f tne ciecieiiijui jLeuiovt atfon " of Independence; dn the 20th instant, was a glorious success. There were f oily I0,000jpeople present; Some narts of the programme were com menced! ontherl8thbut the crowning I features of ihelocoasioh-wire on iSaturq day, declaration day. -, , e M i LumbertOTj-fiobesqain: JDol. Chas.- I R. Jones, propieto ftff & Ppablotte Mnof anfamnainor nflwsnanpr man J n largexld.nirprowft!ing iton of 1 : - - . ' . w v - - i . x l ou tM&tow utiJWxM eninenxty. a HrTrfvfthi itnfectfthcrve Gaff ney (S. C.) Carolinian: -e shah not attempt to give any extended notice of the celebration, nor of tbe speeches, nor of the incidents of the occasion. We have neither the time nor space to do justice to the subject even if we felt equal to tbe task. We heard Senator Ransom read the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence, and heard Sena tor Vance introduce Senator Bayard, and heard Senator Bayard deliver his address, all of which we enjoyed to our heart's content, but we are inadequate to the task of giving any synopsis of whpt they said or of describing the effect -of the burning eloquence that fell from the lips of those distinguished orators. It was a grand occasion and the celebration in all its appointments wa$ equal to the occasion. H Danville (Va.) Register: The cele bration of the anniversary of the decla ration was attended last week by an immense concourse of people and the occasion was in every respect a grand H Xorkville (S. C) Enquire: Torkville was represented on the occasion by a detaenment of 1 20 men of) the Jenkins Rifles, and they speak in glowing terms of tbe handsome manner in which they were entertained bySthe citizen soldiery of Charlotte. The Jenkins Rifles were the invited guests af the Ijfrrnets' Nest, ninemen. in point of number tbe Jenkins-Rifles compared favorably with the ranks of other visiting companies, none of which were full, and their uni form elicited the" praise of all, (. Go v. Jarvis pronounced , it the handsomest uniform in the line of troops, and was equally complimentaryof thecompany's deportment and military bearing.' ' Ne w ton E nterprise : T he cef ebration of the 107 th atiniversary 5 of a&the Meck lenbnrg Declaration of independence at Charlotte last week was a grand affair. The whole city seemed thronged with people and every train coming into the city till 10 o'clock Saturday augmented the crowd by hundreds. The lowest estimate we have seen of the crowd places it at 20,000, while some say it even equaled that of the centennial celebration in 1873rwhich was estima ted at 40,000. i , Payetteville Examiner: A great mul titude assembled at Charlotte on Satur day last to celebrrate the anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence. The celebration passed off without accident, and is pronounced highly successful. Chester (S. C) Reporter: Last Satur day was au immense day for Charlotte. The trains from every quarter of the compass poured into its streets soldiers, firemen and common folks until there was hardly standing room to' be found. Senator Ransom estimated the crowd at thirty thousand. The people all had on their brightest smiles and their best clothes. From Thomasville. To the Fditor cf The Obseiver. Thomasville, May 27 Among tbe many attractive points I have visited in my travels in this section 1 must place Thomasville, iu Davidson county, which shows decided evidences of thrift and prosperity. Irom this point are shipped large quantities of timber and lumber to Norfolk and points still further North. Thomasville is located in the midst of a rich mining region, some of tbe mines being worked on a large scale and profitably. Among them I notice the Lalor mine, operated by a New York company, the Balti more gold and silver mine, and Balti more gold and silver smelting works, allwiibina radius of a few miles of town. The mining operations and trade in lumber, &c., brings and puts in cir culation considerable money in the community. One of the chief attractions of the place is the Thomasville Female school, under tbe able and successful manage ment of Prof. H VV. Keinhard, whom I had the pleasure of meeting. The The school building, isa very handsome structure, all appointments good, while the scholars receive every attention. The commencement exercises take place the second week in June, when a large number of visitors may be expect ed. I found the Sullivan House a capi tal hotel, and would remark in conclu sion that 1 know of no place where a traveler could spend a few days more pleasantly than in this pretty.ithrivtng town of Thomasville. A. Dr. Pritchard Accepts a Call to Louis ville. Raleigh News and Observer. Rev. Thomas H. Pritchard, D. D., one of the most talented ministers of the Baptist church, who was for years pas tor of the First Baptist church of this city, and who has for ' the past three years been president of Wake Forest College, has accepted a'cairto the" pas torate of the Broadway Baptist ctfurch, Louisville, Ky. This church has one of the largest and wealthiest congrega tions in the West, and the building cost some $200,000. The regret at losing Dr. Pritchard will be felt all over North Carolina. . " , The Wheat Crop. Lacrosse, Wis., May .-Special tele grams from forty principal points rang ing through the great grain -producing belt from the ""MiastssIppT rivet ate this point through Minnesota t$ tliej grain Yields of Dakotafre' fothe effect -that the acreage .pf wheat-is 80: per cent- less i tbatfir 1S3L 'he t plant is looking healthy and although seme w h at back w ard -jvettisf jjod yield. A Basso amd a Fiamst Drowned, . . SPRINGFIElSaXri Tf-M special it to the -IJn- iromiifatweDoroi -eimou ion says that sGeorgeConly, a well known basso, ana xieimarjiiieuei, tne pianist of Clara LffnisBKeiJoeg concert company weredrowned laiLake Spof' ford at ChesteffleiNe Hampshire, yesterday, y.t -i'J3jy--y ' To all Whom tt!MaYvCpncertt Ashevule Citizen. , , ? - .1 Atrtue request of tliejai-tesigna-nated.tiwrjelny.we iMerrthe,encl9sed. . ; Trpedember'.tEft Vftm?, State of N, C ' BTincpmbe co. :the Priiryer.BAtfcAoQt chifrorr do"ertifvi Atrthonv Simmons SetartBiiach:; quiess as sind 'Dy- emnson "crrurcn .cierK.". Fernaadfiia, rassattacMria 5twAa6tl880t ; "rfcfttf seff.tfr' 8infQonivte3egnEator and were worse fosq nothtngsi I we it is not put up by J H Zeilin & Coi asd not feenuiner-rarad a waste of money i buxiti I Jiotild be glad lo get the pure andgeiaiJtelikntrvffiOroJJJ hontsthanfis (wltrf &zMd.$dm W Wgnatare- ow Wrap per).'. Thev fiittOus staff sold will injure some one bad. aMi S VJBa&lXWrA" Depend more on the regularity of her menstrual functions than on any or all causes combined. An actual er a v living death'.' - la the Inevitable- result ti derangement of a function which makes woman, what she lain every respect, and especially In her mental! and bodily constitution. Hence, Imme diate relief Tro in soch derangements Is the only safeguara against wreck and ruin. In all eases of stoppage delay, w other irregularity of the VcoursesDr. J. BradOeld's Female Regulator Is the only snw remedy. It acts by giving tone to themervoBS centres, improvlBg the blood, and de lfrmtntBsrdiiettvtethe ercaBS of menstruation. It Is a sclentWff prescription, and the most.lnteln-. gent pnysicuuiB use iu ricimcu vj . pioumpiu. aiiantaii ua.'fTiooii ;nai -biz, oor ui i S1.6a JTor sale by au arugguis. Can yeuind eseet ef Br&bt's Disease of the Kidneva. Diabetes. Urlnarr rr Liver Complaints thaTs curat. A thaUHop..Bitters has not or cannot kn9 ' i . nn nntffTi'hrrnrlf thxv ran - " -A CATABEH'WTHK BLADDER. 8n?glnsMoroihunmati Kidney ana Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchupalba." ti Depot j. H, McAoen, Charlotte, m. c Not Pa r tlaf, But Complete. Alexandria, Va.. Aug ist 4, 1881. H H Warner & Co: Sirs-Your Sfe Kidney and Liver Cure has effected an enl're cure In my case. I suffered every form of kidney dlfnoutty. W J bUlUfKBS. From the Home Journal A Remarkable Discovery A REAL SKIN CURE. THSBX IS OMLT ONE AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NA.MX, Beware of inrposters, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best They have beeb tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. H0 POKFOTS HAKB Tins curative needs no pompous or Incompre hensible title of Greek or Latin to sustain It, but Its simple English name appeals directly to the common-sense of the people. . And the people are signally manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's BKtN CURE In preference to all other professed remedies. - Dr. C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been tbe diseases of 'the nervous system and of the skin, since Be has been Dersuadedto rpnt his New Remedy and F&vortte Prescription as a "Skin Cure" on the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state in which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. tT'Beware of imitations, or the various article which have been advertised for years or (struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that new endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cure." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Benson's 8kln Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In one package. Price $1.00, get at your druggists. Relief fur all Overworked Brains, CAUSE AND CURE. Dr. C. W. Benson's celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and for all classes of hard brain workers whose overtasked nervous cente s need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paralysis are being dul y cured by these pills. They correct costlveness. but ie not . purgative. Price, 60 cents or lx boxes for $2 50, pontage free, to any add ess For, itale by all drugitl.Hts. Depot, Baltimore, Md , where the "Doctor can be addressed. Letters of inquiry freely answered! c. N. Crittenton, New York, is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. may2 I3RS. LYD1A E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 ; VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is ft Positive Cure far all tkaae Painful Conplatata and WmWaum Heiaian to our beat female paltia. It will oar entirely Uio worst forpi of Female Com plalnta, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer tlon, Falling; and Displacements, and tbe consequent Bplnal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It win dlssolTe and expel tumors from the uterus la an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all oraTing (or stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by Its use. It wfll at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaint of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 "VEGETABLE COM POUND t prepared at 233 and S3S Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $6. Sent by mail In the form of puis, also in the form of loxenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Unit ion this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PnTEHAlFS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. It cents per box. W Sold by all ttruggists. SCARE'S tyRTJIT Preservative, one 25c packsge will pre- jl." serve zl) pounas or iruit jror saie Dy R. H. JORDAN & CO.. Tryon street may26 WHITE'S nP00THS04P, Jewsbeiy and Brown's Oriental X Tooth Paste and Sozodont; f r sale by R. H. JORDAN fe CO., may28 Druggists. VIOLA COLOGNE Is the best; for sale only by R. H. JORDAN & CO. ma 28 A FRESH SUPPLY OF MlsMssquol, Imported Vichey, Apollinarls, Hathom and Congress Water .just received by R. H. JORDAN & CO., may28 Drugglits. WHEELER'S TONIC Elixir, Iron Blitirs, Hop Bitters, Ho&tet ter's Bitters, Ffllow's Compound t-yrup of the Bypophosphltes, Horoford's Acid Phosphate, lull supply at maj28 K. H. JORDAN & CO., Diuggbts. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand the finest Green and Black Teas for the retail trade. R. H. JOHDiN & CO, may 2 8 Tryon street FLESH BRUSHES ND Bath Tow. Is, for sale by li H. JORDAN & CO.. Druggists. maj26 WE KEEP THK Best 5c and lCc Cigars. R. EL JORDAN & CO., may2fl Druggists, Tryon street. F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR He BerEncr & Eniel Brewery Company s tOf Philadelphia, Pa ,) Cf lfbrated lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. IVHave Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALB and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FRED C. MUNZLER, Lock Box 255. Charlotte, N. C mbr28 LILIE ! LIKE ! LILIE ! :o: :0: HAVING now two more Kilns In addition to our PERPXlTJAL KILN we are now prepared to FILL ORDERS PROHIPTLY, on inort notice, and at .'prices that defy competi tion. We gtmrantee quality, and make noeharge rmlMia T.lnu nmvp.s RftllMtturtorT. . , . We have an asencv In Charlotte of A. CL Sum- mervllto; who will receive orders tor mall lota at reduced nrieea, . .. , , . . ! Reference as to Quality of Lime given on appli cation.! - ; r SIMON BROTHERS, Box Ha 88, Gaffney City Q.C mar7 8m I o Our mends and ralrons. A Large shipment of that Very Popular 44 Bleached Demestic at 10 Cents, The Best ever sold In this Market for that Money 1 We are offering Special Sr;alkiB la Dress Goods, Summer Silks, Ladles" and Children's Hosiery; if you want a half dozen Hose at a sacrifice come and see our stock;. Lace Curtains in all new designs and very cheap; Dre as Trimmings is ftll shades and varieties; we have a very hand some piece of Bugle Fringe at $1.25; a large stock of lssamentfles and Ornaments: the largest and CHEAPEST STOCK OF LACES, Of all descriptions, to be found In the city; Ladles' Ulsterl at Sl.51.25. $1.50, $2 H, $ifj0. $5 and $6 each; Pearl Shirts, Universal Patterns; Turner's handsome Bhoes for Oents, Kvltt's Ladles' Shoes; the' Best Corset for $1; Trunks, Yaiises, Hats, Boots, Shoes, 4c; Plain and Lace Buntings, at 19c, 15c, 25c, 50 e, 65c and 75c HAEGEAVES & WTLmiJjLM -TH E- "JJ HJ ffl IB CD" FOR THIS CiROlLjIKTjEiS, V SM '- t ' Ml I I ; t U " ' . ii v4 eiuVKsbii'j ij p- i n i KRANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM Organs within Reach of "Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONIMER BELL CHUIE, PELOTJBET 4 CO. and STERLING. Never Before Such Low Prices i Easy Terms Address, or call on H. McSMITH, Charlotte, N. C. (D H n m Q o - a e 5 cn e t pi o O S3 O 4 o M r K (D 00 THREE SAFES. R 8 ALE. any two of three, f V , Fire Proof Safes, an or them l " the best of makes. One small, I om medium and one large, Ap-.l nlv to or address -v ?. ' ' 1 .-' m"mm ' ' . , GHA3. B. JONES, JPlOP'j; OHMTHU apil8 tf '.-r I f;-ro.;irp. cab 5 X ; ir ft ' --THE-- i-. J 'I'' ErT" LOOK HOW THE OLD MAN FROWN8 and scratches his bead while reading Mc's adv. Make him read, let him frown. Write to me and I will send you a photo (not of myself) but of my Pianos and Or gans. Make your selection, then go for him and write to me for a few more dots, such as prices, terms, Ac. H W a tr1 o w h-l w CD and o w CP OF a o i o a CD 8' 2. O z H Cu o Trastce's liitf: il.V,' rpHETOfmrtereaitarsnnder th Trust Deed,: x of L,W. Perdue, who shall tie their elalms t wltkr the undersigned will receive a dividend by -1 cauing at my-omoe on nonaay, may zana, ia.;... Persons Indebted to' L; W. Perdae wUl please call 1 mailt tan sua TrusteaJ Pi- 4 II i r - 1

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